2002-27 Commercial PUD at 401 NL Blvd. (Self-Storage Facility)ORDINANCE 27- 2002 AN ORllINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALMBI;ACI1, FLORIDA, CREATING A COMMERCIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ( CPUD)FOR A MIXED USF. REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT UPON THOSE CERTAIN LANDS CONSIS77NG OF3.10 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED AT 401 NORTHLAKE130UI,EVARD WITHIN THE VILLAGE AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED AND MADE A PART HEREOF; SAID LANDS "I'O 131:D};VL'LOPI:D ]N ACCORDANCEW[TH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ENTITLED NOK771LAKF. BOULEVAKD MIXED USE REDEVELOPMENT PROJEC7"' ATT'ACIII; DHIsRF,1'O AS COMPOSITE EXHIBIT "B" AND WHICH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARI:EXPRESSLY MADE A PART HEREOF; PROVIDING FORA LANDSCAPE PLAN WITH AUTOMATIC IKRIGATION; PROVIDING THAT ALLINFRASTRUCTURF.IMPROVF.MEN" fS SIlAl,l, BI: I'KIVATE AND MAINTAINED BY THE FEE SIMPLE OWNER; PROVIDING FORRI?VIEW AND APPROVAL OF DEED RESTRICTIONS BY THE VILLAGEAT"I'OKN}; Y PRIOR TO RECORDATION IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS; SETTING FORTHREQUIRFMF?N"1' S IO BI; MEiT BY THE PETITIONER PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE INITIAL BUILDINGI'LKMI"1'; PROVIDING FOK TIME OF COMMENCEMENT AND TIME OF COMPLETION FOR1'HI? CPUD; PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY SIGNAGE BY THE VILLAGE PLANNING COMMISSION; PROVIDING PROCEDURE FOR MODIFICATIONS TO THf;CI'IID; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAI, OFAI, 1.ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOK ANEFFEC"I'IVfi DATE.B}? 17' ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE Oh NOKTII PALM BEACH, FLORIDA:Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby create a Commercial Planned Unit Development (CPUD) for a mixed use redevelopment project upon the lands described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a pari hereof, said lands comprising3. 10 acres of land, more or less, located at 401 Norihlake Boulevard within the Village of North Palin Beach. The underlying zoning of the CPUD is C-1, Neighborhood Commercial District, as provided byAppendix C-'Coning of the Code of Ordinances of the Village of Norih Palm Beach.Section 2. The CPUD shall be developed in accordance with the plans and specifications as set forth in the Index attached hereto as Composite Exhibit "B" and expressly made a part hereof. In addition to the plans and specifications set forth as Composite Exhibit "B", the following requirements shall A. The fee simple owner shall maintain at its expense all landscaping buffers specified on the plans between the development and adjacent properties. B. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any structure or building upon the real property described in Exhibit "A", the Petitioner shall file a final landscape plan with automatic irrigation consistent with the approved CPUD Landscape Plan for the CPUD. In the event there is any conflict between the terms of this Ordinance and any Exhibits attached hereto, the terms of this Ordinance shall prevail. Section 3. All infrastructure improvements shall be private and shall be maintained by the fee simple owner at the sole cost and expense of the fee simple owner rather than by the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 4. All deed restrictions, if any, shall be furnished by the Petitioner to the Village Attorney for review and approval prior to such documents being recorded in the Public Records of Palm 13cach County, Florida. Section 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any structure or building upon the real properly described in Exhibit "A", the Petitioner shall provide the Village with a performance bond, letter of credit, escrow agreement or other acceptable surety agreement in a form approved by the Village in a sum of money prescribed by the Village and shall be posted with the Village of North Palm Beach to assure the completion of drainage and utility improvements required for the CP1JD. Upon completion of all drainage and utility improvements required Tor the CPUD, the Village shall release said performance bond, letter of credit, escrow agreement or other surety agreement. Section 6. 7'he development of the CPUD shall be commenced within one (1) year from the effective date hereof. The CPUD shall be completed within two (2) years thereafter. If Petitioner fails to commence development or complete development as required, the CPUD and underlying zoning usage of C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District, shall remain until such time as theI'ctitioner secures renewal or amendment of development, which renewal or amendment shall be in the discretion of the Village Section 7. All temporary signage of the CPUD must be approved by the Planning Commission without the necessity of advertisement or public hearing. Section 8. Prior to construction, all applicable approvals and permits shall be secured from all appropriate regulatory agencies. The drainage plan must comply with South Florida Water Management llistrict permit requirements. Copies of all approvals and permits shall be placed on file with the Village. Section 9. No Building Permit for the CPUD shall be issued until the placement and relocation of all utility lines and utility easements have been approved by the utility providers and in accordance with Village regulations. No structures shall be erected over a utility easement unless approved by the applicable utility. Sectiar ] 0. Under no circumstances shall the CPUD ever contain more than Seven Hundred (700) storage units. Prior to Village issuing Petitioner or its successors or assigns an occupational license for an ensuing fiscal year, Petitioner shall provide Village with such business records and other documentation that will establish that the total number of storage units does not exceed Seven Hundred (700). Section 1 1. Modifications to the CPUD that are determined to be minor by the Village Council may be approved by subsequent Resolutions without the necessity of review by the Planning Commission, advertisement or public hearing. Modifications that shall not be considered minor include, but shall not be limited to the following: 1) Change in access to the property; 2) Any variance to the C-1 Zoning regulations;3) Any increase in the height or size of buildings;4) Relocation of parking lots;Section 12. All references to Petitionerand/or fee simple owner, together with all requirements of this Ordinance shall apply to and be binding upon the successors and assigns. Section 13. No Building Permit for the CPUD shall be issued until the drainage and paving plans shall be approved by the Village Engineer and all other building requirements of the Village of North Palm Beach Code and requirements of other governmental agencies, if necessary, shall be met. Section 14. Prior to the issuance of the first building permit within the CPUD, Petitioner shall deliver to the Village a Unity of Title in requisite form to be approved by the Village Attorney, requiring the lands described in Exhibit "A" to be developed in accordance with the Exhibit "B" plans and specifications. Petitioner shall not be required to file a plat for this Planned Unit Development. Section 15. If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is for any reason held by a Court to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 16. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 17. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage. I'1,ACED ON FIRST READING THIS 12th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2002. I'],ACI;ll ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS 26th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2002. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 26th DAY OFSEPTEMBER, 2002. 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