PFPB Actuarial Report 10-01-2013VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH FIRE AND POLICE RETIREMENT FUND ACTUARIAL VALUATION REPORT AS OF OCTOBER 1, 2013 CONTRIBUTIONS APPLICABLE TO THE VILLAGE'S PLAN /FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 sow, Fos'rER & FOSTER 2 February 17, 2014 Board of Trustees Village of North Palm Beach Fire and Police Retirement Fund c/o Ms. Denise McNeill The Resource Centers, LLC 4360 Northlake Blvd, Suite 206 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Re: Village of North Palm Beach Fire and Police Retirement Fund Dear Board: We are pleased to present to the Board this report of the annual actuarial valuation of the Village of North Palm Beach Fire and Police Retirement Fund. The valuation was performed to determine whether the assets and contributions are sufficient to provide the prescribed benefits and to develop the appropriate funding requirements for the applicable plan year. The valuation has been conducted in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles and practices, including the applicable Actuarial Standards of Practice as issued by the Actuarial Standards Board, and reflects laws and regulations issued to date pursuant to the provisions of Chapters 112, 175 and 185, Florida Statutes, as well as applicable federal laws and regulations. In our opinion, the assumptions used in this valuation, as adopted by the Board of Trustees, represent reasonable expectations of anticipated plan experience. In conducting the valuation, we have relied on personnel, plan design, and asset information supplied by the Board of Trustees, financial reports prepared by the custodian bank, and the actuarial assumptions and methods described in the Actuarial Assumptions section of this report. While we cannot verify the accuracy of all this information, the supplied information was reviewed for consistency and reasonableness. As a result of this review, we have no reason to doubt the substantial accuracy of the information and believe that it has produced appropriate results. This information, along with any adjustments or modifications, is summarized in various sections of this report. The undersigned is familiar with the immediate and long -term aspects of pension valuations, and meets the Qualification Standards of the American Academy of Actuaries necessary to render the actuarial opinions contained herein. All of the sections of this report are considered an integral part of the actuarial opinions. 13420 Parker Commons Blvd., Suite 104 Fort Myers, FL 33412 - (234) 433 -5500 - Fax (234) 4111 -0634 - www.foster- foster.com .Cai,:ia 42-L To our knowledge, no associate of Foster & Foster, Inc. working on valuations of the program has any direct financial interest or indirect material interest in the Village of North Palm Beach, nor does anyone at Foster & Foster, Inc. act as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Village of North Palm Beach Fire and Police Retirement Fund. Thus, there is no relationship existing that might affect our capacity to prepare and certify this actuarial report. If there are any questions, concerns, or comments about any of the items contained in this report, please contact me at 239 - 433 -5500. Respectfully submitted, Foster & Foster, Inc. By: a t� Douglas H. L I A, MAAA Enrolle &Ac ry 411 -7778 DHL /Ike Enclosures Section I II III IV V VI TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Introduction a. Summary of Report 5 b. Changes Since Prior Report 7 c. Requirements of Chapter 112, 8 Part VII, Florida Statutes Valuation Information a. Actuarial Assumptions and 13 Methods b. Valuation Notes 15 c. Partial History of Premium 16 Tax Refunds d. Excess State Monies Reserve 17 Trust Fund 18 Member Statistics a. Statistical Data 23 b. Age and Service Distribution 24 c. Member Reconciliation 25 Summary of Plan Provisions 26 Governmental Accounting Standards 28 Board Disclosure Information 4 5 The regular annual actuarial valuation of the Village of North Palm Beach Fire and Police Retirement Fund, performed as of October 1, 2013, has been completed, and the results are presented in this Report. The contribution amounts developed in this valuation are applicable to the plan /fiscal year ended September 30, 2015. The contribution requirements, compared with amounts developed in the October 1, 2012, actuarial valuation, are as follows: Valuation Date 10/1/2012 10 /1 /2013 Applicable Plan /Fiscal Yr. End 9/30/2014 9/30/2015 Total Required Contribution % of Total Annual Payroll 29.22% 29.37% Member Contributions % of Total Annual Payroll 2.00% 2.00% Village and State Required Contribution % of Total Annual Payroll 27.22% 27.37% State Contribution (1) 230,695 230,695 % of Total Annual Payroll 5.88% 5.88% Balance from Village (1) % of Total Annual Payroll 21.34% 21.49% (1) The Village may use up to $230,695 in State Contributions for determining its minimum funding requirements, based on the traditional interpretation of Chapter 99 -1, Florida Statutes. For budgeting purposes, the required Sponsor Contribution (Village and State) is 27.37% of Pensionable Earnings for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015. The precise Village requirement for the year is this amount, less actual State Contributions (up to the maximum $230,695). Additionally, please note there is a Village receivable contribution of $8,464.43 required for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013. A monthly interest charge of $56 is required for each complete month after September 30, 2013 until this deposit is made. This interest charge is based on the 8% valuation assumption for investment return, and is required by the Division of Retirement for approval of the Annual Report. During the past year, there was net unfavorable experience, on the basis of the Plan's actuarial assumptions. The primary sources of unfavorable experience included a 6.7% investment return (Actuarial Asset Basis) that fell short of the 8.0% assumption, and lower than expected employee turnover. The balance of this Report presents additional details of the actuarial valuation and the general operation of the Fund. The undersigned would be pleased to meet with the Board to discuss the Report and answer any questions concerning its contents. Respectfully submitted, FOSTER & FOSTER, INC. By: u DouglasyfH. L zen, A, MAAA By: Dr D,Bal and CHANGES SINCE PRIOR VALUATION Plan Changes There have been no changes in benefits since the prior valuation. Actuarial Assumption /Method Changes There have been no changes in assumptions or methods since the prior valuation. 8 COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL VALUATION RESULTS 10/1/2013 10/1/2012 A. Participant Data Number Included 14,030,480 12,605,506 Actives 52 52 Service Retirees 14 13 Beneficiaries 0 0 Terminated Vested 12 8 Disability Retirees 2 2 Total 80 75 Total Annual Payroll 4,094,752 3,886,494 Payroll Under Assumed Ret. Age 3,924,428 3,757,821 Annual Rate of Payments to: 45,539 47,265 Service Retirees 313,949 282,404 Beneficiaries 0 0 Terminated Vested 129,540 129,541 Disability Retirees 79,849 78,801 B. Assets Actuarial Value 14,030,480 12,605,506 Market Value 14,499,921 12,294,945 C. Liabilities Present Value of Benefits Active Members Retirement Benefits 13,706,306 12,690,505 Disability Benefits 1,232,025 1,157,317 Death Benefits 170,418 128,411 Vested Benefits 1,221,544 892,266 Refund of Contributions 45,539 47,265 Service Retirees 4,143,099 3,916,834 Beneficiaries 0 0 Terminated Vested 1,593,711 1,472,853 Disability Retirees 1,080,280 1,089,311 Excess State Monies Reserve 200,671 123,986 Total 23,393,593 21,518,747 C. Liabilities - (Continued) Present Value of Future Salaries Present Value of Future Normal Costs (Aggregate Basis) Present Value of Future Normal Costs (Entry Age Basis) Normal Cost (Aggregate, Level Percent) Present Value of Future Member Contributions Actuarial Accrued Liability (Aggregate Basis) Actuarial Accrued Liability (Entry Age Basis) Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) D. Actuarial Present Value of Accrued Benefits Vested Accrued Benefits lnactives Actives Member Contributions Total Non - vested Accrued Benefits Total Present Value Accrued Benefits Increase (Decrease) in Present Value of Accrued Benefits Attributable to: Plan Amendments Assumption Changes New Accrued Benefits Benefits Paid Interest Other W 10/1/2013 10/1/2012 35,087,840 33,674,773 9,363,113 8,913,241 5,710,698 5,437,376 1,047,225 994,643 701,757 673,495 14,030,480 12,605,506 17,682,895 16,081,371 0 0 6,817,090 6,478,997 5,865,004 4,998,059 596,832 539,806 13,278,926 12,016,862 1,020,049 1,195,631 14,298,975 13,212,493 0 0 623,051 (570,739) 1,034,170 0 Total: 1,086,482 Valuation Date Applicable to the Fiscal Year Ending E. Pension Cost Normal Cost (with interest) % of Total Annual Payroll* Administrative Expense (with interest) % of Total Annual Payroll* Payment Required to Amortize Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability over 0 years (as of 10/1/13) % of Total Annual Payroll* Total Required Contribution % of Total Annual Payroll* Expected Member Contributions % of Total Annual Payroll* Expected Village & State Contrib. % of Total Annual Payroll* F. Past Contributions Plan Year Ending: Total Required Contribution Village and State Requirement Actual Contributions Made: Members Village State Total G. Actuarial Gain (Loss) N/A 10 10/1/2013 10/1/2012 9/30/2015 9/30/2014 27.75 27.53 1.62 1.69 0.00 0.00 29.37 29.22 2.00 2.00 27.37 27.22 9/30/2013 1,117,509 1,039,170 79,272 808,475 230,695 ** 1,118,442 * Contributions developed as of 10 /1 /13 are expressed as a percentage of Payroll Under Assumed Retirement Age at 10/1/13 of $3,924,428 ** Reflects traditional interpretation of Chapter 99 -1, Florida Statutes. H. Schedule Illustrating the Amortization of the Total Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability as of: Projected Unfunded Year Accrued Liability N/A - Aggregate Actuarial Cost Method 1. (i) 3 Year Comparison of Actual and Assumed Increases in Pensionable Compensation Year Ended 9/30/2013 Year Ended 9/30/2012 Year Ended 9/30/2011 (ii) 3 Year Comparison of Investment Return on Actuarial Value Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended (iii) Average Annual Payroll Growth (a) Payroll as of. (b) Total Increase (c) Number of Years (d) Average Annual Rate 9/30/2013 9/30/2012 9/30/2011 6.3% 4.2% -2.3% Actual 6.7% 4.9% 3.9% 10/1/2013 10/1/2003 Assumed 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% Assumed 8.0% 8.0% 8.0% $4,094,752 2,312,228 77.1% 10.00 5.9% 11 12 STATEMENT BY ENROLLED ACTUARY This actuarial valuation was prepared and completed by me or under my direct supervision, and I acknowledge responsibility for the results. To the best of my knowledge, the results are complete and accurate, and in my opinion, the techniques and assumptions used are reasonable and meet the requirements and intent of Part VII, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes. There is no benefit or expense to be provided by the plan and /or paid from the plan's assets for which liabilities or current costs have not been established or otherwise taken into account in the valuation. All known events or trends which may require a material increase in plan costs or required contribution rates have been taken into account in the valuation. H. n, EA, MAAE ActUary #11 -7778 Please let us know when the report is approved by the Board and unless otherwise directed we will provide copies of the report to the following offices to comply with Chapter 112 Florida Stalirtec. Mr. Keith Brinkman Bureau of Local Retirement Systems Post Office Box 9000 Tallahassee, FL 32315 -9000 Ms. Sarah Carr Municipal Police and Fire Pension Trust Funds Division of Retirement Post Office Box 3010 Tallahassee, FL 32315 -3010 13 ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS AND METHODS Mortality Rate RP -2000 Table with no projection — Disabled lives are set forward 5 years. Based on a study of over 650 public safety funds, this table reflects a 10% margin for future mortality improvements. Interest Rate 8% per year compounded annually, net of investment related expenses. Retirement Rates The assumed rate of retirement is 5.0% for each year of eligibility for early retirement. Below are the rates assumed once the Member has attained normal retirement eligibility. Number of Years After First Eligibility Annual Rate of For Normal Retirement Retirement 0 60% 1 40% 2 40% 3 40% 4 40% 5+ 100% Disability Rate See table on the following page. It is assumed that 75% of disablements are service related. Termination Rate See table on the following page. Salary Increases 6.0% per year until the assumed retirement age. Post Retirement COLA 3% per year. Payroll Growth N /A. Administrative Expenses $61,243 - average of actual administrative expenses over the previous two years. Funding Method Aggregate Actuarial Cost Method. Actuarial Asset Method All assets are valued at market value with an adjustment made to uniformly spread actuarial investment gains and losses (as measured by actual market value investment return against expected market value investment return) over a five -year period. 14 % Becoming Disabled % Terminating Age During the Year During the Year 20 0.14% 9.00% 25 0.15% 8.55% 30 0.18% 7.50% 35 0.23% 5.70% 40 0.30% 3.90% 45 0.51% 2.40% 50 1.00% 1.20% 55 1.55% 0.45% 60 0.00% 0.30% 15 VALUATION NOTES Total Annual Pam is the projected annual rate of pay as of the valuation date of all covered Members. Present Value of Benefits is the single sum value on the valuation date of all future benefits to be paid to current Members, Retirees, Beneficiaries, Disability Retirees and Vested Terminations. Normal (Current Year's) Cost Rate is determined in the aggregate as the ratio of (a) and (b) as follows: (a) The present value of benefits for all Plan participants, less the actuarial value of assets. (b) The present value of future compensation over the anticipated number of years of participation, determined as of the valuation date. The Normal Cost dollar requirement is the ratio of (a) and (b), multiplied by the Payroll Under Assumed Retirement Age as of the valuation date. Aggregate Actuarial Cost Method (Level Percent of Compensation) is the method used to determine required contributions under the Plan. The use of this method involves the systematic funding of the Normal Cost (described above). Total Required Contribution is equal to the Normal Cost plus an adjustment for interest according to the timing of sponsor contributions during the year. 16 PARTIAL HISTORY OF PREMIUM TAX REFUNDS Received During Increase from Fiscal Year Amount Previous Year 1990 49,647.00 % 1991 54,960.00 10.7% 1992 51,832.00 -5.7% 1993 49,897.00 -3.7% 1994 54,214.00 8.7% 1995 58,926.00 8.7% 1996 55,501.00 -5.8% 1997 76,514.00 37.9% 1998 92,462.12 20.8% 1999 80,911.74 -12.5% 2000 78,246.11 -3.3% 2001 108,200.87 38.3% 2002 134,408.43 24.2% 2003 159,943.14 19.0% 2004 203,317.14 27.1% 2005 209,222.36 2.9% 2006 233,640.77 11.7% 2007 325,961.92 39.5% 2008 321,142.12 -1.5% 2009 221,372.40 -31.1% 2010 254,590.16 15.0% 2011 264,570.27 3.9% 2012 296,910.60 12.2% 2013 307,380.23 3.5% W con 07 w O W d F-' 07 Coll W U W G O p Q H w G O p Q N w G O .G p m Q c� .o Q. 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S. Bonds and Bills Federal Agency Guaranteed Securities Corporate Bonds Stocks Municipal Obligations Mutual Funds: Equity Pooled /Common /Commingled Funds: Real Estate Total Investments TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities: Payable: Unpaid Investment Expenses Unpaid Administrative Expenses Total Liabilities Net Assets TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS 18 BALANCE SHEET September 30, 2013 COST VALUE MARKET VALUE 1,481,489.99 1,481,489.99 1,497.85 1,497.85 117,623.49 117,623.49 (199,111.06) (199,111.06) 146,494.28 146,494.28 1,547,994.55 1,547,994.55 2,903.71 2,903.71 29,603.32 29,603.32 8,464.43 8,464.43 46,533.42 46,533.42 45,943.19 45,943.19 133,448.07 133,448.07 479,490.42 475,652.90 383,073.05 399,756.67 2,700,572.24 2,672,315.97 7,275,556.34 8,399,287.67 119,905.20 132,686.00 14,091.00 22,415.25 726,000.00 743,949.61 11,698,688.25 12,846,064.07 13,380,130.87 14,527,506.69 26,010.95 26,010.95 1,574.78 1,574.78 27,585.73 27,585.73 13,352,545.14 14,499,920.96 13,380,130.87 14,527,506.69 CHANGES IN NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR BENEFITS September 30, 2013 Market Value Basis REVENUES Contributions: Member Buy -Back Village State Total Contributions Earnings from Investments Interest & Dividends Miscellaneous Income Net Realized Gain (Loss) Unrealized Gain (Loss) Total Earnings and Investment Gains EXPENDITURES Expenses: Investment Related' Administrative Total Expenses Distributions to Members: Benefit Payments Lump Sum PLOP Distributions Termination Payments Total Distributions Change in Net Assets for the Year Net Assets Beginning of the Year Net Assets End of the Year 78,339.25 932.45 808,475.03 307,380.23 299,190.63 514.66 370,825.20 1,072,723.81 99,030.87 63,635.42 379,488.20 191,250.51 0.00 'Investment Related expenses include investment advisory, custodial and performance monitoring fees. 19 1,195,126.96 1,743,254.30 162,666.29 570,738.71 2,204,976.26 12,294,944.70 14,499,920.96 20 ACTUARIAL ASSET VALUATION September 30, 2013 Actuarial Assets for funding purposes are developed by recognizing the total actuarial investment gain or loss for each Plan Year over a five year period. In the first year, 20% of the gain or loss is recognized. In the second year 40 %, in the third year 60 %, in the fourth year 80 %, and in the fifth year 100% of the gain or loss is recognized. The actuarial investment gain or loss is defined as the actual return on investments minus the actuarial assumed investment return. Actuarial Assets shall not be less than 80% nor greater than 120% of Market Value of Assets. Development of Investment Gain /Loss Market Value of Assets, 09/30/2012 12,294,945 Contributions Less Benefit Payments & Admin Expenses 560,753 Expected Investment Earnings on Market Value* 1,006,026 Actual Net Investment Earnings 1,644,223 2013 Actuarial Investment Gain /(Loss) 638,197 *Expected Investment Earnings = 0.08 * (12,294,945 + .5 * 560,753) Development of Actuarial Value of Assets Market Value of Assets, 09/30/2013 14,499,921 (Gains) /Losses Not Yet Recognized (469,441) Actuarial Value of Assets, 09/30/2013 14,030,480 (A) 09/30/2012 Actuarial Assets: 12,605,506 (I) Net Investment Income: 1. Interest and Dividends 299,705 Gains /Losses Not Yet Recognized 370,825 3. Change in Actuarial Value Plan Year 4. Investment Expenses Amounts Not Yet Recognized by Valuation Year Ending Gain /Loss 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 09/30/2009 (839,114) 0 0 0 0 0 09/30/2010 (107,293) (21,457) 0 0 0 0 09/30/2011 (1,104,133) (441,652) (220,825) 0 0 0 09/30/2012 703,320 421,992 281,328 140,664 0 0 09/30/2013 638,197 510,558 382,919 255,280 127,641 0 Total 469,441 443,422 395,944 127,641 0 Development of Investment Gain /Loss Market Value of Assets, 09/30/2012 12,294,945 Contributions Less Benefit Payments & Admin Expenses 560,753 Expected Investment Earnings on Market Value* 1,006,026 Actual Net Investment Earnings 1,644,223 2013 Actuarial Investment Gain /(Loss) 638,197 *Expected Investment Earnings = 0.08 * (12,294,945 + .5 * 560,753) Development of Actuarial Value of Assets Market Value of Assets, 09/30/2013 14,499,921 (Gains) /Losses Not Yet Recognized (469,441) Actuarial Value of Assets, 09/30/2013 14,030,480 (A) 09/30/2012 Actuarial Assets: 12,605,506 (I) Net Investment Income: 1. Interest and Dividends 299,705 2. Realized Gains (Losses) 370,825 3. Change in Actuarial Value 292,722 4. Investment Expenses (99,031) Total 864,221 (B) 09/30/2013 Actuarial Assets: 14,030,480 Actuarial Asset Rate of Return = 2I/(A +B -I): 6.7% Market Value of Assets Rate of Return: 13.1% 10/01/2013 Limited Actuarial Assets: 14,030,480 CHANGES IN NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR BENEFITS September 30, 2013 Actuarial Asset Basis REVENUES Contributions: Member Buy -Back Village State Total Contributions Earnings from Investments Interest & Dividends Miscellaneous Income Net Realized Gain (Loss) Change in Actuarial Value Total Earnings and Investment Gains EXPENDITURES Expenses: Investment Related' Administrative Total Expenses Distributions to Members: Benefit Payments Lump Sum PLOP Distributions Termination Payments Total Distributions Change in Net Assets for the Year Net Assets Beginning of the Year Net Assets End of the Year 78,339.25 932.45 808,475.03 3 07,3 80.23 299,190.63 514.66 370,825.20 292,721.81 99,030.87 63,635.42 379,488.20 191,250.51 0.00 `Investment Related expenses include investment advisory, custodial and performance monitoring fees. 2 Net Assets may be limited for actuarial consideration. 21 1,195,126.96 963,252.30 162,666.29 570,738.71 1,424,974.26 12,605,505.70 14,030,479.96 22 RECONCILIATION OF VILLAGE'S SHORTFALL CONTRIBUTION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED (FYE) SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 (1) Village and State Required Contribution Rate 26.53% (from the October 1, 2011 actuarial valuation) (2) Pensionable Payroll Derived from Member Contributions $3,916,962.50 (3) Required Village and State Contribution (1) x (2) 1,039,170.15 (4) Less Allowable State Contribution (230,695.12) (5) Equals Required Village Contribution 808,475.03 (6) Less Actual Village Contributions (800,010.60) (7) Equals Village's Shortfall Contribution as of $8,464.43 September 30, 2013 pal STATISTICAL DATA 10/1/2010 10/1/2011 10/1/2012 10 /1 /2013 Number 52 53 52 52 Average Current Age 39.5 40.2 39.1 39.6 Average Age at Employment 31.6 31.3 30.1 30.0 Average Past Service 7.9 8.9 9.0 9.6 Average Annual Salary $75,435 $72,680 $74,740 $78,745 24 AGE AND SERVICE DISTRIBUTION PAST SERVICE AGE 0 1 2 3 4 5 -9 10 -14 15 -19 20 -24 25 -29 30+ Total 15 -19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 -24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25-29 0 2 2 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 10 30-34 0 1 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 9 35 -39 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 40 -44 1 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 11 45 -49 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 5 50 -54 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 2 0 6 55 -59 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 4 60 -64 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 65+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 1 3 2 1 4 25 9 2 1 3 1 52 25 VALUATION PARTICIPANT RECONCILIATION 1. Active lives a. Number in prior valuation 10/1/12 52 b. Terminations i. Vested (partial or full) with deferred 0 benefits Retirees, ii. Non - vested or full lump sum distribution 0 received c. Deaths Vested i. Beneficiary receiving benefits 0 ii. No future benefits payable 0 d. Disabled 0 e. Retired 1 f. Voluntary Withdrawal 0 g. Continuing participants 51 h. New entrants 1 i. Total active life participants in valuation 52 2. Non - Active lives (including beneficiaries receiving benefits) Service Retirees, Vested Receiving Receiving Receiving Death Disability Vested Benefits Benefits Benefits Deferred Total a. Number prior 13 0 2 8 23 valuation b. In 1 0 0 4 5 c. Out 0 0 0 0 0 d. Number current 14 0 2 12 28 valuation 26 Eligibilily Credited Service Salary Average Final Compensation Member Contributions Village and State Contributions Normal Retirement Date SUMMARY OF PLAN PROVISIONS (Through Ordinance No. 2011 -22) Full -time employees who are classified as Police Officers or Firefighters participate as a condition of employment. Total years and fractional parts of years of employment with the Village as a Police Officer or Firefighter. Gross Compensation, excluding bonuses, sick and vacation pay, but including overtime. Average Salary for the 5 best years of the 10 years immediately preceding retirement or termination. 2.0% of Salary. Remaining amount required in order to pay current costs and amortize unfunded past service cost, if any, as provided in Part VII, Chapter 112, F.S. Earlier of. 1) age 55, regardless of Credited Service, or 2) age 52 and 25 years of Credited Service. Benefit 2.50% of Average Final Compensation times Credited Service, up to 24 years; plus 0% of Average Final Compensation times Credited Service for each year after 24 years up to 30 years; plus 2.0% of Average Final Compensation times Credited Service for each year in excess of 30. Form of Benefit Ten Year Certain and Life Annuity (options available). Early Retirement Eligibility Age 50, regardless of Credited Service. Benefit Accrued benefit, reduced 3% per year that the benefit commencement date precedes the Normal Retirement Date. Vesting Schedule 100% after 10 years of Credited Service. Benefit Amount Member will receive the vested portion of his (her) accrued benefit payable at the otherwise Early (reduced) or Normal Retirement Date. 27 Disability Eligibility Service Incurred Non - Service Incurred Exclusions Benefit Covered from Date of Employment. 10 years of Credited Service. Disability resulting from use of drugs, illegal participation in riots, service in military, etc. Benefit accrued to date of disability but not less than 42% of Average Final Compensation (25% for Non - Service Incurred). Duration Payable for life (with 120 payments guaranteed) or until recovery (as determined by the Board). Optional forms of payment are available. Death Benefits Pre - Retirement Eligible for Retirement Benefit payable as if Member retired on the date of death, selected a 50% Joint and Survivor annuity, and then passed away, with 50% of the benefit then continuing to the survivor for life. Vested (not eligible for retirement) Monthly accrued benefit payable to designated beneficiary for 10 years at otherwise Early (reduced) or Normal (unreduced) Retirement Date. Non - Vested Refund of accumulated contributions. Post - Retirement Benefits payable to beneficiary in accordance with option selected at retirement. Cost of Living Increases Up to 3% increase effective each October I't in accordance with the Consumer Price Index, applied to all types of benefits. Board of Trustees Two Members shall be Fire employees, and two shall be Police employees, all elected by the Village Fire and Police employees. The other Member, who will be the Chairman of the Board, must be a resident of the Village and shall be selected by the Village Council. S E� w O N 0 0 0 0 0 O M M \O O l� kn �n F. ^ y O PQ -d 4� r-' bA �3 U O U U � U -d Q o c� a� � o o. 0 � U N 4" O p N Z o� b �O O LL 4: oMo 0 U "O ++ O O O M O \D O O O O N U V'1 kn V'1 \D N 0 0 0 0 -� M M M M N N N N N N CJ O U kn a N Le) r o r- O d kn c+ r� kn O 00 00 M ON O U O M I— l— C� -� O1 't O r- 'd .O C 00 C d' 00 M \D \O 00 N Q � U 0 M W N N N N N N �1. N 28 M N O O\ N kn 0 0 0 0 0 C Cl C U Q cd > M 0000 to N 00 PQ U -v a� by d O*l kn O kn 00 a` O; d' o c Cd u � C7 00 'n � N U ^ N V") 00 k kn r r 00 O O oo O N N N 3z Q o � w U � V1 �--i \D 00 M b V] p to N: N d \O \�O O \MD \D H � 0 o\D\DOOo 0000't :I- cd o vi \o 0 0 M O kn d kn • �, r--� O \O \D N \D cn N p cn cd d y O PQ -d 4� r-' bA �3 U O U U � U -d Q o c� a� � o o. 0 � U N 4" O p N Z o� b �O O LL 4: oMo 0 U "O ++ O O O M O \D O O O O N U V'1 kn V'1 \D N 0 0 0 0 -� M M M M N N N N N N CJ O U kn a N Le) r o r- O d kn c+ r� kn O 00 00 M ON O U O M I— l— C� -� O1 't O r- 'd .O C 00 C d' 00 M \D \O 00 N Q � U 0 M W N N N N N N �1. N 28 M N O O\ 0 0 0 0 0 C Cl C U Q cd > O O Cl O O -- - y O PQ -d 4� r-' bA �3 U O U U � U -d Q o c� a� � o o. 0 � U N 4" O p N Z o� b �O O LL 4: oMo 0 U "O ++ O O O M O \D O O O O N U V'1 kn V'1 \D N 0 0 0 0 -� M M M M N N N N N N CJ O U kn a N Le) r o r- O d kn c+ r� kn O 00 00 M ON O U O M I— l— C� -� O1 't O r- 'd .O C 00 C d' 00 M \D \O 00 N Q � U 0 M W N N N N N N �1. N 28 29 DISCLOSURE INFORMATION PER STATEMENT NO. 27 OF THE GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD ANNUAL PENSION COSTS AND RELATED INFORMATION Contribution rates as of 9/30/13 Village and State 26.53% Plan Members 2.00% Actuarially Determined Contribution 1,039,170 (Village and State) Contributions made 1,039,170 Actuarial valuation date 10/1/2011 Actuarial cost method Aggregate Amortization method N/A Remaining amortization period N/A Asset valuation method 5 Year Smooth (Market) Actuarial assumptions: Investment rate of return 8.0% Projected salary increase* 6.0% * Includes inflation at 4.0% Post Retirement COLA 3.0% THREE YEAR TREND INFORMATION Annual Percentage Net Year Pension of APC Pension Ending Cost (APC) Contributed Obligation 9/30/2013 1,047,307 99.22% (233,799) 9/30/2012 976,471 99.26% (241,936) 9/30/2011 878,197 99.30% (249,203) 30 DISCLOSURE INFORMATION PER STATEMENT NO. 27 OF THE GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD DEVELOPMENT OF NET PENSION OBLIGATION (NPO) This municipal Defined Benefit Plan has been subject to the minimum funding standards since the adoption of the "Florida Protection of Public Employee Retirement Benefits Act" (Part VII of Chapter 112, Florida Statutes) in 1980. Accordingly, the sponsor has funded the actuarially determined required contributions for all years from October 1, 1987, through the transition date, October 1, 1997. Thus, the NPO on October 1, 1997, is 0. The recent development of the Net Pension Obligation is as follows: 9/30/11 9/30/12 9/30/13 Actuarially Determined Contribution (A) 869,407 968,933 1,039,170 Interest on NPO (20,427) (19,936) (19,355) Adjustment to (A) 29,217 27,474 27,492 Annual Pension Cost ---- - - - - -- 878,197 ---- - - - - -- 976,471 ---- - - - - -- 1,047,307 Contributions Made 872,066 969,204 1,039,170 Increase in NPO ---- - - - - -- 6,131 ---- - - - - -- 7,267 ---- - - - - -- 8,137 NPO Beginning of Year (255,334) (249,203) (241,936) NPO End of Year ---- - - - - -- (249,203) ---- - - - - -- (241,936) ---- - - - - -- (233,799)