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October 2013 Country Club Preliminary_as of 11-13-13
REVENUES Driving Range Membership Cart Rental Walking Fees Greens Fees Lessons Tournament Proceeds Merchandise Sales Special Events Camps Food & Beverage -Lease Operation Liquor Sales Food & Beverage Sales Sales of Surplus Interest Earnings Other Total Revenues EXPENSES Personnel: Salary & Benefits Operating: Accounting & Auditing Charge Card Fees Contractual Services Entertainment Rental- Equipment lUniform, etc. Legal Fees Lessons Marketing & Advertising Materials & Supplies Merchandise Repairs & Maintenance Solid Waste Disposal Utilities Other Operating Costs Capital: Capital Outlay Debt & Other: Debt Service Golf Cart Lease Insurance -Prop & Gen Liab Contingency Total Expenses Revenues over (under) expenses Rounds The Village of North Palm Beach Country Club Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2013 -2014 Current Year Golf F & B Admin Total $ 17,913 FY 21114 $ 17,913 357,196 Actual 357,196 63,095 Year 63,095 3,109 11.76% 3,109 45,699 $ 281,000 45,699 13,696 $ 281,518 13,696 105 362,695 105 13,167 6.91% 13,167 849,010 37,702 0 2,415 40,927 0 13,998 39,939 13,998 26,429 11.41% 26,429 146,627 2,620 0 287 2,447 0 11,066 828 554 12,448 525,045 41,255 554 566,853 49,713 29,542 5,214 84,470 0 0 0 6,850 527 0 7,377 89,940 1,881 0 91,821 - 235 0 235 - 1,097 325 1,422 0.00% 840 840 2,093 - 0 2,093 1,671 - 0 1,671 11,689 1,864 40 13,592 13,089 12,436 0 25,524 2,190 114 0 2,304 0 0 7,344 3,616 400 11,361 450 3,492 791 4,733 0 0 0 0 12,005 12,005 0 11 0 11 197,035 54,804 7,610 259,448 3,804,090 14.90% 537,797 Preliminary FY 21114 %ofBudget Prior Actual Budget Target (8.33 0/4) Year 9/30/2013 62,716 11.76% 5,534 59,696 $ 281,000 6.37% $ 12,251 $ 281,518 579,335 61.66% 362,695 563,401 913,440 6.91% 57,088 849,010 37,702 8.25% 2,415 40,927 822,590 5.56% 39,939 841,875 120,000 11.41% 8,165 146,627 2,620 4.00% 287 2,447 160,500 8.20% 8,336 165,861 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 235,000 5.96% 11,554 206,272 536,250 4.93% 20,681 397,098 0 0.00% 0 133,000 7,600 0.00% 595 8,554 108,053 11.52% 13,791 8 2,012 3,804,090 14.90% 537,797 3,718,603 1,114,124 7.58% 66,916 962,861 7,000 0.00% 0 8,151 62,716 11.76% 5,534 59,696 1,122,063 8.18% 92,503 1,091,879 10,000 2.35% 227 7,353 21,500 6.61% 1,415 20,381 10,000 8.40% 3,710 13,517 28,000 7.48% 1,896 36,666 45,200 3.70% 1,449 22,359 67,493 20.14% 8,404 48,449 349,300 7.31% 15,105 322,173 79,694 2.89% 17,609 65,270 18,206 0.00% 13,294 13,294 200,783 5.66% 17,060 194,730 44,600 10.61% 6,254 38,878 12,000 0.00% 0 13,746 398,151 0.00% 0 398,159 150,600 7.97% 6,270 219,736 48,529 0.00% 3,640 43,680 14,131 0.00% 0 0 3,804,090 6.82% 261,285 3,580,978 $ 328,010 $ (13,549) $ (7,056) $ 307,405 $ 3,126 43,000 $ 276,511 $ 137,625 2,913 43,893