JUNE 2013 Country Club Preliminary_as of 7-10-13 The Village of North Palm Beach Country Club Budget Summary 3rd Quarter Ending June 30,2013 **PRELIMINARY** . 3rd Quarter Ending 613012013 FY 2013 %of budget Prior Year Actual Golf F&B Admin Total Budget (Target 75%) June 2012 9/30/2012 REVENUES Driving Range $ 230,604 $ 230,604 $ 209,026 11032% $ 214,368 $ 257,123 Membership 560,999 560,999 623,580 89.96% 626,991 627,433 Cart Rental 670,981 670,981 939,400 71.43% 705,728 883,437 Walking Fees 36,101 36,101 37,520 9622% 31,989 36,143 Greens Fees 736,009 736,009 912,480 80.66% 742,862 835,366 Lessons 96,536 96,536 100,000 96.54% 80,437 100,597 Tournament Proceeds 2,354 2,354 2,716 86.67% 3,505 3,687 Merchandise Sales 128,675 128,675 140,150 91.81% 126,570 161,613 Special Events/Camps - 0 4,000 0.00% 0 0 Food&Beverage-Lease Operation - 0 0 0.00% 0 0 Liquor Sales 158,023 158,023 240,000 65.84% 161,801 202,302 Food&Beverage Sales 313,512 313,512 545,000 57.53% 326,649 410,646 Sales of Surplus 133,000 - 133,000 96,000 138.54% 0 0 Interest Earnings 4,326 4,326 7,327 59.04% 5,683 7,451 Other 63,936 5,745 3,136 72,817 91,734 7938% 53,703 64,413 Total Revenues 2,659,195 477,280 7,462 3,143,938 3,948,933 79.61% 3,080,285 3,590,211 EXPENSES Personnel: Salary&Benefits 429,982 264,985 45,999 740,966 938,748 78.93% 617,071 861,163 Operating: Accounting&Auditing - - 6,071 6,071 7,000 86.73% 5,911 5,911 Charge Card Fees 40,968 6,693 0 47,662 59,500 80.10% 47,422 60,061 Contractual Services 800,117 18,311 4,139 822,567 1,213,802 67.77% 910,733 1,211,928 Entertainment - 5,092 0 5,092 10,000 50.92% 5,005 7,238 Rental-Equipment/Uniform,etc. 1,184 11,792 2,847 15,823 22,714 69.66% 15,644 19,538 Legal Fees 11,784 11,784 7,500 157.12% 4,515 12,198 Lessons 22,898 - 0 22,898 35,000 65.42% 20,420 23,622 Marketing&Advertising 14,960 452 0 15,412 45,000 3425% 15,679 18,932 Materials&Supplies 26,885 10,749 3,599 41,234 65,675 62.78% 41,591 49,075 Merchandise 76,145 177,822 0 253,967 388,000 65.46% 247,535 319,299 Repairs&Maintenance 19,652 25,559 0 45,211 76,424 59.16% 23,905 41,429 Solid Waste Disposal 6,648 6,646 0 13,294 14,450 92.00% 13,378 13,378 Utilities 110,459 32,379 3,530 146,368 217,202 6739% 157,717 210,311 Other Operating Costs 8,535 7,508 2,978 19,021 43,000 4424% 22,168 36,798 Capital: Capital Outlay - 18,924 0 18,924 53,639 3528% 15,000 15,000 Debt&Other: Debt Service 199,079 199,079 398,151 50.00% 197,450 394,900 Golf Cart Lease 183,221 183,221 234,183 7824% 56,426 75,235 Insurance-Prop&Gen Liab 32,760 32,760 43,881 74.66% 29,898 39,864 Contingency 0 0 75,064 0.00% 0 2,000 Total Expenses 1,940,733 586,912 113,707 2,641,353 3,948,933 66.89% 2,447,469 3,417,879 Revenues over(under)expenses $ 718,462 $ (109,632) $ (106,245) $ 502,585 $ - $ 632,816 $ 172,332 Rounds 33,929 48,000 35,190 48,201