05-22-2003 VC WS-AVILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AGENDA WORKSHOP SESSION COUNCIL CHAMBERS David B. Norris [ ] Charles O'Meilia[ ] Joseph Tringali [ ] Mayor Vice Mayor President Pro Tem Doug Smith [ ] George Baldwin [ ] Acting Village Manager Village Attorney THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2003 AFTER REGULAR SESSION Edward Eissey [ ] Don Noel[ ] Councilman Councilman Kathleen Kelly [ ] Village Clerk ROLL CALL 2. STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC 3. COUNCIL COMMENTS 4. NEW BUSINESS a. INTERNAL AUDITOR -SCOPE OF SERVICES. Discussion concerning services to be performed by Grau & Company, Certified Public Accountants. REMARKS b. ADDITIONAL AUDIT FEES - RACHLIN, COHEN & HAAS. Discussion concerning additional services by RCH in the amount of $8,448.75 to implement GASB 34. REMARKS c. CREDIT CARD POLICY. Continued discussion concerning establishing a credit card policy for Village departments. REMARKS d. RELEASE AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT - AT&T. Discussion concerning approving a Release and Settlement Agreement with AT&T for fraudulent calls made through the Village's voice mail system in the amount of $3,893, half of the total charges. REMARKS e. GROUP HEALTH -ADDITIONAL FUNDING. Discussion concerning amending the 2002- 2003 General Fund Budget in the amount of $250,000 for Group Health. REMARKS WORKSHOP SESSION AGENDA -THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2003 BUDGET AMENDMENT -COMPUTER PURCHASE. Discussion concerning amending the Country Club Fund Budget in the amount of $1,625 for the purchase of a computer for the Country Club Administrative Office. REMARKS g. TEMPORARY STAFFING -MANAGER'S OFFICE. Discussion concerning approval of temporary staffing in the Village Manager's Office at a cost of $8,000 to $14,000 to assist with personnel tasks, researching, and filing during recruitment period for Village Manager position and subsequent transition period. REMARKS h. PALM BEACH HARVEST PROGRAM. Discussion concerning Village participation in "Palm Beach Harvest" program. REMARKS PALM BEACH COUNTY DRAFT AGREEMENT -PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD. Continued discussion of draft agreement with Palm Beach County for financial assistance for the Prosperity Farms Road Beautification Project. REMARKS 5. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT 6. ADJOURNMENT This agenda represents the tentative agenda for the scheduled meeting of the Village Council. Due to the nature of governmental duties and responsibilities, the Village Council reserves the rigln to make additions to, or deletions from, the items contained in dris agenda. 2