08-08-2012 VC B WS-Mi
AUGUST 8, 2012
David B. Norris, Mayor
William L. Manuel, Vice Mayor
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., President Pro Tern
Robert A. Gebbia, Councilman
Doug Bush, Councilman
Ed Green, Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk
Mayor Norris called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present.
All members of staff were present, except the Village Attorney. Finance Director Sarnia Janjua,
Community Development Director Chuck Huff, Building Official Jim Brown, Village Planner
Jodi Nentwick, Library Director Betty Sammis, and Information Technology Director Michael
Applegate were present.
The purpose of the meeting was to review the proposed FY 2013 Community Development,
Library, Village Council, Village Clerk, Village Attorney, and Village Manager departmental budgets.
Mr. Green noted that fund balance continues to increase and suggested Council may wish to
consider additional capital projects
Mrs. Janjua provided an update on SERMA (Southeast Risk Management Association) costs
related to claims incurred prior to October 1, 2006. Due to the significant reduction in the actual
deficit assessment ($23,597) versus the amount budgeted for FY 2012 ($125,000) Mrs. Janjua
has revised the estimate for FY 2013 to $25,000.
Mrs. Janjua reviewed the changes to the General Fund budget.
• $777,221 reduction for removal of priority #1 and #2 capital items
• $77,639 reduction in SERMA deficit assessment
• $28,674 reduction for removal of short-term disability insurance
• $10,152 increase for part-time code officer change in hours from 20 to 30
• $200,407 revised contingency
Mrs. Janjua reviewed the changes to the Country Club budget.
• $883 reduction for removal of short-term disability insurance
• $129,317 revised contingency
Mr. Green reviewed the third quarter financials.
• combined Community Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement budget expenditures
were $696,847 at 3rd Quarter ending 6/30/12
• Community Planning budget expenditures were $253,999 at 3rd Quarter ending 6/30/12
• Building budget expenditures were $366,406 at 3rd Quarter ending 6/30/12
• Code Enforcement budget expenditures were $76,442 at 3rd Quarter ending 6/30/12
• Library budget expenditures were $483,262 at 3rd Quarter ending 6/30/12
• Village Council budget expenditures were $99,099 at 3rd Quarter ending 6/30/12
• Village Clerk budget expenditures were $228,672 at 3rd Quarter ending 6/30/12
• Village Attorney budget expenditures were $119,045 at 3rd Quarter ending 6/30/12
• Village Manager budget expenditures were $196,877 at 3rd Quarter ending 6/30/12
Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 8, 2012 Page 2 of 3
• $941,242 total revenues
(� • $812,896 combined personnel costs
• $57,692 combined operating costs
• $40,000 combined capital outlay
• $910,588 combined total expenses; 8.71% or $72,975 increase over FY 2012
• 8 full -time employees, 2 part-time employees
• $139,050 total revenues
• $221,405 personnel costs
• $24,370 operating costs
• $22,000 capital expenses to replace 1 vehicle
• $267,775 total expenses; 16.10% or $37,138 increase over FY 2012
• no personnel changes
• 2 full -time employees
Mr. Huff noted that cell tower rental income increases by 3% per year. Mr. Huff reported an
increase in contractual services due to Munis software support, and an increase in professional
services for annexation studies related to the Ellison Wilson Road and western annexation areas.
Mr. Huff explained the need for two new vehicles.
• $788,892 total revenues
• $479,851 personnel costs
• $23,497 operating costs
• no capital expense
• $503,348 total expenses; 3.14% or $15,323 increase over FY 2012
• no personnel changes
• 5 full -time employees, 1 part-time employee
Regarding Building Department revenues, Mr. Huff noted that the revenue generated from
business tax receipts and penalties is deposited into the General Fund, while revenue from permit
fees may only be used for enforcement of the Florida Building Code.
Discussion took place regarding the proposed Water Club project (formerly known as Domani),
consisting of 2 multi - family high -rise buildings and 20 townhomes. Mr. Huff reviewed the
anticipated increase in building department revenue for fiscal years 2013 -2015, resulting from
permit and inspection fees for this project. Mr. Huff detailed the estimated ad valorem revenue.
• $13,300 total revenues
• $111,640 personnel costs
• $9,825 operating costs
• $18,000 capital outlay for 1 vehicle
$139,465 total expenses; 17.25% or $20,514 increase over FY 2012
• $10,152 to increase part-time employee hours from 20 to 30 hours per week
• 1 full -time employee, 1 part-time employee
Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 8, 2012 Page 3 of 3
• $28,803 total revenues
• $516,931 personnel costs
• $158,063 operating costs
• $211,653 capital outlay to replace roof and air conditioning handler
• $886,647 total expenses; 30.98% or $209,705 increase over FY 2012
• no personnel changes
• 6 full -time employees, 10 part-time employees
• $50,462 personnel costs
• $96,288 operating costs (includes $18,628 cost allocation for Inspector General)
• no capital expense
• $146,750 total expenses; 0.27% or $396 increase over FY 2012
Discussion ensued on the cost allocation for the Inspector General. Mrs. Janjua confirmed that
this expense could be encumbered if not paid by year -end.
• $271,647 personnel costs
• $26,730 operating costs
• no capital expense
• $298,377 total expenses; 3.52% or $10,156 increase over FY 2012
• no personnel changes
• 3 full -time employees
• $170,000 operating costs; no increase from FY 2012
• $255,377 personnel costs
• $15,170 operating costs
• no capital expense
• $270,547 total expenses; 2.23% or $6,167 decrease from FY 2012
• no personnel changes
• 2 full -time employees
Mr. Green noted that conference and travel expenses had been eliminated for FY 2013.
• part-time code compliance officer hours increased to 30 hours per week
j With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk