National Missing Children's DayPROCLAMATION VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OFFICE OF THE MAYOR NATIONAL MISSING CHILDREN'S DAY WHEREAS, according to the most recent, comprehensive national study for the number of missing children, an estimated 800,000 children younger than 18 were reported missing; and WHEREAS, approximately 58,000 of these children were victims of non - family abductions and more than 200,000 were the victims of family abductions; and WHEREAS, on average nearly 2,000 children are reported missing to law - enforcement agencies daily; and WHEREAS, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) exists as a resource to help prevent child abduction and sexual exploitation, help find missing children, and assist victims of child abduction and sexual exploitation, their families, and the professionals who serve them; and WHEREAS, National Missing Children's Day is a special time to remember those children who are missing and give hope to their families. NOW, THEREFORE be it resolved that, in partnership with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children and its supporters, 1, Darryl C. Aubrey, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the Village of North Palm Beach, do hereby proclaim May 25, 2014, as NATIONAL MISSING CHILDREN'S DAY in the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. Therefore, be it further resolved that the Village of North Palm Beach urges local government, law enforcement, schools, and communities to take time to talk to children about personal safety and abduction prevention. Therefore, be it further resolved that the Village of North Palm Beach encourages all individuals to take 25 minutes out of their day to help children stay safer. Therefore, be it resolved that May 25, 2014 is set aside as National Missing Children's Day as part of the Village of North Palm Beach's continuing efforts to prevent the abduction and sexual exploitation of children. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the Village of North Palm Beach to be affixed this 24th day of April, 2014. /J a-,I)w 9- C a" � V �' 1VIAYOR