1st Reading of Domani Large-Scale Comp Plan AmendmentVILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH Department of Community Development TO: Honorable Mayor and Council FROM: Jimmy Knight, Village Manag BY: Chuck Huff, Community Deve pment Director Jodi Nentwick, Village Planner DATE: Apri124, 2008 SUBJECT: ORDINANCE - ls` Reading of the Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment 07-2.1 (Domani) In 2005, Kolter Properties purchased approximately 7.0 acres from the Passionist Monastery of Our Lady to redevelop the property and construct multi-family dwelling units. The property is located on the east side of US Highway One, approximately one mile south of PGA Boulevard. This parcel was originally zoned as C-1, Commercial District with a Special Policy 5.2 which has a limited residential density of eleven (11) units per acre. At that time, the developer requested for a Zoning Change from C-1, (Commercial Neighborhood) to R-3, (Multi-Family Residential) and a Residential Planned Unit Development (RPUD). On July 14, 2005, Council granted approval allowing a total of seventy-seven (77) units (69 condominiums and 8 town homes) for this site. The developer had initiated aLarge-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to remove a seven acre parcel ("Domani Parcel"), from Special Policy 5.2 and to assign the Domani Parcel a future land use designation of high density residential as shown on Figure 3-3 of the Village Future Land Use Map. This would increase the number of units from 77 to 168. Florida Statute Number 163 allows up to 24 units per acre which is also consistent with the Village's Comprehensive Plan and the approved Phase I of the U.S. Highway One Con•idor Study. The Village's Consultant, Jim Fleishmann has prepared the necessary supporting documents and recommendation relating to this large scale comprehensive plan amendment (07-2.1) for your review and consideration (Exhibit #1). The Local Planning Agency (LPA) held a Public Hearing on July 24, 2007, and the Commission voted 3-2 to approve the application as submitted. At the Village Council Workshop on August 23, 2007, the developer requested to amend their Planned Unit Development agreement Ordinance 14-2005 to revise the payment schedule for funding agreement as required in the original platting conditions. The Public Hearing was advertised in the Palm Beach Post on Thursday, April 17, 2008 The Village Consultant will transmit a copy of the Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for their review and approval following the ls` reading of the ordinance. The attached ordinance has been prepared /reviewed by your Village Attorney for legal sufficiency. Recommendation: The Administration requests Council consideration and approval of the attached Ordinance adopting aLarge-Scale Comprehensive Plan relating to the seven acre parcel of property known as the "Domani Parcel" and directing the Village Attorney to transmit said report to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) in accordance with Village Policies. L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ORDINANCE 2008-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A LARGE- SCALE AMENDMENT TO THE VILLAGE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RELATING TO A SEVEN ACRE PARCEL OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF U.S. HIGHWAY ONE APPROXIMATELY ONE MILE SOUTH OF PGA BOULEVARD, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN ("DOMANI PARCEL"); REMOVING THE PROPERTY FROM SPECIAL POLICY 5.2 AND ASSIGNING IT A HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION; AMENDING THE VILLAGE FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 163.3187, Florida Statutes, authorizes the Village of North Palm Beach to amend its adopted Comprehensive Plan, including amendments to its future land use map; and WHEREAS, the property owner, Domani Development LLC, has initiated a lazge-scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment ("Amendment 07-2.1") to remove a seven acre pazcel of property located on the east side of U.S. Highway One, approximately one mile south of PGA Boulevazd ("Domani Parcel"), from Special Policy 5.2 and to assign the Domani Parcel a future land use designation of high density residential, as depicted on Figure 3-3 ofthe Village Future Land Use Map (Planning Area #2); and WHEREAS, on July 24, 2007, the Village Planning Commission, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, determined that the proposed Amendment is consistent with the adopted Village Comprehensive Plan and recommended approval ofAmendment 07-2.1; and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the proposed future land use map amendment is consistent with Sections 163.3184 and 163.3187, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Village Council, having conducted duly advertised public heazings and given this matter due consideration, determines that the adoption of Amendment 07-2.1 to the Village Comprehensive Plan is in the best interests of the residents and citizens of the Village ofNorth Palm Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing whereas clauses aze hereby ratified as true and correct and aze incorporated herein. Page 1 of 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Section 2. The Village Council hereby adopts Amendment 07-2.1 to the Village Comprehensive Plan, as fully set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Section 3. The Village Council hereby amends Figure 3-3 of the Future Land Use Map Series of the Future Land Use Element of the Village Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the Amendment set forth in Exhibit "A." Section 4. If any section, pazagraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6. The effective date of this Amendment shall be the same as the date and final order issued by the Department of Community Affairs or the Administration Commission finding the Amendment in compliance in accordance with Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, this amendment may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affirming its effective status. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS DAY OF , 2008. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS DAY OF 2008. MAYOR (Village Seal) ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: VILLAGE ATTORNEY Page 2 of 2 Vl age Of North Palm beach Florida Large-Scale Comprehensive Ptan Amentlrnent Amendment 07-2.1 Do. Mani Property June 2Q07 Prepar-ed for the Viilags of North'Patrt~ Beach .Prepared icy Land Rssearch Management,.lnc. T~4BLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 introduction 1-1 2.0 Arialysls Of Map/kmendment 2-1 2.1 Summary Of Future. Land Use Map Se'rie5 Amendment 117=2.1 2-3 3.O Analysis Of Cumulative Impacks Of Proposed NPi3CP A:memdment 07-2.1 3-1 3..1 Village Of North Palm Beaoh Comprehensive Plan 3-2 3.1:1 1/illage Character 3-2 3.1.2 Future Land Use 3-2 3:1.3. Transpartation 3-6 3.1.4 Housing 3-6 3.1.5 Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage,,.Potahle Water, and Natural Groundwater Ayuifet ReehaYge 3-7 3.1.6 :Coastal Manage.'ment 3:=8. 3.1.7 Conservation ~-8 3.1.8 Recreation And Open 5paee 3-9 3 1.g Intergovernmental Coordination 3-g 3.1.10 Capital hnprovements 3-10 3.1.11 Publie School Concurrency 3-10 3.2 Viltage Of North Palm 13eaeh Evaluafio.n And Appraisal Report 3-10 3.3 .U.S. Highway Na. 1 Corridor Study 3-11 4.'0 Consistency With Regional And. State Plans 4-1 5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation a-1 5.1 Finding 5-1 5,2 Recommendation 5-1 5.3 LPA Public Hearing 5-1 5.4 LPA Meeting 5-1 5.5 Village Council Public Hearing 5-1 5.6 Vilhge Council Meeting 5-1 Appendix A NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 A-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS.(co.ntinued) LIST OF MAPS Number Page 1 Location Of Proposed. Comprehensive .Plan Amendment 2-~ 2 Abutting Land Use, Including Future Land Use And Zahing De~ighatiohs 2-4 3 Proposed Future Land Use Map -Amendment 07-~.1 2-5. LIST OF TAf3LE3 Number page 1 NPBGP Amendment 07-2.1 Cumulative Impaet.Factors Summary 3-1 2 Impact Of NPBC'P Amendrrvent 07-2.1 Upon Existing Land Use 3-4 LIST OF APPENDICES Number Page A NPBGP Amendment 07-.~.7 A-1 LIST OF EXHIBITS Number Page A Future Land Use Map Arnendment.NPBCP 07=2.1 A 2 H Future Land lJse Ordinance NPBCP.Amendment 07-x.1 A-~ 1..0 INTRODUCTION The Village of North Palm Beach is cun•enfly considering the acloptton of North Palm Beach C.ornprehensive Paan (NP:BCP) Amendment 07-2.1 consisting of an aittendment to the Future Land Use Map Series. NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 is iaecessary to accommodate a proposed1t38 unit multiple-family i`esidei~tial development Tfie location of NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 is illustrated tin Map 1, The propei~fy inoluded within NPBCP Amendment 07-2,1 shall pe a~eferred to herein as the "Qornani" parcel. The Domani ,parcel was previously the subject of rezoning (O'rdinance 13-.200x) and Planned Unit Development (Ordinance 14-2p05) approvals. Previous Village actions. rezoned the ,parcel from C-1 (N.eighbarho'od Commercial District) to R-3 (Apartment Dwelling District). and enacted conditions of approval :fora 77-uriit tnultiple- familq residential community; including waivers for building setbacks and height, docks and the seawall. This document provides data. and analysis required by Section. s OJ-5 and 9J- 11.D06(1)(b)1. - 5, Florida Administrative Code, as they pertain to the. proposed amendment. Sec#ion 2 consists of a brief summary and' :analysis of proposed NPBCP Amendment Q7-2.1, in terms ofi the requirements of Section 9J-11.:Op6j1)(b)1 :to ~JJ- 11:O.Ofi(1)(b)6, F1.orida Administrative Code. Section S presents an a:naly is pf the cumulative impacts of the proposed amendment in term of each element of the Village Of North Palm. Beach Comprehensive.Plan, and recently completed Evaluation and Appraisal Report and U_5. Highway N.o1, Carridor:Study (Phase I). Section 4 contains an assessment of proposed NPBCP Amendment 07,2..1, in terms of the Regional Poli¢y'Plan and State CompreYiensive Plan. Appendix A, Exhibit A of this document contains .proposed NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1.. 1-1 2.0 ANALYSIS OF MAP AI1lIENDMEIVT This section provides a data summary and. analysis of the proposed NPBCP Amendment, 07-2.1., putswant to the requirements of Bectians 9J-11:006(1)(bj1. to 9J- 11.tJ06{1)(b)6., Florida AdmintsU-aifve Code, including: 1. The proposal future land use plan. reap designation of the subject property; the boundaries of the subject property; and the mapped location in relation to the surrounding street netwarl<. 2, A map of the present, land use designation of the s+ubject property, and abutting properties, including future land u~~ map designations; 3. The size of the subject property fn acres; or fraetfons thereof; 4. A description of the availability of, and tleiriand upon the following public facilities: Sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, traffic circulation, and recreation and open space, as appropriate; and 5. Information regarding the compatibility of the proposed future land use map amendment with the Future Land Use Element objectives and policies, :as well'as those of other affected elements. NFBCP Alnendmeht 07-2.1 rs a revision to Figure ~-3 (Planning Area 2) of the Future Land Use Element of the Villawe Of.North Pafrm Beach Com_p.rehensive Plan to incorporate a proposed development program revision for the "Domani" multiple-family residential community. The location of NPBCP Amendmen107-2.1 is illustrated on Map 1. The balance of this section contains descriptions and analysis of the proposed amendment, as well as the cumulative impacts thereof, as apptopriae, in terms of :the five cri#aria f&ted auove. References to other .related sections of this document are' provided a necessary. 2-1 MAP 1 Location Of Proposed Comprehensive Pian Amendment taB s smote: 700. 0 J00 ~ 1500 FaN I:ggenil ..--.- .ZadWg naaapary ror ~a"illege orlJAB Raaas&JBgnwra -~~-- C•L L'RVUCassl Rail R»id - tVamwsys NORTI~Y Pi1LA1 BHACft CC7RPORATH LLtiLITS Yilinge ofNo[thPalm Bench'@Ignnipg tinn Future Land $so ~NI?p 5erics NPBCP Amendment 07.2.1 Ha~ ~ . 1 ~~ ~"+r LANE VIdR7H~ ;~.i ~~ V sme.: Jaa.l x reeareL :lZ'Iangpeme»e:~ac. 6skccc.avgr tns ae~:eans dllanlla QCMIiI 22 2.1 SUMMARY OF PWTUR£ LAND USE. MAp SERIES AMENDMENT 07-2.1 A. Name er Designation: "Domani" parcel. B. Parcel Description ar Loca•tioni Irregular-shaped. pared located on the east side of U. S. Highway 1, appraxiinately 1.0 mile south of PGA BowievaYd (Ref: Map 1). The parcel is approximately 7.D acres in size, antl is located within Ufllage Planning Area Z'. The subject parcel was prevloorsly cleared in anticipation of construction pursuant to the conditdons of Ordinance 44-2Q05 (77 unit tnultipfe-farnity residential. community). C. Existing Future Land Use and Zonng Desigrtatidns: Future Land Use: Romani Ss a 7=acre parcel of.record which was previously a portion of a 25,~4d acre parcel. awned by the f'assionist IN'onastery of Our Lady of Florida, Inc. The entire 25+ acres is currently sibJect to the provisions of Spacial Polley 5.2 of. the Comi~rehAnsive Plan, which perinttg a mixture flf non-residential and residential uses., according to the following criteria: Non-residential. development -maximum F.A.R o3 0.35; and residential development - maxlmurn density of 11 units per acre. Zonin ' R3 -.Apartment dwelling District. D. Proposed Future Land Use and Zoning Desjgnafions'(t9orth Pains Beach): Future Land Use: High Density Residential (maximum of 24 units per acrej. Zoning: R3.-Apartment Dwelling District. E. Abutting Land Use Summary: Abutting existing land uses, and future land use and zoning designations, are iliustreted on fvlap 2. F. SubJeet Proper-ty Deuetbpment Potentiala 1. pevelopirtent Ooncept; Multiple-family development of 168 residential ursits. 2, Population Projecfiizns (proposed Future Land Use designation): 275 residents. G. Infrastructure Impacts: 1. Trertsportation: fief®r to $eetion 3;3. 2. Potable:Watert Refer Co Section 3;5.. ~. Wastewater. Refer to SeoYon 3.5. 4. Drainage: 'Refer fb Section 3.5 5. Solid Waste; Refer to Section 3:5. 6. Recreation/Open Space: Refer to Section 3.8. H. Compatibility With Carnprehensive Plan: The proposed NPBCP Amendment t)7-2.1 is .deemed. consistent with the Village of North Palm Beach :Combrehensive Plan. Details are presented in Section 3.0. 2-3: N .P ca*~hnda or. c~ x 2 No. Current Use FLU Zonin 1 P35sidnist RatreafCenteo 5 ecial. _ (i - - S.i C-7 2 Piofessional~Office MuI' le l'ehadt -Commercial G1 3 Canal N/,S N7A 4. Gave P1ai8 Mul' le TeHBnE Commercial G1 5 -Old Part Cove Muftiole-Famif~ReSidentlal High Dehsily Residen6at R-3 6' Vacant Gommeicial Gfi 7 Crystal Tree~Plaza ~MuIN le Tenant Cnmrnercial G1' 9 Thel3e~aminScHao Piivaie Schoat CVmineftj2l GS. ~' m 0 T~ N 5' 4 ~fir~r~c scxzr ;~ f~ iVIAP 3 Abutting Land Use Including Future Land EJSe-Arid Zoning 1]esignations NPBCP Arner~drraent 07-2.1 1 G' .~ S t4~ ~2. O ~' iuPSCr Amendment 07-2.7 K~'!: Soutde: LRM, Inzi 5lh7 Mctareh-Rd. ~_ .MAP- 3 Proposed Future Land Use Designation NPBGP Amendment 07-2.,'I r'iGUR.~ ~ - 3 FZ7TUTtE LAND Y.15E MA ~ 1'LANNIN G AREA. #2 FYITI7Z2L~ LAND iJSE IvEAP SERIES 2010 P1nuningtlcca Y3tlvudfliy ii~~~~~~ ltofey~:to YanrtdIIsa T¢blcs 3-Land 3 2 SpeciAlPolicies - ~""7 NPBCP 07-2.1 Future Land Use Map Amendment: From :Special Policy 6.2 7a High Density i3esid&nfial LAND USL~ ICY Medlam 1)e~uily Rwidevtinl (5 81 ttl 1.1..00 T)nitsl,Acec) FEeh Density Rcsidevtinl (111 la 24.Piluits/Acre) Educaiiavfll IIommianiul s~~ ~isnJl{e~gst~~i „Man~pemBnt,.jnC. bpi.©116. P4@,I Faz 684.71709 ,~ ~ / .S 5`GLG~L' sr~a o soa 1~ sic 2-5 3.U Analysis Of Cumulative Impacts Of A:roposed Amendment This seotiop provides data summaries and analysis of proposed NPB:CP Amendment 07,-2.1, pursuant to the requrelnerits of Seotion 9J-11.006(3), Florida Administrafive Code {F.A.CJ, valieh states that all canprehensive elan amendments must meet Ehe requirements of Section 9J-ti,'F,A.G. Factors affecting the cumulatiye Im.paefs of NPBCP Amendment 07-~.1 include an increase 'in High Density Residential use and s tike decrease in Medium. Density Residential use within the Village limits ti:e. based upon PUD l7rdinance 94.2©05). There is a proposed increase of 91 rasidenfia9 waifs and popular"Ion potential of 149 additional residents. A summary of the .factors affecting- the cumulative impacts of NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 is presented in Table 1. Ti,4BLE 1 Amendment 07-2.7 Cumulative Fm;pata Facfiors Summary Impact Factor NPHGp :07-2.1 Total acres 7.Q0 Existing Land Uso Mix (Village acres) Resitlential Low 0.00 Residential Medium 7.00 Resldeotial High ©.00 Commercial 0.00 Pu61ic Buildings/Grounds 0.0.0' EduCationai 0.49 Transportation 0:00 Vacant 0.00 P.roposed:Land Use Miz (Village acres:) Residential High 7:00 Dwelling Units Ezlstiiig 1-and Use (Approved'PUD) 77 Proposed Land Use SG9 ;Population Existing Land Use (Approved PUD) 126 Proposed Land Use 275 Non-Resldentiat Spaae Ex. fisting sq, ft. 0 Maximum Permitted sq. ft, 0 sq. ft. .Proposed sq. h.. 0 sq. fit. 3-1 The subsections that follow pYesent .a review of the 5001 Ullage of North Palm Beach Comorehensive_Plan in terms of proposed NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1. Amendment 07-2.1 is presented in APPENDIX A of this dneument. ~.1 VILLAGE OF FJORTH PAhM {3EAGH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 3.1.7 VILLAGE CHAC2A,CTER. The property included. within NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 is ..included within Village Planning Area 2, as illustrated on FIGURE 3-3 of the Future Land Use Element, Proposed NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 is classified as a "large-scale" future laid use reap amendment, d`ae to the fact that the proposed density is In excess of 1.0 EUiffs per acre. The cumulative effects of the proposed amendment are summarized in TABLE 1, A swnmary of the key impatlts is as follows: 1. Migh density residential use (up to '24 whits per acre). is increased iy 7.0 acres and may be developed on the site. Development of Amendment 07- 2,1 may occur provided that zoning and site plan approvals are of place. 2. Altho--ugh Special Poficy 5,2 of th.e Future .Land Use Element permits mixed-use; a 77 unit Medium Density Residential us® approval is currently in effect on the property (PUD Qrdinance 142005). Therefore., Medium Density Residential is reduced by 7.0 a.ci~es by Ai3iendment 07-2.1 .Due to the limited amount of land .(i,e, 7.0 acres} involved in NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1, impacts of related growth upon 'infrastructure services are projected fo he minimal. It is concluded that She ,proposed ..NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 is consistent with the Village C'haractei~; as described in Chapter 2 of the 1999 Villaae of North Palm Beach Gomgrehensfye Plan, in that Hlgh Density Residential land use is- p.raposed. Alf other :residential developments in the Village located north of Parker Bridge. are currently assigned a High Density Residential future land. use designation. 3.1.2 FUTURE LAND U5E A. Data Summary An analysis. of topography, soils acid ro'ineralS, floodin'g., and native vegetation in the Village is prese.n:ted in the 1999 Villaae :of North Palm Beach Supoort .Documentation (Future Land Use Elemeent). Data firom this document and supplementary data are used inthe-following analysis. 3~2 Topography: The elevation of the parcel included wifliin .NPRG:P Amendment 07-2.1 ranges from 5.3 feet msl along the shoreline of Lake Worth to approximately 22 feet msl along U,S:. Highway 1., Soils and Minerals; The ,general soil type of properties included w. ithin NPBGP Amendment 07-2.1 is Arents-Urban Laird Complex (AU7j. According to .the ~oii 'Survey of Palm Basch Courify (U.S. Qepartment of Agriculture., Soil Conservation Service., 'i978), Au land "-.. consists of nearly level, somewhat poorly drained., san~4y soils and urban lend. This complex takes in gclf courses, subdivisions, condominiurri developments, roadways, t?us:iness or industeial areas, reclaimed' borrow pits,. and other areas. filled over but not developed", Dwe to these characteristics, this Soil type cannot be placed within capability units to determine its suitali'ility for development. However, since NPBGP Arnendmeht t)7 2.1 is located within an area that is predaminanfly developed for urban purposes, and the sffe was previously cleared, it is concluded that general soil types do not present any limitations for development. 3. Flooding Potential: 'Due to the 1B foot Change in onsite elevation; the designation :NPBGP Amendment 07-2.1 is split between Flood Cone A-7, B, and C, Lands wfthn the- ".B" and "G" zones ,are- desctibed as areas susceptible to the extent of the 100 - 500 year flood (B) or minimal flooding (C). The area. within the "A-7" zone is located adjacent to Lake Worth. Flcoding.potentiai was addressed in the current approval (PUD OrdJnance 14-Z0o5) by requiring a minirnmm first-floor elevation 'of 11 feet msl, w:hldh should be. maintained in any subsequent approval related to NPg.CP Amendment o7-2.1. 4, Native Vegetation and Wildlife.: The developed status t;ie. cleared) of the parcel, as wet( as soil types previously discussed, indicate that there are no significant native vegeta7on-andlor wildlife issues to 6e.addressed. 5, Existing Land Use Inventory: NPI3CP Amendment 07-2.1 iiaeludes Z.00 acres. The :property incicrded within NPBGP Amendment Of-2.1 is ai.ot listed orr the Florida Master Site File, or the National Register 'of Historic Places. The net effect of NPBGP Amendi>ient 07-2.1 on Ville existing land uses is shown in Table 2: 3-3 TABLE 2 Impact Of Np80p Amendment 07.2x1 Upon Existin. g Land Use North Palrn beach (acres.) Land Use Catogory Prior To Amendment D7-2.1 Lncluding Amendment 07-2.1 Residential &ingle-..Family 679.55 679.55 Residential Multiple-Famlbj 249.71""" 249.71"" Comntereial 160.$6' 1'60.3G tnstltutional 84.14 84 d h"~ UtllitylTranspoRation 10,25. i 0.25 Conselvationlt'lpen Spaca 225.94 225.04 Recreation & Open Space 190.09 190,09 Water 1 x225.1 Q 1;226.10 Varant 32.22"' 32.32 Total 2,857.36'I"' 2,567.36 " -.Includes NPBCP Amendment 08-1.2 x' - Includes NR9CP Amendment 0G-1:1 *"" -Includes NPBCP Amendment OT-1 (No net reduction or addition in land use). "" -Includes NPBCP Amendment 07,2.1 (No netchange to Residential Multiple-family use). Source 2006 North Palm Beach:Evaluationsnd Appraisal Repgrt• 1999-:Support Documentation 6. Current Population Estimates; t~iPB>?P Amendment 07 2:1 will .result in no net increase in t11e current population est(mate of the Village; However, proposed NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 (increase in development potential of 91 residential units): is pro)ecte'd to result in a Village buildout population increase of 149 permanent and 34 seasonal residents. B. Analysis 1. Delineation of Village Planning Areas:.NPBCP Amendment 07-Z:1 will not affieotthe corporate limits and.the boundary of Planning Area 2. 2, Existing Land Use Map Series: NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 will affect the Existing Larid lJse Map Series of .Planning Area 2 by the addition of Residential .High Density and the reduction of a like amount area cwrrentiy included wJthin the geographical scope of Special Policy 5.2.. As bothi'land use categories are currently grouped under the heading "Restden'tial MultiplerFamily" on Table 2, there is:no net change thereto, 3-4 3: Seasonal And Resident Population Projections: Fesident populafions were recently updated as part of the NPBCP Amendment 0'S-1, as follows, 2000 - 12,83T; 2005 - 1.3:,049; and .2010 - 13,1)91. Projections assumed buildout of vacant residential lands by the year 2010. Subsequent amendments Contained no residential.eomponents. :Potential population related to NPBCP Amendment 07-2:1 is presented in Table 1. It is assutiisd that the property will be assigned the proposed Residentiial High Density land use designation, and :achieve buildout by X010. Therefore, the net long-term effect of proposed. NhBCP Amendment 07-2.1 is a projected increase in resident population to 13;2A0 residents by 2010. Seasonal :papuilation is projected to increase to a peak-day total of 1;535 residents by 2010:, 4. Vacant .Land .Analysis: Based upon the analysis performed in Section 3..2.A, no limitations to fhe deuelopineht of the related property 'are defined. Land Use Projections:'It is projected that the Residential 1-ligli Density Isnd use category assigned to NPBCP Amendment d7-2.1 will be developed for multiple-farriily purposes by the year 2b1.0, consistent with buildout projections for the Village. G. Goal, Objectives And Polaiea Policy 4.2 of the Future. Land Use Element states that awl future high density residential development shall be dlirectad to areas west of U.S. !Highway 1 as a means of coordinating coastal .area popujation densjties with'the County Hurricane Evacuation Plan. Although located to its east, NPBCP Amendment B7 2.1 abuts, and is provided primary access by 11:S. Highway 1, indlutliny hurricane evacuation. Tlie applicant has provided correspondence frown the Village. of North Palm Beach Publio Safety Department slating that "no to minimal" adverse impacts to tsublic safety Concerning hurricane evacuation or storm srit'ge ,are anttctpated as a resulE of the proposed "Domani" development, As .a result, :it as concluded that the proposed fJ.PBCP Rmendrnent 07-2.1 is not incansis'tent wifh Policy 4, 2. NPBCP Amendment 07=2:1 is oonsistent with :the Future :Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Ptan and no text arnendmenta are required. Most specifically, the proposed Residential High Density future land use designation of the property li1cluded within NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 is consistent with the Future Land Use Elerrieht In 3-5 that community facilities necessary to serve the needs of its residents are available, as determined in the sections that follow. 3.1.3 TRANSPORTATIO'.N A: Data 5wmmary NPBGP Amendment Oy-2.1 will no't Mace any signifioant impact upon the Village roadway system. According to the.2A06 Evaluation and Appraisal Report; all roadways within the Village are currently operating at paal< hour level-of-service "`D", or better. B. Analysis NPBGP Amendment 07-2.1 consists of a ~ acre parcel to be developed for multiple,fanily .purposes (maximum of 168 units), The proposed future land use designation is Residential High Density, with a. proposed R_3 bistrict zoning designation. ~ traffic imp~et assessment is included iii the future land use amendment application.. The assessment concludes that all major roadways with'In tl~e radius of influence will not exceed Village t:C1.S. capacities and are not stgnificantl:y impacfed for the 2012 and 2026 projection periods. A concurrency traffic impact analysis will be prepared as part of the site plan approval process to meet theregtilrements'of Articte;12, Traffic Performance Standards of the Palm Beach Counfy Unified Land Development Code (UL'DC). C. Goal, Objectives And.Pol'icies NPBGP Amendment 07-2.1 is consistent wifh the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive :Plan, and no'text amendments are necessary. 3,1.:4 H:GUS'ING A. Data Summary NPBGP :Amendment 07-2.1 will increase the ~fillage!s long-term inventory of housing'by a maximum of 168 units. B. Analysis The proposed future .land use designation is Residential High Density. For plarining purposes, .it is therefore assumed that the site will be developed to a maximum density of 24 units per acre, and 91 additional residential Erhits (a total of 1&8 units)-will bE built. 3-6 C, Goal, Objectives And Policies NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 has no effect upon the Housing. l=lament, and no text amendmeritsare required.. 3,'1.5 SANITARY 6E11VER, 5'pLID VfIA'BTB, QRAINAGE, POTABLE WATER AND NATURAL. GROUNDVl1ATER AS~UIFER' RECHAR~:E A. Data uu.mmary An analysis of NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1, indioates that there will be no significant impacts upon infrastractftre seraices. 'The subject property is within the water and. sewer service area of Sear--oast Utilities Authority. The applicant will be responsible for constructing water main, wastewater collection, and drainage system improvements to serve the property. Solid waste collection will be assumed by the Village of North Palm Beach for the area constituting NPBCP Amendment 07-3,1. Disposal s.erviees will be provided tay the Palm Beach County Solid blasts Authority, which '.has adequate capacity to serve the Village through buildout. B. Analysis Central potable water service is provided the site liy Seacoast Utilities Authority. An estimate of maximum day potah a water .demand to service NPBCP Amendment 07- 2,1, using. adopted Village t05 standards, is as follows: (14G residents) x (147 g.p.c.d.) = 21,462 gi~llons :per day.. An e- stimate of maximum day wastewater demand to service NPBCP Amendment 06-1 is as follows::(146] x (104 g:p.c.d.) =15,184 gallons per clay. A drainage statement was submitted by the. applicant indica#in~, that a drainage system was previously permitted by the South Florida Water Management Distort, The pt'.oposed .Domani project will require a revised permit, According to the applicant, a similar systei>i, incliidirig swales, inlets, exfiltration trenches, control structures and a 24" o.utfall to Lake 1Noith will be used. NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 is not located within a Protection Zone far any water treatment facility. t;. Goals, Objectives and. Policies Proposed NPBCP Amendment 07-2:1 is consistent with the Sanitary Sewer, SDiid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water And Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge element of the Comprehensive Plan, and no Text amendments are required. The 3-7 applicant has provided a letter from Seacoast Utilities Authority (included in the NPBCP 07-2.1 Amendment application) confirming the availability of water and sewer service from Seacoast Utility authority. 3.'1.6 COASTALMANA:6EMENT' A. Data 8urimmary According to the 2006 Evaluation and Appraisal Report (Map 7), the property included within proposed NPBCP Amendment 0'~-2.:T is located within the defined Coastal High Hazard Area. However, ~Ilage land developrrient regulations will assure that first-floor construcfion fequirements wilt situate residential buildings aboue 100-year flood eleuafions, t3. Analysis The proposed land use for NPBCP Amendment 07-~.i is discussed. in Section 2.1. None of fhe following are identified as issues related to NPBCP Amendment 07- 2.1: Public access to beaches; or post-d8aster redevelopment, G. Goal, Objectives :and Policies NPBCP Amendment OZ-;?.1 is consistentwith the Coastal Management, Element of the Comprehensive Plan, and .no additional text amendments are regdir®d, 3.1.T CONSERVATf~N A. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 consists of a currently cleared and undeveloped 7-0 acre parcel. The proposed use is for muffiiple-family residential. NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 has lirrmited potential to impact natural resources addressed within the Conservation Element. An inventory of resources is prasenfied In Section 3.1:2. E3. Analysis No conservation-related issues are raised. in relation is NPBCP Amendment 0~-2.1. 3-8 G. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP.Amendment Q7-2.1 is Consistent with Ehe Co.nservatio~i Element of the Comprehensive Plan, and no addition. al text amendment's are required. 3.1.8 R(=:CREFiTION AND OPEN SPACE A: Data $urnmary Developmeht activity on the property associated with:NRBCP Amendment 07-2.9 is.projected increase the, population aftloe Village by 140 residents, ~. Analysis Implementation of the "Domani" development concept on the property associated with NPBGP Amendment 07-2.1 will not create any additional need to develop recreafion facilities. The projected recreat[on level-of-service at builro.ut (i.e. 47.86 aares113,240 residents/1,;000 residents) S 3.62 acres/1,000 residents, while the Village's adopted L.O.S, standard is 3.0 acres par 1,:000 residents. Therefore, approval of NPBCP Amendment 0T-a.1 will not cause the Village"s level-of-service to drop below the adopted L.O:S. standard. C. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment A7-2.1 is consistent with the Recreation and Open Space Element of the Comprehensive- Plan- and no additional text amendments are required. 3.1:91NTERGd1/ERNMENTAL COOROINATtON A. Data. Summary NPBC'P Amendment 07-2,1 raises no intergovernmental coordination issues. The amendment [s current{y being processed through the iPARC process [n Palm Beach County, during which any unforseeh. intergove.Fnmental Coord:[nation issues. will be identified.. B'. Analysis Nl'BCP AI1>endinenf D7-2,1 is hot located "within an Area of Cri#ica.l State Coneecn. 3-9 C. Goal, OKjectives and Policies NPBGP Amendment 07-2.1 is consistent with the Intergovernmental Coordinat(on Clement of the Comprehensive PI_an, and no additional text amendments are required. 3,1:1tl CAPITAL IiVIPRpVEMENTS A. Data Summary NPBC:P Amendment 07-2,'7 has nn effect upon capital improvements plannirt~, in that any additional improvements ({;e. water, Se~+ie'r and drainage) are the resp6nsibility of the developer. The element-hy-efemen# review presented. in Sections 3-1 to 3-9 did not result in the identification of any capital improvements to lia included within the Village's 5-hear Schedule of Improvements. B. Analysis NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 has no effect upon capital improvements in twins of adding additional capacity to existing. or currently planned improvements. G. Goaa, Ogjeatives and Roticies NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 is consistent Wlth the Capital irriprovements Element of the Com~cehensive Plan, and no additional text-amendments are required. 3.1.11 PUBLtC SCHOOL CO.NCUR,RENCh A "Scchool Conourrehey Appticafton & Service Provider Form" has been filed by the applicant with the Palm'Beach County School District. A copy of the form is included. with the 07-2,.1 future land use arilendment ap:phcation. 3.2 VILLAGE OF-NORTH PALItilI BEACH EVALUATIO[V AND APPRAISAL REPORT Residential den. city was a major :issue in the Village's recently completed Evaluation and Appraisal Report FEAR}. In summary, it was determined In the EAR that certain areas in the Village may be a'pproprlate for densities in excess of those can ently assigned by the .Future Land lJse Map Series. To add ess this issue, fhe EAR recommended that additional data and.2nalysis be completed in order to define areas where increased density proposals. would be considered. 3-10 By addressing the issue of residential density increases at selected and appropriate locations, the following positive results ware anticipated: (1) Clarification of the Village's land use policy in targeted annexation areas; (2) establishment of tfie Village"s densityfintensity policy for prQpeities potentially appropriate for mixed-use development under the Village`s GPUD and C-3 ,ordinances; and (3) definition of areas potentially appropriate for a'land use. change. 3.3 lls. HIGHWAY NO. 1 CORI~ID.Q.R STUDY- Based upon direction in the EAR, the: Village commissioned the preparation of Phase 1 o'f the U,S. Highway No, 1 Corridor Study (corridor Study}, Among several objectives, the Corridor Study Phase I is to be used as a guide in determining where along U:S. Highway No. 1 mixed-use and residential development proposals should. he considered by the Village. Specifically, objectives of the Corridor Study include: e Ensure that development and redevelopment activities along the corridor occur in a manner compatible with the Village`s character,. as presented in the Comprehensive, Plan and 'land deve.lopmentregulatPons: Ensure That. development and redevelopment proposals are compatible with the character.and scale of existing. land uses along and adjacent to the corridor. Expand existing development and redevelopment opportunities along the corridor as a means of increasing the Village`s tax base. Ensure-the long-term eeonornlc viability of the historic commercial 'corridor along US Highway 1 by increasing :ihe number of potential development alternatives.. ® Expand residential and' mixed-use develo.pmenf and redevelopment .opportunities along fhe corridor as a means of enhaneiiig the market swpport far commercial businesses. General Phase I Corridor Study residential use recomrendatons are as fal.lows: (1) Allow residential development to oocur in areas consistent with the character established by neighboring land uses; and (2) all residential properties located north of Parker Bridge should be assigned a Hlgh Density Residential future lai7d use designation.. Proposed NPBCP Amendment 07-2.t is consistent with fhe recommendations of the Corridor Study, as directed by the Village's EAR in that it represents a High Density Residential future .land use designation for a residential property Iooated :north of Parker Bridge. 3-11 4.0 COiV31STENCY WITH REGI©NAL AND S1°A1'E PLANS According to Chapter 9J=5:Q21, Flgr~da Admihistrative Code (F.AC), the comprehensive plan must be cohsisfent with the State Comprehensive Plan aril Treasure Coast Regional PJannin~ Couhgil Pglicy Rlan. Chapter 9J-5.02112), FAC states ".....for the puPpgses of determining conststenny of the. local plan with the State Comprehensive Plain qr appropriate regional policy 151ran th.e state or re jional .plan shall be construed as a vvhola and' no specifiic goat and policy shall be cgnstnied or 8pplied in .isolation from tho other goals and policies." 4.1 REGIONAL POLICY PLAN NPBCP Amendme-nt 07-2.1 was reviewed in terms of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Regional Policy Plan in order to determine consistency. Based on this review, It is determined that no significant regional issues are related. to, or impacted by NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1, and it is found consistent with regional .goals and policies.. 4:2 STATE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NPBCP Amendment 07;2.1 was reviewed in terms of :the goals, objegfives and policies of 'the State Comprehensive Plan, as pi`esenCed in Chapter 1.87, lorida Statutes. Based upon -this reutew, it is concluded that NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 is consistent with state goals, objectives ahd policies. 4-1 5.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The following recommendations are presented: 5.1 FINDING NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 is consistent with the provisions of the Village of North Palm Beacb Comprehensive Plate and U S Hidhwav No. 1 Corridor Study: Phase 1 as dig®eted by the Village's Evaluation and: Appraisal Re:oort. More specifically: (1) NPBCP.Amendment 07-2.1 is within the Urban Service Area, and fides not eontnbute to a condition of urban sprawl, as defined by Chapter 9J-b.006(5).; Florida Adrriiriistrative Code; and (Z) NPBCP Amendment 07 2.1 is consistent. with policy of the Capital Improvements Element in that it does not eont+~ibute fo 2 condition of public hazard, as defiined therein, does not exacerbate any existing condition of public facility capaci#y deficits, as described (herein, and is compatible with land uses, as shown on the.Future Land Use Map Series and determined by fhe U S Highway No 1 Gorri'dor Stud~Phase 5.? STAFF REC:OMMENDATIQN Staff recommends that the Village Council approve NPBCP Amendment Q7-2.1 . 5.3 LPA PUBLIC HEARING An advertised Local Planning Agency ;(LPA) public hearing on NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 was held on .luly 24, 200-7 at 8c30 P.M. in the Village Hall. There were some oonaerns regarding. density expressed by members of the public. 5.4 LPA MEETING The LPA recommended approval of NPBCP Amendmehf 07-2.1 at 4he regular meefing on July 24, 2007 by a 3.to 2 vote. 5.5 VILLAGE CQUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING An advertised Village. C~uneil public hearing on NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 will conducted in the Village Hall at a date to: be determined. lUlernbers of .the public may choose to speak on this subject at the publio hearing. 5.61fILLAGE CQUNCIL MEETING The Village Council Will consider #Irst reading of an ordinance to adopt NPBCP Amendment 07=~':1 at a date to b.e determined. 5-1 APPENDIX A - NPBCP-Amendr7tent D7-2.1 NP.B.CP Amendmen# 07-2,1 consists of Future Land U e Map Series amendment NPBCP Amendment 07 2.T.is aecotnplished by amendme.ntto Figure 3-3 of 4he Future .Land .Use Map Belies of the village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. NPBCP Amendment 07-Z.1 is. .presented in Exhibit A. Ths enacting ordinance Is attached in Exhibit B. A-i EXMi~iT A Future Land Use Map Amendment NRBGF Amendment 07-2.1 Amertdment'fo FIGURE 3-3 of the billane of North Pafm Beach Cornurehensivo Plan FIGURfi 3 - ~ I UTITPtL LAND TJSL MAP' PLANNING AREA #2 PUTUIZE LAND USE IvIE1P aERIES 2020 i~ Elanwnallxcn $aundary ••••••• Refer taLand Wse Tables 3.7 and 3 ~3 Special Ptilinies ~ P+.-`<x v-N NI':BCP :07-2.1 ~utErre Land:Usc Ainendmerlt Specia{ Poficy 5.2 7o Hi:gh Density Residential LANp USE I£13Y Medium Density lZ;csidcuEtsl fs .sl to u.oo Ilnitslncre) ~.. kTgh Density.Residnotial -c+~ (11,1 to 24,OT1aite/Ai;re) 1\ ~V`~~E Edunational (:ommcrcinl st~„« T~s+•d.Z~,esrnscli~'lans•gvnen:r,.rnc. fiG1.6J36.24.8! Fax G11~.97i32 ,SCflLf: soo o soQ Feet ~-x'r. A-2 ~'TGUIt.E 3 - 3 FUTUT2L~ LAND USE 3vIAP I'LANNlNCr .AREA'#2 LAND USA KEY hlediivn I)ctisity Itasidetlliaf (5 ,81 to li.Qp IJuiLvlAorc) ,Ffiph Density Rcvtdentia) (tl.l tq 2~i.Qt7wts[.Arote) ,EBucalignal Cqum~creial 'somse: X,nnr~~eseueh l~an:(grmrnC,lne. 56i.886.2d81 Fas 88d.8yQ~9' F`CJTUI2L LAI~tD USA IvIAP SL~ItTES Plmwing Arta Boundary y~n..t 12C1~ TO 1„attd'llse ~ra111CS 3-1 and 3~ Special I!dliciea ~ m~a~tai 7a ti S Seale' sao o soy Teel 9-1~ EXWIBIT :B Ordinance Enacting Land Use Resignation. NPBCW amendment 07'-3.9 A-3 CarolitMa Dr, 0 2 3' No. C.urserrt Use FLU Zonin t PassimnstRetreatCanter.. ...5~-es:iaiPali-- S,1 Gi 2 Professi4n24 office MuIG le Tenan4 CPmmeraat G7 3 Carat N/A WA a C9vp Plaza _ Mutt' la Tenant Commercial C-1 5 OId Pon Co,Ue - IG1uit~ipte-~am0°. Residertiiaf 41igh aensiry Residential R3 6 Vadant Commar4eal C-1 7 Crystal Tree Plaza Multiple Tenanf~ Lbmmercial G+l' 8 The Benjamlh~5Gi4ol Privafe.$c,'ro'41 Commercial G-t m ~~ z 5 4 r~aaaruc sen~ t ~, !l~?,P 2 Abutting i_arsd Use ineiuding Future i=and Use And caning Designations NPBCP Arnend~'sent 0.7-2.'i 1 NP6C.P Ar[tend~ment 07-Z.1 KEY: Souice: LRUI, hac: 6107 Mcla2n Rd. THE VILLAGE OF North Palm Beach EPAATMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CHIEF STEVE CANFIELD DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SAFE7Y May 31, 2007 Dear Mr. Fleischmann: This letter is written on behalf of Kolter Communities regarding their proposed development Domani. Kolter intends to develop the southern 7 acres of the Our Lady of Florida campus on the east side of US Highway #1 and north of McClaren Road. The proposed development is a total of 168 residential units, 134 in two 18 story condominium buildings (67 units each) and 34 two story townhomes. The original development proposed 77 residential units. We anticipate no to milimal adverse impact to public safety regarding hurricane evacuation or storm surge for the proposed project. The proposed development is immediately adjacent to US Highway #1, is not located on a barrier island, and the increase to the number of units is relatively minimal. Should you have any questions, or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Sincerely, d`1~ George J. Warren Asst. Director of Public Safety S6D U.S. HIGHWAY 1 • NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33408-4902 • 561-848-2525 • FAX 561-881-1141 July 30, 2007 Department oY Bnaineering end Public Works P.o. Box zl zz9 Wes[ Palm Beach, PL 37416.1229 csell va4aooo www.pbcgov.cam palm Beach eonnty Board oI county Commiesionora Addie L. Greene, Chairperson )en'HOOns, Vice Chalr ISaren T Marcus Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Jess A. San[amazla County Administrator Rohert Weisman irnEqualopparnmlb '%rrmalive AcTron 6mp/oyer' Mr. Charles A. Cagianelli Chief Building Official Village of North Palm Beach 501 US-1 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 RE: Domani Project #: 070521 TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Mr. Cagianelli: The Fa1m Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement for the proposed residential project entitled; Domani, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 12 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. The project is summarized as follows: Location: East side of US-1, north of McLaren Road. Munlclpality: North Palm Beach PCN #: 68-43-42-04-35-001-DODO Existing Uses: Vacant New Proposal: 168 MF Residential Units (Condominiums) New Dally Trips: 1;176 New PH Trips: 78 AM and 92 PM Build-Out: 2010 Based on our review, the Traffic bivision has determined that the proposed site is located within the County designated Coastal Residential Exception Areas, and therefore meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. No building permits are to be issued by the town, after the build-out date, specified above. The County traffic concurrency approval is subject to the Project Aggregation Rules sal forth in the Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. S?n/~ca~/r//e!y~, ~/ ~` / ~ Masoud Atefi - M CE TPS Administrator, unicipaliiies -Traffic Division cc: McMahon & Associates File: General -TPS - Mun -Traffic Study Reviews F:i7RAFFIC\ma\AdminW pprovals\2007i070521.doc ,\ prlnied on recycled Asper