Code of Ordinances Supplement 28 SUPPL~MEIdT NO. 28 August 2004 CODE OF ORDIlVANCES Village of NORTH PALIVI BEACH, FLORIDA Looseleaf Supplement This Supplement contains all ordinances deemed advisable to be included at this time through: Ordinance No. 14-2004, enacted June S, 2004. See the Code Comparative Table for further information. RemoUe old pages Inse1-t new pages xi, xii xii Checklist of up-to-date pages Checklist of up-to-date pages (fallowing Table of Contents) 133 133 139-140,1 I39-140.2 1173, 1174 1173, 1174 2503-2504.2 2503-2504.3 2SS9 28$9 2935-2940.1 2935-2940.1 2965, 2966 2965, 2966 Insert and maintain this instruction sheet in front of this publication. File removed pages for reforence. MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION Post Office Box 2235 1700 Capital Circle, ~S.VV. Tallahassee, FL 32316 (S50) 576-3171 1-$00-262-CODE Website: w~vw.municode.com l t TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Officials of tho Village iii Preface v Adapting Ordinance vii Readopting Ordinance x.i Checklist of Up-to-Date Pages [1] PART I CHARTER Charter 1 Art. I. Corporate Name 3 Att. I,A. Vision Statement 3 Art. II, Terz-itorial Boundaries 3 Az-t.III. Legislative 9 Art. IV. Administrative 15 Art. V. Qualifications and Elections 17 Art. VI. Transition Schedule 18 Charter Comparative Table - • . . . 65 PART II CODE OF ORDINANCES Chapter 1. General Provisions 77 2. Administration I33 Art. I. In General 135 Art. II. Council 136.4 Div. 1. Generally 13$.4 Div. 2. Rules of Procedure 136.4 Art. III. Administrative Code 137 Div. 1. Generally 137 Div 2. Audit Cornn7ittee 139 Div. 3. Department of Finance I40 Div. 4. Department of Records I4p,1 Div. 5. Department of Public Safety 141 Div. 6. Department of Public Services 141 Div. 7. Department of Library 142 Div. 8. Department of Country Club 142 Div. 9. Department of Recreation 142 Art. IV Manager 142.1 Az~t. V. Pensions and Retirement Systenr~s 142.1 Div. 1. Generally 142.1 Div. 2. Social Security . 142.1 Supp. iVo. 28 xi NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Cha ter Page P Div. 3. Pension and Certain Other Benefits for Gen- eral Em to ees 143 P Y Div 4. Pension and Certain Other Benefits for Fire and Police Employees 151 Div. 5. Longth of Service Award Plan for Volunteer Firefighters 161 Art. VI. Code Enforcement Soaxd 163 3. Alco}~olic Beverages 211 4. Animals and Fowl 263 Art. I. Tn General 265 Az•t. II. Dogs and Cats 266 Art. III. Rabies Control 269 5. Boats, Docks and ~JVaterways 319 Art. I. In General 321 Art. II. Boat Launching Area 325 Art. III. Construction Requirements 326 Div 1. Generally 326 Div 2. Canals 326 Div 3. Bulkheads and Seawalls 327 Div. 4. Docks and Piers 328 Div. 5. Erosion Control Structures 333 Art. IV. Marine Sanctuaries 333 6. Buildings and Building Regulations 381 Art. I. In General 383 Art. II. Minimum Construction Standards 383 Art. III. Appearance Code 384 Div 1. Generally 384 Div. 2. Reserved 398.3 Div. 3. Certificate of Appropriateness 39$.3 Art. IV. Reserved 398.5 Art. V. Signs and Outdoor Displays 398.5 Art. VI. Energy Efficiency Building Code 398.16 Art. VII. Coastal Construction Code 39$.16 7. Bulkhead Lines 453 Art. I. In General 455 Art. II. Filling Permit . . . . . 455 8. Emergency Management 507 Art. I. In General 509 Art. II. Civil Disorders and Disturbances 510 9. Country Club 559 Art. T. In General 561 Art. II. Advisory Board 562 Art. III. Finances 563 10. Elections 615 Art. I. In General 617 Supp. No. 28 xii Checklist of Up-to-Date Pages (This checklist will be updated with the printing of each Supplement) From our experience in publishing Loaseleaf Supplements on apage-for-page substitution basis, it has become evident that through usage and supplementation many pages can be inserted and removed in error. The following listing is included in this Code as a ready guide for the user to determine whether the Code volume properly reflects the latest printing of each page. Tn the first column all page numbers are listed in sequence. The second column reflects the latest printing of the pages as they should appear in. an up-to-date volume. The letters "OC" indicate the pages have not been reprinted in the Supplement Service and appear as published for the original Code. When a page has been reprinted or printed in the Supplement Service, this column reflects the identification number or Supplement Number printed on the bottom of the page. In addition to assisting existing holders of the Code, this list may be used in compiling an up-to-date copy from tha original Code anal subsequent Supplements. Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. Title page 1 83 25 iii 1 133 28 v, vi OC 135, 136 24 vii, viii OC 136.1, 136.2 24 ix OC 136.3, 136.4 24 x.i, x.ii 1 137, 138 23 x.iii 1 139, 140 28 xi, xii 2S 140.1, 140.2 28 xiii, xiv 27 141, 142 22 xv, xvi 27 142.1, 1422 22 1 25 143, 144 27 3, 4 25 145, 146 27 5, 6 25 146.1 27 7, 8 25 I47, 148 24 9, 10 25 149, 150 27 11, 12 25 150.1 27 13, 14 25 151, 152 26 15, 16 25 153, 154 26 17, 18 25 155, 156 26 19 25 156.1, 156.2 26 65 25 156.3 26 77 OC 157, 158 25 79, 80 OC 159, 160 25 81, 82 25 161, 162 25 Supp. No. 28 ~1] t 1VORTH PALM BEACH CODE P Su o. Page No. 5upp. No. age No. pp N 163, 164 25 671 2 ` 165, 3.66 25 673 24 167,168 25 695 13 169 25 697 13 211 OC 723 24 213,214 19 725 24 263 OC 726.1 13 265, 266 OC 727, 728 5 267, 268 27 729 5 269 27 777 OC 319 OC 779, 780 OC 321, 322 17 781, 782 OC 323, 324 16 783, 784 OC 325, 326 24 785, 786 OC 327, 328 27 787, 788 OC 329, 330 27 789 OC 33I, 332 27 839 OC 332.1 27 889 OC 333, 334 20 891, 892 25 381 23 892.1 15 383, 384 27 893, 894 OC 385 24 895, 896 OC 39$.3, 398.4 7 945 OC 398.5, 398.6 23 947, 948 27 398.7, 398.5 23 997 OC 398.9, 398.10 23 999, 1000 22 398.11, 398.12 25 1051 OC 398.13, 398.14 25 1053, 1054 25 398.14.1, 398.14.2 25 1054.1, 1054.2 25 398.15, 398.16 8 1055, 1056 27 399, 400 oC 1057, 1058 27 401, 402 OC 1059, 1060 27 403 OC 1061, 1062 8 453 OC 1063, 1064 8 455, 466 22 1121 OC 507 22 1171 OC 509, 510 22 3173, 1174 28 511 22 1174.1 26 559 17 1175 19 561, 562 24 1225 OC 563, 564 24 1227, 1228 24 615 OC 1228.1 24 617, 618 OC 1229, 1230 21 619, 620 6 1231, 1232 21 Sapp. No. 28 [2] CHECKLIST OF UP-TO-DATE PAGES Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. 1233, ]234 21 1781 21 1235, 1236 21 1783, 1784 21 1237, 1238 16 1785, 1786 21 1239, 1244 27 1787, 1788 21 1241, 1242 27 1789, 1790 21 1289 3 1791, 1792 21 1291, 1292 OC 1793, 1794 21 1293, 1294 22 1795, 1796 21 1295 22 2043 OC 1343 4 2045, 2046 25 1345, 1346 22 2046.1 25 1346.1 22 2447, 2448 OC 1347, 1348 OC 2d49, 2054 OC 1349, 1350 OC 2051, 2452 OC 1351, 1352 14 2453 OC 1352.1 14 2353 OC 1353, 1354 OC 2355, 2356 OC 1355, 1356 OC 2357, 2358 OC 1357, 1358 OC 2359, 2364 22 1359, 1364 OC 2361, 2362 22 1361, 1362 5 2362.1 22 1363, 1364 5 2363, 2364 OC 1365, 1366 5 2365, 2366 OC 1367 5 2367, 2368 1 1411 OC 2368.1 1 1463 OC 2369, 2370 OC 1465, 1466 OC 2371, 2372 OC 1517 OC 2373, 2374 OC 1519, 1524 OC 2375, 2376 OC 1521, 1522 27 2377, 2378 22 1523 27 2379 22 1573 24 2479 9 1575, 1576 24 2481, 2482 23 1627 9 24$3,2484 23 1629, 1630 27 2485, 2486 23 1631 27 2486.1, 2486.2 23 1681 OC 2486.2.1, 2486.2.2 23 1683, 1684 24 2486.2.3, 2486.2,4 27 1684.1, 1684.2 24 2486,3 27 1685, 1686 OC 2487, 2488 OC 1687, 1688 17 2488.1, 2488.2 18 1689, 1694 17 2489, 2494 18 1739 14 2491,2492 18 1741, 1742 21 2493, 2494 18 Supp. No. 28 [3] r . NORTH PALM REACH CODFs Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. 2495, 2496 18 2513, 2514 OC 2497, 2498 21 2515, 2516 22 2499, 2500 21 2517, 2518 22 2501,2502 25 2619 21 2503, 2504 28 2819, 2820 26 2504,1, 2504.2 28 2869, 2870 OC 2504.3 2S 2$71 OC 2505, 2506 10 2873 OC 2507, 2508 13 2875, 2$76 OC 2509, 2510 13 2877, 2878 OC 2510.1, 2510.2 25, Add. 2879, 2880 OC 2510.3, 2510.4 25, Add. 2881, 2882 14 251D.5, 251D.6 25, Add. 2883, 28$4 14 2510.7, 2510.$ 25, Add. 2885, 2886 19 2510.9, 2510.10 25, Add. 2887, 2888 25, Add. 2510.11, 2510.12 25, Add. 2889 28 2510.13, 2510.14 25, Add. 2933, 2934 25 2510.15, 251D16 25, Add. 2935, 2938 28 2510.17, 2510.18 25, Add. 2937, 2938 28 2510.19, 251D.20 25, Add. 2939, 2940 28 2510.21, 2510.22 25, Add. 2940.1 28 251.0.23, 2510.24 25, Add. 2941, 2942 24 251fl.25, 2510.26 25, Add. 2943, 2944 24 2510.27, 2510.28 25, Add. 2945, 2946 25 2510.29, 251D.3D 25, Add. 2947, 2948 26 2510.31, 2510.32 25, Add. 2949, 2950 25 2510.33, 2510.34 25, Add. 2950.1 24 2510.35, 2510.36 25, Add. 2951, 2952 27 2510.37, 251D.38 25, Add. 2953, 2954 25 2510.39, 2510.40 25, Add. 2955, 2956 25 2510.41, 2510.42 25, Add. 2965, 2966 28 2510.43, 2510.44 25, Add. 2967 25, Add. 2510.45, 2510.46 25, Add. 2510.47, 2510.48 25, Add. 2510.49, 2510.50 25, Add. 2510.51, 2510.52 25, Add. 2510.53, 2510.54 25, Add. 2510.55, 2510.56 25, Add. 251D.57, 251D.58 25, Add. 2511, 2512 23 2512.1, 2512.2 23 2512.3, 2512.4 23 2512.5, 2512.6 23 2512.7 23 Supp. Na. 28 [4] Chapter 2 ADNIINISTRATION~ Art. I. In General, 2-1.~-2-15 Art. II. Council, 2-16-2-38 Div 1. Generally, 2-I6 2-25 Div. 2. Rules of Procedure, 2-26-2-38 Art. III. Administrative Code,~~'§ 2-3~J-2-J.14 Div. 1. Generally, 2-39-2-54 Div. 2. Audit Committee, 2-51 2-58 Div 3. Department of Finance, 2-59-2-66 Div 4. Department of Records, 2-67-2-74 Div. 5. Department of Public Safety, 2-75--2-83 Div. 6. Department of Public Services, 2-84-2-92 Div. 7. Department of Library, 2-93-2-101 Div. 8. Department of Country Club, 2-I022-109 Div 9. Department of Recreation, 2-110-2-114 Art. IV. Manager, 2-115 2-128 Art. V. Pensions and Retirement Systems, 2-129-2-].74.11 Div. 1. Generally, 2-129-2-135 Div. 2. Social Security, 2-13G-2-145 Div. 3. Pension and Certain Qtlrer Benefits for General Employ- ees, 2-146-2-158 Div 4. Pension and Certain Other Benefits for Fire and Police Employees, 2-159-2-174 Div. 5. Length of Service Award Plan for Volunteer Firefighters, 2-170.41-2-170.11 Art. VI. Cade Enforcement Board, 2.171-2-192 *Charter reference-Administrative provisions generally, Art. IV. Cross references-Rabies control, § 4-42 et seq-; elections, Ch. 10; fire division, § 12-29 et seq.; library board, § 1B-IG et seq.; impersonation of village officers, § 19-14; enforcement procedures for noise regulations, § 19-117; local planning agency designated, § 21-12; tagatioxa, Gh. 2G; appearance plan, App. A; subdivision regulations, App. B; zoning regulations, App. C. Supp. No. 28 133 1 ADNIINISTRATION § 2-b3 respective departments and all activities Sec. 2-52. Composition; terms; vacancies. assigned thereto, except as providod in section 2-40. (a} Composition. The audit committee shall consist of five (5) members and two (2} alternate {2} Ilaaugurate sound practices. Keep in- members. The membership of the audit commit- formed as to the latest practices in their tee shall consist of a member of the village coun- partieularfield and shall inaugurate, with cil, village manager or assistant village manager, the approval of the village manager, such and three (3) village residents with educational new practices as appear to be of benefit to and/or practical experience in the fields of finance the service and to the public. or business. (3) Repo~•t to village managef: Submit monthly (b} Terms. The village council shall appoint the and annual reports of the activities of his council member on an annual basis during April department to the village manager. of each year to take effect the following May 1 of (4} Maintain recof•ds. Establish and maintain each. year. At the first appointment of the three (3) a system of fling and indexing records resident members, one f 1) member shall be ap- and reports in sufficient detail to fiirnish pointed for a term of three {3) years; one (1) all information necessary for proper con- member shall be appointed for a term of two (2) trol of departmental activities and to form years; and one (1) member shall be appointed for a basis for the periodic reports to the one {1) year. Thereafter, resident members shall village manager. be appointed for terms of three (3) years. Alter- nate members shall be appointed on the same day (5) Autlaoj•ity ovet• employees. Have power, that regular members are appointed and on an when authorized by the village manager, annual basis during April of each year to take to appoint and remove, subject to person- effect the following May 1 of each year and shall nel policy regulations for personnel, all have the duty to sit for any regular member that subordinates under him. is absent, including the member councilman and (6) Maintain equipment. Be responsible for the village manager or assistant village manager. the proper maintenance of all village prop- Alternate members shall be appointed as first erty and equipment used in his depart- alternate and second alternate and shall serve in ment• that order when required. The members shall (c) Departments. Each department shall fur- serve at the pleasure of the village council. Wish, upon the direction of the village manager, (c) Vacancies. An appointment to fill any va- any other department such service, labor and cancy shall be for the remainder of the unexpired materials as may be requisitioned by the head of term of office. such department, and as its own facilities permit, (Ord. No. 06-2004, § 2, 4-8-04) through the swine procedure and subject to the same audit and control as other expenditures are Sec. 2-53. Organization. incurred. (Code 1970, § 2-35; Ord. No. 44-97, § 2, 10-9-97; At the first organizational meeting of the com- Ord. No. 5-99, § 1, 1-28-99) mittee, the members shall elect a chairman and vice chairman from among its members. Subse- Secs. 2-44-2-50. Reserved. quent to the initial organizational meeting where officers are elected, the members shall elect the DIVISION 2. AUDIT COMMITTEE offcers from among its members at the first regular meeting in May of each year. The chair- man of the committee shall always be one of the Sec. 2-51. Created. village resident members. The presence of three An audit committee (hereinafter referred as (3} members shall constitute a quorum, and mo- the committee} for the village is hereby created, tions shall be approved by a majority of n~.embers (Ord. No. 06-2004, § 1, 4-8-04} present. The members shall serve without com- Sapp. No. 28 139 § 2-53 NORTH PALIVI BEACH CODE pensation. All meetings of the audit committee Sec. 2-56. Access to records. shall be held at Village Hall, 501 U.S. Highway The audit committee shall have access to the One, North Palm Beach, Florida, and shall be reports of any internal auditors, as well as access open to members of the public. to any annual internal audit work plans. (Ord. No. 06-2404, § 3, 4-8-04) (Ord. No. 06-2004, § 6, 4-8-04) Sec. 2-54. Duties. Sec. 2-57. Administrative services. The village manager shall provide administra- The audit committee shall have the following five services to the audit committee, including dutaes and responsibihties: personnel for the taking and transcribing of min- (t) The primary responsibility of the audit utes of audit committee meetings. committee shall be to oversee and monitor {Ord. No. 06-2004, § 7, 4-8-04) the independent audits of tho viIlage's Sec. 2-58. Reserved. financial statements from the selection of the independent auditors to the resolu- tion of audit findings. DIVISION 3. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (2) The audit committee shall facilitate eom- Sec. 2-59. Finance director; duties. munication between the village manager's The department of finance shall be headed by office, the independent auditors and the the finance director, who shall: village council. (1) Prescribe form. Prescribe the form of ac- {3) The audit committee shall serve as an counts and reports to be rendered by him. advisor to tho village council, {2} Budget duties. Prepare estimates of reve- (4) The audit committee shall present on an nue, and shall give such other assistance annual basis a wi~tten report to the vil- in the preparation of the budget as maybe loge council which shall show how the required of him by the village manager. committee has discharged its duties and (3) Financial statements. Transmit to the vil- met its responsibilities. The wiritten re- loge manager at least monthly state- port shall include its findings as to the meets of cash on hand and of classified independent audits of the village's finan- unencumbered appropriation balances for cial statements. the village as a whole, and such other (Ord. No. 06-2004, § 4, 4-8-04) financial statements as the manager may from time to time require. He shall keep all departments, boards, commissions or Sec. 2-55. Removal. institutions currently info!-med of their classified unencumbered appropriation bal- If amember of the audit committee or a desig- antes. noted alte~.-nate of the committee is absent from three (3) regularly scheduled meetings of the (4) Keep accounts. Keep ali general accounts committee within any twelve-consecutive-month of the villago government and of the re- period without such absence being excused by spective departments, offices, boards, com- majority vote of the committee, the chairman missions and institutions thereof. shall promptly notify the village council. The (5) Fiscal supef•aisian ovet• officers. Exercise council may thereafter declare the member's af- general supervision over all officers of the fiee vacant and promptly fill such vacancy for the viIlage regarding the proper management unexpired term of office. of the fiscal concerns of their respective (Ord. No. Ofi-2004, § 5, 4-8-04) offices, 5upp. No. 28 140 ADIvLINISTRATION § 2-67 (6) Exafnine boolas. Examine the books of as new processes and procedures to en- each department, from time to time, and sure efficiency, accuracy, and maximum see that they are kept in proper form. productivity. (7) Responsibility for proceeds of bands. De- {14) Ensures the validity, reliability, and integ- posit the proceeds of all sales of bonds in rity of all financial, statistical, and ac- village accounts immediately after he shall counting data related to the village's fi- have received the same; until such. de- nancial systems. posit, he shaIl be responsible for the amount {Cade 1970, § 2-37; Ord. No. 30-2001, § 4, 10-11- thereof. 01 } {8) Accounts ofreceipts and expenditures. Keep Secs. 2-$Q-2-66. Reserved. in proper books, a full and accurate ac- count of all the moneys received and dis- DIVISION 4. DEPARTMENT OF R.ECORDS* bussed by him in behalf of the village, specifying the time of receipt and disburse- Sec. 2-67. Village clerk; duties. ment, from whom received and to whom disbw-sed, and on what accotmt received The department of records shall consist of a and disbursed, and how paid. village clerk, who shall: (9) Cancellation of evidences of debt. Cancel (1) Serve as cle3•Ia of council. Serve as clerk of all warrants and other evidences of debt, the council and perform such other duties against the village, whenever paid by him, of a like nature as shall be required by by writing or stamping across the face that body. thereof the words "Paid by the Village (2) Keep records of council. Be responsible for Finance Director," with the date of pay- the recording, filing, indexing and safe- ment written or stamped thereon. keeping of alI proceedings of the council. (10) Receive and disburse moneys. Receive and {3) Record ordinances. Record in full, uni- have custody of all moneys paid to the formly and permanently, all ordinances viIlage and shall disburse all village mon- and shall authenticate the same. eys' (4) Public council action. Publish all adopted (11) Pay village employees. Pay village employ- ordinances and resolutions of the council, ees upon presentation of the properly cer- and all legal notices required by law or tified payroll. ordinance. (12) Collect honeys and fees dice village. De- Keep election records. Keep and maintain all election records anal have custody of alI mend and receive all moneys and fees property used in connection with elec- owing to the village whenever any person tions. is indebted to the village in any manner, and the means of collection of such debt is (6) Keep vital statistics. Prepare, attest and not otherwise provided by law. When any report on the vital statistics of the village. claim shall not be collectible by other {7) Notice of expiration of term. Notify the methods, he shall report the same to the appointing authority of the impending village attorney for prosecution. expiration of the term of office of a mem- ber of any board or commission, such (13) Is responsible far the design, implemen- notice to be given at least thirty (30) days tation and application of accounting and before such expiration. fnancial recording systems and proce- dures; ensures the development and im- °~°Cross reference-Certain personnel information ex- plementation of internal controls, as well empt from public disclosure, § 2-3. Supp. No. 2a 140.1 II § 2-67 NDRTH PALM BEACH CODE B h custodian of the {8} Keep aff'icial seal. e t e official seal of the village. (Code 1970, § 2-38) Sec. 2-68. Deputy village clerk-Appoint- ment. The deputy village clerk shaIl be appointed by the village clerk, subject to confirmation of such appointment by majority vote of the members of the village council. The village council shall not recommend a person to be appointed by the vil- lage clerk, but shall have the power to withhold confirmation of any person recommended for ap- pointment by the village clerk until the village council is satisfied with the person recommended by the village clerk to be deputy village clerk. (Ord. No. 17-79, § 2, $-9-79} Sec. 2-68. Same-Duties. The deputy village clerk shaIl; (1) During the absence or disability of the village clerk, perform the duties of village clerk. (2) Perform such duties as are assigned to herby the village clerk in accordance with the responsibilities of the village clerk as set forth in section 2-67 of this Code. (3) At the diz°ection of the village clerk, per- form such additional services as may be required by the departments managed by the village manager. (Ord. No. 17-79, § 2, 5-9-79) Secs. 2-70-2-74. Reserved. Supp. No. 28 140.2 MOTOR VEIIICLES AND TRAFFIC § I8-2o ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL {b) This section shall not apply where such trucks are making deliveries to or picking up merchandise at residences or places of business Secs. 18-1-~-•18-15. Reserved. located upon such st7.~eets. {Code 1970, § 39-46; Ord. No. 4-81, § 1, 3-26-81) ARTICLE II. OPERATION OF VEHICLES GENERALLY* Sec. 18-19. Combat Auto Theft (CAT). (a) Authority. The Florida Uniform Traffic Con- Sec. 18-16. Speed Iianits•-Generally. trot Law authorizes municipalities to enact ordi- nances to establish "Combat Auto Theft" (CAT) In accordance with law, and when signs are programs whereby vehicle owners may enroll erected giving notice thereof, the speed limit shall their vehicles giving advance written consent to be as set forth in this section: law enforcement to law enforcement officers to (1} On all streets within the corporate limits stop their exu•olled vehicles if they are being operated between the hours of 1:00 a.m, and 5:00 of the village, except as set out below, a.m., provided the CAT decal is properly dis- twenty-five (25) miles per hour at all played in the lower corner of the vehicle's rear times. window. {2) On all state highways and county roads (b) Administr°atio~. of progranx. A "combat auto located in the village, as designated by theft" (CAT) program is hereby established fox the the state department of transportation. Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. The pro- (3) Xn areas where school hours are posted, ~ am shall include: traffic shall not exceed twenty (20) miles {I} Consent forms to be executed by motor per hour, owners who enroll vehicles in the pro- {Code 1970, § 39-29; Ord. No. 5-98, § 1, 2-12-98) gram. {2} CAT program decals which conform to the Sec. 18-17. Reserved. specifications, colors anal design of the uniform CAT decal established by the Editw•'s note-Ord. ~To. 5-98, § 2, adopted Feb. 12, 1998, repealed § 18-17, which pertained to speed limits, specific Florida Department of Law Enforcement streets. See the Code Con~parative Table. fpr use throughout the state. {3} All other provisions of the "combat auto Sec. 18-18. Weight limitations on certain theft" program as provided for in the roads. Florida Uniform Traffic Control Law. Ad- ministration of the program shall be con- (a} It shall be unlawful for any person to ducted by the director of public safety of operate, drive or park any truck in excess of the village. three-fourths ton over, across or upon any street right-of=way except those indicated below, in the (4) The director of public safety shall charge village: a nominal fee for the administration of the program and the cost of the CAT Northlake Boulevard decal. (Ord. No. 45-96, § 1, 12-12-96) Prosperity Farms Road State Road 703 Sec. 18-20. Motorized scooters. U.S. Highway #1 (State Road 5} (a) ~efinitiolas. It is the intent of this section that t13e following definitions correspond to those '"°Cross reference-Drivi;ig over £u•e hose prohibited, § 12-z. found in F.S. ch. 316, where applicable. A different 5upp. No. 28 1173 § 18-20 NORTH PALM BEACH GODS definition fox any term listed beIaw, as contained the motorized scooter operator shall obey in F.S. ch. 31.6, shall control over the fallowing aIl authorized traffic control devices, mark- . definitions. ings, and signs; (1} Helmet: Abicycle helmet that is properly ('7) Shall be operated only in a single file fitted and is securely fastened upon the formation; notarized scooters shall not be rider's head by a strap. Said helmet must operated abreast of each other; meet or exceed the standards of the Amer- (g} Shall be walked across roadways and upon icon National Standards Institute (ANSI and along crosswalks; on such occasions, Z 90.4 Bicycle Helmet Standards), the the motorized scooter operator shall have standards of the Snell Memorial Faunda- all the rights and responsibilities applica- tion (1984 Standards for Protective Head- ble to a pedestrian under the same cir- gear for Use in Bicycling}, ar any other cumstances; nationally recognized standards for bicy- cle helr_~ets adopted by the United States Shall be operated at aIl times with both of Department of ~ ansportation. the operator's hands an the scooter's han- dlebars; (2) Motorized scooter: Any vehicle designed to (10) Shall not be operated unless the operator travel on not mare than three (3) wheels, is, at all times, is wearing a helmet; and not capable of propelling the vehicle at speeds greater than this°ty (30) miles (ll} Shall only be operated with motors as per hour on level ground. equipped by the manufacturer; mato~-ized scooter motors, exhaust systems yr intake Motorized scooters: systems shall net be modified, amplified, (1) Shall only be operated on streets and or customized in any way; roadways within the Village of North Palm (12) Shall be operated at all times in accor- Beach by persons who possess a valid dance with all authorized traffic control driver's license, so long as required by devices. state Iaw; (c} Penalties for violation of motorized scooter (2} Shall not be operated on sidewalks within r°egulations. Any person, firm, corporation or any the Village of North Palm Beach; other entity violating the provisions of this sec- tion shall be subject to a fine in accordance with {3) Shall not be operated in public parks in section 1-S of the Code, or subject to any other the Village of North Palm Beach unless lawful means of enforcement available to the such use is specifically allowed by signage village. posted in that particular park; (Ord. No. 14-2003, § 1, 5-8-03; Ord. No. 03-2004, (4) Shall be operated and used by one parson § 1, 2-25-04) only; passengers are not allowed on mo- torized scooters; and motorized scooters Secs. 1.8-21-1.8-33. Researved. shall not tow any other person, object or vehicle of any kind; {5) Shall only be operated during daylight hours within the Village of North Palm Beach; (6) Shall be operated as close as practicable to the right hand curb or edge of the roadway, except when preparing to make a left-tw•n at an intersection or into a private road ar driveway, at which time I $upp. No. 28 1174 APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-34 S. Furnituz•e display stores, one (1) space for ii) AIl buildings must be a maximum of each four hundred (400) square feet of two (2) stories with architectural sales area, treatment to reflect the actual num- ber of stories. 9. Rotail business witlx floor area in excess of fifty thousand (SD,ODO) square feet, one iii) No blank walls shall be permitted. {I) space for each two hundred fifty {25D) iv) A mix of uses must be provided that square feet of non-storage floor area. includes a minimum of ten (10) per- 10. Limited access self storage facilities, one cent Gross FloorArea (GFA) retail or professional office (excluding the on- (1} space for each two hundred (200} stor- site management office far the self age units plus five (5) customer parking storage facility). spaces. v) A minimum of one thousand (1,D00) F. Floor area reguldtio~zs, feet separation from property Iine to the closest adjacent property line 1. [Reseraed.] shall be required between limited 2. In time-share structures, each dwelling access self-storage facilities. unit having one (1} bedroom shall have a (Ord. No. 2D-72, § 1; Ord. No. 4-73; Ord. No. minimum floor area of seven hundred 10-73, 8, 9, 9-13-73; Ord. No. 22-82, 8, 9, fifty (75D) square feat. An additional one 12'9-82; Ord, No. 9-87, § 2, 5-28-87; Ord. No. htuxdred fifty (150} square feet of floor 23-9D, § 4, d-28-90; Ord. No. 7-94, § 1, 4-14-94; area shall be xequired for each additional Ord. No. 1-95, § 1, I-12-95; Ord. No. 24-95, § 1, bedroom provided. 7-17-95; Ord. No. 48-96, § 1, 12-12-95; Ord. No. 1-98, 1-7, 1-8-98; Ord. No, 27-99, § 6, 8-12-99; G. Conditiolas for pet-mitted uses; Ord. No. 2fi-2002, 1--3, 9-26-02} 1. A car wash and car waxing business Sec. 45-34. Commercial district. whether in conjunction with a filling sta- tion or as an independent enterprise shall A. Uses permitted. Within any C-2 commercial be allowed to utilize an awning structure district, no building structure, land or water shall or structure which shall be located in the be used, except for one or more of the fallowing rear yard with a minimum five-foot set- uses: back and within the building side lines 1. Any use permitted in the C-1A limited extended. commercial district. 2. All activities, sales and storage of goods 2. Any retail business or commercial use must be conducted entirely within com- which does not involve the manufactux-ing pletely enclosed buildings with perms- or processing of products. Went nonmoving outside walls. 3. Personal service establishments, includ- 3. No outside sidewalk or parking lot stor- ing, but not limited to, banks, barber- age or display of merchandise will be shops, bowling alleys, beauty salons, med- permitted. ical and dental clinics, professional and other offices, funeral homes, filling sta- 4. Limited access self-storage facilities shall bons, shoe repair shops, laundry pickup only be allowed on properties within com- stations and self service laundries, furni- mercial planned unit davelopments and tore display stores and drugstores. accompanied by the following conditions: 4. Full sex-vice automotive dealerships and i) All exterior service doors must be accessory uses including paint and body not visible from any public street or shops, repair shops and garages, limou- adjacent property. sine service and towing service. Supp. No. 2S 2503 § ~5-34 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE 5. Retail and wholesale sales of new vehicu- be designed and located so as to lar parts, equipment and accessoi~es with- mitigate and buffer the impact of tho out on-site installation. aggregated vehicle storage area. 6. Automobile service shops such as full ser- 2. Locational and p7aysical rest~•ictions: vice vehicle repair shops, muffler shops, tine shops, lubrication and ail change, (a} Repair facilities and paint and body window tinting, wash and detailing. shops shall be located at Least one hunched (100) feet from any residen- 7. Automobile truck and trailer rental busi- Bally-zoned lot. Service hay doors ness. shall not be oriented toward any adjacent residentiall -zon r - J y ed p op 8. Adult entertainment establishment. arty nor oriented toward any adja- cent ublic street. 9. Limited Access Self Storage Facilities, p which are defined as a fiilly enclosed (b) Accessary fuel pump islands and au- structure for the purpose of indoor stor- tosnated wash facilities for vehicles age, with a minimal amount of access shall not be located within one hun- points from the exterior of the building. dyed (100) feet of any residentially- These exterior access points provide ac- zoned property, Wash facilities shall case to interior hallways that directly se~.-ve be located within a completely en- individual storage units rented to the closed building. Fuel pump islands public. No direct access from the exterior shall be located within an enclosed of the building to an individual storage area so that they are slot visible off unit is permitted. premises. B. Development standards. Every commercial (c} The sale, lease or rental of automo- use located within the C-2 commercial district bites, trucks, motorcycles, and recre- shall be sa developed as to comply with the ational vehicles is allowed only on following peY•formance standards: lots which meet the following mini- mum dimensions and area: 1. Outside display: Outside display areas for (1} Minimum frontage of 125' sale lease or rental of vehicles shall be designed as follows: (2) Minimum width of 125' (a) Vehicles may be stored on an ap- (3) Minimum depth of 200' proved parking surface without ref- (4) Minimum area of 1.5 acres erence to parking stalls, stall strip- 3. Limited access self-storage facilities shall ing or wheel stops. This type of be accompanied by the following candi- parking shall be allowed only pursu- ant to a site plan review and ap- tions: proval subject to Az-title III of Chap- (a) All exterior service doors must not ter 6 of the Village Code of be visible from any public street or Ordinances. adjacent property. (b) Interior landscaping requirements (b} The architectural treatment of all within outside display areas purse- buildings must reflect the actual num- ant toArticle III of Chapter 27 of the bar of stoizes. Village Code of Ordinances shall be (c) No blank walls shaIl be permitted met by transfex77ng the required land- scaping to the perimeter of the site {d} A mix of uses must be provided that abutting public right-of--ways. The includes a minimum of ten percent transferred landscaped areas shall (10%) Gross Floor Area (GFA) retail Supp. No. 28 25Qg APPENDIX G-ZONING § 45-34 or professional office (excluding the 6. Exterior lighting fixtures shall not exceed on-site management office for the twenty-five (25) feet in height; shall bs self-storage facility}. directed away from adjacent properties; (e) A minimum of ono thousand (1,000) shall confne light to the site only; and feet separation from property line to shall not exceed when measured at any the closest adjacent property line property line, the following illumination: shall be required between limited (a) One hundred(100)foot-candles within access self-storage facilities. display areas. C. Llse afad operating f-estrictions. Every tom- {b) Forty (40) foot-candles within all ar- mercial use located within the C-2 commercial eas. district shall be so operated as to comply with the (c) After 11.:00 p.m., the iIlumination in following performance standards: display areas shall be reduced to fifty {50) foot-candles. i. No industrial equipment or vehicles shall be sold, leased, rented or otherwise stared 7. Nn outdoor speakers or public address within the G2 district. For purposes herein, systems that are audible from the exterior industrial equipment is defined as equip- of the site shall be permitted. anent used primarily far purposes other g. Customer parking shall be marked with than transportation or hauling. Trucks an above grade sign and shall be physi- other than pickup trucks, vans and jeeps tally separated from the vehicle sales, shall be displayed in areas separated from. storage and display area. This barrier a public right-of--way by a building. may be in the form of a landscape strip, 2. Na vehicle shall be parked for display curbing or removable bollards. puaPoses with its hood or trunk open, nor 9. The height of buildings, the site area of elevated off the ground in any way. Uehi- buildings, yard spaces, and floor area reg- cles shall not be parked in any right-of- ulations in the C-2 zoning district shall be way or driveway. the same as required in the C-1 neighbor- hood commercial district, with the foIlow- 3. Advertising, flags, pennants, streamers, ing exception: Limited access self-storage balloons, signs or vehicle stock ntunbers facilities shall be limited to a maximum of shall not be displayed on any vehicle or three (3} stories in height. equipment. Similar objects ar advertising designed to attract the public's attention 10. V4Tith the following exceptions, off street shaIl not be displayed outdoors on any lot, parking regulations shall be the same as building, vehicle or equipment. for the GI neighborhood commercial dis- trict: 4. Any areas designated far the off-loading of vehicles or for loading and deliveries (a} Full-service automotive dealerships, shall be located to the rear of buildings Customer and employee parking re- ared shall be located so as to contain noise quirements; One {1) space for each on-site. These areas shall not be located five hundred {500) square feet en- closer than one hundred {100) feet from closed floor area, plus one {1} space any residentially-zoned lot and shall be per each four thousand five hundred appropriately designated, marked and (4,500) square feet of outdoor sales signed. display and rental area, plus one (1) space per service bay, plus one {1) 5. Dealers are prohibited from using streets space per employee of the shift of in a residential zone for the testiug of largest employment. Parking for ve- velricles after servicing and for the dem- hicle storage, sales or display Wray onstration of vehicles. not be counted toward meeting the Supp. No. 28 2504.1 § 45-34 NORTI3 PALM BEACI-I CODE number of required of£-street park- the repair, cleaning, or rental of items ing spaces or to be provided for cus- weighing less than one hundred (100) tourers and employees. pounds. (b) Limited access self-storage facilities, g. Restaurants and other establish- one (1) space for each two hundred menu where food and/or beverages (204) storage units plus five (5} cus- are prepared and served. tourer parking spaces. h. Retail sale of new or antique mer- (Ord. No. 32-97, § 1, 7-10-97; Ord. No. 18-98, § 1, chandise that is displayed indoors 8-13-98; Ord. No. 14-2004, 1----3, 6-8-04) _ only, whether in freestanding build ings or in a centrally managed shop- Sec. 45-34.1. C-3 regional business district. in center or enclosed mall. P g The G3 regional business district is designed i. Theaters and other entertainment I4 for the re-use and/or redevelopment of commer- facilities including nightclubs, game vial property. It contains special regulations and rooms, bowling alleys, and similar procedures that are integrated with those of the establishments, provided they are Town of Lake Park to avoid conflicts that could fuIly enclosed and provided such uses otherwise be created by the location of the town/ shall not include adult entertain- village boundary. Within C-3 business distz~icts, meat establishments. the following regulations shall apply: (2) ~ff st1'eet pa~•king. All proposed land uses (1} Uses per•ntiitted. Within the C-3 zoning shall provide a sufficient number of park- district, no building, structure, land, ar ing spaces to accommodate the number of water shall be used, unless otherwise per- vehicles that can be expected to be at- znitted by these regulations, except for trotted to that use. Individual land uses any combination of the following pur- can provide at least the number of spaces poses: listed below on the same parcel of land as a. Banks, savings and loans, stockbro_ the principal building (or oz! an adjoining kers, and snnilar financial institu- Parcel under identical ownership) in lieu tions. of using the parking space standards found b. Business offices, including medical elsewhere in this Code. However, certain land uses may require less parking; and and professional services. combinations of land uses may be able to c. Community residential homes, sub- reduce the total number of spaces by ject to the same requirements as sharing those spaces duringdifferingpeak apply in the R-2 zoning district, and hours or because of pedestrian traffic or family day care centers as defined in multi-purpose trips. Modified standards Chapter 402, Florida Statutes. may be approved if fewer spaces will d. Hotels, motels, and time-share units. accommodate the number of vehicles that can be expected to be attracted to that use e. Multiple-family dwellings {each build- {or combination of uses) at the proposed ing containing three (3) or more units) location. Such a modification may be made and customary accessory uses, sub- on individual parcels of land (or adjoining ject to any limitations on residential parcels under identical ownership} by the uses in the adopted Comprehensive building official when permitted by con- Plan, senses national codes or standards or f. Personal services typically offered in after submission of persuasive technical conjunction with shopping facilities, evidence (such as publications of the In- such as laundromats, dry cleaners, stitute of Transportation Engineers (iTE)}. barber and beauty shops, child care Modifications that involve shared parking facilities, health clubs, and shops for on parcels of land that are not under ~ Supp. No. 28 2504.2 APPENDIX C ZONING § 45-34.1 identical ownership, or parking in a dif- ferent municipality than the principal building regardless of ownership, may be approved through the special C-3 PUD procedures found below in section 45- 34.1(10). a. Auditoriums of any kind - 1 space per 3 seats. b. Banks and other financial institu- tions - 3 spaces per 1,000 square feet. c. Hotels and motels - 1 space per guest room plus 1 space per 2 em- ployees dui~ng the peak period; park- ing for xestaurants and other guest facilities to be calculated separately. d. Of#ices, medicaUdental - 5 spaces per 1,000 square feet. e. Dffices, all other - 3 spaces per 1,000 square feet. £ Residential. - 2 spaces per dwelling unit. g. Restaurants and nightclubs - 12 spaces per 1,000 square feet, except 6 spaces per 1000 square feet for restaurants offering take-out ser- vice. h. Retail uses and personal servicos - 4 spaces per 1,000 square feet, ex- cept 1.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet for furniture sales. sups. Na_ zs 2504.3 r c CO?E COMPARATIVE TABLE Ordinance Adoption Section Number Date Section this Code 14-2003 5- 8-43 1 Added 18-20 23-2003 9-11-03 1 15-2(307.4) 2 Added 15-2(101.3.4) 3 24-43(a)(1), {c) 4 Rpid 24-45 5 45-27.E. 25-2063 9-25-03 1 6-17 26-2003 9-25-03 1 19-213 27-2003 9- 9-03 1 5-84(6), (8), {10) 2 Rpld 5-72 28-20D3 10- 9-03 1 26-29 2 2fi-30 3 2G-31 29-20D3 10-23 03 1 17-33 35-2003 12-11-03 1 2-148(a} 2 2-158{b) 3 2-i58{c) 02--2004 1-22-04 1 4-27(b) 03-2404 2-26-D4 1 18-20(a) 46-2004 4- 8-04 1 7 Added 2-5I-2-57 14-2004 fi- 8-04 1 3 App. C, § 45-34 Supp. No. 28 2889 [The next page is 2933] t CODE INDEX Section Section A ALARMS {Confd.) ABANDONMENT Exemptions 19-218 False alarms Abandoned, inoperative and junked prop- Excessive false alarms declared public erty 14-37 et seq. nuisance... 19-2I2 See: GARBAGE AND TRASH Service charge; collection 19-213 Boats Fire division equipment; fire alarm system 12-53 Boat launching area; abandoned boats Identification required 19-215 and equipment 5-3fi, 5-37 System standards....................... 19-219 Generally 5$ Telephone trunk lines Dogs, other arrimals 4-14 Interference with public safety depart- ACTS BY AGENTS ment telephone trunk lines prohib- Definitians and ivies of construction 1-2 ited 19-215 Violation and penalty 19-214 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Audit committee . 2-5G et seq. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES See: AUDITS Consumption on playgrounds and public Bonds required of certain officers 2-42 parks . 3-3 Definition 2-39 Nudity, partial nudity, sexual conduct; pro- Depar-tnrental organization 2-40 hibited at alcoholic beverage estab- Oaths of office lishments . 3-4 Chief administrator and officers, forty of Sales restricted; hours of sale 3-2 oath 2-41(h) State law definitions adopted............ 3-1 Members of department of public safety, Zoning form of oath 2-41(c) I ocation of business for retail sales of Persons roquired to take oath of office , 2-41(a) alcoholic beverages 45-20(2), Policy and procedtu•es 45-3fi.N Department heads 2-43{b) C-3 Regional Business District...... 45-34.1(9) Departments 2-43(c} AItIBUhANCES Officers 2-43(a) Definitian 17-50 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISH- Unlawful operation . 17-51 MENTS AMUSEIVIENTS AND AMUSIaMEN'I' PLACES Zoning regulations re. See: ZONIIVG (Ap- pendix C) Coin-operated amusements; proximity to schools restricted 19-4 ADVERTISING Handbills; distribution restricted- i9-7 AND' OR Noise control policy re loudspeakers and Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 devices for advertisurg 19-105 ANIMALS AND FOWL Signs and outdoor displays 6-1I0 et seq. Abarrdoning 4-10 See: SIGNS AND BILLBOARDS Birds AFFIDAVITS Molesting songbirds 4-9 Home occupations; occupational licenses Village designated bird sanctuary; hunt- ing prohibited 4-2 Affidavit of applicarrt required......... 17-2(e) Cats. See herein: Dogs and Cats AFFIRMATION. See: OATH, AFFIRMATION, Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 SWEAR OR SWORN Contagious diseases, anini•rls with 4-11 AGREIi;MEN7.'S. See: CONTRACTS AND Cruelty to animals 4-7 Definitions 4-1 AGREEMENTS Dogs and cats AT.ARi1/IS Collar and tag Alarm business central office required.... 19-215 Required 4-25 Alarm permit required 19-208 Unauthorized removal 4-26 Application for i9-209 Impoundment Issuance 19-211 Disposition upon owner`s failure to Terms; fees; nontransferable 19-2i0 redeem . 4-30(d) Audible alarms 19-216 Notice..-...... 4-30(b) Code enforcement board, enforcement Redemption by owner 4-30(c) through 19-217 llequired.......................... 4-30(a) Definitions 19-207 Inoculation .....................----. 4-24 Supp. No. 2s 2935 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Section Section ANIMALS AND FOWL (Cont'd.} APPEARANCE PLAN (Appendix A) (Cont'd.} ' Prohibited in certain areas; exceptions . 4-27 Maintenance for goad appearance Rabies control. See herein that subject Buildings and appurtenances.......... VII(B) Ii Registration 4-24 Public property....................... VII(C) Running at large Site VIT(A) ~ Cats 4-28(c) Participation and incentives ..-......-... VI Dogs on property of others.......... 4-28(b) Statement of policy II Dogs on streets and sidewalks 4-28{a) ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE PROTECTION Ytcious, biting and attacking dogs 4-29 Waste removal Appeals 21-107 Persons wallcing dogs responsible for Applicability . . 21-102 removal of waste 4-3i Archaeological review, development sub- Waste-removal implements, persons ject ta 21-104 walkiig dog to carry 4-32 Certificate to dig 21-105 Enforcement Cost 21-106 General enforcement 4-5 Definitions 21-103 Hindering enforcement 4-4 Hearing................................ 21-108 Fight, causing animals to 4-8 latent.......... 21-101 Keeping certain annuals prohibited; excep- Purpose 21-101 tion , , , 4_g Violations and penalties 21-108 Killing 4-3 Molesting songbirds or dameatic pets..... 4-9 ASSEMBLIES Meetings of boards and commissions; ad- Noise wntrol policy re animal noises 19-107 Nuisances, annuals creatin journment of 2-3 g ' ' . ' ' ' ' . ' " ' ' . 4-12 Meetings of specific boards, etc. See spe- Poisoning 4-3 cific subjects Rabies control Park and recreation area; meatings and Death or destruction, reporting........ 4-46 atherin s Muzzles; when required 4-45 g g " " " " " " " " " " • • • • • 20-22 et seq. Rabid animals See: PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND Confinement . 4-43 RECREATION Duty to report; impounding......... 4-44 ATLANTIC OCI!;AN Nuisance, declared . . 4-42 Regulations governing constrnrction afdocks, ANNEXATION piers in Lake Worth and Atlantic Ocean 5-55 Punning and development; filing fees and cost for voluntary annexation of laid 21-2 AUDITS Audit committee ANTENNAE Access to records . 2-56 honing regulations 45-21 Administrative services.............. 2-57 APPEARANCE PLAN (Appendix A) Composition; terms; vacancies......... 2-52 (Note~ection citations contained herein Created 2-51 Duties 2 v4 refer to section citations found within Appendix A) Organization 2-53 Administration ~7 Removal............................. 2-55 Areas of jurisdiction III Basis I B Cr7teria for appearance $uilding and site to adjoining area, re- BATHING lationship of iv(B} Diseased persons prohibited from bathing Building design N(D} in Public pools, etc................. 19-3 Buildings to site, relationship of....... lV(A} BICYCLES Evaluation, factors for PJ(H) handscape and site troatment......... IV(C) Park regulations 20-6 Maintenance-planning and design fac- Subdivisions, required improvements re bikeways 36-29.1 tors N(G) Miseellaneousstructuresandstreethard- BILLBOARDS. See: SIGNS AND BILL- waxe N(F) BOARDS Signs N(E) Definitions . VIII BIRDS. See: ANIMALS AND FOWL Sapp. No. 28 2936 i CODE INDEX Section Section BLOCKS BOATS, DOCKSAND WATERWAYS (Cont'd.) Subdivision design standards............ 36-18 Docks and piers Construction in waters other than BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND COMMIS- Lake Worth and Atlantic Ocean, SIGNS- See: DEPARTMENTS AIVD regulations governing 5-84 OTHER AGENCIES OF VILLAGE Definitions . 5-81 Generally 5-82 BOATS, DOCKS AND WATERWAYS Lake Worth and Atlantic Ocean, reg- Abandoned boats 5-8 ulations governing construction Anchoi~ng and mooring in 5-85 Limitation on anchoring and mooring in Minimum design requirements...... 5-53 prohibited area; mooring permit Variances 5-86 required 5-17 Erosion control structures Unlawfully anchored or moored vessels Construction . . 5-95 Claiming of vessol by owner; payment Control 5-96 Definitions 5-93 of costs 5-22 Department of public safety to im- Pernnitted, when 5-94 5-18 Piers. See within this subheading: Docks pound and Piors Owner to he notified upon impound- r 5eawalls• See within this subheading: ment a-I9 Bulkheads and Seawalls Procedure in event owner cannot be Definitions 5-1 found 5-20 Disturbing other boats ......-•---....... 5-6 Reclamation of owner after sale..... 5-23 Exhibition boats exempted fronn certain Unclaimed vessel to be sold; certifica- restrictions 5-4 tion of sale 5-21 Flood damage prevention provisions...... 12.5-1 et seq. 1[lse of vessel for dwelling purposes in See: FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION prohibited area 5-24 Fueling of merino craft........-......... 5-25 Authority of city to board boats violating Health and sanitation requirements provisions 5-1G Cleanliness of docks.................. 5-i1 Boat launching area Observance of village health and con- Abandoned boats and equipment duct rules 5-10 Disposition . 5-36 Pollution of watenlvays.............. - . 5-13 Recover 5-37 Refuse disposal 5-12 y Designated; use restricted 5-33 Living aboard boats restricted 5-15 Permits requu•ed 5-35 Marine sanctuaries Repairs prohibited 5-34 Designation ofwaters as zuarine sanctu- Bulkhead lines . 7-1 et seq, aries See: BULKITEAD LINES Area to be regulated 5-10I(c) Coastal construction code 6-151 et seq. Areas designated , 5-101(6) See: COAS`T'AL CONSTRUCTION CODE Construction of provision , 5-101(d) Code enforcemenE board, applicability re.. 2-173 Definition . . . . . 5-101(a) Mooring, docking, or beaching of boats on Construction requirements public or private property without Bullheads and seawalls Compliance with provisions required 5_gg permission 5-9 Parking Inspection required 5-73 BoaEing equipment; parking on residen- Permit fee 5-72 tial property restricted........... 18-35 Specifications . . . 5-71 prohibited parking for vehicle, trailer or Submission of plats and specifica- boat upon paved or unpaved area bons . 5-70 of the road right-of--way of specific Canals roadways 18-34.1 Canal crossings 5-60 Running engines, hours in residential dis- Compliance with provisions required 5-56 trios 5-14 Drainage canals 5-59 Searchlights, use of , 5-7 General requirements 5-57 Speed limits; wakes 5-2 Navigation canals 5-58 Subdivision provisions x-e waterways 36-22 et seq. Surety bond prerequisite to issuance See: SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) of building permit in certain Swimming in restricted waters 5-3 cases 5-61 Water skiing............................ 5-5 Supp. No. 28 2937 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Section Section BOISTEROUS CONDUCT BUTLDTNGS (Cont'd.) Noisy and boisterous . 19-106 Obstrcrcting passageway................. 19-47 BONDS Outdoor displays. See herein: Signs and Outdoor Displays Administrative code; bands required of ter- Park and recreation facilities; erecting build- tain officers 2-42 ings or stractures..............._.. 20-3 Canal construction; surety bond prerequi- Public land, construction on prohibited G-1 site to issuance of building permit... 5-61 pubic services department; division of per- Finance director, duties re 2-59{7) mits and inspections 2-85(1) Village manager 2-117 Signs and outdoors displays 6-110 et seq. BRUSII. See: WEEDS AND BRUSH See: SIGNS AND BILLBOARDS Smoke, dust, odors, liquids, etc........... 19-9 BUILDINGS Spitting in public places prohibited....... 19-5 Appearance code Stormwater management; level of finished Appeals and review 6-35 floor of structures.................. 21-63 Appearance plan . . 6-33 Subdivision regulations 36-1 et seq. Certificate of appropriateness See: SUBDIVISIONS {Appendix B) Final hearings . . 6-57 Swimming pools 25-1 et seq. Follow-up by building inspector 6-GO See: SWIMMING POOLS Planning conmrission Zoning regulations 45-1 et seq. Action of 6-58 See: ZONING (Appendix C) Approval hy 6-59 Preliminary consideration 6-56 BULKHEAD LINES Definition G-31 Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 Intent and pwposes 5-32 Established; designated 7-1 Planning comnussion, powers and du- Filling operation beyond bulkhead line pro- Lies re 6-36 hibited............................ 7-2 Short title 6-30 Filling pernut Appearance plan (Appendix A). See that Application fees 7-19 sub'ect Application; issuance 7-1$ Coastal construction code . . G-1~a1 et seq. Expiration date; renewal; revocation... 7-20 See: COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CODE Public hearing prerequisite to consider- Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 anon 7-17 Codes Required . 7-1G Appearance code. See herein that sub- Unlawful fill; removal 7-3 ject BULKHEADS Building code 6-17 Bulkheads and seawalls, construction re- Coastal construction code G-151 et seq. quirements re . 5-G9 et seq. Electrical code 11-11, 11-12 See: BOATS, ROCKS AND WATER- Energy efficiency building code G-150 WAYS Fire preventiar code 12-1G et seq. See: FIRE PREVENTION AND PRO- BUSINESS REGULATIONS TECTION Ambulances 17-50, 17-51 Housing code . 15-1, 15-2 Businesses located outside village limits iil Gauntry club 9-1 et seq. Application for certificate of regulation. 17-34.2 Sae: COUNTRY CLUB Certificate of business regulation re- Electrical code 11-11, 11-12 gtur•ed; basis of one year 17-34 Energy efficiency building code Commercial vehicles, marking of 17-34.13 Adopted by reference 6-.150 Compliance by principal deemed compli- '~I Flood damage prevention 12.5-1 et seq. ante by agent................... 17-34.8 See: FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION Delinquency penalty . . . 17-34.4 Housing code 15-1, 15-2 Doing business not covered by certifi- Landsca m 27-31 et se cafe of re ulation . 17.34-7 P g q. g See: LANDSCAPING Duplicate certificates of regulation..... 17-34.G Minimum construction standards Duration 17-34.3 Authority G-lG False statements Codes adopted . . G-17 Certificate obtained void ab initio 17-34.7 Violations and penalty G-19 Engagilrg in business without certifi- r Missiles, throwing 19-83 cote of regulation or wider ter- [ Noise from building 19-102 tificate issued on.............. 17-34.11 Supp. No. 28 2938 CODE INDEX Section Section BUSINESS REGULATIONS (Cant'd.) CIVIL DISORDERS AND DISTURBANCES. Fee exemptions 17-3410 See: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Foo schedule 17-34.12 Half-year certificate 17-34.3 CLERK Issuance of certificate 17-34.3 Department of records, provisions re vil- Noncompliance of principal............ 17-34.8 lage clerk and deputy village clerk 2-67 et seq. See: DOCUMENTS AND PUBLIC Nonprofit enterpr7se, special permit for 17-34.5 RECORDS Refund of fee 17-34.9 Registration required 17-34.1 CLUBS Renewal I7-34.4 Courrhy club 9-1 et seq. Suspension or revocation of certificate . 17-34.9 See: COUNTRY CLUB When due and payable 17-34.3 COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CODE Garage and other sales 17-61 et seq. Coastal construction requirements See: GARAGE AND OTHER SALES p 17-2(a) et seq. Location of construction............... 6-155(4} Home occu ations........ Major structures, structural require- See: HOME OCCUPATIONS , . , , , , G-155(1) Occu ational licenses ments for . p 17-1fi et seq. Minor structures, structtual require- See: LICENSES AND PERMIT menu for 6-155(3) Wellf~eld protection Nonhabitable major structures, struc- Regulation of business activities with potential to contaminate land and rural requirements for G-155(2) Puhlic access 6-155(5) water resources I9-221 Definitions 6-154 Zoning Flood damage prevention 12.5-1 et seq. Location of business for retail sales of See: FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION alcoholic beverages 45-20(2), 45- Purpose................ 6-152 36.N Refezences G-1.56 C-3 Regional Business DistrZCt...... 45-34.1{9) Scope Applicability G-153(x) C Exceptions 6-153(b} Permits, applicatimr for 6-153(c) CABLE TI+~LEVISION. Sae: TELEVISION Title . 6-151 CAMPING CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD Recreational, boating and camping equip- Actions for money judgments ment;parking on residential property Limitation 2-182 restricted 1$-35 Alarm regulations,enforesment re 19-217 Applicability 2-173 CANALS Declaration of legislative intent.......... 2-171 Construction requirements 5-56 et seq. Definitions . 2-172 See: BOATS, DOCKS AND WATER- Enforcement procedure ..................L-175 WAYS Fitres; liens Appeals 2-180 CATS Copies of orders imposing fines 2-178(d) Regulations enumerated 4-24 et seq. Determination of aruaunt of fine....... 2-178(b) See: ANIMALS AND FOWL Duration of lien 2-179 CERTIFICATES Generally 2-178(a) Appearance code; certificate of appropriate- Notices 2-181 Reduction of fine 2-178(c) Hess 6-5G et seq. See: BUILDINGS Heating, conduct of . 2-176 Boats, docks and tvatertvays; unlawfully Organization Attorney 2-174(c) anchored or moorod vessels Officers; quorlun; compensation 2-174(b) Unclaimed vessel to be sold; certifica- Qualifications and term 2-174(a} tiou of sale 5-21 Businesses located outside village limits, Powers 2-177 certificate of business regulations re. 17-34 et seq. CODE OF ORDINANCES See: BUSINESS REGULATIONS Emergency medical services 11.5-21 'Note--~-'1'he adoption, amendment, repeal, omissions, effec Historic site overlay district; certificate of tive date, explanation of numbering system and other matters appropriateness 45-37(H) pertaining to the use, construction and interpretation of this Supp. No. L8 2939 NORTH PALM BEACH CODs; ' Section Section CODE OF ORDINANCES (Cont`dJ COUNTRY CLUB (Cont'd.) ' Altering Code 1-7 Finances Amendments I-G Delinquent accounts; penalties 9-32 Catchlines 1-3 Premises Court cost Disfiguration and/or removal of building Assessment of additional court costs for or other property 9-1(1) I criminal justice education expendi- Enforcement 9-2 tares 1-9 Hours 9-1{2) Definitions and rules of construction l-2 Signs . 9-2 Designated and cited 1-1 Violations and penalties 9-2 References to chapters or sections........ 1-3 Repeal of ordinances, effect of............ I-4 COUNTY Severability of parts . . 1-5 Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 Village clerk, duties re recording ordi- nances 2-G7(3} COURTS Village logo 1-10 Court cost Violations and penalty . 1-S Assessment of additional cout•t costs for criminal justice education expendi- COIN-OPERATED AMUSEMENTS tares . . . . . I-9 Proximity to schools restricted 19-4 COMBAT AUTO THEFT (CAT1 D Establishment, regulations . 18-19 DECALS COMMITTEES, COlVl1VIISSIONS. See: DE- Combat Auto Theft (CAT} • , , . • . , 15-19 PARTMENTS AND OTHERAGENCIIaaS OF VILLAGE DEPARTMENTS AND OTHER AGENCIES COMMUNICATIONS OF VILLAGE Administrative code 2-39 et seq. Telecommunications See: ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Generally 29-1 et seq. APpeatance board. See: APPEARANCE See: 'I`ELECOMM[JNICATIONS PLAN (Appendix A) Service tax 2G-51 et seq. Audit committee............. See: TAXATION 2-56 et seq. See: AUDITS COMPUTATION OF TIME Code enforcement board 2-171 et seq. Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 Committees and boards generally; resi- dency requirements 2-1 CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT Country club advisory board 9-1G et seq. Provisions enumerated 21-41 et seq. See: COUNTRY CLUB See: PLANNLNGAND DEVELOPMENT Finance, department of 2-59 See: FINANCES COUNCIL. See: VILLAGE COUNCIL Fire and police retirement board of trust COUNTRI'~ CLUB ees . . 2-1G4 et seq. Advisory board See: PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT Firs division 12-29 et seq. Compensation 9-19 9-17(a) See: FIRE PREVENTION AND PRO- {i6IC1pOSitlOn ~ Created 9-16 TECTION Duties Gonaral employees retirement board 2-151 et seq. 9-21(b) See: PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT Administrator . Library board 16-16 et seq. Budget 9-21(d) 2-93 Management and administration.... 9-21(a) Library, department of . . Village employees 9-21(c) Meetings of boards and commissions; ad- Meetings 9-20 jourmnent of 2-3 Officers' quorum 9-19 Meetings of specific boards, etc. See spe- Removal . 9-18 cific subjects Terms . . 9-17(b) Planning and development board of adjust- Vacancies 9-17(c) ntent.............................. 21-21 Planuing commission 21-11, 21-12 Code are contai~red in the adopting ordinance and preface Public safety, department of 2-75, 2-7G which are to be found in the preliminary pages of this volume. See: PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT Sapp. No. 28 2940 CODE INDEX Section Section DEPARTMENTS AND OTHER AGENCIES OF VILLAGE (Cont'd.) Public services, department of 2-$4, 2-85 See: PUBLIC SERVICES DEPART- MENT Records, department of 2-67 et seq. See: DOCUMENT AND PUBLIC RECORDS Recreation departxe~ent 2-1Z0 Recreation advisory board 20-61 et seq. See: PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND RECREATION Reserve police force 23-42 et seq. See: POLICE Village council 2-16 et seg. DEVELOPMENTS. See: PLANNINGAND DE- VELOP :SENT Stipp. No. 28 2940.1 l CODE INDEX Section Section ZONING (Appendix C) ZONING (Appendix C) (Cont'd.) (NoteSectimi references herein are exclu- C-3 Regional Business District sive to Appendix C) height 45-34.1(5) Adult entertainment establishments Landscaping 45-34.1(4) Administrative requirements; supple- Location of business for retail sales of mental alcoholic beverages 45-34.1(9) Plan review 45-20(8){b) Lot coverage; maximum............... 45-34.1(6) Rules of constiliction 45-20($)(a) (3ff-street loading and internal circula- Definitions 45-20(3) tion 45-34.1(3) Disclosure of names aliases and dates of Off-street arlun 45-34.1(2) P g birth of employees 45-20(10) permitted uses....................... 45-34.1(1) Display or exposure of specified anatom- Setbacks . 45-34.1(5) ical area 45-20(9) Signs................................ 45-34.1(7) Enforcement 45-20(11) Special C-3 plamied Unit Development Findings of fact 45-20(2) (PUD) provisions................ 45-34.1(10) Legislative intent 45-20(1) Surface water management........... 45-34.1(8) Measurement of distance 45-2D(5) C-A Conunercial District Nonconforming uses 45-2D(7) Architecturo 45-31{J) Prohibited locations 45-20(4) Conditions far permitted uses 45-31(C) Variance, none 45-24(6) FIeor area 45-31(I} Alcoholic beverages. See also that subject General description 45-3i(A} Location of business for retail sales of Height,.......... 45-31(D} alcoholic beverages 45-20(2), 45- Off-street arkm and loadin 45-31(G) 36.N P ~ g g C-3 Regional Business District...... 45-34.1(9) Off-street parking Iot layout, construc- Amendments tion and maintenance............ 45-31(H) Permitted uses 45-31(B) Changes and amendments 45-5 Fees; waiting periods Yards and open spaces 45-31(F) Application for variances - 45-50 CB Commercial District Applications far rezoning, eta........ 45-49 Architecture 45-31.1(J) Antenna and antenna towers , . 45-21 Conditions foa- permitted uses 45-31.1(C) Architecture I{loor area 45-31.1(I) C-A Commercial District 45-31(J) General descr~ptian................... 45-31.1(A) CB Commercial District 45-31.1(J) Height........... ...-.-.............. 45-31.1(D) Buildings OfF-street parking and loading . - , 45-31.1(G) C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District. 45-33(C) Off=street parking lot layout, constrnc- District regulations, buildings and uses Lion and maintenance............ 45-31.1{H) to conform to 45-19 Permitted uses.....-................. 45-31.1(B) Floor area regulations. See herei~l: Floor Site area . . 45-31.1(E) Area Yards and open spaces 45-31.1(F) Height regulations. See herei~i: Height CC Transitional Comnzex-cial District Nonconfmining uses of land and strut- Building height regulations 45-32.1(D) tares. See herein that subject Building site area regulations 45-32.1{E} Site area regulations. See herein: Site Conditions for permitted uses 45-32.1(G} Area General description 45-32.1{A) C-1 Neighborhood Cammercial District Off-street parking layout 45-32.1(H) Building and floor area regulations 45-33(C) Off-street parking regulations 45-32.1(G) Floor area 45-33(F) Uses permitted....................... 45-32,1(B) Heights 45-33(B} Yards-,.............................. 45-32.1(F) Off sta-eet parking . 45-33(E) Changes and amendments... - 45-5 Permitted uses 45-33(A) Commercial Distinct Conditions far permitted uses. , 45-33(G) Development standards 45-34(B) Yard space regulations 45-33(D) Use and operating restz7ctions......... 45-34(C) C-lA Limited Commercial District Uses permitted 45-34(A) Conditions for permitted uses 45-32(G) Conflict of provisions 45-4 Floor area 45-32(F) GOS Conservation and ripen Space Dis- Height 45-32{B) trict Permitted uses 45-32(A) Coastal zone protectimi............... 45-35.2(C) Site area 45-32(C) hntent..-............................ 45-35.2(A) Yards and open spaces 45-32(D) Permitted uses.............-......... 45-35.2(B) Sapp. No. 28 2965 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Section Suction ZONING {Appendix C) (Cont'd.) ZONING (Appendix G) (Cont`d.) Definitions 45-2 Arclritoctur-al elomonts Adult entertainment establishments 45-2a(3) Architectural elements 5-5 Rules of construction 45-20(S}(a) Building color and finish 5-4 Historic site overlay district........... 45 37(b) Building facade/elevation........... 5-3 Districts Definitions 5-8 Division of village into districts........ 45-1G Design treatments 5-2 Enumerated 45-1G General provisions................. 5-1 See a]so specific districts as indoxed Preforred roof materials/styles 5-7 Genera] provisions 45-36 Window/door treatments 5-6 Floor area Consistency with comprehensive land C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District. 45-33{C), (F) use plan Ar•t. 2 C-lA Limited Commercial District..... 45-32(F) Established Art. 1 C-A Commercial District, 45-31(I) General provisions CB Commercial District 45-31.1(I) Applicability....................... 3-1 R-2 Multiple-Family Dwel]ing District . 45-28(E) Procedure acrd regulations.......... 3_2 R-3 Apartment Dwelling District 45-3Q(F) Landscape elements Height Administration 6-2 C-1 Neighborhood Corumereial District. 45-33(B} Foundation landscaping and plain C-lA Limited Commercial District 45-32(B) irngs 6 12 C-3 Regional Business District........ 45-34.1(5) Intent G-1 C-A Commercial District 45-31(D) Irrigation .......................-. 6-14 CB Commercial District 45-31. l(D) Landscape requirements for off-street CC Transitional Commercial District 45-32.1(D) park]ng areas 6-10 R-l Single-Family Dwelling Bistrscts 45-27(B) Maintenance 6-13 R-2 Multiple-Faruily Dwelling District . 45-28(B) Minimum landscape bull'er and plarrt- R-3 Apartment Dwelling District 45-30(B} ing requirements 6 11 Historic site overlay district Minimum landscape requirements 6-8 Definitions . 45-37(b) Miscellaneous landscape elements... 6-9 Local register of histmlc sites New construction and substantial re- creation of 45-37(C) vision........................ G-5 Initiation of placement on 45-37(D) Noncon#'omring landscape areas..... G-3 Placement on 45-37(E) Preferred landscape palette......... 6-7 Certificate of appropriateness....... 45-37(H) Prohibited and standard invasive Criteria for listing on 45-37(F) plants.........,.............. 6-6 Effect of listing an 45-37{G) Pruning...,-. ..................-.. 6-15 Purpose 45-37(a) Tree and plant installation 6-4 Interpretation of provisions 45-3 Sigrnage and outdoor displays Landscaping Accessory signs 7-5 C-3 Regional Business District........ 45-34.1(4) Appearance 7-2 Loading, off-street. See herein: Off-Street Business signs 7-6 Loading and Internal Circulation Definitions 7-11 Lots Design, construction, and location C-3 Regional Business District........ 45-34.1(G) standards 7-9 CB Commercial District . 45-31.1(H) Exempt signs...................... 7-3 Nonconforming lots of record 45-G2 Exterior architectural lighting 7-10 Map Gonoral provisions 7-1 O~eial zoning map. See herein that Measurement determinations....... 7-8 subject Street numbers 7-7 Nonconforming uses of land and structures Tenrpor•ary signs 7-4 Adult entertainment establishurents 45-24{7) Site plan elements Art. 8 Extension and enlargement 45-61 Building orientation and placement . 8-2 General desi 8-1 Intent 45-66 gn Land, nonconforming uses of.......... 45-G3 Off-street parkuig areas............ S-3 Lots of record, nonconformirg......... 45-62 Pedestrian amenities 8-4 Repairs and maintenance 45-66 Site and street furniture $-5 Structures and premises in combina- Zoning regulations tion, nonconforming uses of 45-65 Development review regulations , 4-1 Structures nonconformin 45-64 Land use chart 4-2 > g......... Temporary uses 45-G7 Supp. No. 28 2966