Code of Ordinances Supplement 25 Addition ~ SUPPLEMENT NO. 25, ADBITION September 2063 CODE OF ORDINANCES Village of NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Looseleaf Supplement This Supplement Na. 25, Addition, is printed to include the omitted material from Supplement No. 25 and contains all ordinances deemed advisable to be included at this time through: Ordinance No. 05-2003, adopted February 27, 2003. See the Cade Comparative Table for further information. Remove oid pages .Insert new pages Checklist of up-ta-date pages Checklist of up-to-date pages {following Table of Contents} 2510.1, 2510.2 2510.]-2510.58 2887, 2888 28$7--2889 2967 2967 Insert and maintain this instruction sheet in front of this publication. File removed pages for reference. MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION Post Office Box 2235 1700 Capital Circle, S.W. Tallahassee, FL 32316 (850} 576-3171. 1-800-262-CODE Website: www.zn.unicode.com ~ 1 I 1 I Checklist of Up-to-Date Pages (This checl~list will be updated with the printing of each Supplement) From our experience in publishing Looseleaf Supplements on apage-far-page substitution basis, it has become evident that threugh usage and supplementation many pages can, be inserted and removed in error. The following listing is included in this Code as a ready guide for the user to determine whether the Code volume properly reflects the latest printing of each page. In the first column all page numbers are listed in sequence. The second column reflects the latest printing of the pages as they should appear in an up-to-date volume. The letters "OC" indicate the pages have not been reprinted in the Supplement Service and appear as published for the original Code. When a page has been reprinted or printed in the Supplement Service, this column reflects the identification number or Supplement Number printed on the bottom of the page. In addition to assisting existing holders of the Codo, this list may be used in compiling an up-to-date copy from the original Code and subsequent Supplemonts. Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. Title page 1 83 25 iii 1 133 25 v, vi OC 135, 136 24 vii, viii. OC 136.1, 1362 24 ix OC 136.3, 136.4 24 x.i, x.ii 1 137, 138 23 X.Eil 1 139, 140 23 xi, xii 26 140.1 23 xiii, xiv 26 141, 142 22 xv, xvi 24 142.1, 142,2 22 1 25 143 16 3, 4 25 144:1, 144.2 12 5, 6 25 144.3 12 7, 8 25 145, 146 9 9, 10 25 147, 148 24 11, 12 25 148.1 24 13, 14 25 149, 150 20 15, I6 25 151, I52 26 17, 18 25 153, 154 26 19 25 155, 156 26 65 25 156.1, 156.2 26 77 OC 156.3 26 79, 80 OC 157, 15S 25 81, 82 25 I59, 160 25 Supp. No. 25, Add. j1] NpRTH PALM BEACH CODE Page Na. Supp. No. Paga No. Supp. No. 161, 162 25 671 2 163, 164 25 673 24 165, 166 25 695 13 167, 16$ 25 697 13 169 25 723 24 211 OC 72~ 24 213, 214 i9 726.1 13 263 OC 727, 728 5 265, 266 OC 729 5 267, 268 17 777 OC 269 17 779, 780 OC 319 OC 781, 782 OC 321, 322 17 783, 784 OC 323, 324 16 785, 7$6 OC 325, 326 24 787, 788 OC 327, 328 21 789 OC 329, 330 22 839 OC 331, 332 22 889 OC 333, 334 20 891, 892 25 381 23 892.1 15 383, 384 24 .893, 894 OC , 385 24 895, 896 .OC 398,3, 398.4 7 945 OC 398.5, 398.6 23 947, 948 23 398.7, 398.8 23 997 OC 398.9, 398.10 23 999, 1000 22 39$.1.1, 398.12 25 1051 OC 398.13, 398.14 25 1053, 1054 25 398.14.1, 395.14.2 25 1054.1, 1054.2 25 398.15, 398.16 8 1055, 1055 21 399, 400 OC 1057, 1058 21 401, 402 OC 1059, 1060 2I 403 OC 1060.1 14 453 OC 1061, 1062 8 455, 456 22 1063, 1064 8 507 22 11.21 OC 509, 510 22 1171 OC 511 22 1173, 1174 26 559 17 3.174.1 26 561, 562 24 1175 19 563, 564 24 1225 OC 615 OC 1227, 1228 24 617, 618 OC 1228.1 24 619, 620 6 1229, 1230 21 Supp. No. 25, Add. [2] CHECKLIST OE UP-TO-DATE PAGES Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. 1231, 1232 21 1741, 1742 21 1233, 1234 21 1781 21 1235, 1236 21 1783, 1784 21 1237, 1238 16 1785, 1786 21 1.239, 1240 22 1787, i7SS 21 1241, 1242 21 1789, 1790 21 1289 3 1791,1792 21 1291, 1292 OC 1793, 1794 21 1293, 1294 22 1795, 1796 21 1295 22 2043 OC 1343 4 2045, 2046 25 1345, 1346 ~ 22 2046.1 25 1346.1 22 2047, 2048 OC 1347, 1348 OC 2049, 2050 OC 1349, 1350 OC 2051, 2052 OC 1351, 1352 14 2053 OC 1352.1 14 2353 OC 1353, 1354 OC 2355, 2356 OC 1355, 1356 OC 2357, 235$ OC 1357, 1368 OC 2359, 2360 22 1359, 1360 OC 2361, 2362 22 1361, 1362 5 2362.1 22 1363, 1364 5 2363, 2364 OC 1365, 1366 5 2365, 2366 OC 1367 5 2367, 2368 1 14ll OC 2368.1 1 1463 OC 2369, 2370 OC 1465, 1466 OC 2371, 2372 OC 1.517 OC 2373, 2374 OC 1519, 1520 OC 2375, 2376 OC 1521, 1522 OC 2377, 2378 22 1523 OC 2379 22 1573 24 2479 9 1575, 1576 24 2481, 2482 23 1627 9 2483, 2484 23 1629, 1630 21 2485, 24$6 23 1631 21 2486.1, 2486.2 23 1681 OC 24$6.2.1, 2486.2.2 23 3683, 1684 24 2486.2.3 23 1684.1, 1684.2 24 2486.3, 2486.4 16 1685, 1686 OC 2487, 248$ OG 1687, 1688 17 2488.1, 2488.2 18 1689, 1690 17 2489, 2490 18 1739 14 2491,2492 18 Supp, No. 25, Add. [3] ]NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. 2493, 2494 i8 2513, 2514 OC 2495, 2496 18 2515, 2516 22 2497, 2498 21 2517, 2518 22 2499,2500 21 2619 21 2501, 2502 25 2819, 2820 26 2503, 2504 25 2869, 2870 OC _2504.1, 2504.2 16 2871 OC 2505,.2506 10 2873 OC 2507, 2508 13 2875, 2876 OC 2509, 2510 13 2877, 2878 OC 2510.1, 2510.2 25, Add. 2879, 2880 OC 2510.3, 2510.4 25, Add. 2881, 2882 14 2510.5, 251D.6 25, Add. 2883, 2884 14 2510.7, 2510.8 25, Add. 2$85, 2$86 19 2510.9, 2510.10 25, Add. 2$87, 2888 25, Add. 2510.11, 2510.12 25, Add. 2889 25, Add. 2510.13, 2510.14 25, Add. 2933, 2934 25 2510.15, 2510.16 25, Add. 2935, 2936 23 2510.17, 2510.18 25, .Add. 2937, 2938 24 2510.19, 2510.20 25, Add. 2939, 2940 25 2x10.21, 2510.22 25, Add. 2940.1 25 25].0.23, 2510,24 25, Add. _2941, 2942 24 2510.25, 2510.26 25, Add. 2943, 2944 24 2510.27, 251028 25, Add. 2945, 2946 25 2510.29, 2510.34 25, Add. 2947, 2948 26 25].0.31, 2510.32 25, Add. 2949, 2950 25 2510.33, 251.0.34 25, Add. 2950.1 24 2510.35, 2510.36 25, Add. 2951, 2952 23 2510.37, 2510.38 25, Add. 2953, 2954 25 2510.39, 25].0.40 25, Add. 2955, 2956 25 2510.41, 2510.42 25, Add. 2965, 2966 25 2510.43, 2510.44 25, Add. 2967 25, Add. 2510.45, 251D.46 25, Add. 2510.47, 2510.48 25, Add. 2510.49, 2510.50 25, Add. 2510.51, 2510.52 25, Add. 2510.53, 25].0.54 25, Add. 2510.55, 2510.56 25, Add. 2510.57, 2510.58 25, Add. 2511, 25].2 23 2512.1, 2512.2 23 2512.3, 2512.4 23 2512.5, 2512.6 23 2512,7 23 Supp. No. 25, Add. {4] APPENDIX G-ZONING § 45-35.1 11. In the event any building or strut- the relationship of the proposed tore built under this section is de- project to main traffic thoroughfares stroyed or removed by or for any and to street and road intersections; cause, said building or structure, if and, the general character and inten- replaced, shall be replaced with a sity of the existing' and potential building or structure of similar size development of the neighborhood. In and type not exceeding the dimen- addition, where appropriate, the com- sions ofthe original building or strut- mission shall determine that noise, tore. The developer shall include the vibration, odor, light, glare, Beat, elec- appropriate deed restrictions and/or tromagnetic or radioactive radia- covenants so as to require replace- tion, or other external effects, from went as outlined above. any source whatsoever which is con- IIT. Referral to planning commission. The vil- netted with the proposed use, will loge council shall refer each application fora not have a dotrimental offect upon planned unit development to the planning tom- neighboring property or the neigh- mission for study and recommendation. boring area in general. 3. The location and height of buildings, IV. Action of planning committee (commis- the location, nature and height of sion.] walls and fences, and the nature and A. After a study of an application for a planned extent of landscaping of the site shall unit development and the required public be such that they will not hinder or hearing, the planning commission shall discourage the proper development make a recommendation to the village and use of adjacent land and build- . council to approve, approve as modified, ings nor impair the value thereof. or reject the application based upon the 4. The standards of density and re- following standards: quired open space in the proposed 1. The proposed use or uses shall be of project are at least equal to those such location, size and character as required by this oxdinanco in the to be in harmony with the apprapri- zoning district in which the proposed ate and orderly development of the project is to be located. zoning district in which situated and 5. There shall be no uses within the shall not be detrimental to the or- proposed project which are not per- derly development of adjacent zon- miffed uses in the zoning district in ing districts. which the proposed project is to be 2. The location and size of the proposed located. use ox uses, the nature and intensity Exception: A mixed use occupancy maybe of the principal use and all accessory allowed if the existing zoning district us- uses, the site layout and its relation age is commercial. The mixed usage occu- to streets giving access to it, shall be panty shall only be residential and mer- such that traffic to and from the use cantile or residential and business. or uses, and the assembly of persons B The commission may recommend such in connection therewith, will not be hazardous or inconvenient to the changes or modifications in the proposed neighborhood nor conflict with the plan as are neodod to achieve conformity normal traffic of tho neighborhood. to the standards as herein specified. The Ina 1 'n this standard, the tom- reasons for the changes or modifications pp ~ g shall be included in the recommendation. mission shall consider, among other things: convenient routes far pedes- C. The commission shall not recommend the trian traffic, particularly of children; project u3nless it finds that all of the Supp. No. 25, Add 251x.1 § 45-35.1 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE standards as herein specified have been 2. Flood control. met. If there are minor modifications to tho provisions of this chapter, the commis- 3. Protection of quality or quantity of ground Sion. may recommend its approval at the water or surface water. same 'time. It shall also, where it doems 4. Floodplain management. appropriate and necessary, recommend to the village council those conditions to be Fisheries management. imposed upon the project, its operation, or g. Protection ofvegetative community or wild- both, that are needed to assure adherence life habitats. to the aforesaid standards. ' 7. Residential and administrative buildings V. Action of uillage council. The village council, for the protection of the C-OS district. upon the receipt from the planning commission of 8. Single-family dwellings with accessary the report on the planned unit development and the minor modifications to the provisions of this buildings customarily incident thereto. chapter may, after the required public hearing, a. Building height regulations. No main approve or reject such project and modifications, building shall exceed two (2} stories incorporating with an approval such conditions as in height and no accessory building the council deems appropriate. The approval shall more than one (1) story. be by ordinance. b. Building site area regulations. The VI. Effect of approval of uillage council. The minimum lot or building site for each approval of the application by the village council singlo family dwelling shall be one shall allow the building official to issue a building (1) acre of upland area and have at permit in conformity with the application as ap- least one lot dimension, width or proved. This permit shall specify with particular- length, of a minimum of 1.50 feet. ity the exact modifications to tho provisions of c, Yard space regulation. No building this chapter which have been approved. The holder or portion thereof shall occupy a of this permit may then proceed with his project position fifty (50) feet or less from in conformity with said permit. No deviations the upland/wetland boundary of the from the conditions of the permit shall be allowed property. except those which shall be in conformity with the basic provisions of this ordinance as they apply to C, Coastal zone protection, The Village of North the zoning district in which the project is located. Palm Beach adopts, by reference, the Palm Beach {Ord. Na. 23-79, § 1, 10-25-79; Ord. No. 16-87, § 1, County Coastal. Protection Ordinance No. 90-2 in 10-22-87) its entirety. (Ord. No. 20-90, § 2, 6-28-90; Ord. No. 25-90, § 1, Sec. 45-35.2. C-OS conservation and open 6-2$-90; Ord. No. 24-91, § 1, 7-11-91) space district. Sec. 45-35.3. Northlake Boulevard Overlay A. Intent. The intent of this section is to pro- Zoning District {NBOZ). vide for land uses and activities within land areas designated for the primary purpose of conserving Article 1 Established. or protecting natural resources of environmental quality The Northlake Boulevard Overlay Zoning Dis- trict (NBOZ) shall consist of that portion of real B. Uses permitted. Within any .part of the properties within the village that front upon or C-OS conservation and open space district, no are adjacent to Northlake Boulevard as indicated building, structure, land ar water shall be used, on the official zoning' map. except for one ar more of the following uses: Article 2 Consistency With Coinpreher~sive 1. Passive recreation. Land Use Plan Supp. No. 25, Add 2510.2 APPENDIX C--ZONING § 45-35.3 The establishment of the NBOZ district is pliance with the standards of the NBOZ shall be hereby declared consistent with the village tom- demonstrated by submittal of architectural draw- prehensive plan. ings and a site development plan or site improve- Article SGeneral Provisions ment plan in accordance with village regulations. The development order shall reflect the restric- Sec. 3-1 Applicability. Lions imposed by the NBOZ. A. Applicability. The provisions of the NBOZ B. Use regulations. Restrictions which maybe district shall apply to all existing and future imposed in the NBOZ district shall be limited to development within the boundaries of the NBOZ the following: district as follows: 1. Reducing the number of land uses permit- 1. All new development. ted by right and permitted by conditional 2. All renovations, additions, or redevelop- use within the NBOZ; went to existing structures where the cost Elirriinating inappropriate land use within of such is greater than fifty (50) percent of the NSOZ; the assessed improvement value of the parcel, indicated on the most recent tax 3. Limiting maximum building or impervi- roll of Palm Beach County Property Ap- ous coverage permitted; praiser, or an increase of greater than 4. Management of access to abutting and twenty (20) percent of the square footage nearby roadways, including .specific de- of the existing structure shall conform to sign features intended to reduce adverse one hundred {lOD) percent of the NSOZ traffic impacts; or Regulations. 5. Any other specific site development regu- 3. When tho use of an existing structure lotions required or authorized by these ceases for one hundred eighty (180) can- provisions. secutive days, or as otherwise determined to be a discontinued ar abandoned use by C. Review procedures. Unless otherwise statod the local zoning code. within these provisions, the review procedures for B. Invalid approvals. Invalid dovelopment or- development and redevelopment of applicable sites ders or permits of projects, which have been wxthzn~tho NBOZ district shall be pursuant to the rovokod or have expired shall bo subject to all village s review procedures and approval process. applicable provisions of tho NBOZ. D. Waivers and variances. Waivers and vari- C. Conflict with other applicable regulations. antes from the NBOZ regulations maybe granted by the village reviewing projects which are sub- 1. When the provisions of the NBOZ district ject to the NT30Z regulations. conflict with ether village regulations ap- plicable to the site the most restrictive 1• Waivers from the NBOZ regulations may provisions shall prevail. be granted by the village in accordance with the applicable village procedures for 2. Provisions addressed within the village granting waivers from its awn code of regulations that are not addressed within ordinances. the NBOZ district remain applicable in the development or redevelopment of a 2. Variances may be granted by the village site in the NBOZ. using the same procedures, which the village uses in granting variances from its Sec. 3-2 Procedure and regulations. cede, A. Submittal procedure. Development ar rede- Miele 4 Zoning Regulations velapment within the corridor shall adhero to the regulations imposed by the NBOZ district. Cam- Sec. ~-1 Development review regulations. Supp. No. 25, Add 251D.3 § 45-35.3 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE A. Conditional use and special permit use. 2. A use that is an accessory to a nonresi- Conditional use and special permit use are gen- dential principal use shall nat. exceed thirty erally compatible with the other uses permitted (30) percent of the Hoar area or business in the district, but which require individual re- receipts of the principal use. view as to their location, design, configuration, F. Parking and landing. All parking and load- intensity and/or density of use, buildings. and ing standards are governed by the village. structures, and may require the impasitian of conditions in order to ensure the appropriateness G. Measuring distances. A1T required distances of the use at a particular location. Tho supplexnen- between structures and/or uses within this article tal regulations outlined in section 43 of this shall be measured ax~.d d"etermined irrespective of article are to be considered in addition to the existing municipal boundaries. existing village standards, however the most re- Sec. 4-2 Land use chart. strictive regulations apply. These uses may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied NBOZ Distracts rlnder•ly- after review by the appropriate reviewing agency ing Land- Use East Cammer•cial or board, in accord with the procedures, Stan- NEOZ Land use lords, and limitations of the applicable codes. Special permit uses are generally temporary fora 13.etail Convenience Store CU specified fixed period of time. Convenience Store with CU _ Gasoline Sales B. Prohibited uses. Uses not listed in the use Drug Store with Drive- CU chart are prohibited unless it is determined by through Retail Salea l? the village that the requested use is similar in _ nature to a listed use and not contrary to the Personal Service intent of the NSOZ. Ifry Cleaning P Eruergency Health Care P C. Existingplanned deuelopmentdistricts. Prop- Facility Laundry Services P erties within the jtirisdiction~of the village, which Personal Services P have a PUD designation at the time of adoption of Veterinary Clinic P the NB~2, shall be gormitted to have uses and design guidelines in accordance with the dovolop- PxofessionaI Office ment order for that planned development district Broadcast Studio P Financial Institution 1? so long as the development order is in effect. Any Laboratory,-General P amendment to the PUD will have to comply with Laboratory, Medical or P the design guidelines of the NBOZ. 1]ental - Type II CU D, Variances. A vaizance from the su lemen- Medical or Dental Office P 1~1~ or Clinic tary use standards established in this article -'i~pe u eU shall not be granted by the village. Office, Business and Pro- P fessional E. Accessory use. An accessory use is custom- Residential arily associated with the principal use, incidental Dwelling Unit CU to the principal use, and subordinate in area, extent or purpose, and serves only the principal Auto/Boat use. Accessory uses shall be subject to the follow- Automotive Service Sta- CU Lion ing: Car Wash, Automatic, CU Full or Self-service 1. All accessory uses shall be located on the Tire Sales and Installs- P .same lot as the principal use. tion Sapp. No. 25, Add ~~10,4 APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-35.3 NBOZ Districts Underly- vehicles. An automotive service station ing Lund Use East Commercial shall be subject to the following supple- mentary use standards: Restuarant a. Bay doors shall not be oriented to- Restaurant P ward residential zoning districts. If Restaurant, Fast Food OU Nightclub, Bar or I.aunge CU oriented to a public right-oF-way, bay doors must be completely and per- Recreation manently screened from the right-of- Commercial Recreation, P way by a building, opaque masonry Indoor wall or similar fixed structures. Marina/Private Mooring CU b, All re air work shall occur within an Theatre, Indoor P p enclosed structure. Assembly c. There shall be a minimum separa- Church or Place of wor- OiJ tion distance of five hundred (5Q0) ship School, Public or Private CU feet from the nearest points of prop- erty lines for a parcel developed for Other use as an automobile service station Adult Entertainment SP and a parcel occupied by a church, Day Care, Adult and CU school or hospital. Child Funeral Home CU d. There shall be no outdoor storage or HotellMotel P display of merchandise, use of out- Temporary Sales, Amuse- SP door speakers, nor vehicular testing menu, and Special on residontial streets. Events Utility, Public and Pri- P e. The following accessory uses shaIl be vote (minor) permitted at an automotive service C~f3: Conditional Use station: SP: Special permit Y) Convenience store subject to the P: Permitted convenienca stare regulations. Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere 2) Automatic car wash subject to within this ordinance, the properties covered by the car wash regulations. tho NBOZ which have approved uses under the 3. Broadcast studio means an establishment existing underlying zoning pf tho village that are engaged in the provision of commercial considered or deemed not approved uses in the broadcasting services accomplished land use chart abovo, shall not be non-conform- through the use of electronic mechanisms. ing. 4. Car wash, automatic, full or self-service Sec. 4-3 Use definitions and supplemental means a building or area, which provides regulations. facilities for washing and cleaning motor vehicles. An automatic, full-or self-service 1. Adult entertainment shall have the deft- car wash shall comply with the following nition ascribed to it by the village in other supplementary use standards: section or sections of the Code. a. In approving a car wash, the review- 2. Automotive service station means an es- ing board shall make a finding that tablishment angaged in the retail sale of the use is appropriately located, con- gasaline ar other motor fuels, which may sidering the following guidelinES. include accessory activities such as the Proper functioning of the site sale of automotive accessories or supplies, as related to vehicular stack- tho lubrication of motor vehicles, the mi- ing, circulation, and turning nor adjustment or minor repair of motor movements. 5upp, No, 25, Add 2510.5 . § ~5-35.3 NORTI3 PALM BEAGH GODS 2} Adequate buffering from xesi- 7. Conaemence store means an establish- dential areas. went not exceeding three thousand (3,000) 3) Adequate access, ,ingress and square feet of gross floor area. serving a egress. limited marketed area and primarily en- ` - gaged in the retail solo of food, beverages b. The use of outdoor speakers shall be and other frequently or recurrently needed prohibited. items for household use. The following c. Car washes/detailing shall be To- accessory uses shall be permitted: Gated at least one hundred {100) feet from any residential district, use, or a. Gasoline sales subject to the use structure. regulations governing automotive ser- vice stations, however automobile re- d. Car wash openings must be oriented pairs, including oiI change are pro- away from residential caning dis- hibited where the convenience store tricts or public rights-of--way. If ori- is the principle use. ented to a publzc right-af--way, bay doors must be completely and per- b. Automatic car washes subject to the manently screened from the right-of- uso regulations governing car washes. waq by a building, opaque masonry wall ar similar fixed structures. Day caj•e, adult and child means an es- tablishment licensed by the Florida De- s. Church ar pZaee of worship means apre- partment of Children and Family Ser- mises or structure used primarily or ex- vices. An adult or child day care center elusively for religious worship and related shall comply with the following. supple- religiaus services on a permanent basis by mentary use standards: a tax-exempt religious group, sect, or de- nomination registered as anot-for-profit a. A pickup and drop off area shall be organization pursuant to Section 501(C)(3) provided, as well as a sufficient num- of the United States Internal Revenue ber of parking spaces far drop off Cade, as amended, A church ar place of located outside of the main travel worship may include retreat site camp, way. Drop off parking stalls shall be convent, seminary or similar facilities op- a minimum of twelve (12) feet wide x crated far religious activities. A church or twenty {20) feet in length. Amini- place of worship shall comply with the mum four-foot (4}wide sidewalk run- following supplementary use standards: ping from the drop off parking spaces a. Churches or places of worship, which to the day-care entrance shall be provided. Tho number of parking include accessory uses such as a rec- drop-off spaces shall be determined tory, day care center, school, acid- by the review board, but shall, in no emy, congregate living facility, com- munity center, or similar accessory case, be less than two (2} spaces. facilities shall be subject to approval b. In making an approval for an adult as a conditional use. or child day care center the Ereview 6. Comrner•cial recreation, indoor means an board] shall make a finding that the establishment offering entertainment or use is appropriately located, based games of skill to. the general public far a on the following guidelines: fee or charge and wholly enclosed in the 1) Proper functioning of the site building. 'T'ypical uses include bingo par- as related to vehicular stack- lors, pool halls, indoor swimming pools, ing, circulation and turning, in- billiard parlors and video game arcades, eluding pickup and drop off ar- but excluding gun clubs. eas; ~ r:. Supp. No. 25, Add 2510.6 APPENDIX C ZONING § 45-35.3 2) Adequate screening and buffer- 13. Funeral home means an establishment ing from residential districts, engaged in preparing deceased human uses and structures; and beings for burial, and managing and ar- 3) Adequate access, ingress and ranging funerals. A funeral home shall egress. comply with the following supplemontary use standards: 9. Dry cleaning means an establishment that provides for cleaning of fabrics with sol- a. A funeral horns use shall not include vents. a crematory. 10. Dwelling unit. b. In approving a conditional use for a funeral home, the villago shall make a. A dwelling unit shall not be located a determination the use is appropxi- on the ground floor of any building ately located, considering the fallow- or structure. ing guidelines; b. Parking shall be provided at a min- 1) Proper functioning of the site imam of one and one-half (1'!z) spaces as related to vehicular stack- per dwelling unit, exclusive of park- ing, circulation and turning ing required for nonxesidoutial uses. movements; 11. Emergency health care facility means an 2) Adequato buffering from resi- establishment not affiliated with a hospi- dential areas; and tal or hospital emergency room, providing 3) Provision of adequate ingress, walk-up emergency medical care. egress, and access. 12. Financial institution means an establish- 14. Hotel motel means a commercial establish- ment open to the general public and en- meat used, maintained or advertised as a gaged in deposit banking. Typical uses place where sleeping accommodations are include commercial banks, savings insti- supplied for short term rent to tenants. tutions and credit unions, and may in- The establishment may be constructed in clads outdoor automated teller machine a building or a group of buildings and may and drivo-through facilities. A financial include one or more accossary uses such institution shall comply with the follow- as dining rooms or convenience stores. A ing supplementary use standards. hotel/motel use shall comply with the fal- a. Afinancial institution with more than lowing supplementary use standards: three {3) drive-up units or two (2) a. Tho number of sleeping units shall drive-up units and adrive-up auto- not exceed one {1} per thousand mated teller machine shall be ap- (1,000) square feet of lot area. proved only as a conditional use. In b. Accessory uses, including lounges, approving a conditional use, the re- dining and retail sales shall not ex- viewing board shall make a finding Geed thirty {30) percent of the entire that the use is appropriately located, gross floor area of the principal stxuc- consideringthe following guidelines: tares. 1) Proper functioning of the site 15. Laboratory, general means a facility used as related to vehicular stack- fox testing, research, experimentation, ing, circulation and turning quality control or prototype construction, movements; excluding xautine manufacturing, repair, 2) Adequate buffering from resi- maintenance, or similar activities. dential areas; and 1F. Laboratory, medical or dental means an 3} Provision of adequate ingress, establishment which performs medical egress, and access. tests, or the construction or repair of Sapp. No. 25, Add 2510.7 § 45-35.3 NORTF3 PALM REACH CODE prosthetic devices, provided such testing as a restaurant with full kitchen facili- or work is performed at the written order ties. A nightclub, bar or lounge shall be of a licensed physician ar dentist. subject to the following supplementary use standards: 17. Laundry serrrice means an establishment that provides home type washing, drying, a. A night club, bar or lounge shall net dry-cleaning, or ironing machines for hire be located within two hundred fifty to be used by customers an the premises, ~ (250) feet of a residential district, or that is engaged in providing laundry use br structure, nor within seven and dry-cleaning service with customer hundred fifty (750) feet of another drop-off and pickup. nightclub, bar or lounge use as mea- I8. Marinr~Ipriuate mooring means a dock or cured by the nearest points of grop- basin supplying secure moorings far boats. erty lines an any two (2) parcels of Marinas shall comply with the following land occupied or to be occupied for a supplementary use standards. night club, bar or lounge. a. A marina shall provide at each boat 1) The distance to residential may slip an individual sewer and water be reduced for those properties hook-up that shall be connected to a adjacent to the Earman River sewage and potable water supply upon application to the village system approved by the Palm Beach as part of the conditional use County Health Department. application. b. All docks shall extend beyond the 2) Conditional use approval may shallow water depth. be subject to additional site de- sign requirements to reduce im- -' c. An accessary marine store shall be pacts on neighboring residen- permitted. tial districts or uses. 19. Medical or denial office or clinic means an b. Outdoor or open areas shall be per- establishment offering patients medical ~ miffed subjoct to a finding by the services, examinations, and treatments reviewing board that the location or by licensed professional, trained in heal- design of the outdoor or open area ing or health related practices including shall not have a negative impact on medical doctors, dentists, chiropxactors, neighboring residential districts, uses naturopaths, optomietrists, or any other or structures. similar profession as is legal in the State of Florida. These uses shall not include c. A nightclub, bar or lounge contained establishments whore patients are lodged within an office, hotel or motel struc- overxxight. Lure shall be considered as an acces- sory use and shall not exceed thirty 20. Nightclub, her or lounge means an estab- (30) percent of the gross floor area of lishment engaged in the preparation and the entire structure. retail sale of alcoholic beverages for con- sumption on the premises, including tae- 21. Nursery, retail and garden supplies means erns, bars, cocktail lounges and similar an establishment which sells trees, shrubs, other uses. A nightclub, bar or lounge may groundcover, sod, and other types of plants, include live entertainment. The establish- tools, lawnmowers and related power went shall not sell liquor or alcoholic equipment, fertilizer and pesticides, gar- beverages for off-premises consumption, den furniture, mulch and other types of The restrictions of this section shall not graundcover and similar items used for apply to any bona fide restaurant as de- landscape lawn maintenance and land- fined and licensed under Florida Statutes scope purposes. Retail landscape nursery Supp. Na. 25, Add 25.0.8 APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-35.3 and garden supplies shall comply with ited to, barber shops, beauty salons, nail the following supplementary use stern- salons, and tanning salons, and art and dards: music schools. Such services may include a. Aerial application of any pesticides, the accessory retail sales of items related fungicides, fertilizer or any other to the services rendered. chemical shall be prohibited. 24. Restaurant means an establishment where b. Operation of heavy equipment shall food and beverages are prepared, served be prohibited. and consumed primarily on the premises. c. Outdoor storage and display of land- The restaurant may include cafeteria or scope plant materials (excluding el- buffet style service. A restaurant shall be ements such as mulch, pebbles, gravel subject to the following supplementary stone, fertilizer, woad, sculptures, fur- use standards: niture, etcJ is permitted, but shall a. Outdoor dining areas under a solid not be located in the required set- roof shall be considered a part of the backs. Chain link fences, with black gross floor area and shall comply or green vinyl covering, are permit- with district setback requirements ted for security purposes. for structures. d. Stored materials other than land- b. Catering may be permitted as an scope plant materials shall be com- accessory -use to a restaurant. pletely screened by walls or build- ings and shall not protrude above 25. Restaurant, fast food means an establish- the height of the onclosing walls or ment where food and beverages are pri- f buildings or be visible from a public merrily precooked, prepackaged, sorvod in right-of--way or adjacent residential disposable wrapping and containers and districts or use anal shall not be where orders are taken at a counter or located in any of the required set- drive-through. A fast food restaurant shall backs. be subject to the following supplementary 22. Office, business and professional means use standards: an establishment providing executive man- a. Outdoor dining areas under a solid agement, administrative, business or pro- roof shall be considered a part of the fessional services, but not involving med- gross floor area and shall comply ical or dental services or the sale of with district setback requirements merchandise except as incidental to a for structures. permitted use. A business or professional office may have a convenience store not b. A fast food restaurant with adrive- exceeding five hundred (500) square feet through shall be approved as a con- or twenty-five (25} percent of the gross ditional use. Tn approving a condi- floor area, whichever is less. All such uses tional use for fast food restaurant, shall be completely internal to the office the reviewing board shall make a and shall not have a separate entrance or finding that the use is appropriately any exterior signage. located, based on the following guide- lines: 23. Personal services means an establishment 1) Proper functioning of the site engaged in the provision of frequently or recurrently needed services of a personal as related to vehicular stack- nature, but excluding those services spe- ing, circulation and turning cifically classified and regulatod in the movements; use chart as a separate use. Personal 2} Adequate buffering from resi- services as may include, but are not Iim- dential areas; and Supp. No. 25, Add 2510.9 § 45-35.3 NORTH PALM BEACH CODL~ 3} Provision of adequate ingress, rides or auimals related to the use egress and access. shall comply with the following min- imum setbacks: 26. Retail sales means the sale, incidental 1) Fifty (~0) feet from a public repair and rental of goods on a retail basis right-of--way excluding those uses specifically classi- fied and regulated as a separate use in the 2) ~rro hundred (200) feet fi om use chart. Uses shall include the sale of any property line adjacent to a bulky goods such as household appli- residential district, use ar strua ances. Outdoor storage or display of mer~ tore; anal chandise shall be prohibited. 3) One hundred (100) feet from any right-of--way for carnival 27. School, public or private means an insti- rides. tution of learning which conducts regular c. Access for a temporary sales, classes and courses of study required for amusement or special event use accreditation as an elementary or second- _ shall be from an arterial or ary school by the Mate Department of major coIlector road. Education of Florida. In approving a~on- ditional use for a school, the reviewing 29. Theater indoor means an establishment board shall make a Ending that the use is for showing motion pictures or live perfor- appropriatelylocated, based on the follow- mances in an enclosed structure. ing guidelines. 30. Tire sales and installation means an es- tablishment engaged primarily in the sale a. Proper functioning of the site as re- and installation of tires for automobiles, _ _ _ fated to vehicular stacking, circula- trucks, sport utility vehicles and similar tion and turning xuovements; vehicles and may include minor adjust- - b. Adequate buffering from residential meats and repairs. 'luxe sales and instal- areas; and lotion uses shall be subject to the follow- ing supplementary use standards: c. Provision of adequate ingress, egress a. All activities related to tine sales and and access. installation shall be conducted within 28. Temporary sales, amusements, and spe- an enclosed structure. cial events means an activity, which in- b• Outside storage or display of tires or eludes amusements, food, games, crafts, other products or merchandise shall performances or retail sales outside of be prohibited. permanent structures. Typical uses in- c. Overhead bay doors shall not be ari- clude: carnivals, circuses, temporary auc- tinted toward any adjacen=t property tions and tent revivals. A temporary sales in a residential district or adjacent and amusement use shall comply with the public street. following supplementary use standards. d, Repair activities and fire installa- a. The temporary amusement or spe- tion shall be located at least one cial event use shall not be permitted hundred (100) feet from any residen- for aperiod exceeding seven ('7) con- tial district, use, or structure. secutive calendar days. A site shall e. Outdoor speakers are prohibited. be issued no more than three (3) permits per year. 31. Utility, public and private (minor) means one (1) or more elements of utility distri- b. All mobile homes, trailers, vehicles, bution, collection or transmission, net- tents, mechanical devices, carnival works or facilities, which provide utility - Supp. No. 25, Add 25I0.10 APPEN?IX G-ZONING § 45-35.3 service to a relatively limited geographi- praiser, or an increase of greater than cal area. Typical uses include: electrical twenty {20) percent of the square footage distribution substations, sewage lift sta- of the existing structure shall conform to Lions, manned or unmanned telephone one hundred (100) percent of the NBOZ exchange buildings and substations. A regulations. utility, public, and private (minor) use 3. All renovations, additions, ar redevelop- shall comply with the following supple- ment of existing structures where the cost mentary use standards: of such is less than fifty (50) percent of the a. The use shall be located within a assessed improvement value ofthe parcel, reasonable proximity of the area to indicated on the most recent tax roll of be served by the facility; Palm Beach County Property Appraiser, b. Structures, buildings and appurte- ar an increase of lass than twenty {20) nances shall not exceed two thou- percent of the square footage of the exist- sandfive hundred (2,500) square feet ing structure shall conform with article 5: of gross enclosed floor area. architectural elements to the greatest ex- tent possible. 32. Veterinary clinic means an establishment engaged in providing medical care and `1• Minor repairs, maintenance, or similar treatment for animals, and which may iraprovemonts are exempt from the NBOZ provide overnight facilities. Outdoor runs regulations. or facilities are prohibited. C. Compatibility with setting. Buildings shall Article 5 Architectural Elements be designed to be compatible with the surround- ing manmade and natural environment to achieve Sec. 5-1 General provisions. an overall, unified design and character for the A. Intent. The provisions of this article are NBOZ. Design shall consider: established to provide the NBOZ with an overall 1. The massing of buildings to encourage architectural style that is consistent with the and allow pedestrian access between sites area and will assist in revitalization and redevel- and structures; opment of the entire area. 2. The avoidance of blank walls or similar B. Applicability. features without architectural interest; 1. New buildings or structures constructed 3 • The variety of protective features, such as within the NBOZ shall conform to one arcades and awnings, building overhangs, hundred (100) percent of the overlay de- landscaping; sign guidelines. 4. And the size, location, and shape of win- g. All renovations, additions, or redevelop- doves and doors. meat to existing structures where the cost D. Alternative architectural styles. The village of such is gn eater than fi~ (50) percent of may authorizo the use of an alternative architec- tho assessed improvement value of the tural style if determined to be consistent with the parcel, indicated on the most recent tax surrounding architectural character and design roll of Palm Beach County Property Ap- intent of the NBOZ. E. Facade I wall height transition. New developments that are located within one hundred fifty (150) feet of an existing building, and are more than twice the height of any existing building within one hundred fifty (150) feet shall provide massing elements to provide an appropriate structure transition. 1. The transitional massing element can be no more than one hundred (100) percent taller than the average height of the adjacent buildings. Supp. No. 25, Add 2510.11 § 45-35.3 NOFi.TH PALM BEACH DDDE 2. Facades shall have architectural articulation at the pedestrian level and at the rooIIine. Proposer! Proposed Exiskir~g Existing ~ ~ i~ ~ - ~u Appra}~riafe - Inappropriate F, Illustrative architectural elements. Drawings found in Attachment A represent architectural elements that are appropriate and/or inappropriate for the NBOZ as per this article. They are intended for illustrative purposes only, to guide the property owner and village through the design intent of the overlay and are not to regulate or suggest specific architectural design. Sec. 5-2 Design treatments. A, Building design. Structures shall be required to provide three (3) of the following minimum design treatments: The main facades shall incorporate architectural elements, which create a better human scale, such as; a. Canopies ar porticos integrated with the building's massing and style; b. Overhangs proportional in size to the mass of the building; and c. Arcades. 2. Pedestrian amenities such as benches, sculptures, tables with umbrellas, and trash receptacles; 3. Peaked xoofs with minimum twelve (12) inch overhangs; 4. Ornamental and structural architectural details, which are integrated into the building structure and overall design; and 5. Architectural treatment on all four (4) facades/elevations. a. Articulation of individual storefronts or facades greater than fifty {50) feet wide; b. Window and door openings expressed as individual units as opposed to window wall strips; c. Uniform design; and Supp, No. 25, Add 2510.12 APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-35.3 d. Any other treatment determined by the village to meet the intent of this section. _ ~'L;'_ "i J;11~31i,i1 ! t6'lil~' 1' ~ ' W' t Appropriate inappropriate B. Unity of character. Buildings or structures, which are part of an existing or future complex shall have a unity of character and design. Existing Proposed Existi Propas2d ~L9 - - - Rppropria#e lnappr©griate C. Style. Appropriate historical "themes" as defined by this article are permitted. D. identical buildings. Buildings and structures that are identical or similar in design shall not be permitted throughout the corridor unless each building is part of an overall development with uniform architectural themes. E. Scale. New structures shall relate to the form and scale of surrounding architecture. Buildings taller than two (2} stories shall be evaluated as to their visual impacts upon adjacent structures. F. Compatible exterior materials and architectural elements. 1. Lattice work, decorative moldings. 2. Covered parches with columns and railings. 3. Arbors, trellises, gazebos, picket fences. $upp. No. 25, Add 25I4.13 § 45-35.3 NORTH PALM BEACI3 CODE G. Incompatible architectural elements. Unarticulated, flat, or blank facades are not permitted within the NBOZ. - _ Rppropriats tnapprnpriate H. Proportion. The proportion of the major elements of a development such as windows, doors and -- storefront design shall be consistent throughout the dovelopment. Geo. 5-3 Building facade%levation, terns, and stone are acceptable. Materials includ- A. Building features and ornamentation. The mg woods, metal siding, fluted block and glass following building features and ornamentation wmdow systems are discouraged within the NBOZ. are encouraged: C..Recesseslprojections. Facades greater than 1. Cornices and parapets, moldings, piles- fifty (50} feet in length shall incorporate.recesses ters, window surrounds, asymmetrical fa- and projections a minimum of~twelve (12} inches codes, multi-level roofs, and similar ele- in depth along a minimum of twenty (20) percent of the total length of the facade. The recesses or ments; projections shall be distributed along the facade 2. Tile, plaster, poured concrete, or brick with a maximum spacing of one hundred (I00} materials, consistent with design and style; feet between each recess or projection. 3, Functional and ornamental balconies and D. Visible facades. All building facades visible balustrades located on the walls or fa- from public rights-of--way and adjacent properties codes facing public rights-of--way, exclud- shall be designed with regard to their surround- ing alleys, ings and should not be construed as creating 4. Arcades designed with arches; and look-alike buildings. Harmony shall be achieved through the proper use of scale, proportions, form, 5. Exterior detail elements such as banding materials, texture, and color. and other applied stucco detailing. E. Trademarh forms and colors. Buildings and B. Preferred exterior materials. Preferred build- structures which use trademark or symbolic forms ing exterior siding materials shall include stucco and colors and which have a negative impact on and brick, however cast stone, split blocks, ce- the visual environmont of the area, as determined raxnic tiles, high quality coated metal panel sys- by the village, are prohibited. Supp. No. 25, Add 2510.I4 APPENDIX C ZONING § 45-35.3 F. Blank walls. Blank walls shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height or twenty (20) feet in length. Control and expansion joints shall constitute a blank wall, unless used in a decorative pattern with varied materials or textures and spaced a maximum of ten (10) feet on center. Relief and reveal depth shall be a minimum of three-quartex (314) inch. Building wall offsets, including projections, recesses and changes in floor level, shall be used to add architectural interest and variety. F . ~ /3F~r~A?fatt' lnaPprop~ate G. Other features. Other features, such as gut- may be permitted, however principal tens, down spouts, vent stacks, vent pipes, and walls and facades must maintain a flashing shall be painted in such a way so the uniform .color. color is consistent with the color scheme of the b. Different colors fox individual stare- building. fronts within a complex are permit- H. Storefronts. Individual storefront elements ted as long as overall design integ'- offifty {50) to one hundred {100) foot widths shall city is not compromised. be incoxporated into the front facade to create a 2. Color should be chosen to add to the retail smaller scale for the building. Individual ground- environment of these buildings. level retail uses with exterior public access that are part of a larger freestanding building shall The use of colox to attract attention to a have display windows along a minimum of twenty business from a distance is discouraged. (20) percent of the facade length. Windows shall bo defined with details such as frames, sills, B. Color palette. Colors of the structures within shutters, planters, relief trims, or lintels. the NBOZ are to reflect the following character- istics: Sec. 5-4 Building color and finish. 1. Pximary colors for structures must be A. General. Building materials and color selec- white, light gray, eggshell, pale blue, pale tion shall achieve visual order through the con- green, coral, peach, pale yellow, buff, beige, sistent use of compatible color palettes. and sand. 1. All storefronts within a development shall 2. Secondary building colors should bo lim- utilize aconsistent palette of materials iced to twenty-five (25) percent of the wall and textures. area. These colors may consist of a me- a. Variation of individual storefronts dium intensity of the base building color within a given palette of materials or a complimentary color. 5upp. No. 25, Adel 251.0.15 § 45-35.3 N013.TH PALM BEACH CODD 3. Trim colors shall be Iimited to ten (10) Ornamentation, trim, courses, window percent of any single wall area. Trim frames, and door frames may be painted colors are used for accent an[f identifying white or a contrasting color such as Clark purposes and are the brightest group of brown, darn gray, blue, light green, brown, colors aIlowed. These colors include greens, plum, black; blues, yellows, and others that are found 5. Roof materials maybe brown, gray, white in our lush landscape and natural fee- or other color consistent with the overall tares. color scheme of the structure. Seco 5-5 Architectural elemeratso A. Pedestrian walkways. Pedestrian walkways with arcades, awnings or colonnades shall be provided along the front and sides of buildings and be integrated with adjacent properties. Arcades or colonnades shall have a minimum clearance width of six (6) feet and minimum clearance height of twelve (1~} feet. Awnings shall have a minimum clearance width of six (6}feet and minimum clearance height of eight (S) feet. ISM. 'WM{~~ ~ 711..... rl.~~i~ f.a t ..~~w .ti .,.,.....r ay - ~~I ~ _ ~ A ppraprfa~e lrrappraprfate B. Building height. Building height is defined by the applicable building code. Maximum building heights are subject to a finding of compatibility of adjacent structures as follows: 1. A maximum height of forty (40) feet; C. Entrances. Entrance design elements that are intended to give protection from the sun and adverse weather conditions shall be integrated into a design style for the building. Each freestanding principal structure shall have a minimum of one (Z) clearly defined. primary public entrance feature. The primary entrance shall incorporate a minimum of one (1) design element each from Tables 5-5A and 5-6B below: - Sapp, No. 25, Add 251D.16 APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-35.3 d ~...r • ! ~ -`irk, 3-~ "~~"~,^il L __r .~dT~~«woei~-Iwu'w-`c~+:.;%;.~'ma-~;:a:•.,'u`..v`....w«.._-_~=r~.'tti kEeia mn EIe+aE!on ~f ~ -~ ~,w .few ~ ~r ii ~--~ ~ 1.... r _ P3an ' P3an / r~ i e...... _ _..._I , • r , f ppprnprfaEe IC1appYoprie Ce Table 5-5A Primary Entrance Feature Design Element (1) Canopies, Porte-cochere, or porticos; (2} Wall recess or projection of a minimum of twelve {12} inches in depth; (3} Covered arcades, a minimum of eight (8) feet clearance in width; (4) Peaked roof forms; and (5) Arches, columns, ar pilasters. Table 5-5B Sacon-dart' Decorative Treatment (1) Overhangs, cornices and eaves; (2) Decorative moldings or trims around windows and doors; (3) Covered public outdoor patio or plaza incorporated with entrance area which are not part of a tenant space; (4} Special pavers, bricks, decorative concrete, or other similar pavement treatment; (5} Architectural details such as file work or moldings; (6) Benches or other seating components; (7) Decorative landscape planters or wing walls that incorporate; landscaped areas; and (S) Structural or vegetative shading. Supp. No. 25, Add 251fl.17 § 45-35.3 NORTH 1?AEM SEACH~CODE D. Mechanical equipment screening. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be located at a distance from the edge of the building and properly screened so as not to be visible from any street or adjoining property. Materials used for screening purposes shall be compatible with the architectural style, color, and materials of the principal building. ~levatio~ 3actlan Rppropriate. Elevation Section i t _ inapproprfate E. Cornices. Existing cornices' should be retained and preserved. Sec. 5-6 Window/door treatments, main clear of curtains, shutters, or A. Windows. Tho following major design char- similar visual harriers, which would acteristics are encouraged: obscure interior displays or activities. 1. Arches integrated into window designs; 2. Trion color in contrast with principal color of structure; 3. Large ground Ievel store front windows, consisting of at least fifty (50) percent of the wall area of the storefront; a. The windows of all ground floor busi- nesses open to the public shall re- •~=-• Supp. No. 25, Add 2510.I8 APPENI3IX C-ZONING § 45-35.3 b. Reflective or darkly tinted glass, which prevents seeing into the building is not permitted on the ground level. L •'~ea.,ww~~ •°~w e~~^~'.Nay,~~ie3Y.+e~:Bf4m~"~^draN.wn n ~aax..~n= ~ - .a m. ~ vvvXXX ~ . - . ....- - -. - .rwn. p Appropriate lnappr~prRate 4. Recessed openings; 3. Articulated and ornamental door design; 5. Hurricane/security panels or shutters and which are removable, recessed, or archi- tecturaIly compatible with overall design, `l• Use of materials to convey mass and and consistent with wind load resistance strength. standards; and C. Awnings. Awnings shall reflect colors that 6. Replacement windows should fill the en- compliment the existing architecture and not fire opening and duplicate the original detract from the storefront or from adjacent stare- pattern. Surrounding trim should be re- fronts. tained in the proper style and proportion. B. Doors. The fallowing major design charac- 1. .All awning supports should be attached to teristics are encouraged: the building, not placed in the sidewalk or 1. Recessed openings; extending into the parking lot. Addition- ally, awning frames should be simple pipe 2. Scaled and proportionate to balance of flames, well concealed by .canvas covers structure; or attachments. Supp. No. 25, Add 2510.19 § 45-35.3 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE 2. Plastic backlit awnings ar awnings constructed of shiny materials are not permitted. . E~•~ ` ~w~ ~ ~ ~ 1 lipprnpriate Enappropriate D. fenestration and details. Architectural fea- fled kick plates, or have .an alI-glass front that tares or details such as windows, awnings, cav- creates a kick plate line and proportion by use of eyed arcades, sills, shutters, reliefs, trims, col- a framing bar or painted line. umns, pilasters, quoins, reveals,, corriices, horizontal banding, arches, decorative vents, and/or accent seo• 5-7 Preferred roof materials/styles. --~, tile, shall be integrated into the facade to avoid A. Design types. The following major design the appearance of a -blank wall and shall be characteristics are encouraged. provided along a minimum of sixty (fi0) percent of the facade length of the front and side facades, 1. Flat roofs with an articulated parapet of and rear facades if continuous to a public street or four (4) feet in height necessary to screen residential zoning district. mechanical equipment. E. Materials. Doors and windows should be 2. Hip or gable roofs, minimum of 1:3 pitch, glass and alumint,m {painted) storefront, high positioned so that the hip-roof end is quality steel and glass systems, high quality facing the street. woods such as plantation grown teak or mahog- any, and brass, bronze or stainess steel. 3. Exposed rafter tails. F. Exterior treatment. The exterior treatment 4. Pitched roofs or shed-style arcades of flat, of the front elevation shall consist of a minimum S-shape, or barrel vaulted cement or clay of two (2) difi'erent building materials, textures, tiles are encouraged. or finishes at a ratio of a maximum of eighty (80) percent far the primary treatment and amini- Standing seam metal roofs made of cop- mum of twenty (20) percent total for the second- per, stainless steel or galvanized steel are ary treatment. Exterior finishes such as stucco, acceptable. Other metal roof types includ- brick, wood, coquina or cut stone are encouraged. ing industrial rib roofs are prohibited. The surfaces ofmultiple exterior storefronts within g, Mansard roof, which shall wrap around a building, except regional commercial facilities, the building so that there is visual conti- shail compliment contiguous storefronts. nuity around the entire buildin .Vertical g G. Kick plates. Kick plates protect windows by roofs and mansard roofs used on a portion raising the glass area to a safer and more easily of the building perimeter only are prohib- viewed height. New storefront can have simpli- ited. Sapp. Na. 25, Add 210.20 APPENDIX G-ZONING § 45-35.3 7. Overhangs over pedestrian walkways are one (l.) such change shall be located on a primary encouraged to provide shade and rain facade adjacent to Northlake Blvd. Designers are protection. A11 overhangs shall wrap around encouraged to articulate the parapet wall as a the building so that there is visual Conti- means of adding interest to the building facade nuity around the entire building, and to screen any mechanical equipment. B. Treatments. Roof features shall be in scale with the building's mass and complement the D. Preferred materials for pitched roofs. Roof- character of adjoining and or adjacent buildings. ing material should be constructed to enhance the C. Br dge and parapet treatment. A minimum of appearance of the community Materials shall two (2) locations, the roof edge andlor parapet include glazed or unglazed ceramic tiles, metal shall have a vertical change from the dominant shingle, concrete tile, or slate barrel, "s" shape, or roof condition a aninimum of four {4) feet. At Ieast similar style clay ox cement tiles. E. Large, unarticulated roofs. The roofline at the top of the structure shall not run continuously for more than one hundred (100) feet without offsetting or jogging the roof plane. Eteva[ian Elevation --.~:;:~r ~ 13 ~ ilF tit !i• i i~~~ at vs `~~'"~"r~(. fH ~ ` 'ail lily .- .- 4 I~~ -~. ~~.j(3 ~.~'~~- 7 ,j 3T 1 r ~ l'~`~ ;;T * _ll ' Ian _-i Plan . _ -_.-- -.., - + ~Y ~~.t.;:li s' ~ - l~.'-: ~ T t,?j~,f~]"TTi~l~! ~~`.J .J-J~~~ .--, -..~_ i ~ _ ~ I~,::.~:-._F-~:.i.::.~:::_.~'__i._~.b=..: s._:~_'~-'Y.Y_Y~=:_'_eL I_...}_.4- Appropriate Inapprapr{a!e Sec. 5-8 Definitions. 4. Bracket. A decorative support feature lo- A. The definitions set forth in this section Gated under eaves or overhangs. shall be construed to be the same as if incorpo- 5. Canopy. An ornamental rood like struc- rated izi the villages' development regulations. tune used on commercial buildings, which 1. Architectural composition. The scale, provide advertisement space, shade, and height, mass, proportion, color, form, style, protection for the storefront and pedes- detail, treatment, texture, construction Irian traffic. material, and roof design of a project or 6. Compatiblelcompatibility. Designthatuti- bwilding. lizes accepted site planning (e.g. building 2. Articulated parapet. A parapet with a placement, orientation and siting) and height variation proportional to the build- the elements of architectural composition ing height. within the context of the surrounding area. Similar adj scent land uses or square 3. Balustrade. A series of balusters with a footage shall not necessarily constitute top and bottom rail. architectural compatibility Supp. No. 25, Add 2510.21 § 45-35.3 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE 7. Complement 1 complementary. Having sim- 22. Rafter. A wooden member of a roof frame, "~- i] ar architectural composition. which slopes downward from the ridgeline. 8. Dormer. A secondary feature of a building 23: ,Scale. A term used to define the propor- housing a windoy~r or vent, which is set Lions of a building in relation _tti its sur- upon the slope of a roof surface. Dormers rounding. may provide ventilation, lighting, or aux- iliary living space. 24. Shed roof. A roof with a single sloping 9. Eave. The projecting overhang at the bot- Pitch. tom edge of a roof surface. 25, Stucco. A masonry material applied as 10. Exposed beam. A decorative wooden beam exterior wall fabric. that appears to support eaves, prevalent 26. Substantial renovation. Any expansion, on Bungalow-style residences. alteration, renovation, addition, or rede- 11. Frieze. A wide facing board 1QCated at the velopment to existing structures where junction of the exterior wall and roof the cost of such is greater than fifty {50) eaves. percent of the assessed improvement value 12. Gable roof. Atriangular section at the end' of the parcel, indicated on the most recent tax roll of Palm Beach County Property of a pitched roof. Appraiser, or an increase of greater than 13. Historical "themes". Any building, strut- twenty (20) percent of the square footage tore, or other architecture which is histar- of the existing structure. ically or architocturaIly significant. Rec- Article 6 Landscape Elements ognizod architectural styles such as Spanish Ecloctic, Mediterranean Revival, Sec. B-I Intent. Florida Vernacular, Bermuda/Island is ap- propriate for the NBOZ. A. Purpose and Intent. The provisions of this 14. Hip roof. A roof with sloping sides and section are intended to ensure that properties ends. within the NBOZ meet minimum landscaping standards iri order to; 15. Lattice. A panel of Criss-crossed diagonal or perpendicular slats often utilized as 1. Improve and sustain the aesthetic appear- decorative infillbetween masonry founda- onto of the village through creative land- tion piers. scaping which helps to harmonize and 16. Lintel. A horizontal beam located above a enhance the natural and built environ- window or door. ment. 17. Louver. A door or window comprised of 2, Promote water conservation by encourag- overiappingdownward sloping slats, which ing xeriscaping and utilization of native shed rain while admitting light and air, and drought tolerant landscape material 18. Masonry. Brick, block, or stone, which is and utilization of water conserving irriga- tion practices; secured with mortar. 19. Massing. A term used to define the over 3. Provide a visual buffer between otherwise all volume or size of a building. ~ incompatible types of land uses and adja- cent right-of--ways. 20. Molding. A continuous decorative strip of material applied to a surface. 4. Encourage innovative and cost-effective approachos to the design, installation, and 21. Parapet. A solid protective or decorative maintenance of landscaping. wall located along the outside edge of a roof. Sec. 6-2 Administration. Supp. l~Ia. 25, Add 210.22 APPENDIX C--ZONING § 46-35.3 A. Applicability. The provisions of this article be granted as per the village, if the viola- shall apply to all existing and future development tion is a direct result of a natural disaster within the boundaries of the NBOZ as follows: occurrence or draught. 1. New development. All new development. 4. Relocation or replacement for redevelop- 2. Existing development. All existing devel- ment. The site plan approved to remedy apment shall conform with the provisions any violation of this article shall include of the article eight years from the landscaping replacement or relocation to effective date of these regulations. comply with all requirements herein. Re- location or replacement shall comply with B. Exemptions. All licensed plant or tree nurs- the standards listed below. cries or tree farms shall be exempt from the terms and provisions of this article, but only with re- a. Trees having a three (3) inch or spect to those trees planted and growing which groater calipor at diameter at breast are for sale to the general public in the ordinary height (DBH) which are to be re- course of the business. The landscaping required placed shall be replaced by the sum for buildings and Barking lots shall be provided. of three (3) caliper inches to every one (1) inch Lost and are of Like or C. Waiver. The landscape regulations may be similar species. Replacement trees waived in whole or part by the village when a shall be a minimum of three (3) property owner has demonstrated that the require- ments containod in this article will reduce re- inches irk caliper. For example, if an quired parking, or substantially restrict the aper- existing five (5)-inch caliper tree is anon of the existing business or property's use. removed from the subject property, fifteen {15)-inches in caliper are re- D. Compliance. Failure to install, maintain, or quired for replacement. A combina- preserve landscaping ar native vegotation re- tion of tree sizes may be utilized as quired in accordance with the terms of this article long as na tree is Iess than three (3) shall constitute a violation of this article. inches in caliper. Failure to comply. If the property fails to b. If the site cannot support the total meet the requirements of this article, ar if number of required replacement trees the existing trees, shrubbery, grass, or as determined herein, the village groundcaver are permitted to die, and may permit the owner to donate ex- such materials are not replaced within Iess trees to the village for planting thirty (30) days of the event, the code an public lands at the owner's ex- enforcement officer shall notify, in writ- pense; contribute to the village the ing, the person responsible for the main- monies equivalent to such required tenance or replacement of such property replacement trees; or permit the re- ef the need to comply with the require- quired replacement trees to be placed ments of this section within thirty (30) upon other lands owned by the same days from the date of delivery of the property owners. notice. 2. Extensions. The thirt {30) da rule for c• The village may require alternative y y landscape solutions such as addi- compliance may be extendod whoa neces- tional aesthetic hardscaping, site sary by the village to recover from acts of amenities, or specimen landscaping nature such as a hurricane ar a drought. as per the intent of this article. 3. Temporary exemptions. Temporary exemp- tions from compliance of this section may Sec, 6-3 Nonconforming landscape areas. Supp. No. 25, Add 2~ 10.23 § 45-35.3 NORTFI PALM BEACH CQDE A. Nonconfarmities established. All develop- culture and Consumer Services. All vegetation went constructed prior to the effective date of shall be clean and free of noxious pests or disease, these regulations that do not conform with the B. Preferred species list. The preferred specios provisions of this article shaIl be considered non- conforming. list contained in section 4-7 periodically revised, as needed. To the greatest extent possible, the 1. If nonconforming landscaping is damaged species list shall represent plants that are drought or destroyed by any means to the extent of tolerant plants, noninvasive; not destructive to fifty (50} percent or mare of its replace- native plants, and strong wooded, non-brittle meat value at the time of the damage, the plants, replacement landscaping and elements must conform to all of the provisions of C• Installation. this article. 1. All landscaping shall be installed with B. Maintenance. Nonconforming landscape ar- sound workmanship and sound nursery eas are not exempt from minimum maintenance practices in a manner that will encourage standards. ~ vigorous growth. C. Amendments to the approved plan. The fol- 2. A plant or tree's growth charactoxi'stics lowing types of amendments to a previously ap- shall bo considered bofore planning [plant- proved development plan shall require the review ing] to prevent conflicts with views, light- of the landscape plan for the entire site using the ing, or signage. minimum landscape standards in this article: D. Root Barriers. The village shall require root 1. Increase in the total square footage of any barriors for trees planted within fifteen (15) feet building by more than twenty (20) per- of any road right-of--way, sidewalk, or utility. In cent; determining the appropriateness of particular pro- tection techniques, the village shall use the cur- - 2. Increase in the number of structures; or rout edition of the Tree Protection Manual for 3. Increase in the building height of any Builders and Dovelopers, published by the State building Dzvision of Forestry, Florida Department of Agri- culture and Consumer Services. D. Notice of nonconforming status. Upon the Sec. 6-5 New construction and substantial effective date of this article or upon the future annexation of properties, the village shall contact revls~on. the ownors of all properties developed for nonres- A. Landscape area. At least fifteen (15) per- idential purposes that do not comply with the cent of the total parcel area shall be landscaped, provisions of this article. The notice shall inform excluding any area utilized for required parking. the property owners that the property is being placed in a nonconforming [property] and that the B• Ouerall landscaping. The required area to owner of nonconforming property shall have eight be landscaped may include any of the following: {S) years from the date of the nonconforming 1. Entry features; notice to comply with the requirements set forth in this article. Written notice to the property shall 2. Massing of landscaping to produce focal be provided by certified mail. - points; Sec. 6-4 Tree and plant installation. 3. Foundation plantings; 4. Trellises, arbors, and similar structures; A. Minimum plant quality. Plant quality for all required landscaping shall be Florida No. 1 ar 5. Planter and flower boxes; better, as provided in Grades and Standards for ~ Freestanding planters and pottery; Nursery Plants, Part 1 and Part 2, as amended, ' as published by the Florida Department of Agri- 7. Sidewalk plantings; - i Supp. No. 25, Add 2~10.2~1 APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-35.3 Landscaped courtyards, loggias, patios, Table 6-7A and similar open areas available for pub- Preferred Tree Species lic use; and Common Name Scientific Name 9. Materials installed within publicly owned 1. Cabbage Palm Sabel palmetto lands. 2. Cattley Guava Psidium littorals Sec. 6-6 Prohibited and standard invasive Dahoop Holly Hex Cassine 4. Ligustrum Tree Ligustrum lucidum plants. 5. Live Oak Quercus virginiana 6. Mahogany Swietenia mahogani A. Prohibited plantings. 7. Oak Quercus spp. 1. Artificial plants or vegetation shall be 8. Oleander Tree Nerium oleander prohibited. 9. Pink Tabebuia Tabebuia heterophylla 10. Pygmy Date Palm Phoenix raebellini 2. Prohibited plants shall not be planted 1f• SilverButtanwood Conocarpus erectus within the NBOZ, and existing prohibited 12. Washington Palm Washingtonia robusta plants shall be removed if determined to t0• Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera be invading adjacent native plant commu- I4. Weeping Callistemon viminalis pities. The list of prohibited plant species, Bottlebrush include, but are pat limited to Casuarina g, preferred shrubs and groundcoaers. Fifty spp. (Australian Pine}, Ficus bengalensis {5fl) percent of the required shrubs and groundcow {Banyan), Supaniopsis anacardioides {Car- ers shall bo selected from the list presented below: rotwoad), Acacia auriculiformis (Earleaf Acacia}, Pueraria montapa {Kudzu), and Table 6-78 Melaleuca quinquenervia (Melaleuca/Punk preferred Shrub/Groundcover Species Tree/Pepper Tree). Common Nrxme Scientific Name B. Controlled plant species. The following spe- cies may be planted or maintained under con- 1. Bougainvillea Bougainvillea spp. trolled conditions and shall not exceed amaxi- 2. Cocoplum Chrysobalanus icaco mum of ten (i0) percent of the total number of 3. Confederate Jas- Trachelospermum required trees. mine jasminoides 4. Crinum Lily Crinum asiaticum 1. Black olives. Black olives shall not be 5. Croton Codiaeum variegatum installed within fifteen {15) feet of any 6. Dwarf Oleander Nerium oleander 'pe- parking area. fife' '7. Dwarf Philoden- Philodenclran'xanadu' 2. Ficus species. Ficus species may be planted drop as individual trees or hedge material pro- 8. Fakahatchee Grass Tripsacum dactyloides vided that individual trees are no closer 9. Hibiscus Hibiscus spp. than thirty (30) feet fiom any public road 10. Liriope Liriope muscari right-of--way, utility, or structure. Hedges 11. Saw Palmetto Serenoa repeps shall not exceed eight (S) feet in height and be regularly maintained. Sec. 6-8 Minimum landscape requirements. Sec. 6-7 Preferred landscape palette. A. Required. The following uses within nonres- idential developments shall be required to pro- vide landscaping, as required herein. A. Preferred trees. Fifty (50) percent of the required trees shall be selected from the list 1. Vehicular use areas as required in section presented below. 6-8; 5upp. No. 25, Add 251025 § 45-35,3 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE 2. Building foundation as required by sec- B. Natural form. New trees and shrubs should tion 6-12; and duplicate natural patterns with multiple plant 3. Signs as required by article 7. sizes, spacing, plant clusters, and single plantings. C. Minimum landscape stand¢rds. All landscape installed shall meet the requiremonts of Table 6-8A and as otherwise provided herein. Table 6-8A Minimum Landscape RequixemieTats Plant Material Minimum Size ¢t Planting OtherlnstallationRequirements Trees 12 feet with a minimum crown 50% of required trees shall be of 5 feet. (1) selected from the preferredplant list. Palms 8 feet when used for required 3 palms equals 1.required can- buffer ar parking purposes. (2, opy tree. 3) Hedge Shrubs 30 inches Planted not more than 24 inches on center Vines 60 inch treIlis length with 3 or Attached to support. (4) more live runners at planting Notes (1) Measured from grade to average end of branches, not the tallest of one or two branches and a minimum crown of five {5) feet. {2) Measured as gray trunk height. (3) Palms not classified as specimen palms and planted in perimeter buffer areas shall be installed in groups of not Iess than. three. . (4) Support shall be provided consistent with sound horticultural practices to encourage future growth. D, Minimum landscape points. Tables 4-88 and 4-SC shall be used to determine the minimum landscape points per open space a project shall be required to provide. Achieving the minimum open space landscape point requirement does not exempt a project from compliance with other requirements of this article. Table 6-SB Minimum Landscape Requirements for Point System Delineation % Open Space Provided* Points per Z00 Square feet C 15% 22 16% 21 17% 20 18% 19 19% 18 20% 1'l 21-22% 16 23-24%a 15 Sapp. No. 25, Add 2510.26 APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-35.3 % Open Space Provided* Points per I00 Square Feet 25-27% 14 28-29% 13 30-32% 12 33-34% 11 35-39% 10.5 40-49% 9.5 50-59% S > 60%a 7 Notes *Example: 15% project open space requires 22 points/100 square feet < =Equal to or less than > =Equal to or greater than Table 6-SC Required Landscape Installation Points Category Points Specimen Trees* 25 additional Specimen Plants 15 additional Specimen Palms* 25 additional Native Trees - 5 Inches DBH 20 plus 1 point for each inch >5 DBH Trees w/12 foot minimum height (minim.um of 15 plus 1 point far each foot than minimum 50% from Preferred Tree Species list) (See Note I) Trees not an Preferred Tree Species list or < 12 5 foot minimum height Palms from Preferred Tree Species list w/mini- 3.3 points plus 1 point for each foot of clear trunk mum $ feet of clear trunk > $ feet Palms not on Preferred Tree Species List ar Iess 1 than 8 feet of clear trunk All Shrubs (minimum of 50% from Preferred 1 Shrub Species list) All Groundcover (minimum of 50% from Pre- 2 points per 10 square feet ferred Groundcover Species list) Grass .25 ('!a) points per 10 square feet Notes (1) Abused trees, as determined by the Village, shall not count toward required points. * =Justification to be provided consistent with definition. DBH= Diameter at Breast Height. (4-lIa feet above grade) < =Less Than. > =Greater Than. E. Total landscaping points. Achieving the to- tal paints per open space for an entire project within one or more areas does not exempt one from complying with all other requirements, even if that means exceeding the minimum required. Supp. No. 25, Add 2510.27 § 45-35.3 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE F. Water eonset-vation. proportion to the required mix. The minimum ~F 1. Landscape plans shall be required to use number of species to be planted is indicated in Table 6-8D. minimum water conservation techniques such as the following: Table fi-SD a. Moisture-Sensing Controller (other Required Species Mix than rainswitch). b. Drip/'I~ickle/Micro Irrigation Sys- Required Number of Min. Number of tem Trees Species c. Quality Effluent Irrigation. 16-20 2 21-30 3 2. Water conservation may also be obtained 31-40 4 through the use of the following: 41 + 5 a. Florida Native Landscaping. b. Uery drought-tolerant trees, shrubs K. Native and drought-tolerant trees. and groundcovers. 1. A minimum of fifty (5Q) percent of all 'c. Native wildflowers, meadow grasses trees used to satisfy the standards of this or groundcover in lieu of allowable article shall be classified as native. sodded area. 2. In addztion, fifty (50) percent shall be G. Specimen trees. Specimen trees shall be classified as drought-tolerant by the most considered as existing native trees if in good xecent edition of the South Florida Water health and aver thirteon'(13) inches at diameter Management District's "Xeriscape Plant at breast height (DBH) or larger. Guide." _ H. Canopy trees. L. Shrubs and groundcovers. 1. Canopy trees shall be installed in the i. At least-fifty {50) percent of all required landscape buffer at a maximum of thirty hedges and shrubs shall be classified as (30) feet on center. native ar drought tolerant by the most 2. The canopy trees, at maturity, shall be of recent edition of the South Florida Water a species, which possess an average spread Management District's "Xeriscape Plant of at least twenty-five (25}feet and a clear Guide." trunk of at least six (6) feet. 2, At the time of installation, required hedges 3. Approval of the use of trees with a lesser and shrubs shall be a minimum oftwenty- mature canopy, provided that groupings four (24) inches in height, or eighteen (18) of such species are utilized to achieve the inches in height for native species, spaced average spread. at a maximum of twenty-four (24) inches an center. I. Palm trees. 3. Required hedges shaIl form a solid, con- t. Palms must attain a minimum twelve tiz~uous visual screen of at Ieast three (3) (12) feet in height at maturity. feet in height within two (2} years of 2. Palms must be resistant t4 lethal yellow- planting. ing. 4, Hedges used in combination with nonliv- J. Tree species mix. When more than fifteen ing landscape barriers to meet the six (6) (15) trees are required to be planted to meet the feet screen requirements shall be in- standards of this section, a mix of species shall be stalled the height necessary to provide provided according to the overall number of trees the total six (6) foot screen within (2) required to be planted. Species shall be planted in years of planting. Supp. No. 25, Add 2510.28 APPENDIX C ZONING § 45-35.3 M. Sod or grass. Not more than forty (40) P. Redevelopment and nonconforming projects. percent of the total landscape area shall be cov- If a redevelopment and nonconforming project is erect with sod or grass. unable to meet the point system or open space requirements of this article, required landscape N. Ground treatment. points may be transferred to other public lands, parks, road, road rights-of--way or other similar 1. The ground area within required land- public space, up to a maximum of twenty-five {25) soaped areas which is not dedicated to percent reduction of points per one hundred (1p0) tress, or the preservation of existing or square feet. new vegetation, shall receive appropriate landscape treatmont such as grass, Q. Landscape in easements. groundcover, mulch or shrubs and present 1. Landscaping may be permitted in ease- s finished appearance upon planting. menu with the written permission of the 2. Sand, gravel, shellrock, or pavement shall easement holder. Trees planted within not be considered appropriate landscape any easement with overhead utilities shall treatment. be consistent with FP&L's suggested tree list "Plant the Right Tree in the Right 3. The following standards shall apply to the Place," taking into consideration the ma- design of ground treatment. tore height and spread of the species beneath or adjacent to existing overhead a. Ground cover. Live material used as utilities. ground cover shall provide a mini- mum of fifty (50) percent coverage 2. Easements may overlap a landscape buffer immediately upon planting and one a zr~axamuxn of five (5) feot provided that hundred {100) percent coverage there remains a minimum of five (5} clear within one (1) year. feet for planting, or if a wall with a continuous footer is used, a minimum of b. Mulch. Mulch shall be installed and ten (10) clear feet far planting. maintained at a minimum depth of 3. The landscape buffer may be traversed by three (3) inches at all times, in all easements ar access ways as necessary to plantod areas not containing ground comply with the standards of this section. cover. All mulch material shall be seed and weed-free to prevent tree R. Perimeter landscaping. Only access ways sprouting and regrowth. and easements shall be permitted as interrup- tions in perimeter landscaping and shall be in- c. Pebble and egg rock. Pebble or egg eluded in the calculation of linear dimension. Na rock may be used in a limited amount structuros or parking are to be located in this as a ground treatment in areas where landscape area. drainage is a problem. S. Landscaping in public road right-af--way. d. Lawn and turf grass. Grass areas Maintenance of landscaped rights-of--way shall be shall be planted with species suit- the responsibility of the project's property owner able as permanent lawns. Use of or, as agreed upon in the development order drought-tolerant graundcaver instead approving the project, by special districts created of lawn and turf grass is encouraged. for unified maintonanco. O. Flowers. Flower boxes and hanging pots Sec. 6-9 Miscellaneous landscape elements. should complement the overall architecture of the A. Alternative landscape materials. A Iand- facade and not obscure architectural details. The scope plan may utilize one or more materials not boxes should be well constructed, and accommo- specifically authorized in this article and must be date watering needs without allowing water to demonstrated to be consistent with the purposes drip or leak onto the building or sidewalk. and intent of this article. Supp. Na. 25, Add 2510.9 § 45-35.3 NO~t.TH PALM BEACH CODE B. Screening required. Uses within the overlay G. Mulch. zone that shall be required to be screened fi om 1 All tree and shrub beds shall receive at public view include mechanical equipment areas, least three (3} inches of mulch. Where parking areas, satellite dishes .mouzited on the ground, chain-link or othor non-opaque fence or mulch is to be installed permanently, it wall type, accessory use structures, and other shall be renewed and maintained at three elements as defined by this article. (3) inches of depth, 2. Mulch shall be temporarily applied to C. Perimeter walls and fences. areas not immediately covered by 1. Perimeter walls, metal or wood fences, or groundcover. other nonliving landscape materials may 3. Mulch will be thoroughly wet at the time be used in conjunction with vegetation to of application: to prevent wind displace- meet required landscaping, ment. 2. Approved walls or fences shall be set back H. Pavers. The use of pavors or similar imper- . from property lines sufficiently to include vious material, excluding sidewalks, shall not landscape on the outside of the wall or exceed thirty (30} percent coverage of an open fence. Chain link fences shaIl have a green space area, and shall not be wider than twelve or black vinyl covering. (12) feet if used in a required landscape buffer area. 3. Maintenance of the wall or fence and associated landscaping by the property I. Signs. Landscaping around ground/monu- owner is required. ment signs is required and shall be provided pursuant to. article 7. _ D. Storage and garbage collection sites. All outside storage and trash or garbage collection J. Advertising. At no time shall a landscaped • x sites shall be completely screened from view, area be used for advertising display or sales. utilizing any approved combination of hedge {a Temporary signs may not be placed in landscaped minimum of three (3) feet- in height} structural areas. barriers, berms or any combination thereof to one K. Earth berms. Earth berms shall use long hundred {100) percent screen the area from view. and gentle slopes and as non-living landscape barriers only when installed in conjunction with E. Service areas. plant materials. 1. Service areas of nonresidential buildings, 1. Berms five (5) feet or less in height shall when visi171e fiom the street right-of--way havo a maximum slope of 2:1. Berms or adjacent residential land use, shall greater than fve (5) feet in height shall have barriers and a hedge at a minimum not exceed a ratio of 3:1 in slope. of six (6) feet in height to screen the service area from this use. 2. Hedges used in combination with earth berms to meet the six (6) foot screon 2. Service areas may include interior ar ex- requirements shall be installed at the tenor work bays associated with full ser- height necessary to provide the fatal six vice gas stations, fire repair, auto repair {6) foot screen at time of planting. business, as well as any business propos- ing loading or unloading docks. Sec. 6-10 Landscape regttixexnents for off- street parking areas. F. Backflow preaenters. Backflow preventer sys- A. Minimum spacing. tams shall be screened from public view, utilizing any combination of trees, palms, hedges, or other 1. The minimum shade tree spacing for in- barriers. tenor parking areas shall be such that the - Supp. No. 25, Add 2510.30 APPENDS C-ZQNING § 45-36.3 center of any parking space is not more shall be a minimum of five (5} feet in than forty (40) feet from the center of the width, excluding required curbing, and shade tree. fifteen {15) feet in length. 2. A shade tree may be replaced by a mini- C. Divider median. mum o£ three (3} palms clustered to- 1. Divider medians shall be installed be- gather, as long as the affected parking tween rows of parking and between all bays are more than fifty (50) feet from a parking/vehicular use areas. public street. 2. One (1) tree shall be planted for each B. Landscape islands. thirty (30) linear feet of a divider median, or fraction thereof. 1. A landscape island shall be required for every nine (9) parking spaces located in a 3. The minimum width shall bo five (5) feet row. of un-encroached landscape area. 2. The use of landscape diamonds for inte- D. Minimum size for landscape areas. rior parking lot tree planting is permitted 1. The minimum landscape area shall con- es per this section, excluding islands at tain no dimension less than five (5) feet in the end of parking rows. width, measuxod from the inside of the curb. 3. Each planter island shall contain at least one canopy tree for each one hundred 2. There shall be no landscape area smaller {100) square feet of area or fraction thereof, than twenty-five {25) square feet. in addition to shrubs and ground cover. 3. Landscape areas within interior parking ` 4. Terminal and landscape islands. Each areas may be reduced if the areas shall row of parking spaces shall be terminated constitute an obstruction in use of abuild- by landscape islands, which measure a mg structure, providing the reduced square minimum of eight (8) feet in width, exclud- footage is relocated. so as to emphasize ing required curbing, and fifteen (15} feet entrance corridors or special Iandscaped in length. A minimum of one hundred areas within the general parking area. twenty (120} square feet of pervious Sur- E. Protection of landscape areas. All landscape face areas shall be provided. A minimum areas shall be protected by curbs or wheel stops of one (1) tree shall be planted in each from vehicular encroachment and from the dam- terminal island. ages caused by vehicles overhanging into land- s. Interior landscape islands. A minimum of scope areas. one (1) interior landscape island shall be 1 • Landscaping. In addition to grass, land- pravidedfor every nine {9) parking spaces seeping shall be required to be at least or fraction thexoof and shall be spaced a thirty (30) inches from the edge of the maximum of ninety (90} feet apart. Inte- wheel stop or curbing. rior islands shall measure not less than 2. Overhang areas. Vehicle parking areas eight {8) feet in width, excluding required designed to permit vehicles overhanging curbing, and fifteen (15) feet in length. A into landscaped areas shall not be permit- minimum of one hundred twenty (120} tad to count the first thirty (30) inches of square feet of pervious surface areas shall landscape area as open space. be provided. A minimum of one {I) tree shall be planted in each interior island. 3. Curbing. All landscape areas subject to vehicular encroachment shall be sepa- 6. Lots equal to or less than one (I~ acre. For rated from vehiculax use areas by six {6} lots equal to ox less than one (1) acre, inch, non-mountable, FDOT type 'D' or terminal and interior landscape islands FDOT-type 'F", concrete or asphalt curb- Sapp. No. z5, Add 2510.31 § 45-35.3 NORT~E PALM BEACH CODE ing. The curbing shall be machine-laid, above the crown of the adjacent road- formed-in-place or integral with the pave- way .and in a way that does not went. create a traffic hazard. 4. Wheel stops. b. Landscaping on state roads shall be installed in accordance with the road- a. Wheel stops shall have aminimum - side clear zone provisions ofthe State height of six (6) inches above fin- of Florida Department of fished grade of the,garking area, shall Transportation`s Manual of Uniform be pxoperly anchored, and continu- Minimum Standards for Design, Con- ously maintained ixi good condition. struction, and Maintenance of Streets b. The space between the wheel stop and Highways, as amended. and the end of the parking space c. All landscaping within the safe sight may be paved as required by the distance triangle area shall be planted building division for anchoring and and perpetually maintained by the maintenance purposes. ~ property owner, in accordance with c. Wheel stop anchor rods shall be set this section. through the pavement and the bot- 2. Landscape area around signs. tom of the wheel stop must rest fully on the pavement to prevent rocking. a. A three {3) foot wide planting area shall be required around the base of F. Hedges. ~ all signs, 1. All parking, loading, or storage areas ad- b. One (1) shrub for each ten (10) square jacent to theright-o£-way, including drive- feet of sign surface area shall be _ ways to parking lots, shall include acon- installed within the three (3) foot tinuous hedge that is maintained at a planting area at the base of the sign. - - - minimum of three (3) feet at maturity. c. Ground/monument signs maybe sur- rounded by ground cover instead of 2. Dwaxi' hedges may be installed and main- tained at a minimum height of eighteen shrubs. {18) inches when adjacent to an automo- d. Landscaping and trees which inter- bile sales display area. fere with signage may be relocated to the rear of the sign planting area. G. 1Vlaintenance. -Regular maintenance of ve- hicular use areas adjacent to ail landscape areas T. Landscape diamonds: shall include replacement of broken curbs or curb 1. Landscape diamonds may be distributed stops as needed to keep the general appearance in throughout the interior of an off street good condition and safe. parking area to provide shading of parked H. Safe sight distance triangles. Safe sight motor vehicles as an alternative to inte- distance triangles shall be provided in accordance rior landscape islands. with the County Design Manual, published by the 2. Tree planting areas shall be located only Palm Seach County Department of Engineering at the common intersection of four (d) and Public Works, to restrict placement of visual parking spaces and spaced no greater obstructions. than four {4) spaces apart. Y. Landscape limitations. 3. The ground within the tree planting area a. Safe sight distance triangle areas shall xeceive appropriate landscapo treat- shall bemaintained to provide unob- rnent, including mulch ar groundcover. strutted visibility at a level between 4. The minimum tree planting area shall be thirty (30) inches and eight (8) feet twenty-five (25) square feet and the min- Supp. No. 25, Add 251,32 APPENDIX C ZONING § 45-35.3 imum dimension shall be five (5) feet by (50) percent of the required canopy five (5) feet, not including curb treatment, trees maybe replaced by palm trees. Sec. 6-J.1 Mxnirnum landscape buffer and b. Inright-of--way buffers only, Royal or planting requirements. Phoenix palms, excluding Phoenix roebellini, maybe counted as one (1} A. Minimum buffer required. Alandscape buffer required canapy tree. These palms shall be a minimum of eight (S) feet in width shall: around the perimeter of a parcel. However, addi- 1) Not exceed a maximum of thirty tional buffer width shall be provided as indicated (30) percent of all trees re- belOW quired in the buffer; 1. A minimum landscape buffer of ten (1D) 2) Be spaced a maximum of twenty feet in width shall be required on lands (20) feet on center; and located adjacent to public rights-of--ways 3) Be a minimum of either six {6) that are one hundred ten (110) feet wide or less; feet of gray wood for Royal palms or eight {8) feet clear trunk for 2. A minimum landscape buffer of at least Phoonix palms. fifteen (15) feot in width shall bo required 2. Slash pines. on lands located adjacent to publicrights- of-ways that are one hundred eleven {Ill) a. Slash pines planted in perimeter buff- to one hundred fifty (150} feet wide; ers shall be installed in groups of no less than three (3}. 3. A minimum landscape buffer of at least twenty {20) feet in width shall be required b. Each group of slash pines shall ae- on lands located adjacent to public rights- erage a minimum of ten (10) feet in of--ways that are greater than one hun- height and maybe counted as one (1) Bred fifty (150) feet wide; and required canopy tree. 4. A landscape buffer, at least five (5) feet in 3. Hedges and shrubs. width, shall be provided along all sides of a. At the time of installation, required the parking lot, excluding that side or hedges and shrubs shall be a mini- sides, which abut a building, mum of twenty-four (24) inches in B. Mature height. Vegetation should be planted height, and spaced at a maximum of taking into consideration the mature height and twenty-four (24) inches on center. spread of the species. b. Required hedges shall forma contin- uous solid opaque visual screen of at C. Spacing. The maximum spacing of planting least thirty-six {30} inches in height trees shall be thirty (30) feet on center along any within twa (2} years of planting. perimeter buffer. 4. Canopy tree and palm clustering. D. Perimeter landscape requirements. Perime- a. Canopy trees and palms maybe Blus- ter landscape buffers shall be installed and main- tered in right-of'-way buffers if the tamed in accordance with the following Stan- clusters are spaced a maximum of dards. Easements and access ways, which traverse thirty {30) feet apart, andlor consist required perimeter landscape buffers, shall be of trues of varied height, which when included in the calculation of linear dimension. averaged, equal the minimum tree 1. Palm Trees. height requirements and are located a. Within the landscape buffer, a group on property containing a minimum of three (3} palm trees may be sub- of three hundred {300) linear feet stituted for one {1} required canopy along the right-af--way. tree; however, not more than fifty 5. Walls and fences within right-of--way buffer. 5upp. Na. 25, Add 2510.33 § 45-35.3 NORTEi PALM BEACH CODE '~`-.~ a. Tf a wall or fence is used, the re- 2. The foundation planting area for abuild- quired landscaping shall be located ing of two (2) or more stories shall be not between the wall or fence and the less than thirty {30) percent of the height right-af--way. of the adjacent wall. b. Walls and fences shall not encroach 3. At least one shade tree or palm cluster upon easements, unless approved in shall be installed for each thirty (30) lin- writing by the easement holder. ear feet, or fraction thereof, of facade c. Wall or fences shall be setback a width. minimum of ten {10) feet from the a. Aminimum of one (1) tree per facade edge of the ultimate right-of--way un- shaIl be planted, and the remainder Iess a wall with a continuous footer of the landscape area shall be treated is used, then the wall shall be set- appropriately with plantings and pe- back to provide a minimum of ten (LO) clear feet for planting. destrian accessways. b. Trees and palms shall be of an in- Sec. 612 Foundation landscaping and plant- stalled size relating to the height of ings. ~ the adjacent wall or facade, as indi- cated in Table 6-12. A. I ovation. 1. There shall be foundation landscaping Table- G-12 within five (5) feet of all buildings and Minimum Foundation Planting"Dimensions structures and shall be provided along all four- {4) facades of all commercial struc- Min. Tree Min. Palm tares, excluding rear service areas not Wall Height Height Height _ visible by a public° xoad right-of--way or not <15 feet 12 feet 12-14 feet generally traveled by the public ar visible 15-25 feet 14 feet 14-18 feet from adjacent structures. >25-35 feet 16 feet 18-22 feet 2. The combined length of the required foun- >35 feet 18 feet 22-28 feet dation planting shall be no less than forty (40) percent of the total length of the Sec. 6-I3 Maintenance. applicable side of the structure. A. Minimum requirements. The land owner B. Irrigation. All foundation areas shall be shall be responsible for the following: irrigated and of the appropriate size to accommo- 1. The maintenance of required landscape date the mature size of the vegetation to be :structures (e.g., walls, fences) in a struc- planted' turally-sound condition. C. Minimum standards. The minimum stare- 2. Tree maintenance, which shall be limited lards for foundation landscaping shall be deter- to periodic trimming to maintain healthy mined by the building height and function, and trees, removal of diseased limbs, or re- extend along the portions of a facade that directly moval of limbs or foliage that present a abut a parking area or vehicular use area, exclud- hazard. ing entryways, doorways or other building im- provements. a. All trees shall be allowed to grow to their natural mature height and a 1. The foundation planting area for aone- full canopy. story building shall be at least five (5) feat wide, unless foundation landscaping would b. Large and medium canopy trees shall interfere with the intended use and func- be required to attaiu a minimum tion of a building. twenty (20)-foot canopy spread prior Sapp. No. 25, Add 2510.34 APPENDIX-C-ZONING § 45-35.3 to pruning. In no case shall the can- B. ,Standards. Irrigation systems shall comply opy spread be reduced to less than with the following standards. twenty {20) feet in width. 1. Irrigation systems shall be continuously 3. Landscape buffers shall be maintained maintained in working order and shall be and preserved along the entire length of designed so as not to overlap water zones the property. or to water impervious areas. 2. Irrigation systems shall not be installed 4. All landscape areas which shall be main- or maintained abutting any public street tained on a regular basis, to include weed- which causes water from the system to ing, watering, fertilizing, pruning, maw- spray onto the roadway or to strike pass- ing, edging, mulching, replacement of dead ing pedestrian or vehicular traffic, where or missing landscaping, removal of pro- feasible. hibited plants, and other horticultural G. Rain sensors. A rain sensor, to switch off practices that are needed to keep land- irrigation during wet periods, shall be required on soaping in good condition, free from die- all new irrigation systems. ease, insect pests, weeds, refuse, and de- bris. Sec. 6-15 Pruning. 5. Landscape maintenance shall be carried A. Crown reduction. out in a manner that will not disrupt, 1. Crown reduction of shade trees shall be inconvenience or endanger any member of prohibited until the tree canopy has the public, or pedestrian, or motor vehi- reached at least twenty (20) feet in diam- cles. eter. Exceptions include: ' a. The removal of limbs or foliage pre- Sec. 8-14 Irrigation. renting a hazard or in conflict with a crime prevention program; A. General. All landscape areas, except those areas composed of existing native plant comma- b. Removal of dead ar diseased limbs; nines, shall provide an irrigation system plan. c. The reinforcement strength of form, The irrigation system shall be designed and in- or stalled in accordance with the Florida Irrigation d. In association with tree ar palm re- Society Standards and Specifications for Turf and location work. Landscape Irrigation Systems, as amended from time to time. Irrigation systems shall be designed 2• After a tree canopy reaches fifteen (15) and maintained to obtain the following results: feet in diameter, crown reduction shall only be permitted as incidental when cor- I. Eliminate the wasteful use of water; rect pruning standards are used and when there are constraints such as, but not 2. Eliminate staining of buildings, walks, limited to, views, power lines, structures, walls and other site improvements includ- lighting, or signage. ing landscaping; 3. A maximum of one-fourth (0.25) of tree 3. Provide a minimum of one hundred { 104) canopy may be removed from a tree within percent coverage, including the capability a one (1) year period, provided that the of applying water onto turf areas on a removal conforms to the standards of crown different saturation level than that used reduction, crown cleaning, crown thin- to irrigate shrub-planting beds; and Wing, crown raising, vista pruning, and crown restoration pruning techniques. 4. Eliminate water overthrow onto non- a. The crown of a tree required by this pervious areas. cads or condition of approval shall 3upp, No. 25, Add 2510.35 § 45-35.3 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE not be reduced below the minimum E. Performance. Pruning shall be performed spread or height roquirements of this by a person or tree service that is knowledgeable section or specific village conditions with the latest standards of the National Arborist of approval. Association. b. A tree that is pruned in excess of F. Exemptions. The following shall be exempt these requirements shall be replaced from this section. with a tree that meets the minimum 1. Trees which interfere with safe site trian- requixements of this section or equal glee, utility lines, or utility structures. specifications of the tree that has been pruned, whichever is greater. 2. Trees having crown die-back ox decay greater than one third the tree canopy. B. Plant characteristics. Unless otherwise ap- 3. Trees having suffered damage due to nat- proved by the village during the approval process, ural nor accidental causes. trees shall be allowed to grow to a shape and size typical of their species throughout their life cycle. ~l. Trees having insect ar disease damage greater than one-third of the tree crown. C. Pruning standards. Tho following are gen- eral pruning standards and requirements estab- Article 7 Signage and Outdoor Displays lished for the overlay zone. Sec. 7-1 General provisions. 1. Hat-racking. Hat-racking is prohibited. A. Intent. It is the intent of this article to: For the purposes of this article, hat- racking is defined as flat-cutting the top 1. Regulate and limit the existing and pro- ~or sides of a tree, severing the leader or .posed posting, display, eroction, use and ' maintenance of signs and other adverbs- leaders; making internodal cuts {cutting hack of limbs to a point between branch ing structures within the NBOZ. collars/lauds) prune a tree by stubbing off 2. Protect property values, create a more mature weod larger than ono (l.) inch in attractive economic and business climato, diameter within the tree`s crown; or re- enhance and protect the physical appear- . eluting a mature tree's total circumfer- once of the community and 'preserve the ence or canopy spread by one third or sceziic and natural beauty of the NSOZ. more. 3. Secure .and preserve .the right of free 2. Palm tress. Pruning palm trees shall be expression guaranteed by the First Amend- limited to dead fronds and up to one-third went of the Constitution of the United {'!a) of the green fronds and seed pods. States. 3. Maximum limb pruning. Severely cutting B. Nonconforming signs. Anonconforming sign back lower branches to increase sight is any sign which was established pursuant to the visibility from underneath a tree's canopy, issuance of a sign permit on or before the effective shall mot exceed thirteen feet six inches date of these regulations, and which is rendered {13'-6"} from the ground level to the collar nonconforming by the provisions of this article. of the first limb. 1. All accessory signs, wall signs; froestand- D. Alternative canopy shapes. If other than the ing signs, awning signs, pole signs, and normal expected tree canopy shade and size is Found signs erected within the corridor desired by the owner of the trees, the desired that do not conform to the terms of this shape and size shall be indicated on the approved article shall conform ten {10} years froze landscape plan. If a desired shape and size is not the adoption of this overlay or be removed from the pxexnises. noted an the approved landscape plan, trees shall be allowed to grow to their natural shape and 2. Aface change on a wall sign, awning sign, size. pole sign. or ground sign will not require Supp. No. 25, Add 251fl.36 APPENDS C--ZONING § 45-35.3 the sign to conform. However, all other E. Prohibited signs. It shall be unlawful to signs and outdoor displays including, but erect ar keep any sign not expressly authorized not limiting to flags, balloons, banners by, or exempted from, this article. and temporary signs shall be removed within thirty (30) days of the effective F. Non-commercial messages. Any sign erected date of this article. pursuant to the provisions of this article may, at the option of the applicant, contain either anon- 3. A nonconforming sign may not be en- commercial massage unrelated to the business larged or altered. located on the premises where the sign is erected 4. If a nonconforming sign is damaged or or a commercial message related to the business destroyed by any means to the extent of and located an the business premises pursuant to fifty (50) percent or more of its replace- the following regulations: ment value at the time of the damage, the 1. The non-commercial message may occupy sign may not be rebuilt or used thereafter the entire sign face or portion thereof. unless it conforms to all of the provisions 2. The sign face may be changed from com- of this article. mercial to non-commercial messages as 5. Legal billboards that are subject to exist- frequently as desired by the owner of the ing settlement agreements with Palm sign, provided that the following is true: Beach County are not to be considered a. tho size and design criteria conform nonconforming, and therefore are not sub- to the applicable portions of this ject to the amortization schedule set forth article• in the NBOZ. b. the sign is allowed by this article; C. Amortized signage. Signs subject to an am- c. tho sign conforms to the require- ortization schedule by the village, prior to the ments of the applicable zoning des- adoption of the NBOZ, shall be required to adhere ignation; and to the previous amortization schedule. d, the appropriate permits are obtained. D. Removal of nonconforming signs. Any sign 3. For the purposes of this sign code, which may become nonconforming as a result of non-commercial messages shall never these regulations may be continued in operation be deemed off' premises. and maintained for ten (10) years as a legal nonconforming sigu, providod that: Sec. 7-2 Appearance. 1. Damaged nonconforming signs, which may A. General. All permanent signs shall comply not be reconstructed ar repaired under with the requirements and procedures of the the terms of this section, shall be removed NSOZ and village regulations and shall be part of within twenty {20) days after the damage the architectural concept and character of the or destruction occurs, site, Lighting, materials, size, color, lettering, location and arrangement shall be harmonious 2. In the event the damage or destruction is with the building design. less than fifty (50) percent of its replace- ment value at the time, the sign may be 1. If external spot or flood lighting is used, restored to its original condition and may the Iight fixtures and light source shall be continue to be displayed. arranged so that the light source is shielded from view. 3. Normal maintenance of nonconforming 2. Excessive brightness and brilliant colors signs shall be permitted, including neces- shall be avoided. sary non-structural repairs and inciden- tal work, which does not extend or inten- B. Maintenance. All signs, including their sup- sify the nonconforming features of the ports, braces, guys and anchors, electrical parts sign. and lighting fixtures, and all painted and display Sapp. No. 25, Add 25X0.37 § 45-35.3 NORTH PALM BEACH CQDE .,y~x areas, shall present a neat and clean appearance. 6. Works of art. Works of art, ornamental The vegetation around the base of ground signs figurines and the like, both two and three- shall be neatly trimmed and free of unsightly dimensional, used for decorative purposes weeds, and no rubbish ox debris that would con- and .not related to the operation of a stitute a fire ox health hazard shall be permitted commercial enterprise. ~ ' under or near the sign. Examples of unacceptable maintonance and repair include the following: Sec. ~-4 Temporary signs. 1. Cracked, ripped, or peeling paint present A. Generally. Temporary signs do not require a on mare than ten (10) percent of the building permit and are allowed throughout the surface area of a sign; ~ " corridor, subject to the restrictions imposed by the 2. Bent, broken, loose, or otherwise insuffi- NBO~ and village's regulations. The sign shall ciently attached supports, struts, or other net be an eIectric/illuminated sign. appendages; B. Remoual of illeg¢l tempor¢ry signs. Any 3. Partial illumination fax more than four- temporary sign not complying with the require- teen (14) days; meats of this section is illegal and subject to 4. Obstruction of sign face by weeds, vines, unmedrate removal by the village at the expense or other vegetative matter; and of the owner and/or individual responsible for the illegal placement. 5. Maintaining a position that is more than fifteen (15) degrees from vertical for more C. Restrictions. Advertising for the following than ten {10) successive days. purposes may be displayed: Sec. '7-3 Exempt signs. 1. Construction signs, To identify develop- _ went Construction in pxagxess. A. General. The fallowing signs are exempt from these sign regulations and applicable permit a, Such message shall not bedisplayed - fees, provided they are not placed or constructed more than -sixty (60) days prior to so as to create a hazard of any kind: the beginning of actual construction 1. Political signs. Political signs shall com- of the pxoject, and shall be removed when construction is completed. ply with the regulations of the village. b. If a message is displayed pursuant 2. Holiday lights and decorations. The dis- to this section, but construction is play of holiday lights and decorations shall comply with the regulations of the not initiated within sixty {60) days village. after the message is displayed, or if construction is discontinued for a 3. Manufacturer signs. Signs incorporated period of more than sixty {60) days, into machinery or equipment by a mane- the message shall be removed, pend- facturer ar distributor, which identify or ing initiation or continuation of con- advez~tise only the product or service-dis- struction activities. penned by the machine or equipment, such as signs customarily affixed to news- c. Upon final certificate of occupancy of paper racks, telephone booths, and gaso- a completed residential or nonresi- line pumps. dential structure, such sign shall be - removed. 4. Merchandise displays. 1VIerchandise dis- plays behind storefront windows so long 2. For-sale signs. Such signs shall comply as na part of the display moves or con- with the regulations of the village. tains flashing lights. Grand opening signs. To announce the 5. Religious displays. Religious displays as opening of a new businoss or the change of permitted by Iaw. ownership of an established business shall - Supp. No. 25, Add 2510.38 APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-35.3 be permitted in addition to other signs, 4. Special event signs. Such signs shall be which may be permitted by this regula- placed no more than fifteen (15) days tion. prior to the beginning of the event and a. Signs shall not remain in place for provided further that all such signs shall more than seven {7} days commenc- be removed within forty-eight (48} hours ing immediately upon the opening of after the event. Approval of the size and a new business or the change of locations of tho signs by the village is ownership of an established busi- requirod. Hess. D. Permissible size, height, location and number of temporary signs. Table 7-4 Permitted Temporary Signs M¢ximum Mawr. # of Height/ Other Sign Type Max. Number Sign F¢ces M¢ximum Are¢ Dimensions Limit¢tions Construction 1 per 50D l.f. of 1 32 square feet 8 feet 2D' znin. setback from property line and r.o.w. time frame; 60 days before/re- moval at the certif- icate of occupancy For-sale Signs shall com- ply with the regu- lations of the vil- lage. Grand Opening/ 1 per parcel I 32 square feet 8 feet 2D' min. setback from property line and r.o.w. time frame: 7~al- endar days total Special Event I per parcel 2 32 square feet 8 feet 20' min. setback from property line and r.o.w. time frame: 15 days before/48 hours after. Sec. ~-5 Accessory signs. 2. A logo symbol for the building or the A. Permitted. A permanent accessory sign may building occupant, which does not exceed be a ground or monumont sign with one (1) ar two fifty (5p) percent of the allowable sign (2) faces or wall signs with one (1} face. area. B. Content. Signs permitted pursuant to this section may contain. any noncommErcial message, 3. Letters depicting the nature of the busi- which has not been declared by a court of compe- Hess and that are a maximum of fifty (50) tent jurisdiction to be obscene, defamatory or percent of the height of the letters depict- otherwise contrary to law. A permanent accessory ing the name of the building or building sign may only display any combination of the occupant. following: 1. Street address number and/or name. Supp. No. 25, Add 2510.39 § 45-35.3 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE C. Sign type and criteria. c. No names or logos a_re permitted on the sign. 1. Gasoline signs. a. One {1} gasoline price sign shall be 4. Parking area instructional and related permitted per gasoline station to pro- signs. The direction of traffic flaw within a vide the price of gasoline only and parking-or loading area, ingross and egress shall be attached to permanent sign points; areas where no parking is permit- structure or to a building. The price ted, identification of parking spaces re- sign shall not be included in the total served for other specific groups ar for area of signage otherwise permitted. individ.uaIs, and athor singilar informa- tion. b. Signs providing information needed for motorists to locate tho propor 5. Vehicle signs. The following vehicle signs service statiou pump site shall be are not permitted within. the NBbZ: permitted. Such signs shall include those identifysng the type of fuel sold a. Signs in excess of ten (10) square feet. at individual service station pumps, Vehicle signs with a total sign area the location of full service and self- on any vehicle in excess of ten {]0) service pump islands and other sim- square feet, when the vehicle is filar infoi~nation. Such signs shall be p~'ked an the same property as the of a size, which can be seen by mo- business being advertised and: torists an.ce on the site, but shall not 1} is parked for more than sixty . be sized. to attract attention of mo- {60) consecutive minutes within torists on public rights-of--way. ono hundred (100) feet of any 2, Flags. A maximum of three (3) flags or streot right-o#' way; and insignias of governmental, religious, char- 2) is visible from the street right- itabie, fraternal, corporate, or other orga- of-way that the vehicle is within nizations may be displayed on any one (1) one hundred (100) feet of; and parcel of land. Howevor, flags bearing is parked on commercially zoned coznzn.ercial messages including corporate property. insignias, trademarks, and logos are con- b, Vehicle signs less than or equal to ten sidered a sign and therefore counted as part of the permitted business sign square (10~ square feet. Vehicle signs visible ' footage as defined by this article. from any street right-of--way with a total sign area less than or equal to 3. ~ Parhirtg area directional signs. Parking ten (10) square feet, when the vehi:- area dxectional signs may be erected at cle is parked for more than sixty (60) each point of ingress and egress to a consecutive minutes on a commer- parking lot or parking area shall not be dally zoned property and on which counted as part of an occupant's allowable the business being advertised is lo- sign area. Directional signs shall be sub- Gated and: ject to the following: 1) is parked within the front two- a. Such signs shall not exceed two (2} thirds {2/s) of the area between square feet in background area nor the front building line and the extend to a height greater than three front lot line; ar (3} feet above ground. 2) in the case of corner Iots, is b. Only one {1) such sign shall be al- parked within the front two- lowed at each paint of ingress and thirds (z/s) of the area between egress, and such signs shall not cre- the side building line and the ate a traffic or pedestrian hazard. side lot line; or Supp. No, 25, Add 2510.40 APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-35.3 3) is parked within thirty (30) feet of any street right-of--way. D. Permissible size, height, location and number of permitted accessory signs. Table 7-5 Permitted Accessory Sig~xs Max, # of Sign Max. HeightlDi- Sign Type Max. Number Faces Max. Area mensions Other Limits Building Directory 1 per building for 1 18 s.f. 6 ft. height 2 ar mare build- occupants not ings on same par- cel ordevelopment accessible to street Internal illumina- frontage tion only Location with 25 #t. of main entry to building Changeable copy permitted Gasoline price 1 per station 2 15 s.f. per side none 20 min. ,from all property lines May include changeable copy Flags (free stand- 3 flags max 2 par flag ht. of flag is 30%a 20 ft. height of pole max. dimension of ing) of pole ht, flag is 5' x 10' length is (2x) max, min. setback is allowable ht. 1030 of pole ht. ?i`lags (from strua 1 flag max 2 per flag (same as flag-free 10 ft. above high- ture} standing) est structure Parking area in- as needed 2 4 s.f./face 6 ft. height freo- max. 3 ft. above structional standing or 12 ft. crown of paving or height if wall- road mounted 2 ft. from lot line copy limited to exA, entrance, exit only, etc. Internal illumina- tion only 5 ft. from public right-of--way Parking directional 1 per ingress of re- 2 Z s.f./face 3 ft. height free- gress standing 4 ft. max. height from crown of pav- ing or road Vehicle signs as needed 2 >10 s.f./face none 14lust be on the property being ad- vertised Cannot be parked for more than 50 minutes within 100 feet of any street r.o.w. Cannot be viai6le from any street r.a.w. that the ve- hicle is within 100 feet of Supp. No. 25, Add 251Q.41 § 45-35.3 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Max. # of Sign Max. HeightJDf- Sign 7,~pe M¢x. Number Faces M¢x. Are¢ mensions Other Limits < 10 s.f./face none Must be on the property being ad- vertised Cannot be parked within 30 feet of any street r.o.w Cannot be parked in the front ~/a of the area between the front building line and-the front lot Iine Corner lot: Can- not be parked in the front r!s of the area between the side building Iine and the side lot line Sec. 7-6 Business signs. C. Sign type and criteria. A. Permitted. A permanent sign advertising a 1. Canopy or awning signs. Notwithstand- business or establishment shall consist of the ing limitations of this article on the pro- following: jection of signs from the wall of a building, signs shall be permitted on canopies and 1. A canopy or awning sign; awnings. 2. Aground ar monument sign with one (1) a. The sign shall indicate only tho name = or two {2) faces; of the building or the name of the 3. A wall sign with one {1) face; and/or principal occupant of the building; 4. A window sign not to exceed twenty (20} b. The sign shall be painted or printed percent of the total window area covered. directly on the canopy or awning; and B. Content. A permanent sign may only dis- c. The sign shall be counted in deter- play any combination of the following: min.ingthe area ofwall-mounted signs 1. Street address number and/or name of permitted on the wall from which the business or occupant. the canopy ar awning projects. 2. A logo symbol for the building or the 2. Ground signs. The name, logo and ad- building occupant which does not exceed dress of parcel of land as per the fallowing fifty (5Q} percent of the allowable sign standards: area. a. Aminimum of one {1) sign for parcel 3. Letters depicting the nature of the busi- of land. Hess and that are a maximum of ~.fty (50) percent of the height of the letters depict- b. Ouerall. For parcels with greater than ing the Homo of the building or building three hundred (300) linear feet of occupant. street frontage, one {1) additional sign for each additional seven hun- 4. These restrictions (Z, 2 and 3 above) shall dred {70D) linear feet of street frant- not apply to permitted noncommercial mes- age to include intersecting road- sages. ways. Supp. No. 25, Add ] 0,4$ APPENDIX C ZONING g 45-35.3 c. Outparcels. Outparcels of a eommer- 2) Fifty (50) feat from sign to a cial center are permitted to have one non-right-of--way property Iine. (1) ground sign: 3) Five (5) feet from the public 1} If the outparcel has direct ac- right-of--way. teas to Northlake Boulevard. 4) Eight (8) feet from utility trans- 2) Overall. mission lines. a} If the outparcel is entitled 5} Four (4} feet from the edge of to a ground sign, street pavement or curb when placed frontage calculations for in an ingress/egress median. the outparcel should not g. Street frontage. Street frontage is be included in the street measured as the linear length of a frontage calculations for property line adjacent to a public the adjacent commercial right-of--way. center. 3. Wall signs. The name, Iago and address of b) Outparcel information may be the business to which the sign is acces- provided in the permitted tom- sory and other related information. No mercial center ground signs if wall sign shall be painted directly onto intornaliy accessed pursuant to the building. regulations of this article. 4. Window signs. d. The maximum area of a ground sign a. A maximum of twenty (20) percent of is sixty (60) square feet. the total window area of each busi- e. The maximum height of a ground ness maybe covered with signage or I sign is ten (10) feet. other opaque material such as dis- play racks, merchandise or other f. Minimum setbacks. The minimum items. setbacks for ground signs are as fol- b, Window signs shall be permanent, laws: identifying or informative in nature 1) Two hundred (200) feet between and such signage shall be included signs located within the same when calculating the allowable square parcel of land. footage for the business. D. Permissible size, height, location and number of permitted business signs. Table 7-6 Permitted Business Signs Max. # of Sign M¢x. Area (Sign 1~lax. HeightlDi- Sign ?)+pe M¢x. Number Faces Face) mensions Other Limits Canopy or awning 1 per front or ssde 1 3 s.f. none Signage considered a waII sign Copy shall not eg- cead 6"in height Functional aw- ning: (shade/cover) calculate s.f, by en- closing copy $upp. No. 25, Add 2510.43 § 45-35.3 NORThT PAI,H BEACI-I CODE -~, r.F. Max. # of $ign Max. Area (Sign Max. Height/Dt- Sign Type Max. Namber Faces Face) - mensions Other.Lirnits Non-fanctional: {decorative only) sign is entire aw- ning Ground/Monu- min. 1 sign per 30 s.f. 8 ft. height 5 ft. min. frrom pub- mant parcel of land ~ Iic right-of--way {East District) $6 s.l: 8 ft. height 10 ft. min. from publicright-of-way Grouud/Monu- 1 sign'per min. of 36 s.f. 8 lt. height 15 ft. min. from went 300 l,f, of street public right-of--way {CentrallWestDis- frontage trios) GraundlMonu- Parcels with > 300 2 per sign 40 s.f. .10 ft. height 20 ft. min. from meet l.f. of street front- public right-of-way (Overall) age - 1 additional -sign 45 s.f. 10 ft. height 30 ft. min. from per each additional publicright-of way 700 l.f of street frontage 60 s.f. 10 ft. ht./15 ft. 50 ft. min. from width r o.w. and interior property lines Sign copy not to exceed building identification and 1 tenant Requires 3 ft. min. solid sign base without copy - z0a' between signs within the same . parcel of land. 50' from sign to non-ro.w property line min, from utiI- ity lines min. 4 ft. from edge ' of pavement or curb when placed in an ingress/ egress median Wall mounted 1 sign per busi- 1 1 s.f. per 1-~/a x the Haunting height is {front wall) ness per street .length ofwaLl sign 6" below roof at frontage with a is attached to. sign Iacation or 1$ max. of 2 signs per ft. max. height on business up to 2 story bldg. Wall mounted 1 lesser of 50% of (side/rear wall) max. area of front wall or 1 s.f. per i-'/a x the length of wall the sign is attached to Wall mounted 1 lesser of 25% of (side/rear-residen- may. area of front tial adjacent) wall or 1 s.f. per 1-I/z x the length of wall the sign is attached to Wall mounted shall not cover or (overall) partially cover a required wall apen- ing Supp. No. 25, Add 2510.44 APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-35.3 Maas. # of Sign Max. Area (Sign Mar. Heigh,tlDi- Sign Type Max. Number Faces Face) mensivns Other Limits Shall not project more than 18 inches from the building Mounted flush with wall First floor location only 3' min. between wall signs Wall signs shall not exist with pro- jecting signs Window sign 1 per tenant, busi- 1 lesser of 100 s.f. or none 5% msg. of total ness, or hay 20°~ of giros glass glass area allowed axes for name, hours, opon/clased, credit . cards & telephone numbers 15% max. of glass area for goads and services signs must be per- manent Pager, cardboard, etc. are prohibited Any sign one foot from window visi- ble from outside is considered in cal- culation GIass doers are considered in cal- culation May be integrated into another sign but cannot exceed permitted size Sec. 7-7 Street numbers. visible from the street. Multi-unit build- A. General. The regulations of this section are lugs, in addition, shall have numerical or as per Palm Beach County`s Bureau of Safety letter unit designations clearly visible from Services Regulations: the street. 1. Approved numerical and/or alphabetical AIl street numbers shall be a contrasting addresses shall be posted far all new and color with the building or background existing buildings in such a fashion that it field. is plainly visible and legible from the street or roadway. B- Multi-unit buildings, tu~o stories and up. In multi-unit buildings, two stories and up, direc- t. All address related numbers/letters shall tional unit identification signs shall be posted be posted on contrasting backgrounds and outside of each elevator and stairwell, This will clearly visible from the street. apply only when there is an option for direction of 3. All building numbers and/or letters shall travel. be a minimum of six (6) inches in height. C. Additional posting. All multi-unit buildings 4. Numerals shall be affixed at center or on that can be accessed from the rear, shall have the either end of the building and clearly address and unit numbers posted at the rear of Supp. No. 25, Add 2510.45 § 45-35,3 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE the building. When property layout, landscaping, 2. Exempted from computation of area of or driveway design limits .the visibility of the freestanding signs. The area of each face address, additional signs shall be posted to idea- of a freestanding sign shall be computed tify buildings or direction of travel to reach build- as described herein except that individual lugs. support structures shall not be considered Sec. 7-S Measurement determinations. to be part of the sign if they: a. Support structures which are part of A. Facade area. The facade area shall be mea- a decorative landscape wall or screen sured by determining the area within atwo- wall shall not be cnnsidered to be dimensional geometric figure coinciding with the part of the sign; and edges of the walls, windows, doors, parapets, b, Do not contain letters, symbols or marquees, and roof slopes of greater than forty- other sign content. five {45) degrees that farm a side of a building or unit. C. Number of signs. In general, the number of signs shall be the number of non-contiguous sign B. Sign area. The area of a sign shall be the faces. Multiple non-contiguous sign faces may be area within the smallest square, rectangle, paral- counted as a single sign if all the sign faces are lelogram, triangle, circle or semicircle, the sides of which. touch the extreme points or edges of the included in the geometric figure used for deter- mining the sign area. sign face. 1. Computation of sign area. 1. Where two (2) sign faces are placed back to back in a single sign structure and are a. The area of a sign permissible for at na point more than three (3) feet apart, each classification of sign, as herein it shall be counted as one (1} sign. sot forth, shall include all areas of 2. If a sign has four (4} facos arranged in a _ the sign containing informational square, rectangle or diamond, it shall be and/or directional wording or sym- counted as two (2) signs, and shall be the bnls, and shall include background areas of the two (2} largest faces. area of the wording or symbols, as measured by inscribing a continuous D. Sign height. The height of a sign shall be line around all the letters or symbols measured as the vertical distance from the fin- contained thereon. fished grade, excluding berms, at the base of the b. Sign area for signs not covered by supporting structure to the top of the sign, or its sections herein and except as pro- frame or supporting structure, whichever is higher. vided below shall be the area of each. Sec. 7-9 Design, construction., anal location face of a sign including the area of standards. the smallest circle, triangle or paral- A. Illumination standards. lelogram which contains all content, background and structural elements 1. AlI signage less tl?an ten (10) feet in of the sign. height shall provide lighting that in no c. Where a sign is composed of letters manner blinds or shines on adjacent ve- attached directly to a facade, win- hicular or pedestrian circulation. dow, door, or marquee, and the let- 2. AlI wall-mounted signs over ten (10) feet tars are not enclosed by a border or in height shall be internally lit (if lighting trimming, the sign area shall be the is utilized). area within the smallest rectangle, parallelogram, triangle, circle or semi- 3. Appropriate light shields shall be utilized circle, the sides of which touch the to insure protection. extreme points o_f tho letters or plc- 4. All illuminated signs shall be internally tares. lighted and only by lights placed inside a 5upp. Na. 25, Add 2510.48 APPENDIX ZONING § 45-35.3 cabinet sign with an opaque background and shape of the signs and the style of lettering and translucent copy; lights placed inside which shall lend a unified appearance to the signs individual channel letters with a translu- of the occupants in the complex. cent face; or by "halo" lights placed behind individual reverse pan-channel letters. F. Signs required to be designed. The fallowing signs shall be designed by aFlorida-registered S. Placement standards. architect, landscape architect, or engineer: 1. Supports for signs ox sign structures shall 1• Wall signs that project perpendicularly not be placed in, upon, or project over a from the surface to which it is attached public right-of--way or public easement. and that are more than twelve (12) square feet in area; and 2. Sign or sign structures shall not be erected 2. Ground signs of more than forty (40) that impedes use of any fire escape, ewer- square feet in area. gency exit, or standpipe. 3. A11 ground or freestanding signs shall be Sec. 7-1D Exterior architectural lighting. erected within landscaped areas. A. General. The term "exterior lighting," as a. Minimum distance from the edge of used in this section, shall mean any variety of the landscaped area to the sign base lighting forming an integral part of a building. shall bo throe (3) feet. Such lighting shall meet the following require- ments and shall be subject to final approval by b. The landscaping shall consist of the village. shrubbery a minimum of thirty (30) Limitations. Exterior lighting shaIl not: inches high creating a hedge or indi- vidual shrubs of the same or varying 1. Flash, revolve, flutter or be animated; species thirty (30) inches high spaced not mare than eighteen (18) inches 2. Obstruct the vision of pedestrians. apart at their base. 3. Project into or over any public streetright- C. Clearance standards. All signs shall pro- of-way including the sidewalk; vide a minimum of nine {9) feet of vertical clear- 4. Obstruct ar interfere with any door, fire ante over pedestrian ways and fourteen (14) feet exit, stairway, ladder or opexung intended over vehicular ways. Florida Department of Trans- to provide light, air, ingress or egress; portation (FDOT) standards shall control on all 5. Constitute a traffic hazard or be a detri- roadways. went to traffic safety. D. Relationship to building features. A wall Sec. '7-ll Definitiox~.s. sign shall not extend beyond any edge of the surface to which it is attached; disrupt a major A. Definitions. The definitions set forth in this architectural feature of the building; or project no section shall be construed to be the same as if mare than eighteen (18) inches perpendicularly incorporated in the village's development regula- from the surface to which it is attached. bons. E. p'ormat for multiple occupancy complexes. A 1 • Accessory sign. A permanent ground or sign format or master signage program for wall building wall sign that is permitted under this article as incidental to an existing or signs to be placed on multiple occupancy tom- proposed use of land. plexes shall bo appxovod by the village prior to a wall sign being permitted to be constructed, al- 2. Advertising. Sign copy intended to di- tered or remodeled after the effective date of the rectly or indirectly promote the sale or use . NBOZ. As a minimum, the sign format shall of a product, service, commodity, enter- specify the types, dimensions, placement, colors, tainment, or real or personal property. Supp. No. 25, Add 2510.47 § 45-35.3 NORTH PALM BEACI3 CODE 3. Advertising structure. Any structure in- 11. Copy area of a sign. The actual area of the stalled for advertising purposes, with or sign copy applied to any background. The without any advertisement display thereon, copy area is computod by straight lines situated upon or attached to real property drawn closest to the copy extremity. upon which any poster, bill, printing, paint- 12, Development sign. A temporary sign ad- ing, device or other advertisement of any vertising the sale or rental of structures kind whatsoever may be placed, posted, under construction upon land, which has painted, tacked, nailed, or otherwise fas- been legally assembled into one develop- tened, affixed or displayed; provided, haw- meat location. ever, that said term shall not include buildings. 13. Directional sign. An on premises sign de- signed to guide or direct pedestrians or 4. Animated sign. A sign with action or mo- vehicular traffic. tion using electrical energy, electronic or 14. Frontage. Tho length of tho property line manufactured sources of supply, or wind of any one parcel along the main street on actuated elements, including rotating, re- which it borders. volving or flashing signs. 15. Frontage street facade. That portion of an 5. Awning sign. A sign painted on, printed exterior elevation of a building extending on or attached flat against the surface of from grade to the top of the parapet wall the awning. An awning is comprised. of a or eaves and the entire width of the build- lightweight, rigid or retractable skeleton ing wail elevation which fronts on a street, over which an approved cover is attached unless such parapet wall or eaves shall be that provides weather protection, identity over thirty (30) feet high, in which case _ and/or decoration and is wholly supported only the first thirty (30) feet shall be - by the building to which it is attached. considered the frontage street facade for 6. Background area of sign. The entire back- purposes of this article. Only one streot ground area of a sign upon which copy facade'shaIl be designated. as frontage street facade. could be placed. In computing the area of a sign background,-only that face or faces 1fi. Ground sign. A sign that is supported by a which can be seen frond. any one direction three (3) foot high maximum base, inde- at one time shall be counted. pendent of support by a building; sign and base shall be solid and uniform; shall 7. Billboard (off-premises sign). A sign ad- generally-have a columnar line; shall. es- vertising an establishment, merchandise, sentially have the same contour (parallel} service or entertainment, which is not from grade to top of the sign; and shall be sold, produced, manufactured or furnished independent of any building for support. at the property on which. said sign is located. 17. Height of a sign. The height of a sign shall be measured as the vertical distance from 8. Building facade. All windows, doors and the finished grade, excluding required wall areas of a building extorior in one berms, at the base of the supporting struc- place or elevation thereof. tore to the top of the sign, or its frame or 9. Construction sign. A temporary sign, which supporting structure, whichever is higher. A berm exceeding three (3) feet in height identifies those engaged in construction shall be included in the overall measure- on any building site, including the builder, went of the height of the sign. contractor, developer, or other persons or artisans concerned in such construction. 1g• Identification sign. A sign at a business location used to identify the name of the 10. Copy. The linguistic or graphic content of business located thereon and/or its prin- a sign. cipals and address. $upp. No. 25, Add 2510.48 APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-35.3 t 1.9. Logo. Any symbol, trademark, picture or establishment or enterprise, including other graphic representation which is used goods and services; upon which the sign is to signify or identify th_ e particular busi- located. This definition shall include all ness or organization. parts, portions, frame, background, struc- 20. Monument sign. See "Ground sign." Lure, support and anchorage thereof. 21. Multiple occupancy complex. Any use con- 32. Snipe sign. Any sign of any size, made of listing of a parcel of property, or parcel of any material, including paper, cardboard, contiguous properties, existing as a uni- wood and metal, when such sign is tacked, fled or coordinated project, with abuild- nailed, pasted, pasted, glued, or otherwise ing or buildings housing more than one attached to trees, poles, fences or other occupant. objects, and the advertising matter ap- 22. Neon tube sign. Align electronicallylighted pearing thereon is not applicable to the premises upon which said sign is located. by exposed tubes containing inert gas. 23. Nonconforming sign. A sign existing at 33. Temporary sign. A sign which is con- the effective data of the adoption of this structed of cloth, canvas, light, fabric, article, which could not be built under the cardboard, wallboard, plywood, metal or terms of this article. plastic which is intended to be displayed for a limited period of time. 24. Occupant (occupancy). The use of a build- ing or structure for commercial transac- 34. Vehicular sign. A sign affixed to or painted tions. on a transportation vehicles or trailer, for the purpose of business advertising; how- 25. Off-premise sign. A sign advertising an ever, not to include signs affixed to vehi- establishment, merchandise, service or en- Iles or trailers for identification purposes tertainment, which is not sold, produced, as required by town regulations. manufactured or furnished at the prop- erty on which said sign is located. 35. Wall sign. A sign displayed upon or at- tached to any part of the exterior of a 2G. Painted wall sign. A sign painted on a building, including walls, windows, doors, wall or on any other surface or part of a building or structure. parapets, awnings and roof slopes of forty- five (45) degrees or steeper. 27. Parapet. That portion of the facade, which extends above the roofline. 36. Window sign. Any sign installed or main- 2$. Pole si n. A si n that is su orted b one tained in the window of -any building, g g pp y visible from any public right-of--way. {1) column, upright, or brace in or upon the ground and which is not attached nar Article 8.Site Plan Elements a part of the building. Sec. 8-1 General design. 29. Political sign. Any advertising sign used in connection with a local, state, or na- A. Screening of residential. Commercial and tional election campaign. mixed-use sites abutting a residential zoning dis- 30. Roof sign. Any outdoor advertising dis- trio shall provide screening consisting of the play sign, installed, constructed or main- following: tained on or above the roof of any build- 1. An opaque concrete or masonry wall a ing. minimum of six (6) feet in height, 31. Sign. An object or device which is de- 2. A buffer area of at least ten (10) feet, signed, intended, used ar located so as to including the required opaque wall, and be visible by the public from outdoors for the purpose of advertising the property, 3. Landscaping, as per the NBOZ. $ugp. No. 25, Add 2510.49 § 45-35.3 NOR~`H PALIVI BEACEi CODE B. Screening of mechanical equipment. 4. Screening shaIl extend at least one foot 1. AlI mechanical equipment shall be screened above the object to be screened. from public view. 2. Sueh screening may include any combina- C. Illustrative site plan. elements. Drawings found in Attachment A represent site plan ele- tion of landscaping and non-living opaque meets that are appropriate andlor inappropriate materials. for the NBOZ as per this article. They are in- 3. If building materials are to be utilized for tended for illustrative purposes only, to guide the screening. purposes, such materials shall property owner and the village through the de- be consistent with the architectural de- sign intent of the Overlay and are not to regulate sign of the principal structure. or suggest specific architectural design. Sec. 8-2 Building orientation and placement. A. Continuity of design. Buildings shall reflect a continuity of design within the NB4Z obtained by: 1. Maintaining the building scale or by gradual changes in form; 2. Maintaining designated building setbacks; 3. Extending horizontal line of fenestration; and ~,•.- 4. The reflection of architectural styles and details, design themes, building materials and colors found in surrounding buildings. B. Building mass impacts. Design techniques that Tessera development impacts along the corridor are encouraged. Such design techniques includo the following: 1. Placing the structure perpendicular to the public right-o£ way; ,..,-,~,.~.y..a,.-,k.~.. } ~ -~-~ _ A rr~ data M ;-.- .:M,.-~~ ~ ~ lea r a PP P PP Supp. No. 25, Add 2510.b0 APPENI]IX C-ZOIVII~G § 45-35.3 2. Creating a courtyardlplaza effect between structures; t - - ..~„w I , - -~_ . . a~~r~p~~~~ ~ ~ l~~P~~~~~~ 3. Opening up views between structures with greater setbacks; and ~ ~ e ~ ~ r 5 f ~ _.~.-_ - i P Appropriate ~ Inappropriafe Supp. No. 25, Add 2~ 1p.5~ § 45-35.3. NORTH PALM BEACH CODE 4. Provision of wider landscape buffexs along Northlake Boulevard. r^~ -~ E - ~ ~ # ~ ~ . b..., z ~ .,n Appropriate ~ lnaAlaroPrfate C. Corner lots. On corner Tots at an intersection of two {2) or more arterial ar major collector roads, buildings and structures shall be designed with additional architectural embellishments such as towers, or other design features, to emphasize their locations as gateways and transition points within the community. _ ~ - - 3. ~ - npr~ap~rgig ,:~.~.- F m•.....--.- ~ ~ ~ InappropNata D. building envelope, bulk and setback requirement. In order to astablish overall building envelope, bulk, and setback provisions within the NBOZ, the following regulations are established for the purposes of this section. Supp. No. 25, Add 2510.52 APPENDIX O--ZOiVING § 45-95.3 Table S-2 Proposed Setbacks West Central East Marine Maximum Build- 40 feet 55 feet 40 feet 40 feet ingl - Height (above grade) Minimum Front2• 25' structureA 30' structure 20' structure 20' structure acces- s Boxy use Setback 15' parkingB 10' parking 10' parking 10' parking Rear 20' structure° 25' structure 15' structure 10' structure Setback 10' parkingD 15' parking 10' parking 10' parking Side 15' structureE 20' structure 15' structure 15' structure Setback 10' parkingr` 10' parking 7' parking 7' parking Side Corner2• a 35' structureG 40' structure 25' structure 25' structure Setback 15' parkingH 10' parking 10' parking 10' parking Notes: 1. Building height is defined by the applicable building code. 2. If one-half {1/2) the height of the proposed structure is greater than tho zxa.inimum setback shown, the greater number shall prevail. If the minimum landscape buffer required (section 6-11.A7 is greater than the parking setback outlined above, the more restrictive shall apply. A-H. Indicate dimension locations on the diagrams found in Article 8 Attachment A E G -~ d ! f ~ ~ -~. - . 8 ' A ~ Supp. 1Vo. 25, Add 2510.53 § 45-35.3 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE E. Commercial strip development discouraged. Minimum lot sizes and limited access drives shall be used to reduce the potential for commercial strip development. Neighboring properties are encouraged to link their parking lots together and to share common driveways. ~ F ..,-.. ~ 3 r N~ i i t_. --~ t___. k.... , Inappraprlate - „~,,,~,._.F m.~ ~ ~- -~ Appropriate F. Prohibited elements. The following elements tad. The criteria for approval of an application to " are prohibited: establish shared parking includes the following factors: 1. Chainlink fences in public view; 1. Use of a building or structure for two or 2. Unfinished concrete or concrete masonry mare uses, which possess complementary, walls excluding architectural concrete; rather than competing, peak hours of us- 3. Artificial plants or turf; age. 4. Decorative or commercial display objects; Preparation of a shared parking study by a qualified professional engineer, archi- 5. Visible neon; tact, or planner. 6. Elements with highly reflective or bright 3. Execution of an agreement, in a farm colored surfaces; and acceptable to the village, between the owners and tenants of buildings or struc- 7. Other objects that are not consistent with tares affected by the shared parking. This the NBOZ design goals as per the village. agreement shall provide: Sec. 8-3 Off-street parking areas. a. A means to re-address the shared parking in the event future parking A. Shared parking. As part of an approval of a problems or changes in use occur; new or expanded use, new construction, substan- b, A legal description of the land and tial renovation, or alteration or expansion of an structures affected; existing structure, the use of shared parking to reduce overall parking requirements is permit- c. k'or a term of at least five (5} years; 5upp. No. 25, Add ~~14,~~ APPI1NDIx C-ZONING § 45-35.3 d. A site plan to indicate uses, hours of points and locations on site delineated with spe- aperation, parking, etc.; vial pavement. Pedestrian walkways shall be ir- e. Assurance of the availability of all tegrated as follows: parking spaces affected by the agree- 1, Into the interior and/or perimeter land- meet. seeping of parking lots; B. Offsite parking. Offsite parking not in- 2. Constructed with a specialty paving or eluded in a shared parking agreement is not similarly firm and decorative surface; and permitted within the NBOZ. ~3. At least five (5) feet in width; and sepa- C. Valet parking. The village may authorize rated from vehicular and parking areas the use of valet parking for any use within the by grade, curbing and/or vegetation, ex- NBOZ subject to the foIIowing criteria. cept for necessary ramps. 1. Valet parking shall not utilize more that E. Loading facilities. Loading spaces shaIl not [than] thirty (30) percent of the onsite be located within one hundred (1~0) feet of parking of a use providing such service. Narthlake Boulevard or other public rights-of- 2. A request to establish valet parking shall way, excluding alleys. contain tho fallowing information: 1. Loading docks, solid waste facilities, recy- a. The location of the valet parking cling facilities and other service areas booth ar area; shall be placed to the rear or side of b. The location and number of parking buildings and screened from adjacent res- sgaces to be utilized for valet park- idential uses. ~ ing; 2. Screening and landscaping shall prevent e. Evidence that the business owns the direct views of tho loading areas and their _ parking spaces proposed for valet approaches from adjacent properties or use or a copy of any agreement, from the public right-of--way. lease, etc. which provides the busi- a. Screening and landscaping shall also Hess with the right to use spaces prevent spillover glaro, raise, or ex- owned by another individual or en- haust fumes. City for valet parking; d. The impact of the valet parking ser- b• Screening and buffering shall be - vice on users who do not patronize achieved through walls, fences and landscaping and shall be opaque and the service; completely obscure tho contents and e. The hours of operation; facilities. f. Location and text of any signage c. Recesses in the building, ar de- associated with the valet parking, pressed access ramps may be usod. spacos; and 3. Service access shall be behind the build- g. Buffering or screening that is neces- ing or from secondary streets wherever sary to mitigate any visual or noise- possible, and screened from general view. related impacts on any adjacent res- idential properties. It Drive-throughs. In the event that drive- throughs are permitted by use or as a conditional D. Pedestrian circulation in parking facilities. use, the village shall review tlne site plan for the Parking facilities and driveways shall be de- following minimum standards: signed to maximize the safety and convenience of pedestrians walking between parked cars and 1. Adequate stacking far six (6) vehicles per business entrances as well as between- external lane at twenty (2a) feet per vehicle; Supp. No. 25, Add la.~~ § 45-35.3 NOIL'rI3 PALM BEACH CODE 2. Proper ingress egress to the facilities so with furnishings,. public art, generous plantings, as to preclude entering and exiting di- marked crosswalks, and vehicular parking and redly from a pixblic right-of-way; circulation areas clearly separated from such pe- a. Adequate space for a by-pass lane; and destriari amenities. 4. Any other design deemed appropriate by the village. 1. Sidewalks ~shaIl be of barrier-free design to tho greatest extent possible. Sec. 8-4 Pedestrian amenities. A. General design. Uses shaIl contribute to pedestrian-friendly focal spaces through tho pro- vision of aosthetic walking paths, pedestrian spaces 2. Pedestrian circulation systems shall include gatheringlsitting areas. Entry - Entry Landscaping - f... - . ~ en ~?pprnpris#e inapprapria#e B. Width dnd materials. Sidewalks shall be a Sec. 8-6 Site and street furniture. minimum of five (5} feet in width and shall be A. Exterior lighting. All fixtures used for exte- .constructed of stone, textured cement, concrete rior lighting (building and site) are to be solected pavers, or brick. for functional and aesthetic value. Decorative C. Pedestrian entrances. pedestrian-scale lighting shall be provided at a height of no more than ten ~(10) feet with stan- 1. Major public entrances shall be located dards constructed from steel, cast iron, aluminum along Northlake Blvd. or spun concrete. Lighting standards shall be of a 2. A clearly designated pedestrian walkway consistent architectural style and shall connple- and similar pedestrian-oriented facilities went the predomizrant architectural theme. shall be provided from public sidewalks to B. Street furniture. Additional aznonities such public entrance or walkways within a as drinking fountains, benches and shelters or commercial site, as well as between abut- kiosks shall be provided and supplemented with Ling commercial properties. open spaces. Supp. 1~Io. 25, Add 2510.56 ~ APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-35.3 C. Dumpsters and similar containers. 3. Concrete stamped with a pattern. Dumpsters and similar containers, including re- cycling bins, compactors, etc., shall be screened in E. Retaining walls. Retaining walls shall be a manner consistent with the following: constructed as necessary, provided such walls are constructed utilizing the same architectural style, 1. Similar containers shall be located only at materials, and color of the principle structure. the rear of a building or structure. 2. Enclosures shall be constructed in a xnan- F. Alley screening walls. All new construction ner consistent with the architectural style, or substantial renovation of existing buildings color, materials, etc., of the principal build- and structures shall construct or reconstruct a ing, and shall screen the dumpsters on all solid masonry or concrete wall a minimum of six four {4) sides of the enclosure from public {fi} feet in height. '`ne'~'• J.. The wall shall be located along the rear a. An opaquo concrete wall or similar property line of the parcel being im- material shall screen both sides and proved. the rear of such facilities. Chain link and wooden fences are prohib- b. The front of a screen enclosuro shall ited. be gated and shall consist of durable opaque materials consistent with the 3. Properties within the marine district of overall design of the project. the NBOZ are exempt from this require- c. Dependent upon the location of an ment. enclosure on the site, landscaping G. Underground utilities. The village may re- may be required in addition to the quire existing overhead utilities to be placed opaque screening material. underground when located on properties subject 3. Alternative dumpster location. When it is to new construction or substantial renovation. not possible to locate the onclosure in the H. Shopping carts. if a use requires shopping rear of the site, the dumpster shall be carts, they shall not be allowed to accumulate in enclosed by landscaping to the greatest any outside area including parking lots and load- extent possible. ing areas, and shall be removed from cart corrals 4. Access to tho dumpster should be pro- in a timely manner and relocated to designated vided from a secondary street. storage areas near the principle structure. 5. Enclosures are to be designed to provide I. 1Vlailbaxes. Mailboxes, including special drop space to accommodate recycling bins. bozos, maybe clustered within buildings, grouped D. Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be provided along under a kiosk, or individually freestanding, In all all roadways on both sides of the street. At cor- cases the design and installation of mailboxes ners handicapped ramps shall be provided and shall comply with the following standards: sidewalks shall continue across driveway and 1. The village and the U.S. Postal Service parking lot surfaces using decorative paving ma- shall approve the size, type, and location terials to delineate crosswalks. All new construc- of mailboxes. tion or substantial renovation of existing build- ings and structures shall includo ono (1} or more- 2. Mailboxes shall be landscaped consistent clearly delineated walkways from the public with. and architecturaIly compatible to sidewalk to the private sidewalk, arcade, pedes- the development. trian way, etc. Examples of other complementary materials include the following: J. Satellite dishes. Satellite dishes may be in- L Pavor blocks or alternative style or color; stalled provided the dishes are not visible from any street, and the color is compatible with the 2. New and used brick; and surrounding environment. Plans for the installa- Cupp. No. 25, Add 251Q.57 § 45-35.3 NORTH PALM SEAGH CODE ~ _ tion of communication equipment, such as dishes and antennas, shall be submitted for review dur- ing the planning phase of a project. K. Tedephanes, wending machines, and newspa- per racks. All public tel"ephones, vending ma- chines,newspaper racks, and facilities dispensing merchandise or services on private property shall be enclosed within a building, enclosed within a structure, attached to a building, ar enclosed in. a separate area. i. Attached and freestanding structures shall be landscaped consistent with and archi- tecturally compatible with the principal structure. 2. Public telephones. Wall.-mounted and froe- standing public telephones visible from a public right-of way shall be fully or par- tially enclosed. 3. Vending machines. a. Vending machines dispensing bever- ages, food, ice, and related cansuna.or products shall not be visible from a - public right-of--way. -- - b. ~ Vending machines may be located in outdoor enclosures, provided such en- closures are constructed utilizing the same architectural style, materials, and colors as the principal structure. (Ord. No. 05-2003, § l., 2-27-03) Sec. 45-36. General provisions. The provisions of this article shall be subject to the fallowing provisions and exceptions: A. Ghinnneys, water tanks, radio or televi- siontowers, telecommunications antenna/ towers, church spires, elevator lofts, flag- ' pales and parapet walls may be erected . above the height limits herein estab- lished. A-1. No addition to any building and no struc- ture or object shall be erected, placod or maintained or built to a height which Supp. No, 25, Add 2510.5$ CODE CQMPARATIVE TABLE Adoption Section Ord.1~Io. Date Section this Code 33-99 10-28-99 1 18-35(8) 04-2000 2-10-00 i, 2 2-172, 2-175 3 2-17fi(d) 4, 5 2-178, 2-151 05-2000 2-10-00 1 11-i1 06-2000 2-24-00 1 Added 3-4 1D-2000 4-13-40 1 5-82 2 5-85(12) 12-2000 4-27-00 1 6-1I3(B)(28) 13-2000 5-11-00 1 Added 2-155.1 15-2000 5-25-04 1 App. C, 45-32.1F. 20-2440 8-14-00 1, 2 2-161{e)(4), (8) 3 2-162{1) 4 2-169(fl 22-2DD0 8-24-00 1 6-115(C)(1)b. 24-2D00 9-28-00 1 26-29 25-2000 9-28.00 1 26-51 26-200D 9-28-40 1 28-3(6} 27-2000 9-28-40 1 17-33 29-2000 9-28-OD 1 14-30(2) 3D-2000 1D-12-04 1 App. D 32-2000 10-I2-OD I 6-II4(e)(3} 34-2000 11- 9-00 1, 2 19-99, 19-113 35 19-I16----19-118 35-2000 11- 9-00 1 1-8(a} 36-2000 I2-14-00 1 19-2I0(d) 41-2DD1 2- S-D1 1-16 25-3(6) Added 29-1---29-16 D3-2001 2- 8-01 1 45-32A.7.a. 2 45-32G. 04-2001 2- 8-01 1 5-81 45-2001 3- 8-01 1 45-2 06-2001 3-22-01 1 7-19 2 21-1(c} 3 21-2(c} 4 36-10(c) 5 36-12(2) 6 36-38.1(6) 7 45-49(1) 8 45-50(1) DS-2001 4-12-01 1 2-I61(g} 2 2-166(1)c.2. 09-2001 4-12-01 1 5-84{fi) 11-2001 4-26-01 1 2-i78(d) 2 2-179 12-2001 5-14-01 1 9-17(a} 13-2001 5-1D-O1 I 19-2II 15-2001 6-28-01 1, 2 2-4 16-2001 fi-28-D1 1 Ch. $ {tide) 2, 3 Rpld 8-16 Added 8-1~-6, 8-21, 8-22 18-2001 6-28-01 1 2-1(c) 2 9-18 3 16-24 4 20-63 Supp. No. 25, Add 2887 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE ' V Adoption Section Ord. No. Date Section this Code 5 21-11(c} 22-2001 8- 9-01 1 2-136 23-200I 8- 9-41 1 2-2(a) 24-2001 8- 9-01 1, 2 2-85(3) 25-2001 8-23-0 Z 1 6-112(F') 26-2001 8-23-01 1 45-2 27-2001 9-i3-O1 2 15-1 3 15-2 30-2001 10-11-D1 1 Rpld 2-51 2 2-40{b) 3 2-42 4 2-59 31-2001 10-25-41 1 6-110 2 6-115($)(5) D2-2002 2-14-02 1 App. G, 45-20(4) 03-2002 2-14-02 I App, C, 45-36N.(1) 2 App. C, 45-36L. 05-2002 2-28-02 1 6-16 2 6-17 3 Rpld 6-2 4 Rpld 6-3 5 RpId 11-11 6 Rpld 12-16, 12-17 7 Rpld 25-1 25-11 25-23, 25-24 25-36-25-38 ~:- - _ 06-2002 2-28-02 1 Added 2-ltd) 2 2-154 3 2-164(d) OS-2042 3-28-02 1 27-17 2 27-18 3 Added 27-20 10-2002 4-25-02 1 6-114(D) 12-2002 5- 9-02 1 Added I2-16 2 Rpld 12-17 13-2002 5- 9-02 1 $-17(Hist. note) 14-2002 5- 9-02 1 Added 5-25 15-2002 4- 9-02 1 Added I9-10 2D-2002 6-13-02 1 9-19 22-2002 7-11-02 1 Added 25-1-25-7 23-2042 7-11-02 1 2-173 24-2002 9-12-02 1 17-I 26-2002 9-26-02 I App. C, § 45-33A. 2 App. C, § 45-33E,. 3 App. C, § 45-33G. 29-2002 10-10-42 1 14.30(2) 30-2002 12-12-02 1 Added 1-YO 2-2003 1-23-03 1 Added 2-165 05-2003 2-27-03 1 Added App. C, § 45.35.3 06-2003 2-27-03 1 App. A, § III(Hist. note) 08-2003 3-27-43 1 2-177 2 Added 2-I82 09-2043 4-10-03 ~ 1 6-114(D) 11-2003 4-14-03 1 App. A, § III 13-2003 5- 8-03 1-3 2-161{a), (b), (e) 4 2-162 Supp. No. 25, Add 2888 CORE CO~ARATIVE TABLE Adoption Section ord. I~io. Date Section this Cade 14-2003 5- 8-03 1 Added 18-20 l [The next page is 2933] Supp. No. 25, Add C CCU U CODEINDEx Section Section ZONING (Appendix C} (Confd.) ZONING (Appendix C) (Confd.) IJse definitions and supplemental reg- Public district ulations 4-3 Restricted uses....................... 45-35 Northlake Boulevard overlay zoning dis- R-1 Single-Family Dwelling District trict (NBOZ) 45-35.3 Annexed land in...................... 45-20 Oceanfrontland Height . 45-27(B) Ocean setback 45-22 Off-street parkiug.,.................. 45-27(E) Official zoning map Permitted uses 45-27(A) Adopted by reference 45-17(1) Site area...,......................... 45-27(C) Boundary conflict interpretations...... 45-18 Yards and open spaces 45-27(D) Buildings and uses to conform. to district R-2 Multiple-Family Dwelling District regulations . 45-19 Community residential home regula- Changes 45-17(3) bans 45-28(G) Damaged, destroyed, etc 45-I7(5) Floor area 46-28(E) Identification 45-17(2) Height....... 45-28(B) Location; final authorit Off-street parking 45-28(F) y 45-I7(4) Off-street loading and internal circulation Permitted uses . . . 45-28(A) C-3 Regional Business District........ 45-34.1(3) Site area 45-28(C) Off-street parking Yards and open spaces 45-28(D) C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District. 45-33(E} R-3 Apartment Dwelling District C-1A Limited Commercial District..... 45-32(1;) FIoor area 45-30(F) C-3 Regional Business District 45-34.1(2) Height . 45-30(B) DfF street parlring 45-30(E) C-A Commercial District 45-31(G), (H) permitted uses 45-30(A) CB Commercial District . 45-31.1(G), (H) Sito area............................. 45-30(C) CC Transitional Commercial District 45-32.1(G), (H) yards and open spaces 45-30(D) Rrl Single-Family Dwelling Districts . , 45-27(E) Setbacks R-2 Multiple-Family Dwelling District . 45-28{F) C-3 Regional Business District , 45-34.1(5) Rr3 Apartment Dwelling District . , . , 45-30(E) Oceanfront land.. , . 45-22 Open spaces. See herein: Yards and Open Short title 45-1 Spaces Signs Parking C-3 Regional Business District 45-34.1(7) Off-street loading and internal circula- Site area tion. See herein that subject C-IA Limited Commercial District 45-32{C) Off-street parking regulations. See herein: C-A Commercial District 45-31{E) Off-Street Parl~ing CB Commercial District 45-31.1{E) Permitted uses CC 'T'ransitional Commercial District 45-32.1()1) Automotive Commercial District, 45-34{A} R-1 Single-Family Dwelling Districts 45-27(C) C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District. 45-33(A), (G) R-2 Multiple-Family Dwelling District . 45-28(C) C-lA Limited Commercial District 45-32(A}, (G} I2r3 Apartment Dwelling Dastriet 45-30(C) C-2 General Commercial District 45-34EA) Surface water management C-3 Regional Business District 45-34.1(1) (;-3 Regional Business District 45-34.1{g) C-A Commercial District 45-31(B), (C) Telecommunications antenna and antenna CB Commercial District 45-31.1(B), EC) towers 45-21 CC Transitional Commercial District 45-32.1(B} Violation and penalty 45-6 C-OS Conservation and Open Space Dis- Yards and open spaces trio 45-35.2(B) C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District. 45-33(D) R-1 Single-Family Dwelling Districts 45-27(A} C-1A Limited Commercial District 45-32{A) R-2 Multiple-Family Dwelling District . 45-28(A} C-A Commercial District 45-31(F) Rr3 Apartment Dwelling District 45-30(A) CB Commercial District 45-31.1(F) Planned unit development CC Transitional Commercial District 45-32.1(F) C-3 Regional Business District 45-94.1(10) R-1 Single-)family Dwelling Districts 45-27{D) Filing of app]ication . 45-35.1(II) R-2 Multip]e-Family Dwelling District . 45-28{D) Planning commission R-3 Apartment Dwelling District 45-30(D) Action of 45.35.1(T[~ Referral to 45-35.1(III) Statement of intent 45-35.1(I) Village council Action of 45-35.1(Y) Effect of approval of . 45-35.1(VI) Supp. No. 25, Add 2967 D