Pages Replaced by Supplement #18 ~~~~s ~~o~ ChecklYSt of Up-to-IBate Pages ~ ~~c~~~~c.~ (This checklist will be updated with the Su~~ printing of each Supplement) ' From our experience in publishing Looseleaf Supplements on apage-for-page substitution basis, it has become evident that through usage and supplementation many pages can be inserted and removed in error. The following listing is included in this Code as a ready guide for the user to determine whether the Code volume properly reflects the latest printing of each page. In the first column all page numbers are listed in sequence. The second column reflects the latest printing of the pages as they should appear in an up-to-date volume. The letters "OC" indicate the pages have not been reprinted in the Supplement Service and appear as published for the original Code. When a page has been reprinted or printed in the Supplement Service, this column reflects the identification number or Supplement Number printed on the bottom of the page. In addition to assisting existing holders of the Code, this list may be used in compiling an up-to-date copy from the original Code and subsequent Supplements. Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. Title page 1 137, 138 17 iu 1 138.1 17 v, vi OC 139, 140 OC vii, viii OC 141, 142 OC ix OC 142.1, 142.2 16 x.i, x.ii 1 143 16 x.iii 1 144.1, 144.2 12 xi, xii 17 144.3 12 xiii, xiv 16 145, 146 9 xv 16 147, 148 9 1 OC 149, 150 12 3, 4 8 150.1, 150.2 12 5, 6 12 151, 152 11 6.1, 6.2 12 153, 154 11 7, 8 OC 155, 156 17 9, 10 OC 156.1, 156.2 17 11, 12 OC 157, 158 10 13, 14 OC 159, 160 10 65 12 161, 162 12 77 ~ OC 163, 164 12 79, 80 OC 165 12 81, 82 ~ 9 211 OC 133 10 213 11 135, 136 14 263 OC Supp. No. 17 [1] NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Page No. Stipp. No. Page No. Stipp. No. 265, 266 OC 777 OC 267, 268 17 779, 780 OC 269 17 781, 782 OC 319 OC 783, 784 OC 321, 322 17 785, 786 OC 323, 324 16 787, 788 OC 325, 326 16 789 OC 327, 328 16 839 OC 329, 330 17 889 OC 33.1, 332 17 891, 892 15 ~ 333, 334 17 892:1 15 i 381 OC 893, 894 OC ~i 383, 384 17 895, 896 OC 385 17 945. OC 398.3, 398.4 7 947, .948 3 398.5, .398.6 8 997 OC 398.7, 398.8 17 999, 1000 10 398.9, 398.10 17 1051 OC 398.11, 398.12 17 1053, 1054 9 398.13, 398.14 17 1054.1, 1054.2 9 398.14.1 17 1055, 1,056 14 398.15, 398.16 8 1057, 1058 14 399, 400 OC 1059, 1060 14 401, 402 OC 1060.1 14 403 OC 1061, 1062 8 453 OC 1063, 1064 8 455, 456 OC 1121 OC 507 OC 1171 OC 509 OC 1.173,1174 17 559 17 1175 ~ 17 561, 562 17 1225 OC 563 17 1227, 1228 OC 615 OC 1229, 1230 OC 617, 618 OC 1231, 1232 OC 619, 620 6 1233, 1234 OC 671 2 1235, 1236 OC 673 13 1237,1238 16 695 13 1238.1 16 g97 13 1239, 1240 6 723 2 1241 6 725, 726 13 1289 3 726.1 13 1291, 1292 OC 727, 728 5 1293, 1294 17 729 5 1343 4 Stipp. No. 17 ~2~ CHECKLIST OF UP-TO-DATE PAGES Page No. Sapp. No. Page No. Supp. No. 1345, 1346 OC 2363, 2364 OC 1347, 1348 OC 2365, 2366 OC 1349, 1350 OC 2367, 2368 1 1351, 1352 14 2368.1 1 1352.1 14 2369, 2370 OC 1353, 1354 OC 2371, 2372 OC 1355, 1356 OC 2373, 2374 OC 1357, 1358 OC 2375, 2376 OC 1359, 1360 OC 2377, 2378 OC 1361, 1362 5 2379 OC 1363, 1364 5 2479 9 1365, 1366 5 2481, 2482 13 1367 5 2482.1, 2482.2_ 15 1411 OC 2482.3 15 1463 OC 2483, 2484 14 1465, 1466 OC 2485, 2486 16 1517 OC 2486.1, 2486.2 16 1519, 1520 OC 2486.3, 2486.4 16 1521, 1522 OC 2487, 2488 OC 1523 OC 2489, 2490 OC 1573 OC 2491, 2492 OC ` 1575, 1576 OC 2493, 2494 13 1577 OC 2495, 2496 13 1627 9 2497,2498 13 1629, 1630 17 2499, 2500 13 1631 17 2501,2502 15 1681 OC 2503, 2504 16 1683, 1684 OC 2504.1, 2504.2 16 1685, 1686 OC 2505, 2506 10 1687, 1688 17 2507, 2508 13 1689, 1690 17 2509, 2510 13 1739 14 2510.1, 2510.2 13 1741, 1742 13 2510.3, 2510.4 13 2043 OC 2510.5, 2510.6 17 2045, 2046 10 2510.7, 2510.8 17 2047, 2048 OC 2510.9 17 2049, 2050 OC 2511, 2512 OC 2051, 2052 OC 2513, 2514 OC 2053 OC 2515, 2516 OC 2353 OC 2517, 2518 OC 2355, 2356 OC 2619 14 2357, 2358 OC 2819, 2820 17 2359, 2360 OC 2869, 2870 OC 2361, 2362 OC 2871 OC Supp. No. 17 [3] i ~I NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Page No. Supp. No. 2873 OC 2875, 2876 QC ~ 2877, 2878 QC 2879, 2880 OC 2881, 2882 14 2883, 2884 14 2885, 2886 17 2933,. 2934 OC 2935, 2936 17 2937, 2938 17 2939, 2940 17 ~ 2941, 2942 17 2943, 2944 17 2945, 2946 17 2947, 2948 17 2949, 2950 17 2950.1 17 2951, 2952. 16 2952.1 16 2953, 2954 14 2955, 2956 17 l 2965, 2966 15 / 2967 15 Supp. No. 17 CHARTER § 3 half of the southeast quarter of the southeast 983 feet, more or less, to a point in the South line quarter of said Section 5; thence North 88°-37'- of said Southwest Quarter of Section 17; thence 59" West along said South line a distance of Easterly, along said South line, a distance of 1096 615.50 feet to the southwest corner of the North feet, more or less, to said Southeast corner of the 165.00 feet of the South half of the southeast Southwest Quarter and the Point of Beginning. quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 5, (Laws of Fla., Ch. 73-564, § 1; Ord. No. 03-95, said point lying on the East line of said Plat of 2-9-95; Ord. No. 24-96, 7-11-96; Ord. No. 33-96, Hazbour Point Marina; thence North 00°-17'-18" 8-22-96) West along said plat line and the West line of the North 165.00 feet of the South half of the south- east quarter of the southeast quarter of said ARTICLE III. LEGISLATIVE Section 5 a distance of 165.07 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Section 1. i~illa~e council; p®wers and com- position. TOGETHER WITH the following described par- There shall be a village council with all legisla- cel: five powers of the village vested therein consist- Aparcel of land lying in the Southwest Quarter of ing of five (5) members who shall be electors of the Section 17, Township 42 South, Range 43 East, village, who shall be elected by the electors of the Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particu- village. lazly described as follows: (Ord. No. 1-76, § 1, 2-19-76) Begin at the Southeast corner of said Southwest Section 2. Election and terms. Quarter of Section 17; thence Northerly, along the On the second Tuesday in March of each yeaz a North-South quarter section line of said Section general election shall be held to elect members of 17, a distance of 1748.3 feet, more or less, to a the village council. The .selection of members of point on the Easterly prolongation of the North the village council shall be by groups to be known line of Lot 29, according to the Plat of Kelsey as Groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The councilmen in Acres, as recorded in Plat Book 22, Page 16, Groups 1, 3 and 5 shall be elected in the even Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; years and councilmen in Groups 2 and 4 shall be thence Westerly, along said prolongation and the elected in the odd years. The term of office of a North line of Lot 16 and Lots 18 through 29, a councilman shall commence upon his election and distance of 1446.5 feet more or less, to a point on the Easterly right of way line of State Road qualification and shall continue for two (2) yeazs Alternate A-1-A, as recorded in Road Plat Book 6, thereafter and until his successor is elected and Page 180, Public Records of Palm -Beach County, qualified; provided, however, that the terms of Florida; thence Southerly along said Easterly office of those councilmen whose terms expire in right of way line, a distance of 889.3 feet to a March of 1981 and March of 1982 shall be short- ened by a period of one week. point; thence Westerly, at right angles to the preceding course, a distance of 106 feet to a point (Ord. No. 1-76, § 1, 2-19-76; Ord. No. 29-80, § 1, on the Westerly right of way line of said State 10-9-80) Road Alternate A-1-A; thence Northerly, along Section 3. Mayor. said right of way line, a distance of 100.00 feet, more or less, to a point in the South line of that The council shall elect from among its members certain pazcel described in Official Record Book a mayor, a vice mayor, and a president pro tem to 2865, Page 1178, Public Records of Palm Beach serve at the pleasure of the council. Election of County, Florida; thence Westerly, along said South the mayor, vice mayor and president pro tem shall line, a distance of 282.8 feet, more or less, to a be done annually at the first (1st) regular council point in the Easterly right of way line of the meeting after the village election. The mayor Florida East Coast Railroad; thence Southerly, shall preside at meetings of the council, shall be along said Easterly right of way line, a distance of recognized as head of village government for all Supp. No. 12 6.1 § 3 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE ceremonial purposes, by the governor for pur- poses of military law, for service of process, exe- cution of contracts, deeds and other documents, and as the village official designated to represent the village in all agreements with other govern- mental entities or certifications to other govern- mental entities, but shall have no administrative duties except as required to carryout the respon- sibilities herein. The vice mayor shall act as mayor during the absence or disability of the mayor. The president pro tem shall preside at council meetings in the absence of the mayor and vice mayor. The mayor shall have power, for sufficient cause, to suspend any Village officer or official appointed by the council. In .case of the suspension of .any such person,. the mayor shall, within fifteen (15) days thereafter, deliver to the village clerk, or his .deputy, a specification in writing of the charges preferred to the officer suspended; and it shall be the duty of said clerk to present such charges to the council at its next meeting .following the receipt of such charges by him. Thereafter the - council shall proceed to hear and determine the \ said charges after reasonable notice of such hear- ) ing to the suspended officer, who shall be / Supp. No. 12 6.2 Chapter Disposition Number Section Article/Section 31481 (1956) Art. I I 73-564 1 II 1 Ordinance Disposition Number Date Section ArticlelSection 29-80 10- 9-80 1 III 2 11-86 9-11-86 1 III 11 03-95 2- 9-95 II 1 24-96 7-11-96 II 1 33-96 8-22-96 II 1 (The next page is 77] Supp. No. 12 65 -_ '/l%. APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-30 minimum width of not less than seventy- 4. Exceptions. five (75) feet. (a) On corner lots intersecting U. S. 2. For dwelling structures having in excess of Highway No. 1 where the front of the two (2) dwelling units, not less than two building is on the intersecting street thousand (2,000) square feet of lot area shall and the side yard of the building is on be added to the site for each dwelling unit U. S. Highway No.1, the minimum side in excess of two (2). yard setback on U. S. Highway No. 1 3. No structures shall occupy more than thirty- shall be one hundred (100) feet mea- five (35) percent of the site area. sured from the street line to the side building line, and only for structures D. Yard space regulations. in excess of twenty (20) stories in height 1. Front yard. shall have five (5) feet-be added to the required side yard for each story added (a) For a main structure of two (2) stories to the building in excess of twenty (20). or less, there shall be a front yard of (b) On lots. bordering the established bulk- not less than thirty-five (35) feet mea- head line, the Intracoastal Waterway sured from the street line to the front line or any existing bulkhead, the max- building line, except along. both sides imum required rear yard and side yard of U. S. [Highway] No. 1, no setback setbacks shall be twenty (20) feet from less than one hundred (100) feet in the established bulkhead line, Intrac- depth measured from the front building oastal Waterway line or existing line shall be provided. For a distance of building, whichever is closest in dis- one (1) block on streets intersecting U. tance to the building line; provided, S. [Highway) No. 1, measured from the however, that said bulkhead line, In- right-of--way line of said U. S. No. 1, tracoastal Waterway line or existing side yards of at least twenty-eve (25) bulkhead is at least five hundred (500) feet in depth shall be provided. feet from the opposite bulkhead line, (b) For structures in excess of two (2) sto- Intracoastal Waterway line or existing ries in height, the front yard depth bulkhead, whichever is closest. shall be controlled by the provisions de- fined in paragraph B of this section. E. Off-street parking regulations. 2. Rear yard. 1. For each multiple-family dwelling struc- (a) For structures of two (2) stories or less, ture, there shall be provided two (2) or more the same as for the R-1 and R-2 dis- parking spaces of two hundred (200) square tricts. feet each, in accordance with the following (b) For structures in excess of two (2) sto- formula: ries in height, the rear yard depth shall Two (2) such spaces shall be provided for be controlled by the provisions defined each. dwelling unit containing not more in paragraph B of this section. than two (2) bedrooms and two and one-half 3. Side yard. (21/z) of such spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit containing three (3) or (a) For structures of two (2) stories or less, more bedrooms, with the provision that for the same as for the R-1 and R-2 dis- an uneven number of units, the fractional tricts. space result produced by the application of (b) For structures in excess of two (2) sto- such Formula shall count as a full space; ries in height, the side yard require- provided, however, that in multiple-family ments shall be controlled by the provi- dwellings containing more than thirty (30) sions defined in paragraph B of this dwelling units, for each dwelling unit in section. excess~of thirty (30) units and up to sixty 2489 § 45-30 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE (60) units, one (1) such space shall be pro- in such a manner as to minimize traffic hazards vided for each dwelling unit containing not and interference with other land uses. more than two (2) bedrooms, and for each dwelling unit in excess of sixty (60) dwelling B. Uses permitted. The following uses be per- units, one and one-half (11/2) such spaces mitted in the C-A commercial district: shall be provided for each dwelling unit con- tainingnot more than two (2) bedrooms and 1. Hotel, motels axed time-share units. two and one-half (21/2) of such spaces shall 2. Restaurants and cocktail lounges where be provided for each dwelling unit con- food and drink may be consumed on the taining three (3) or more bedrooms, with premises only and where eating and serving the provision that for an uneven number of areas are entirely contained within the units, the fractional space result produced building-not including drive-in ham- by the application of such formula shall burger, ice cream, soft drink, or other count as a full space. (For example: Thirty drive-in and/or carry-out eating establish- (30) dwelling units containing two (2) bed- ments. rooms each shall require sixty (60) off-street parking spaces; sixty (60) dwelling units 3. Golf clubs and their accessory uses-such containing two (2) bedrooms each shall re- as restaurant, bar-cocktail lounges, driving quire ninety (90) off-street parking spaces; ranges and golf equipment stores. and ninety (90) dwelling units containing 4. Financial institutions. two (2) bedrooms each shall require one hun- dred thirty-five (135) off-street parking 5. Professional offices, studios and clinics. spaces.) 6. Private clubs and lodges. 2. For churches, the same as for the R-2 7. Veterinary establishments, provided that multiple-family dwelling district. all animals shall be kept inside soundproof 3. For schools, the same as for the R-2 and air conditioned buildings; provided multiple-family dwelling district. there are no animal cemeteries used in con- nection therewith. F. Floor area regulations. 8. Funeral homes; provided that no process 1. Inmultiple-family dwelling structures, each for the disposal of bodies is used in connec- dwelling unit having one (1) bedroom shall tion therewith, including cremation. have a minimum floor area of seven hun- dred fifty {750) square feet. An additional 9• Churches and/or auditoriums. one hundred fifty (150) square feet of floor 10. Personal service establishments, such as area shall be required for each additional barbershops, beauty shops, health salons. bedroom provided. (Ord. No. 10-73, 5, 6, 9-13-73; Ord. No. 13-74, § 11. Utility company offices. 1; Ord. No. 17-74, § 1) 12. Florist shops. . 13. Clothing stores. Sec. 45.31. C•A commercial district.- .u9 14. Stationery stores, book stores and/or art A. General description. This tourist-commercial - supply shops. district is established to provide areas within 15. Pharmacies or apothecaries. which the principal use of land is devoted to com- mercial establishments and.tourist-oriented trade. 16. Photographic studios and camera shops. The intent is to reserve land which, because of particular location and.natural features, is adapted 17. Bakery shops, where products are sold at I~ to local and tourist uses, and to._encourage the retail only. development of these locations for such uses and 18. Sporting goods stores. 2490 APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-31 19. Personal. gift shops. F. Yards. 20. Jewelry stores. [1.] Front yards. All buildings facing U.S. [High- 21. Marinas and their accessory uses, such as way No.] 1 shall set back from the right- wet boat storage facilities, gasoline sup- of-way to provide a front yard of not less plies, minor repair facilities that are inci- than seventy (70) feet. All buildings shall dental to wet boat storage and do not in- [be] set back from the rights-of--way of streets volve large boats and/or engine overhaul. which intersect with U.S. [Highway No.] 1 providing a yard of not less than twenty- C. Conditions for permitted uses. five (25) feet. 1. All activities (except golf clubs, swimming [2.] Side yards. AlI buildings less than twenty- pools and wet boat storage), sales and five (25) feet in height or two (2) stories in storage of goods must be conducted entirely height shall [be] set back from side lot Iines within completely enclosed buildings with so as to provide side yards of not less than permanent nonmoving outside walls. twenty (20) feet. 2. No outside sidewalk or parking lot storage All buildings three (3) stories in height shall or display of merchandise will be permitted. [be] set back from side lot lines so as to provide side yards of not less than twenty- 3. No manufacturing, or production of prod- five (25) feet. ucts for retail or wholesale will be permitted except for bakeries and their related retail All buildings four (4) stories in height shall sales items. [be] set back from side lot lines so as to provide side yards of not less than thirty 4. All new marinas and major improvements (30) feet. to existing marinas shall provide sewage pump-out service to boats seven (7) meters L3.] Rear yard. All buildings less than twenty- (twenty-two and ninety-seven hundredths five (25) feet in height or two (2) stories in (22.97) feet) in length or more. height shall be set back from the rear lot line so as to provide a rear yard of not less D. Building height regulations. No building or than thirty (30) feet. structure shall exceed four (4) stories or forty-four (44) feet. Elevator towers and mechanical appa- All buildings three (3) stories in height shall ratus are not restricted to the forty-four-foot limit. [be] set back from the rear lot line so as to provide a rear yard of not less than thirty- E. Building site area regulations. five (35) feet. 1. Minimum building lot size. The minimum All buildings four (4) stories in height shall lot of building site area for each commer- [be] set back from the rear lot line so as to cial building shall be sixteen thousand provide a rear yard of not less than forty (16,000) square feet and have a width of not (40) feet. less than eighty (80) feet measured at the front and rear lot lines and at the front G. Off-street parking and loading regulations. building line. 1. Off-street parking shall be either on the 2. Maximum lot coverage. Main and accessory same lot or within two hundred (200) feet of buildings shall cover no more than thirty- the. building it is intended to -serve mea- five (35) percent of the total lot area. sured from the nearest point of the building 3. Minimum lot coverage. No main and acces- to the nearest point of the off-street parking sory buildings shall be constructed that lot, without crossing any major thorough- would occupy less than ten (10) percent of fare. the total lot area or two thousand (2,000) 2. Any area once designated as required off- square feet, whichever is greater. street parking shall not be changed to any 2491 § 45-31 NORTH PALM BEACH CdDE ) other use unless and until equal facilities Table of Parking are provided elsewhere. Uses Spaces Required 3. Off-street parking existing at the effective Restaurants and One (1) space for each date of these regulations in connection with cocktail lounges seventy-five (75) square the operation of an existing building or use where food and feet of area devoted to pa- shallnot be reduced to an amount less than drink may be con- tron use, or one (1) space ' hereinafter required for a similar new sumed on the pre- per three (3) fixed seats, building or use. mises only and whichever is the greater, 4. Two (2) or more buildings or uses may col- where eating and plus one (1) space for each ~ lectively provide the required off-street serving areas are one and one-half (1 /z) pro- entirelycontained jetted employees who parking, in which case the required number i t h i n the would be actually working of parking spaces shall be not less than the building, not in- during peak employment sum of the requirements for the several in- cluding drive-in hours. dividual uses computed separately. hamburger, ice 5. The required off street parking shall be for cream, soft drink, occupants, employees, visitors, patrons and or other drive-in shall be limited in use to motor vehicles. and/or carry-out The storage of merchandise, motor vehicles eating establish- for sale, or the repair of vehicles is prohib- ments ited. Hotels, motels and Three (3) spaces, plus an ad- ~ Table of Parking Spaces Required tourist courts ditional space for each guest bedroom, plus an ad- l Table of Parking ditional space for each fif- Uses Spaces Required teen (15) rooms or portions thereof. For example, a Banks; business or One (1) per three hundred fifteen-room motel would professional of- (300) square feet of usable need nineteen (19) parking fices excluding floor area, plus one (1) per spaces doctors and den- each three (3) employees tists Marina Two (2) for each three (3) boat mooring or storage space, Barbershop o r Two (2) per barber or three boat for rent, as based on beauty shop (3) per beautician based on the design capacity of the the design capacity of the facility. If public boat structure launching facilities are Churches One (1) per four (4) seats; or provided, the parking one (1) per thirty (30) spaces shall be increased. square feet of usable floor fifty (50) percent of that area of auditorium, which- number as computed above ever is greater Country club One (1) per five (5) members t 2492 APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-31 Table of Parking Fable of Parking Uses Spaces Required Uses Spaces Required Medical and den- One (1) space for each one spaces shall be provided tal clinics; doctors hundred fifty (150) square for each dwelling unit con- anddentists offices feet of floor area up to three taming three (3) or more thousand (3,000); one (1) bedrooms, with the provi- additional space for each sion that far an uneven additional two hundred number of units, the frac- (200) square feet up to-five tional space result pro- thousand (5,000); one (1) duced by the application of additional space for each such formula shall count additional two hundred as a full space; provided, fifty (250) square feet over however, that in multiple- five thousand (5,000) family dwellings contain- . Mortuaries or fu- Five (5) spaces per parlor or ing more than thirty (30) neral parlors chapel unit; or one (1) per dwellings units, for each four (4). seats, whichever is dwelling units in excess of greater thirty (30) units and up to sixty (60) units one (1) such Private clubs, One (1) per three (3) mem- space shall be provided for lodge or union bers based on the maxi- each dwelling unit contain- headquarters mum design capacity of the ing not more than two (2) facility bedrooms,. and for each Retail stores and One (1) per two hundred (200) dwelling unit in excess of ersonal service s uare feet of retail floor sixty (60) dwelling units P q one and one-half (1 ~/z) such establishments ex- space spaces shall be provided cept as otherwise for each dwelling unit con- specified herein taming not more than two Shopping centers There shall be a ratio of four (2) bedrooms, and two and containing five (5) (4) square feet of parking one-half (21/z) of such spaces or more stores, or (including driveways re- shall be provided for each fifteen thousand quired for ingress and dwelling unit containing (15,000) square egress and circulation) to three (3) or more bedrooms, feet of building each one (1) square foot of with the provision that for retail floor space an uneven number of units, the fractional space result Time-share units Off-street parking regula- produced by the applica- tions. For each time-share tion of such formula shall unit structure, there shall count as a full space (For be provided two (2) or more examples: ~ Thirty (30) parking spaces of two hun- dwellings units containing Bred (200) square feet each, ~ two (2) bedrooms each shall in accordance with the fol- require sixty (60)off-street lowing formula: Two (2) parking spaces; sixty (60) such spaces shall be pro- dwelling units containing vided for each dwelling unit two (2) bedrooms each shall containing not more than require ninety (90) off- two (2) bedrooms,. and two street parking spaces; and and one-half (2~/z) of such Supp. No. 13 2493 § 45-31 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Table of Parking 5. Plans for the layout of a parking lot must Uses Spaces Required be approved by the village engineer based on design standards approved by the In- ninety (90) dwelling units stitute of Traffic Engineers. containing two (2) bed- 6. The parking lot shall not have access from rooms each shall require amore restrictive zoning district. one hundred thirty-five 7, No parking shall be permitted in the first (135) off-street parking ten (10) feet of the required front- yard spaces). depth, measured from the front property Auditoriums and One (1) per three (3) people line or the first ten (10) feet of a side or places of assem- based on the maximum de- rear yard when the side or rear yard bly without fixed sign capacity of the strut- abuts a residential zoning district, except seats tore as modified in paragraph 4 above. The restriction against parking in the first ten Veterinary estab- Five (5) spaces per veterinar- (10) feet of the required front yard depth lishments ian based on the maxi- measured from the front property line mum design capacity of the shall not apply to those properties which facility or five (5) spaces have complied in full with the landscap- for every four hundred ing provisions of Chapter 41-16 through (400) square feet of usable 41-25 [chapter 27, article III] both inclu- floor space, whichever is sive. greater g. .Clearly defined driveways entering on U.S. H. Off-street parking lot layout, construction [Highway No.] 1 shall be constructed us- ~~I and maintenance. Whenever the required off- ing a raised curb of at least six (6) inches ~ street parking requires the building of a parking in height to delineate the driveways: All ~ lot, -and wherever a parking lot is built, such streets intersecting with U.S. [Highway ~I parking lot shaIl be laid out, constructed and No.j 1, currently designed driveways shall maintained in accordance with the following reg- be constructed using both concrete button ulations: markers of at least four (4) inches iri 1. Each parking space shall be not less than height placedtwenty-four (24) inches apart two hundred (200) square feet in area and to delineate the driveways. Such drive- shall be adefinitely designated and marked ways shall have separate ingress and stall adequate for one (1) motor vehicle. egress Lanes not to exceed twenty (20) feet in width, exclusive of curb returns. 2. All areas devoted to permanent off-street ~e ingress and egress driveways shall parking as required under this section be separated by [a] six-inch raised curb shall be built in accordance with specifi- island of not less than three (3) feet in cations for streets and parking of the width and ten (10) feet in depth back from Village of North Palm Beach and main- the right-of--way. Driveways for two (2) tamed in such manner that no dust will adjacent, separately owned parcels may result from continuous use. be located on their joint property line. In 3. The parking lot shall be drained to elim- all cases, driveways may not be located irate surface water. closer than forty (40) feet to an intersec- 4. Where parking .lot abuts a residential tion. Except in cases where driveways are district which has common frontage in the located on joint property lines, all drive- same block with the parking lot, there ways must be not less than twenty-five shall be established a setback line of twee- (25) feet from the adjacent property line. ty-five (25) feet from the street lot line for Only one (1) such combined driveway shall the first twenty-five (25) feet from the be permitted for each lot with a width of residential zone. one hundred (i00) feet or less.. Supp. No. 13 2494 . APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-31.1 9. The rear yard of all lots in the C-lA 2. Restaurants and cocktail lounges where district shall be designed and improved to food and drink. may be consumed on the facilitate loading and unloading. There premises only and where eating and serv- shall beadequate space for standing, load- ing areas -are entirely contained within ing andunloading services to avoid undue the building, not including drive-in ham- interference with public use of streets or burger, ice cream, soft drink or other alleys. drive-in and/or carry-out eating establish- I. Time-share structures; floor area. In time- ments. share structures, each dwelling unit having-one 3. Financial institutions. (1) bedroom shall have a minimum floor area of seven hundred fifty (750) square feet; an addi- 4. Professional offices. tional one hundred fifty (150) square feet of floor 5. Churches. area shall be required for each additional bed- 6. Personal service establishments, such as room provided. barbershops, beauty shops and health sa- J. Architecture. To provide the village with lons. harmonious development, but without undue re- 7. Florist shops. strictions, the following features are required: 8. Clothing stores. 1. All building fronts and sides must be completely enclosed except for necessary 9. Stationery. stores, bookstores and/or art doorways for ingress and egress. supply shops. 2. No canopies are permitted unless con- 10. Pharmacies or apothecaries. strutted of metal, or other permanent 11. Photographic studios and camera shops. materials and are installed parallel to the store front sidewalks not less than nine 12. Sporting goods stores.. (9) feet above the sidewalk. 13. Personal gift shops.- (Ord. No. 10-72, § 1; Ord. No. 13-72, 7-13-72; Ord. No. 4-73; Ord. No. 10-73, § 6, 9-13-73; Ord. No. 14. Jewelry stores. 22-82, 2, 3, 9, 12-9-82; Ord. No. 23-90, § 2, 15. Bakery shop, retail. 6-28-90; Ord. No. 46-96, § 1, 12-12-96) Editor's note~ection 45-31(K) entitled "Signs" was re- 16. Candy shop, retail. pealed by Ord. No. 13-72 enacted July 13, 1972. Sign regula- 17. C1gaT/tobacco Shop. tions can be found in Chapter 6, Article V,-of this Code. 18. Seamstress. Sec. 45-31.1. CB commercial district. 19. Shoe repair shop. A. General description. This tourist-commer- 20. Tailor shop. cial district is established to provide areas within which the principal use of land is devoted to C. Conditions for permitted uses:. commercial establishments and tourist-oriented trade. The intent is to reserve lands which, be- 1. All activities, sales and storage of goods cause of particular location and natural features, must be conducted entirely within com- are adapted to local and tourist uses, and to pletely enclosed buildings with perma- encourage the development of these locations for nent nonmoving outside walls. such uses and in such manner as to minimize 2. No outside sidewalk or parking lot stor- traffic hazards and interference with other land age [or} display of merchandise will be uses. permitted. B. Uses permitted. The following uses are per- 3. No manufacturing or production of prod- mitted in the CB commercial district: ucts-for retail or wholesale will be permit- 1. Reserved. ted. Supp. No. 13 2495 i § 45-31.1 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE D. Building height regulations. No building or G. Off=street parking and loading regulations. structure shall exceed two (2) stories or twenty- five (25) feet. Elevator towers and mechanical apparatus -are not restricted to the twenty-five- 1' .Any area once designated as required off-street parking shall not be changed to ~ foot limit. any other use unless and until equal fa- cilities are provided elsewhere. E. Building site area regulations: - 1. Minimum building Zot size. The minimum 2. Off-street parking existing at the effective lot of building site area for each commer- i cial building shall be fifty thousand (50,000) date of these regulations in connection with the operation of an existing building square feet and have a width of not less or use shall not be reduced to an amount than two hundred fifty (250) feet mea- sured at the front and rear lot lines and at less than hereinafter required for a Simi- lar new building or use. the front building line. 2. Maximum lot coverage. Main and acces- 3. Two. (2) or more buildings or uses may sory buildings shall cover no more than collectively provide the required off-street thirty-five (35) percent of the total lot P~'~g, ~ which case the required num- area. ber of parking spaces shall not be less 3. Minimum lot coverage. No main and ac- than the sum of the requirements for the cessory buildings shall be constructed that several individual uses computed sepa- would occupy less than ten (10) percent of rately. the total lot area or five thousand (5,000) square feet, whichever is greater. 4. The required off-street parking shall be for occupants, employees,. visitors, pa- F. Yards. trons, and shall be limited in use to motor [l.] Front yards. All buildings facing U.S. vehicles. The storage of merchandise, mo- [Highway No.] 1 shall set back from the for vehicles for sale or the repair of vehi- right-of--way to provide a front yard of not cles is prohibited. less than twenty-five (25) feet. All build- ings shall [be] set back from the right-of- Table of Parking Spaces Required way of streets which intersect with U.S. [Highway No.] 1 providing a yard of not Table of Parking less than twenty-five (25) feet. Uses ,Spaces Required [2.] Side yards. AlI buildings one (1) or two (2) Banks, business or One (1) per three hundred stories in height or less than twenty-five professional offices {300) square feet of usable (25) feet in height shall have a combined excluding doctors floor area, plus one (1) per side yard minimum width of forty (40) and dentists each three (3) employees. feet. Barbershop or Two (2) per barber or three Zero side yard setbacks are permitted beauty shop (3) per beautician based provided all other requirements of this on the design capacity of section are complied with. the structure. I3.] Rear yard. All buildings less than twenty- Churches One (1) per four (4) seats; or five (25) feet in height or two (2) stories in one (1) per thirty (30) height shall be set back from the rear lot square feet of usable floor line so as to provide a rear yard of not less area of auditorium, which- than thirty (30) feet. ever is greater. Supp. No. 13 2496 APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-31.1 Table of Parking Table of Parking Uses Spaces Required Uses Spaces Required Restaurants and One (1) space for each seven- Time-share units Off-street parking regula- cocktail lounges ty-five (75) square feet of tions. For each time-share where food and area. devoted to patron use, unit structure, there shall drink may be con- or one (1) space per three be provided two (2) or more sumed on the (3) fixed seats, whichever ~ parking spaces of two hun- premises only and is the greater, plus one (1) dyed (200) square feet each, where eating and space for each one and one- in accordance with the fol- serving areas are half (1~/z) projected employ- lowing formula: ~vo (2) entirely contained ees who would be actually such spaces shall be pro- . within the build- working during peak em- vided for each dwelling unit ing, not including ployment hours. containing not more than drive-in ham- two (2) bedrooms, and two burger, ice cream, and one-half (2'/z) of such soft drink or other spaces shall be provided drive-in and/or car- for each dwelling unit con- ry-out eating es- taming three (3) or more tablishments bedrooms, with the provi- sion that for an uneven Hotels, motels and Three (3) spaces, plus an ad- number of units, the frac- tourist courts ditionai space for -each tional space result pro- guestbedroom, plus an ad- duced by the application of ditional space for each fif- such formula shall count teen (15) rooms or portions as a full space; provided, thereof. For example, a fif- however, that in multiple- teen-room motel would family dwellings contain- need nineteen (I9) park- ing more than thirty {30) ing spaces. dwellings units, for each Medical and den- One (1) space for each one dwelling unit in excess of tal clinics; doctors hundred fifty (150) square thirty (30) units and up to and dentists offices feet of floor area up to three sixty (60) units one (1) such thousand (3,000); one (1) space shall be provided for additional space for each each dwelling unit contain- additional two hundred ing not more than two (2) (200) square feet up to five bedrooms,. and for each thousand (5,000); one (1) dwelling unit in excess of additional space for each sixty (60) dwelling units additional two hundred one and one-half (1~/z) such fifty (250) square feet over spaces shall be provided five thousand (5,000). for each dwelling unit con- taining not more than two Retail stores and One (1) per two hundred (200) (2) bedrooms, and two and personal service square feet of retail floor one-half (2'/z) of such spaces establishments, space. shall be provided for each except as other- dwelling unit containing wise specified three (3) or more bedrooms, herein with the provision that for an uneven number of units, the fractional space result Supp. No. 13 2497 l § 45-31.1 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Table of Parking shall be built in accordance with specifi- Uses Spaces Required cations for streets and parking of the Village of North Palm Beach and main- produced by the applica- twined in such manner that no dust will tion of such formula shall result from continuous use. -count as a full space (For example: Thirty (30) dwell- 3. The parking lot shall be drained to elim-~ ings units containing two irate surface water. (2) bedrooms each shall re- 4, Where parking lot abuts a residential quire sixty (60) off-street district which has common frontage in the parking spaces; sixty (60) same block with the parking lot, there dwelling units containing shall be established a setback line of twee- two (2) bedrooms each shall ty-five (25) feet from the street lot line for require ninety (90) off- the first twenty-five (25) feet from the street parking spaces; and ninety (90) dwelling units residential zone. containing two (2) bed- 5. Plans for the layout of a parking lot must rooms each shall require be approved by the village engineer based one hundred thirty-five on design standards approved by the In- (135) off-street parking stitute of ~affic Engineers. spaces). 6. The parking lot shall not have access from Building lots con- There shall be a ratio of four amore restrictive zoning district. twining five (5) or (4) square feet of parking 7 No parking shall be permitted in the front more stores, or fif- (including driveways re- yard or the side yard. teen thousand quired for ingress and (.15,000) square egress and circulation) to feet of building each one (1) square foot of I. Time-share structures; floor area. In. time- retail floor space. share structures,.each dwelling unit having one (1) bedroom shall have a minimum floor area of Veterinary estab- Five (5) spaces per veterinar- seven hundred fifty (750) square feet; an addi- lishments ian based on the maxi- tional one hundred fifty (150) square feet of floor mum design capacity of the area shall be required for each additional bed- facility, or five (5) spaces room provided. for every four hundred (400) square feet of usable J. Architecture. To provide the village with floor space, whichever is harmonious development, but without undue re- gieater. strictions, the following features are required: H. Off-street parking lot layout, construction 1. All building fronts and sides must be and maintenance. Whenever the required off- completely enclosed except for necessary street parking requires the building of a parking doorways for ingress and egress. lot, and wherever a parking lot is built, such :parking lot shall be laid out, constructed and 2. No canopies are permitted unless con- maintained in accordance with the following reg- strutted of metal or other permanent ma- ulations: terials and [unless the canopies] are in- t. Each parking space shall be not less than stalled parallel to the store front sidewalks two hundred (200) square feet in area and not less than nine (9) feet above the side- shall be adefinitely designated and marked walk. stall adequate for one (1) motor vehicle. {Ord. No. 10-73, § 6, 9-13-73; -Ord. No. 1-78, § 1, 2. All areas devoted to permanent off-street 2-9-78; Ord. No. 22-82, 4, 5, 9, 12-9-82; Ord. No. parking as required under this section 15=84, § 2, 7-12-84; Ord. No. 47-96, § 1, 12-12-96) Supp. No. 13 2498 APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-32 Sec. 45-32. C-lAlimited commercial district. each two hundred (200) square feet A. Uses permitted. Within any C-lA limited of workshop area above the first floor, commercial district, no building, structure, land there shall be provided one (1) two or water shall be used, except for one (1) or more hundred-square-foot parking space. of the following uses: d. For each three hundred (300) square feet of floor area used for office pur- l. Reserved. poses, there shall be provided one (1) 2. Hotels, motels and time-share units. two hundred-square-foot parking 3. Restaurants other than drive-in restau- space. rants, including cocktail lounges. e. All new marinas and major improve- 4. Nursery and private schools. ments to existing marinas shall pro- videsewage pump-out service to boats 5. Golf club and its accessory uses such as seven (7) meters (twenty-two and restaurant, bar, driving range and equip- ninety-seven hundredths (22.97) feet) meat store. in length or more. 6. Professional offices including real estate offices, finance offices, medical and dental B. Building height regulations. No main build- clinics and the like, providing same are ing shall exceed two (2) stories or thirty (30) feet architecturally and structurally in har- in height at the required front, rear and side moray with the spirit of the community. building lines, For structures in excess of two (2) 7. Marinas and their accessory uses such as stories in height, five (5) feet shall be added to the wet boat storage facilities, indoor dry boat required front,. rear and side yards for each story storage facilities, gasoline supplies and added to the building in excess of two (2). No main such minor repair facilities as are inciden- building, however, shall occupy more than thirty- tal to boat storage and which do not five (35) percent of the site area so required. involve major boat and/or engine over- haul, provided all facilities are architec- C. Building site area regulations. turally and structurally in harmony with 1. For single- and multiple-family dwelling the spirit of the community. Provided fur- structures, the same as required in the they that: R-1 and R-3 districts, respectively. a. For each three thousand (3,000) cu- bic feet of designated boat storage D. Yard space regulations. space connected with indoor dry boat 1. Front yards. storage facilities, there shall be pro- vided one (1) two hundred-square- (a) For main structures of two (2) sto- footparking space, exclusive of work- ries or less, there shall be a front shop and office areas. yard of not less than fifty (50) feet measured from the street line to the b. For each one and one-half (1'1z) des- front line of the main building. ignated boat storage spaces con- nected with wet boat storage facili- (b) For structures in excess of two (2) ties, there shall be provided one (1) stories in height, the front yard depth two hundred-square-foot parking required shall be controlled by the space, exclusive of workshop and of- provisions defined in paragraph B of fice areas. this section. c. For each one hundred (100) square 2. Rear yard. feet of workshop floor area, -there (a) For main structures of two (2) or less shall be provided one (1) two hundred- stories, the same as for R-1 and R-2 square-foot parking space, and for district. Supp. No. 13 2499 § 45-32 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE (b) For structures in excess of two (2) depth, measured from the front property stories in height, the rear depth re- line. The restriction against parking in quired shall be controlled by the the first ten (10) feet of the required front j provisions defined in paragraph B of yard depth measured from the front prop- this section. erty line shall not apply to those proper- 3. Side yards. ties which have complied in full with the landscaping provisions of chapter 41-16 (a) For structures of two (2) stories or through 41-25 [chapter 27, article III], less, the same as for R-1 and R-2 both inclusive. districts. Each convalescent hospital and (b) For structures in excess of two (2) nursing home shall be provided with stories in height, the side yard re- one (1) parking space (200 square quirements shall be controlled by feet) for each six (6} beds in the the provisions defined in paragraph establishment, plus one (1) parking B of this section. ~ space for each three hundred (300) (c) For a distance of one (1) block on square feet of administrative and !i streets intersecting U.S. [Highway service area within the building No.] 1, measured from the right-of- (kitchen, service halls, chapel, din- way line of said U.S. [Highway No.] ing room, lounge, visiting areas and 1, side yards of at least twenty-five :treatment rooms). (25) feet in depth shall be provided. E Floor area regulations. E. Off-street parking regulations. 1. In multiple-family dwelling structures, 1. For single- and multiple-family strut- each dwelling unit having one (1) bed- tures, the same as for the R-1 and R-3 room shall have a minimum floor area of ~ districts, respectively. seven hundred fifty (750) square feet. An 2. Churches, the same as for the R-2 multiple- additional one hundred fifty (150) square family dwelling district. feet of floor area shall be required for each additional bedroom provided. 3. For hotels, one (1) space- for each three (3) bedrooms, plus one (1) additional space 2. In time-share structures, each dwelling for each five (5) employees. unit having one (1) bedroom shall have a minimum floor area of seven hundred 4. Hotel- apartments, one (1) space for each ~y (750) square feet; an additional one dwelling unit. hundred fifty (150) square feet of floor 4.1. Time-sharing units, the same as for C-A area shall be required for each additional commercial district. bedroom provided. 5. Motels, one (1) space for :each guest bed- G. Conditions for permitted uses: room, plus one (1) space for the resident 1. All activities, sales and storage of goods manager or owner. must be conducted entirely within com- b. Restaurants, one (1) space for each seventy- pletely enclosed buildings with perma- five (75) square feet of floor area devoted neat nonmoving outside walls. to patron use, or one (1) space per three 2. No outside sidewalk or parking lot stor- (3) fixed .seats, whichever is the greater, age [or] display of merchandise will be and one (1) space for each one and one- permitted. half (l~/z) projected employees who would (Ord. No. 10-72, § 2; Ord. No. 4-73; Ord. No. be actually working during peak employ- 10-73, § 7, 9-13-73; Ord.. No. 14-74; Ord. No. went hours. 14-76, § 1, 7-8-76; Ord. No. 22-82, 6, 7, 9, 7. No parking shall be permitted in the first 12-9-82; Ord. IVo. 9-87, § 1, 5-28-87; Ord. No. ten (10) feet of the required front yard 17-90, § 4; 6-28-90; Ord. No. 23-90, § 3, 6-28-90) Supp. No. 13 2500 APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-33 Sec.. 45-32.1. CC Transitional commercial dis- 2. Reserved. trict. F. Yards. A. General description. This residentiaUcom- mercial transitional district is to provide for the 1. Front yards. All buildings shall be con- development oflow-intensity business offices and structed from theAlternate A-I-Aright-of-- other complementary uses. The CC district shall way to provide a front yard of not less serve as a transition between residential areas than thirty (30) feet. All buildings shall be and intense commercial development. set back from the right-of--way of streets - B. Uses permitted. The following uses are per- which intersect with Alternate A-I-A pro- mitted in the CC transitional commercial district: viding a yard of not less than twenty-five (25) feet. 1. Financial institutions 2. Side yards. All buildings shall be set back 2. Professional offices from side lot lines so as to provide side 3. Florists yards of not less than fifteen (15) feet. 4. Clothing stores 3.. Rear yards. All buildings shall be set back 5. Stationary [stationery] stores from rear lot lines so as to provide a rear yard of not less than fifteen (15) feet. 6. Photo studios/camera shops G. Off-street parking regulations. Off-street 7. Sporting goods stores parking shall be provided the same as for the CA 8. Gift shops commercial district. 9. Candy shops H. Off-street parking layout, construction and 10. Seamstress/tailor shop maintenance shall be the same as for the CA 11. Barber shops commercial district. (Ord. No. 31-97, § 1(Exhibit A), 7-1097) 12. Bair salons 13. Nail salons Sec. 45-33. C-1 neighborhood commercial C. Conditions for permitted uses: district. 1. All activities, sales and storage of General description. This neighborhood com- goods must be conducted entirely mercial district is established to provide that the within completely enclosed build- principal use of land is devoted to neighborhood ings with permanent nonmoving out- and transient uses. and to encourage the develop- side walls. ment of these locations for such uses. and in such 2. No outside sidewalk of parking lot manner as to minimize congestion and interfer- storage (or) display of merchandise. ence with other land uses. will be permitted. A. Uses permitted. Within any C-1 neighbor- 3. No manufacturing or production of hood commercial district, no building, structure, products for retail or wholesale will land or water shall be used, except for one (1) or be permitted. more of the following uses: D. Building height regulations. No building or 1. Any use permitted in the C-lA limited structure shall exceed two (2) stories or twenty commercial district. five (25) feet. 2. Any retail business or commercial use E. Building site area regulations: including neighborhood commercial use 1. Maximum lot coverage. Main and acces- that meets the daily living needs of vil- sory buildings shall cover no more than lage residents and which does not involve thirty-five (35) percent of the total lot the manufacturing or processing of prod- area. ucts; provided, however, automobile re- Supp. No. 15 2501 § 45-33 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE pair shops are not a permitted use except For a distance of one (1) block on streets as an accessory use to an automotive intersecting U.S. 1, measured from the right-of- .service station or retail automobile fire way-line. of said U.S. 1, side yards of at least- . store. twenty-five (25) feet in depth shall be provided. 3. Transient commercial uses serving either (a) For single-family and for multiple-family the motoring public or village residents residential structures, there shall be rear including hotels and motels, conference yard and side yard setbacks the same as and retreat facilities, filling stations and set forth in the R-1 and R-3 zoning dis- restaurants, excluding those with adrive- tricts, respectively, except as modified be- through. low: 4. Personal service establishments, includ- (i) On corner lots intersecting U.S. High- ing, but not limited to, banks, barber- way No. 1 where the front of the shops, bowling alleys, beauty salons, med- building is on the intersecting street ical and dental clinics, professional and and the side yard of the building is other offices, funeral homes, shoe repair on U.S. Highway No. 1, the mini- shops, laundry pickup stations and self- mum side yard setback on U.S. High- servicelaundries, furniture display stores way No. 1 shall be one hundred (100) and drugstores. feet measured from the street line to 5. Mobile home park. the side building line, and only for structures in excess of twenty (20) 6. Adult entertainment establishments. stories in height shall five (5) feet be 7. Religious worship or related religious ac- added to the required side yard for tivities. each story added to the building in E. Building height regulations. For buildings excess of twenty (20). ) in excess of two (2) stories or thirty (30) feet in (ii) On lots bordering the established height, five (5) feet shall be added to the required bulkhead line, the Intracoastal Wa- front-yard setback for each story in excess of two terway line or any existing bulk- or in excess of thirty (30) feet in height. No head, the maximum required rear structures however, shall occupy more than thirty- yard and side yard setbacks shall be five (35) percent of the site area so required. ~ twenty (20) feet from the established bulkhead line, Intracoastal Water- C. Building and floor .area regulations. An way line orexisting bulkhead, which- individual. retail business or commercial use shall ever is closest in distance to the not exceed fifty thousand (50,000) square feet of building line; provided, however, that floor area on the first floor; this provision shall said bulkhead line, .Intracoastal Wa- not apply to grocery stores; food stores or facilities terway line or existing bulkhead is for use for religious worship or related religious at least five hundred (500) feet from uses including retreats, conferences, school or the opposite bulkhead line, other educational uses, convent, rectory or other living facilities, administration or similar facili- Intracoastal Waterway line or exist- ties owed or operated by religious groups or ing bulkhead, whichever is closest. religious-related activities. All other space regulations shall apply to D. Yard space regulations. There shall be a such buildings. front yard of not less than fifty (50) feet measured from the street line to the front building line, E. Off-street parking regulations. except along both sides of U.S. 1, no setback less 1. Same as for the C-lA limited commercial than one hundred (100) feet in depth measured district for churches, motels, hotels, time- from the .front building line shall be provided. share units and restaurants. Supp. No. T5 2502 I APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-34 2. For general business, commercial or per- 2. In time-share structures, each dwelling sonal service establishments, one (1) space unit having one (1) bedroom shall have a for each one two hundred (200) square minimum floor area of seven hundred feet of nonstorage first floor area, plus one fifty (750) square feet. An additional one (1) space for each two hundred (200) square hundred fifty (150) square feet of floor feet of nonstorage area. above the first area shall be required for each additional floor. bedroom provided. 3. Medical or dental offices or clinics, one (1) G. Conditions for permitted uses: space for each one hundred fifty (150) 1. A car wash and car waxing business square feet of floor area, up to three whether in conjunction with a filling sta- thousand (3,000) square feet; one (1) ad- tion or as an independent enterprise shall ditional space for each additional two hun- be allowed to utilize an awning structure dred (200) square feet of floor area up to or structure which shall located in the five thousand (5,000) square feet; one (1) rear yard with a minimum five-foot set- additional space for each additional two back and within the building side lines hundred fifty (250) square feet of floor extended. space in excess of five thousand (5,000) square feet. 2. All activities, sales and storage of goods 4. Offices, one (1) space for each three hun- must be conducted entirely within com- dred (300) square feet of floor area used pletely enclosed buildings with perma- for office purposes. nent nonmoving outside walls. 5. Schools and public buildings, one (1) space 3. No outside sidewalk or parking lot stor- for each four (4) seats in the main audito- age or display of merchandise will be rium or place of assembly. permitted. (Ord. No. 20-72, § 1; Ord. No. 4-73; Ord. No. 6. Theaters, auditoriums, one (1) space for 10-73, 8, 9, 9-13-73; Ord. No. 22-82, 8, 9, each four (4) seats. 12-9-82; Ord. No. 9-87, § 2, 5-28-87; Ord. No. 7. No parking shall be permitted in the first 23-90, § 4, 6-28-90; Ord. No. 7-94, § 1, 4-14-94; ten (10) feet of the required front yard Ord. No. 1-95, § 1, 1-12-95; Ord. No. 24-95, § 1, depth, measured from the front property 7-17-95; Ord. No. 48-96, § 1, 12-12-96; Ord. No. line. The restriction against parking in 1-98, 1-7, 1-8-98) the first ten (10) feet of the required front yard depth measured from the front prop- Sec. 45-34. Automotive commercial district.* erty line shall not apply to those proper- A. Uses permitted. Within any C-2 automotive ties which have complied in full with the commercial district, no building structure, land or landscaping provisions of chapter 41-16 water shall be used, except for one or more of the through 41-25 [chapter 27, article III], following uses: both inclusive. 1. Any use permitted in the C-1A limited 8. Furniture display stores, one (1) space for commercial district. each four hundred (400) square feet of sales area. 2. Any retail business or commercial use which does not involve the manufacturing 9. Retail business with floor area in excess or processing of products. of fifty thousand (50,000) square feet, one (1) space for each two hundred and fifty *Editor's note-Ord. No. 30-97, adopted July l0, 1997, (250) Square feet of rion-Storage floor area. repealed former 45-34, relative to C-2 general commercial district, while Ord. No. 32-97, adopted July 10, 1997, re- F. F'looP area regulations. enacted said section to read as herein set out. The provisions of former § 45-34 derived fi•om Ord. No. 15-72, § 1, and Ord. 1. [Reserved.] No. 25-95, § 1, adopted July 17, 1995. Supp. No. 16 2503 § 45-34 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE \ 3. Personal service establishments, includ- be designed and located so as to f ing, but not limited to, banks, barber- mitigate and buffer the impact of the shops, bowling alleys, beauty salons, med- aggregated vehicle storage area. ical and dental clinics, professional and 2. Locational and physical restrictions: other offices, funeral homes, filling sta- tions, shoe repair shops, laundry pickup (a) Repair facilities and paint and body shops stations and self service laundries, furni- shall be located at least one hundred (100) feet ture display stores and drugstores. from any residentially-zoned lot. Service bay doors 4. Full service automotive dealerships and shall not be oriented toward any adjacent residen- accessory uses including paint and body tially-zoned property nor oriented toward any shops, repair shops and garages, limou- adjacent public street. sine service and towing service. (b) Accessory fuel pump islands and auto- s. Retail and wholesale sales of new vehicu- mated wash facilities for vehicles shall not be lar parts, equipment and accessories with- located within one hundred (100) feet of any out on-site installation. residentially-zoned property. Wash facilities shall be located within a completely enclosed building. 6. Automobile service shops such as full ser- Fuel pump islands shall be located within an vice vehicle repair shops, muffler shops, enclosed area so that they are not visible off tire shops, lubrication and oil change, premises. window tinting, wash and detailing, etc. (c) The sale, lease or rental of automobiles, 7. Automobile, truck and trailer rental busi- trucks, motorcycles, and recreational vehicles is ness. allowed only on lots which meet the following 8. Adult entertainment establishment. minimum dimensions and area: B. Development standards. Every commercial (1) Minimum frontage of 125' use located within the C-2 automotive commercial (2) Minimum width of 125' district shall be so developed as to comply with (3) Minimum depth of 200' the following performance standards: 1. Outside display: Outside display areas for (4) Minimum area of 1.5 acres sale, lease or rental of vehicles shall be C. Use and operating restrictions. Every com- designed as follows: mercial use located within the C-2 automotive (a) Vehicles may be stored on an ap- commercial district shall be so operated as to proved parking surface without ref- comply with the following performance stan- erence to parking stalls, stall strip- Bards: ing or wheel stops. This type of 1. No industrial equipment or vehicles shall parking shall be allowed only pursu- be sold, leased, rented or otherwise stored ant to a site plan review and ap- within the C-2 district. For purposes herein, proval subject to Article III of Chap- industrial equipment is defined as equip- ter 6 of the Village Code of went used primarily for purposes other Ordinances. than transportation or hauling. Trucks (b) Interior landscaping requirements other than pickup trucks, vans and jeeps within outside display areas pursu- shall be displayed in areas separated from ant to Article III of Chapter 27 of the a public right-of--way by a building. Village Code of Ordinances shall be 2. No vehicle shall be parked for display met by transferring the required land- purposes with its hood or trunk open, nor scaping to the perimeter of the site elevated off the ground in any way. Vehi- abutting public right-of--ways. The cles shall not be parked in any right-of- ~ transferred landscaped areas shall way or driveway. l Supp. No. 16 2504 CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE Adoption Section Ord. No. Date Section this Code 8-96 2- 8-96 1 14-30(2) 12-96 3-28-96 1 2-146 2 2-158 15-96 4-25-96 2 6-17 Rpld 6-18 18-96 5- 9-96 1 2-175 2 2-176 3 2-178 4 Added 2-179 5 Rnbd 2-179 as 2-180 6 Rnbd 2-180 as 2-181 Amnd 2-181 19-96 5-23-96 1 18-34.1 22-96 6-13-96 1 2-26 23-96 6-13-96 1 2-42 28-96 7-25-96 1 2-158(d) 29-96 7-25-96 1 2-163(a) 34-96 8-22-96 1 App. C, § 45-36(NXl) 35-96 8-22-96 1 App. C, § 45-34.1(9) 37-96 9-26-96 1 17-33 38-96 10-10-96 1 19-202. 43-96 12-26-96 1-4 26-51-26-54 45-96 12-12-96 1 18-19 46-96 12-12-96 1 45-31(G)(5) 47-96 12-12-96 1 45-31.1(G)(4) 48-96 12-12-96 1 45-33(E}(2) 1-97 1- 9-97 1 45-34.1 3-97 1- 9-97 1 45-36 L " ~ - 6-97 1-28-97 1-3 11.5-21-11.5-23 7-97 1-23-97 1 14-30 9-97 2-13-97 1 11-11 10-97 2-27-97 1-4 App: D 11-97 2-27-97 1 12-16 12-97 2-27-97 1 Added 45-21 2 45-2 3, 4 45-36 15-97 2-27-97 1 28-1 16-97 3-13-97 1 2-16 23-97 5- 8-97 1 2-116 2 Added 2-118 30-97 7-10-97 1 Rpld App. C, § 45-34 31-97 ?-10-97 1(Exhibit A) Added App. C, § 45-32.1 32-97 7-10-97 1 Added App. C, § 45-34 33-97 7-10-97 1 App. C, § 45-16 35-97 8-14-97 1 21-44 37-97 8-28-97 1 6-113(B)(23) 38-97 8-28-97 1 18-35 - 41-97 9-25-97 1 26-29 2 26-31 42-97 9-25-97 1 26-51 2 26-53 43-97 10- 9-97 1 9-21 44-97 10- 9-97 1 2-40 2 2-43 Supp. No. 17 2885 I NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Adoption Section Ord. No. Date Section this Code 1-98 1- 8-98 1 App. C, § 45-33(intro 9D 2 App. C, § 45-33 A. 3 App. C, § 45-33 C. 4 App. C, § 45-33 D. 5 App. C, § 45-33 E.1. 6 Rpld App. C, § 45-33 F.1. 7 App. C, § 45-33 G. 2-98 1- 8-98 1 App. C, § 45-36 P. 3-98 1- 8-98 1 14-30(2) 4-98 1- 2-98 1 App. C, § 45-2 5-98 2-12-98 1 8-16 2 Rpld 8-17 12-98 4-23-98 1 5-1 2-9 5-17-5-24 13-98 5-14-98 1 5-81 2 5-85(12) 14-98 6-25-98 1 2-26 15-98 7- 9-98 1 2-118 17-98 8-13-98 1 App. C, § 45-20(4) 18-98 8-13-98 1 App. C, § 45-34 A. 20-98 8-2?-98 1 19-202(b) 22-98 9-24-98 1 2-164(a) ~ 23-98 9-24-98 1 9-17 ii 24-98 10- 8-98 1 26-29 li 25-98 10- 8-98 1 4-27(d) 27-98 12-10-98 1 20-66(a) 28-98 12-10-98 1, 2 5-84(4), (10) 3 Rnbd 5-84(4}--(10) as (5)--(11) 4 5-86 29-98 12-10-98 1 27-62(b) 4-99 1-28-99 1 9-16 2 9-18 3 9-20 4-6 9-21(a), (b), (d) 7 Rpld 9-21(e), (fl 8 Rpld 9-22 5-99 1-28-99 1 2-43(bXl) 6-99 1-28-99 1 App. C, 45-36Q 7-99 1-28-99 1 6-17 9-99 2-11-99 1 18-34.1 10-99 2-11-99 1 6-111(H) 2 6-115(B) 11-99 2-11-99 1 5-1 2 5-9 3 5-85(7) [The next page is 2933) Stipp. No. 17 2886