01-2014 NewsletterVillage of North Palm BeachVillage of North Palm Beach
“The Best Place to Live Under the Sun”
Pg. 2—Village Manager / Historian
Village Manager
A Message from the Village Manager
This is going to be an exciting and challenging year at the Village. We have a num-
ber of projects that we want to accomplish and are also looking to upgrade major
equipment. With the help of our Council and staff, we have been able to improve
our procurement process and, as a result, bundle a number of equipment purchas-
es. This has saved us money and also means the equipment will be delivered early
in the year so that we can avail ourselves of the improved efficiency of this equip-
ment the entire year.
As you know, last year our big projects were the SW Neighborhoods Streetlights
and Sidewalks and the Veterans Memorial. This year, we want to begin design on
the Phase 2 improvements to Anchorage Park. We are expecting grant funding to defray the cost of this design initiative.
We also must deal with some deferred maintenance issues associated with air conditioning systems at the Country Club and
at the Library. We are currently evaluating both to determine what the best short term and long term fixes would be.
We also want to make improvements in the way we irrigate our parks. For the most part, these irrigation systems are manu-
ally activated. We will convert them to automated systems that can be activated at night to save water, reduce evaporation,
and assure maximum availability of the parks during the day.
We are also wrapping up our resident feedback project that will provide us invaluable information with regard to the future
focus of the Village. Certainly, the Clubhouse will be a key metric emanating from that project, and Council will need to
make some big decisions about its future in the months to come. However, we plan to make some improvements to the ex-
isting facility this year to enhance its appearance and make it safer for employees. We will add some landscaping in front
and will also improve and beautify the fencing around the trash storage area. We are going to make some of the employee
offices more livable and functional and we also plan to replace the flooring in the kitchen.
Additionally, we will be implementing a new web based employee appraisal system that will improve goal setting, tracking,
accountability, and recognition for our employees.
Our goal is to continuously improve every aspect of the Village while still retaining the traditions and “home town” feel of our
community. This year, I will endeavor to keep you informed of the many initiatives going on and the rationale behind them.
Both Council and I want to make sure you are not only informed, but involved in planning for the future of our community.
THANK YOU to all who participated in the Village’s Veterans Day observance, for being part of this special day in North Palm
Beach as we celebrated the grand opening and dedication of Veterans Memorial Park and paid homage to our veterans for
their sacrifices and service on behalf of our nation. The park is located next to the NPB Library, immediately behind Village
Hall. (more photos are on the Veterans Memorial Park page @ www.village-npb.org)
www.village-npb.org Village Clerk—Pg. 3
Village Clerk / Council
The AARP Tax-Aide program needs volunteer counselors
to help senior citizens and low/moderate income
individuals prepare their 2013 tax returns. Volunteers
work one day each week for four hours during tax season
(February – April 15.) Training begins in January; comput-
er skills are required. To volunteer please register on-line
at the AARP tax-aide website at www.aarp.org/taxaide or
for more information email to PBSFL4@gmail.com.
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Municipal Elections are by group, at-large and non-
partisan (no districts, no party affiliation). Polls are
open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm
Village Council Seats Open to Election
Group 1 (currently held by Robert Gebbia)
Group 3 (currently held by Darryl Aubrey)
Group 5 (currently held by William Manuel)
Candidate Qualifying Period
Opens: Noon, Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Closes: Noon, Tuesday, February 11, 2014
A candidate may announce his or her candidacy prior to
qualifying by filing Form DS-DE 9, Appointment of Cam-
paign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository
with the Village Clerk. After filing Form DS-DE 9 with
the Village Clerk and opening the campaign account,
candidates may begin accepting contributions and mak-
ing campaign expenditures; however, candidates must
still qualify by filing the appropriate forms with the Vil-
lage Clerk during the qualifying period, in order to be
listed on the ballot.
Candidate Qualifying Fees
Qualifying Fee: $10.00
State Election Assessment: 90.00
Total $100.00
Candidate Qualifications:
Village resident and registered voter
For more info, see “Becoming a Candidate” on Elec-
tions page at www.village-npb.org
2014 Eleccion Municipal de Village de North Palm Beach
Fecha: Martes, 11 de marzo de 2014
Las Elecciones Municipales son por grupo, generales e
independientes (sin distrito ni afiliación a un partido)
Los centros de votación abren de 7:00 am a 7:00 pm
Escaños del Consejo de Village Abiertos para Elección
Grupo 1 (ocupado actualmente por Robert Gebbia)
Grupo 3 (ocupado actualmente por Darryl Aubrey)
Grupo 5 (ocupado actualmente por William Manuel)
Período de Calificación de Candidatos
Abre : al mediodía del martes 28 de enero de 2014
Cierra: al mediodía del martes 11 de febrero de 2014
El candidato puede anunciar su candidatura previo a la calificación
con la presentación del Formulario DS-DE 9, Appointment of Cam-
paign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository,
(Nombramiento del Tesorero de la Campaña y Nombramiento del
Depositario de la Campaña), ante el Secretario de Village. Después
de presentar el Formulario DS-DE 9 ante el Secretario de Village y
luego de la apertura de una cuenta para la campaña, los candidatos
pueden empezar a recibir contribuciones y a efectuar gastos de
campaña; sin embargo, para figurar en la papeleta, los candidatos
aun tienen que calificarse con la presentación de los formularios
debidos ante el Secretario de Village durante el periodo de califi-
Cuotas de calificación de candidatura:
Cuota de calificación $10.00
Tasa del Estado por Elección 90.00
Total $100.00
Calificaciones para Candidatura:
Residente de Village y elector inscrito
Para más información, vea “Becoming a Candi-
date” (Convirtiéndose en Candidato) en la página de
elecciones en el sitio www.village-npb.org
Volunteer Tax-Aide Counselors Needed for
Northern Palm Beach County!
561-841-3380 Pg. 4—Public Safety / Library
Public Safety /Library
Fire Safety In Our Homes:
Dryer Safety
Dryers are about accomplishing our
everyday chores. But like any other ap-
pliance, they need regular maintenance
to ensure safety. According to FEMA
from 2008 - 2010 there were 2,900
clothes dryer fires in homes resulting in
5 deaths, 100 injuries and $35 million in
damages in the U.S. It doesn’t have to happen to you.
To avoid such fires here are some simple safety tips:
Turn the dryer off when you are gone or asleep.
Failure to clean was the leading factor contributing
to the ignition of dryers fires. Clean lint in 4 different
areas of the dryer; 1) the lint trap. Do this after eve-
ry use 2) under the drum, best done by a profes-
sional 3) Behind the dryer, especially if it is taking
longer than normal for clothes to dry 4) in the vent
to the exterior of the home.
Don’t store things on the dryer. The dryer needs to
vent heat, this helps to trap it and ignite lint.
Make sure the vent outside flap closes completely
when the dryer is off. This helps small animal nests
and insects from blocking the vent.
Have combustibles clear of the dryer by 3 feet:
clothing, rugs, brooms, shopping bags, and things
directly over the dryer on shelves.
Have dryers vented to the exterior of the home. Use
rigid or flexible metal venting material to sustain
proper air flow and drying time.
Avoid drying clothes that have been soiled with
chemicals such as gasoline, cooking oils, and
cleaning agents. Avoid drying foam, rubber, and
plastic materials. Avoid storing flammable liquids
over the dryer.
The North Palm Beach Police Department
would like to remind Village residents that
parking lots can be a target for thieves!
Please take the proper precautions to safeguard the
property inside of your vehicle. Unattended purses,
wallets, and cell phones are the target of choice. The
following are tips to assist you in protecting yourself and
your vehicle:
Always lock and secure your vehicle even if only
away from it for a short period of time.
Plan when to go and where to park.
Park your vehicle in an area that is secure, well lit,
highly traveled and is visible to the employees of
the business.
Never leave your purse, wallet, cell phone or other
valuables in your vehicle unattended even for a se-
Be aware of your surroundings and any suspicious
person(s) in the area. Don’t become distracted.
Utilize steering wheel locking devices.
Install an auto-theft alarm.
Scan the area around your vehicle as you approach
it. Dial 911 to report suspicious activity
Set-up: Sun. - Tues., January 26th – 28th
Sale: Wed. – Sun., January 29th – February 2nd
Volunteers are needed to help set-up and sell. Please let
us know how you can help us. Sign-up sheet at the circu-
lation desk.
Donate Your Books, Magazines, DVD’s & CD’s.
If you are unable to bring them in, call the library and leave
a message for “The Friends of the Library”. We will
arrange a time that is convenient for you and a volunteer
will pick up your donations. Call 841-3383 for details.
Library Events & Programs
Police Department:
Parking Lot Safety
Parks & Recreation
Registration for January Activities—Winter Activity Schedules are
available now and registration has begun! Begin 2014 with more activi-
ty and exercise! We offer Zumba, Tai Chi, Coquettes Dance, Jazz-
ercise, Ballroom Dance, Bellydance, Country Line Dance, Fitness Over
50, Chess, Table Tennis and more!! Most classes begin the week of
Jan. 6. Register early to assure your place and get started on those
New Year’s Resolutions! www.village-npb.org (dept-parks & rec- activi-
ty registration).
Pole Walking – What is it? Well, come to Anchorage Park on
Saturday, Jan. 18th at 10:00 am and find out! It is a great low-impact
exercise that works the whole body! If you can walk, you can pole walk.
“There is no other sports activity providing such great and immediate
health & fitness benefits that is nearly risk-free and easy to learn as
Nordic Pole Walking.” This activity is great for all ages! Join us and
see if this is the activity to get you motivated and moving!
Call 561-841-3386 to RSVP!
Hot Cars & Hotter Chili! NPB 4th Open Car Show and Chili Cook-
off On Jan. 26th the 4th annual open car/truck show at Anchorage Park.
Advanced vehicle registration is $15.00 and the first 50 entry's are guar-
anteed a show t-shirt. On-site registration from 9am-noon will be
$20.00. From noon – 4pm the public can enjoy food, drink, chili, music,
looking at beautiful cars/trucks and voting for their favorite chili! Fee to
sample chili is $5/person. If you have a classic car, we hope you will
participate in the show. Applications available on recreation pages of
www.village-npb.org. or at a recreation center. If you cook up a mean
batch of chili, enter the cook-off!
Puppy Love - Sat., Feb. 15th at 1:00 pm. You and your “best friend”
can enjoy an afternoon of contests and fun by the Bark Park at
Anchorage Park, 603 Anchorage Dr. Contests include: Best Valentine
Attire, Best Tail Wagger, Best Trick, Best Singing Dog, Smallest Dog,
Largest Dog, and Best Kisser. A fun-filled afternoon for all! You don’t
need a dog to attend this event! Several organizations will have
adoptable dogs on hand!
Village-Wide Garage Sale – Start cleaning out the closets and getting
ready for the March 8th garage sale. This humungous sale will be held
at the NPB Community Center, 1200 Prosperity Fm. Rd. from 7am –
noon. Spaces are available for $21.30. Reserve your space early!
KFT (Kids Field Trips) Camp - When school is out, the fun is on at
NPB Recreation. Join Bill and the staff as we take off on a fun-filled, all-
day bus trip. This is for youth 9-15 yrs.
January 20th, Monday - Miami Zoo - $30.00
February 17th, Monday – Airboats & Thunderdome - $35.00
For more information on any Recreation Activities please
contact the department at 841-3386.
Potluck Fridays – Want to meet new
people and have some fun? We are
starting a new program on the 2nd Friday
of each month at the Anchorage Park
Activities Bldg., from noon – 2:00. Par-
ticipants will call and RSVP their space
and let us know what dish they will be
bringing for the group to enjoy. The Rec
Dept will provide the drinks, paper prod-
ucts, etc. After the enjoyable meal, you
are invited to stay and play board games
such as Wizard, Rummy Cube, Mah
Jongg, etc. We will use this opportunity
to get your input as to trips you would like
the Rec Dept. to schedule and partici-
pants will get the first shot at registering
for a trip. Jan. 10, Feb. 14, March 14,
April 11.
Travel Trips – The North Palm Beach
Recreation Dept. invites you to join us for
upcoming trips to local attractions! The
Recreation Dept. now owns a bus so we
will be able to take the trips with less
chance of cancelling due to low enroll-
ment. Sign up now for these scheduled
Jan 9 – Cauley Square in Miami - $48
Jan 15 - Elliot & Navy Seal Museums -
Jan. 30 – Glass Bottom Boat, Key Largo
- $53
Plus many more upcoming trips!
Mark your calendars now! The
annual Heritage Festival will be
held on Saturday, March 29th at
Anchorage Park from noon –
7:00pm! Call 841-3386 for more
details and sponsorship
Heritage Festiv
Heritage Festiv
& Parade& Parade
Pg. 6—Country Club
Country Club
Happy New Year!
Our golf season is here and the weather
is perfect! This is the time of year to come
out and play or practice on our fantastic
Jack Nicklaus Signature golf course which
has received a number of accolades over
the past few seasons. The course is in
excellent condition and our current
players are enjoying it more than ever.
In addition to having a variety of member-
ship options, the golf facilities are always
open to the public. Our lit driving range in
open daily until 9:00pm and we also offer
individual or group golf instruction by a
number of skilled PGA Professionals.
Additionally, we offer beginner and
intermediate golf clinics and junior team
golf practices. Junior golfers are always
welcome at North Palm Beach Country
Club and the weekly clinics are held on
Saturdays at 1:00pm.
We are excited for you to see our fully
stocked golf shop with golf balls, clubs,
bags, shoes and apparel from all of the
leading manufacturers. We can special
order clubs or other merchandise from a
variety of brands and also offer custom
club fitting with our Track Man launch
We wish you a great start to the New
Year and hope to see you soon and often
at the North Palm Beach Country Club.
For more information please visit our web-
site at www.npbcc.org or call the golf
shop at 691-3433. You can also find us
on Facebook.
Best Wishes,
Lee Stroever
Director of Golf
North Palm Beach
Golf Member
Kimmee Scarponi
made an ace on the
5th hole! This
fantastic feat was
accomplished on
November 11, 2013
while using a 5
hybrid from 125
Tennis Center Schedule
Support Your Local Businesses—Pg. 9 www.village-npb.org
501 U.S. Highway 1,
North Palm Beach, FL
Driving Range Hours:
Monday & Thursday 9 AM - 9:00 PM
Tues/Wed & Fri-Sunday 7 AM - 9:00 PM
Golf Shop Hours:
Daily 6:30 AM—5:30PM
Breakfast, Sat.-Sun. 9:00 AM—2 PM
Lunch/bar , Mon. - Sun. 11 AM—6 PM
Library Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9 AM - 7 PM
Friday - Saturday 9 AM - 5 PM
Sunday 1 PM - 5 PM
Pool Hours:
Tues.—Fri. 12 PM - 4 PM
Saturday 10 PM– 6 PM
Sunday 12 PM - 6 PM
Water Aerobics— Tues. & Thurs. - Jane
Wed. & Fri. - Steve
11:00am - 12:00pm
Members Only Swim-10:00am - 12:00pm
Tuesday - Friday
Tennis Court Hours/Club Play:
Mon. - Thurs. 7:45 AM - 10 PM
Fri. - Sun. 7:45 AM - DARK
Tennis Office Hours:
Mon. - Fri. 7:45 AM - 7:00 PM
Sat. 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Sun. 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Retail Shop Hours:
Retail Shop hours vary, please call 694-
7557 or 691-3425
The North Palm Beach Country Club
and Village Tavern Restaurant are
951 US Highway 1, NPB, FL 33408
Phone: 561-691-3430 Fax: 561-630-0932
Parks & Recreation
1 2 3Recycled Holiday Greeting
Cards Crafts –1:30 pm
Quilters Group—10am
Water Aerobics -11-12 pm
Tai Chi—10am
4Junior Golf Clinic - 1-2pm
Tennis Clinic – 9am
Kid’s Tennis – 9:30am
Computer Help - 2-4pm
Adult Chess Club—11am-4pm
Kids Chess— 11am-1pm
Table Tennis—Osb., 11am
5Tennis Clinic–
6 Member Golf Clinic - 2 pm
9 & Dine—3pm Shotgun
Investment Update—10:30 am
Knit & Crochet—1-4pm
Friends of the Library—5:00 pm
Tennis Clinic– 9:30 am /6:30pm
7 MGA—8:36am tee times
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10am
Baby Time 9-18 mons.—11am
Great Courses -1-2:00pm
Water Aerobics -11am-12pm
Cardio Tennis – 9:30am
8WGA– 8:30am shotgun
9 Holers—10:36 am tee times
Water Aerobics -11-12 pm
Ballroom Dance Class—7pm
Story Time, Ages 2-4 - 10am
Travel Film—Noon
Mystery Book Club—1:30 pm
9 Kids Crafts 3:30 Ages 6-12
Water Aerobics –11am-12pm
Men’s Tennis – 6:30pm
Council Meeting—7:30pm
10Quilters Group—10am
Pot Luck Friday—noon
Water Aerobics -11-12 pm
Tai Chi—10am
11 Junior Golf Clinic - 1-2
Tennis Clinic – 9am
Kid’s Tennis – 9:30am
Table Tennis—Osb., 11am
Computer Help - 2-4pm
12 Tennis Clinic–
13 Book Discussion -11 am
Knit & Crochet—1-4pm
AAUW Mtg—6:30pm
Tennis Clinic– 9:30 am /6:30pm
14 MGA—8:36am tee times
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10am
Baby Time 9-18 mons.—11am
Great Courses—1-2:00 pm
Water Aerobics -11am-12pm
15WGA– 8:30am rev. shotgun
9 Holers—10:36am tee times
Story Time, Ages 2-4 - 10am
Travel Film—Noon
Writers Group—2:30 pm
Water Aerobics -11-12 pm
Ballroom Dance Class—7pm
Tennis Clinic– 6:30pm
16Water Aerobics11am-12pm
Family Movie—3:30 pm
Men’s Tennis – 6:30pm
17 Quilters Group—10am
What’s Your Style? By LJ De-
sign Interiors—1:30 pm
Water Aerobics -11-12 pm
Tai Chi—10am
18 Bridgestone Golf Ball
Fitting 11-3pm
Junior Golf Clinic 1-2pm
Tennis Clinic – 9am
Kid’s Tennis – 9:30am
Computer Help - 2-4pm
Adult Chess Club—11am-4pm
Kids Chess— 11am-1pm
19 Tennis Clinic–
Village Offices Closed
21 MGA—8:36am tee times
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10am
Baby Time 9-18 mons.—11am
Great Courses—1-2:00 pm
Water Aerobics -11am-12pm
22WGA– 8:30am rev. shotgun
9 Holers—10:36am tee times
Story Time, Ages 2-4 - 10am
Travel Film—Noon
What Shall I Read Next 2:30pm
James Michener—The Books &
The Places—noon
Water Aerobics -11-12 pm
Ballroom Dance Class—7pm
Tennis Clinic– 6:30pm
23 Family Movie—3:30 pm
Men’s Tennis – 6:30pmWater
Aerobics -11am—12pm
Council Meeting—7:30pm
24Quilters Group—10am
Water Aerobics -11-12 pm
Tai Chi—10am
25 Junior Golf Clinic –1-2pm
Kid’s Tennis – 9:30am
Tennis Clinic – 9am
Computer Help - 2-4pm
Table Tennis—Osb., 11am
27 Zumba—7pm
Tennis Clinic– 9:30am &
28 MGA—8:36am tee times
Aerobics -11am-12pm
New Year’s Eve celebration at the Country Club– Dec. 31st
Hot Cars and Chili Cook Off—January 26th
Village-wide Garage Sale—March 8th
Heritage Festival—March 29th
Club Championship
Seeds Round –10 am
tee times
Tennis Clinic– 9am
Hot Cars and Chili
Cook Off—noon
Village Offices Closed
Water Aerobics11am-12pm
Family Movie—3:30 pm
Men’s Tennis – 6:30pm
30 31
501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1
************** ECRWSS
Advisory Board Meeting Schedule
Audit Committee ………………………………………...on call
Business Advisory Board …………..4th Monday, monthly, 6:30 pm
Code Enforcement Special Magistrate ………….………..on call
Construction Board of Adjustment……………………….on call
Golf Advisory Board …………..3rd Monday, monthly, 6:30pm
Library Advisory Board ………..4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm
Pension Board - General Employees……………………..on call
Pension Board - Police & Fire …………………………...on call
Planning Commission …………..1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm
Recreation Advisory Board ……..2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm
Waterways Board ……………next to last Tuesday, monthly,4:00pm
Regular Garbage Pickup Schedule
Mondays - Garbage only
Tuesdays - Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation
Wednesdays - Garbage only
Thursdays - Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling
Fridays - Garbage only
Holiday Garbage Pickup Schedule
Mon., Dec. 30th— Garbage Only
Tues. Dec. 31st—Trash & Bulk Items & Vegetation
Wed., Jan. 1st—New Year’s Day—NO COLLECTION
Thurs., Jan. 2rd—All recycling
Fri., Jan. 4th—Garbage Only
Mon., Jan. 20th—Martin Luther King Day -NO COLLECTION
Tues., Jan. 21st—Garbage
Wed., Jan. 22nd Trash & Bulk Items & Vegetation
Thurs., Jan. 23rd—All recycling
Fri., Jan. 25th—Garbage Only
Country Club
Golf Shop 691-3433
Pool 691-3427
Tennis 691-3425
Restaurant 691-3430
Community Development 841-3365
Finance 841-3360
Library 841-3383
Public Safety:
Emergency 911
Non-Emergency 848-2525
Public Works 691-3440
Recreation 841-3386
Anchorage Park 841-3386
Community Center 841-3389
Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355
Village Historian 841-3371
Village Manager’s Office 904-2122
Upcoming Council Meetings
Thursday, January 9, 2014, 7:30 pm
Thursday, January 23, 2014, 7:30 pm
Village Hall
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Village Hall Hours: M -F, 8am-5pm
Village of North Palm Beach
Village Council
William L. Manuel
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D.
Vice Mayor
Robert A. Gebbia
President Pro Tem
David B. Norrid
Doug Bush
Ed Green
Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC
Village Clerk
Village Council members can be
contacted through the office of the
Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by
email at council@village-npb.org
*All meetings are held at the
Village Hall, 501 US Highway One
and are open to the public*