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FY 2013 Restaurant_Quarterly
Village of North Palm Beach Food and Beverage Operations(Preliminary) Fiscal Year 2013 Year-to-Date 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter TOTAL of total %of total %of total Sales 1st Quarter sales 2nd Quarter sales 3rd Quarter sales Year-to-Date %of total sales Food&Beverage $103,904.60 69% $114,865.59 66% $100,210.47 66% $ 318,980.66 67 Liquor 47,813.66 32% 59,303.83 34% 50,905.28 34% 158,022.77 33 Miscellaneous Revenue (36.19) 0% 395.58 0% (82.52) 0% 276.87 0 Total Sales 151,682.07 100% 174,565.00 100% 151,033.23 100% 477,280.30 100 Expenses: Cost of Goods Sold-Liquor 14,021.53 9% 19,393.24 11% 17,221.81 11% 50,636.58 11 Cost of Goods Sold-Food&Beverage 42,634.18 28% 46,129.67 26% 38,421.64 25% 127,185.49 27 Personnel 90,482.17 60% 85,284.49 49% 89,218.82 59% 264,985.48 56 Other operating 57,363.10 38% 39,467.23 23% 28,350.52 19% 125,180.85 26 Capital - 0% 2,250.00 1% 16,67187 11% 18,923.87 4% Total Expenses 204,500.98 192,524.63 189,886.66 586,912.27 Net _LM $ (17,959.63) $ (38,853.43) $(109,631.97) (*See below) Liquor COGS as%of Liquor Sales: 29% 33% 34% 32 Food COGS as%of Food Sales: 41% 40% 38% 40 Inventory on hand at end of current period: Liquor Inventory 10,431.58 Food&Beverage Inventory 8,159.00 Total Inventory on hand $ 18,590.58 (*)Non-recurring costs: Safety Compliance $ 2,014.85 Upgrade Fire Suppression System 3,935.16 Beverage Cart Purchase 13,746.40 All-Site Construction(costs related to half- way house construction) 5,177.47 Painting of Bar&Banquet Room 3,495.00 Carpet Replacement 12,367.60 Total $ 40,736.48