Bricks_Veterans Memorial Park_10-2013 Newsletter Veterans Memorial Park Grand Opening November 11, 2013
The new Veterans Memorial Park that will be located just north of the Library will be unveiled on No-
vember 11th, Veteran's Day at 1 :00 p.m. It will provide an opportunity for the community to recog-
nize the service and sacrifice of our veterans, but it will also be an opportunity for families and friends
of deceased and living veterans to recognize them for their individual contributions in defense of our
We have a number of ways that you and your family can recognize someone special to you, by creat-
ing a lasting monument to their service as a part of the memorial. We have selected an array of op-
tions that are priced from $100 for an engraved brick to contributions for items such as benches, a
trellis, one of the many trees in the memorial, and other options.
For donations other than those for the brick paver, a plaque will be in front of the donated item which
will include the name of the honored veteran, his or her branch of service & other pertinent infor-
mation regarding their service to our country. We are now accepting orders for non-resident veterans
as well!
A sampling of some of
in Memory Of Astronaut Norman the Memorial Bricks
Norman Capt. Robert Crippen Robson ordered by residents for
Johnson Sr Navy 30 Years US Army �I
the new Veterans
___T I - �i Memorial Park. Please
David Q. Smith Albert J Lender, Sr contact Joanna Sharp in
U.S. Army US Navy the Village Manager's
1968-1971 1943-1946 WW It office at (561) 904-2122
-- for more information.
(SW) Robert Sorg Albert ; Lender, Jr- HOB` She can mail or email
Navy 1986-'2007 L1S Navy CVA-62 H 0 007 you the order form.
r/DDG70/DDG-87 1961-1967 Vietnam Capt.t
The History of Veterans Day
U.S. President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed an Armistice Day for 12th November, 1919, and The
United States Congress enacted a parallel resolution 7 years later on June 4th, 1926. Another
Presidential Declaration in 1938 created an Act to make the 11th of November of every year an
authorized holiday; "a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter cel-
ebrated and known as 'Armistice Day'."
In 1953, an Emporia, Kansas shoe store owner named Al King had a plan to enhance Armistice
Day by honoring all veterans, not just those who served in World War I. Mr. King had been an
active member of American War Dads throughout World War II. His crusade to turn the Armi-
stice Day into "All" Veterans Day had the full support of the Emporia Chamber of Commerce and
the Board of Education. With the help of then-U.S. Rep. Ed Rees, from Emporia, a bill for the
new holiday was push through Congress. President Dwight Eisenhower marked it into law on
May 26th, 1954.
Congress modified this act on November 8th, 1954, replacing "Armistice" with Veterans. It has
been recognized as Veterans Day since.
In the November Newsletter, watch for photos of the Village employees who are veterans and have
served our country with pride! See if you recognize anyone!