10-2013 Newsletter (2) C.•`� ��M r y+ : 1 ..r.r, r' '' y) �.t; • y,3�T`r. �4 r'��.�rf� `Tne Best-Place to.',' e I c e 'Sun , 411. k l.r,y�� rte-, r� ;- ` r � 1 I,,I�. r •'' r r ,,...h "W ACCUChi Timin P g.com w Of 91,'t' - � ( T ( Ida I `1 f I Village of North Palm Beach "The The Best Place to Live Under the Sun" A Message from the Village Manager—Ed Green We are putting the final touches on the new - Veterans Memorial. I want all of you to know that IF we will have both a ribbon-cutting and our first r ceremony to honor veterans at the new Memorial - on Veterans Day, November 11th at 1:00 p.m. This - p � will be a great day for the Village and the culmina- tion of many years of planning by Council to con- struct a memorial that would honor our communi- ty's veterans. All of us have men and women in r our families who played a part in the two World Wars, the Korean Conflict, Vietnam, Kosovo, or the Gulf Wars. November 11th will be a time to honor their service. the colors and the flags at the ceremony and We are expecting a great turnout. We know that Mayor Manuel will recognize the many veterans in the local American Legion will be here with over 80 attendance. representatives. In addition, State CFO Jeff Atwa- We hope you will attend. This will be a special ter will provide the keynote address and noted event and a special place in the Village for years to baritone Lou Galterio will present a medley of come. I know the Council shares my belief that songs while guests are arriving and will also offer there is nothing a community can do that is more his rendition of the National Anthem and God Bless important than honoring the sacrifice of those who America during the ceremony. The North Palm Beach Honor Guard will present have defended our freedom. I SUPPORT OUR TROOPS FOR THE HOLIDAYS We're only weeks away from shipping Holiday"Care Packages" to our soldiers! Support Here are the was you can help make a difference and show our support: Our Y Y p Y pp Troops IT Donate cash; no amount is too small. Funds will help purchase items and pay for shipping. Deliver your tax-exempt contribution to the Clerk's office or mail to Support Our Troops USA, Inc. P.O. Box 14211, North Palm Beach, FL 33408. Write cards and letters encouraging our servicemen and servicewomen. We need at least 5,000 by the deadline of November 6th. Each care package we send contains cards and letters — the items most cherished by our sol- diers. Donate items we send. We particularly need new CD's or DVD's, holiday decorations, and individually wrapped snacks (see our website, www.supportourtroops-usa.con for a list of items). Due to postal deadlines, we need your donations delivered to the Clerk's Office before November 6th. Volunteer to help at our donation drive. The next donation drive is Saturday October 5th, 10 am—3 pm at the Lake Park and Tequesta Dollar Tree. If you can help please call Bob Gebbia at 561-351-8459. Veterans Memorial Park Grand Opening November 11, 2013 The new Veterans Memorial Park that will be located just north of the Library will be unveiled on No- vember 11th, Veteran's Day at 1 :00 p.m. It will provide an opportunity for the community to recog- nize the service and sacrifice of our veterans, but it will also be an opportunity for families and friends of deceased and living veterans to recognize them for their individual contributions in defense of our country. We have a number of ways that you and your family can recognize someone special to you, by creat- ing a lasting monument to their service as a part of the memorial. We have selected an array of op- tions that are priced from $100 for an engraved brick to contributions for items such as benches, a trellis, one of the many trees in the memorial, and other options. For donations other than those for the brick paver, a plaque will be in front of the donated item which will include the name of the honored veteran, his or her branch of service & other pertinent infor- mation regarding their service to our country. We are now accepting orders for non-resident veterans as well! A sampling of some of in Memory Of Astronaut Norman the Memorial Bricks Norman Capt. Robert Crippen Robson ordered by residents for Johnson Sr Navy 30 Years US Army �I the new Veterans ___T I - �i Memorial Park. Please David Q. Smith Albert J Lender, Sr contact Joanna Sharp in U.S. Army US Navy the Village Manager's 1968-1971 1943-1946 WW It office at (561) 904-2122 -- for more information. (SW) Robert Sorg Albert ; Lender, Jr- HOB` She can mail or email Navy 1986-'2007 L1S Navy CVA-62 H 0 007 you the order form. r/DDG70/DDG-87 1961-1967 Vietnam Capt.t The History of Veterans Day U.S. President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed an Armistice Day for 12th November, 1919, and The United States Congress enacted a parallel resolution 7 years later on June 4th, 1926. Another Presidential Declaration in 1938 created an Act to make the 11th of November of every year an authorized holiday; "a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter cel- ebrated and known as 'Armistice Day'." In 1953, an Emporia, Kansas shoe store owner named Al King had a plan to enhance Armistice Day by honoring all veterans, not just those who served in World War I. Mr. King had been an active member of American War Dads throughout World War II. His crusade to turn the Armi- stice Day into "All" Veterans Day had the full support of the Emporia Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Education. With the help of then-U.S. Rep. Ed Rees, from Emporia, a bill for the new holiday was push through Congress. President Dwight Eisenhower marked it into law on May 26th, 1954. Congress modified this act on November 8th, 1954, replacing "Armistice" with Veterans. It has been recognized as Veterans Day since. In the November Newsletter, watch for photos of the Village employees who are veterans and have served our country with pride! See if you recognize anyone! P A G E 4 Parks& Recreation/Village Clerk Looking for something to do? How about attending an NFL MORE cUN STUFF TO DO- The game? North Palm Beach Recreation Depart- Join the Recreation Department for an exciting pro football game on ment invites you to join us for upcom- December 15th as the Miami Dolphins play the New England Pa- ing trips to local attractions! The Rec- triots! $85/person includes transportation, admission and a tailgate reation Department now owns a bus lunch. Reserve your seat now! so we will be able to take the trips with q less chance of cancelling due to low p enrollment. Sign up now for these scheduled trips: P th Friday, November 15 -- an Ikea J shopping Trip - $15.00 Sunday, November 24th-- Miami Want to meet new people and have some fun? We are starting a Book Fair, $15.00 new program on the 2nd Friday of each month at the Anchorage Park These trips are for transportation only. Activities Building, from noon — 2:00 called Potluck Fridays. Partici- Admission (if applicable) and food/ pants will call and RSVP their space and let us know what dish they drink are on the participant's own. will be bringing for the group to enjoy. The Recreation Department Other upcoming trips include: Lego- will provide the drinks, paper products, etc. After the enjoyable meal, Land, Miami Dolphins vs. Patriots, El- you are invited to stay and play board games such as Wizard, Rum- liot Museum, Disney's Hollywood Stu- my Cube, Mah Jongg, etc. We will use this opportunity to get your dios, and Holiday Lights Tour at input as to trips you would like the Rec. Dept. to schedule and partic- Tradewinds Park. Call Bill Egan for ipants will get the first shot at registering for a trip. The first date for any questions you may have regard- Potluck Friday is November 1St, which we know isn't the 2nd Friday, ing these trips. 841-3386. but we have a scheduling conflict for the 2nd Friday this month! Mark your calendars: Dec. 13, Jan. 10, Feb. 14, March 8, and April 12. KFT (Kids Field Trips) Camp When school is out, the fun is on at Arts & Crafts Fall Festival North Palm Beach Recreation. Join It's right around the corner! Don't forget to Bill and the staff as we get on the bus mark your calendars for the annual Arts & for a fun-filled, all-day bus trip. Need Crafts Fall Festival that will be held at the more details? Call 841-3386. Ages Community Center on Saturday, November 9-15 years old. 2 from 9:00-4:00. Crafters from all over Oct. 18th — LegoLand - $64 South Florida will be displaying their crafts. Nov 11th — Disney's Hollywood Booths will be located both indoors and out- Studios - $80 doors. _bDid -,yo kigow? North Palm Beach A to Z Would you like to... know what happened at a Council meeting? listen to the Council discuss an issue? Do you want to... see the items Council will be considering? review the budget, financial or investment reports? research a topic in the Code of Ordinances? find past issues of the Village Newsletter? You can do all that and more on the Village web- site www.village-npb.org Summaries of regular Council meetings are now available online with each agenda item linked to the meeting recording. By downloading a recent council meeting summary, you can listen to the Council discuss each agenda item and find out what action was tak- en. By clicking the homepage link to the Council Meetings and Agendas webpage, you can review each Council agenda and all the supporting documents prior to the meeting. Check the Online Public Records webpage for direct links to a variety of information. Contact the Clerk's office at 841-3355 for more information. Parks and Recreation/Library P A G E 5 Parks and Recreation News Halloween Haunted Hunt 11 Calling all kids under the The Recreation Department is age of 8 years old! Join us / registering runners/walkers for the ' for a Haunted Halloween 0(01) 5K Ghost Run to be held on Sat- Hunt! Wear your costumes. �v 1 urday, Oct. 19th. The 5 kilometer L We will be searching An- (3.1 mile) certified course begins chorage Park for candy and and ends at Anchorage Park. prizes! You will need some- Anyone between the ages of 7 thing to put your candy in and a flashlight! The and 90 years old is eligible for par- Hunt begins at 6:00 p.m. on October 30th! ticipation in this event. In addition to the 5K, we will be holding a Spooky Sprint for youths 3-6 year - olds, and a 1 K Goblin Run for youth 7-10 years of age. You are invited to join in even if you don't run! The school with the most entrants will get an award too! Pre -registration fee is $20/person at www.active.com. The IVY. ch–a- I first 200 entrants are guaranteed a t-shirt. Call 561-841 -3386 for more information. This fun, community event gives children of all ages an opportunity to touch, explore and see their favorite trucks or equipment on wheels. Volunteers Needed!! The dump trucks, fire trucks, tractors, police cars and motorcycles and many other types of We need volunteers 16 years old or '���� vehicles will be on display. You see them on older to help out on the race course of /���,� the road everyday..... now you can get close the Ghost Run. You will just be making������� enough to touch them aII. Look at, climb on sure the runners are on course, making and explore the inner workings of your favorite a turn, or manning a water station. If 1►�-, big rigs! We are pleased to be offering a horn you are interested, please contact 1/�� free hour from 10:00 am to 11:00 for children Adam at 561 -841 -3386 o r with special needs and sensitive ears. This is a amangun(Mvillage-npb.org. Hours will be given for free event that will be held at the NPB Commu- school community service, if needed. Your help is nity Center, 1200 Prosperity Farms Rd. on Oc- greatly appreciated! tober 5th from 10:00am-1:00pm. Come to the NPB Book Club! Other LIprary News: Monday, October 14, 2103 at 12:30 pm at Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at 7 PM the Library The TreeSearchers Genealogy Club meets monthly and is a great opportunity to net- The Art Forger, by B.A. work with fellow genealogy enthusiasts or to g et hel p getting start on a family project.is the October Book Club novel. Please join us for a lively discus- Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 2:30 p.m. sion. This is a story about what Shall I Read Next? A readers advisory an artist whose reputation workshop. Bring a list of your favorite au- has been tarnished and who thors or books. Find books by authors who stumbles on a piece of art write about subjects you like. In-class and that disappeared twenty-five take-home practice exercises. Consultation years ago. Things get com- with the librarian to help you find your next plicated when she agrees to great read. Learn about Books & Authors, a 3„ y�i• ^forge it for a gallery owner free Internet resource that matches readers and realizes that the art she preferences with books. Bring your own lap- is forging may itself be a top computer or follow along. Presented by \''�` forgery. library staff. Support Your Local Businesses � , 0 Advertise Your Village Business Here! - ALLYSON PEKEVEKZOFF NoyEh Palm Beach Real Estate Specialist (.R)I 13IL:CIZ Vittorio Bertuzzelli INTERNATIONAL Financial Advisor Mo6te: Gi. 2. i t 0 n � 5 35 33 Edward J o nes A 1 [I ysoti� �oldciikcarliomcs.coiii MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING 818 U.S.Highway One Dentist suite 1 North Palm Beach,FL 33408 General Dentistry and Cosmetic Bus.561-776-0846 TF.877-822-8672 TF Fax 877-781-2294 Cell 561-315.0614 Adrian Guerra DDS vittorio.bertuzzelli @edwardjones.com www.edwardjones.com 429 NORTHLAKE BLVD.,STE.3 NORTH PALM BEACH,11 33411 Office (561)844-6146 Cell (561) 685-5150 GLORIA MALDEN KAPLAN,Enrolled Agent www.amgdentaigroup.com Admitted To Practice Before The IRS YOUR HOME HEALTH CARE SPECIALIST Income Tax Preparation Individual, Partnerships Corporations,Trusts& Estates 561-799-7090 Fax:561-459-8057 721 U.S.Highway 1,Ste.220 11501 Ellison Wilson Rd.,Suite NE gloriamaldenkaplan.com North Palm Beach,FL 33408 KILLED CARE, North Palm Beach,FL 33408 gloriamaidenkaplan @comcast.net Toll Free: 1-877-331-7737 Lic.#299991947 INC. • Office: (561)845-7737 Medicare Certified Fax: (561)845-7882 ACHC Accredited Agency JOAN FLAUr3H Tax Planning&Preparation Accounting Services IRS Representation ~ r ANNE GERAGHTY - NEAL ��F `= CSAP-IDEN Certified Public Accountant SILK ACCEsSORIE U.S. Highway 1,Suite 102 Office:(561)882-0350 North Palm Beach,FL 33408 Fax:(561)882-0226 1201 L).5 HWY I E-mail:agncpa @aol.com agn @agncpa.com - ' - Village Tavern and Banquet Facility Village of North Palm Beach • Resident_Appreciation Coupon The Village Tavern, located • inside the North Palm Beach I Country Club is open to the • • public for lunch daily and I breakfast on the weekends! There is also a 20% off Lunch Items • meeting/banquet room that can accommodate I Dine in or Take out your special event or holiday party up to 120 (excluding all alcohol products) • people! I Good Thru 12/31/2013 Call now (561)-691-3424 and reserve the date for the upcoming holidays! Host a breakfast meeting, birthday party, wed- ding, anniversary or any other special occasion in the banquet room overlooking the golf course. Please visit our website at NPBCC.org for menu selections and the banquet services. • A, Golf - Lee Stroever, Director of Golf Season is almost here and now is the time to come For further information please call 561-818-3216 / out and play. Whether you have been off for the 561-262-4609 or email a evildog-5250(a-gmail.corr. summer or playing every week, we hope to see you soon. We will be hosting our annual NPBCC Junior Open We are hosting two tournaments this month that will on Sunday, October 13. This event is for children be fun for everybody involved. ages 7-18 and will be contested in five different divi- sions. The $30 (ages 13-18 / 18 holes) and $15 On Sunday, October 20 we are very excited to host (ages 7-12 / 9 holes) will include green fees, walking the 5t" Annual 4 person Scramble to help support the fees, range balls, snacks and prizes. Wounded Warrior Project. The shotgun start will begin at 1:30 p.m. and will be followed by dinner. For more information about the golf course and up- The total cost is $140 per person which will include coming events please visit our website at golf, food and prizes. www.NPBCC.org or call the golf shop at (561) 691- 3433. ?/illaye of ll/ovfl,'Palm beach ' •� �• '• ' � •� ?/ilh9e Cvti�cil Village Hall 501 U.S.Highway One ' North Palm Beach,FL 33408 William L.Manuel • ; 841-3380 Mayor www.viUage-npb.org Darryl C.Aubrey Village Hall Hours:M-F,8am-5pm Vice Mayor Country Club , Robert A.Gebbia Golf Shop 691-3433 1 , - _ I President Pro Tem Pool 691-3427 Tennis 691-3425 David B.Norris Restaurant 691-3430 " ._ ; • , oil Councilman Community Development 841-3365 ' _ ,• �, Doug Bush Finance 841-3360 ._ _ � �, Councilman Library 841-3383 Public Safety: Ed Green Emergency 911 i i Village Manager Non-Emergency 848-2525 • ,, , Melissa Teal,CMC Public Works 691-3440 • Village Clerk Recreation '41-3386 Anchorage Park 841-3386 Village Council members can be Community Center 841-3389 contacted through the office of the Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by Village Clerk's Office 841-3355 email at councilgvillage=pb.org Village Historian 841-3371 *All meetings are held at the Village Manager's Office 904-2122 Village Hall,501 US Highway One and are open to the public* : I 4 . 1 I LIDea9 LuIed 44-JON