03-09-2004 Official Election Results ** OFFICIAL ** CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FL STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH We, the undersigned, Barry M. Cohen, County Judge, Theresa LePore, Supervisor of Elections, and Karen Marcus, Chair of the Board of County Commissioners, constituting the Board of County Canvassers in and for said County, do hereby certify that we met on the 10~' day of March, A.D., 2004, and proceeded publicly to canvass the votes given for the office and persons herein specified at the Presidential Preference Primary and Municipal Election held on the 9~' day of March, A.D., 2004 as shown by the returns on file in the Office of the Supervisor of Elections. We do hereby certify from said returns as follows: For VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH -COUNCILMAN -GROUP 1 (NON PARTISAN) the whole number of votes cast was 1,953 of which number ED EISSEY .received 1,311 .votes ED 'SKITCH' MOORE .received 642 .votes For VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH -COUNCILMAN -GROUP 3 (NON PARTISAN) the whole number of votes cast was 1,918 of which number MANNY GRINN .received 802 .votes DON NOEL .received 1.116 .votes COUNTY JUDGE SUPE OR ELECTIONS CHAI MA .BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Total ballots cast in the Village of North Palm Beach was 2,005 for a 22.31 percent turnout. 4E~.pOFU.F~O ,~P d' ~9~0 0 9 ~-- ~. OF pp~ Palm Beach County 240 SOUTH MILITARY TRAIL WEST PALM BEACH, FL 334'1 5 POST OFFICE BOX 22309 \NEST PALM BEACH, FL 334'16 THERESA LePORE Supervisor of Elections March 20, 2004 TELEPHONE: (561 ] 656-6200 FAX NUMBER: (561) 656287 \NEBSITE: w~nnni.pbcelections.org FAXED TO: 561-881-7469/ORIGINAL MAILED 03/20/2004 Kitty Kelly, Village Clerk VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH 501 U.S. Highway #1 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Dear Kitty: Attached please find the OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION of the Election Results from your March 9, 2004 Municipal Election. The original is being mailed to you today. If you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, Theresa LePore Supervisor of Elections Palm Beach County, Florida /tal attachment (1)