08-2013 Newsletter0 I H I ,� LM,B,E'*, � I AS4. OPQA At ' i' �iitlry �� • r ., S r . I i �• yam• { V, L NY Y '( � r:�, ,�a(�C J `.' i III / �r•. y_. mar- S.t� � , � \ S �•� r �Y �!'. ,� . e Best, r a. ,►re- to,: e Under the Sun �r�yM� r�% ��� r r •� ti ii• Village Manager / Police A Message from the Village Manager —Ed Green .� Recently, we discov- ered an opportunity to obtain a fairly signifi- cant grant to re -light the ball fields at Os- borne Park. It re- quired that our staff and RMPK, our grant consultant, get a pro- posal together in a matter of days to be eligible. We submitted our proposal and made the deadline just in the nick of time. In June, we were notified that we had received the grant. It is a "no match" grant through the Florida Department of Agricul- ture and Consumer Services that allows us to replace our traditional high sodium lighting system with low con- sumption "smart lamp" technology. In addition to not having to pay a dime for the new lights, they will save us approximately $3,500 per year on energy costs. This is a great example of the opportunities that are avail- able to the Village if we are armed with the right infor- mation and have the resources to respond quickly. The project will be completed on August 30th and will greatly enhance our sports program at Osborne Park. J"k MA LL41 i4 v Police News The North Palm Beach Police Department would like to in- form all residents that distrac- tion thefts are occurring in the local area These crimes are being committed by male and females in groups of two or more in which the thieves pose as landscapers, plumbers, pest control and even city workers to gain the trust of the targeted victim. Their mode of opera- tion is typically to take the victim to their backyard while the second and/or third person enters into the residence. Once inside they search for jewelry, cash, silver cutlery, and other valuables. These groups typ- ically target elderly residents. The key to prevention is to understand the method of operation and not to allow yourself to become distracted by thieves that attempt to lead you to your backyard. If you find yourself in contact with individuals that match this description, do not let your guard down and immedi- ately contact the police department. North Palm Beach Police Department urges all resi- dents to confirm the identity of any and all workers before allowing them onto your property or into your residence. On behalf of the Village Council, Mayor William Manuel presented Sta Lustig, C with certificates in recognition of their service to the Village on the Audit Committee. Ivaldi, and Ed Stone MR= Pg. 2— Village Manager / Police 561- 841 -3380 LIBRARY PROGRAMS Mondays, 1 – 4 P.M. KNIT AND CROCHET— Bring a project and knit or crochet with others in a friendly library setting. For all who knit, crochet, macram6, embroider, needle- point, tapestry & more. Basic knitting and crochet skills are recommended. Monday, August 5 at 3:00 pm Writers Workshop. In this 90- minute session we will explore, read, discuss, and practice writing haiku, a very short, centuries -old form of Japanese poetry that celebrates the bond between poet and nature. Monday, August 12 at 10:30 am What Shall I Read Next? A readers advisory seminar /workshop. Bring a list of your favorite authors or books. Find books by authors who write about subjects you like. In -class and take -home practice exercises. Consultations with the librarian to help you find your next great read. Learn about Books & Authors, a free In- ternet resource that matches readers preferences with books. Bring your own laptop computer or follow along. Presented by library staff. Tuesday, August 13 at 1:00 pm A Book and A Movie: The classics in print and in film. Join us at North Palm Beach Library for a Neighbor- hood Classic Movie. Discussion following the movie. Call 841 -3383 for more information. Tuesday, August 16 at 2:00 pm Seminar: Protecting assets and long -term care. Presented by Shalloway & Shalloway, P.A., elder and special needs attorneys. CHILDRENS SERVICES - STORY TIMES Friday, August 2, 2:00 PM Game Day – Refreshments and games will be provided or bring your favorite game. Family Movies Thursdays at 2 pm • Aug. 1, Movie: A Bug's Life • Aug. 8 and 15, Movie: TBA Tuesdays at 11 am ; Baby Time- 20 minutes of fun and games, stories, with movement and development activities for baby. Ages 9 – 18 months. STORY TIMES Tuesdays Ages 2 -3 (40 min.) 10:00 AM Thursdays Ages 3 -4 (40 min) Each program is carefully prepared with age- appropriate materials, with themes that are filled with stories, puppets, flannel board stories, music, movies and crafts. Ages 6- 12,Space is limited, Sign up required Tuesdays at 11 am -Baby Time.: 20 minutes of fun and games, stories, with movement and development activities for ba- by. Ages 9 – 18 months. STORY TIMES Tuesdays Ages 2 -3 (40 min.) ; 10:00 AM Thursdays Ages 3 -4 (40 min) Each program is carefully prepared with age- appropriate materials, with themes that are filled with stories, puppets, flannel board stories, music, movies and crafts. Saturday, Aug 3 and 17; 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. —Chess for Kids. Learn the fundamentals. Ages 7 -10. Contact: Patty Antolik 624 -1045 for more information www.village-npb.org FVolunteer Spotlight Dianne Reeves volunteered for an bring two sets of grandparents here, so that speaks to advisory board position in 1987, and how much we like living here. she's been a member of the Zoning - Curtis Witters volunteers his time on Board of Adjustment ever since. Di- two Village Boards. Curtis volunteered anne served as Chair (2008 -2010) for the Zoning Board of Adjustment in and Vice Chair (1993 -2007) and is 1992; finding that he enjoyed working presently a regular member. Dianne _ with Village staff and the other Board is committed to our community and -- - members, he's stayed on the Zoning working with other residents to try to _ Board for over twenty years, serving address issues of concern to home- as Chair since 2010. An avid golfer, owners and the Village. A NPB resident since 1983, Di- Curtis is interested in maintaining/ anne's hometown is Cody, Kentucky. Dianne and her !f' improving the Country Club as a Vil- husband, Dr. Joel Cohen, have three adult children; two lage resource. Curtis volunteered to are lawyers and the youngest just graduated from col- serve on the Golf Advisory Board and he's been an al- lege. Growing up in NPB, the kids were involved in the ternate since 2011. Curtis is a native of West Point, New Village's summer camps and swim programs. Dianne York, and a NPB resident for 23 years. Curtis and his and Joel are long -time NPB Tennis Club members, and wife, Claudia, have two children; daughter and son are Dianne enjoys travel, bicycling, tennis, boating, reading. both college students. Curtis received his undergradu- Dianne received her MBA from University of Miami, ate and law degree from the University of Florida and is Bachelors in Psychology from FL International Universi- a family law attorney and partner in the law firm of ty, and a Nursing Science degree from PB State Col- Glickman, Witters & Marell, P.A. lege. She works as a development officer for Florida Atlantic University with an office on the John D. MacAr- First paying job and what you learned from it? Con - thur Campus in Jupiter. Dianne says "It is rewarding to struction laborer during the summer in New York City. I garner support for the Wilkes Honors College students learned that I wanted to stay in school! and other campus programs and engage community Best business /career or other advice you've re- leaders." ceived? Follow your conscience. First paying job and what you learned from it? Your favorite childhood memory or activity? Baby sitting and dog sitting as a teenager: I took these Family vacations at my grandparents' home in Coral jobs very seriously as I realized that people were en- Gables and fishing at their place in Big Pine Key. trusting to me the things of greatest personal value to Your favorite local attraction /lunch spot /restaurant them. in North Palm Beach? Palm Beach County? Best business /career or other advice you've re- We are regulars at Mondo's and enjoy Seasons 52, ceived? Everyone encounters adversity along their Limoncello, and Captain Charlie's. career path. It is how one handles adversity that truly Favorite place to take out of town guests? reveals one's character. (and ... Success has many fa- If they haven't been, we sometimes take friends to one thers; failure has one scapegoat.) of the restaurants in Palm Beach. Your favorite childhood memory or activity? What do you do /where do you go to get away from it Exploring the Appalachian woods with cousins was all? Sanibel, Key West, or St. Augustine. great fun and allowed our imaginations to run wild! If you could go anywhere on a vacation would it be? What do you do /where do you go to get away from it Great Britain, France, or Italy. all? We are boaters and fish quite a bit, so it's nice to Your hobbies and /or pastimes? go out and enjoy the water... it really clears you to be My wife and I enjoy working around the house and gar - able to talk about any subject away from the usual dis- dening. tractions. What was the last sporting event you went to? What do you see ahead for North Palm Beach and/ I attended the Honda Classic for the last several years. or Palm Beach County and /or Florida? I have season football tickets to see the Gators and oc- NPB remains a wonderful community with an excellent casionally see the Marlins and the Heat. mix of ages, from singles to young families to working professionals to retirees. The village offers programs of What do you see ahead for North Palm Beach and/ interest to many constituencies and is responsive when or Palm Beach County and /or Florida? there is a concern. Our public safety and services are In the 23 years that we have lived here, we have seen outstanding for a community of our size and I truly be- many new neighbors. Some are families that were lieve that people care about NPB just look at the many raised as children in the Village and want to raise their people who are volunteers and /or attend meetings to children here as well. That speaks to the great quality stay informed. We raised our family here and helped of life we enjoy. A1/ (If, )I) P M1 F7\1 701� J 1 1k Wine Workshop Are you confused by wine? Do you know how to read a wine label? What type of wine goes with specific dishes? These questions and many more can T be answered by Bob Burchill aka "The Wine Guy" in a fast moving discussion on how to navi- gate your way through the sometimes overwhelming world of wine. How to choose, serve, taste and enjoy wine will be presented in a fun and lively format. After this night, you will be able to buy wine with confidence from any store, and describe what a wine tastes like. The class is designed to appeal to everyone from the wine novice to the connoisseur. Intermediate and advanced wine topics will be discussed. The more knowledgeable wine con- sumer can bring their understanding up to the next level. This workshop will be held at the Anchorage Park Activi- ties Bldg on Tuesday, Sept. 17 from 6:30 -8:00 pm. Fee is $17/$15(RDF). Register online or in person now! Summer Pool Party Summer Friday evening pool parties continue at the NPB Pool through August 17 from 6:30- 10:00. Invite your friends and plan on being there! Food and drink available. Admission: $1 /person. No personal coolers allowed. Anchorage Aweigh Fishinq Tournament The 8th Annual Anchorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament will be held on Saturday, August 17, 2013. Entry fee is $150 /boat. This is a fun, family event. We hope to have 50 boats participate. Each team consists of a captain and 3 anglers. We will have awards for largest trout, sheeps head and snapper in the Inshore Division and for king, dolphin, wahoo, mutton snapper and grouper in the offshore division. Awards will be for juniors and adults. This year we have added a Kayak Division to the fishing tournament. Entry fee for this is $35 and legal inshore fish are trout, sheep head, redfish and snook. The picnic begins at 4:30 pm and awards at 6:00pm. This is a great day not only for fishermen, but for anyone looking for a good time. Please join us! Entry forms can be obtained at Rec- reation Centers or on the recreation pages at www.village- npb.org. Kids Fishing Derby Hey Kids! Join us for a seawall Fishing Derby on Saturday, August 17th at 2:00 pm at Anchorage Park. Catch & release! Kid who catches the largest fish wins a wonderful prize!!! No need to pre- register — just show up! Bring Mom & Dad and then join us for a Picnic in the Park after the fishing derby & tournament. Awards will be present- ed at 6:00 pm. Registration for Fall Activities We are now registering for all Fall Activities and Classes. For a complete schedule, visit www.village- npb.org (departments -parks & rec- activity registration). Fall Co -Ed Soccer Registration: Late registration for the fall soccer leagues continues at Anchorage Park Activi- ties Bldg. Registration fee is: $85/R $95 /NR. For league availability, to coach or to sponsor a team please con- tact Mary Romero — 841 -3389 after 2pm International Coastal Cleanup The Village of North Palm Beach is participating in the International Coastal Cleanup 2013, sponsored by Keep Palm Beach County Beautiful, on Saturday, Sept. 21 from 8:00 am until noon. We are encouraging residents to join the efforts to clean our public areas. You can organize a group to do your street, a park or the waterfront areas by boat or by land! We are looking for volunteers! Community service hours given to school students! Call 841- 3386 to sign up to help! See the Village website for even more activities! www.village-npb.org HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR PUTTING SKILLS We all know how important putting is to shooting lower scores but what do you do to improve this part of your game? Below you will find a few key items to keep in mind for the next time you hit the practice green. Putting Fundamentals: 1. Alignment — The putter face should be aimed directly where you would like the ball to start (this is called the target line). Then stand with your feet, knees, hips and shoulders parallel to the target line. 2. Speed — Place a club 18 inches beyond the hole. Putt towards the hole with the goal of the ball finishing against the club. This drill can be used for both short and long putts. 3. Putter Path — Find a straight 5 foot putt on the practice green. Make a gate just a little wider than your putter head with two clubs or alignment stick (see picture at right ). Practice hitting putts with the club head staying between the clubs. Now it's time to put in the practice. Good luck! Lee Stroever, PGA Director of Golf North Palm Beach Country Club FIRE SAFETY AND KITCHEN FIRES Know the Problem -In the U.S., 366,600 home structure fires are respond- ed to annually -Of those, 2,570 people died and 13,210 injuries oc- curred -The cost was $7.2 billion in direct damages -92% of all structure fire deaths resulted from home fires -The number one cause of home fires; cooking equip- ment /cooking; according to the NFPA 2013 The Team Approach Tips for the home What we do or don't do in our homes makes a big dif- ference in whether we experience an unthinkable fire. It takes everyone in the home working together to pre- vent a cooking fire. - Attend your cooking. Stay in the kitchen when you are frying, grilling, or broiling food. If you leave the kitchen for even a short period of time, turn off the stove. - If you are simmering, baking, roasting, or boiling food, check it regularly, remain in the home while food is cooking, and use a timer to remind you that you're cooking. - If you are alone and have to leave the kitchen for a moment, take a timer or something that reminds you to come back and attend the cooking. - Avoid placement of any items near the stove; decora- tions, food packages, oils, potholders, towels (paper or cloth), plastic appliances and paper /plastic items on the refrigerator near the stove. These items can easily catch on fire. Keep the stove and vents clean. - If you have a fire, cover the pan with a lid from the side, turn the stove off and do not move the pan. - NEVER USE WATER. - Push the "off" button if a fire starts in a microwave. Keep the door closed. - For small children, consider creating a "kids no -play zone" within 3 feet of the stove. This will help pre- vent fire and burns. 7- know what to do. Get out '¢ the safest way possible, go to the family meeting place and then call 911 from out- side the home. Remember, smoke is deadly. Support Your Local Businesses tattx R .� rq Advertise Your Village Business .Here! Tax Planning & Preparation Accounting Services IRS Representation ANNE GERAGHTY - NEAL Certified Public Accountant 745 U.S. Highway 1, Suite 102 Office: (561) 882 -0350 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Fax: (561) 882 -0226 E -mail: agncpa @aol.com agn @agncpa.com ALLYSQN PEREVEkZOFF North Palm Beach. Real Estate Specialist GOI DEN BEAR ,i R E A L T Y. L L C r 1 N T E R N A T I O N A L I + M©kle 561.352.3311 lr . Altyson @goldcn6arkomes.com [MBEACON CONSTRUCTION GROUP GENERAL CONTRACTOR B CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS Joe [DeSlva DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS 648 U.S. 1, SMITE 1 - NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 Tel: 561.845.5130 - Fax. 561.845.5129 - Cell: 561.254.6803 EMail: Joe @beaconconstructiongroup.com EdwardJanes MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING Vittorio Bertuzaelli Financial Advisor 818 U.S. Highway One Suite 1 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Bus. 561-776-0846 TF.877- 822 -8672 TF Fax 877 -781 -2294 Cell 561- 315 -0614 vittorio .bertuzzelli @edwardjones.com www.edwardjones.com GLORIA MALDEN KAPLAN, Enrolled Agent Admitted To Practice Before The iRS Income Tax Preparation Individual, Partnerships Corporations, Trusts & Estates 561 -799 -7090 Fax: 561 -459 -8057 11501 Ellison Wilson Rd., Suite NE gloriamal den kaplan.com North Palm Beach, FL 33408 gloriamaldenkaplan @comcast.net YOUR HOME HEALTH CARE SPECIALIST 721 U.S. Highway 1, ste. 220 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Toll Free: 1- 877 - 331 -7737 Office: (561) 845 -7737 Fax: (561) 845 -7882 rKI_L__LEjCARE, Lic. #299991947 INC. • Medicare Certified ACHC Accredited Agency Dentist General Dentistry and Cosmetic Adrian Guerra DDS 429 NORTHLAKE BLVD.,STE.3 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 Office (561) 844 -6146 Cell (561) 685 -5150 www.amgdentalgroup.com I I Marcello Leal t� ASE R11 p` tone �Q+,' L rtG�(11t� � i Vl�+ rSi► 05% Cp�7 ►netS� 401 Northlake Blvd Suite 8 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 OFFICE: 561.366.7007 FAX: 561.366.7092 wvnv. kitcheng roniteploce.com ENGLISH, SPANISH & PORTUGUESE Regular Garbage Pickup Schedule Mondays - Garbage only Tuesdays- Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation Wednesdays - Garbage only Thursdays - Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling Fridays - Garbage only Advisory Board Meeting Schedule Audit Committee ................... .............................on call Business Advisory Board ................. ............................TBD Code Enforcement Special Ma isg trate ........................on call Construction Board of Adjustment ............................on call Golf Advisory Board ..............2 "a Monday, monthly, 6:30pm Library Advisory Board ...........4`b Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm Pension Board - General Employees ..........................on call Pension Board - Police & Fire .... .............................on call Planning Commission ..............I" Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm Recreation Advisory Board ........2 "d Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm Waterways Board ...............next to last Tuesday, monthly,4:00pm Zoning Board of Adiustment .......... .............................on call Upcoming Council Meetings Thursday, August 8, 2013, 7:30 pm Thursday, August 22, 2013, 7:30 pm 80b££ 73 `H3V:4g WrlVd H.L -dON Nold.Lvd riv LSOd aseal/d C y k� 80P££ 'I3 `H3V:4g NrlVd H,L -dOK apAooU I AVAA,HOIH 'S'II IOS H:4 LZ:I'ISA, :4N :49Vrl IIA