2007 Public Safety Annual Report2007 Annual Report
The Village of North Palm Beach
Department of Public Safety
Annual Report - 2007
Prepared By Chief Steve Canfield, Director of Public Safety
2007 Public Safety Department Annual Report
Mission Statement
The Village of North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety has one specific goal; to provide
the best possible police, fire and emergency medical service to the residents and guests of this
community. While simply stated, this is a complicated and evolving process that requires
initiative, motivation, professionalism and dedication by the entire team.
During 2007, the department changed Directors after the previous Director, Jimmy Knight, was
hired as the Village Manager. On May 14`x', Chief Steve Canfield was hired to direct the
organization, bringing with him twenty five years of professional law enforcement experience.
His goal was to continue with the positive changes that had been made over the past several
yeazs and to keep the Department moving forward in a professional and progressive manner.
The Department completed their annual inventory of all asset property. All items aze accounted
for and the inventory list is up to date.
Web Site
The Department completely re-did its web site utilizing a new and improved format. Many
updates were made enabling viewers to easily browse through the site and gather needed
information. The entire site was transferred over to the Village's Web page and has become a
part of that program in 2008.
Employee Recognition
The Department realizes the value ofrecognizing employees that make a significant contribution
to this agency or the citizens they serve. Supervisors are encouraged to provide written
commendations for any noteworthy events and management selects employees for a monthly and
an annual recognition.
During the yeaz, a total of 141 letters of commendation were received by our employees that
came from citizens, outside agencies and from in-house staff. Additionally, three of our
employees received the prestigious Life Saving Award when they saved two men from
drowning. Employees are selected each month to receive the "Employee of the Month"
rewgnition and winners have their names and pertinent information displayed within the
building. Additionally, they receive a special parking spot for an entire month. At the end ofthe
year, an employee is selected from each of the two Department Divisions as the employee of the
Police Department Information
Calls for Service
During 2007, the department received a total of 20,868 calls to our dispatch center. This
includes calls from citizens and department staff that were received via phone or by radio
transmission. This data includes 6,622 traffic stops, 700 fire /rescues transfers, 502
disturbances, 746 alarm calls and 789 suspicious persons. Of these calls, 1,518 required a
written report.
Crime Reduction
The Police Department worked very hazd this year to look for new and innovative ways to
continue with the crime reduction plans that were already in place. From these initiatives and
hard work by staff, a significant reduction occurred. I am very pleased to report that crime was
reduced by 29% during the year. There were less robberies, aggravated assaults, burglazies,
larcenies, and motor vehicle thefts than the year before. While numbers are important, what this
really means to the residents, businesses and visitors to the Village of North Palm Beach, is that
there were one hundred and sixteen (116) less victims of crime than the previous year. Even
though these numbers are exceptional and decreasing, the department will wntinue to look for
additional ways to continue with our crime reduction plan.
Part I Crime occurrences
.Offense 2006 2007- .Percentage Change
Forcible Sex 1 1 0
Robbe 21 14 -33.3%
A ravated Assault 29 15 -48.3%
Burgla 101 64 -36.6%
Larcen 213 161 -24.4%
Motor Vehicle Theft 32 26 -18.8%
Total Offenses 397 281 -29.2%
PartlCrime Occurrences
250 -
~ ~ - ~ ^ 2006
0 2007
50 - -
Forcible Sex Robbery Aggravated Burglary Larceny Motor Vehicle
0% Change 33.3% Assult 36.6% 24.4% Theft
Decrease 48.3% Decrease Decrease 18.8%
Decrease Decrease
Arrest Data
One of the tools used in crime fighting is for police to arrest those that aze involved in criminal
behavior. Officers and detectives are obligated to make legal and quality arrests of individuals
that are prone to commit crimes within the community. Road patrol officers are instructed to
enhance patrols in azeas where crime is occurring and aze also provided with vital intelligence
information concerning known criminal offenders. As our patrol tactics aze changed, criminals
are identified and arrested. Detectives aze given crime analysis information that helps them
identify and locate suspects responsible for criminal activity. As a team effort, the police
department made a total of 507 arrests in 2007, 147 more than the previous yeaz noting a 40%
Additionally, apprehending persons driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and those
involved with narcotics use, was an additional priority for our staff. Driving while intoxicated
arrests increased from 13 to 36 and narcotics offense arrests increased from 138 to 236.
Arrest' 2006' 2007 .Percentage Change
Forcible Sex 1 1 0
Robbe 14 7 -50%
A ravated Assault 15 14 _6.7%
Bur la 19 21 +10.5%
Larcen 22 34 +54.5%
Motor Vehicle Theft 8 9 +12 5%
Total Index Crimes 79 88 +g,g%
Total Part (Crimes/Arrests
. ' . ^ 2006
~ ~. .. ^ 2007
Arrests 2006 Arrests 2007
Part II Crimes/Arrests
Arrest Charg®
2007 • ..;
Percentage Change. '
Sim le Assault 38 32 -15.89%
Dru Arrest 138 236 +71.00%
Embezzlement 2 4 +100.00%
Fraud 12 16 +33.3%
Forge 3 2 -33.3%
Drivin Under Influence 13 36 +176.99
Total Part II Crimes Arrest 206 326 +58%
Total Part II Crimes/Arrests
Arrests 2006
Arrests 2007
' Crime Clearances
An important component of the police department is the ability to solve and cleaz crimes after
' they have occurred. To accomplish this task, it takes a team effort but much of this
responsibility lies with the Criminal Investigations Unit. Once a crime occurs, a uniformed
police officer responds to take an initial report and collect evidence and other information. From
' there, the case is assigned to a trained detective for a follow up investigation. Detectives aze
trained in vazious investigative techniques and utilize many different resources to assist in
developing useful information. During 2007, the department realized a crime cleazance rate of
I 26%. Interestingly, according to the Uniform Crime Report published by the Florida
Department of Law Enforcement, Palm Beach County noted a clearance rate of l 8.7% in 2006
and 18.9% during the first six months of 2007. The state average for these same time frames
' were 21.8% and 22.2%. The below chart indicates specific Village of North Palm Beach
cleazance rates for crime categories, noting a significantly higher standazd than the county and
' state averages.
2007 Clearance Rates
Clearance-Rates Occurred Cleared %Cleared
Violent Crimes 30 16 53%
Non-Violent Crimes 251 57 23%
Total Crimes 281 73 26%
Zg% Clearance Rate
Crime Prevention Unit
The Crime Prevention Unit's philosophy is to work in
partnership with the community to solve problems and protect
life and property. A major component of fulfilling this
philosophy is to look for ways to keep crimes from occurring
in the first place. This is accomplished by providing crime
prevention programs that aze designed to heighten citizens'
awareness, provide important educational programs, and to
build partnerships with the different community groups,
businesses and houses of worship. During 2007, the following programs were offered by the
Crime Prevention Unit:
Alen Bulletins: Crime and information alert bulletins are distributed to residents and business
owners to notify them of current crime trends and prevention strategies. The philosophy is to
create an atmosphere of awazeness that reduces the chances of our residents and business owners
from becoming victims of crime. This prevention strategy is accomplished by a park, walk, and
talk technique and by distributing flyers, faxes, and email. A total of 2020 documents were
Cell phones to seniors: Unwanted cell phones aze collected
and donated by the police department to senior citizens
throughout the azea for emergency use. A total of 12 cell
phones were distributed.
Crime Opportunity Cards: A cazd is issued to a
citizen/vehicle/residence/business if a law enforcement officer
observes the opportunity for a potential crime to occur, i.e.
valuables left in plain view, doors unlocked, etc. This is done in an effort to eliminate the
criminal's opportunity to commit the crime and prevent the citizen from becoming a victim A
total of 255 crime opportunity cards were issued.
Gun Locks: Thousands ofpeople are killed annually in the United States by firearms being used
or stored in an unsafe manner. This program provides citizens with a lock to secure a firearm
We were able to provide 75 free gun locks to our citizens.
Magnets: Provided free to citizens to encourage them to call and report suspicious activity to the
police department. This magnet allows citizens to have easy access to the phone number and
will allow an immediate call to be made without the delay of looking up the information. 184 of
these magnets were distributed.
Neighborhood Watch: Preventing crime in our community is
a shared responsibility between the police and our residents.
Neighborhood Watch has been entrusted with the responsibility
of empowering Village residents to keep their neighborhoods
safe. Safe neighborhoods and crime prevention education of
our residents, is our challenge and our goal. The program
encourages the citizens of the Village to become actively
involved with the Police Department through practicing crime
prevention techniques and reporting came or suspicious
activity. A total of 27 Neighborhood Watch/ HOA meetings
were attended and three new watch programs were
supplied starter kits.
Operation Chill: Officers reward children doing a good deed
(wearing a bicycle helmet) by giving them a coupon for a free
Slurpee at the local 7-Eleven. 38 of these coupons were distributed by staff.
Operation Safe Kids: Designed to provide education and awazeness to children about
preventable and dangerous situations. This assembly style presentation teaches children how to
identify potential dangers, protect themselves from abuse, abduction and exploitation through a
series of interactive scenazios. The presentation empowers children with the information, tools,
and support they need to be safe, without frightening them. It teaches them how to use their
instincts, intuition, and common sense to make smart choices, not scared reactions when
confronted by danger. A total of 180 workbooks were distributed and 215 children were
fmgerprinted so that parents have a permanent record of their child.
Safety Awareness Training Seminars: The concept
behind our Safety Awareness training is to empower
individuals and to encourage them to work as a team with
law enforcement officers. They are taught how crime
prevention relates to them and how to anticipate and
recognize their crime risk potential. Citizens aze educated
and provided information on a variety of topics including
personal safety, child safety, Internet safety, gun safety,
identity theft, and how to protect their home and vehicle
from burglary. A total of 38 training seminars were conducted providing each attendee with
information on the topic and disseminating 150 Booklets, 164 Brochures and 70 Packets.
Security Surveys: Offered Free to local businesses and residents for the purpose of determining
existing physical and procedural weaknesses in order to reduce or eliminate exposure to criminal
opportunity. A total of 12 surveys were conducted.
We're Watching Program: Encourages business owners
and employees to "Watch Out" for their business to prevent
criminal activity. 16 new businesses were enrolled in this
Workers On Watch (WOWj: This program encourages the
many employees of the Vi]]age to remain vigilant and
immediately report any suspicious activity to law
enforcement. This program is a cooperative effort between the Department of Public Safety and
the other entities within the Village to help prevent crime and assist with quality of life issues.
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Noteworthy Chanties
Employees aze encouraged to use initiative and look for better policing methods. Because of
this, several noteworthy changes occurred that resulted in new ideas and enhancements to
existing programs. Several of these programs aze listed below.
Training Updates: The department has worked hazd this yeaz to enhance our training programs.
There is a proven correlation between good training and good performance. Our training
division has developed new goals for the officers and has begun presenting these classes.
Officers now receive additional firearms training, the use of shooting simulators to enhance
shooting skills and decision making, along with vazious other classes that enhance their abilities.
This is a multi-year plan that will continue throughout 2008 as well.
Accident Reduction: The department did notice an increase in vehicle accident cases during
2007. Since the safety of our citizens is pazamount, we looked at ways to decrease this activity.
Our Crime Analysis Unit now reviews accident data to determine where and when accidents aze
occurring. From this report, our resources aze deployed to these locations in an effort to teach
and educate our motoring public. Additionally, we have developed a system to track any
complaints that come in (either internally or from residents) and accumulate statistical data of
our responses.
Crime Analysis: The Police Department had a great need to incorporate a crime analysis
component into our crone reduction plan. During the budgetary process, this new position was
approved and in October, 2007, was filled. The Crime Analyst Unit provides support to the
entire department while tracking crimes and crime trends and helping develop plans for us to
better deploy our resources. Additionally, the Crime Analysis Unit networks with surrounding
departments, sharing crime information. One of the unique programs implemented is a known
offender tracking program The analyst has created a list ofsubjects that are involved in criminal
activity and known to frequent our jurisdiction. When crimes occur, officers aze able to review
this list by location, name, or crone category, to determine if any known offenders live within the
area. They can also use this data base to help research possible suspects that have similaz arrests
or patterns of criminal behavior.
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Crime Scene -~ehicle: The department now has a fully
functional Crime Scene Van. This unit, which began as a
' retired EMS vehicle, has been converted into a multi use
vehicle. The Crime Scene Vehicle has the needed equipment
to process most any scene and to collect evidence that may
' assist in the apprehension of a suspect. The vehicle is also
outfitted to serve as a mobile command post if the need arises.
Electronic Upgrades: The department upgraded the softwaze
that runs our Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and report writing programs. All officers now
utilize an electronic format for police reports and these documents are stored within records
using a paperless system. This new format also allows staff to easily track the status of a report
and to review it online as well. Each police vehicle is now equipped with its own laptop for
report writing and easy access to crime and records information.
National Accreditation: The department is in the process of achieving national accreditation
through the Commission for Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies. (C.A.L.E.A.) This is
a process that began several years ago and we aze now close to achieving this goal. A
tremendous amount of work has been completed in this endeavor by our staff and led by our
accreditation manager. The Department has put into place numerous policy changes to ensure
that we aze following "best practices" and complying with National standards. We are providing
weekly roll-call training on topics of need to staff and have completed an inspection of all of our
components. The actual on-site inspection is scheduled to take place beginning April 20`n
Radio Upgrades: The department is one of two Palm Beach County police agencies that still
I utilize a VHF radio system: Our present system does not allow us the interoperability necessary
during joint operations, times of emergency, or when working cases outside of our jurisdiction.
There have been several occurrences of late that have negatively impacted our safety and
I operational ability. During 2007, Command Staff met with numerous radio companies and radio
experts to gather the necessary information to make the best rewmmendation concerning the
conversion to an 800 mhz radio system
Safe School Plan: The department has completed a school operational plan that helps prepaze us
in the event of a problem at one of our schools. We now have floor plans, diagrams,
photographs and other important information for each of our educational facilities. All of our
staff have this information available to them, which has been downloaded into patrol laptops, so
that everyone is able to respond in the most appropriate manner.
Noteworthy Cases
During 2007, there were several noteworthy cases that brought
attention to the Village ofNorth Palm Beach.
Credit Card Theft: In January 2007, an auto burglazy was
reported at the North Palm Beach Country Club. The victim's
purse containing several credit cards was stolen. After neazly
ten months of follow up, trying to identify the suspects from
surveillance video at the Country Club and locations where the
stolen cazds were used, the city of Altamonte Springs
responded to our intelligence bulletin with information which
enabled us to identify the suspects.
Embeulement: In April 2007, we received a report of embezzlement from a local business and
through the investigation found that the stolen funds exceeded $100,000. Rewrds were obtained
from numerous sources and the suspect was arrested a week later. The case research and
thorough investigation continued after the arrest to help ensure successful prosecution of the
Sexual Battery: In July 2007, the Road Patrol and Detective Bureau responded to and
investigated a sexual battery in Sanctuary Cove that involved kidnapping and robbery. Through
a coordinated effort with uniformed officers, detectives, crime scene investigators and the victim
herself, the suspect was arrested within 12 hours of the time the crime occurred. He remains in
custody to date.
Home Invasion Robbery: In July 2007, officers responded to and investigated a home invasion
robbery on Country Club Drive in which the victim was bound and terrorized. This case had
unknown defendants who ended up being from Dade County. By networking with agencies from
three counties, all three perpetrators were arrested and the vehicle stolen in the crime was
Police Department Goals for 2008
The Department will continue to provide the best possible service to the citizens and visitors of
this community. To continue in this endeavor, our training wmponent will continue to grow and
improve. Our Crime analysis wmponent will continue to provide the officers and detectives
with the information that they need to best do their jobs and keep the criminals off of the streets
ofNorth Palm Beach. One ofour priorities for 2008 will be to better track vehicle accidents and
the data related to them and to take the appropriate actions to decrease these accidents. Our
Community Policing Unit has plans to provide more awareness classes for women and children,
to help protect them and keep them safe from crime. Our hopes are to educate all of our citizens
so that they too can partner with us as we strive to make this community safer for all.
Fire Rescue Division Information
The Fire Rescue Division is tasked with providing emergency medical service, fire prevention
and fire suppression services to the residents and guests ofthe Village. Ow goal is to provide the
highest quality service possible in a cost effective manner.
During 2007, the Fire Rescue Division responded to a total of 1554 calls for service. 1,113 of
these were medical calls and 441 were Fire calls. A further breakdown reveals 38 structure fires,
13 vehicle fires, 181 false alazms, 118 vehicle crashes and 17 hazardous material calls. The
majority of our responses (72%) aze emergency medical calls; these range from slips and falls to
heart attacks and stroke. For the sewnd yeaz in a row, vehicle fires have accounted for the
lazgest increase in dollar loss. This year we incurred an above average number of boat fires;
these high value properties wntributed to an estimated dollaz loss of $1,098,350.
Fire Rescue Calls 2006 vs 2007
1600 _ 1554 '
^ 2006
800 ^ 2007
400 '~
TotalCalls Fire Calls Medical Calls
(2.4% Increase) (2.2% Decrease) (4.4% Increase)
In an effort to maintain the Heart Safe City Award received last yeaz, ow Assistant Chief, Jack
Watrous continues to train all new Village employees in CPR and use of our Automatic External
Defibrillators (AED).
This was our first yeaz having a full time Fire Inspector. Kim Cawley is a State certified
Municipal Fire Inspector and provides annual inspections for existing businesses as well as
occupational inspections for new businesses. Because of this new addition, inspections increased
from 376 in 2006 to 1,450 in 2007.
' Passing on fire safety knowledge is key to maintaining a safe
Village. In 2007 the Department conducted twenty-two (22) fire
I station tows combined with safety lectwes. We also provided a
presence and distributed fire safety information at the National
Night Out block parties. Our main event was the Annual Safety
I Fair held during Fire Prevention Week at the station. On that
day, we hosted over a dozen health and safety organizations that
provided an estimated 500 residents and guests with literature and
important information.
The Department continues to maintain a fast response time to our
calls for service. During 2007, the average response time for
calls was 5:43, substantially lower than the 8:00 minute county
mandate. The times noted include the calls that aze responded to
outside of the Village as part of our mutual aid agreement. If you
remove these outside calls for service from the equation, our average response time within the
Village ofNorth Palm Beach is actually 4:49.
Fire Rescue personnel support the community in other ways as well; by participating in the
Heritage Day festivities, Independence Day, Holiday Boat Pazade, delivering Santa Claus azound
the Village by fire engine, Veterans' Day ceremony, the MDA Boot Drive and the MDA Chili
Cook-ot~ which our team won this year.
Maintaining our personnel at a high level of readiness is
pazamount to providing high quality service. In 2007, 6,223 hours
of training were completed including flashover awareness, marina
fire training and recertifying all personnel in International
Trauma Life Support; we also had three of our personnel graduate
PBCC as new paramedics.
1. Replace the rescue ambulance that has the worst maintenance/reliability history with a new
unit to ensure the best level of service to our customers.
2. We currently have two EMTs in pazamedic school due to graduate this yeaz and one who has
graduated and is awaiting his state boazd. This leaves only one currently employed EMT. Our
goal is to have all Fire Rescue personnel to become State certified pazamedics.
Fire Rescue Goals 2008
' Departmental Summary
' The Village of North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety is proud of the work that they
performed for our citizens during 2007. This was accomplished by a dedicated group of
individuals that take pride in their work and in their community. Our goal is to not just handle
calls but to look for ways to solve problems. It is truly a team effort between our staff and the
citizens of this community that make this the best place to live and work under the sun.