2001-21 Adopts Small Scale Comp Plan Amendments_Richard Rd_Honey RdORDINANCE 21-2001 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING SMALL SCALE AMENDMENTS DESIGNATED AS 01-1.1 AND 01-1.2 TO THE ADOPTED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE VILLAGE OP NORTH I'AI,M BEACH, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATION ACT, AS AMENDED, BEING SECTIONS 163.3]61, ET SEQ., FLORIDA STATUTES, WHICH AMENDMENTS ARF; A7'TACHF,D AS EXHIBIT "A" AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE; PROVIDING FOR A RF,VISION TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES ELEMF,NT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OP ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHIsREAS, pursuant to 163.316], Et Seq., Florida Statutes, being the local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, the Village of North Palm Beach may adopt small scale amendments to the Comprehensive Plan; and WHERIiAS, the Village Planning Commission, sitting as the local Planning Agency, at its regular meeting held June 12, 2001, found the proposed amendments consistent with the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan and made a recommendation to the Village Council to approve the small scale amendments designated as 01-1.1 and 01-1.2 and attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; BE 1T ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida does hereby adopt small scale amendments designated as 01-1.1 and 01-1.2 to the Comprehensive Plan for the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with the local Govemment Comprehensive Planning and band llevclopment Regulation Act, as amended, which amendments are attached as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. Section 2. The future Land Use Map Series Element of the Comprehensive Plan of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, is hereby revised in accordance with the amendments set forth in lixhibit "A" attached. r~ U Section 3. ]f any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is for any reason held by a Court to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 4. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty-one (31) days subsequent to the adoption of this Ordinance. 1'LAC}iD ON FIRST READING THIS 12th DAY OF JULY, 2001. P],ACI:D ON PUBLIC HEARING TH[S 12th DAY OF JULY, 2001. 1'1,ACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 26th DAY OF JULY, 2001. (VII,I,AGE SEAL) A7'"fF.S"1': VILLAGF. CLERK • I1 U Village Of North Palm Beach Florida Proposed Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment Amendment Ol-i* May, 2001 Prepared for the Village of North Palm Beach Prepared by Land Research Management, Inc. * -Amendments 01-1.1 and 01-1.2 i TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 Introduction ......................................................... 1-1 2.0 Analysis Of Map Amendments .......................................... 2-1 2. 1 Summary Of Futwe Land Use Map Series Amendment 01-1.1 ........... 2-6 2. 2 Summary Of Future Land Use Map Series Amendment O 1-1.2 ........... 2-9 3.0 Analysis Of Cumulative Impacts Of Proposed NPBCP Amendment 01-1 ......... 3-1 3. 1 Village Character .................................... ........... 3-2 3. 2 Future Land Use ..................................... ........... 3-3 3. 3 Transportation ....................................... .......... 3-6 3. 4 Housing ............................................ .......... 3-7 3. 5 Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water, and Natwal Groundwater Aquifer Recharge ................... .......... 3-7 3. 6 Coastal Management .................................. .......... 3-8 3. 7 Conservation ........................................ .......... 3-9 3. 8 Recreation And Open Space ............................ .......... 3-10 3. 9 Intergovernmental Coordination ......................... .......... 3-10 3.10 Capital Improvements ................................. .......... 3-10 4.0 Consi stency With Regional And State Plans ...................... .......... 4-1 5.0 Concl usion ................................................ .......... 5-1 5. 1 Finding ............................................. .......... 5-1 5. 2 Conclusion .......................................... .......... 5-1 Appendix A NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 ....................................... A-1 Attachment A Ordinance 20-99 Enacting The Annexation Of The Property Included Within NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1. Attachment B Ordinances 24-99 and 25-99 Enacting Conditional Zoning Designations Upon Properties included Within NPBCP Amendments 90-I.1 and 01-1.2. C~ TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) LIST OF EXHIBITS Number Page 1 Location Of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments .. . .......... ........ 2-2 2 Detailed Location Of NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 ................... ........ 2-3 3 Detailed Location Of NPBCP Amendment• 01-1.2 ................... ........ 2-4 4 Abutting Land Use, Including Future Land Use And Zoning Designations ........ 2-7 5 Proposed Future Land Use Map -Amendment 01-1.1 ................ ........ 2-8 6 Abutting Land Use, Including Future Land Use And Zoning Designations ........ 2-]0 7 Proposed Future Land Use Map -Amendment 01-1.2 ................ ........ 2-11 A-1 Future Land Use Map Amendment NPBCP Amendment 01-1 .................. A-2 LIST OF TABLES Number Page ] Summary Of Existing Land Uses (Acres) .................................. 2-5 2 NPBCP Amendment 01-1 Cumulative Impact Factors Summary ................ 3-1 3 Impact Of NPBCP Amendment 01-1 Upon Village Land Uses ................. 3-4 • 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Village of North Palm Beach is currently considering the adoption of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment consisting of two amendments (NPBCP Amendments O 1-1.1 and O 1-1.2) to the Future Land Use Map Series. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 is the result of a voluntary annexation action, while NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 is a proposed change to the Future Land Use Map Series. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 is necessary to incorporate a 0.65 acre annexed parcel within the Comprehensive Plan. The ordinance enacting the voluntary annexation under Chapter 171, Florida Statutec is enclosed as Attachment A. Ordinances enacting conditional (i.e, subject to approval of related Small-Scale Future Land Use Map Series amendments) zoning designations upon properties included within NPBCP Amendments 90-1.1 and 01-1.2 are enclosed as Attachment B. The locations of NPBCP Amendments 01-1.1 and 01-1.2 are illustrated on Exhibits 1 and 2. The property included within NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 shall be referred to herein as the "Richard Road Annexation", and the property included within NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 shall be referred to herein as the "Honey Road Parcel". This document provides data and analysis required by Sections 9J-5 and 9J- 11.006(1)(b)1. - 5., Florida Administrative Code, as they pertain to the proposed amendments. Section 2.0 consists of brief summaries and analysis of proposed NPBCP Amendments 01-1.1 and 01-1.2, in terms of the requirements of Section 9J-11.006(1)(b)1. to 9J- 11.006(1)(b)6., Florida Administrative ode. Section 3.0 presents an analysis of the cumulative impacts of the proposed amendment in terms of each element of the Villaee Of North Palm 8ea~h S~~pport Documentation, and Villaee Of North Palm Beach Compr -h n iv -Plan Section 4.0 contains an assessment of proposed NPBCP Amendment Ol-1, in terms of the Regional Policy Plan and State Comprehensive Plan. The appendix to this document contains proposed NPBCP Amendments 01-1.1 and 01-1.2. • 1-1 2.0 ANALYSIS OF MAP AMENDMENTS . This section provides data summaries and analysis of each of the proposed 01-1 amendments, pursuant to the requirements of Sections 9J-l 1.006(1)(b)1. to 9J-11.006(lxb~., Florida Adm__inictratiy .ode, including: The proposed future land use plan map designation of the subject properties; the boundaries of the subject properties; and the mapped locations in relation to the surrounding street network. 2. A map of the present land use designations of the subject properties, and abutting properties, including futwe land use map designations; 3. The size of the subject properties in acres, or fractions thereof; 4. A description of the availability of, and demand upon the following public facilities: Sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, traffic circulation, and recreation and open space, as appropriate; and 5. Information regarding the compatibility of the proposed future land use map amendments with the Future Land Use Element objectives and policies, as well as those of other affected elements. NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is a revision to Figure 3-9 (Planning Area 5) of the Future Land Use Element of the Village Of North Palm B a h -omprehensive Plan to incorporate the "Richazd Road Annexation", and the land use change known as the "Honey Road Parcel". NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 is the expansion of Village Planning Area 5, including the amendment of Figure 3-9 of the future land use map series to incorporate the "Richazd Road Annexation". NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 is a proposed change in land use (i.e. "Honey Road Parcel") to Figure 3-9 of the future land use map series. The existing land use mix of proposed NPBCP Amendments 01-1.1 and 01-1.2, expressed in terms of the Village's future land use classification system, is presented in Table 1. The balance ofthis section contains descriptions and analysis of each proposed amendment, as well as the cumulative impacts thereof, as appropriate, in terms of the five criteria listed above. References to other related sections ofthis document are provided as necessary. • 2-1 EXHIBIT 1-Location Of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments a~ x <V W o] x4 F OC Q z z {~ 3 2-2 rl V Q d e a pVp °u a e ze 0 V d e ~o °w W z 8 a °o B e y e 5 -y~ Y y a • EXH7BT1' 2 -Detailed Location Of NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 NPBCP Amendment 01-1 ~\~~~ \~~ •r `_ ~7 c ~~ t n .~ n Llmits f v~ ^\orthl,ke Boulev,rd _~ F~, N 2-3 EXHIBTT 3 =Detailed Location Of NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 • _~ ~~ Richard Road NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 Ro.d 0 !` ~~ y. ~i '~~ 4 •r ~-. 7 7~ P 7 •r A w e~ • 2-4 e 3 z a Park Road ^~orthlake Boulevard 70U Fat 1 v • TABLE i Summary Of Ezisting Land Uses (acres) Land Use Category Amendment 01-1.1 Amendment 01-1.2 Residential Low Density 0.65 0.00 Residential Meditun Density 0.00 0.00 Residential High Density 0.00 0.00 Commercial 0.00 0.00 Recreation/t?pen Space 0.00 0.00 Conservation/Open Space 0.00 0.00 Public Buildings & Crrounds 0.00 0.00 Transportation (R.O.W.) 0.00 0.00 Water 0.00 0.00 Vacant 0.00 0.66 Totals 0.65 0.66 Source: Land Research Management, Inc.; 3/01. • 2-5 2.1 SUMMARY OF FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES AMENDMENT O1-1.1 • A. Name or Designation: Richard Road Annexation. B. Parcel Description or Location: Irregular shaped parcel located at the southeast comer of Richard Road and State Road A-1-A Alternate (Ref: Exhibits 1 and 2). The parcel is 0.65 acres in size, and is located, following annexation, within Village Planning Area 5. Existing land uses constituting NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 are illustrated in Table 1. The subject parcel contains two small single-family residential units. The principal unit contains 975 sq. ft., and was built in 1950. The other residential unit is an accessory use to the principal residence, and contains approximately 500 sq. ft. It appears that the accessory unit was conshucted at the same time as the principal structure. C. Ezisting Future Land Use and Zoning Designations (Palm Beach County): Future r d LR 3 -Low Density Residential. ~Q~B: RS -Single-Family Residential D. Proposed Future Land Use and Zoning Designations (North Palm Beach): Future ~d Ic • Commercial.. ZQ.n6n8: CC -Transitional Commercial. E. Abutting Land Use Summary: Abutting Land uses, and future land use and zoning designations, are illustrated on Exhibit 4. F. Subject Property Development Potential: 1. v IQpment Conceor Permit renovation/redevelopment for commercial purposes under the CC Transitional Commercial District, as illustrated on Exhibit 5. Z. Population Prgj tion< (proposed Future Land Use designation): NA G. Infrastructure Impacts: 1. Transportation: Refer to Section 3.3. 2. Potable Water: Refer to Section 3.5. 3. Wastewater: Refer to Section 3.5. 4. Drainage: Refer to Section 3.5 5. Solid Waste: Refer to Section 3.5. 6. Recreation/t?pen Space: Refer to Section 3.5. H. Compatibility With Comprehensive Plan: The proposed NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 is deemed consistent with the Village of North Palm Beach .nronrehensive PIS. Details are presented in Section 3.0. • 2-6 vaunt ~' 1 ( o mtV) CS/SE (County) CH/5 (County) CG (County)~y~~ Bsdail CG/SE (County) Subject Situ Vacant i.ow Density Residential (NPB) R-1 (NPB) Sing e-Family L$f3 (County) }tM (County) (County) £p 's .~ 7 '+ 7 ~~ n .~ q. KEY: ^ \~ Ezi tinQ .and • Future Laod •P ~-inrivdiction) Zoniug (Jurisdiction) Village Limib I B s ~\onAlike Boulevard .r `~ N EXHIBIT 4 • Abutting Land Use, Including Future Land Use And Zoning Designations 1VPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 2-7 • EXHIBIT 5 .Proposed Future Land Use Designation NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 l ~-~ _ Richard Rwd NPBCP O1-1.1 Proposed Future Land Use C -Commercial 1 \~ \r4 -' - \ •r ~_ .; (~ 7 ' 9+ w 3 Y 8 a ^\orthlake Boulevard __ _~ f~~ N 2-8 2.2 SUMMARY OF FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES AMENDMENT 01-1.2 • I. Name or Designation: Honey Road Parcel. J. Parcel Description or Location: Irregular shaped parcel located at the northeast comer of Honey Road and State Road A-1-A Alternate (Ref: Exhibits 1 and 2). The parcel is 0.66 acres in size, and is located within Village Planning Area 5. Existing land uses constituting NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 are illustrated in Table 1. The subject parcel is vacant. IG Ezisting Future Land Use and Zoning Designations (North Palm Beach): Future I nd Low Density Residential. 70 ; ¢. R-1 -Single-Family Dwelling District L. Proposed Future Land Use and Zoning Designations (North Palm Beach): FutLre . ~d ce: Commercial.. Zo~in¢: CC -Transitional Commercial. M. Abutting Land Use Summary: Abutting Land uses, and fuhue land use and zoning designations, are illustrated on Exhibit 6. N. Subject Property Development Potential: v lopment Concept Permit development for commercial purposes under the CC Transitional Commercial District, as illustrated on Exhibit 7. Population Projections (proposed Future Land Use designation): The conversion of the subject property from residential will result in a reduction of the Village buildout population of 2 residents, based upon an average household size of 2.06 persons. O. Infrastructure Impacts: 1. Transportation: Refer to Section 3.3. 2. Potable Water: Refer to Section 3.5. 3. Wastewater: Refer to Section 3.5. 4. Drainage: Refer to Section 3.5 5. Solid Waste: Refer to Section 3.5. 6. Recreation/Open Space: Refer to Section 3.5. P. Compatibility With Comprehensive Plsn: The proposed NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 is deemed consistent with the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan,. Details are presented in Section 3.0. 2-9 • 8sdail CH/5 ( O mtvl Sing a-F milt' . CG/SE (County) LR/3 ( o mtvl RS (C only) Subject/~ Site Used Car Sales C ~5~ o ntvl CS/SE (County) Commercial (NPBI CC (NPB) ~~ ;~ \~~ KEY: •r ~_ .' 7~ ~~ •~ w F.xistine .and 1 Future Lind Iae(Juri_adiction) Zoning (Jurisdiction) -- - . ~-- 1 (NPB) a-J 1 R ~. Y P a ~~orthiake Boulevard EXHIBIT 6 Abutting Land Use, Including Future Land Use And Zoning Designations NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 :ou r.r~ 1 r 2-10 e 1 aK~.ro aeW NPBCP ~1-1.2 Proposed Future band Use C-Commercial --- - - ., R ~. ~7 Lemiee Ceert ,~. i ~ .n 7 ~ o ''^ 7 ~~ ~. 9r 4~ 1 r..k ae.a -_ _ _ ~onhlake Boulevard ,_ EXHIBIT 7 Proposed Future Land Use Designation NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 N iW Fats 2-11 3.0 Analysis Of Cumulative Impacts Of Proposed Amendment This section provides data summaries and analysis of proposed NPBCP Amendment O1- I,pursuant to the requirements of Section 9J-11.006(3), F1_orida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), which states that all comprehensive plan amendments must meet the requirements of Section 9J- 5, F.A.C. Factors affecting the cumulative impacts of NPBCP Amendment 01-1 include an increase in acres, decrease in residential units and population potential, and a change in development potential of two residential parcels; the "Richard Road Annexation" (Amendment 01-1.1), and the "Honey Road Parcel" (Amendment 01-1.2). A summary of the factors affecting the cumulative impacts of NPBCP Amendment Ol-1 is presented in Table 2. TABLE 2 Amendment Ol-1 Cumulative Impact Factors Summary NPBCP NPBCP Net Effect Impact Factor 01-1.1 01-1.2 Ol-1 Total acres 0.65 0.66 1.31 Existing Land Use Mix (acres) Residential Low 0.65 0.00 0.65 Residential Medium 0.00 0.00 0.00 Residential High 0.00 0.00 0.00 Commercial 0.00 0.00 0.00 Public Buildings/Grounds 0.00 0.00 0.00 Transportation 0.00 0.00 0.00 Vacant 0.00 0.66 0.66 Proposed Land Use Mix (acres) Commercial 0.65 0.66 1.31 Dwelling Units Existing Land Use 2" 1 3 Proposed Land Use 0 0 0 Population Existing Land Use 4• 2 6 Proposed Land Use 0 0 0 • 3-1 The subsections that follow present a review of the 1999 Village of North Palm B a h Comprehensive Plan, in terms of proposed NPBCP Amendment Ol-1. Amendments 01-1.1 and • 01-1.2 are presented in the APPENDIX to this document. 3.1 VILLAGE CHARACTER Proposed NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is classified as a "small-scale" future land use map amendment. The cumulative effects, as summarized in TABLE 2, include the expansion of the corporate area by 0.65 acres. A summary of the key impacts is as follows: Residential land is decreased by 1.31 acres. Existing housing stock is increased by two dwelling units as a result of the "Richard Road Annexation" (NPBCP Amendment OI-1.1); however, development of the parcel for commercial purposes will result in the loss of the two dwelling units from the Village housing stock. Therefore, the current Village housing stock, as estimated in the 1999 Villaee of NOrLh palm Beach ~tpnort Doc~~mrnfAtion is not effected by the proposed amendment (i.e. the net effect is no change to the housing stock). The "Honey Road Parcel" is currently vacant and undeveloped, with a development potential of one single-family residence. The proposed amendment (NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2) will reduce the buildout housing stock within the Village by one dwelling unit. Commercial land is increased by 1.31 acres. Commercial uses may be developed on the "Richard Road Annexation" (NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1) by either converting the existing residences, or redeveloping the parcel. Commercial uses may be developed on the "Honey Road Parcel". No additional Village land use categories are affected by the proposed NPBCP Amendment O1-l. Due to the limited amount of land (i.e. 1.31 acres) involved in NPBCP Amendment 01-1, impacts of related growth upon infrastructure services will be minimal. It is concluded that the proposed NPBCP Amendment Ol-1 is consistent with the Village Character, as described in Chapter 2 of the 1999 Village of it„.rt, u~i.,, ne,,.h comprehensive P1;tII Properties included within NPBCP Amendment 01-1 are included within Village Planning Area 5, as illustrated on F[GURE 3-9 of the Future Land Use Element. Planning area maps will be revised as part of the next round of Evaluation And Aopraical Report based comprehensive plan amendments. 3-2 3.2 FUTURE LAND USE A. Data Summary An analysis of topography, soils and minerals, flooding, and native vegetation in the Village is presented in the 1999 Villaee of North Palm B Ash CnAport Doc ~rePneAtion (Future Land Use Element). This document and supplementary data are used in the following analysis. Topography: The elevation of parcels included within NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is approximately 12 feet N.G.V.D. 2. Soils and Minerals: The general soil type of properties included within NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is Basinger-Urban Land Complex (Bc). According to the Soil C~~rve~ of Palm B a -+ ro ~ntv (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1978), urban land "... consists of areas that are 60% to 75% covered with streets, buildings, large parking lots, shopping centers, industrial parks, airports, and related facilities. Other areas, mostly lawns, parks, vacant lots, and playgrounds are generally altered to such an extent that the former soils cannot be easily recognized and are in tracts too small to be mapped separately". Due to these characteristics, this soil type cannot be placed within capability units to determine their suitability for development. However, since NPBCP Amendment 01-1 properties are located within an area that is predominantly developed for Cuban purposes, it is concluded that general soil types do not present any limitations for development. 3. Flooding Potential: The designation of properties within NPBCP Amendment 01- I is Flood Zone B. Areas within the "B" zone are generally between the limits of the 100-year and the 500-year flood. Flooding potential does not indicate the presence of any development limitations for properties located within NPBCP Amendment 01-1. 4. Native Vegetation and Wildlife: The developed status (i.e. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1), parcel size (i.e. 0.65 and 0.66 acres, respectively), as well as soil types previously discussed, indicate that there are no significant native vegetation and/or wildlife issues to be addressed. • 33 3.2 FUTURE LAND USE • A. Data Summary An analysis of topography, soils and minerals, flooding, and native vegetation in the Village is presented in the 1999 Village of North Palm B Ash uDTk rt D ,mPnrarinn (Future Land Use Element). This document and supplementary data are used in the following analysis. 1. Topography: The elevation of parcels included within NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is approximately 12 feet N.G. V.D. 2. Soils and Minerals: The general soil type of properties included within NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is Basinger-Urban Land Complex (Bc). According to the Soil Survev of Palm Bea h o inty (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1978), urban land "... consists of areas that are 60% to 75% covered with streets, buildings, large parking lots, shopping centers, industrial parks, airports, and related facilities. Other areas, mostly lawns, parks, vacant lots, and playgrounds are generally altered to such an extent that the former soils cannot be easily recognized and are in tracts too small to be mapped separately". Due to these characteristics, this soil type cannot be placed within capability units to determine their suitability for development. However, since NPBCP Amendment 01-1 properties are located within an area that is predominantly developed for urban purposes, it is concluded that general soil types do not present any limitations for development. Flooding Potential: The designation of properties within NPBCP Amendment O1- 1 is Flood Zone B. Areas within the "B" zone are generally between the limits of the 100-year and the 500-year flood. Flooding potential does not indicate the presence of any development limitations for properties located within NPBCP Amendment 01-1. Native Vegetation and Wildlife: The developed status (i.e. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1), parcel size (i.e. 0.65 and 0.66 acres, respectively), as well as soil types previously discussed, indicate that there are no significant native vegetation and/or wildlife issues to be addressed. • 3-3 5. Existing Land Use Inventory: NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 includes 0.65 acres of • land recently annexed to the Village: NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 is currently included within the Village (i.e. Planning Area 5). Neither of the parcels associated with NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is listed on the Florida Master Site File, or the National Register of Historic Places. The net effect of NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is shown in Table 3. TABLE 3 Impact Of NPBCP Amendment Ol-1 Upon Existing Land Use North Palm Beach (acres) Land Use Category Prior To Amendment Ol-1* Including Amendment Ol-1 Residential Low Density 714.27 713.61 Residential Medium Density 76.48 76.48 Residential High Density 189.84 189.84 Commercial 171.62 171.62 Recreation/Open Space 196.98 196.98 Conservation/Open Space 384.70 384.70 Public Buildings & Grounds 16.19 16.19 Education 22.40 22.40 Transportation (R.O. W.) 285.75 285.75 Water 1,225.10 1,225.10 Vacant 24.98 25.64 Totals 3,360.72 3,362.03 • - 1999 Village of North Palm B a h ~pport Do .m oral' ;Future Land Use Element. 6. Current Population Estimates: By annexing developed residential areas, the current population estimate of the Village is increased. The parcel represented by NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 was annexed to the Village in 1999. The parcel contains two dwelling units, and an estimated population of four residents (i.e. 2 units x 2.09 residents per unit). The four additional residents will increase the Village's 1999 resident population estimate to 12,586 residents. • 3-4 5. Existing Land Use Inventory: NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 includes 0.65 acres of land recently annexed to the Village. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 is currently • included within the Village (i.e. Planning Area 5). Neither of the parcels associated with NPBCP Amendment Ol-1 is listed on the Florida Master Site File, or the National Register of Historic Places. The net effect of NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is shown in Table 3. TABLE 3 Impact Of NPBCP Amendment Ol-1 Upon Existing Land Use North Palm Beach (acres) Land Use Category Prior To Amendment 01-1* Including Amendment Ol-1 Residential Low Density 714.27 713.61 Residential Medium Density 76.48 76.48 Residential High Density 189.84 189.84 Commercial 171.62 171.62 Recreation/Open Space 196.98 196.98 Conservation/Open Space 384.70 384.70 Public Buildings & Grounds 16.19 16.19 Education 22.40 22.40 Transportation (R.O. W.) 285.75 285.75 Water 1,225.10 1,225.10 Vacant 24.98 25.64 Totals 3,360.72 3,362.03 • - 1999 Village of North Palm B ash ~npQrt Documenttion; Future Land Use Element. 6. Current Population Estimates: By annexing developed residential areas, the current population estimate of the Village is increased. The parcel represented by NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 was annexed to the Village in 1999. -The parcel contains two dwelling units, and an estimated population of four residents (i.e. 2 units x 2.09 residents per unit). The four additional residents will increase the Village's 1999 resident population estimate to 12,586 residents. . 3-0 However, the proposed future land use designation of NPBCP Amendments 01- • 1.1 and 1.2 is commercial. Therefore, there will be no net effect upon the long- term population projections, as commercial development potential is assumed. B. Analysis Delineation of Village Planning Areas: NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 will effect the corporate limits and the boundary of Planning Area 5, by the addition of the property illustrated on Exhibit 1. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 will not effect the corporate limits nor the boundary of Planning Area 5, as it is currently located within the Village limits. 2. Existing Land Use Map Series: NPBCP Amendment 01-1 will effect the Existing Land Use Map Series of Planning Area 5 by the addition of low density residential and vacant land uses, as illustrated on Exhibit 4. 3. Seasonal And Resident Population Projections: Resident populations were recently updated as part of the Village's Evaluation And ApFraisal Rem, as follows: 2000 - 12,833; and 2005 - 12,833. Projections assumed buildout of vacant residential lands by the year 2000. Potential population related to NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is presented in Table 2. With the addition of developed and vacant land resulting from the annexation of properties within NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1, population projections are revised as follows: 2000 - 12,837; and 2005 - 12,833 (i.e. it is assumed that the two properties will be assigned the proposed commercial land use designation. It is further assumed that the two existing residential structures will be converted to commercial use. Therefore, the net long-term effects of the proposed NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is no net increase in population). 4. Vacant Land Analysis: NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 is currently developed; therefore, a vacant land analysis is not required. NPBCP Amendment O 1-1.2 contains 0.65 acres of vacant land, all of which is proposed for commercial. Based upon the analysis performed in Section 3.2.A., no limitations to development of vacant properties are defined. Land Use Projections: Consistent with land use projections presented in the Evaluation And Appraisal R~oort, it is projected that vacant land in NPBCP Amendment 01-21 will be developed for commercial purposes by the year 2005. i 3.5 However, the proposed future land use designation of NPBCP Amendments O1- 1.1 and 1.2 is commercial. Therefore, there will be no net effect upon the long- term population projections, as commercial development potential is assumed. B. Analysis Delineation of Village Planning Areas: NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 will effect the corporate limits and the boundary of Planning Area 5, by the addition of the property illustrated on Exhibit I. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 will not effect the corporate limits nor the boundary of Planning Area 5, as it is currently located within the Village limits. Existing Land Use Map Series: NPBCP Amendment 01-1 will effect the Existing Land Use Map Series of Planning Area 5 by the addition of low density residential and vacant land uses, as illustrated on Exhibit 4. Seasonal And Resident Population Projections: Resident populations were recently updated as part of the Village's Evaluation nd Appraisal Reps, as follows: 2000 - 12,833; and 2005 - 12,833. Projections assumed buildout of vacant residential lands by the year 2000. Potential population related to NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is presented in Table 2. With the addition of developed and vacant land resulting from the annexation of properties within NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1, population projections are revised as follows: 2000 - 12,837; and 2005 - 12,833 (i.e. it is assumed that the two properties will be assigned the proposed commercial land use designation. It is further assumed that the two existing residential structures will be converted to commercial use. Therefore, the net long-term effects of the proposed NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is no net increase in population). 4. Vacant Land Analysis: NPBCP Amendment Ol-I.1 is currently developed; therefore, a vacant land analysis is not required. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 contains 0.65 acres of vacant land, all of which is proposed for commercial. Based upon the analysis performed in Section 3.2.A., no limitations to development of vacant properties are defined. 5. Land Use Projections: Consistent with land use projections presented in the Evaluation nd Appraisal Rgoort, it is projected that vacant land in NPBCP Amendment 01-21 will be developed for commercial purposes by the yeaz 2005. 3-5 C. Goal, Objectives And Policies NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is consistent with the Future Land Use Element of the ompreh_ en ive plan, as amended and no text amendments are required. Most specifically, properties included within NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 are located within the Village's future annexation area, per Figure 3-17 of the Comprehensive Plan Further, the annexed property is placed in Village Planning Area 5, which is located in the Village's Urban Services Area. The proposed commercial future land use designations of properties included within NPBCP Amendment 01-1 are consistent with the current future land use pattern along the east side of State Road Alternate A-1-A. Properties are assigned a Commercial future land use designation, and a CC -Transitional Commercial zoning designation. 3.3 TRANSPORTATION A. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment 01-1 will not have any significant impact upon the Village roadway system. According to the Evaluation and Aopraical R,~oort, all roadways within the Village are currently operating atlevel-of-service "C", or better. B. Analysis NPBCP Amendment 01-1 consists of two residential lots (i.e. a total of 1.31 acres). One lot (i.e. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1) is developed and one (i.e. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2) is vacant. The proposed future land use designation for each lot is Commercial, with a CC- Transitional Commercial zoning designation. Assuming a 0.35 floor-area-ratio (FAR), buildout potential is estimated at 24,546 sq. ft. of office space. At a daily trip generation rate of 16.62 trips per 1,000 sq. ft. (Ref: 10.8-1, Pa!rn Beach Cn~~nty iJnified r end D velopment odg), the buildout potential results in an estimated traffic generation of 408 gross daily trips. Accounting for pass-by trips, net Vaflic generation is estimated at 387 trips per day. A distribution of trips on the street system results in minimal impact upon operating characteristics. C. Goal, Objectives And Policies NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is consistent with the Transportation Element of the omprehensive Plan, and no text amendments are necessary. 3-6 C. Goal, Objectives And Policies . NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is consistent with the Future Land Use Element of the Comorehen iv . plane„ as amended and no text amendments are required. Most specifically, properties included within NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 are located within the Village's future annexation area, per Figure 3-17 of the (_omnrehensive Plan Further, the annexed property is placed in Village Planning Area 5, which is located in the Village's Urban Services Area. The proposed commercial future land use designations of properties included within NPBCP Amendment Ol-1 are consistent with the current future land use pattern along the east side of State Road Alternate A-1-A. Properties are assigned a Commercial future land use designation, and a CC -Transitional Commercial zoning designation. 3.3 TRANSPORTATION A. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment Ol-1 will not have any significant impact upon the Village roadway system. According to the Evaluation and Appraisal Report, all roadways within the Village are currently operating at level-of-service "C", or better. B. Analysis NPBCP Amendment 01-1 consists of two residential lots (i.e. a total of 1.31 acres). One lot (i.e. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1) is developed and one (i.e. NPBCP Amendment OI-1.2) is vacant. The proposed future land use designation for each lot is Commercial, with a CC- Transitional Commercial zoning designation. Assuming a 0.35 Floor-area-ratio (FAR), buildout potential is estimated at 24,546 sq. ft. of office space. At a daily trip generation rate of 16.62 trips per 1,000 sq. ft. (Ref: 10.8-1, P~1_tn Beach Countv~nified and Dev lopment od ), the buildout potential results in an estimated traffic generation of 408 gross daily trips. Accounting for pass-by trips, net traffic generation is estimated at 387 trips per day. A distribution of trips on the street system results in minimal impact upon operating characteristics. C. Goal, Objectives And Policies NPBCP Amendment O1-t is consistent with the Transportation Element of the ~o~]prehensive Plan, and no text amendments are necessary. 3-6 3.4 HOUSING • A. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment Olml.lt urren ylcontains two dwelling'unitsg tNpBCp e,Amendment Oln~.2 is currently vacant. B. Analysis The proposed future land use designation is Commercial. For planning purposes, it is assumed that the two existing residential structures will either be converted to commercial uses, or redeveloped for commercial uses. Further, for planning purposes, it is assumed that the vacant parcel will also be developed commercial uses. C. Goal, Objectives Aad Policies NPBCP Amendment 01-1 has no effect upon the Housing Element, and no text amendments are required. 3.5 SANITARY SEWER, SOLID WASTE, DRAL~IAGE, POTABLE WATER AND NATURAL GROUNDWATER AQUIFER RECHARGE a. Data Summary Due to the small size of the properties included in NPBCP Amendment OI-1, there will be no significant impacts upon infrastructure services. Properties are within the service area of Seacoast Utilities Authority. Sewer service is not currently available, nor is it planned at this time. Septic tanks and individual wells currently serve the two homes located on the NPBCP Amendment OI-1.1 property, while the property associated with NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 is currently vacant. An 8 inch water main is located on the west side of S.R. A-1-A Altemate, and a 4 inch water line is located on the south side of Honey Road. Drainage facilities are currently in place along S.R. A-1-A Altemate to provide service to the NPBCP Amendment 01-1 properties. Solid waste collection will be assumed by the Village of North Palm Beach in the areas included within NPBCP Amendment 01-1. Disposal services will be provided by the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority, which has adequate capacity to serve the Village through buildout. r1 U 3-7 3.4 HOUSING • A. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment 01-1 will not effect the Village's long-term inventory of housing. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 currently contains two dwelling units. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 is currently vacant. B. Analysis The proposed future land use designation is Commercial. For planning purposes, it is assumed that the two existing residential structures will either be converted to commercial uses, or redeveloped for commercial uses. Further, for planning purposes, it is assumed that the vacant parcel will also be developed commercial uses. C. Goal, Objectives And Policies NPBCP Amendment Ol-1 has no effect upon the Housing Element, and no text amendments are required. 3.5 SANITARY SEWER, SOLID WASTE, DRAINAGE, POTABLE WATER AND NATURAL GROUNDWATER AQUIFER RECHARGE a. Data Summary Due to the small size of the properties included in NPBCP Amendment OI-I, there will be no significant impacts upon infrastructure services. Properties are within the service area of Seacoast Utilities Authority. Sewer service is not currently available, nor is it planned at this time. Septic tanks and individual wells currently serve the two homes located on the NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 property, while the property associated with NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 is currently vacant. An 8 inch water main is located on the west side of S.R. A-1-A Alternate, and a 4 inch water line is located on the south side of Honey Road. Drainage facilities are currently in place along S.R. A-1-A Alternate to provide service to the NPBCP Amendment OI-1 properties. Solid waste collection will be assumed by the Village of North Palm Beach in the areas included within NPBCP Amendment O1-l. Disposal services will be provided by the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority, which has adequate capacity to serve the Village through buildout. • 3-7 • b. Analysis Central sewer service would require an expense, as lines would have to be extended to the area either along Prosperity Farms Road or S.R. A-1-A Alternate. Village policy on the subject is stated as follows in the Future Land Use Element of the C°m~rehensive Plan: "PltlicY}~: All properties within the designated Urban Service Area not utilizing central water and wastewater systems shall be governed by the provisions of (1) Chapter 381.272, Florida Admini trativ od ;and (2) Palm Beach County Environmental Control Rule -1, which regulate the use and installation of individual sewage disposal systems. An estimate of maximum day wastewater demand to service NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is as follows: (1.31 acres) x (1,721 gal./acre/day) = 2,255 gallons per day. Seacoast Utilities Authority has the excess capacity to provide service, should the need arise. Properties within NPBCP Amendment 01-1 are located within Protection Zone 4 of the Richard Road water treatment facility. All non-residential activities within Zone 4 which store, handle use or produce any regulated substance are prohibited, unless they qualify for a general exemption or receive an operating permit from the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management. Regulated substances are defined in Section 9.3.B.26 of the Palm Beach County Unified land D ~Plonment od Onsite sewage disposal systems are not prohibited in Zone 4; however, by rule, new onsite systems located within wellfield zones shall comply with requirements for maximum sewage loading and separation from public drinking water wells, as set forth in Environmental Control Rule 1, and enforced by the Palm Beach County Health Department. c. Coals, Objectives and Policies Proposed NPBCP Amendment Ol-1 is consistent with the Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water And Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge element of the r..Jomn_rshe~sive Plan, and no text amendments are required. 3.6 COASTAL MANAGEMENT a. Data Summary According to the Co~p~hens__ ive ply (Figure 3-17) and the Florida Hurricane Atlac (11/93 version), properties included within proposed NPBCP Amendment 01-1 are not located within the defined Coastal High Hazard Area, nor are they located within a storm surge vulnerable zone. 3-8 • b. Analysis Central sewer service would require an expense, as lines would have to be extended to the area either along Prosperity Farms Road or S.R. A-1-A Alternate. Village policy on the subject is stated as follows in the Future Land Use Element of the ~-oplpr h .n iv PI n: "Poll v :All properties within the designated Urban Service Area not utilizing central water and wastewater systems shall be governed by the provisions of: (1) Chapter 381.272, Florida Admini trativ ~. ode; and (2) palm Beach County Environmental Contro] Rule -1, which regulate the use and installation of individual sewage disposal systems. An estimate of maximum day wastewater demand to service NPBCP Amendment OI-I is as follows: (1.31 acres) x (1,721 gal./acre/day) = 2,255 gallons per day. Seacoast Utilities Authority has the excess capacity to provide service, should the need arise. Properties within NPBCP Amendment 01-1 aze located within Protection Zone 4 of the Richazd Road water treatment facility. All non-residential activities within Zone 4 which store, handle use or produce any regulated substance are prohibited, unless they qualify for a general exemption or receive an operating permit from the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management. Regulated substances are defined in Section 9.3.B.26 of the Palm Beach County Unified and Development ode Onsite sewage disposal systems are not prohibited in Zone 4; however, by rule, new onsite systems located within wellfield zones shall comply with requirements for maximum sewage loading and separation from public drinking water wells, as set forth in Environmental Control Rule 1, and enforced by the Palm Beach County Health Department. c. Goals, Objectives and Policies Proposed NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is consistent with the Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water And Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge element of the omprehencive Plan, and no text amendments are required. 3.6 COASTAL MANAGEMENT a. Data Summary According to the Comprehens_ i_ve ply (Figure 3-17) and the Florida Hurricane Atlac (11/93 version), properties included within proposed NPBCP Amendment Ol-1 are not located within the defined Coastal High Hazazd Area, nor are they located within a storm surge vulnerable zone. • 3-8 b. Analysis • The proposed land use for NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is discussed in Sections 2.1 and 2.2. Maximum development potential is defined as professional or medical office at 24,546 sq. ft. of space. None of the following are identified as issues related to NPBCP Amendment OI-1: Infrastructure within the Coastal High Hazard Area; public access to beaches; or post-disaster redevelopment. c. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is consistent with the Coastal Management Element of the ComoreherLC___ve_pl~n, and no additional text amendments are required. 3.7 CONSERVATION a. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment Ol-1 has limited potential to impact natural resources addressed within the Conservation Element. An inventory of resources is presented in Section 3.2. b. Analysis The only issue raised in relation to NPBCP Amendment 01-1 the use of septic tanks. As discussed in Section 3.S.B., the county and state have adequate controls in place to insure that septic tanks are operated properly. c. Coal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment 01-I is consistent with the Conservation Element of the omprehen iv ~, and no additional text amendments are required. 3.8 RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE a. Data Summary The result of NPBCP Amendment 98-1 will be to reduce the buildout potential of the Village by 6 residents. b. Analysis The reduction of the Village's buildout population by 6 residents will not create any need to develop any additional recreation facilities. • 3-9 b. Analysis . The proposed land use for NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is discussed in Sections 2.1 and 2.2. Maximum development potential is defined as professional or medical office at 24,546 sq. ft. of space. None of the following are identified as issues related to NPBCP Amendment 01-1: Infrastructure within the Coastal High Hazard Area; public access to beaches; or post-disaster redevelopment. c. Goal, Objectives aad Policies NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is consistent with the Coastal Management Element of the Comprehensive Ply„ and no additional text amendments are required. 3.7 CONSERVATION a. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment 01-1 has limited potential to impact natural resources addressed within the Conservation Element. An inventory of resources is presented in Section 3.2. b. Analysis The only issue raised in relation to NPBCP Amendment 01-1 the use of septic tanks. As discussed in Section 3.S.B., the county and state have adequate controls in place to insure that septic tanks are operated properly. c. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is consistent with the Conservation Element of the omprehen iv ].'1~rt, and no additional text amendments are required. 3.8 RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE a. Data Summary The result of NPBCP Amendment 98-1 will be to reduce the buildout potential of the Village by 6 residents. b. Analysis The reduction of the Village's buildout population by 6 residents will not create any need to develop any additional recreation facilities. • 3-9 c. Goal, Objectives and Policies • NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is consistent with the Recreation and Open Space Element of the Comorehenc_ i~~e p-~n„ and no additional text amendments are required. 3.9 INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION a. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment 01-1 raises no intergovernmental coordination issues. The annexation of property associated with NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 has already occurred. The amendment will be processed through the IPARC process in Palm Beach County, at which time any unforseen intergovernmental coordination issues will be identified. b. Analysis NPBCP Amendment O1-I is not located within an Area of Critical State Concern. c. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment O I-1 is consistent with the Intergovernmental Coordination Element of the Comorehenciv Plan, and no additional text amendments are required. 3.10 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS a. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment Ol-1 has no effect upon capital improvements planning. The element-by element review presented in Sections 3-1 to 3-9 did not result in the identification of any additional needed capital improvements. b. Analysis NPBCP Amendment 01-1 has no effect upon programmed capital improvements in terms of adding additional capacity to currently planned improvements. c. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment O1-l is consistent with the Capital improvements Element of the S'omorehe~ iv pan, and no additional text amendments are required. • 3-]0 c. Goal, Objectives and Policies • NPBCP Amendment Ol-1 is consistent with the Recreation and Open Space Element of the .omprehensive Pion, and no additional text amendments are required. 3.9 INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION a. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment 01-1 raises no intergovernmental coordination issues. The annexation of property associated with NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 has already occurred. The amendment will be processed through the IPARC process in Palm Beach County, at which time any unforseen intergovernmental coordination issues will be identified. b. Analysis NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is not located within an Area of Critical State Concern. c. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment Ol-I is consistent with the Intergovernmental Coordination Element of the C~omorehensive Plan, and no additional text amendments are required. 3.10 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS a. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment Ol-1 has no effect upon capital improvements planning. The element-by element review presented in Sections 3-1 to 3-9 did not result in the identification of any additional needed capital improvements. b. Analysis NPBCP Amendment 01-1 has no effect upon programmed capital improvements in terms of adding additional capacity to currently planned improvements. c. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is consistent with the Capital improvements Element of the C-omprehensive Plan, and no additional text amendments are required. • 3-]0 • 4.0 CONSISTENCY WITH REGIONAL AND STATE PLANS According to Chapter 9J-5.021, Florida A ministrat_ ive Codes (FAC), the comprehensive plan must be consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan and Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Policy Plan. Chapter 9J-5.021(2), FAC states ". , .for the purposes of determining consistency of the local plan with the State Comprehensive Plan or appropriate regional policy plan the state or regional plan shall be construed as a whole and no specific goal and policy shall be construed or applied in isolation from the other goals and policies." 4.1 REGIONAL POLICY PLAN NPBCP Amendment O1-I was reviewed in terms of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Regional Policy Plan in order to determine consistency. Based on this review, it is determined that no significant regional issues are related to, or impacted by NPBCP Amendment OI-1, and it is found consistent with regional goals and policies. 4.2 STATE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NPBCP Amendment 01-1 was reviewed in terms of the goals, objectives and policies of the State Comprehensive Plan, as presented in Chapter 187, Florida C a .t .Based upon this review, it is concluded that NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is consistent with state goals, objectives and policies. • 4-1 • 4.0 CONSISTENCY WITH REGIONAL AND STATE PLANS According to Chapter 9J-5.021, Florida Adminicrrativ rode (FAC), the comprehensive plan must be consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan and Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Policy Plan. Chapter 9J-5.021(2), FAC states ". . ,for the purposes of determining consistency of the local plan with the State Comprehensive Plan or appropriate regional policy plan the state or regional plan shall be construed as a whole and no specific goal and policy shall be construed or applied in isolation from the other goals and policies." 4.1 REGIONAL POLICY PLAN NPBCP Amendment O1-I was reviewed in terms of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Regional Policy Plan in order to determine consistency. Based on this review, it is determined that no significant regional issues are related to, or impacted by NPBCP Amendment 01-1, and it is found consistent with regional goals and policies. 4.2 STATE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NPBCP Amendment O1-i was reviewed in terms of the goals, objectives and policies of the State Comprehensive Plan, as presented in Chapter 187, Florida C A .t c, Based upon this review, it is concluded that NPBCP Amendment O1-t is consistent with state goals, objectives and policies. 4-1 5.0 CONCLUSION • The following recommendations are presented: 5.1 FINDING NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is consistent with the provisions of the Village of North Palm B ach Comprehensive Plan. More specifically: (1) NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is within the Urban Service Area, and does not contribute to a condition of urban sprawl, as defined by Chapter 9J- 5.006(5), Florida A i++ini trativ r`od ;and (2) NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is consistent with Policy of the Capital Improvements Element in that it does not contribute to a condition of public hazard, as defined therein, does not exacerbate any existing condition of public facility capacity deficits, as described therein, and is compatible with land uses, as shown on the Future Land Use Map Series. 5.2 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Village Council approve NPBCP Amendment 01-1 . 5-1 5.0 CONCLUSION The following recommendations are presented: 5.1 FINDING NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is consistent with the provisions of the Village of North Palm B a h Comprehensive Plan. More specifically: (1) NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is within the Urban Service Area, and does not contribute to a condition of urban sprawl, as defined by Chapter 9J- 5.006(5), Florida Adminictrative nag; and (2) NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is consistent with Policy of the Capital Improvements Element in that it does not contribute to a condition of public hazard, as defined therein, does not exacerbate any existing condition of public facility capacity deficits, as described therein, and is compatible with land uses, as shown on the Future Land Use Map Series. 5.2 RECOMMENDATION Stafl'recommends that the Village Council approve NPBCP Amendment 01-1 . 5-1 NPBCP 01-1.1 Proposed Future Land Use Amendment \ LR 3 Low Residential 3 (Palm Beach County) To Commercial (North Palm Beach) _~ ~• •r ~: .~ y,. 7r ~E, ~ n 4~ . - ~ -~~ NPBCP 01-1.2 Proposed Future Land Use Amendment Low Density Residential (North Palm Beach) To Commercial (North Palm Reach) R ~~ Y a _- _ _ _ _ _ _. ~orthlake Boule-yard _ _ _ _ _ _ EXHIBIT A-1 Future Land Use Map Amendment NPBCP Amendment Ol-1 Addendum To FIGURE 3-9 of the Villa¢e of North Palm Bea h omor ha~a n~ ,~.., N A-2 NPBCP 01-1.1 Proposed Future Land Uae Amendment \ LR 3 Low Residential 3 (Palm Beach County) To Commercial (North Palm Beach) _.~ \- -~ , ~~ •r .~ ~ ~ y'~ ~. 6~ .. ~~ ~~ NPBCP 01-1.2 Proposed Future Land Uae Amendment Low Density Residential (North Palm Beach) To Commercial (North Palm .Beach) =. Q Y z s __ - _ _ _ _ _. ~onhlake Boulevard _ _ _ _ _ _ EXHIBIT A-1 Addendum To FIGURE 3 9 of the Villa>re of North Pa mABeachm omurehenan a Plan :~, F~~ N A-2 . APPENDIX A - NPBCP Amendment Ol-1 1. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 consists of a Futwe band Use Map Series amendment to incorporate a voluntary annexation accomplished pwsuant to Chapter 171, Flori a a .t c. NPBCP Amendment 01-1. I is accomplished by amendment to Figwe 3-9 the Futwe Land Use Map Series of the Villaee of North Palm B Ash .omprehensive Plan, NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 is illustrated on Exhibit A-1. 2. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 consists of a Future Land Use Map Series amendment to change the land use of a parcel of land from Low Density Residential to Commercial. NPBCP Amendment O 1-1.2 is accomplished by amendment to Figwe 3-9 the Future Land Use Map Series of the Villaee of North Palm B ash omor~he~ci~P plan. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 is illustrated on Exhibit A-1. • A-1 • APPENDIX A - NPBCP Amendment 01-1 1. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 NPBCP Amendment OI-1.1 consists of a Future Land Use Map Series amendment to incorporate a voluntary annexation accomplished pursuant to Chapter 171, Flori a A .t ~. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 is accomplished by amendment to Fi Series of the Villaee of North Palm B a h omnrehenci~e Pla 9 ~e Future Land Use Map NPBCP Amendment O1-l.l is illustrated on Exhibit A-1. 2. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 NPBCP Amendment 01-1.1 consists ofa Futwe Land Use Map Series amendment to change the land use of a parcel of land from Low Density Residential to Commercial. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 is accomplished by amendment to Figure 3-9 the Future Land Use Map Series of the Villaee of North Palm Beach omor~he~ct~P plan. NPBCP Amendment 01-1.2 is illustrated on Exhibit A-l. A-1 ATTACHMENT A Anneaation Ordinance - NPBCP Amendment 9&1.1 • ATTACHMENT A Annexation Ordinance - NPBCP Amendment 98-1.1 r~ LJ