JULY 2013 Country Club Preliminary_as of 8-8-13 The Village of North Palm Beach Country Club Budget Summary 10 Months Ending July 31,2013 **PRELIMINARY** 10 Months Ending 713112013 FY 2013 %of budget Prior Year Actual Golf F&B Admin Total Budget (Target 83%) July 2012 9/30/2012 REVENUES Driving Range $ 248,411 $ 248,411 $ 209,026 118.84% $ 229,906 $ 257,123 Membership 562,484 562,484 623,580 9020% 625,030 627,433 Cart Rental 731,149 731,149 939,400 77.83% 772,169 883,437 Walking Fees 38,023 38,023 37,520 101.34% 33,448 36,143 Greens Fees 772,259 772,259 912,480 8463% 778,118 835,366 Lessons 112,201 112,201 100,000 11220% 86,967 100,597 Tournament Proceeds 2,419 2,419 2,716 89.07% 3,510 3,687 Merchandise Sales 139,397 139,397 140,150 99.46% 137,458 161,613 Special Events/Camps - 0 4,000 0.00% 0 0 Food&Beverage-Lease Operation - 0 0 000% 0 0 Liquor Sales 176,987 176,987 240,000 73.74% 177,756 202,302 Food&Beverage Sales 344,689 344,689 545,000 6325% 361,601 410,646 Sales of Surplus 133,000 - 133,000 96,000 138.54% 0 0 Interest Earnings 5,199 5,199 7,327 70.96% 6,318 7,451 Other 65,989 6,371 3,477 75,837 91,734 82.67% 59,606 64,413 Total Revenues 2,805,331 528,047 8,676 3,342,054 3,948,933 84.63% 3,271,886 3,590,211 EXPENSES Personnel: Salary&Benefits 472,820 291,124 51,021 814,965 938,748 8681% 712,629 861,163 Operating: Accounting&Auditing - - 6,071 6,071 7,000 8673% 5,911 5,911 Charge Card Fees 43,794 7,516 0 51,311 59,500 8624% 51,457 60,061 Contractual Services 887,625 20,192 4,139 911,956 1,213,802 75.13% 1,010,626 1,211,928 Entertainment - 6,077 0 6,077 10,000 60.77% 6,183 7,238 Rental-Equipment/Umform,etc. 1,184 12,896 3,153 17,234 22,714 75.87% 16,923 19,538 Legal Fees 11,942 11,942 7,500 15922% 5,635 12,198 Lessons 29,290 - 0 29,290 35,000 83.69% 21,822 23,622 Marketing&Advertising 15,509 462 0 15,971 45,000 3549% 16,568 18,932 Materials&Supplies 30,826 11,833 3,664 46,324 65,675 70.54% 42,983 49,075 Merchandise 95,351 194,318 0 289,669 388,000 74.66% 274,327 319,299 Repairs&Maintenance 25,857 26,029 0 51,885 76,424 67.89% 24,946 41,429 Solid Waste Disposal 6,648 6,646 0 13,294 14,450 92.00% 13,378 13,378 Utilities 120,504 35,986 3,889 160,379 217,202 73.84% 175,879 210,311 Other Operating Costs 9,115 7,546 3,129 19,790 43,000 46.02% 22,682 36,798 Capital: Capital Outlay - 18,924 0 18,924 53,639 3528% 15,000 15,000 Debt&Other: Debt Service 199,079 199,079 398,151 50.00% 197,450 394,900 Golf Cart Lease 195,726 195,726 234,183 8358% 62,696 75,235 hisurance-Prop&Gen Liab 36,400 36,400 43,881 8295% 33,220 39,864 Contingency 0 0 75,064 0.00% 2,000 2,000 Total Expenses 2,133,330 639,549 123,408 2,896,287 3,948,933 73.34% 2,712,312 3,417,879 Revenues over(under)expenses $ 672,001 $ (111,502) S (114,732) S 445,767 $ - S 559,574 S 172,332 Rounds 37,392 48,000 38,913 48,201