JUNE 13, 2013
Present: William L. Manuel, Mayor
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Vice Mayor
Robert A. Gebbia, President Pro Tern
David B. Norris, Councilman
Doug Bush, Councilman
Ed Green, Village Manager
Leonard Rubin, Village Attorney
Melissa Teal, Village Clerk
Mayor Manuel called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. All members of Council were present. All
members of staff were present.
Brian Wolfe, Manager, Evergreen Solutions, LLC, gave a presentation entitled "Market Study
Results Update." Mr. Wolfe summarized the original market survey findings included in the
Compensation Study. Mr. Wolfe provided a market comparison chart of key jobs using data from
the Evergreen Study, League of Cities Salary Survey, and PEPIE (Public Employers Personnel
Information Exchange) Salary Survey. Mr. Wolfe identified the municipalities and public entities
that responded to the PEPIE and League of Cities surveys. Regarding employee turnover due to
insufficient pay, Director of Human Resources Loren Slaydon distributed a list of positions by
department, encompassing the past three years, in which pay was cited during the exit interview
as the reason for leaving. Mr. Wolfe reviewed the pay plan recommendations and implementation
options. Mr. Wolfe summarized the cost of the various options for salary adjustments.
Discussion was held regarding salary adjustments of 7% to 2 %, based quartile placement within the
pay range, with first quartile employees receiving the highest increase and fourth quartile employees
receiving the lowest increase. Evaluations and performance -based pay increases were discussed.
Mr. Green discussed the current evaluation form and moving to the use of a web -based system
with more definitive criteria for evaluations. Mr. Green estimated the cost of a web -based
system at $17,000.
Mr. Wolfe reviewed the eleven position classifications that are most below market and proposed
a 10% salary adjustment for each position to achieve market equity. Discussion ensued
regarding equity adjustments for employees who were hired at a starting salary above the
minimum and /or mid -point of the range. Discussion took place concerning how to address
equity adjustments for top tier management -level positions, as well as comparables for these
positions. Mr. Wolfe advised that positions were compared based on job functions, responsibilities,
duties, and required education and experience. With regard to recruitment and hiring, Mr. Wolfe
discussed agency competitors versus comparators. Concerning comparing current salaries for
specific positions between agencies, Mr. Wolfe opined that salary ranges were the proper
comparison, due to the number of variables that affect actual salary. Regarding the senior
management positions, Council requested that Mr. Wolfe provide details on the job title and
salary range in each of the municipal comparables. Mr. Wolfe advised that the 10% salary
adjustment was proposed as the maximum assumption for budgeting purposes and could be
refined based on certain criteria, during the budget process.
Minutes of Village Council Workshop Session held June 13, 2013 Page 2 of 2
Discussion took place regarding pay ranges. Mr. Green suggested moving all employees to the
new pay plan, evaluating what quartile they are in, and making salary adjustments based on
quartile placement. It was requested that staff prepare a graph depicting a comparison of current
and proposed salaries for each position and the quartile location.
The Finance Director will prepare the FY 2014 Budget based on Mr. Green's recommendations
regarding the pay structure; Council will make adjustments during the budget workshop process
and the final pay plan, as approved by Council consensus, will be included in the budget and
adopted by ordinance.
Council reiterated the need to receive backup materials in a timely fashion, preferably a week
before the meeting, to allow sufficient time for review.
Discussion ensued on the budget workshop schedule and the requirement to set the tentative
millage rate no later than the July 25, 2013 Regular Session.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
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Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk