11-14-2002 VC WS-A VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AGENDA WORKSHOP SESSION COUNCIL CHAMBERS Edward Eissey [ ] Don Noel [ ] Mayor Vice Mayor Dennis Kelly [ ] Village Manager THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2002 AFTER REGULAR SESSION Joseph Tringali [ ] Charles O'Meilia [ ] David Norris[ ] President Pro Tem Councilman Councilman George Baldwin [ ] Village Attorney Kathleen Kelly [ ] Village Clerk 1. ROLL CALL 2. STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC 3. COUNCIL COMMENTS 4. NEW BUSINESS a. VILLAGE COUNCIL POLICY MANUAL. Discussion concerning acceptance of the Village Council Policy Manual. REMARKS b. INFORMATION SYSTEMS - PROCUREMENT SCHEDULE AND FUNDING. Discussion concerning the proposed schedule for hardware and software procurement and funding for the two-year phased plan. REMARKS c. BILL 1.080- CHARTER AMENDMENT -VISION STATEMENT. Discussion concerning a draft ordinance submitting to referendum a proposed amendment to the Village Charter which adds a Vision Statement to the Charter of the Village. REMARKS d. BILL 1081 -CHARTER AMENDMENT -COUNCIL TERMS. Discussion concerning a draft ordinance submitting to referendum a proposed amendment to the Village Charter which changes the terms of Council members from two (2) years to three (3) years, beginning with the March election of 2004. e. BILL 1082 - CHARTER AMENDMENT - FILLING COUNCIL VACANCIES. Discussion concerning a draft ordinance submitting to referendum a proposed amendment to the Village Charter which provides the procedure for filling council vacancies when there are no candidates. WORKSHOP SESSION AGENDA -THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2002 BILL 1083 -CHARTER AMENDMENT -MEETING NOTICES. Discussion concerning a draft ordinance submitting to referendum a proposed amendment to the Village Charter which provides 48 hours notice to the public, when practicable, of special meetings of the Village Council instead of 12 hours. g. BILL 1084 - CHARTER AMENDMENT - PROCEDURE FOR REFERENDUM PETITIONS. Discussion concerning a drafr ordinance submitting to referendum a proposed amendment to the Village Charter which allows the Village Clerk 20 days instead of 5 days to complete a certificate of sufficiency for a referendum petition, and changes the method of serving Notice to the Petitioners Committee from registered mail to certified mail. REMARKS h. BILL 1085 -CHARTER AMENDMENT -DEFINITION FOR VILLAGE-OWNED REAL PROPERTY (DISPOSITION OFI. Discussion concerning a draft ordinance submitting to referendum a proposed amendment to the Village Charter which enhances the readability of a Charter provision that prohibits disposition of Village-owned real property used for parks or recreation without required vote of Council and approval by electors at a referendum election by deleting references to improvements and structures on such property. REMARKS i. BILL 1086 -CHARTER AMENDMENT -CONTRACTING OF VILLAGE SERVICES Discussion concerning a draft ordinance submitting to referendum a proposed amendment to the Village Charter which would add a requirement of 4/5 approval of the Village Council and 2/3 approval of Village electors at a referendum to contract out the management and certain duties of various Village departments. REMARKS BILL 1087 -CHARTER AMENDMENT -VILLAGE CLERK draft ordinance submitting to referendum a proposed amendment to adds the powers and duties of the Village Clerk and provides for compensation of the Village Clerk. Discussion concerning a the Village Charter which appointment, removal and REMARKS WORKSHOP SESSION AGENDA -THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2002 k. BILL 1088 -CHARTER AMENDMENT -FORM OF BALLOTS. Discussion concerning a draft ordinance submitting to referendum a proposed amendment to the Village Charter deleting language mandating the form and content of an election ballot. REMARKS 1. BILL 1089 -CHARTER AMENDMENT -DEFINITION OF GENDER. Discussion concerning a draft ordinance submitting to referendum a proposed amendment to the Village Charter adding a definition for gender that shall be applied to females as well as to males. REMARKS m. PROPOSALS -BANK LOAN. Discussion concerning proposals for atax-exempt loan to fund fire engine, truck, and computers. REMARKS n. VILLAGE-WIDE RESIDENT SURVEY. Discussion concerning conducting a survey of Village residents to determine citizen satisfaction and public opinion on Village operations as well as future planning. REMARKS 5. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT 6. ADJOURNMENT This agenda represents the tentative agenda for the scheduled meeting of the Village Council. Due to the nature of governmental duties and responsibilities, the Village Council reserves the right to make additions to, or deletions from, the items contained in [his agenda. 3