06-12-2003 VC REG-AVILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AGENDA REGULAR SESSION THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 2003 COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:30 P.M. David B. Norris[ ] Charles O'Meilia [ ] Joseph Tringali [ ] Edward Eissey [ ] Don Noel [ ] Mayor Vice Mayor President Pro Tem Councilman Councilman Doug Smith [ ] George Baldwin [ ] Acting Village Manager Village Attorney Kathleen Kelly [ ] Village Clerk 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ROLL CALL INVOCATION -COUNCILMAN EISSEY PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - COUNCII,MAN NOEL APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Minutes of Regular Session held 5/22/03 REPORT OF THE MAYOR STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC (Citizens may .speak to any item on the Consent Agenda and any matter not on the Regular Agenda) CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda is designed for the purpose of expediting issues considered to be of a routine or pro forma mature such that the Council determines is not necessary to discuss and vote on each item .separately. Any member of Council may remove arty item from the Consent Agenda, which would automatically convey that item to the Regrrlar Agenda for separate discussion and vote. a. Receive for file the Minutes of the Police & Fire Pension Board Meeting held 11/12/02 b. Receive for file the Minutes of the Police & Fire Pension Board Meeting held 1/7/03 c. Receive for file the Minutes of the Police & Fire Pension Board Meeting held 2/27/03 d. Receive for file the Minutes of the Police & Fire Pension Board Meeting held 3/5/03 e. Receive for file the Minutes of the Code Enforcement Board Meeting held 5/5/03 f. Receive for file the Minutes of the Country Club Advisory Board Meeting held 5/5/03 Enrl of Consent Agenda 8. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS 9. REPORTS OF SPECiAT • COMMITTEES AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF AD VISORY BOARDS REGULAR SESSION AGENDA -THURSDAY, TUNE 12, 2003 a.. Receive for file the recommendation of the Consultants Screening Committee to shortlist and rank 5 proposals for executive recruitment services as stated in Committee Minutes dated June 3, 2003 (Workshop Item 4.b.) b. Receive for file the recommendation of the Prosperity Farms Road Ad Hoc Committee to proceed with the Beautification and Safety Improvements portion ofthe estimate (Workshop Item 4.a.) 10. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT 11. EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS 12. ORDINANCES a. BH,L 1105 -BUDGET APPROPRIATION -COMPUTER FOR COUNTRY CLUB ADMINISTRATATION OFFICE. Consider a motion to approve first reading of Bill 1105, a proposed ordinance amending the North Palm Beach Country Club Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 2002-2003 to appropriate $1, 625 for purchase of a computer at the Country Club Administration Office. b. BILL 1106 -BUDGET APPROPRIATION -TEMPORARY STAFFING. Consider a motion to approve first reading of Bill 1106, a proposed ordinance amending the General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 2002-2003 to appropriate $14,000 to fund temporary staffing in the Village Manager's Office. ACTION c. BILL 1107 -BUDGET AMENDMENT -ADDITIONAL GROUP HEALTH FUNDING. Consider a motion to approve first reading of Bill 1107, a proposed ordinance amending the North Palm Beach General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 2002-2003 to appropriate funds in the amount of $250,000 for group health. 13. RESOLUTIONS a. RESOLUTION -RELEASE AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WITH AT&T. Consider a motion to adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into a Release and Settlement Agreement with AT&T Corporation to resolve a dispute for unauthorized charges billed to the Village. REGULAR SESSION AGENDA -THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 2003 ACTIO:*: b. RESOLUTION -AUTHORIZING CONTRACT FOR JULY 4Tr' FIREWORKS. Consider a motion to adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into a fireworks sales agreement with Pyro Engineering, Inc., d/b/a Pyroarts by Bay Fireworks for July 4th fireworks display at the North Palm Beach Country Club. REMARKS 14. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS a. LETTER OF ENGAGEMENT - GRAU & COMPANY. Consider a motion to approve a Letter of Engagement for initial phase of the internal auditing of the Village's payroll at an approximately cost of $5,000. NETWORK SWITCH FOR COMPUTER SYSTEM -PUBLIC SAFETY DEPT. Consider a motion to approve purchase of network switch in the amount of $1,168 by the Public Safety Department to implement the network of the new computer system. c. RACHLIN, COHEN & ftOLTZ -ADDITIONAL SERVICES. Consider a motion to approve payment in the amount of $ 8,448.75 to Rachlin, Cohen & Holtz for additional services performed in implementing GASB34 financial reporting requirement. 15. ADJOURNMENT Next Ordinance 16-2003 Next Resolution 31-2003 If a person decides to appeal any decision by the Village Council with respect to any matter considered at the Village Council meeting, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. REGULAR SESSION AGENDA -THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 2003 This agenda represents the tentative agenda for the scheduled meeting of the Village Council. Due to the nature of governmental duties and responsibilities, the Village Council reserves the right to make additions to, or deletions from, the items contained in this agenda. 4