Pages Replaced by Supplement #24 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Officials of the Village iii Preface v Adopting Ordinance vii Readopting Ordinance x.i Checklist of Up-to-Date Pages [1] PART I CHARTER Charter 1 Art. I. Corporate Name 3 Art. II. Territorial Boundaries 3 Art. III. Legislative 6.1 Art. 1V. Administrative 11 Art. V. Qualifications and Elections 13 Art. VI. Transition Schedule 14 Charter Comparative Table 65 PART II CODE OF ORDINANCES Chapter 1. General Provisions 77 2. Administration 133 Art. I. In General 135 Art. II. Council 136.4 Div. 1. Generally 136.4 Div. 2. Rules of Procedure 136.4 Art. III. Administrative Code 137 Div. 1. Generally 137 Div. 2. Reserved 139 Div. 3. Department of Finance 139 Div 4. Department of Records 140 Div. 5. Department of Public Safety 141 Div. 6. Department of Public Services 141 Div. 7. Department of Library 142 Div 8. Department of Country Club 142 Div. 9. Department of Recreation 142 Art. IV. Manager 142.1 Art. V. Pensions and Retirement Systems 142.1 Div 1. Generally 142.1 Div. 2. Social Security 142.1 Supp. No. 23 ~ NORTH PALM BEACH CODE i I I I Chapter Page ~ Div. 3. Pension and Certain Other Benefits for Gen- eral Employees 142.3 Div 4. Pension and Certain Other Benefits for Fire and Police Employees 150.1 Div. 5. Length of Service Award Plan for Volunteer Firefighters 158.3 Art. VI. Code Enforcement Board . 159 3. Alcoholic Beverages 211 4. Animals and Fowl 263 Art. I. In General 265 Art. II. Dogs and Cats 266 Art. III. Rabies Control 268 5. Boats, Docks and Waterways 319 Art. I. In General 321 Art. II. Boat Launching Area 325 Art. III. Construction Requirements 326 Div. 1. Generally 326 Div. 2. Canals 326 Div. 3. Bulkheads and Seawalls 327 Div. 4. Docks and Piers 328 Div. 5. Erosion Control Structures 333 Art. IV. Marine Sanctuaries 333 6. Buildings and Building Regulations 381 Art. I. In General 383 Art. II. Minimum Construction Standards 383 Art. III. Appearance Code 384 Div. 1. Generally 384 Div 2. Reserved 398.3 Div. 3. Certificate of Appropriateness 398.3 Art. IV. Reserved 398.5 Art. V. Signs and Outdoor Displays 398.5 Art. VI. Energy Efficiency Building Code 398.16 Art. VII. Coastal Construction Code 398.16 7. Bulkhead Lines 453 Art. I. In General 455 Art. II. Filling Permit 455 8. Emergency Management 507 Art. I. In General 509 Art. II. Civil Disorders and Disturbances 510 9. Country Club 559 Art. I. In General 561 Art. II. Advisory Board 562 Art. III. Finances 563 ~ 10. Elections 615 Art. L In General .617 ~ II Su . No. 23 PP xil I TABLE OF CONTENTS-Contd. Chapter Page Art. II. Reserved 619 Art. III. Inspectors and Clerk 619 Art. IV. Polling Place 620 11. Electricity 671 Art. I. In General 673 Art. II. Electrical Code 673 11.5. Emergency Service 695 Art. I. In General 697 Art. II. Emergency Medical Services 697 12. Fire Prevention and Protection 723 Art. I. In General 725 Art. II. Fire Prevention Code 725 Art. III. Fire Division 726 Div. 1. Generally 726 Div. 2. Personnel 727 Div. 3. Equipment 727 Div. 4. Reserved 728 Art. IV. Recovery of Costs for Cleanup, Abatement and Removal of Hazardous Substances 728 12.5 Flood Damage Prevention 777 Art. I. In General 779 Art. II. Administration 783 Art. III. Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction 786 13. Reserved 839 14. Health and Sanitation 889 Art. I. In General 891 Art. II. Garbage, Trash and Refuse 891 Div. 1. Generally 891 Div. 2. Garbage Collection and Disposal 891 Div. 3. Abandoned, Inoperative and Junked Prop- erty 892 Art. III. Reserved 895 Art. IV. Weeds and Brush 895 15. Housing 945 16. Library 997 Art. I. In General 999 Art. II. Library Board 999 17. Licenses and Miscellaneous Business Regulations......... 1051 Art. I. In General 1053 Art. II. Occupational Licenses 1054 Art. III. Businesses Located Outside Village Limits 1060 Art. N Reserved 1063 Art. V. Ambulances 1063 Art. VI. Garage and Other Sales lOM Supp. No. 23 Xiii NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Chapter Page 17.5 Reserved 1121 18. Motor Vehicles and Traffic 1171 Art. I. In General 1173 Art. II. Operation of Vehicles Generally 1173 Art. III. Stopping, Standing and Parking 1174 19. Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions 1225 Art. I. In General 1227 Art. II. Reserved 1228 Art. III. Offenses Against Property 1228 Art. IV. Offenses Against Public Morals 1228 Art. V. Offenses Against Public Peace 1229 Art. VI. Noise Control 1229 Art. VII. Reserved 1235 Art. VIII. Weapons 1235 Art. IX. Water Shortage Emergencies 1236 Art. X. Alarms 1238 Art. XI. Wellfield Protection 1241 20. Parks, Playgrounds and Recreation 1289 Art. I. In General 1291 Art. II. Meetings and Gatherings 1292 Div. 1. Generally 1292 Div: 2. Permit 1292 Art. III. Recreation Advisory Board 1293 21. Planning and Development 1343 Art. I. In General 1345 Art. II. Planning Commission . 1346 Art. III. Board of Adjustment 1347 Art. N Concurrency Management 1349 Art. V. Stormwater Management 1360 Art. VI. Archaeological Site Protection Regulations 1363 22. Reserved 1411 23. Police 1463 Art. I. In General 1465 Art. II. Reserved 1465 Art. III. Reserve Force 1465 24. Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places 1517 Art. I. In General 1519 Art. II. Excavations 1519 Div. 1. Generally 1519 Div 2. Permit 1520 Art. III. Sidewalks and Driveways 1520 Div 1. Generally 1520 Div 2. Permits 1522 25. Swimming Pools 1573 Art. I. In General 1575 Supp. No. 23 x1V TABLE OF CONTENTS-Contd. Chapter Page Art. II. Construction Permits 1576 Art. III. Public and Private Pools 1577 26. Taxation 1627 Art. I. In General 1629 Art. II. Insurance Excise Taxes 1629 Art. III. Utility Tax 1629 Art. N Utility Tax 1630 27. Trees and Shrubbery 1681 Art. I. In General 1683 Art. II. Trees in Swale Areas 1683 Art. III. Landscaping 1683 Div. 1. Generally 1683 Div. 2. Reserved 1686 Div. 3. Requirements for Certain Yard Areas, Off- Street Parking and Other Vehicular Use Areas 1686 28. Use of Rights-Of--Way for Utilities 1739 29. Telecommunications 1781 Appendices A. Appearance Plan 2043 B. Subdivisions 2353 Art. I. In General 2355 Art. II. Procedures for Subdivision Plat Approval 2358 Art. III. Design Standards 2365 Art. IV Required Improvements 2368.1 Art. V. Enforcement Provisions 2372 Art. VI. Amendments 2378 Art. VII. Legal Status 2379 C. Zoning 2479 Art. I. In General 2481 Art. II. Generally 2485 Art. III. District Regulations 2486.4 Arts. N, V. Reserved 2515 Art. VI. Amendments-Fees; Waiting Periods......... 2515 Art. VII. Nonconforming Uses of Land and Structures. 2516 D. Franchises 2619 Statutory Reference Table 2819 Code Comparative Table-1970 Code 2869 Code Comparative Table-Laws of Florida 2873 Supp. No. 23 XV NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Page Code Comparative Table-Ordinances 2875 Charter Index 2933 Code Index 2935 Supp. No. 23 xVi Checklist of Up-to-Date Pages (This checklist will be updated with the .printing of each Supplement) a e-for-page ublishing Looseleaf Supplements on a p g and From our experience in p h usage substitution basis, it has become evident that throug supplementation many Pages can be inserted and removed in de for the user listing is included in thiro erl refle tsahe latest printing of The following to determine whether the Code volume p P y each. page. a e numbers are listed in s should app ar in an In the first column all P r rating of the pages as they anted column reflects the latest p „ , a es have not been rea Code. up-to-date volume. The letters OC 1 ear aas published for the o~g~ this in the Supplement Service and aPP Tinted in the Supplement Service, a e has been reprinted or p lement Number Printed on When a p g column xeflects the identification number or uPP the bottom of the page. be used existing holders of the na e Code and ubsequent In addition to assisting from the origi in compiling an up-to-date copy Supplements. page No. Supp~ No. Page No. SupP~ No. 22 1 136.1, 136.2 22 Title page 1 136.3, 136.4 23 iii OC 137, 138 23 v, vi OC 139, 140 23 vii, viii OC 140.1 22 ix 1 141, 142 22 x.i, X.11 1 142.1, 142.2 16 x.iii 2g 143 12 xi, xii 23 144.1, 1442 12 xiii, xiv 23 144.3 g xvi OC 145, 146 9 1 8 147,148 20 3, 4 12 149, 150 20 5, 6 lg 150.1, 150.2 11 6.1, 6.2 OC 151, 152 22 7, 8 OC 153, 154 22 9, 10 OC 154.1 20 11, 12 OC 155, 156 22 13, 14 lg 157, 158 20 65 OC 158.1, 158.2 20 77 OC 158.3 19 79, 80 21 159, 160 19 81, 82 23 161, 162 22 133 22 163, 164 135, 136 [1] Supp• No• 23 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. 165, 166 22 723 2 211 OC 725, 726 13 213, 214 19 726.1 13 263 OC 727, 728 5 265, 266 OC 729 5 267, 268 17 777 OC 269 17 779, 780 OC 319 OC 781, 782 OC 321, 322 17 783, 784 OC i 323, 324 16 785, 786 OC 325, 326 16 787, 788 OC 327, 328 21 789 OC 329, 330 22 839 OC 331, 332 22 889 OC 333, 334 20 891, 892 21 381 23 892.1 15 383, 384 17 893, 894 OC 385 17 895, 896 OC 398.3, 398.4 7 945 OC 398.5, 398.6 23 947, 948 23 398.7, 398.8 23 997 OC 398.9, 398.10 23 999, 1000 22 398.11, 398.12 23 1051 OC 398.13, 398.14 23 1053, 1054 9 398.14.1, 398.14.2 23 1054.1, 1054.2 9 398.15, 398.16 8 1055, 1056 21 399, 400 OC 1057, 1058 21 401, 402 OC 1059, 1060 21 403 OC 1060.1 14 453 OC 1061, 1062 8 455, 456 22 1063, 1064 8 507 22 1121 OC 509, 510 22 1171 OC 511 22 1173,1174 17 559 17 1175 19 561, 562 22 1225 OC 563, 564 22 1227, 1228 OC 615 OC 1229, 1230 21 617, 618 OC 1231, 1232 21 619, 620 6 1233, 1234 21 671 2 1235, 1236 21 673 19 1237, 1238 16 695 13 1239,1240 22 697 13 1241,1242 21 Supp. No, 23 [2] CHECKLIST OF UP-TO-DATE PAGES Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. 1289 3 1791,1792 21 1291, 1292 OC 1793, 1794 21 1293, 1294 22 1795, 1796 21 1295 22 2043 OC 1343 4 2045,2046 10 1345, 1346 22 2047, 2048 OC 1346.1 22 2049, 2050 OC 1347, 1348 OC 2051, 2052 OC 1349, 1350 OC 2053 OC 1351, 1352 14 2353 OC 1352.1 14 2355, 2356 OC 1353, 1354 OC 2357, 2358 OC 1355, 1356 OC 2359, 2360 22 1357, 1358 OC 2361, 2362 22 1359, 1360 OC 2362.1 22 1361, 1362 5 2363, 2364 OC 1363, 1364 5 2365, 2366 OC 1365, 1366 5 2367, 2368 1 1367 5 2368.1 1 1411 OC 2369, 2370 OC 1463 OC 2371, 2372 OC 1465, 1466 OC 2373, 2374 OC 1517 OC 2375, 2376 OC 1519, 1520 OC 2377, 2378 22 1521, 1522 OC 2379 22 1523 OC 2479 9 1573 OC 2481, 2482 23 1575, 1576 OC 2483, 2484 23 1577 OC 2485, 2486 23 1627 9 2486.1, 2486.2 23 1629, 1630 21 2486.2.1, 2486.2.2 23 1631 21 2486.2.3 23 1681 OC 2486.3, 2486.4 16 1683, 1684 OC 2487, 2488 OC 1685, 1686 OC 2488.1, 2488.2 18 1687, 1688 17 2489, 2490 18 1689, 1690 17 2491, 2492 18 1739 14 2493,2494 18 1741, 1742 21 2495, 2496 18 1781 21 2497,2498 21 1783, 1784 21 2499, 2500 21 1785, 1786 21 2500.1 21 1787, 1788 21 2501, 2502 18 1789, 1790 21 2503, 2504 18 Supp. No. 23 [3] NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Page No. Supp. No. 2504.1, 2504.2 16 2505, 2506 10 2507, 2508 13 2509, 2510 13 2510.1, 2510.2 13 2511, 2512 23 2512.1, 2512.2 23 2512.3, 2512.4 23 2512.5, 2512.6 23 2512.7 23 2513, 2514 OC 2515, 2516 22 2517, 2518 22 2619 21 2819, 2820 22 2869, 2870 OC 2871 OC 2873 OC 2875, 2876 OC 2877, 2878 OC 2879, 2880 OC 2881, 2882 14 2883, 2884 14 2885, 2886 19 2887, 2888 23 2933, 2934 OC 2935, 2936 23 2937, 2938 23 2939, 2940 23 2941, 2942 23 2943, 2944 17 2945, 2946 23 2947, 2948 23 2948.1 23 2949, 2950 20 2951, 2952 23 2952.1 23 2953, 2954 21 2955, 2956 23 2965, 2966 15 2967 15 Supp. No. 23 ~4~ ADMINISTRATION § 2-4 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL (b) The council is hereby authorized and em- powered to prepare and adopt a budget for each fiscal year by ordinance to be introduced at the Sec. 2-1. Committee and boards. first regular meeting of the council in September of each year, which ordinance shall fix and deter- (s) No person may be a member of any board mine the amount of money to be raised by taxa- created by the village council to advise the village tion in the village for the following fiscal year and council on any matter unless such person shall be shall also make separate and several appropria- and remain a resident of the village during the Lions for the payment of all necessaly operating expenses of the village and for the payment of term of office. interest and principal of any indebtedness of the (b) Any person who, when appointed to any village, and to set forth an estimate of all income such advisory board is a resident of the village but from all sources whatsoever which shall be re- who later terminates such residency, shall, imme- ceived by the village. di ately upon termination of residency, be deemed to be no longer a member of such advisory board (c) Before final passage of the budget ordi- the village clerk shall cause the same as and shall have no right or privilege to vote or lntroduced to be posted at the village hall and in participate in matters of such board. at least one (1) other conspicuous place in the (c) Members of the advisory boards shall serve a nog a statin the ctime and. pllag a the budgetpwill ` at the pleasure of the village council and may be g removed at any time with or without cause. If a be acted on finally and shall also state in such member of any advisory board or a designated notice that the estimate of the village manager alternate of the board is absent from three (3) upon which the budget is based is on file for regularly-scheduled meetings of the board within inspection of the public at the office of the village any twelve (12} consecutive month period without clerk. The budget ordinance shall not be passed such absence being excused by majority vote of by the council until twelve (12) days after such the board, the chairman of the board shall promptly posting, but not later than September 30. (Ch. 31481(1956), Laws of Fla., Art. VII, § 3; Ch. notify the village council. The council may there- 65-1969 Laws of Fla., § 5; Ord. No. 21-76, § 1, after declare the member's office vacant and 10-14-76; Ord. No. 15-77, 1, 2, 8-25-77; Ord. promptly fill such vacancy for the unexposed term No. 23-2001, § 1, 8-9-01) Of Office. Charter reference-Provisions of former chartex not (Code 1970, § 2-18; Ord. No. 18-2001, § 1, 6-28-01) embraced in or inconsistent with 1976 revision continued in effect as ordinances, Art. VI, § 1. Sec. 2-2. Budget procedures. Sec. 2-3. Adjournment of meetings of boards (a) The village manager shall prepare and and commissions. submit to the members of the council, at least All regular meetings, special meetings and forty-five (45) days prior to the first regular meeting of the council in September of each year, workshop meetings for village boards and com- a balanced budget for the operation of the village missions shall be adjourned on or before 11:00 government during the next fiscal year, including P•m• on the date when the meeting convened. an estimate of the revenues and expenditures in (Ord. No. 21-95, § 1, 7-27-95) such forms as to afford the council a comprehen- sive understanding of the needs and require- Sec. 2-4. Investment policy of the village. ments of the various divisions of the village gov- A ose of this statement is ernment for the ensuing year. Sufficient copies of (a) Pur ose. The Pm`A _ this budget shall be prepared so tha th eoffisc a f invest a ttmeana.gementoof publicgfunds of the be at least. three (3) copies on file m village that are in excess of the amounts needed the village clerk. Supp. No. 22 135 1 l l NORTH PALM BEACH CODE § 2-4 4, Monitoring all of the village's olicy investments to anticipate and to meet current expenses. This investment p and approp~ately to chang- hest priority on the safety and xesp places the hig ~g market conditions. liquidity of funds. village will e This investment policy aPPlies to all b. Interest rate risk. The (b) Scop . of the village, except for minimize the risk that the market the investment activity value of securities in the Poe eral its employees' pension funds, which are organized will fall due to changes in g and administered separately, or for funds related interest rates, by: to the issuac et or ~aerit res inheffect for such 1 s~c~lg the investment port- existing poh folio so that the securities ma- funds' tore to meet cash requirements Funds included: for ongoing operations, thereby (1) General fund• avoiding the need to sell secu- rities on the open market prior (2) Special revenue funds. to maturity; and (3) Enterprise funds. o erating funds P~- 2, Investing P (4) Debt service funds. warily in short-term securities, the governing money market mutual funds, (5) Any new funds created by ools un- body unless specifically exempt• or similar investment p objectives, in pri- less it is anticipated that long- (c) Objectives. The primary term securities can be held to of investment activities shall be maturity yvithout jeopardizing ority of order, .li uidity of funds, and maxi- re uirements. safety of principal, q the liquidity q ~z~g investment income. The investment portfolio shall of rincipal is the foxemost (2) Liquidity. uid to meet all op- (1) Safety. Safety P remain sufficiently liq be reason- objective of investment activities. Invest- erating requirements that may lished by ments shall be undertTeS~~a on of api ably anticipated. This is accomp that seeks to imsureQ~folio. All other in- structuring the portfolio so that the secu- tal in the overall p to the vestment objectives are secondary ritiems e a ~ti~ pat a demands aFurther- of rincipal. The objective will be to to ossible cash demands safety P more, since all p mitigate credit risk and interest rate risk. cannot be anticipated, the portfolio should the risk of el of securities with active a, Credit risk. Credit risk, consist larg Y loss due to the failure of the security secondary or resale markets. Portions of the portfolio may be placed in interest- issuer or backer, will be minimized checking/savings accounts with by; bearing ositories. Securities 1 Limitinginvestments tothe saf- qualified public dep stered est types of securities. and Exchange Commission regi the financial in- money market funds with the highest 2. Pre-quahfymg inter- credit quality rating from a nationally stitutions, broker dealers, ized rating agency, or local govern- mediaries, and advisers with recogn e will do busi- went investment pools which offer same- which the villag day liquidity for short-term funds. ness. the investment (3) Investment income. Without compromis- 3, Diversifying otential, losses and liquidity, the highest pos- portfolio so that p ing safety on individual securities will. not Bible total return should be obtai ac ode place an undue financial bur- the village's fixnds. Income will • den on the village, and 136 § 2-4 p~DMINISTR,ATION or that could impair their went program, ability to make impartial decisions. dm_ interest(devidends received s ana lossesno ployees and investment officials shall ealized gain material interest in financial realized or unr security close any conduct busi- principal of the underlying measurements. The invest- institute e shall fi~thex ~.sclose any Per- ~d) Performance ply exceed the ness. Th Y ositions that went income objective is to regal Trea- sonal financiallinvestm ego manCe of the could be related to the p to ees and offic- average rate of return one ate on federal funds, ortfolio. Emp Y Bury Bills, or the averag undertaking peT- our hichever is higher. These endeces are considered investmen p th the arks for risk-free investment ~~sactions ers shall refrain ~ w lord for sonal investment th whomnbusiness is benchm rise a minimum s and therefore comp The envestment same indevidu ent returns above this conducted on behalnof the vii age. the portf°lio's rate of return. ts• The village may program may seek to augur (fj Authorized investme threshold, consestent with risk limitati~C1P es~ invest and reinvest, in accordance within the rodent investment p objectives stated in subsection III, in the follow- fied herein and A fie) Prudence and ethical standards. eng: or savings ac- rudence to be (1) Interest-bearing checking ~1) Prudence. The standard of p ualified public depositories as used shall be the "prndent person rule, counts in q which states that: defined in F.S. section 280.0is en qu~i- (2) Interest-bearing time dep F S Investments should be made fled public depositories as defined in with judgment and care, un- der circumstances then pre- section 280.02. ersons of pro- overnment surplus funds trust v~~,g, which p and (3) The local g intergovernmental invest- dence, discretion, fund or an3' ursuant to the intelligence exercise in the went pool authorized P Florida Interloeal Cooperation Act as pro- management of their own af- section 163.01. fairs, not for speculation, but vided in F.S. consider- d Exchange Commission reg- for the investment, (4) Securities an th the high- ing the probable safet3' °f istered money market funds wi their capita as well as the est credit quality rating from a nationally probable income to be de- recognized rating agency. rived from the investment. anceal officer, or other peT_ t5) Direct obligations of the United States The chief fin in the investment font Treasury. entalities. sons perf°~ g tten encies and instrum Lions, acting in accordance weth wri fig} Federal ag o en-end policies and procedures, and exercising Securities of, or interest in, any p ersonal (7) ement-type envest- due diligence shall be relieved of p an or investment trust regis- onsibility for an inchv'dual securityfs or closed-end manag resp rece changes, pxo- anent comp Y credit risk ox n,~•ket p ectateons are tered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C. sections SOa-1 et seq., vided deviations fr'° andthat apprOP~- roveded reported immediately as amended from tome to tome, p that the portfolio of such investmen com- ate action is taken to control adverse ments. p~,.y or investment trust is lemited to overn- develop _ Qfiicers and employ obligations of the United States entality (2} Ethical standards. rocess went or any agency or instruin ees involved in the investment p thereof and to repurchase agreements frilly shall refrain from personal business TO ler collateralized by such United States Gov- ity that could coiifiictme h f t e ~vest- execution and in.anag 136.1 SuPP• No. 22 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE § 2-4 maturity, issuer, instrument, dealer, or bank ernxnent obligations, and provided that or investment through which these instruments are bought an such investment company trust takes delivery of such collateral ei- sold. Diversifieat0~n ally a deemed necessary by thex directly or through an authorized he chief financial officer. custodian. (g) Other investments authorized by law or Authorized investment institutions and deal- by ordinance by the village. ers. A list will be maintained of financial institu- (g} Maturity and liquidity requirements. The tions authorized to provide investment services. village's investment portfolio shall be structured In addition, a list also will be maintained of to provide sufficient liquidity to pay obligations as approved security brokers/dealers selected by cred- they come due. Furthermore, to the extent possi- itworthiness. ble, an attempt will be made to match investment reements. All secu- (k) Third party custodial ag ro erl maturities with known cash needs and antici- ties purchased by the village shall be p P Y pated cash flow requirements. Unless matched to ated as an asset of the village and shall be a specific cash flow, the village will not directly design custodial more than three held in safekeeping with athird-party invest in securities maturing custodian will be re- years from the date of purchase. institution. The third-party (h) Portfolio composition. The following are quired to designate all securities held as assets of the limits for investments and limits on security the village. No withdrawal of securities, ine cept issues, and maturities in the portfolio. The chief or in part, shall be made from safekeeping, financial officer has the option to further restrict by the chief financial officer, or hislher respective designees. Securities transactions betweenirchase } investment in selected instruments, to conform to ker-dealer and the custodian involving p the present market conditions. transfer of money or Maturity or sale of securities by vs. a Authorized range 11~1¢ximum % securities must be made on a "delivery P Y- Investments went" basis, if applicable, to ensure that the N/A 100°1° or money, as Interest-bearing checking or custodian will have the security savings accounts appropriate, in hand at the conclusion of the 3 years 20% transaction. Interest-bearing time depos- its (1} Master repurchase agreement. All approved 100% re urchase The Lecal Government Sur- N/p' institutions and dealers transacet~ gim as stated plus Funds Trust Fund/iT'ter- agreements shall execute and p governmentalinvestmentpool in the master repurchase agreement. All repur- N/A 50% chase agreement transactions shall adhere to the SecuritiesandExchange Com- urchase agree- mission registered money requirements of the master rep market funds went. 5 years so% ro riate maturity Direct obligations of the (m) Bid requirement. An aPP P United States Treasury date will be determined for each investment based 5 years 80% on cash-flow needs and market conditions. Based Federal agencies and instru- mentalities on these considerations, the chief fins tm offices 20% will analyze and select one or more op YP 5 years of investments and competitively bid the security Open-end or closed-end man- rp riate. Ex- agement-type investments/ ~ question when feasible and app p trusts ce t as otherwise required by law, the bid deemed to best meet the investment objectives specified in (i) Risk and diversification. Assets held shall P be diversified to control the risk of loss resulting subsection III must be selected. from the over-concentration of assets in a specific 136.2 gupp, No. 22 § 2-4 ADMIrTIgTRATION c, If physically issued to the holder but (n) Internal controls. The chief financial officer not registered with the issuer or its shall establish a system of internal controls de- agents, must be immediately placed for safekeeping in a secured vault. signed to prevent losses of fiends, which mig a- arise from fraud, employee error, misrep third parties, or imprudent actions by (2} The village may also receive bank trust tion by emp Y receipts in return for investment o sur- to ees of the village. Such internal controls plus funds in securities. Any trust re- shall be inwriting and made a part of the village's operating procedures and shall be reviewed by ceipts received must enumerate the vari- the course of peri- ous securities held, together with the independent auditors during be required of the odic financial audits as may specific number of each security held. The village. actual securities on which the an bank education. The chief financial ceipts are issued may be held by Y (o) Continuing depository chartered by the federal gov- officer shall complete eight (8}hours of continuing ernment, the state, or any other state as education annually in subjects or courses related defined in F.S. section 658.12, or by a to investment practices and products. national associations organized and exist- (p) Reporting. The chief financial officer shall ing under the laws of the United States which is authorized to accept and execute prepare an annual investment report, wh asss and trusts and which is doing business in the include securities in the portfolio by state. type, book value, income earned, and market value as of the report date. The report will be oses slative and governing body of (r) Sale of securities. When invested funds ar'e provided to the legi art for the pm'p the village. The report shall be available to the needed inuwt ded or for more optimal invest- originally sell such public. ixients, the chief financial officer may investments at the then-prevailing market pace (q) Securities; disposition. and place the proceeds into the proper account or (1) Every security P To eTl dearmarked and; fund. village must be p p Y a, If registered with the issuer or its (s) Policy considerations. agents, must be immediately placed bons. Any investment held prior to in a location that (1} Exemp for safekeeping the adoption of this policy that does not protects the village's interest in the meet the guidelines of this policy shall be security; exempted from the requirements of this form, must be held policy. At maturity or liquidation, such b, If in book entry for the credit of the governing body monies shall be reinvested only as pro- by adepository chartered by the vided by this policy. federal government, the state, or any other state or territory of the United (2) Amendments. This policy shall be re- states which has a branch or prince- viewed on an annual basis. The village rove any changes, as pal place of business in the state as council must app defined in F.S. section 658.12, or by a well as the individual(s) charged with maintaining internal controls. national association organized and existing under the laws of the United t Delegation of authority. The finance direc- States which is authorized to accept ( ) and exercise trusts and which is for is the chief financial officer of the village and doingbusiness in the state, and must itiess The ivillage may tment deceseons and activ- retain a registered envest- be kept in the depository in an ac- to assist in the investment count sepaxate and apart from the went advisory assets of the financial institution; or management process. No person may engage in 136.3 Supp• No. 22 1 NOR`1`H pp,LM BEACH CODE ,ding officer shall Preserve order ,fhe press appoint sl committees (b) se direct. 1•Ie sh t as Provided and decorum• cil shall othervri ore exceP rocedares mess the coon serve m transaction and the P a or. N° Person may image. A n investment s of this Policy s of m Y mayor of the a for one order the term (c) term as ~lld~g the ereander. nancial than one-year ed as mayor °f the established h are the chief fi a or. P who sere serve as mayor villag erson 1 not one (1) Year si atorie er and the e m Y (1) term shat of Authorized gn to initiate ear, but begi~r~ as mayor All investment following ina 1ori one-Year a officer, the villag ~ ~e Aso authorized of hag~n serve as may°r for These indi`ndual the village• two (2) of the after term a transfers for a royal by the village hem one (1) Ye~• § 1; Ord. No. wire require PP to exceed 218-70, .transactions ato le 10- Ord. No. 15-2001, period not 2-9; Ord. No. dePositN°o ~ 9 § 26-96; (Code 1970, § g2) 1996>has g_$2, § 1, 4-22 eetings• (Ord• 2, 6-2 - 1) rd I3o. 31-95+ adopted Oct. 26+as § 2-4. all m d 1, g 0 ent an e discretion of the edi 2.19. Add°uxnYn ecial meetings E~tor's note--C Sec, cil shall be been cocl~,ed herein at th ~ meetings sPlla e coon the date ~ reg~ the vi g 215. Reserved. workshop mee orgb foe 11:00 p•m• on Secs. 2.5- - Darned on the event t during eeting vened• In 00 p,m• that II. CD~CIL* when them co the floor at 11: at TICK business on the chair shaft AR, pending of the meeting~~ that the meeting on 1, GENER~,LY oneelentertain a. meted date certain h t uP j p~,gION tun tim motion, e edp~d the business reconvened atcoancil to agr be the I ensation• of theshall be adjourn ent shall Sec, 2.16. COmp of aft members elected to the m,eeting e of adjournm eeting of the her than the may is hereby at the tim of the next m .fie compensation ors (500.00) Pending on the agenda thereto. cil of dyed dollar or is first item cil pertaiiun$-79) e couns~ of fi e hun the may e coon villag v s villag ed dollar 24-79, § 1, 1 meted at th e compensation °lfiundr (Ord. N°• per inon~ed~ the sum of sax ed• 3, 8-10-78; 0--2.25• R,eserv 20-78, hereb 00) Per month N § 16-97, § 1, Secs• 2-2 RED' t$600. Ord' N°• ION OF Pg,OGEDU (Code 1970, § 2-7; 4 88; Ord. LES 1, 1-1 - S 2, RU N°• 2-88' § 29-99, § 1, $`26-991II, § 4. DNi Ord• Ord No. 3-13-97; omPe~a~'on> ex of bnsiness• ed in the Charter Teference-C ,When held. Sec. 2-26' ~xd all be observ be meetings but sack order . 7. Re~~ • la e council The folio of bus ness,h nt of the councilmen Sec• 21 arsdaY transaction moos copse of the ~ g s ~ meetie and and fourth `L'h varied by unani e re the s shall be held on present: nth. III, § 9ta)- (1) Roll. call, of each m'O 2-8) s procedure, (Code 1970, § Meeting Charter ~f erence•~' cex• . 2-18• S&m~presiding if Sec reside at all meetings, (a) The mayor shall p ce-may°r. In the a ruled of d in his absence, the vi a or, the to determ?n and vice-m Y Authority present, o both the mayor r reference- tem shall Preside. •~Cha~ § 9(b)• absence prt. III' t ro lions generaDY+~' procedure> Prey P T,egislativeprovi ~Ch~ter references III. ],36,4 Supp• N0.22 ADMINISTRATION § 2-155 separate fund, and shall be liable for the safekeep- designated by any of such members. In the event ing of the same under the bond given to the vil- of such repeal, or if contributions to the system lage and shall be liable in the same manner and to are discontinued, there shall be full vesting one the same extent as is liable for the safekeeping of hundred (100) percent of benefits on a proportion- the funds of the village as provided. for by law. All ate basis to the person entitled to benefits in ac- funds now held by the village for this retirement cordance with the provisions thereof. system are hereby transferred to the fund estab- lished by this division. (c) The following shall be the order of priority (Ord. No. 1-83, § 8, 1-13-83; Ord. No. 11-85, § 1, for purposes of allocating the assets of the system 7-11-85) as of the date of such repeal of this division, or if contributions to the system are discontinued with the date of such discontinuance being determined Sec. 2-154. Oaths of office; meetings; quo- by the board: rum. (1) Apportionment shall first be made in re- Before entering upon their duties as members spect to each retired member receiving a of the board, each member shall take and sub- benefit or each person receiving a benefit scribe to the oath of office required by the village on such date on account of a retired (but Charter, which oath shall be filed with the village since deceased) member, and each member clerk. The board shall meet as often as necessary who has, by such date, become eligible for or upon the call of the chairman or any member normal retirement but has not yet retired, thereof or upon request of the village clerk. A ma- an amount which is the actuarial equiva- jority of the board shall constitute a quorum for lent of such benefit, based upon the actu- the transaction of any business. Notice of meet- axial assumptions used for purposes of the ings shall be given to council and the public at most recent actuarial valuation, provided least seven (7) days in advance. that, if such asset value be less than the (Ord. No. 1-83, § 9, 1-13-83) aggregate of such amounts, such amounts shall be proportionately reduced so that the Sec. 2-155. repeal or termination of system. aggregate of such reduced amounts will be equal to such asset value. (a) This division establishing the system and fund, and subsequent ordinances pertaining to the (2) If there be any asset value remaining after system and fund, maybe modified, terminated or the apportionment under subparagraph (1), amended in whole or in part; provided that if this apportionment shall next be made in re- division or any subsequent ordinance shall be spect of each member in the service of the amended or repealed in its application to any per- village on such date who has completed at son benefiting hereunder, the amount of benefits least ten (10) years of credited service and which at the time of any such alteration, amend- who is not entitled to an apportionment un- ment or repeal shall have accrued to the member der subparagraph (1), in the amount re- orbeneficiary shall not be affected thereby, except quired to provide the actuarial equivalent, to the extent that the assets of the fund may be as described in (1) above, of the actuarial determined to be inadequate. normal retirement benefit, based on the credited service and average monthly earn- (b) If this division is repealed and not super- ings as of such date, and each vested former seded by another pension plan, or if contributions member then entitled to a deferred benefit to the system are discontinued, the board shall who has not, by such date, begun receiving continue to administer the system in accordance benefit payments, in the amount required with the provisions of this division, for the sole to provide said actuarial equivalent of the benefit of the then members, any beneficiaries then accrued normal retirement benefit, provid- receiving retirement allowances, and any future ed that, if such remaining asset value be persons entitled to receive benefits under one (1) less than the aggregate of the amounts ap- ofthe options provided for in this division who are portioned hereunder, such latter amounts Supp. No. 9 147 P ..._,1. § 2-155 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE - shall be proportionately reduced so that the (c) Pension validity. The board of retirement aggregate of such amounts will be equal to shall have the power to examine into the facts ~ such remaining asset value. upon which any pension shall heretofore or here- ~ (3) If there be any asset value after the appor- after have been granted or obtained to determine tionments under sub ara a h (1) and (2), if such pension was granted erroneously, fraudu- p ~ _p lently or illegally for any reason. The board is apportionment shall be made in respect of empowered to purge the pension rolls of any per- . each member in the service of the village on such date who is not entitled to an appor- son heretofore or hereafter granted a pension un- tionment under subparagraphs (1) and (2) der prior or existing law or heretofore granted in the amount equal to his accumulated ben- under this division if the same is found to be er- efits, provided that, if such remaining asset roneous, fraudulent or illegal for any reason; and value be less than the aggregate of the to reclassify any pensioner who has heretofore un- amounts apportioned hereunder, such lat- der any prior or existing law or who shall hereaf- ter amounts shall be proportionately re- ter under this division be erroneously, improperly duced so that the aggregate of such re- or illegally classified. duced amounts will be equal to such (d) Incompetents. If any member or beneficiary remaining asset value. is a minor or is, in the judgment of the board, (4) If there be any asset value remaining after otherwise incapable of personally. receiving and the apportionments under subparagraphs ~~g a valid receipt for any payment due him (1), (2) and (3), apportionments shall lastly under the system, the board may, unless and until be made in respect of each member includ- claims shall have been made by a duly appointed ed in subparagraph (3) above to the extent guardian of such person, make such payment or of the actuarial equivalent, as described in any part to such person's spouse, children or other (1) above, of the accrued normal retirement person deemed by the board, in its sole discretion, benefit, less the amount apportioned in sub- to have incurred expenses or assumed responsi- paragraph (3), based on the credit service bility for the expenses of such person. Any pay- and average monthly earnings as of such merit so made shall be a complete discharge of date, provided that, if such remaining asset any liability under the system for such payment. value be less than the aggregate of the (Ord. No. 1-83, § .11, 1-13-83) amounts apportioned hereunder, such amounts shall be reduced so that the ag- Sec. 2-157. Direct transfers of eligible roll- gregate of such reduced amounts will be over distribution. equal to such remaining asset value. (1) General. This section applies to distribu- (d) After all the vested and accrued benefits pro- tions made on or after January 1, 1993. Notwith- vided hereunder have been paid and after all oth- standing any provision of the system to the Gon- er liabilities have been satisfied, then and only trary that would otherwise limit a distributee's then shall any remaining funds revert to the gen- election under this section, a distributee may elect, eral fund of the village. at the time and in the manner prescribed by the (Ord. No. 1-83, § 10, 1-13-83) board, to have any portion of an eligible rollover distribution paid directly to an eligible retirement Sec. 2-156. Miscellaneous. plan specified by the distributee in a direct roll- (a) Discharged members. Members entitled to over. a pension as approved by the pension board shall (2) Definitions. not forfeit the same upon dismissal from the vil- lage, but shall be retired as herein described. (a) Eligible rollover distribution: An eligible . rollover distribution is any distribution of (b) Nonassignability. No benefit provided for all or any portion of the balance to the cred- herein shall be assignable or subject to garnish- it of the distributee, except that an eligible merit for debt or for other legal process. rollover distribution does not include: any Supp. No. 9 148 ADMINISTRATION § 2-166 shall have the same rights as each of the other Sec. 2-165. Reserved. four (4) members appointed or elected as herein Editor's note-.Section 7 of Ord. No. 1-92, adopted Feb. provided. The trustees shall by majority vote elect 13, 1992, repealed former § 2-165, relative to additional rules from its members a chairman and a secretary. and regulations, which derived from Ord. No. 9-82, § 7, The secretary of the board shall keep a complete adopted June 10, 1982. minute book of the actions, proceedings, or hear- ings of the board. The trustees shall not receive Sec. 2-166. Same-Power and authority. any compensation as such, but may receive ex- penses and per diem as provided by law. The board shall be the administrator of the system and, as such, it shall be solely responsible (b) Forfeiture of membership on board for ab- for administering the pension fund. The board senteeism. In the event a member of the board shall have the power and authority: shall fail to attend three (3) consecutive regular meetings of the board, such member shall be (1) To invest and reinvest the assets of the deemed to forfeit membership on the board and pension fund in: shall, at the conclusion of the third such meeting, a. Time or savings accounts of a na- no longer be a member of the board. Such indi- tional bank, a state bank insured by vidual shall not thereafter be eligible for reap- the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor- pointment or election to the board for a period of poration, or a savings, building and two (2) years. Any absence maybe excused by the loan association insured by the Fed- = board upon a showing that there existed justifi- eral Deposit Insurance Corporation. able reasons for the absence. (c) Report and records. The secretary of the b. Obligations of the United States or board shall keep, or cause to be kept in convenient obligations guaranteed as to princi- form, such data as shall be necessary for an P~ and interest by the Government of the United States. actuarial valuation of the assets and liabilities of the system. The fiscal year for the keeping of c. Bonds, stocks, or any other evi- records and rendering reports shall be from Octo- dences ofindebtedness issued or guar- ber 1 through September 30. anteed by a corporation organized (d) Board meetings. The board shall meet at under the laws of the United States, least quarterly each year. At any meeting of the any state or organized territory of board, three (3) trustees shall constitute aquo- the United States, or the District of rum. Any and all acts and decisions shall be by at Columbia, provided: least three (3) members of the board; however, no 1. The corporation is listed on any trustee shall take part in any action in connection one (1) or more of the recog- with his or her own participation in the plan, and nized national stock exchanges no unfair discrimination shall be shown to any and holds a rating in one of the individual participating in the plan. three (3) highest classifications (e) Power to bring and defend lawsuits. The by a major rating service; and board shall be a legal entity with, in addition to 2. The board shall not invest more other powers and responsibilities contained herein, than five (5) percent of its as- the power to bring and defend lawsuits of every sets in the common stock, cap- kind, nature and description. The board shall be ital stock, bonds or indebted- independent of the village to the extent required ness of any one (1) issuing to accomplish the intent, requirements, and re- company, nor shall the aggre- sponsibilities provided for in this article and ap- gate investment in any one (1) plicable law. issuing company exceed five (5) (Ord. No. 9-82, § 6, 6-10-82; Ord. No. 14-87, § 1, percent of the outstanding cap- 9-10-87; Ord. No. 1-92, § 6, 2-13-92; Ord. No. ital stock of that company, nor 22-98, § 1, 9-24-98) shall the aggregate of its invest- Supp. No. 22 157 i § 2-166 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE -- --~ ments in equities at cost exceed Sec. 2-167. Tag on insurers. sixty (60) percent of the pen- (a) There is hereby levied and imposed an sion fund's assets. excise tax upon every insurance company, corpo- (2) To issue drafts upon the pension fund ration or other insurer insuring loss against fire, pursuant to this article and rules and tornado or windstorm or engaged in the business regulations prescribed by the board. All of casualty insurance. Such excise tax shall be in such drafts shall be consecutively num- an amount equal to the rate specified in Chapter tiered, be signed by the chairman and 175, Florida Statutes, multiplied by the gross secretary or their designee, and state upon receipts of premiums from holders of insurance their faces the purpose for which the policies of fire and windstorm insurance, and the drafts are drawn. The village finance di- rate specified in Chapter 185, Florida Statutes, rector or other depository of the village multiplied by the gross receipts of premiums from shall retain such drafts when paid, as holders of insurance policies of casualty insur- permanent vouchers for disbursements ante. All such policies shall be upon property made, and no money .shall be otherwise within the corporate limits of the village. Such drawn from the pension fund. excise tax shall be in addition to any and all excise (3) To finally decide all claims to relief under taxes or license now levied or required by the this article and under the board's rules village. and regulations. (4) To convert into cash an securities of the (b) The proceeds of monies received under this y excise tax shall be received annually from the pension fund. State of Florida by the village and shall be depos- (5) To keep a complete record of all receipts ited to the pension fund no more than five (5) days and disbursements and of the board's acts after receipt. and proceedings. (Ord. No. 1-92, 9, 10, 2-13-92) Editor's note-Section 9 of Ord. No. 1-92, adopted Feb. (6) To recommend an increase or decrease in 13 1992, repealed former § 2-167, and § 10 of the ordinance the benefits payable hereunder, through enacted anew § 2-167 in lieu thereof. The repealed provisions the adaption of an amendment to this pertained to oaths of office, meetings and quorums of the article, but provided such action is based board, and derived from Ord. No. 9-82, § 9, adopted June 10, on an actuarial review by an enrolled 1982. actuary who is a member of the Society of Actuaries. Sec. 2-168. Repeal or termination of plan. (7) To retain, at least once every three (3) (a) This plan and subsequent amendments per- years, anindependent consultant profes- taining to said plan, may be modified, terminated, sionally qualified to evaluate the perfor- or amended, in whole or in part by the employer; mance of professional money managers. provided that if this plan shall be amended or The independent consultant shall make repealed in its application to any person benefit- recommendations to the board regarding ing hereunder, the amount of benefits which at the selection of money managers for the the time of any such alteration, amendment, or next investment term. These recommen- repeal shall have accrued to the member or ben- dations shall be considered by the board eficiary shall not be affected thereby, except to the at its next regularly scheduled meeting. extent that the assets of the fund may be deter- The date, time, place and subject of this mined to be inadequate. meeting shall be advertised in a newspa- per of general circulation in the munici- (b) If this plan shall be repealed, or if contri- pality at least ten (10) days prior to the butions to the plan are discontinued, the board date of the hearing. shall continue to administer the plan in accor- (Ord. No. 9-82, § 8, 6-10-82; Ord. No. 12-85, 1, dance with the provisions of this plan, for the sole 2, 7-11-85; Ord. No. 1-92, § 8, 2-13-92; Ord. No. benefit of the then members, beneficiaries then OS-2001, § 2, 4-12-01) receiving retirement allowances, and any persons ` Supp. No. 22 158 ADMINISTRATION § 2-170.4 (E) Direct rollover: A direct rollover is a pay- . ment by the plan to the eligible retire- ment plan specified by the distributee. (Ord. No. 15-95, § 1, 5-11-95) DIVISION 5. LENGTH OF SERVICE AWARD PLAN FOR VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS* Sec. 2-170.01. Purpose. The purpose of this plan is to award and provide retirement income for active members of the volunteer firefighters of the village in recog- nition of their years of dedicated community ser- vice. (Ord. No. 16-91, § 1, 4-11-91) Sec. 2-170.1. Name of sponsor. The name of the sponsor shall be the Village of North Palm Beach. (Ord. No. 16-91, § 2, 4-11-91) Sec. 2-170.2. Name of plan. The name of the plan shall be "length of service award plan for volunteer firefighters." (Ord. No. 16-91, § 3, 4-11-91) Sec. 2-170.3. Effective date of plan. The effective date of the plan shall be May 1, 1990. (Ord. No: 16-91, § 4, 4-11-91) Sec. 2-170.4. Eligibility to enter plan. Members, as defined herein, means volunteer firefighters duly recognized and enrolled as vol- unteer firefighters with the village. All members must meet each of the following requirements before participating in the plan: (1) Minimum age, eighteen (18). (2) Maximum age, sixty (60). (3) Completed one (1) year of active service with the sponsor. xEditor's note-Ordinance No. 16-91, adopted April 11, 1991, slid not specifically amend this Code; hence, inclusion of 1-12 as Art. V, Div. 5, 2-170.01-2-170.11, was at the discretion of the editor. Cross reference-Fire division, § 12-29 et seq. Supp. No. 20 158.3 1 ADMINISTRATION § 2-171 (4) Completed the sponsor's required proba- (2) Payment mode, annual. tionaiy period. (Ord. No. 16-91, § 8, 4-11-91) (Ord. No. 16-91, § 5, 4-11-91) Sec. 2-170.8. Vesting provisions. Sec. 2-170.5. Entitlement age. The vesting is based on years of credited ser- vice and the following schedule: The entitlement age is the age that members will begin receiving their monthly retirement Years of Service Vested Percentage benefit. Age sixty-five (65) with one (1) year of Less than 4 0 plan participation is generally utilized; however, 4 40 service and participation requirements may be included. Entitlement age is sixty (60) with one 5 50 (1) year of plan participation. 6 60 (Ord. No. 16-91, § 6, 4-11-91) 7 70 8 80 Sec. 2-170.6. Benefit formula. 9 90 Ten (10) or more 100 [The benefit formula shall be as follows:] - (Ord. No. 16-91, § 9, 4-11-91) (1) Past service (befof•e the plan began). Ten Sec. 2-170.9. Village contributions. dollars ($10.00). per month for year of past So long as this system is in effect, the village service for currently enrolled members of shall make a yearly contribution to the plan equal the volunteer firefighters. Eight (8) is the to the cost for the year by the most recent actu- maximum years of past service for which arial valuation. a member may receive credit. (Ord. No. 16-91, § 10, 4-11-91) (2) Future service (after plan begins). Ten Sec. 2-170.10. Trustee and contact person. dollars ($10.00) per month for each year of future service. The village finance director will act as trustee and contact person and will be responsible for (3) Maximum tnorathly benefit. The maxi- contacting the agent or agency administrating the mum monthly benefit a member can re- plan regarding changes and modifications to the ceive at the entitlement age is three hun- plan. Bred dollars ($300.00). (Ord. No. 16-91, § 11, 4-11-91) (4) Mininautn monthly be~zefit. The minimum Sec. 2-170.11. Point system. .monthly benefit a member can receive if the member remains active in the plan Aminimum of fifty (50) points is needed to earn until the designated entitlement age is a year of credited service. The point system that fifty dollars ($50.00). can be earned by volunteer firefighters is set forth (Ord. No. 16-91, § 7, 4-11-91) in Exhibit A attached to Ordinance No. 16-91 and made a part of this division. Sec. 2-170.7. Preretirement death benefit. (Ord. No. 16-91, § 12, 4-11-91) Editor's note-Exhibit A, attached to Ord. No. 16-91 fiom The preretirement death benefit is the death Which this division derives, is not printed herein, but is on file and available for reference in the offices of the village. benefit payable if a member dies before entitle- ment age while still active in the plan. The amount payable is the greater of the face amount ARTICLE VI. CODE ENFORCEMENT of the life insurance or the member's accrued BOARD benefit: Sec. 2-171. Declaration of legislative intent. (1) Face amount of the life insurance, thirty It is the intent of this article to promote, thousand dollars ($30,000.00). protect and improve the health, safety and wel- Supp. No. 19 159 Ii 1 § 2-171 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE fare of the citizens of the village and to provide an Chapter 6, Village of North Palm Beach equitable, expeditious, effective and inexpensive Code, including the building code, the gas code, method of enforcing the hereinafter described the mechanical code, the plumbing code, the codes and ordinances of the village where a pend- appearance code and Appendix A, appearance ing or repeated violation continues to exist. plan, and the sign code. (Ord. No. 19-79, § 1, 9-17-79; Ord. No. 9-80, § 2, Chapter 7, Village of North Palm Beach 4-24-80; Ord. No. 16-82, Art. 1, 9-9-82; Ord. No. Code, containing the bulkhead lines code. 2-86, § 1, 3-27-86) Chapter 11, Village of North Palm Beach Sec. 2-172. Definitions. Code, containing the electrical code. The following words, terms and phrases, when Chapter 12, Village of North Palm Beach used in this article, shall have the meanings Code, including the fire prevention code. ascribed to them in this section, except where the Chapter 14, Village of North Palm Beach context clearly indicates a different meaning: Code, containing the health and sanitation Attorney. Attorney for the village who will code. advise the code enforcement board of legal rules Chapter 15, Village of North Palm Beach or give other legal assistance as required. Code, containing the housing code. Code inspector: Those authorized agents or Chapter 17, Village of North Palm Beach employees of the village whose duty it is to insure Code, containing the occupational license code. code compliance with the codes referred to above, Chapter 19, Village of North Palm Beach including, but not limited to, the village manager, Code, containing the noise control code. building official, director of public safety, and finance director. Chapter 24, Village of North Palm Beach Code, containing the streets, sidewalks and Enforcement board. The Village of North Palm driveways code. Beach Code Enforcement Board. Chapter 25, Village of North Palm Beach Repeat violation means a violation of a provi- Code, containing the swimming pool code. sion of a code or ordinance by a person who has been previously found through a code enforce- Chapter 27, Village of North Palm Beach went board or any other quasi judicial or judicial Code, containing the trees and shrubbery code, process, to have violated or who has admitted including landscaping of yards and parking violating the same provision within five (5) years lots. prior to the violation, notwithstanding the viola- Chapter 28, Village of North Palm Beach tions occur at different locations. Code, containing the franchise ordinance for (Ord. No. 19-79, § 3, 9-27-79; Ord. No. 9-80, § 4, the use of the Village rights-of--way for utilities. i 4-24-80; Ord. No. 16-82, Art. II, 9-9-82; Ord. No. Chapter 36, Village of North Palm Beach 8-90, § 1, 4-12-90; Ord. No. 04-2000, § 1, 2-10-00) Code, containing the subdivision code. Sec. 2-173. Applicability. Chapter 45, Village of North Palm Beach Code, containing the zoning code. The code enforcement board shall enforce and (Ord. No. 19-79, § 2, 9-27-79; Ord. No. 25-79, § 1, have jurisdiction of the following codes: 12-13-79; Ord. No. 9-80, § 3, 4-24-80; Ord. No. Chapter 4, Village of North Palm Beach 15-86, § 2, 10-9-86) Code, containing the animals and fowl code. Chapter 5, Village of North Palm Beach Sec. 2-174. Organization of board. Code, containing the docks and waterways (a) Qualifications and teems. The village coun- code. cil shall appoint aseven-member code enforce- Supp. No. 19 160 BOATS, DOCKS AND WATERWAYS § 5-36 (b) This form shall be in duplicate. The origi- ARTICLE II. BOAT LAUNCHING AREA pal shall be given to the purchaser and the duplicate bound in a book of record for the pur- Sec. 5-33. Designated; use restricted. poses intended. The boat launching area which is leased by the village from North Palm Beach Utilities, Inc., by (Ord. No. 12-98, § 6, 4-23-98) instrument dated May 10, 1960, and more partic- ularly described in Resolution No. 81 of the vil- Sec. 5-22. Same-Claiming of vessel by lage council,. shall hereafter be known as the owner; payment of costs. village boat launching area, and shall at all times be used solely and exclusively for recreational The owner of such impounded vessel may take purposes by village taxpayers or residents. possession of such vessel at anytime prior to the (Code 1970, § 11-11) time of sale provided herein, but such owner shall reimburse the village for all reasonable expenses Sec. 5-34. Repairs prohibited. for removal, storage, advertising and other ex- penses incurred as a result of the impoundment of No repair work upon boats, boat trailers or such vessel." other boating equipment shall be permitted at the (Ord. No. 12-98, § 7, 4-23-98) village boat launching area with the exception of minor repairs or adjustments essentially neces- Sec. 5-23. Same-Reclamation of owner af- sary to make such boat, trailer or equipment ter sale. operable or transportable to a professional facility devoted to such repair service. The proceeds from the sale of any impounded (Code 1970, § 11-12) vessel shall not be expended or disbursed for ninety (90) days after the date of such sale. At any Sec. 5-35. Permits required. time during such period, the owner, upon provid- No boats or boat trailers shall be allowed to ing proof of such ownership of such vessel, evi- remain more than twenty-four (24) hours at the dented by documentary written evidence, may village boat launching area unless a written per- recover back the proceeds of the sale, less all of mit therefor has been secured from the village the expenses incurred in regard to removal, stor- manager. Such permits shall be issued upon such age, advertising and a commission of five (5) reasonable regulations and upon such cost as percent on the gross sales price of such vessel for shall be determined, from time to time, by the the cost of making such sale. If the owner fails to village council. provide proof of ownership and recover back the proceeds of the sale in the time frame set forth (Code 1970, § 11-13) herein, the proceeds of sale shall be forfeited to Sec. 5-36. Abandoned boats and equipment- the village. (Ord. No. 12-98, § 8, 4-23-98) Disposition. (a) It shall be presumed that the owner of each Sec. 5-24. Use of vessel for dwelling pur- boat, each boat trailer, and each piece of boat poses in prohibited area. equipment found on the village boat launching area as to which there is not then outstanding a It shall be unlawful of any person to occupy for currently effective permit issued under section dwelling purposes any vessel in the prohibited 5-35 of this chapter, has abandoned such boat, area except during the period covered by the boat trailer or piece of boat equipment. mooring permit referred to in section 5-17. (Ord. No. 12-98, § 9, 4-23-98) (b) Thereupon, it shall be lawful for the vil- lage, through its officers or employees, to remove such abandoned material from such area, destroy- Secs. 5-25-5-32. Reserved. ing that which is junk and disposing of all other Supp. No. 16 325 § 5-36 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE material for the best price, and upon the best Sec. 5-57. General requirements. terms available. The net proceeds of any such sale shall be deposited in the general fund of the (a) All canals shall be providedwith reinforced village. or prestressed concrete bulkheads which shall (Code 1970, § 11-14) meet the requirements of the village building code and the village ordinances concerning zoning as they are concerned with bulkheads. Sec. 5-37. Same-Recovery. (b) All canals to be constructed in areas pro- At any time within ninety (90) days after the Posed to be platted shall meet the requirements of disposition of any boat, boat trailer or equipment the subdivision ordinance of the village, as set out under section 5-36 of this chapter, the owner, or m Appendix B of this volume, and amendments any person having any alleged interest in such thereto, and must be approved as part of the plan of development of the proposed platted area. disposed of property, may, upon making proof of such ownership or interest, recover back from the (c) Canals to be constructed in unplatted areas village the proceeds of the sale, less all the ex- shall meet the requirements of the village build- penses of caring for, moving, advertising and ing code and all ordinances of the village relating making such sale. to zoning, and plans for the construction of any (Code 1970, § 11-15) canal must be approved by the engineers of the village prior to the issuance of a building permit for such canal. Secs. 5-38-5-48. Reserved. (Code 1970, § 11-24) Cross reference-Zoning, App. C. Sec. 5-58. Navigation canals. ARTICLE III. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Canals which may be used for navigation shall have a minimum width of eighty (80) feet face to face of bulkheads constructed on the sides thereof, DIVISION 1. GENERALLY with the exception of the bottom profile require- ments dictated by the bulkhead design. All such canals shall have a minimum bottom elevation of Secs. 5-49-5-55. Reserved. minus eight (-8) feet mean sea level. (Code 1970, § 11-22) DIVISION 2. CANALS Sec. 5-59. Drainage canals. Canals which are constructed or dug for drain- Sec. 5-56. Compliance with division re- age purposes only and which may be used for quired. drainage purposes only shall be of the width required to provide sufficient cross section for All canals for navigation and/or drainage pur- drainage requirements and shall have amini- poses to be dug or constructed within the corpo- mum bottom elevation of minus eight (-8) feet ~ rate limits of the village, either in whole or in mean sea level. The determination of whether or part, whether or not such canal is dedicated to the not the intended use of a canal is for drainage public, shall be subject to the requirements set Purposes only shall be set forth on the dedication forth in this division. of a plat if such canal is included in a platted area, ~ (Code 1970, § 11-21) and such determination for canals in unplatted areas shall be made by the village building inspec- *Cross references-Buildings and building regulations, tor. The village building inspector shall determine Ch. 6; coastal construction code, § s-151 et seq. that a canal has been constructed for drainage Supp. No. 16 326 BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS § 6-17 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL ARTICLE II. MINIMUM CONSTRiJCTION STANDARDS Sec. 6-1. Construction on public land pro- Sec. 6-16. Authority. hibited. This article is promulgated in accordance with F.S. chapter 166, and chapter 74-565, Laws of It shall be unlawful for any person to erect or Florida, as amended. maintain, or to permit the erection or mainte- (Ord. No. 4-90, § 1, 3-8-90) nance of any structure of any kind, including a Editor's note-The provisions of 6-16 and 6-1'7 were deleted as being superseded by the provisions of 1, 2 of Ord. wall upon, across, over or under any portion of No. 4-90, adopted Mar. 8, 1990, included herein as new 6-16 any publicly dedicated utility Or drainage ease- and 6-17. The deleted provisions pertained to the adoption of went area in the Village. the Standard Building Code, 1985 edition and the county (Code 1970, § 6-1) amendments, and derived from Code 1970, 6-11 and 6-12, and the following ordinances: Ord. No. Date Section Sec. 6-2. Accessibility to`buildings by hand- 7-72 2 icapped persons; state law adopted. 1s-72 1 10-75 7-10-75 1, 2 _ 9-78 5-25-78 1, 2 Pursuant to F.S. section 553.73(2), F.S. part V 3-80 2-14-80 i 25-80 10- 9-80 1, 2 of chapter 553, relating to accessibility to build- 17.82 9-23-82 1 ings by handicapped persons, is hereby adopted 12-83 8-25-83 1, 2 by reference. 16-86 11-13-86 1, 2 Sec. 6-17. Codes adopted. Sec. 6-3. Fire district. The 1997 edition of the Standard Building Code, including Appendix F, the 1997 edition of All property within the village shall be in- the Standard Gas Code, the 1997 edition of the eluded within the fire district. Standard Mechanical Code, and the 1994 edition (Code 1970, § 16-23; Ord. No. 12-72, § 1) of the Standard Plumbing Code, the amendments to each code as recommended by the Building Code Advisory Board of Palm Beach County as amended by the Village of North Palm Beach are hereby adopted and incorporated herein, as part Sec. 6-4. Reserved. of the minimum construction standards for the Editor's note-Pursuant to advice of the city, and at the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. Depart- editor's discretion, Ord. No. 2-83, adopted Feb. 10, 1983, ment of Public Services shall be substituted for codified as Ch. 12.5 of this Code, has been treated as super- Building Department in all the adopted codes. seding former § 6-4 relative to duties of the building official (Ord. No. 4-90, § 2, 3-8-90; Ord. NO. 14-92, § 2, concerning flood management building requirements. Such 9-10-92; Ord. No. 15-96, § 2, 4-25-96; Ord. No. section derived from Ord. No. 7-77, § 1, adopted Apri128, 1977 7_g9, § 1, 1-28-99) and Ord. No. 19-78, § 1, adopted July 27, 1978. Editor's note-The various codes adopted above in § 6-17, and amendments thereto, are not set out at length in this Code but are on file and available for inspection in the offices of the city. Note-See the editor's note following § 6-16. Secs. 6-5-6-15. Reserved. Cross reference-Electrical code adopted, § 11-11; fire prevention code adopted, § 12-16; housing code adopted, § 15-1. Supp. No. 17 383 § 6-18 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Sec. 5-18. Reserved. Sec. 6-31. Definition. Editor's note-Former § 6-18, relative to amendments The terlTl "external architectural feature" is and addition to the Standard Building Code, has been deleted defined to mean the architectural style and gen- pursuant to the adoption of Ord. No. 15-96, enacted April 25, 1996, which adopted the 1994 editions of the various codes as eral arrangement of such portion of a building or detailed in § 6-17. The provisions of former§ 6-18 derived from structure as is designed to be open to view from a Ord. No. 20-93, § 1, adopted Sept. 9, 1993; and Ord. No. 21-93, public street, place or way, or from adjoining § 1, adopted Sept. 9, 1993. premises. Sec. 6-19. Violations; penalty. (Code 1970, § 6-39; Ord. No. 4-71, § 1; Ord. No. Any person, firm or corporation who shall vio- 2-72, § 1) late a provision of this article, Or fail to comply Cross reference-Rules of construction .and definitions therewith, or with any of the requirements thereof, generally, § 1-2. shall be guilty of a. misdemeanor. Each such ~ person shall be deemed .guilty of a separate of- Sec. 6-32. Intent and purposes. fense for each and every day or portion thereof This appearance code is adopted for the follow- ~ during which any violation of any of the provi- ing purposes: I signs of this article is committed or continued and, upon conviction of any such violation, such (1) To promote the public health, safety, mgr- i person shall be punished by a fine of not less than als, comfort and general welfare of the fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than five hundred citizens of the village. dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment not exceed- (2) 7.b enhance the values of property through- ing six (6) months, or by both such fine and out the village. imprisonment. (3) To protect and to stabilize the general (Ord. No. 25-80, § 3, 10-9-80; Ord. No. 12-83, § 3, appearance of buildings, structures, land- 8-25-83) scaping and open areas, in the multiple Editor's note-Ordinance No. 25-80, § 3, adopted Oct. 9, 1980, was nonamendatory of the Code; hence, its inclusion as dwelling, Commercial and public zOriirig § 6-19 was at the editor's discretion. districts Of the village. Sec. 6-20. Reserved.. (4) To insure adequate light, air and privacy for property in the multiple dwelling, com- Editor's note-Section 3 of Ord. No. 14-92, adopted Sept. mercial and public zoning districts of the 10, 1992, repealed former § 6-20, relative to amendments to the Standard Plumbing Code, which derived from Ord. No. village. 20-91, § i, adopted May 23, 1991. (5) To encourage and promote acceptability, Secs. 6-21-6-29. Reserved. .attractiveness, cohesiveness and compat- ibility of new buildings, developments, ARTICLE III. APPEARANCE CODE* remodeling and additions so as to main- DIVISION 1. GENERALLY fain and improve the established Stan- dards of property values within the mul- Sec. 6.30. Short title. title-dwelling, commercial and public This article, including any regulation hereafter zoning districts of the village. adopted, shall hereafter be known, cited and (Code 1970, § 5-22) referred to as the "Appearance Code." (Code 1970, § 6-21) Sec. 6-33. Appearance plan. *Editor'snote-Ordinance No. 6-77, § 5, enacted Apri128, The village hereby adopts by reference thereto 1977, adopted 6-30-6-36, 6-56-6-60, concerning the ap- the appearance plan attached as exhibit A to pearance code, as part of the comprehensive plan for the Ordinance No. 3-72 of the village. The appearance village. Ord. No. 4-79, adopted March 8, 1979, removed the plan is set forth at length in Appendix A of this. appearance code from the comprehensive plan. Cross references-Planning and development, Ch. 21; Code. ~ appearance plan, App. A. (Code 1970, § 6-40; Ord. No. 3-72, § 1) ~ ~ J' Supp. No. 17 3$4 0 BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS § 6-35 Sec. 6-34. ~i,eserved. Editor's note-Ordinance No. 4-79, § 1, adopted March 8, 1979, amended Ord. No. 6-77, § 5, enacted April 28, 1977, to repeal 6-29-6-32 of the 1970 Code, of which 6-30, 6-32 were codified as § 6-34 of this Code. Former § 6-34 pertained to amendments of the appearance plan. Sec. 6-35. Appeals and review The applicant or any interested party may file an appeal to the village council on any ruling by the planning commission made pursuant to this article. An appeal shall be on forms provided by the village. The appeal shall be filed or made [The next page is 398.3] Supp. No. 17 385 i ;� �. I II i '� �' _ �� BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS § 6-113 that are a hazard or a nuisance to occu- utes on a commercially zoned prop- pants of any property because of glare or erty and on which the business being other characteristics. advertised is located and: (17) Signs that contain any lighting or control 1. Is parked within the front two- mechanism that causes interference with thirds of the area between the radio, television or other communication front building line and the front signals. lot line; or (18) Searchlights used to advertise or promote 2. In the case of corner lots, is a business or to attract customers to a parked within the front two- property. thirds of the area between the side building line and the side (19) Signs that are painted, pasted, or printed lot line; or on any curbstone, flagstone, pavement, or any portion of any sidewalk or street, 3. Is parked within thirty (30) feet of any street right-of--way. except house numbers and traffic control signs. (24) Signs displaying copy that is harmful to (20) Signs placed upon benches, bus shelters minors as defined by this code. or waste receptacles. (25) Portable signs as defined by this code. (21) Signs erected on public property, or on (26) Marquee sign as defined by this code. private property (such as private utility e poles) located on public property, other (27) Roof sign as defined by this code. than signs erected by public authority for (28) Changeable copy sign as defined by this public purposes. code. (22) Signs erected over or across any public Exceptions: street except as may otherwise be ex- a. Sign for public, charitable, and reli- pressly authorized by this Code, and ex- gious institutions. cept governmental signs erected by or on the order of the village manager. b. Motor vehicle service station signs; (23) a. Vehicle signs with a total sign area provided, however, that said signs are: on any vehicle in excess of ten (10) 1. Limited to a maximum of twenty square feet, when the vehicle is parked on the same property as the (20) percent of the total sign business being advertised and: area for said vehicle service sta- 1. Is parked for more than sixty tion. (60) consecutive minutes within 2. Changeable copy is limited to one hundred (100) feet of any price offuel and the words "cash" street right-of--way; and and "credit." 2. Is visible from the street-right- 3. The maximum height of change- of-way that the vehicle is within able numbers shall be twelve one hundred (100) feet of; and (12) inches. 3. Is parked on commercially zoned c. Signs in P-Public District. property; (29) Painted wall sign as defined by this code. b. Vehicle signs visible from any street (30) Neon tube sign located inside or outside a right-of--way with a total sign area building and as defined by this code. less than or equal to ten (10) square feet, when the vehicle is parked for (31) Off site/premise sign as defined in this more than sixty (60) consecutivemin- code. Supp. No. 23 398.11 i § 6-113 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE i (32) Signs placed on boats or watercraft that struction is discontinued for a period are located on public or private property of more than sixty (60) days, the other than boat or watercraft name, man- message shall be removed, pending ufacturers name or required license num- initiation or continuation of construc- bers. tion activities. (33) 'Time-Temperature-Date Signs. c. To announce or advertise such tem- (Ord. No. 24-93, § 2, 10-14-93; Ord. No. 13-94, § 2, porary uses as carnivals, revivals, 8-18-94; Ord. No. 37-97, § 1, 8-28-97; Ord. No. sporting events, garage sales, or any 12-2000, § 1, 4-27-00) public, charitable, educational or re- ligious event or function. Such mes- Sec. 6-114. Permitted temporary signs. sage shall be removed within two (2) (A) Where allowed. Temporary signs are al- working days after the special event. lowed throughout the village, subject to the re- Approval of the size and locations of the signs by the department of pub- strictions imposed by this section and other rele- lic services is required. want parts of this Code. Temporary signs do not require a building permit. d. Political sign. Nothing shall be con- strued to regulate the content or (B) Sign types allowed. A temporary sign may internal design of a political sign. be%a pole, ground or building wall sign, but may Such sign shall be removed not more not be an electric sign. than seven (7) calendar days follow- (C) Removal of illegal temporary signs. Any ing the event advertised by the sign. temporary sign not complying with the require- (E) Permissible size, height and number of ~ ments of this section is illegal and subject to temporary signs. immediate removal by the village forces. (1) One-family and two-family residences. A (D) Restrictions on content of temporary signs. parcel on which is located a single one- A temporary sign may display any message so family or two-family residence may dis- long as it is not: play not more than one temporary sign (1) Harmful to minors as defined by this with a sign area of not more than five (5) code. square feet. No sign shall exceed five (5) feet in height. Front setback shall be ten (2) Advertising as defined by this code, ex- (10) feet and side setback shall be three cept that advertising for the following (3) feet. purposes may be displayed: a. To indicate that an owner, either (2) Multi family residences. Aparcel on which is located amulti-family residence may personally or through an agent, is display .not more than one (1) temporary actively attempting to sell, rent or sign with a sign area of not more than lease the property on which the sign thirty-two (32) square feet. No individual is located. sign shall exceed eight (8) feet in height. b. To identify construction in progress. Front setback shall be ten (10) feet and Such message shall not be displayed side setback shall be three (3) feet. more than sixty (60) days prior to (3) On all other parcels. All other parcels may the beginning of actual construction display not more than one (1) temporary of the project, and shall be removed sign with an aggregate sign area of not when construction is completed. If a more than sixteen (16) square feet. No message is displayed pursuant to sign shall exceed eight (8) feet in height. this section, but construction is not initiated within sixty (60) days after (4) All areas. Three (3) temporary political the message is displayed, or if con- signs, each not exceeding five (5) square Supp. No. 23 398.12 BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS § 6-115 feet in sign area and not more than five code, noncommercial messages, by their (5) feet in height, may be displayed on a very nature, shall never be deemed off- parcel. premises. (Ord. No. 24-93, § 2, 10-14-93; Ord. No. 32-2000, § 1, 10-12-00) (C) Permissible number, area, spacing and height of permanent accessory signs. Sec. 6-115. Permitted permanent accessory (1) Ground signs: signs. a. Multi-family buildings with more (A) Sign types allowed. A permanent accessory than four (4) dwelling units. sign may be a ground or building wall sign. Number -One (1) maximum. (B) Content. A permanent accessory sign may Sign Area -Maximum thirty-two only display any combination of the following, (32) square feet. none of which may be harmful to minors as Height -Eight (8) feet maximum. defined in this Code. Set back, Minimum -Ten (10) feet (1) Letters depicting the name of the building front -three (3) feet side. or the name of the building occupant. b. Commercial occupancy: (2) Letters depicting the nature of the busi- Number -One sign per parcel right- ness and that are a maximum of fifty (50) of-way frontage maximum. percent of the height of the letters in paragraph (B)(1) of this section. Sign sign Sign Face Setback Height Area (3) A logo symbol for the building or the Minimum Maximum Maximum building occupant which does not exceed 5 ft. 8 ft. 30 sq. ft. fifty (50) percent of the allowable sign 10 ft. 8 ft. 36 sq. ft. area. 20 ft. l0 ft. 40 sq. ft. (4) Street address number and/or name. 30 ft. 10 ft. 45 sq. ft. (5) Noncommercial message. Notwithstand- (2) Building wall signs: ing anything contained in other sections a. Subject to the design criteria of this of the Code of the village to the contrary, article, the maximum mounting any sign erected pursuant to the provi- height of a building wall sign shall sions of this code may, at the option of the be eighteen (18) feet, except that on applicant, contain either anoncommer- a building of more than two (2) sto- cial message unrelated to the business Ties, a single building wall sign is located on the premises where the sign is allowed above eighteen (18) feet fac- erected or a commercial message related ing each public street frontage. to the business and located on the busi- ness premises. The noncommercial mes- b. Each multiple occupancy complex sage may occupy the entire sign face or may display one (1) permanent ac- portion thereof. The sign face may be cessory building wall identification changed from commercial to noncommer- sign facing each public street front- cial messages as frequently as desired by age on the principal building in which the complex is located, not to exceed the owner of the sign, provided that the size and design criteria conform to the a sign area of twenty (20) square applicable portions of this code, the sign is feet. allowed by this code, the sign conforms to c. Each occupant of a multiple occu- the requirements of the applicable zoning panty complex that has a licensed designation and the appropriate permits building frontage which has direct are obtained. For the purposes of this sign ground level walk-in access from a Supp. No. 23 398.13 I, § 6-115 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE public or private roadway or side- feet in background area nor exceed three (3) feet walk may display one (1) permanent in height. Such signs shall not create a traffic or accessory building wall sign on any pedestrian hazard. (See section 6-112(B)). exterior portion of the complex that is part of the occupant's unit (not (E) Signs at entrances to residential develop- including acommon or jointly owned ments. area), and that has a maximum sign (1) Generally. A permanent accessory sign area of five (5) percent of the facade may be displayed at the entrance to resi- area if the front building setback is dential developments. twenty-five (25) feet minimum, seven (2) Restrictions. (7) percent of the facade area if the front building setback is seventy (70) a. One (1) sign is permitted at only one feet minimum and ten (10) percent (1) entrance into the development from each abutting street. The sign of the facade area if the front build- may be a single sign with two (2) ing setback is one hundred (100) feet faces of equal size or may be two (2) minimum. Exception: An occupant single-faced structures of equal size that has building facade area facing located on each side of the entrance. multiple public street frontages may No face of the sign shall exceed thirty- have one (1) full size wall sign facing two (32) square feet in size, and may a public street frontage and aone- be illuminated in a steady light only. half (~/2) size wall sign facing the other street frontages. b. When considering the placement of such signs, the planning commission l d. Each occupant of a single occupancy shall consider the location of public J complex may display one (1) perma- utilities, sidewalks and future street vent accessory wall sign on the prin- widening. cipal building in which the occu- c. The planning commission shall en- pancy is located, not to exceed a sign sure that such signs shall be main- area of five (5) percent of the facade tained perpetually by the developer, area if the front building setback is the owner of the sign, a pertinent twenty-five (25) feet minimum, seven owners' association, or some other (7) percent of the facade area if the person who is legally accountable front building setback is seventy (70) under a maintenance arrangement feet minimum and ten (10) percent approved by the village council. If no of the facade area if the front build- accountable person accepts legal re- ingsetback is one hundred feet (100) sponsibility to maintain the signs minimum. and no other provision has been made Exception: An occupant that has for the maintenance of them, the building facade area facing multiple signs shall be removed by the devel- oper or owner. public street frontages may have one (1) full size wall sign facing a public (F) Flags. street frontage and one-half (i/a) size wall sign facing the other street front- (1) Number. Not more than three (3) flags or insignias of governmental, religious, char- ages. itable, fraternal or other organizations (D) Directional signs. One (1) parking area maybe permanently displayed on any one directional sign may be erected at each point of parcel of land. ingress and egress to a parking lot or parking (2) Size. The maximum distance from top to area. Such signs shall not exceed two (2) square bottom of any flag or flags shall be twenty Supp. No. 23 398.14 BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS § 6-116 (20) percent of the total height of the flag operation of the village and its various pole, or in the absence of a flag pole, governmental, recreation and proprietary twenty (20) percent of the distance from operations. the top of the flag or insignia to the ground. The maximum height of a flag (3) Size-Height-Location. Shall be no pole shall be twenty (20) feet. greater than the signs allowed in adjacent zoning districts. (G) Utility signs. Public utility signs that iden- (4) Additional signs. The following additional tify the location of underground utility lines and signs are permitted: Locational and direc- facilities, high voltage lines and facilities, and tional signs at outdoor public recreation other utility facilities and appurtenances are per- park and sporting events which may in- mitted so long as they do not exceed three (3) feet elude advertising logo of the entity spon- in height, and so long as the sign face does not soring the activity or event being held on exceed one-half (i/z) square foot. publicly owned property, including, but (H) Street numbers. not limited to youth athletic associations, organized team competitions, swimming (1) Generally. Every building in the village meets, tennis tournaments and golf course shall have its street number so affixed to benches with direction and ball washing the building or the premises upon which facilities at each tee. the building is located that it is both (J) Strings of white light bulbs. Strings of visible and legible from the public street. white light bulbs may be permanently permitted (2) Commercial buildings. Every commercial to outline buildings and decorate trees on com- building with a wall facing an alley shall mercially developed property provided. that such have each individual tenancy street num- display does not interfere with neighboring land ber affixed to the building above or next to uses. A building permit is required. the rear door serving each tenancy so that (Ord. No. 24-93, § 2, 10-14-93; Ord. No. 13-94, § 3, the number is both visible and legible 8-11-94; Ord. No. 10-99, § 2, 2-11-99; Ord. No. from the alley. The street numbers shall 22-2000, § 1, 8-24-00; Ord. No. 31-2001, § 2, be reflective. 10-25-01) (3) Height-Color. All street numbers shall Sec. 6-116. Measurement determinations. be a minimum of three (3) inches in height on residential buildings and a minimum (A) Facade area. The facade area shall be of six (6) inches on commercial buildings. measured by determining the area within atwo- Maximum height of all street numbers dimensional geometric figure coinciding with the shall be eight (8) inches. All street num- edges of the walls, windows, doors, parapets, bers shall be a sharply contrasting color marquees, and roof slopes of greater than forty- with the building. five (45) degrees that form a side of a building or unit. (4) Maintenance. It shall be the duty of the owner of the building to maintain the (B) Sign area. numbers on the building in good condi- (1) Generally. The area of a sign shall be the tion. area within the smallest square, rectan- (I) Signs in P-Public Zoning District. gle, parallelogram, triangle, circle or semi- circle, the sides of which touch the ex- (1) Type-On premise, wall and ground signs. treme points or edges of the sign face. (2) Number-Such number as shall be per- (2) Special situations. mitted by the village council, in its discre- (a) Where a sign is composed of letters tion, to assist in the administration and attached directly to a facade, win- Supp. No. 23 398.14.1 § 6-116 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE dow, door, or marquee, and the let- ters are not enclosed by a border or trimming, the sign area shall be the area within the smallest rectangle, parallelogram, triangle, circle or semi- circle, the sides of which touch the extreme points of the letters or pic- tures. (b) Where two (2) sign faces are placed back to back on a single sign struc- ture, and the faces are at no point more than four (4) feet apart, the area of the sign shall be counted as the area of one {1) of the faces. (c) Where three (3) or more sign faces are arranged in a square, rectangle, or diamond, the area of the sign shall be the area of the two (2) larg- est faces. (C) Number of signs. (1) Generally. In general, the number of signs shall be the number of non-contiguous l sign faces. Multiple non-contiguous sign J faces maybe counted as a single sign if all the sign faces are included in the geomet- ric figure used for determining the sign area. (2) Special situations. (a) Where two (2) sign faces are placed back to back and are at no point more than three (3) feet apart, it shall be counted as one sign. (b) If a sign has four (4) faces arranged in a square, rectangle or diamond, it shall be counted as two (2) signs. (D) Sign height. The height of a sign shall be measured as the vertical distance from the fin- ished grade, excluding berms, at the base of the supporting structure to the top of the sign, or its frame or supporting structure, whichever is higher. (Ord. No. 24-93, § 2, 10-14-93) Sec. 6-117. Design, construction, and loca- tion standards. (A) Generally. All permanent signs must com- ply with the following design, construction and 1 location standard. J i Supp. No. 23 398.14.2 COUNTRY CLUB § 9-2 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL and rough areas during the period from one (1) hour after sunset to one Sec. 9-1. Premises-General regulations. (1) hour before sunrise each day. b. Other areas at the North Palm Beach No person, other than village employees or Country Club, including the club- persons authorized by the village, on the premises house, tennis facilities, swimming of the North Palm Beach Country Club, including pool area and winter club except the North Palm Beach Country Club Golf Course, during daylight hours and during tennis club and tennis facilities, driving range, the hours of one (1) hour after sunset swimming pool area, dining room, bar, winter and one (1) hour before sunrise as club facilities and all other premises included the premises are lighted and use within the property acquired by the village as thereof has been expressly approved part of the North Palm Beach Country Club, both by the village for the country club under the original purchase and under the option restaurant, bar facilities, swimming by which it acquired the tennis club area, shall: pool area, tennis courts, golf course, (1) Disfiguration and/or removal of building driving range and the winter club. The opening and closing hours for and other property. such latter areas shall be posted at a. Willfully mark, deface, disfigure, in- the main entrance to the facilities jure, tamper with or displace or re- for public information. Ona (1) hour move any building, paving or paving after sunset and one (1) hour before materials, lawn, sod, water line or sunrise, all portions of the North other public utilities, parts of appur- Palm Beach Country Club which are tenances thereof, signs, notices or not lighted and permitted for use as placards, whether temporary or per- described above shall be closed to manent, or any other structures, the public, and no person or persons equipment, facilities or country club shall walk or be upon any portion of property or appurtenances thereto, the country club premises which is either real or personal. closed to the public during those hours. b. Dig or remove or disfigure any of the (Ord. No. 5-80, § 1, 3-13-80) tee areas, fairways, greens or rough Editor's note-Ordinance No. 5-80, § 1, adopted Mar. 13, on the North Palm Beach Country 1980, amended the Code with the addition of a new § 9-21. Club Golf Course. However, in order to maintain Code format, the editor has redesignated the provisions as § 9-1. c. Damage, cut, carve, transplant or remove any tree or plant or injure Sec. 9-2. Same-Signs; enforcement; penal- the bark or pick the flowers or seeds ties. of any tree or plant. Nor shall any person attach any rope, wire or any (a) The village manager shall place appropri- contrivance to any tree or plant. A ate signs advising the public of the closing of person shall not dig in or otherwise country club facilities at each entrance to the disturb grassy areas or in any other North Palm Beach Country Club and at each of way injure or impair the natural the North Palm Beach Country Club facilities beauty or usefulness of any area. main entrances. (2) Hours. Be physically present on: (b) All employees at the North Palm Beach Country Club and the public safety department a. The golf course at the Village of and public safety office at the village shall, in North Palm Beach Country Club, connection with their duties imposed by law, including all tees, fairways, greens diligently enforce the provisions of sections 9-1 Supp. No. 22 561 § 9-2 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE and 9-2. The North Palm Beach Country Club specialist when available. For purposes of this Manager and all persons employed at the North section of the Code, a marketing specialist shall Palm Beach Country Club shall have the author- be defined as an individual with experience work- ity to reject from the country club premises any ing for the media, for an advertising agency, for a person acting in violation of sections 9-1 and 9-2. public relations firm, or in a related field. The North Palm Beach Public Safety Department and any North Palm Beach Public Safety Officer (b) Terms. Upon the expiration of the terms of shall have the authority to enforce sections 9-1 four (4) members of the board on September 30, and 9-2 .and to arrest any persons trespassing 1998, the village council shall make appointments upon the country club property in violation of the of four (4) members with terms commencing Oc- hours of use and other provisions of sections 9-1 tober 1, 1998, and expiring April 30, 2000. The and 9-2. terms of the three (3) members of the board whose expiration date is scheduled to be September 30, (c) Penalties. Violation of any provision of this 1999, are changed to provide for an expiration Code section shall be punished as provided in date of April 30, 1999. Thereafter, the village section 1-8 of this Code. council shall make appointments to the board in (Ord. No. 5-80, § 2, 3-13-80) April of each year for two-year terms commencing Editor's note-Ordinance No. 5-80, § 2, adopted Mar. 13, May 1, thereafter. 1980, amended the Code with the addition of a new § 9-22. At the editor's discretion, in order to maintain Cade format, the (c) Vacancies. An appointment to fill any va- provisions have been redesignated as § 9-2. cancy shall be for the remainder of the unexpired Secs. 9.3-9-15. Reserved. term of office. (Ord. No. 39-90, § 2, 11-19-90; Ord. No. 18-93, § 1, 7-22-93; Ord. No. 23-98, § 1, 9-24-98; Ord. No, ARTICLE II. ADVISORY BOARD* 12-2001, § 1, 5-10-01) Sec. 9-16. Created. Sec. 9-18. Removal. A country club advisory board (hereinafter re- If a member of the advisory board or a desig- ferred to as the board) for the village is hereby nated alternate of the board is absent from three created. (3) regularly-scheduled meetings of the board (Ord. No. 39-90, § 1, 11-19-90; Ord. No. 4-99, § 1, within any twelve (12) consecutive month period 1-28-99) without such absence being excused by majority vote of the board, the chairman of the board shall Sec. 9-17. Composition; terms; vacancies. promptly notify the village council. The council (a) Composition. The board of trustees shall be may thereafter declare the member's office vacant appointed by the village council and shall consist and promptly fill such vacancy for the unexpired of seven (7) members who shall be residents of the term of office. village. At least one (1) member of the board shall (Ord. No. 39-90, § 3, 11-19-90; Ord. No. 4-99, § 2, be a pool member of the country club, one (1) 1-28-99; Ord. No. 18-2001, § 2, 6-28-01) member of the board shall be a tennis member of the country club, one (1) member of the board Sec. 9-19. Officers' quorum; compensation. shall be a golf member of the country club, and one (1) member of the board shall be a marketing At the first organizational meeting of the board, the members shall .elect a chairman, vice chair- *Editor's note-Ordinance No. 39-90, adopted Nov 19, man and secretary from among its members. 1990, did not specifically amend this Code; hence, inclusion of Subsequent to the initial organization meeting 1-7 as Art. II, 9-16-9-22, was at the discretion of the where officers are elected, the members shall editor. Ord. No. 4-99, § 1, adopted Jan. 28, 1999, changed the title of Ch. 9, Art. II from Administrative Board to Advisory elect the officers from among its members at the Board. first regular meeting in October of each year. The ~ Cross reference-Administration generally, Ch. 2. presence of four (4) members shall constitute a Supp. No. 22 562 COUNTRY CLUB § 9-32 quorum and motions shall be approved by a (d) Country club budget. The country club bud- majority of members present. The members shall get shall be prepared and processed as other serve without compensation. departmental budgets. (Ord. No. 39-90, § 4,11-19-90; Ord. No. 18-93, § 2, (Ord. No. 39-90, § 7, 11-19-90; Ord. No. 33-91, § 1, 7-22-93) 10-24-91; Ord. No. 13-93, § 1, 5-13-93; Ord. No. 43-97, § 1, 10-9-97; Ord. No. 4-99, 4-7, 1-28- Sec. 9-20. Meetings. 99) The board shall schedule at least one (1) regu- Sec. 9-22. Reserved. lar meeting per month. In addition, the chairman Editor's note-Ord. No. 4-99, § 8, adopted Jan. 28, 1999, may call special meetings and special meetings repealed the provisions of former section 9-22 which pertained maybe called by written notice signed by at least to the village manager and derived from Ord. No. 39-90, § 7, four (4) members of the board. Minutes shall be adopted Nov 19, 1990 and Ord. No. 13-93, § 2, adopted May kept of all meetings. Notice of all meetings shall 13, 1993. be posted in accordance with the procedures es- tablished bythevillage council. All meetings shall Secs. 9-23-9-31. Reserved. be open to the public. The attorney for the village may give legal assistance to the board as re- quired. The board shall enact or adopt rules for ARTICLE III. FINANCES the conduct of its meeting. All members shall be _ apprised of the applicability of the "sunshine law" Sec. 9-32. Delinquent accounts; penalties. to the board and its members. (Ord. No. 39-90, § 5, 11-19-90; Ord. No. 4-99, § 3, (a) Effective November 1, 1971, all past-due 1-28-99) charges for goods or services purchased at the country club shall carry a penalty of one and Sec. 9-21. Duties. one-half (1~/2) percent of the amount due for each thirty (30) days the account is past due on all (a) Management and administration policies. accounts where the past-due indebtedness is ten The board shall have such duties as set forth by dollars ($10.00) or more. the village council by resolution. The board shall (b) Effective November 1, 1971, all past-due advise and recommend policies, programs and membership fees at the country club shall carry a activities to the village council as they relate to penalty of one and one-half (1'12) percent of the the use of the country club facilities. The board in amount past due for each thirty (30) days the its recommendations for the country club shall membership fee is past due on all accounts where not discriminate between club members and vil- the past-due indebtedness is ten dollars ($10.00) loge resident non-members which would favor the or more. club members' accessibility to club facilities. The country club administrator shall provide for the (c) All billings for membership fees and for daily management, administration and operation goods or services purchased at the country club of the country club and shall report to the village shall contain information advising the customer manager. of the penalty charge for late payment, with 'at least athirty-day notice of such penalty. (b) Country club administrator. The country club administrator shall serve as the village (d) In addition to the penalties set forth in manager's representative to the country club ad- paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, any person ministrative board. whose account for membership fees or for goods and services purchased at the country club is (c) Village employees. The country club admin- delinquent beyond two (2) billing periods shall istrator is responsible for evaluating all country have his membership privileges suspended at the club employees. country club and shall no longer be entitled to Supp. No. 22 563 § 9-32 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE purchase goods and services or to utilize the facilities at the country club until he has brought his account current. (Code 1970, § 10.5-40; Ord. No. 211-70, § 1; Ord. No. 9-71, § 9; Ord. No. 3-76, § 1, 3-11-76) i i i [The next page is 615] Supp. No. 22 564 ELECTRICITY § 11-12 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Secs. 11-1-11-10. Reserved. ARTICLE II. ELECTRICAL CODEY Sec. 11-11. Code adopted. The National Electric Code, 1999 edition, and the Palm Beach Countywide Amendments thereto, are hereby adopted and incorporated herein, as the minimum standard for the village. (Ord. No. 10-78, § 2, 5-25-78; Ord. No. 7-79, § 1, 4-26-79; Ord. No. 6-82, § 1, 2-25-82; Ord. No. 13-85, § 1, 8-8-85; Ord. No. 19-86, § 1, 11-13-86; Ord. No. 6-88, § 1, 1-28-88; Ord. No. 19-91, § 2, 5-23-91; Ord. No. 14-94, § 2, 8-11-94; Ord. No. 9-97, § 1, 2-13-97; Ord. No. 05-2000, § 1, 2-10-00) Editor's note-It should be noted that the county amend- ments referred to herein are not set out; the amendments may be found in the office of the village clerk. Sec. 11-12. Amendments, corrections, addi- tions. The following amendments, corrections and additions to the recommended amendments of the building code advisory board of the county are hereby made and adopted, such amendments, corrections and additions being set forth herein with reference to and prefaced by the section number and title of the amendments, as follows: 80-8.10.4. Sclzedule of permit fees. Amend to read: See Chapter 6, Article II of the village Code. 80-10. Board of adjustment and appeals: The board referred to within this section shall be the village contractors board. 80-12. Uiolatiorzs and penalties. Delete entirely. (Ord. No. 10-78, § 3, 5-25-78; Ord. No. 7-79, § 2, 4-26-79; Ord. No. 6-82, § 2, 2-25-82; Ord. No. 13-85, § 2, 8-8-85; Ord. No. 19-86, § 2, 11-13-86; Ord. No. 6-88, § 2, 1-28-88) Editor's note-Ordinance No. 10-78, 2, 3, enacted May 25, 1978, adopted provisions designated as 13-1, 13-2 of the 1970 Code; the editor has redesignated the provisions as Art. II, 11-ll, ll-12 of this Code. [The next page is 695] Supp. No. 19 673 i Chapter 12 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION* Art. I. In General, 12-1-12-15 Art. II. Fire Prevention Code, 12.16-12-28 Art. III. Fire Division, 12-29-12-100 Div. 1. Generally, 12-29-12-38 Div. 2. Personnel, 12-39-12-50 Div. 3. Equipment, 12-51-12-62 Div. 4. Reserved, 12-63-12-100 Art. IV. Recovery of Costs for Cleanup, Abatement and Removal of Hazardous Substances, 12-101-12-107 *Editor's note-On Aug. 27, 1968 the village entered into a mutual Cirefighting aid or protection pact with other municipalities and fire control districts located in Palm Beach County. (See Resolution No. 363.68). Cross references-Pension and other benefits for fire employees, § 2.159 et seq.; enforcement of Ch. 12 by code enforcement officer, § 2-171 et seq.; buildings and building regulations, Ch. 6; electricity, Ch. 11; housing, Ch. 15. Supp. No. 2 723 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION § 12-17 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL. There is hereby established a division of the public safety department to be called the fire Secs. 12-1-12-15. Reserved. division and the person in charge shall be known as the fire official and fire chief. Section 103. Amend section 103 to read as ARTICLE II. FIRE PREVENTION CODE follows: 103 -PERMITS Sec. 12-16. Adopted by reference. Aperson, firm or corporation shall not main- Under the authority of the Florida Statutes, tain, store or handle materials, or conduct the village of North Palm Beach hereby adopts by Processes which produce conditions hazardous reference thereto the Standard Fire Prevention to life or property, or install equipment used in Code, 1994 Edition, and the Life Safety Code of connection with such activities without first the National Fire Protection Association 101, 1988 obtaining a permit from the fire official. Edition, as published by the National Fire Protec- 103.1 Permit Application. tion Association as the fire prevention code for the 103.1.1 When Required. Any owner, au- village. There has been for at least ten (10) days thorized agent, or contractor who desires last past and shall be during the time that this to maintain, store or handle materials or code is in effect, three (3) copies of each code and to conduct processes as described in this recommended amendments kept available for pub- code shall first make application to the lit use, inspection and examination. fire official and obtain the required per- (Code 1970, § 6-11; Ord. No. 16-75, § 1, 10-9-75; mit as authorized in Chapter 4. Ord. No. 13-77, § 1, 7-14-77; Ord. No. 22-80, § 1, 10-9-80; Ord. No. 7-83, § 1, 8-25-83; Ord. No. 3-87, 103.1.2lnformationRequired. Each ap- § 1, 1-22-87; Ord. No. 6-90, § 1, 3-22-90; Ord. No. plication for a permit, with the required 13-92, § 1, 9-10-92; Ord. No, 11-97, § 1, 2-27-97) fee, shall be filed with the fire official on a Cross references-Building, gas, mechanical and plumb- form. furnished for that purpose, and shall ing codes adopted, § 6-17; electrical code adopted, § 11-11; contain a general description of the oper- housing code adopted, § 15-1. ation or occupancy and its location and any other information as may be required Sec. 12-17. Amendments.. by the fire official. The application shall be signed by the owner or his authorized The following amendments and additions are agent. hereby made to the Fire Prevention Code adopted by section 12-16 of this Code: 103.1.3 Time Limitations. An applica- tion for a permit for any proposed work Section 10-1.3.5. Add new section 101.3.5 as shall be deemed to have been abandoned follows: six (6) months after the date of filing for 101.3.5 Maintenance. All buildings or strut- the application, unless before then a per- mit has been issued. One or more exten- tures both existing and new, and all parts sions of time for periods of not more than thereof, shall be maintained in a safe condition. ninety (90) days each may be allowed by All devices or safeguards which are required by the fire official for the application, pro- this code shall be maintained in good working vided the extension is requested in writ- order. The owner, or his designated agent, shall ing and justifiable cause is demonstrated. be responsible for the maintenance of buildings and structures. 103.2 Issuing Permits. Section 101.4. Amend section 101.4 to read as 103.2.1 Action on Permits. The fire of- follows: ficial shall act upon an application for a permit without unreasonable or unneces- 101.4 Fire Division. sary delay. If the fire official is satisfied Supp. No. 13 725 i § 12-17 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE i that the use described in an application of adjustments and appeals established by Chap- for a permit.and the drawings filed there- ter 6 of the Village Code shall act as the fire .with conform to the. requirements of this prevention board of adjustments and appeals. code and other pertinent laws and ordi- nances, he shall issue a permit to the Section 501.2.1. Add new section 501.2.1 to .applicant. read as follows: 103.2.2 Refusal to Issue Permit. If the 501.2.1 Barbecue Grills and Similar Cook- application for a permit describes a use ing Utensils with which open flames may be which does not conform to the require- - used to heat or prepare. food or from which open ments of this code or other pertinent laws fla-mes may occur during the cooking process or ordinances, the fire official shall not shall not be used on any balconies or porches of issue a permit, but shall return the appli- multi-family buildings excepting two (2) family cation to the applicant with his refusal to dwellings. They shall be used only outside of issue such permit. Such refusal shall, and at a minimum. of ten (10) feet distance from when requested, be in writing and shall the nearest building. contain the reason(s) for refusal. Section 603.18.4. Amend section 603.18.4 to read as follows: 103.3 Conditions of the Permit. 603.18.4 Automatic fire alarm systems and 103.3.1 Permit Intent. A permit issued all alarms with monitor control valves and flow shall be construed to be a license to pro- switches for fire protection and fire alarm equip- . teed with the work and shall not be con- meat -shall be tested at least once every three _ strued as authority to violate, cancel, al- (3) months. A Iog of the tests shall be kept by ter, or set aside any of the provisions of the inspection agency. The log shall be on the this code, nor shall such issuance of a premises and available for examination. i permit prevent the fire official from there- (Code -1970, § 16-12; Ord. No. T6-75, § 2, 10-9-75; after requiring a correction of errors in Ord. No. 13-77, § 1, 7-14-77; Ord. No.- 22-8D, § 2, plans or in construction, or of violations of 10-9-80; Ord. No. 7-83, § 2, 8-25-83; Ord. No. 3-87, this code. Every permit issued shall be- § 2, 1-22-87; Ord. No. 6-90, § 2, 3-22-90; Ord. No. - come invalid unless the use authorized by 13-92, § 2, 9-10-92) such permit is commenced within six (6) months after its issuance, or if the use Secs. 12-18-12-28. Reserved. authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of six (6) months after the time the use is commenced. One ARTICLE III. FIRE DIVISION* or more extensions of time, for periods not more than ninety (90) days each, may be allowed for the permit provided the exten- DIVISION 1. GENERALLY sion is requested in writing and justifi- able cause is demonstrated. Such exten- .Sec. 12-29. Created; function. sions shall be in writing by the fire official. A division to be hereafter known as the Village Section 105.1 Amend section 105.1 to read as of North Palm Beach Fire Division, the object of follows: which shall be the prevention and extinguish- 105.1 Appointment. Editor's note-On Aug. 27, 1968 the village entered into a mutual fire-fighting aid or protection pact with other mu- There is hereby established a board to be nicipalities and fire control districts located in county (see called the fire prevention board of adjustments .Resolution No. 363-6s>. Cross~references-Administrative code provisions on de- and appeals. The said board shall be appointed partment of public. safety, § 2-75 et seq.; length of service by the village Council. The COnStruCtiOn board award plan for volunteer firefighters, § 2-170 et seq. Supp. No. 13 726 OFFENSES AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS § 19-7 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL premises within three hundred (300) feet of any school grounds. Sec. 19.1. Definitions. (Code 1970, § 24-22) For the purposes of this chapter, the following Sec. 19-5. Spitting in public places. terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meanings given herein: No person in the village shall expectorate upon Billposting agency means any person posting ad- any sidewalk, street, floor in public buildings or vertising matter or distributing advertising matter upon any other public place. throughout the village. (Code 1970, § 24-27) Model glue means any glue or cement of the Sec. 19-6. Hitchhildng. type commonly used in the building of model air- planes, boats and automobiles, containing toluene, No person shall hitchhike, "thumb rides" or go acetone or other solvent or chemical having the upon the public streets and highways for the pur- property of releasing toxic vapors. pose of soliciting free transportation. Topless costume means any clothing which does (Code 1970, § 24-34) not cover a major part of the female breasts and shall include those devices commonly known as Sec. 19-7. Handbills; distribution. "pasties." (Code 1970, § 24-1) (a) No person shall distribute or give out any Cross reference-Rules of construction and definitions gen- handbills, tickets, samples or merchandise or other erally, § i-2. kind of advertising matter, unless such person is a licensed Billposting agency; provided, however, Sec. 19.2. State misdemeanors adopted. that this section shall not be construed to prevent persons from distributing advertisements of their No person shall commit within the corporate own business through the United States mail. limits of the village any act which is or shall be recognized by the laws of the state as a misde- (b) No person shall give to another or attempt meanor, and the commission of such acts is hereby to give to another any ticket or sample upon any forbidden. public street, alley, park or other public way or (Code 1970, § 24-64; Ord. No. 213-70, § 1; Ord. No. place within the village, or pass the .same from 11-71, § 1) private property to any person on any street, alley, park or other public way or place, or place such Sec. 19-3. Bathing regulations. advertising matter in any automobile belonging to another within the corporate limits of the vil- la) No person afflicted with infectious, conta- lage, or throw or leave the same in any private gious or communicable disease shall bathe in any yard or upon private property so that the same public pool or place within the village limits. maybe blown or scattered upon private or public property. (b) No person shall beach or bathe in a manner contrary to the posted regulations of the village. (c) No person shall distribute, deposit, place, (Code 1970, § 24-16) throw, scatter or cast any printed or written matter, any sample or device, dodger, circular, Sec. 19.4. Proximity of coin-operated amuse- leaflet, pamphlet, newspaper, magazine, paper ments to schools restricted. booklet or any other printed or otherwise repro- duced original or copies of any matter or litera- No coin-operated amusement table, marble ture upon any premises, if requested by the owner, board or other similar game and device shall be or someone authorized by the owner, not to do so. located or kept or allowed to be operated on any (Code 1970, § 24-35; Ord. No. 228-71, § 1) 1227 § 19-8 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Sec. 19-8. Impersonating police officer., Secs. 19.10-19-30. Reserved. fireman or other village official. (a) No person shall hold himself out as, or falsely ARTICLE II. RESERVED assume or impersonate himself to be a police of- ficer or fireman of the village or any other village Secs. 19.31-19.46. Reserved. official or employee, or assert falsely that he has the authority or right to exercise the powers of any such officers or officials. ARTICLE III. OFFENSES AGAINST (b) No person, other than an official police of- PROPERTY* ficer of the village, shall wear or carry the uni- form, apparel, badge, identification card or any Sec. 19.47. Obstructing passageways. other insignia of office like or similar to, or a col- orable imitation of that adopted and worn or car- No person shall place or erect upon any public ried by the official police officers of the village. way or passageway to any building an obstruction of any type; provided that this section shall not (c) No person, while wearing a mask. or device prevent the duly authorized or required placing of such as described in paragraph (b) of this section, temporary barriers or warning signs for the pur- shall demand entrance or admission to or attempt pose of safeguarding the public; and providing, to enter in or come upon or into the premises, further, that, Swale markers may be placed at the enclosure or house of any person in the village. edge of Swale areas to protect the edges of lawns (Code 1970, § 24-37) from being driven on by passing vehicles, with Cross reference-Administration generally, Ch. 2, the Swale markers t0 be round button cement markers with anchor rods attached, not to exceed Sec. 19.9: Smoke, dust, odors, liquids, etc. twelve (12) inches in diameter and four {4) inches in height. No owner or occupant of any building, structure (Code 1970, § 24-59; Ord. No. 218-70, § 3) or premises in the village shall cause, allow or permit any smoke, dust, steam, odors, fumes, liq- Secs. 19-48-19-63. Reserved. uids or other obnoxious matters or things to em- anate therefrom over, and upon any public street or sidewalk in the village, unless the same shall ARTICLE IV. OFFENSES AGAINST be so deflected or bona fide attempts made to de- PUBLIC MORALS flect same away from persons using such streets or sidewalks so as not to annoy, vex, irk or bother Sec. 19.64. Topless costumes. persons in the use thereof; provided, however, that water from sprinkler systems. may emanate from (a) No female person over the age of twelve (12) private property over and upon sidewalks in the years shall appear in any public place or private village, except from one and one-half (1~/z) hours place where the public is invited where alcoholic before the opening, to one-half hour after the beverages are sold or any place open to the public opening, of public schools in the county for kin- view in a topless costume. dergarten through twelfth grade, and from one- No person shall knowingly employ or permit half hour before the closing, to one and one-half .a female person who is wearing a topless costume (11/2) hours after the closing,. of public schools in within the confines of any premises which he con- thecounty for. kindergarten through twelfth grade, trols and to which the public is invited where al- during those days that county public schools in- coholic beverages are sold or is open to public view. volving kindergarten through twelfth grade are {Code 1970, § 24-67) in session. (Code 1970, § 24-62; Ord. No. 12-81, § 1, 11-12-81; *Cross reference-Persons walking dogs responsible for Ord. No. 18-85, § 1, 10-24-85) removal of waste, § 4-31 et seq. 1228 Chapter, 25 SWIMMING POOLS* Art. I, In General, 25.1-25.22 Art. II. Construction Permits, 25-23-25.35 Art.. I~Lk; Pulili'c ands Private, Pools, 25-36-26-38 *Crosa references-Enforcement of Ch. 26 by code enforcement inspector, § 2-171 et seq.; buildings and building regulations, Ch. 6; plumbing, Ch. 22. 1573 i SWIIVIMING POOLS § 25-8 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL including a two and one-half (21/z) foot walk around the pool. (Code 1970, § 37-19) Sec. 25.1. Definitions. Cross reference-Zoning, App. C. As used in this chapter, the following words Sec. 25-4. Water circulation; vacuum cleaner. and phrases shall have the meanings indicated: Private swimming pool means any receptacle Every pool shall .be either aflow-through type for water having a depth at any point greater than with a water turnover rate not exceeding twenty two (2) feet, used or intended to be used for swim- (20) hours, or a recirculating type equipped with ming or bathing, and constructed, installed or either a pressure and filter system or an approved maintained in or above the ground as an acces- equal of sufficient capacity to provide a water turn- sory structure to asingle-family ormultiple-family over rate not exceeding twenty (20) hours. An ap- residencebuilding, including hotels, motels, apart- Proved type vacuum cleaner with suction hose ment houses, condominiums, cooperatives, du- shall be provided together with a proper inlet fit- plexes and single-family residences, all of which ting or fittings to attach the hose on the suction are for the exclusive use of the occupants of such side of the filtration equipment. In pools up to and residential buildings and their guests. including thirty-six (36) feet in length, at least one (1) vacuum outlet in the midsection of the pool Private therapeutic spa pool means any recep- shall be provided. Two (2) outlets shall be pro- tacle for water having a depth at any point greater vided for pools longer than thirty-six (36) feet. than two (2) feet, used or intended to be usQd for (Code 1970, § 37-20; Ord. No. 16-79, § 2, 7-12-79) bathing, and constructed, installed or maintained in or above the ground as an accessory structure Sec. 25.5. Hair and lint strainer. to asingle-family or multiple-family residence ~ approved hair and lint strainer of a type buildings, including hotels, motels, apartment easily accessible for cleaning shall be installed in houses, condominiums, cooperatives, duplexes and the filter suction line to the pump. single-family residences; all of which are for the (Code 1970; § 37-21) exclusive use of the occupants of the residential buildings and their guests. Aspa/pool shall have Sec. 25.6. Scum-gutters. a surface area of less than sixty (60) square feet. Public swimming pool means any pool subject There shall be an accepted type of scum-gutter to the regulations of chapter lOD-5, Florida Ad- at least across the deep end of a rectangularly ministrative Code. shaped pool or along the edge of a minimum of (Code 1970, § 37-1; Ord. No. 16-79, § 1, 7-12-79) twenty-five (25) percent of the perimeter of an ir- regularly shaped swimming pool: (Code 1970, § 37-22; Ord. No. 16-79, § 3, 7-12-79) Sec. 25-2. Final approval before use. Sec. 25-7. Cross-eo.nneetion of filtration _ A final approval by the building official shall be equipment and water supply. issued prior to any use made of any pool. (Code 1970, § 37-2) No cross-connections between the filtration equipment and the public water supply lines will be allowed. The inlet pipe or valve for filling the Sec. 25-3. Setback. pool shall be a minimum of three (3) inches above All village zoning setback requirements shall the rim of the pool. be complied with in the plot location of any pool (Code 1970, § 37-23; Ord. No. 16-79, § 4, 7-12-79) but in no event shall the setback of the outside Sec. 25-5. Electrical equipment. rim of a private pool be less than seven and one- half (71/z) feet from the back property line and not Any electrical equipment connected to the pool less than five (5) feet from the side property line, shall be inspected and approved by the electrical 1575 § 25-8 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE y t inspector. An electric junction box supplying cur- of the spa pool. The maximum height of a spa pool rent for any underwater light shall be located above average grade of the land surrounding the above any possible water height in the pool. pool shall be four (4) feet. (Code 1970, § 37-24) (Code 1970, § 37-27; Ord. No. 16-79, § 6, 7-12-79) Sec. 25.9. Requirements for recirculating piping and fittings. Secs. 25.12-25-22. Reserved. 'The recirculating piping and fittings for swim- . ming pools shall meet the following requirements: (1) Each vacuum fitting(s) shall be located in ARTICLE II. ;CONSTRUCTION PERMITS an accessible position(s) below the-water line.. Vacuum - or suction piping shall be schedule eighty (80) pVC, copper type `"L," Sec. 25.23. Required; application; fees. brass or an approved equal. All-other piping No person or firm shall construct, cause to be shall be equal to schedule- forty (40) PVC.' constructed, or maintain a public or private pool (2) Amain drain outlet -shall be placed at the without first obtaining a permit therefor. Appli- deepestpoint nevery pool for. recirculating cation for the permit shall be made to the village and emptying the.pool. Minimum size shall building official and shall beaccompanied bypay- be two-inch LD. for swimming pools and merit of a fee in accordance with village- ordi- one-and-one-half-inch I.D. for spa pools. nances, and by plans and specifications and other data prepared by a competent engineer registered (3) Pool recirculating piping, passing through in the state sufficiently detailed for the purposes . the pool structure, shall be .copper. tubing of .this chapter. The permit fee is in addition to with a minimum wall thickness of type"L" other construction permits for which fees have schedule eighty (80) PVC,: brass or an ap- been established. proved equal. Metal pipe- shall be bitumi- (Code '1970, § 37-11; -Ord. No. 16-79, § 7, 7-12-79) nously coated. - - ' (4) Where pool heaters -are installed, recircu- Sec. '25.24'. Plans. lating :piping within four- (4) feet of the heater must be either copp-er type "L," The plans; specifications and other data-sub- schedule eighty (89) CPVC, or brass pipe.. mitte'd with a permit application under this ar- (Code 1970, § 37.25; Ord. No. 16-73, § 1; Ord, I~To. title shall be in duplicate and in sufficient detail 16-79, § b, 7-12-79) _ to show: Sec. 25-10. Tamping back-fill. ~ ~ (1) Plot plan; ~ All back-fill around-the pool- shall be tariiped in (2) Poal diinensfons, depths and volume, in gal- eight=inch layers up -to finish grade. - ~ "Ions; . . {Code .1970, 3725) (3) Type and size of filter system, filtration and - ~ backwash capacities; Sec. ,25.11. -Grade. - (4) Pool piping layout with all pipe sizes shown (a) The top of the rim of any swimming pool and type of material; - shall not be in .excess of two '(2) feet above the (5j pool pump capacity; and average grade of -the land surrounding the pool. . (6) Water disposal system, (b) The top of the rim of any spa:pool shall-.not (Code 1970, § 37-12) be in excess of two (2) feet above the average grade - of the land surrounding the pool or a permanent platform constructed completely around the rim Secs. 25.25-25-35: Reserved. 1576 SWIMMING POOLS § 25-38 ARTICLE III. PUBLIC A1~TI3 PRIVATE Sec. 25.38. Same-Modifications and excep- POOLS* tions to section 25-37. (a) The village council may make modification Sec. 25-36. Construction. in individual cases to section 25-37, upon written petition making a showing of good cause with re- Private and public swimming pools shall becon- spect to the height, nature or location of the fence, structed of reinforced concrete, concrete block re- wall, gates or latches or the necessity therefor, or inforced and poured after laying up, or of rein- may permit other protective devices or structures forced gunite construction, or of such equal in lieu thereof. alternate materials as approved by the building (b) In making such modifications or special ex- official. ceptions, the village council shall be governed by (Code 1970, § 37-28; Ord. No. 16-79, § 8, 7-12-79) the following standards: the purpose of the fencing requirement herein is to prevent small children from inadvertently wandering into pools. The Sec. 25-37. Fencing-Requirements. council realizes that there are locations within the village where an unfenced pool would not (a) A fence or screen enclosure, designed to pre- create an obvious hazard. In these areas where, vent children from inadvertently wandering into due to the noneustence of a substantial number the pool, shall completely surrounded any pool; of small children, no obvious hazard exists, the provided, however, that where a pool is located on village council may grant modifications or special a lot which backs onto a public waterway, the exceptions and may -even dispense with the re- fence or screen enclosure may be omitted across quirement for fencing. the back of the lot where the sides of the lot are protected by a fence which extends to the end of (c) All such decisions shall be conditional and the lot where it meets the waterway in such a way subject to revocation in the event circumstances that access to the pool from adjacent lots on either or conditions change in the particular location. side cannot be made. (Code 1970, § 37-30; Ord. No. 16-79, § 8, 7-12-79) (b) The fence shall be a minimum of four (4) feet high, and of such design, type and location as approved by the building official. The screen en- closure shall completely enclose the pool. (c) All gates or doors opening through the fence or screen enclosure shall be equipped with aself- closing and self-latching device designed and ca- pable of keeping such door or gate securely closed at all times when not in actual use, and prevent - any child from opening such door or gate. The door of any dwelling forming part of the enclosure hereinabove required need not be so equipped. (d) The building official is directed to conduct an inspection of all pools to determine compliance with this section not less than one (1) time per year and to enforce the provisions of this section. (Code 1970, § 37-29; Ord. No. 16-79, § 8, 7-12-79) *Editor'e note-Art. III, formerly entitled "Private pools" was changed to read as set out above by § 8 of Ord. No. 16-79, July 12, 1979. [The next page is 1627) 1577 `t TREES AND SHRUBBERY § 27-31 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Sec. 27-19. Scope. Secs. 27-1-27-15. Reserved. The terms of this article shall apply to all plant- . ings in Swale areas. (Code 1970, § 41-14; Ord. No. 207-70, § 4) ARTICLE II. TREES IN SWALE AREAS Secs. 27.20-27-30. Reserved. Sec. 27.16. Definition. As used in this article, the term "Swale areas" shall mean those areas lying between the street ARTICLE III. LANDSCAPING* and the sidewalk which are the property of the village as part of its road and drainage right-of- DIVISION 1. GENERALLY way. (Code 1970, § 41-11; Ord. No. 207-70, § 1) Cross reference-Rules of construction and definitions gen- SeC. 27-31. Definitions. erally, § 1-2. In construing the provisions of this article and Sec. 27-17. Planting and removal; written ap- each and every word, term, phrase or part thereof, proval required. where the context will permit, the definitions pro- vicied in F.S. section 1.01, and the following defi- No trees shall be removed or planted in the nitions shall apply: Swale areas except by the village or by private citizens who have obtained the written approval Encroachment means any protrusion of a ve- ofthe building official to plant or remove any tree. hicle outside of a parking space, display area or (Code 1970, § 41-12; Ord. No. 207-70, § 2; Ord. No. accessway into a landscaped area. 2-81, § 1, 1-22-81) Landscaping means any of the following or com- bination thereof: material, such as, but not lim- Sec. 27.18. Variety and location. ited to, grass, ground covers, shrubs, vines, hedges, The following regulations shall govern the va- trees or palms; and nonliving durable material riety and location of trees planted in swale areas: commonly used in landscaping, such as, but not limited to, rocks, pebbles, sand, walls or fences, (1) Only those trees set forth below may be but excluding paving. planted in any Swale area. The village man- ager shall give due regard to creating har- Shrubs, as required by this article, shall beself- monious tree plantings in each street and supporting, woody, evergreen species, as normally subdivision in determining what trees shall grown in this area or this county. be planted in Swale areas: Trees means self-supporting woody plants of spe- a. Palm. Adonidia; Cocos Plumosa. ties which normally grow to an overall height of b. Flowering trees. Hong Kong Orchid; minimum of fifteen (15) feet in this area or this Bottle Brush; Tabebuia. county. Requirements in this article to include c. Others. Black Olive; Mahogany; Tam- one tree for a certain number of lineal feet as part. arind; Silver Buttonwood; Mimusop; of the landscaping are set forth to determine the Clusia Rosea. number of trees required in a given area, the lo- (2) Trees shall. be planted at least five (5) feet cation of which trees may be anywhere within the from the sidewalk except on cul-de-sac strip of land and need not be placed at equal in- tervals throughout such strip of land. areas. (Code 1970, § 41-13; Ord. No. 207-70, § 3; Ord. No. *Cross references-Appearance plan, App. A; subdivi- 6-71, § 1; Ord. No. 2-81, § 2, 1-22-81) sions, App. B; zoning, App. C. 1ss3 § 27-31 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Vines are plants which normally require sup- the contractor or subcontractor which shall indi- port to reach mature form. cate the portions of the construction and develop- (Code 1970, § 41-18; Ord. No. 14-71, § 1; Ord. No. ment which have been completed according to plan 2-75, § 1, 4-10-75) and building code requirements. A certificate of Cross reference-Rules of construction and definitions gen- COmpletlori shall riot authorize Occupancy Or par- erally, § 1-2. tial occupancy of the building or premises. (Code 1970, § 41-21(3); Ord. No. 2-81, § 1, 1-22-81) ' Sec. 27.32. Objective. The objective of this article is to improve the Sec. 27-36. Accessways. appearance of certain setback and yard areas and The maximum width of a residential accessway including off street vehicular parking and open through the perimeter landscaped strip to an off- lot sales and service areas in the village, and to street parking or other vehicular use area shall protect and preserve the appearance, character be twenty (20) feet for two-way vehicular move- and value of the surrounding neighborhoods and ment and ten (10) feet for one-way vehicular move- thereby promote the general welfare by providing ment. For commercial uses, the maximum width for installation and maintenance of landscaping for accessways shall be two (2) times that for res- for screening and aesthetic qualities, since thevii- idential uses. No more than one (1) two-way ac- lage council finds that the peculiar characteris- cessway shall be permitted for any street frontage tics and qualities of the village justify regulations up to one hundred (100) lineal feet or no more to perpetuate its aesthetic appeal on a village- than two (2) one-way accessways shall be per- wide basis. mitted for any street frontage up to one hundred (Code 1970, § 41-16; Ord. No. 14-71, § 1; Ord. No. (100) lineal feet, such standards to be applicable 2-81, § 3, 1-22-81) to any property under one (1) ownership. Where such ownership involves over one hundred (100) ~ Sec. 27-33. Application of ordinance; enforce- feet of street frontage, one (1) additional two-way ment. or two (2) additional one-way drives may be per- This article shall be a minimum standard and mitted for each additional one hundred (100) feet shall apply to all areas in the village limits. of frontage or major fraction thereof. The balance (Code 1970, § 41-17; Ord. No. 14-71, § 1) of such street frontage not involved with access- ways shall be landscaped in accordance with the Sec. 27.34. Scope; applicability of article. provisions of this article. (Code 1970, § 41-21(4); Ord. No. 2-81, § 4, 1-22-81) (a) The provisions of this article shall apply only - to new .off-street parking uses or other vehicular Sec. 27-37. Plot use plan approval prerequi- uses. site to issuance of permits for (b) The provisions of this article shall be sub- building and paving; completed ject to other applicable regulations where such landscaping .required for certifi- regulations are more restrictive and are not oth- Cate of use and occupancy. erwise inconsistent with the provisions of this ar- Except for single-family and two-family dwell- ticle. ings, prior to the issuance of any permit for paving (c) The provisions of this article shall not apply which is .included under the provisions of this ar- to properties upon which single-family or two- ' title, a plot use plan shall be submitted to and family dwellings are or are to be erected. approved by the building official, subject to re- (Code 1970, § 41-21(1), (2), (5); Ord. No. 14-71, § 1) view and approval of such other agencies as may be deemed advisable by the building official. The Sec. 27-35. Certificate of completion. plot plan shall be drawn to scale, including dimen- sions and distances, and clearly delineate the ex- The building official shall have the authority to fisting and proposed parking spaces, or other ve- issue acertificate of completion to the owner or to hicular use areas, access aisles, driveways, 1684 I STATUTORY REFERENCE TABLE This table shows the location within this Code, either in the text or notes following the text of references to the state law or related matters. Section Section Section this Code Section this Code 1.01 27-31 App. B, Art. II, 1.01 et seq. 1-2 § 36-8 ch. 22F App. B, Art. II, App. B, Art. II, § 36-10 § 36-15 ch. 39 App. C, § 45-2 App. B, Art. 1V, Ch. 50 2-181 § 36-27 50.041 2-181 ch. 185 2-167 50.051 2-181 185.08 26-16 55.03 29-5(a) 202.195 29-8(m) ch. 98 Ch. 10 203.012 26-51, 29-3 ch. 101 10-7 29-5(b) 112.181 2-161(e)(8) 203.012(5)(b) 26-51 161.55(1)(d) 6-156 ch. 205 Ch. 17, Art. II 161.041 6-153 205.043(2), 161.053 6-154- ~ 205.043(3) 17-24, 17-25 162.12(2) 2-180 205.053 17-20 ch. 163 12.5-1 205.192 17-22 21-1 210.03 17-33 21-11 ch. 212 26-53 21-43, 21-44 ch. 252 Ch. 8 App. B, Art. I, 8-4(a)(2) § 36-2, App. B, Art. 252.38 et aeq. 8-6 I, § 36-4 253.125 7-19 App. B, Art. II, 280.02 2-4(f1 § 36-16 316.008 Ch. 18 App. B, Art. VI 316.272 19-117 163.01 2-4(fl 316.293 19-117 163.161 et seq. 21-O1 316.1955, 316.1956 18-37 ch. 163.170, App. B, Art. II, 320.01(1) 14-37 §163.3164(17) § 36-10 ch. 327 Ch. 5 163.225(3)(a}--(c) 5-86 335.065 -App. B, Art. IV, 163.295 6-150 § 36-29.1 163.3161 et seq. Ch. 21, Art. II 337.29 29-2 163.3177 21-44 337.401 29-2, 29-3 163.3178 6-155 29-5(a), (e) 21-44 29-6(a) ch. 166 6-16 337.401(3) 28-3 Ch. 24 337.403, 337.404 29-7 Ord. No. 2478 § 3 342.03 Ch. 5 166.021 Ch. 17, Art. II 362.01 29-2 166.221 17-34 364.02 29-3 166.231 Ch. 26, Art. III ch. 373 19-200 ch. 170 21-2 ch. 380 21-44 170.01 Ch. 24 App. B, Art. II, ch. 175 2-167 § 36-10 175.101 26-17 380.04 21-103 ch. 177 App. B, Art. I, 393 App. C, § 45-2 § 36-2 ch. 394 App. C, § 45-2 Supp. No. 22 2819 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE ~ Section Section this Code ch. 400 App. C, § 45 2 ch. 401 11.5-21 ch. 402 App. C, § 45-2 App. C, § 45-34.1 402.302(4), 402.302(5) 17-33 413.08 4-27(d) ch. 419 17-33 App. C, § 45-2 471.003 29-8(c)(1) ch. 472 App. B, Art. I, § 36-6 ch. 480 App. C, § 45-2 553.73 6-154 11-11 553.73(2) 6-2 561.01 3-i 561.01 et seq. Ch. 3 563.01 3-1 564.01 3-1 565.01 3-1 628.901 29-12(d) 633.35 2-159 ch. 650 Ch. 2, Art. V, Div 2 2-136 650.02 2-136 658.12 2-4(q) ch. 760 App. C, § 45-2 768.28 29-12(d) 775.082, 775.083 2-169(f7 ch. 847 App. C, § 45-20 870.041 8-21 870.44 8-22 870.45 8-22 872.05 2-104 943.14 2-159 943.25(13) 1-9 I I [The next page is 2869] Supp. No. 22 ~$~Q CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE Adoption Section Ord. No. Date Section this Code 33-99 10-28-99 1 18-35(8) 04-2000 2-10-00 1, 2 2-172, 2-175 3 2-176(d) 4, 5 2-178, 2-181 05-2000 2-10-00 1 11-11 06-2000 2-24-00 1 Added 3-4 10-2000 4-13-00 1 5-82 2 5-85(12) 12-2000 4-27-00 1 6-113(B)(28) 13-2000 5-11-00 1 Added 2-158.1 15-2000 5-25-00 1 App. C, 45-32.1F'. 20-2000 8-10-00 1, 2 2-161(e)(4), (8) 3 2-162(1) 4 2-169(f) 22-2000 8-24-00 1 6-115(C)(1)b. 24-2000 9-28-00 1 26-29 25-2000 9-28-00 1 26-51 26-2000 9-28-00 1 28-3(6) 27-2000 9-28-00 1 17-33 29-2000 9-28-00 1 14-30(2) 30-2000 10-12-00 1 App.. D 32-2000 10-12-00 1 6-114(e)(3) 34-2000 11- 9-00 1, 2 19-99, 19-113 3-5 19-116-19-118 35-2000 11- 9-00 1 1-8(a) 36-2000 12-14-00 1 19-210(d) 01-2001 2- 8-Ol 1-16 28-3(6) Added 29-1-29-16 03-2001 2- 8-Ol 1 45-32A.7.a. 2 45-32G. 04-2001 2- 8-Ol 1 5-81 05-2001 3- 8-Ol 1 45-2 06-2001 3-22-O1 1 7-19 2 21-1(c) 3 21-2(c) 4 36-10(c) 5 36-12(2) 6 36-38.1(6) 7 45-49(1) 8 45-50(1) OS-2001. 4-12-O1 1 2-161(g) 2 2-166(1)c.2. 09-2001 4-12-O1 1 5-84(6) 11-2001 4-26-O1 1 2-178(d) 2 2-179 12-2001 5-10-01 1 9-17(a) 13-2001 5-10-O1 1 19-211. 15-2001 6-28-O1 1, 2 2-4 16-2001 6-28-O1 1 Ch. 8 (title) 2, 3 Rpld 8-16 Added 8-1~-6, 8-21, 8-22 18-2001 6-28-O1 1 2-1(c) 2 9-18 3 16-24 4 20-63 Supp. No. 23 2887 i I NORTH PALM BEACH CODE > Adoption Section Ord. No. Date Section this Code 5 21-11(c) 22-2001 8- 9-01 1 2-136 23-2001 8- 9-01 1 2-2(a) 24-2001 8- 9-Ol 1, 2 2-85(3) 25-2001 8-23-O1 1 6-112(F) 26-2001 8-23-O1 1 45-2 27-2001 9-13-O1 2 15-1 3 15-2 30-2001 10-11-01 1 Rpld 2-51 2 2-40(b) 3 2-42 4 2-59 31-2001 10-25-O1 1 6-110 2 6-115(B)(5) 02-2002 2-14-02 1 App. C, 45-20(4) 03-2002 2-14-02 1 App. C, 45-36N.(1) 2 App. C, 45-36L. I I ' I Supp. No. 23 2888 IThe next page is 2933] CODE INDEX Section Section BOATS, DOCKS AND WATERWAYS (ConfdJ BOATS, DOCKSAND WATERWAYS (Confd.) Unlawfully anchored or moored vessels Definitions 5-93 Claiming of vessel by owner; payment Permitted, when 5-94 of costs 5-22 Piers. See within this subheading: Docks Department of public safety to im- and Piers pound 5-18 Seawalls. See within this subheading: Owner to be notified upon impound- Bulkheads and Seawalls went 5-19 Definitions 5-1 Procedure in event owner cannot be Disturbing other boats 5-6 found 5-20 Exhibition boats exempted from certain Reclamation of owner after sale..... 5-23 restrictions 5-4 Unclaimed vessel to be sold; certifica- Flood damage prevention provisions...... 12.5-1 et seq. tion of sale 5-21 See: FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION Use of vessel for dwelling purposes in Health and sanitation requirements prohibited area 5-24 Cleanliness of docks.................. 5-11 Authority of city to board boats violating Observance of village health and con- provisions 5-16 duct rules....................... 5-10 Boat launching area Pollution of waterways 5-13 Abandoned boats and equipment Refuse disposal 5-12 Disposition 5-36 Living aboard boats restricted 5-15 Recovery 5-37 Marine sanctuaries Designated; use restricted 5-33 Designation of waters as marine sanctu- Permits required 5-35 aries Repairs prohibited 5-34 Area to be regulated 5-101(c) Bulkhead lines 7-1 et seq. Areas designated 5-101(b) See: BULKHEAD LINES Construction of provision 5-101(d) Coastal construction code 6-151 et seq. Definition 5-101(a) See: COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CODE Mooring, docking, or beaching of boats on Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 public or private property without Construction requirements permission 5-9 Bulkheads and seawalls Parking Compliance with provisions required 5-69 Boating equipment; parking on residen- Inspection required 5-73 tial property restricted........... 18-35 Permit fee 5-72 Prohibited parking for vehicle, trailer or Specifications 5-71 boat upon paved or unpaved area Submission of plans and specifica- of the road right-of--way of specific tions 5-70 roadways....................... 18-34.1 Canals Running engines, hours in residential dis- Canal crossings 5-60 tricts.............................. 5-14 Compliance with provisions required 5-56 Searchlights, use of 5-7 Drainage canals 5-59 Speed limits; wakes 5-2 General requirements 5-57 Subdivision provisions re waterways 36-22 et seq. Navigation canals 5-58 See: SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) Surety bond prerequisite to issuance Swimming in restricted waters 5-3 of building permit in certain Water skiing 5-5 cases.......... 5-61 BOISTEROUS CONDUCT Docks and piers Construction in waters other than Noisy and boisterous 19-106 Lake Worth and Atlantic Ocean, BONDS regulations governing 5-84 Administrative code; bonds required of cer- Definitions 5-81 tain officers 2-42 Generally 5-82 Canal construction; surety bond prerequi- Lake Worth and Atlantic Ocean, reg- site to issuance of building permit... 5-61 ulations governing construction Finance director, duties re 2-59(7) in 5-85 Village manager........................ 2-117 Minimum design requirements...... 5-83 BRUSH. See: WEEDS AND BRUSH Variances 5-86 Erosion control structures BUILDINGS Construction 5-95 Appearance code Control 5-96 Appeals and review................... 6-35 Supp. No. 23 2937 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Section Section BUILDINGS (Cont'dJ BUILDINGS (Cont'd.) Appearance plan 6-33 Public services department; division of per- Certificate of appropriateness wits and inspections 2-85(1) Final hearings 6-57 Signs and outdoors displays 6-110 et seq. Follow-up by building inspector..... 6-60 See: SIGNS AND BILLBOARDS I Pl Action oommission 6 58 Spittmgamspublic pla es prohibited....... 19 5 i Approval by 6-59 Stormwater management; level of finished Preliminary consideration 6-56 floor of structures 21-63 Definition 6-31 Subdivision regulations 36-1 et seq. Intent and purposes 6-32 See: SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) Planning commission, powers and du- Swimming pools 25-1 et seq. ties re 6-36 See: SWIMMING POOLS Short title 6-30 Zoning regulations...................... 45-1 et seq. Appearance plan (Appendix A). See that See: ZONING (Appendix C) subject BULKHEAD LINES Coastal construction code 6-151 et seq. Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 See: COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CODE Established• deli Code enforcement board a hcabilit re.. 2-173 grated 7-1 PP Y Filling operation beyond bulkhead line pro- Codes hibited 7-2 Appearance code. See herein that sub- Filling permit ject Application fees 7-19 Building code 6-17 Application; issuance 7-18 Coastal construction code 6-151 et seq. Expiration date; renewal; revocation... 7-20 Electrical code 11-11, 11-12 Public hearing prerequisite to consider- . Energy efficiency building code 6-150 ation 7-17 Fire prevention code 12-16, 12-17 Required..... 7-16 ` Gas code 6-17 Unlawfulfill;removal................... 7-3 Jl Housing code 15-1, 15-2 BULKHEADS Mechanical code 6-17 Plumbing code 6-17 Bulkheads and seawalls, construction re- quirements re 5-69 et seq. Standard building and construction codes adopted 6-17 See: BOATS, DOCKS AND WATER- Country club 9-1 et seq. WAYS See: COUNTRY CLUB BUSINESS REGULATIONS Electrical code 11-11, 11-12 Ambulances 17-50, 17-51 Energy efficiency building code Businesses located outside village limits Adopted by reference 6-150 Application for certificate of regulation. 17-34.2 Fire district 6-3 Certificate of business regulation re- Flood damage prevention 12.5-1 et seq. quired; basis of one year 17-34 See: FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION Commercial vehicles, marking of 17-34.13 Handicapped persons Compliance by principal deemed compli- Accessibility to buildings; state law ante by agent 17-34.8 adopted 6-2 Delinquency penalty.................. 17-34.4 Housing code 15-1, 15-2 Doing business not covered by certifi- Landscaping 27-31 et seq, cote of regulation................ 17.34-7 See: LANDSCAPING Duplicate certificates of regulation.. , 17-34.6 Minimum construction standards Duration 17-34.3 Authority 6-16 False statements Codes adopted 6-17 Certificate obtained void ab initio 17-34.7 Violations and penalty 6-19 Engaging in business without eertifi- Missiles, throwing 19-83 cote of regulation or under ~er- Noise from building 19-102 tificate issued on.............. 17-34.11 Obstructing passageway 19-47 Fee exemptions 17-34.10 Outdoor displays. See herein: Signs and Fee schedule 17-34.12 Outdoor Displays Half-year certificate 17-34.3 Park and recreation facilities; erecting build- Issuance of certificate 17-34.3 ings or structures 20-3 Noncompliance of principal............ 17-34.8 Public land, construction on prohibited 6-1 Nonprofit enterprise, special permit for 17-34.5 Supp. No. 23 2938 CODE INDEX Section Section DISABLED AND HANDICAPPED PERSONS ELECTIONS (Cont'd.) Applicability of dog prohibitions to guide Candidacy and service dogs 4-27(d) Candidates for office; qualifying 10-5 Buildings Preservation of notice of candidacy 10-6 Accessibility to handicapped persons; Clerks. See herein: Inspectors and Clerk state law adopted 6-2 General elections, notice of 10-3 Parking violations re handicap spaces 18-37 Inspectors and clerk DISTRICTS Appointment 10-58 Fire districts 6-3 Compensation........................ 10-61 Zoning regulations 45-16 et seq. Filling vacancy....................... 10-60 See: ZONING (Appendix C) Good order, duty to maintain and report violations 10-62 DISTURBANCES. See: CIVIL DISORDERS Instruction prior to election 10-64 AND DISTURBANCES Oath required 10-59 Organization 10-63 DOCKS. See: BOATS, DOCKS AND WATER- Polling place WAYS Designated 10-76 DOCUMENTS AND PUBLIC RECORDS Policeman. to be present 10-77 Department of records Protest of election returns; inspection by Deputy village clerk canvassing board 10-12 Appointment 2-68 Special elections Duties 2-69 Notice of............................. 10-4 Village clerk; duties When held 10-2 Election records, keeping 2-67(5) State laws Expiration of term, notice of 2-67(7) Applicable state laws adopted 10-1 Official seal, keeping 2-67(8) Voting machines may be used; state law Record ordinances 2-67(3) applicable....................... 10-7 Village council Village clerk, duties re keeping election Keep records of council 2-67(2) records 2-67(5) Public council action 2-67(4) Village council to constitute canvassing Serve as clerk of council 2-67(1) board 10-11 Vital statistics, keeping 2-67(6) Voting machines may be used; state law Police division, duties re records 2-76(b)(1) applicable 10-7 Village clerk and deputy village clerk. See herein: Department of Records ELECTRICAL CODE DOGS Amendments, corrections, additions 11-12 Regulations enumerated 4-24 et seq. Code and county amendments adopted 11-11 See: ANIMALS AND FOWL Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 DRAINAGE ELECTRICITY Stormwater management 21-61 et seq. Swimming pools; electrical equipment 25-8 See: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ELECTRONIC AUDIO EQUIPMENT Subdivision design standards re easements Noise control 19-104 and rights-of--way 36-22(b) Zoning; surface water management EMERGENCIES C-3 Regional Business District 45-34.1(8) Ambulances 17-50, 17-51 DROUGHT Emergency management 8-1 et seq. Water shortage emergencies 19-200 et seq. See: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT See: WATER SHORTAGE EMERGEN- Emergency medical services CIES Fees Billing and collection 11.5-23 E Establishment 11.5-22 Generally . 11.5-21 ELECTIONS Fire division 12-29 et seq. Ballots See: FIRE PREVENTION AND PRO- Direction for preparation 10-8 TECTION Public measure 10-10 Water shortage emergencies 19-200 et seq. Specifications; general and runoff elec- See: WATER SHORTAGE EMERGEN- tions 10-9 CIES Supp. No. 23 2941 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Section Section EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT FINANCES (Cont'd.) Applicability . 8-2 Examine books 2-59(6) Civil disorders and disturbances Financial statements 2-59(3) Declaration of a state of emergency.... 8-22 Fiscal supervision over officers...... 2-59(5) Mayor designated local authority for pres- Keep accounts 2-59(4) ervation of public peace.......... 8-21 Pay village employees . . 2-59(11) Declaration of a state of emergency 8-5 Prescribe form 2-59(1) ~ Definitions 8-1 Receive and disburse moneys 2-59(10) i~ Emergency management structure 8-3 Responsibility for proceeds of bonds . 2-59(7) Powers, duties and responsibilities 8-4 Investment policy of the village 2-4 Termination of a state of emergency...... 8-6 Pensions and retirement. See also that subject EMPLOYEES. See: OFFICERS AND EM- Length of service award plan for volun- PLOYEES teer firefighters 2-170 et seq. ENCLOSURES. See: FENCES, WALLS, Pension and certain other benefits for HEDGES AND ENCLOSURES fire and police employees 2-159 et seq. Pension and certain other benefits for ENERGY EFFICIENCY BUILDING CODE general employees 2-146 et seq. Adopted by reference 6-150 Planning and development; filing fees and ENGINE EXHAUST cost for changes 21-1, 21-2 Noise control olic 19-108 Social security 2-136 et seq. p y " " " " " " " " " " ' See: SOCIAL SECURITY EROSION CONTROL STRUCTURES Taxation. See that subject Construction regulations 5-93 et seq. Pillage manager 2-118 See: BOATS, DOCKS AND WATER- FINES, FORFEITURES AND OTHER PEN- WAYS ALTIES EXCAVATIONS Code enforcement board; fines and liens 2-178 Bulkhead lines 7-1 et seq. Code of ordinances, provisions re general See: BULKHEAD LINES penalty and continuing violations 1-8 Stormwater management 21-61 et seq. Parking violation 18-37, 18-38 See: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Pension and certain other benefits for fire Street excavations 24-16 et seq. and police employees See: STREETS, SIDEWALKSAND PUB- Board of trustees for; forfeiture of mem- LIC PLACES bership on board for absenteeism. 2-164(b) Contributions; forfeitures 2-163(d) EXCRETA FIRE DISTRICT Dog waste, removal provisions re 4-31, 4-32 Property within village designated , 6-3 F FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 FENCES, WALLS, HEDGES AND ENCLO- Department of public safety, provisions re SURES fire division 2-76(c) Landscaping 27-31 et seq. See: PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT See: LANDSCAPING Fire division Swimming pool requirements 25-37, 25-38 Composition 12-30 FINANCES Created; functions _ 12-29 Emergency medical technician volun- Budget procedures 2-2 teers 12-32 Country club, provisions re 9-21(d), 9-32 Court cost Equipment Assessment of additional court costs for Acquisition 12-52 criminal justice education expendi- tures 1-9 Department of finance Finance director; duties Accounts of receipts and expendi- tures 2-59(8) Budget duties 2-59(2) Cancellation of evidences of old debt 2-59(9) ~ i, Collect moneys and fees due village . 2-59(12) I Supp. No. 23 2942 CODE INDEX Section Section FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION (Cont'd.) (Cont'd.) Flood hazard reduction provisions Fire alarm system 12-53 Coastal high hazard areas 12.5-44 Generally 12-51 General standards Housing 12-54 Anchoring......................... 12.5-41(1) Private use of equipment 12-55 Construction materials and methods 12.5-41(2) Tampering with equipment 12-56 Enclosures below lowest floor 12.5-41(6) Impersonating fireman 19-8 Mechanical and utility equipment... 12.5-41(5) Motor equipment and members' cars des- Subdivision proposals 12.5-41(4) ignated emergency vehicles 12-31 Utilities 12.5-41(3) Personnel Regulatory floodways 12.5-43 Badges 12-41 Sand dunes and mangrove stands 12.5-45 Car insignia 12-42 Specific standards Other officers accountable to chief... 12-39 Nonresidential construction......... 12.5-42(2) Police assistance 12-43 Residential construction............ 12.5-42(1) Interpretation 12.5-9 Special police powers 12-40 Volunteer firefighters, length of service Lands to which provisions applies........ 12.5-6 award plan for 2-170 et seq. Methods of reducing flood losses 12.5-4 See: PENSIONSAND RETIREMENT Noncompliance, penalties for 12.5-11 Fire prevention code Statement of purpose and objectives...... 12.5-3 Adopted by reference 12-16 Statutory authorization 12.5-1 Variance procedure 12.5-24 Amendments 12-17 Hazardous substances, cost recovery for FLORIDA, STATE OF. See: STATE cleanup, abatement and removal. of FOLLOWING, PRECEDING Authority of public safety department.. 12-102 Cost reimbursement to village......... 12-103 Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 Definitions 12-101 FORFEITURES. See: FINES, FORFEPI`ITRES Exceptions for fire suppression services 12-105 AND OTHER PENALTIES Late fee for failure to reimbursement 12-106 Records . 12-104 FOWL. Seer ANIMALS AND FOWL Remedies 12-107 FRANCHISES Pension and certain other benefits for fire Enumerated. See Appendix. D and police employees...... 2-159 et seq. Use of rights-of--way for utilities.......... 28-1 et seq. See: PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT See: UTILITIES FIREARMS AND WEAPONS Concealed weapons, carrying 19-184 G Forfeiture; disposition 19-186 GAMBLING Possession 19-183 Animals, causing to fight................ 4-8 Sales restricted GARAGE AND OTHER SALES Record of sales required 19-185(c) Specified weapons, display and sale of . 19-185(b) Garage sales 17-61 Switchblade knives prohibited......... 19-185(a) Permit required 17-62 Stench bombs prohibited 19-82 Violations and penalties 17-63 See: STENCH BOMBS GARBAGE AND TRASH Abandoned, inoperative and junked prop- FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION erty Abrogation and greater restrictions 12.5-8 Definitions 14-37 Areas of special flood hazard Disposition of property 14-48 Basis for establishment 12.5-7 Hearing Warnings regarding designations 12.5-10 Procedure for hearing 14-45 " Building official Request for hearing 14-44 Designated as flood damage control ad- Impounded property, redemption of 14-51 ministrator 12.5-21 Liability of owner or occupant......... , 14-52 Duties and responsibilities 12.5-23 Notices Definitions 12.5-5 Content of notice 14-42 Development permit Contents of public sale notice 14-49 Required 12.5-22 Notice of removal................... 14-47 Findings of fact 12.5-2 Notice to remove................... 14-40 Supp. No. 17 2943 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Section ~ Section GARBAGE AND TRASH (Cont'd:) HEALTH AND SANITATION (Cont'd.) Procedure _ . 14-41 Boats, docks, etc., provisions re 5-10 et seq. Prima facie evidence of violation....... 14-39 See: BOATS, DOCKS AND WATER- Prohibited conditions; enumerated e~- WAYS ceptions 14-38 Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 Public sale 14-50 Garbage and trash..,................... 14-23 et seq. Removal of property from. premises 14-46 See: GARBAGE AND TRASH Responsibility for removal 14-43 Park and recreation facilities; failure to Boats; refuse disposal 5-12 cooperate in keeping restrooms neat Garbage collection and disposal or sanitary . . 20-2 Charges Rabies control 4-42 et seq. Commercial use property waste dis- See: ANIMALS AND FOWL posal fees and collection proce= Weeds and brush 14-79 et seq. dares 14-30 See: WEEDS AND BRUSH Fee for excess amounts from commer- cial establishments 14-28 HEDGES. See: FENCES, WALLS, HEDGES Generally 14-27 AND ENCLOSURES When and where paid 14-29 Definition 14-23 HITCHHIKING Frequency of collection 14-26 Prohibitions 19-6 Garbage cans Kept covered 14-25 HOME OCCUPATIONS Required 14-24 Definitions 17-2(b) Landscaping; refuse container areas...... 27-41 Effective date 17-2(i) Public services department Occupational licenses. See also that subject Refuse disposal division 2-85(5) Generally..... 17-16 et seq. Weeds and brush 14-79 et seq. Home occupation provisions See: WEEDS AND BRUSH Affidavit of applicant required 17-2(e) Appeals 17-2(g) GAS CODE Requirement of occupational license. 17-2(c) Standard codes adopted 6-17 Permitted uses, home occupations as 17-2(a) Repeal of ordinances 17-2(h) I GATHERINGS. See: ASSEMBLIES Standards 17-2(d) 1~ GENDER Violation of standards or conditions deemed a Code violation 17-2(f) ~ Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 GUNS. See: FIREARMS AND WEAPONS HORNS Noise control 19-103 H HOUSING HANDBILLS Boats, docks and waterways; anchoring and mooring Distribution restricted 19-7 Use of vessel for dwelling purposes in HANDGUNS. See: FIREARMS AND WEAP- prohibited area.. 5-24 ONS HOUSING CODE HANDICAPPED PERSONS. See: DISABLED Adopted by reference 15-1 AND HANDICAPPED PERSONS Amendments 15-2 Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Recovery of costs for cleanup, abatement. and removal 12-101 et seq. I See: FIRE PREVENTION AND PRO- TECTION IMPERSONATION Impersonating police officer; fireman or HEALTH AND SANITATION other village official 19-8 Animals and fowl, provisions re 4-11 et seq. See: ANIMALS AND FOWL IMPOUNDMENT Bathing regulations Abandoned, inoperative and junked prop- Diseased persons prohibited from bath- erty - ing in public pool, etc............ 19-3 Redemption of impounded property 14-51 l Sapp. No. 17 2944 CODE INDEX Section Section IMPOUNDMENT (Confd.) LANDSCAPING (ConfdJ Boats, docks and waterways; unlawfully Appearance plan (Appendix A). See that anchored or moored vessels subject Department of public safety to im- Application of provisions; enforcement.... 27-33 pound 5-18 Certain yard areas, off-street parking and Owner to be notified upon impound- other vehicular use areas ment 5-19, 5-20 Existing plant material............... 27-67 Dogs and cats 4-30 Installation 27-60 Maintenance 27-61 INDECENCY AND OBSCENITY parking area interior landscaping 27-65 Adult entertainment establishments Perimeter landscaping relating to abut- Zoningregulations re.See: ZONING (Ap- ting properties 27-64 pendix C) Plant material Alcoholic beverage establishments; nudity, Ground covers 27-62(e) partial nudity, sexual conduct prohib- Lawn grass 27-62(f) ited 3-4 ualit 27-62(a) Q Y Topless costumes 19-64 Shrubs and hedges................., 27-62(c) Vulgarlanguage 19-65 Tree species....................... 27-62(b) Window peeping 19-66 Vmes 27-62(d) INSURANCE EXCISE TAXES Required landscaping adjacent to public Casualty insurance premiums 26-16 rights-of-way 27-63 Property insurance premiums............ 26-17 Scope, applicability 27-59 Sight distance adjacent to public rights- INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY of-way and points of access....... 27-66 Marine sanctuary, designation as 5-101 Certificate of completion 27-35 Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 INVESTMENTS Completed landscaping required for certif- Investment policy of the village 2-4 icate of use and occupancy.......... 27-37 Definitions 27-31 J Improved nonresidential properties in ex- istence on September 23, 1971 JOINT AUTHORITY Applicable requirements 27-40(b) Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 Exceptions 27-40(c) Objectives 27-40(a) JUNK Planning commission, submission of plans Abandoned, inoperative and junked prop- to 27-40(d) erty 14-37 et seq. See: GARBAGE AND TRASH Objectives 27-32 Off-street parking landscape manual 27-38 Plot use plan approval prerequisite to issu- H ante of permits for building and pav- KNIVES.See:FIREARMSANDWEAPONS ~g•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 27-37 Refuse container areas 27-41 Scope; applicability 27-34 I' Weeds and brush 14-79 et seq. LAKE WORTH See: WEEDS AND BRUSH Marine sanctuary, designation as 5-101 Zoning ordinance, conflict with........... 27-39 Regulations governing construction of docks, LIBRARY piers in Lake Worth and Atlantic Dama ro ert unlawful 16-1 Ocean 5-85 ~g P P Y Department of library LAND Librarian 2-93 Buildings; construction on public land pro- Library board hibited 6-1 APPointment......................... 16-17 Plamvng and development 21-01 et seq. Compensation, service without 16-20 See: PLANNINGAND DEVELOPMENT Composition 16-17 Subdivision regulations 36-1 et seq. Established 16-16 See: SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) Meetings 16-23 Organization 16-21 LANDSCAPING Powers and duties 16-22 Accessways 27-36 Qualifications........................ 16-19 Supp. No. 23 2945 I NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Section Section / LIBRARY (Cont'd.) LICENSES AND PERMITS (Cont'd.) Removal from office 16-24 Transfer of license Term of office 16-17 New location 17-25 Vacancies 16-18 New owner........................ 17-24 Variable factors within applicant's knowl- LICENSES AND PERMITS edge, declaration where fee de- .Alarm permit 19-208 et seq. pends on........................ 17-23 See: ALARMS When due and payable 17-19 Boat launching area permits 5-34 park and recreation facilities; meeting and Boats, docks and waterways gathering permits 20-31 et seq. Limitation on anchoring and mooring in See: PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND prohibited area; mooring permit RECREATION required 5-17 public services department, division of per- Bulkhead lines; filling permit............ 7-16 et seq. mits and inspections 2-85(1) .See: BULKHEAD LINES Seawalls. See herein: Bulkheads and Sea- Bulkheads and seawalls 5-72 walls Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 Sidewalk and driveway permits.......... 24-55 et seq. Driveways. See herein: Sidewalk and Drive- See: STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PUB- way Permits LIC PLACES Emergency medical services 11.5-21 Street excavation permits 24-28, 24-29 Flood damage prevention development per- Swimming pool construction permit 25-23, 25-24 mit 12.5-22 Utilities Garage, related sales 17-62 Use ofrights-of--way for utilities; written Home occupations. See also that subject permit 28-2, 28-3 Generally 17-16 et seq. Occupational license for home occu- LOTS pations 17-2(c) et seq. Subdivision design standards 36-18 Noise control; special permits excepted 19-119 Zoning regulations 45-1 et seq. Occupational licenses See: ZONING (Appendix C) Application for 17-18 Commercial vehicles, marking of _ 17-33.1 LOUDSPEAKERS Compliance by principal deemed compli- Noise control policy re loudspeakers and ance by agent 17-29 devices for advertising 19-105 Delinquency penalty 17-20 Doing business not covered by license.. 17-28 M Duplicate licenses 17-27 Duration 17-19 MANAGER. See: VILLAGE MANAGER False statements Engaging in business without license MANGROVE STANDS or under license issued on 17-32 Flood damage prevention provisions...... 12.5-45 License obtained by void ab initzo 17-28 MAPS. See: SURVEYS, MAPS AND PLATS Half-year license 17-19 Home occupations. See also that subject MARINE SANCTUARIES Generally 17-16 et seq. Designated,.... 5-101 Occupational license for home oc- cupations 17-2(c) et seq. MAY, SHALL Issuance 17-19 Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 Noncompliance of principal............ 17 29 Nonprofit enterprise, special permit for 17-22 MAYOR Posted or carried, license to be 17-26 y gn 'ty p Refund of fee 17-30 Ci Ma or desi s ated ocal author for res- Registration required 17-17 ervation of public peace.......... 8-21 Renewal 17-20 Village council; presiding officer at meet- Required; basis of one year............ 17-16 cgs" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ' 2-18 Specified professions, how tax construed MEASURES. See: WEIGHTS AND MEA- ~ as to 17-21 ~ SURES Suspension or revocation 17-30 Tax exemptions 17-31 MECHANICAL CODE Tax schedule 17-33 Standard code adopted.................. 6-17 Supp. No. 23 2946 CODE INDEX Section Section PARKS, PLAYGROUIVDSAND RECREATION (Cont'd.) Vacancies 20-62(c) Restrooms, failure to cooperate in keeping neat or sanitary 20-2 ~affic Enforcement of traffic regulations 20-5(2) Operation confined to roads 20-5(5) Parking areas designated 20-5(6) Signs 20-5(3) Supp. No. 23 2948.1 ~1 CODE INDEX Section Section PARKS, PLAYGROUNDSAND RECREATION PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT (Cont'd.) (Cont'd.) Membership Speed of vehicles 20-5(4) Application for membership 2-160(b) State motor vehicle laws 20-5(1) Buy-back of previous service 2-160(d) Trees Changes in designation of beneficiary 2-160(c) Climbing trees, etc 20-4 Conditions of eligibility............. 2-160(a) Use by public only 20-1 Nonassignability 2-169(b) Number and gender 2-169(e) PENALTIES. See: FINES, FORFEITURES Optional forms of benefits 2-162 AND OTHER PENALTIES Pension validity 2-169(c) PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT Repeal or termination of plan 2-168 Length of service award plan for volunteer Tax on insurers 2-167 firefighters Pension and certain other benefits for gen- Benefit formula 2-170.6 eral employees Contact person 2-170.10 Benefit amounts and eligibility Effective date 2-170.3 Direct transfers of eligible rollover Eli bilit 2-170.4 distribution 2-157 ~ Y Entitlement age 2-170.5 Early retirement................... 2-148(d) Plan, name of 2-170.2 Late retirement.................... 2-148(c) Point system 2-170.11 Preretirement death 2-148(e) _ Retirement benefit 2-148(b) Preretirement death benefit........... 2-170.7 Purpose 2-170 Retirement date 2-148(a) Sponsor, name of 2-170.1 Termination of employment......... 2-148(f) Trustee and contact person............ 2-170.10 Benefit plan no. 2, optional (cost of liv- Vesting provisions, schedule of 2-170.8 ing adjustment) 2-158.1 V~ilage contributions 2-170.9 Benefit plan, optional Pension and certain other benefits for. fire Applicability to employees 2-158(a) and police employees Member contributions Benefit amounts Amount 2-158(d)(1) Cost of living 2-161(g) Duration........................ 2-158(d)(2) Disability retirement 2-161(e) Guaranteed refund 2-158(d)(4) Early retirement 2-161(b) Interest......................... 2-158(d)(3) Formula 2-161(c) Retirement benefit................. 2-158(c) Limitation on 2-161(h) Retirement date 2-158(b) Normal retirement benefit.......... 2-161(a) Defimitions 2-146 Preretirement death 2-161(d) Discharged members 2-156(a) Termination benefits and vesting, 2-161(f) Incompetents 2-156(d) Board of trustees Membership Bring and defend lawsuits ~ Application for membership 2-147(b) Powers 2-164(e) Change in designation of beneficiary 2-147(c) Composition 2-164(a) Conditions of eligibility............. 2-147(a) Forfeiture of membership on board Nonassignability 2-156(b) for absenteeism 2-164(b) Normal and optional forms of benefits . 2-149 Meetings 2-164(d) Pension validity...................... 2-156(c) Power and authority 2-166 Repeal or termination of system 2-155 Reports and records 2-164(c) Retirement board Contributions Additional rules and regulations au- Employer 2-163(c) thorized.-..................... 2-152 Forfeitures 2-163(d) Established........................ 2-151 Member 2-163(a) Investing funds; custodian of securi- State 2-163(b) ties.......................... 2-153 Definitions 2-159 Oaths of office; meetings; quorum 2-154. Direct transfers of eligible rollover dis- Social security 2-136 et seq. tribution 2-170 See: SOCIAL SECURITY Discharged members 2-169(a) Volunteer firefighters, length of service False, misleading statements made to award plan for. See herein: Length of obtain retirement benefits prohib- Service Award Plan for Volunteer ited 2-169(f) Firefighters Incompetents 2-169(d) Insurers, tax on 2-167 PERMITS. See: LICENSES AND PERMITS Supp. No. 20 2949 { NORTH PALM BEACH CODE ' ' Section Section PERSON PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (Cont'dJ Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 Jurisdiction 21-2(b) PIERS Planning commission, advice of........ 21-2(d) Docks and piers, construction require- Stormwater management 21-61 et seq. 5-81 et seq. See: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ments re Subdivision regulations 36-1 et seq. See: BOATS, DOCKS AND .WATER- See: SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) WAYS Zoning regulations 45-1 et seq. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT See: ZONING (Appendix C) Appearance plan (Appendix A). See that subject PLANNING COMMISSION Archaeological site protection regulations . 21-101 et seq. Composition; conduct generally See: ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE PRO- Created 21-11(a) TECTION Meetings 21-11(c) Board of adjustment Membership 21-11(b) Composition; conduct generally Powers and duties 21-11(d) Administrative orders, review of 21-21(d) Zoning ordinances, changes to 21-12 Created 21-21(a) Decision of administrative official, ap- PLATS. See: SURVEYS, MAPS AND PLATS peals to board from 21-21(e) Hearing of appeals 21-21(g) PLAYGROUNDS. See: PARKS, PLAY- Judicial review of decisions of board. 21-21(h) GROUNDS AND RECREATION Membership; terms; alternate; com- pensation 21-21(b) PLUMBING CODE Powers and duties 21-21(c) Standard codes adopted 6-17 Stay of work and proceedings on ap- peal 21-21(f) POLICE Comprehensive plan Court cost Adoption 21-O1 Assessment of additional court costs for Filing fees and costs for changes criminal justice education expendi- Enactment and authority........... 21-1(a) tares 1-9 1 Fee; application 21-1(c) Department of public safety, provisions re / Jurisdiction 21-1(b) police division 2-76(b) Planning commission, advise of 21-1(d) See: PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT Concurrency management Elections; policemen to be present at poll- Adequate public facilities available to ing place 10-77 service development 21-45 Fire division rovisions re p police assis- Application 21-42 tance 12-43 Definitions 21-44 Intent and purpose Impersonating police officer 19-8 Pension and certain other benefits for fire Comprehensive plan, implements- and police employees 2-159 et seq. tion of 21-43(a) See: PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT Managementlmonitoring and regula- tory program, establishment of 21-43(b) Reserve force Minimum requirements 21-43(c) Application for membership 23-43 Management and monitoring program Compensation 23-50 Amendments to CIE and annual bud- Created; purpose 23-42 get, recommendations on 21-46(c) Director of public safety, appointment to Annual public facilities update report 21-46(b) serve by 23-45 Generally 21-46(a) Oath required........................ 23-47 Regulatory program Powers and duties 23-48 Exemptions 21-47(b) Reserve list to be maintained 23-44 Generally 21-47(a) Resignation.......................... 23-46 Public facility adequacy, review to de- Uniforms and insignia 23-49 termine 21-47(c) Short title 21-41 POLLUTION Filing fees and costs for voluntary annex- Smoke, dust, odors, liquids, etc........... 19-9 ation of land Stormwater management provisions re pol- Enactment and authority 21-2(a) lutant loads 21-67 Fees: application 21-2(c) Waterways, pollution of 5-13 Sapp. No. 20 2950 CODE INDEX Section Section STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PUBLIC PLACES (Cont'd.) Smoke, dust, odors, liquids, etc........... 19-9 Spitting in public places prohibited....... 19-5 Supp. No. 23 2952.1 1 } CODE INDEX Section Section STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PUBLIC SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) (Cont'dJ PLACES (Cont'd.) Railroads or limited access highway, Stormwater management, applicable pro- subdivisions on 36-19(3) visions re 21-62, 21-65 Street names 36-19(9) Subdivision regulations 36-1 et seq. Subdivision entrances 36-25 See: SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) Water bodies, access to Swale areas, sodding required in certain 36-24 Enactment and authority 36-2 instances 24-3 Enforcement provisions Trees in swale areas 27-16 et seq. See: TREES AND SHRUBBERY Appeals 36-35 Erection of buildings and issuance of Utilities permits 36-38 Public utilities, cost of changing or re- moval of 24-4 General enforcement regulations 36-36 Use of rights-of--way for utilities 28-1 et seq. Land clearing, vegetation and wildlife See: UTILITIES protection and preservation Application procedure for vegetation SUBDIVISIONS (Generally) removal unrelated to building Appearance plan (Appendix A). See that permit applications 36-38.1(3) subject Exceptions 36-38.1(5) Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 Fees 36-38.1(6) Flood damage prevention provisions...... 12.5-41(4) Generally 36-38.1(1) Zoning regulations 45-1 et seq. Vegetation protection during construc- See: ZONING (Appendix C) tion 36-38.1(4) SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) Vegetation removal permit, applica- (Note--Section contained herein refer to tion procedure 36-38.1(2) sections found within Appendix B) Required improvements 36-37 Amendments Vegetation. See within this subheading: Public hearing required 36-39.1 Land Clearing, Vegetation and Definitions Wildlife Protection and Preserva- General terms 36-5 tion Specific terms 36-6 Wildlife protection and preservation. See Design standards within this subheading: Land Clear- Alleys 36-20 ing, Vegetation and Wildlife Protec- Blocks. See within this subheading: Lots Lion and Preservation and Blocks Jurisdiction 26-3 Comprehensive plan, conformity with.. 36-17(1) Legal status Easements and rights-of--way Conflicting regulations 36-41 Access waterways 36-22(c) Effective date......................... 36-42 Drainage 36-22(b) Saving clause........................ 36-40 Utilities 36-22(a) plats, platting Lots and blocks Procedures for subdivision plat approval. Access 36-18(3) See herein that subject Block lengths 36-18(6) procedures fm•subdivision plat approval Double frontage lots 36-18(5) Construction plan specifications 36-13 Lot lines 36-18(4) Construction plans procedure Lot size 36-18(1) preparation of construction plans 36-12(1) Residence lots, minimum 36-18(2) Submission and review of construc- Public sites and open spaces 36-23 tion plans 36-12(2) Rights-of--way. See within this subhead- ing: Easements and Rights-Of--Way Surety device, posting of 36-12(3) Sidewalks 36-21 Final plat procedure Soil and flood hazards, consideration of 36-17(2) Application for final plat approval... 36-14(2) Streets Generally 36-14(1) Adjoining property, street access to.. 36-19(7) Planning commission action 36-14(4) Arterial streets, subdivisions on..... 36-19(2) Planning commission review........ 36-14(3) Culs-de-sac 36-19(6) Recording of final plat.............. 36-14(6) Half streets 36-19(8) Village council action............... 36-14(5) Intersection design 36-19(4) Final plat specifications............... 36-15 Minimum street design specifications 36-19(5) General prerequisites to 36-7 Minor streets 36-19(1) Pre-application conference 36-9 Supp. No. 21 2953 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Section Section SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) (Cont'dJ SWIMMING Preliminary plat procedure Bathing regulations; diseased persons pro- Application for preliminary plat ap- hibited from bathing in public pool, proval 36-10(1) etc. 19-3 Developments of regional impact.... 36-10(2) Restizcted waters, swimming in.......... 5-3 Effect of approval 36-10(9) SWIMMING POOLS Failure of planning commission to take action 36-10(8) Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 Construction permits Fees 36-10(3) Plans................................ 25-24 Notification of action 36-10(7) Required; application; fees 25-23 Planning commission action 36-10(6) Country club premises regulations 9-1 Planning commission review........ 36-10(5) Cross-connection of filtration equipment Review comments 36-10(4) and water su 1 25-7 Preliminary plat specifications 36-11 pp y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Definitions 25-1 Qualification of person making survey . 36-8 Electizcal equipment 25-8 Reversion of subdivided land to acreage 36-16 Final approval before use 25-2 Purpose and intent 36-4 Grade.................................. 15-11 Required improvements Hair and lent strainers 25-5 Bikeways 36-29.1 public and private pools Bridges 36-30 Construction......................... 25-36 General requirements 36-26 Fencing Monuments Modifications and exceptions 25-38 Permanent control points........... 36-27(b) Requirements 25-37 Permanent reference monuments 36-27(a) Recirculating piping and fittings, require- Planned unit development alteratives. 36-34 ments for 25-9 Screening walls and landscaping 36-33 Scum-gutters 25-6 Sidewalks 36-29 Setback................................ 25-3 Storm water management 36-31 Tamping back-fill 25-10 Streets Vacuum cleaner 25-4 Arterial and collector streets........ 36-28(a) Water circulations 25-4 Curb and gutter 36-28(c) SWITCHBLADE KNIVES Marginal access streets.............. 36-28(b) Sale prohibited 19-185(a) Pavement base 36-28(f) Subgrade 36-28(e) Swales 36-28(d) T Wearing surface 36-28(g) TAXATION Utilities Insurance excise taxes 26-16, 26-17 Sanitary sewer 36-32(a) Occupational licenses 17-16 et seq. i Septic tanks 36-32(e) See: LICENSES AND PERMITS Underground utilities . _ 36-32(d) pension and certain other benefits for fire Water and sewer systems........... 36-32(c) and police employees Water supply 36-32(b) Tax on insurers 2-167 Wells Telecommunications service tax Individual wells prohibited in cer- Collection 26-52 tain areas of village 36-32(f7 Compensation 26-54 Short title 36-1 Exemptions.......................... 26-53 Levy 26-51 SURVEYS, MAPS AND PLATS Rate 26-51 Official zoning map 45-17 Utility tax.............................. 26-29 et seq. Subdivision regulations 36-7 et seq. See: UTILITY TAX See: SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) TELECOMMUNICATIONS SWALE AREAS Compliance with other laws; police power. 29-10 Sodding required in certain instances 24-3 Construction bond 29-13 Trees in Swale areas _ 27-16 et seq. Definitions 29-3 See: TREES AND SHRUBBERY Enforcement remedies 29-15 Fees and payments 29-5 SWEAR OR SWORN. See: OATH, AFFIRMA- Force majeure 29-16 TION, SWEAR OR SWORN Insurance; surety; indemnification 29-12 Supp. No. 21 2954 CODE INDEX Section Section TELECOMMUNICATIONS (Confd.) UTILITIES (Confd.) Intent and purpose 29-2 Use of rights-of--way for utilities Registration 29-4 Code enforcement board, applicability Involuntary termination 29-9 re 2-173 Reports and records 29-6 Rules and regulations adopted 28-1 Rights-of--way, use 29-8 Written permit (franchise) Security fund 29-14 Contents 28-3 Service tax, generally 26-51 et seq. Required; term 28-2 See: TAXATION Title 29-1 UTILITY TAX Transfer of control; sale or assignment 29-11 Collection 26-30 Underground installation; relocation 29-7 Exemption 26-31 Levied; rate 26-29 TELEPHONES Alarms; interference with public safety de- V' partment trunk line prohibited 19-215 TELEVISION VILLAGE Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 Cable television rate regulation 17-1 VILLAGE COUNCIL TENSE Compensation 2-16 Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 Defmitions and rules of construction 1-2 THEFT Elections; village council to constitute can- Combat Auto Theft (CAT) 18-19 vassing board...................... 10-11 Meetings TIME Adjournment of all meetings 2-19 Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 Regular meetings TRAFFIC. See: MOTOR VEHICLES AND Presiding officer 2-18 TRAFFIC When held 2-17 Rules of procedure. See herein that sub- TRAILERS ject Personal recreational use trailers; parking Rules of procedure on residential property restricted 18-35 Order of business 2-26 TRASH. See: GARBAGE AND TRASH Parliamentary rules 2-27 Pillage clerk, duties re 2-67 TREES AND SHRUBBERY VILLAGE MANAGER Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 Administrative code, provisions re 2-39 et seq. Landscaping 27-31 et seq. See: ADMINISTRATIVE CODE See: LANDSCAPING Bond 2-117 Missiles, throwing 19-83 Budget 2-118 Parks and recreation facilities; climbing Budget procedures, duties re 2-2 trees, etc 20-4 Removal 2-116 Swale areas, trees in Resident 2-115 Definitions . 27-16 y................. Planting and removal; written approval VOYEURISM required 27-17 Window peeping prohibited............... 19-66 Scope 27-19 Variety and location 27-18 W U WALLS. See: FENCES, WALLS, HEDGES AND ENCLOSURES UTILITIES Flood damage prevention provisions...... 12.5-41(3), (5) WATER SHORTAGE EMERGENCIES Franchises enumerated. See Appendix D Application 19-201 Street construction work; cost of changing Defmitions 19-200 or removal of public utilities 24-4 Enforcement Subdivision design standards re easements Emergency power 19-204 and rights-of-way 36-22(a) Generally. 19-203 Subdivisions, required improvements re 36-32 Implementation Telecommunications service tax.......... 26-51 et seq. Exemptions 19-202(b) See: TAXATION Permanent restrictions 19-202(a) Supp. No. 23 2955 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Section Section WATER SHORTAGE EMERGENCIES ZONING (Generally) (Cont'd.) (Confd.) Landscaping; conflict with zoning ordi- Sanitation, exception to maintain 19-205 nance 27-39 Violations and penalties 19-206 Planning commission; changes to zoning ordinances 21-12 WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION Subdivision regulations 36-1 et seq. Stormwater management 21-61 et seq. See: SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) See: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Wellfield protection 19-220, 19-221 Zoning; C-3 Regional Business District Surface water management 45-34.1(8) WATERWAYS. See: BOATS, DOCKS AND WATERWAYS WEAPONS. See: FIREARMS AND WEAP- ONS WEEDS AND BRUSH Lien Recorded statement of removal costs con- stitutes lien; collection 14-83 Notice to destroy 14-80 Owner to bear costs of removal 14-82 Prohibited over certain height 14-79 Removal by village 14-81 WEEK Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Motor vehicle operation; weight limitations on certain roads 18-18 Noise measurement procedure 19-113 WELLFIELD PROTECTION Business activities with potential to con- taminate land and water resources, regulation o£ 19-221 County wellfield protection ordinance adopted by reference 19-220 WRITTEN, IN WRITING Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 Y YARDS AND OPEN SPACES Landscaping 27-31 et seq. See: LANDSCAPING Zoning regulations 45-27 et seq. See: ZONING (Appendix C) YEAR Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 Z ZONING (Generally) Appearance plan (Appendix A). See that subject Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 Home occupations 17-2(a) et seq. See: HOME OCCUPATIONS Supp. No. 23 2956 LThe next page is 2965] I I