September 2013 Country Club Preliminary_as of 10-10-13 The Village of North Palm Beach Country Club Budget Summary Fiscal Year Ending September 30,2013 **PRELIMINARY** Fiscal Year Ending 913012013 FY 2013 %of budget Actual Golf F&B Admin Total Budget (Target 100%) 9/30/2012 REVENUES Driving Range $ 281,518 $ 281,518 $ 2099026 134.68% $ 257,123 Membership 563,401 5639401 6239580 90.35% 627,433 Cart Rental 849,010 8499010 9399400 90.38% 883,437 Walking Fees 40,927 409927 379520 109.08% 36,143 Greens Fees 841,875 8419875 9129480 92.26% 835,366 Lessons 146,627 1469627 1009000 146.63% 100,597 Tournament Proceeds 2,610 29610 29716 96.10% 3,687 Merchandise Sales 165,861 1659861 1409150 118.35% 161,613 Special Events/Camps - 0 49000 0.00% 0 Food&Beverage-Lease Operation - 0 0 0.00% 0 Liquor Sales 206,272 2069272 2409000 85.95% 202,302 Food&Beverage Sales 397,084 3979084 5459000 72.86% 410,646 Sales of Surplus 133,000 - 1339000 969000 138.54% 0 Interest Earnings 6,996 69996 79327 95.48% 7,451 Other 70,994 7,345 3,673 829012 919734 89.40% 64,413 Total Revenues 39095,823 610,701 10,669 397179193 399489933 94.13% 3,590,211 EXPENSES Personnel: Salary&Benefits 562,957 339,288 60,903 9639148 9389748 102.60% 861,163 Operating: Accounting&Auditing - - 8,151 89151 79000 116.44% 5,911 Charge Card Fees 51,053 8,643 0 599696 599500 100.33% 60,061 Contractual Services 1,063,727 23,953 4,139 190919819 192139802 89.95% 1,211,928 Entertainment - 7,353 0 79353 109000 73.53% 7,238 Rental-Equipment/Uniform,etc. 1,550 14,762 4,068 209381 229714 89.73% 19,538 Legal Fees 13,517 139517 79500 180.22% 12,198 Lessons 36,666 - 0 369666 359000 104.76% 23,622 Marketing&Advertising 21,791 568 0 229359 459000 49.69% 18,932 Materials&Supplies 37,742 16,762 3,879 589383 659675 88.90% 49,075 Merchandise 97,715 224,018 0 3219733 3889000 82.92% 319,299 Repairs&Maintenance 35,539 27,701 0 639241 769424 82.75% 41,429 Solid Waste Disposal 6,648 6,646 0 139294 149450 92.00% 13,378 Utilities 146,434 43,615 4,682 1949730 2179202 89.65% 210,311 Other Operating Costs 12,351 7,803 3,590 239744 439000 55.22% 36,798 Capital: Capital Outlay - 18,924 0 189924 539639 35.28% 15,000 Debt&Other: Debt Service 398,159 3989159 3989151 100.00% 394,900 Golf Cart Lease 219,736 2199736 2349183 93.83% 75,235 Insurance-Prop&Gen Liab 43,680 439680 439881 99.54% 39,864 Contingency 0 0 75,064 0.00% 2,000 Total Expenses 296929068 7409036 146,609 395789714 399489933 90.62% 3,417,879 Revenues over(under)expenses $ 4039755 $ (1299335) $ (135,941) $ 1389479 $ - $ 172,332 Rounds 43,893 48,000 489201