08-15-2013 PB Post_North Palm building vets memorial NORTHERN PALM BEACH COUNTY AND THE TREASURE COAST THURSDAY AUGUST 15 2013+
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A weekly section of The Palen Beach Post
North Palm
building vets
memorial .
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Thas begun on the city's Veterans
I Memorial Park,which Is being
' built on a 1-acre lot next to the
village library.Officials expect
the project to be completed in
- - - — - - time for a planned Veterans Day
opening in November.BRUCE R.
»Story,PAGE 5
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Construction be.-pins on veterans memorial
Park in Village of
North Palm Beach _t„
to honor military.
ByFaranFagen :1 j
Special to The Palm Beach
A brick walkway,11
rative plaques,a trel-
lis plush with vegetation -
and six flagpoles bran-
dishing emblems of all
branches of the military
are among the features _-
of the veterans memori-
al being constructed in
the Village of North Palm -
The city has many ties
to the armed forces and - :
wanted a visible center-
piece to symbolize its
longtime support.
"It's a place to go and
sit and reflect,ifyou
want,on the history of
our veterans,"said Mayor
Bill Manual,who served
in the Navy.
"it will be very deco-
rative and very colorful.
We're very excited about
it and looking forward to
getting it done and to the
grand opening."
Construction got Lin- Constructlan is underway at what will be Veterans Memorial Parkin North Pal each.BRUCE"ENNETT/THE PALM MACH POST
der way on July 22 and
the city council wants the
memorial completed in Darryl Aubrey(Navy),ei- community sent dona- in a recreational account stage is planned that the of North Palm Beach
time for a Veterans Day ther were In the military tions and shipped pack- that could be allocated to city council hopes can -as a community that
grand opening in Novem- or had family members ages to troops overseas. a city beautification proj- be used for functions recognizes selflessness
ber.Linking the memori- who served. I This effort is still going ect. and entertainment. and sacrifice.
al to a day that commem- "We have a lot of vet- on. "The good part is it's Trees will provide shade "We have another
orates those who serve erans in the village," "The community has not taking any taxpayers' for the ample seating veterans memorial in
in the armed forces will said Community Devel- supported these Initia- money to build,"Huff surrounding the stage our city,but it's very
make the unveiling even opment Director Chuck tives,and everything said. area.Visitors will be able generic,"Huff said."We
more special. Huff."The more we got we've heard is the com- The city also has en- to gaze at a plethora of need a true veterans park
The site of the project going with this project, munity is 100 percent be- couraged individual con- flowers in addition to you can go to and sit and
is an acre of vacant lot the more interest there hind us,"Manual said. tributions.Many of the- the many plaques and remember and think
next to the village library. was." But the Village of North plaques and bricks at the artwork that will grace of all the veterans who
The wish of the coun- Residents have long Palm Beach wanted to do memorial will commem- the memorial. served our country."
cil is that the memorial supported men and wom- more.The idea for a me- orate those who donate For the city,the site For more information,
completes the village hall en in uniform.In 2007, morial sprouted in 2009, and their ties to the mil- will not only illustrate visit the city website at
"complex.Several council the village initiated a and the council brain- itary. a commitment to those http://wwwvillage-npb.
members besides Man u- "support our troops" stormed funding.Luck- In addition to the who served,but affirm org/
al,including Vice.Mayor campalgil n which the ily,there was$360,000 peaceful.atmosphere,a the identity of the Village,