08-08-2012 FY2013 Comm Dev-Library-Council-Clerk-Attorney-Manager 8-8-2012.ppt [Compatibility Mode] R n -
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����. FY 2012
August 8th - FY 2013 Budget Workshop
TONIGHT'S - To do List!
1 . Housekeeping items
2. Review the CURRENT fiscal year budget as it relates to the
following departments:
Community Development
Village Council
Village Clerk
Village Attorney
Village Manager
3. Workshop the PROPOSED FY2013 Budget as it relates to the
Departments mentioned above (including each department's
5-year Capital Improvement Plan)
FY 2013 ,
�� SERMA Update
FY 2013 Budget changes to date :
General Fund
Country Club
Budget *
SERMA u pd ate
Effective October 1 , 2006, the Village discontinued its participation in
the Southeast Risk Management Association (SERMA). However, as
a former participant in SERMA, the Village is liable for claims incurred
through September 30, 2006.
• For the FY 2012 budget, the estimate from SERMA was not
available. An estimate of $125,000 was budget based on past
experience ($124,375 in FY 2011 ). However, the actual deficit
assessment was received yesterday. . . $237597. A savings of
$101k for FY 2012! This will increase the estimated savings for
Fiscal Year ending 09/30/12 from $662k to $763k.
• For the FY 2013 Proposed Budget, an estimate was not available
so this deficit assessment was estimated at $102k. Based on the
actual amount received for FY 2012, the estimate is being revised
to $25k (a savings of $77k).
FY 2013 ,
General Fund Changes
Fri 2012-2013
Beginning Contingency 103:614
Discussion and Bndgetai-.
Consensus Change: As Proposed C ORSeRSUS s Revised Impart'
Ttiiillage reduced to 7-12 mils by 1'eiw6 7ng
Pnonty#1 &Q capital items 1D,829,893 (,16,559) 10,053,3D4
- (776,589)
Short Term Disability Insurance removed 25,674 (25,674) -
Part-Time Code Officer cbanged from 1-0
hours per n4 eek to 30 hours per week 20,304 10,152 3G-.456
SEILMA Deficit Assessment reduced 1D2,639 (77,639) 25,000
Priority 91 &42 capital items removed
(targeted to use OIP Funding) 777,221 (7T7,221) -
- 873,38"2
Net Bud ge tat';-Impact 96,793
Ending Contingency S 200,407
• Need an additional $74,057 to reduce millage from $7. 12 mils
to rolled-back rate of $6.9990 mils!
FY 2013
Budget 9 O dons will be discussed at budget-recap workshop.
C ounhIv Club C ha a;e;
FY 2012-1013
Beginning Contingency 128434
Dheussion and Budgetar}-
C OMeESUS C hanee: AS Proposed C OUSeRM5 As Re6sed ImRact
Shmi Term Disability Insurance rem ed S$3 (883)
Net Budgetar} Iinpacr 883
Ending Contingency S 129,317
FY 2013
FY2012 Budget Review:
*Community Development
*Village Council
*Village Clerk
*Village Attorney
*Village Manager
FY 2oi3 ,
FY2#f2 3rd Quarter Ending Target: 75%
The Village of Forth Palm Beach
PreLinrivan-General Fund Budget Summax--
Third quarter Ending June 30,2012 ZZ
Resised 2012 46 of Reiiwd Budget Mor Year Actual AckLal
Third Quarter Ending 6.30x12 Budget (Target 7,4¢t,) W30111 49 30111 093OVIO
General Government:
Village Council 99,099 146,354 67.71% 100,325 131,637 120,125
Village Manger 196,877 296,714 66.35°: 217,761 332,845 290,024
Hiunan Resources 170,454 241,358 70.62°: 171.688 226.868 233,169
Finance 377,191 533,708 70.67% 374,739 499,456 495,766
Information Technology- 225,326 336,789 66.w0' * 215,807 289,297 285,410
Village Attorney 119,045 170,000 70.030f: 135,272 159,692 153,356
Village Clerk 228,672 288,221 79.34% 206,157 26$_039 273,634
General Senioes-Village Hall 113,537 1,530,201 178,552 63.59% 82,547 145,595 95,376
Comnnmit5-Developni &.Flemming:
Camomiwity Plan 253,999 406,536 62.480/: 154,146 241,625 217,798
Building 366,406 488,025 75.050/0 346,599 462,171 460,089
Code Enforcement 76-442 616,547 118,951 64.26% 66,979 95,464 96;234
LeLure Semites=
Library 483,262 676,942 71.39% 465,124 635,661 685,936
Recreation 701,076 1,002,295 69.95% 652,023 935,580 933,273
Park viamtenance - - 0.00x% - - -
Pool 225,750 292,786 77.1MO 295,543 444,259 306,58I
Special Events 60,578 87,000 69.63°: 52,940 76,068 77,666
Tennis 297,133 1,767,800 388,436 76.49 ': 322,497 396,988 402,968
Community Development: 68.76%
Library: 71.39%
Village Council: 67.71%
Village Clerk: 79.34%
FY 2013 Village Attorney: 70.03%
Budget Village Manager: 66.35°/x,
Proposed FY2013 Budget
*Community Development
*Village Council
*Village Clerk
*Village Attorney
*Village Manager
FY 2oi3 ,
The Vilbp of Forth Palm Beach
General Fund Budget Summar'v
Fiscal Year 2012-2013
Irtripfal Original Fiscal 9{o Increase 1
Year 2012 (Decrease)over 2012 Acrwd _s ctnal actual
Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Budget Budget 09,30,11 09130x10 09.30.09
General Governmoent:
Village Council 146,750 146,354 0.27% 131,637 120,125 122,653
Village Manger 271,032 276,714 -2.05% 332,648 290,024 272,974
Human Resources 279,292 241,355 15.72% 226,668 233,169 217,419
Finance 549,653 533,705 2.99% 499,456 495,766 464,076
InfarmationTechnology 335,746 336,759 -031% 289,297 285,410 282,303
Village Attornen' 170,000 170,000 0.00°fo 159,692 153,356 134,083
Village Clerk 299,025 288,221 3.75% 268,039 273,630 254,655
General Senice5-Village Hall 111,209 2,162,740 175,552 -37.72% 105,595 95,376 102,892
Conaunuaty Development&Plante:
ConimiuutyPlanning 265,307 230,637 16.33% 241,625 217,798 216,708
Building 504,437 455,025 336% 462,171 460,089 461,905
C'odeEnforcemenf 139,665 912,409 115,951 17.41% 95,464 96,234 105,874
Leisure Senices:
Lik aiy 557,651 676,942 =1.1= 0 635,661 685,936 767,271
Recreation 1,023,868 1,000,620 935,580 933,273 917,567
Paul:Maintenance - - 0.00`� - - 536,825
Pool 363,414 292,756 24.12% 440,259 305,581 395,921
Special.Events 57,000 57,000 0.00% 76,068 77,665 72,028
Tennis 475,295 23837,228 355,436 2236% 346,988 4023966 361,434
Total General Fund Proposed Budget: $18,484,863
-Community Development: $912,409 or 4.94% of total budget
-Library: $887,651 or 4.80% of total budget
-Village Council: $146,750 or 0.79% of total budget
-Village Clerk: $299,028 or 1.62% of total budget
FY 2013 -Village Attorney: $170,000 or 0.92% of total budget
Budget -Village Manager: $271,032 or 1.47% of total budget
Community Development
1 . Community Planning
d .
2 . Building Department
' 3. Code Enforcement
FY 2oi3 ,
Community Development
Director of Community development 1 FT
Planner 1 FT Building Official 1 FT FCodeGomplianceWcer 1 FT 1 PT
Building Const. Inspector II 2 FT
Permit& Licensing Tech 2 FT Building Const_ Inspector 1 1 PT
No personnel changes! �8 ate: (�Gjhanqe:
FY 2013
Capital Outlay
D ep 7 i ftri en i Amount
Public Works
Side,ATA repair-village pride 40,400
,asphalt 0%•erlay-,411eys 58.400 98.004
Vekcle Replacement(1)marked 28,692
Vehule Replacement(3)-aced 86,676 115,568
Fine Rescue
Self cantak"g breathing apparatus(27) 200,004
General Se«ices-Public Safety Suildina
Stonewaaic replacemiKLt 50,004
Community «
Roof replacement 152.000
Development. $40,000 .'C Haa&ureplacement 59,633 211,653
Community Development
I'LL icle Replacemem(1)-Code Compliance 18,400
I'ebicle Replacement(1)-Community Plmain 22,400 $0,004
Smau Bu 40.400
At Hanclerreplacement(2) 22,400
Pla}grrnmd Equip-m (*) 45,400
Kiddie Paul E,nhanrenient('') 50.400 -....
(*)Funded by N%-elaper Contributim
Total Fiscal Y L-ar 2012-2013 Capital Outlay S S"'.'21
FY 2°13 ,
Budget $872,221
Community Planning Revenues
A C Descripbou FY 013 Request
A0526-03?00 ZONI_ G&ANNE ATION FEES 1.000.00
' F
A0526-03700 RENT- CELL IOAU 137.900.00
A0526-0360' TEMPORARY BANNER FEE 150.00
: t
1 IOTAL REN-fNUES 139.050.00
Total Revenues = $139,050
FY 2013
1 I Ih,e Village of North Palm Beach
I Fl:012-2013 C;emeral Fund Budget
Muh Cammunitr Planning
Oro losrease:
Original Fiscal (Decrease}
fear ME 4ser2011 4x&4 Admol Adml
Fiscal Sear 2012-2013 ~ - Badc4t Badm 09lm1 023alU DUf3m
Regular Pas S 148.14-D S 14:3F1S 4.4. # 137,119 134474 S 116,651
$221 937 Overtone Paf - (rA - -
Pan-time Par - 148,119 0% - -
or 83°/ aeoem
0 Pemsb
ao 16,848 25,554 576 19'�k6 25}ti4D 15±a3a
Healthlusuran€e 34,1027 31,435 5% 31,735 31)6016 17.154
FICA-Medimm 11,334 ID,937 4% 9.765 4)374 866
Laing Term Di_abiIMI rmce 665 935 -20% M4 773 738
Short Term Dmabtbir Imsuraaze 532 - OrI4 - -
LiSelanurauce 134 216 -14'6 216 216 216
Wwkers Cempemsadan 256 213 H% 217 252 768
Dther - 73,768 - 0:-6 - - -
$ 221437 5 211.,131 5% $ 199,165 5 AgdA $ 1w"
A.dserrising 2_GH 3,50-0 43% 5,007 3324 1,567
Soak;,PabLiratiams A Subsagmoms 0 a 0% D 0 0
370 or Camp Plan AIM dmeote 1.50FD 3,CFM -50'A 3,000 1-5m 9D0
Cnm en€es&Semin ar} 200 0 0% D 0 50
CnmaactuaLSpnske; 5.5OD 2,9D9 9 2.50 979 3,263
9% Developer Fees 0 a 0'6 D 0 0
Emm�eering Fees 0 a (M b 0 0
Gas.00&Lubrimin 3.10H) 1336 39% 2,582 422.7 1=5
MaimjaLs&Supplies 500 4U0 15% d,655 36D 3D5
Memberships A Dum 534 550 01.4 501 531 443
.nring&Smd[gg 300 2D0 59% 123 93 71
Prafe;iiomal Spices 10.004 5,040 10(N 7,318 5981 9,615
Repave&'&Lm aance 0 0 01.� -D 0 770
SmalLBwAne;a Gramt 0 a 0'4m 5.000 0 0
Im-el le Tnkdng 0 10 0% D 0 6
Utilities 720 714 0% 1,0 3 1.144 1,446
OffierOpmdmgCast5 0 4 096 D 1} P
$22,000 or 21,37@ 18gD6 32% 34,137 17,168 26,8'&
° t apital
8% A-zemon'e 22.004 0 0=a D 0 0
C.ompmrerHa d%ue&' are 0 0 0`o- 5.123 0 0
22.0H 0 O4e 8.32 4 4
Total Expenses S 26 3 S 234,63? 1640 S 241.6w S 217,7% 21G,'.W
FY 2013 With Capital: Budget is up 16.33% or $37,670
Budget g
268937 Without Capital: Budqet is up 6.56% or $15,138
I 1800101
Capital Outlay
Vehicle Replacement Total Cost: $22,000
The 2006 Dodge Durango has met the life expectancy due to high
mileage and upcoming costly repairs. The vehicle will be replaced
with a sports utility vehicle.
FY 2013 ,
I %illa-e of North Palm Beach
om 000 5 ie ear Capital Itnpro-'eMeur P1.1 IL
FY 2011-201,
FwmL C*malFund Departmemr CommunityD*Tdopmemt Dwmor Cammmx&Flunm
FY 2013 FY2014 FY 201S FY2016 IT 2017 -�rJ
CostbTCEPYear DmdgetTear ear#1 (Year AL 2) _N3 e2r4 eat#
Description Current lu-rentarg Estimated Life
AjrAmwd4r_ S -
Span L-ttltts VREcle 2006 1 Yaws r 10a mile; Am 5 _'Vic
S -
S�wbrawlAh mvcti ke 22,006 - - - s "V20
Cam wreF 22m-dr*a.e,4r&UhFare: 5
N-W Sofxnan? 2011 $ -
"btomf Computer 22a7d'wx4?&Softwara - - -
E:rimated Total Cosr Is
Fl 2013 FY201d FY 201F FY2616 FY 2017 Total
FundingSuurce DadgetYe2r(Yemr#1) (Tear#2) (V_N3) (Year#d) (Feu#S)
vat 22 404 S 2?,004
Grant S
Other S
Es1i®ated Total Faudiae s 22,004 Is I I - I S - $ - S 22,004
?,-mmmalOperat ing Cost IncreasesCreatedbTPrnje ct S -
Desrriptiomd0peratimgImpart: NDaperafngImIu ct;VEbkl4RepImmumt Total CIP.
Fiscal Year: Total:
2013 $22,000
2014 $0
2015 $0
2016 $0
2017 $0
FY 2013
Building Department Revenues
A{C# FY 013 Request
A0619-011{}0 BUSINESS TAX RECEIPTS 227.044.00
A0619-01105 CONTRA-CI'OR REGISMATION 1,974.00
A0619-01120 BUILDING PER-VRT'S 440,000.00
A0619-01125 BUILDING PLAN REVIEW 81.800.00
A0619-03500 RE-MPEC71ON FEE 5,500.00
A0619-03501 TRA 4ING 5,200.00
A0619-03502 DIGTII2iLVG PLANS 500.00
A0619-03503 UNSt;HELIULED INSPECTIONS 1,200.00
A0619-03505 LIEN LAWNOTIFIOATIOIti 750.00
A0619-03506 IEM?CO.-CO 100.00
A0619-03507 EARLYPOWERRELEASE. 340.00
A0619-03508 DOC[ Nf --VT SEARCH 140.00
A0619-08304 PLANS&SPECS
A0619-08926 DUE TO DCA -7,044-00
A0619-M27 DUE TO DBPR 7,04-4.00
A0619-08999 -NMC.PE.ITNLT£S
T0T�U REIE--:%-LTS 788,802.00
FY2°13 ,
Budget . . Total Revenues = $788,802
1 m The Ti dac of North Palm BeaL
1 Fl 2012-2013 General Fund Budzet
POP Buil"-,
4u Iacreasei
Orig;nal Fiscal (Decrease)
Year 2012 Over 2012 Actual Actual Artm.1
Mcm]Year 2012-2013 `*Mmbp� Budget Budget 09f30+11 OA 30 14 49+30ap9
Pers v.na
$40,940 > Pa,� 3 304,667 s 340,0E1 251. f 293,6a7 287.412 S '-b'-.flil
- % M1.
Pan-dme Pay 31,137 am" 31,137 031. 39.492 31,067 29,215
Or 95%
Pensiam 59,134 57,675 331. 49,069 49-788 40,-%7
H,eOffiLiswmfe 52,674 50,149 591. 48,377 49-797 37,976
FKA-Medicue 25,659 25,318 1% 23,288 23,045 21,?-d9
Long TumDisabilitylusiranre 1,362 1,754 -2241. 1,693 1x650 1,497
Sl=TemaDisabibtginnnmce 1,059 - 054 - -
L16e lnsman€e 435 540 -19% 540 5m 513
W.OA@ez's compens2tim 4,757 4,072 17% 4.335 4,8x3 32252
Ocher - 1433136 - 01. - 1-445 7,150
$ 470,721 2% t 4al,972 $ 449,190 S 40,781
Ad-U-3g 0 4 031. 0 a 453
$23 497 Pocks.PubLicsbcros A 5nbscipnams 420 1,612 -7591. 510 865 663
7 C-0mfSeOCes&Sommn 400 400 031. 300 a a
Or 5°/ Cznftm h l Semcm 8,900 6,045 -47% 1.248 2.191 12AM
° Gas,Oil a L131=am 2,800 2,730 331. 2.399 2.7x3 1297
MBbMials&Supplies 2,000 2,000 091. 1,S29 1,955 1-542
Nfembemba s&Dues 923 367 14031. 439 378 215
Printing&Binding 300 390 MID 483 245 233
Hrpairs&Mainm=e 0 0 091. 0 84 335
Tmml&Training 2,550 2,250 13% 1,590 875 E6E
Uniforms 800 800 091. =' 578 165
C:tiuties 400 720 41% 396 1,134 :-082
CdmT Operating C'om 4,000 0 091. 0 a 249
23,497 17,404 36% 14,299 lw w 21,121
Autamcave 0 0 031.
No capital H &sods- 0 a 01.
Czn=Ktum Tz-Nfaj or R mm aflom 0 0 051.
Mwlinery&F.gWpmem 0 0 091. 0 0
0 0 044 0 0 0
Tot alF-Wemes $ 504,13? S 485,025 344 S !62,111 5 !60,088 S 461,94:
FY 2oi3 , `�
Budget � $5047437 Budget is up 3.36% or $16,412
'ld' 1 100 Village of North Palm Beach
5 Year Capital Impro vement Plan
Fy 2013-2017
Fbd- C.eneralFimd Departmemt- {ammaaity De"lepmml Dwm.Dn: Build aE
FY 2013 FY 2414 FY 2014 FY2016 FY MIT Tasxl
Cost b -CIP Year Ell deetYear(}-earn 1) (Yearn 2) esr N 3 (Year# ear a
Description CurreOtlnveOtary EstimatedIM4
4jrmnrodr: S
SID Ridcq 2405 „ ?}e' :OOk n.-=. 40.00 S 10.000
SPOET UWits Vehide 2408 1' YE,-: _',!l __-_. 2'--,601 S 2 2.000
&OWAMOMObw - - 223OW 41km S fi?-004
CoteprurP Ilsrc a a dr SaftsRare S
S -
"Nam•l Compmeer Eardwae&Saflwara - - S
Estimated Total Cost 5 - $ a0w S 40.OW 1 S 61-004
FY 013 FY2014 FY 201€ FY2016 FY b017 Tnlal
FnndiagSource Eadtet Year(Yemrn.1) T_a-=2) (FearR3) (Year#4) (Y—# j
Sing - - 44,060 S 12,944
GrRmt S
Other S
EsomatedIotal Fun"E S - S - $ "000 S AAOK I$ S 1-00
4,.mmmal Operadmg Cost Increases Created br project: S
Descripdnn of OperadmgImpact: No-operatin;Imp2d,Replmcememt Total C I P.
Fiscal Year: Total:
2013 $0 $627000
2014 $0
2015 $22,000
2016 $40,000
2017 $0
FY 2013
artmept ul 1n Future Proposed Project.
NPB Water Club
Construction of 2 multi-family high rise buildings with 20 townhomes (total
units 168)
Project is expected to commence construction in Fiscal Year 2013
The impact on ad-valorem revenue is not yet known but the anticipated
increase in building department revenue is provided below:
*Site work/Land Development: $8,900 (Anticipated FY 2013)
*Vertical Construction (Phase 1 ): $288,730 (Anticipated FY 2014)
*Vertical Construction (Phase 2): $240,000 (Anticipated FY 2015)
Note: Ad-Valorem revenue would increase General Fund Revenues but
the increase in Building Department Revenue will be restricted for the
enforcement of the Florida Building Code (per Florida Statute 553.80)
FY 2013 `
artmept ul 1n Future Proposed Project.
NPB Water Club
Estimated Ad-Valorem if all units are built-out (total units 168)
based on average of 900K per unit:
Proposed Millage of 7. 12: $333,729
Rolled-Back Millage of 6.9990: $328,057
Phase 1 will consist of the South Tower and 10 Townhomes
estimated to be completed by June 2015 with a total of 84 units.
The estimated Ad-Valorem would be:
Proposed Millage of 7. 12: $166,864
Rolled-Back Millage of 6.9990: $164,029
FY 2013 ,
e a u1Clor;�n da Statute 553.80
Revenue from permit fees shall only be used for the enforcement of
the Florida Building Code.
• Direct costs and reasonable indirect costs associated with review
of building plans, building inspections, re-inspections, and building
permit processing; building code enforcement; and fire inspections
associated with new construction.
• Also include training costs associated with the enforcement of the
Florida Building Code and enforcement action pertaining to
unlicensed contractor activity to the extent not funded by other
user fees.
Any unexpended balances shall be carried forward to future years for
allowable activities or shall be refunded at the discretion of the local
FY 2013 ,
Code Enforcement Revenues
iC # I e,4riprion FY 2013 Request
A0620-03636 COLE CITATIONS 300.00
A0620-04940 CODE ENFORCEMENT FINES 10,000.00
Total Revenues = $13,300
FY 2013 ,
Code Officer Impacts for
Commercial Districts
The Village, especially the Code Compliance Division, has
been impacted with the increased business activity and the
proactive approach to the newly established Business
Advisory Board.
As a result, there is a need for additional hours in the current
Part-Time Code Officer position. This position was originally
proposed at 20 hours per week and is being increased to 30
hours per week. The net budgetary impact is $10, 152.
FY 2oi3 ,
Update- Part-time position changed
to 30 hours per week. Change will
The �7a��renera ram Beach be reflected in final budget Net
FY 2012-2013�;euei�a�Fund suer g �
Code Enforcement budgetary impact $10,152).
eb Increase i
Or' ' a]Fiscal (Decrease)
ear 2012 o-3.-Er 2012 Artmd 3Rall 3rto al
Fiscal Year 21112-20I3 Budget Budget 0913061 09 30'10 C9 34.1}9
RaPularpay T 56,644 S 55,204 3% S 52-095 S 56,9 13 S 4ILS73
cv,E,Eme Pa} - - 0% - - -
Part-time Pay 18.547 76,191 23,139 -20% 23B - 3,751
$1119840 P®siam 11,9'74 11,509 eb 11,215 12.726 13,161
Eft! th lane 17,414 16,219 5% 15,867 15,843 13,574
or 80% FICA.14edicare 5,753 5,9W _4% 3534 3,38d 3,w
Lang Term Disability T,mran cE 254 319 -223 341 290 374
Shan T DisabilayInsmame 204 - 05b - - -
Life lasm=e 97 108 -19% 146 148 146
WarLds Campeosatiau 1,375 1,245 10% 1234 483 9,769
Other - 30,619 - Ob 443 7,477 3,575
$ 111,510 ' 113,731 -2% S 8 .'€9 S 91.48E 10%B67
3oDh3,PubLi€ahms&5libsoapu m 244 0 055 0 0 4
UmErores&Sonin c 0 0 Ob a 360 D
C;amtrartual Senjres 4,344 2,200 95% 665 792 395
$9,825 C� OW&Lubnca= 2,844 1,885 49% .159 '--,960 2,141
1 h mEnaLs&Supplies 344 IOd 200% 22-13 250 11
or 7% MHub baps&Dues 374 55 573% 130 75 125
Printing&B-&Mgg 244 IOl1 100% 0 87 0
Repairs T&Mamtm=e 0 0 055 2-059 0 61-
Trarel'&Trmnmg 755 406 8940 911 0 565
Uui6o-rms 600 301 100% 293 174 293
Utilities 304 ISO 67% 94 312 577
Ott Operating Casts 0 0 (9t 1-110 425 S54
9,825 5,2-2k �9i 9,TOS 4�sz pi-
u-=crdve 18000 4 VD
$189000 CanipunLr r &Saawam 4 4 O°.o
finsbu ti.M&Majoileam-abon 0 4 ')°.o
or 13% X ach--y&Fz� 4 4 ')°D 0 4
18,444 0 @ch C C
TatslExpemces S 139,6 5 118951 1746 S 9 ,Rid S 91,234 1 105,571
FY2o13 $139,665 With Capital: Budget is up 17.41% or $20,714
Without Capital: Budget is up 2.11% or $2,514
1010fCOM801 Capital Outlay
Vehicle Replacement Total Cost: $18,000
The 2002 S10 Chevy pickup has met its life expectancy. The
vehicle will need costly future maintenance repairs with the
frequent use by the code compliance division. The division also
has a 2000 S10 Chevy pickup but is not requesting replacement
due to low mileage & low maintenance. The 2002 vehicle has
been used as the primary vehicle in Code Compliance.
FY 2013 ,
1010 Village of North Palen Beach
5 Year Capital Lnprovetneur Plan
FY 21113-2017
FZIHL- C.enrralFmbd Departmem[: Commumih•Ueselapmemr D'nzaom: Cade Eoforrement
FY 2013 FY 2014 II 2011 FY 2016 FT 1017 Tmal
Cast b "CIP Y ear BMW Year "ear b 1] Tear m 2) fyear 4 3 (Tear r 4) —f
Descriptiom Current lwrentar; Fst mated Life
amaroo4x: 5
SID 2000(IX 2m 1 7Yam r IG&milea 15.000 `].GC] 5 38.00
5 -
5�3raraf3reaonRYC: 18-04 20.060 5 38.404
S -
E.dmated ToW Cest i 18.404 5 H.64U 5 $ 5 38.000
FY 2-13 FY H114 ':J:c FY 2016 FY 2017 Taal
Funding Source BeElptFear(Yemr#1) TPA7=" :IE:-=3' Clear#4) (4ear#5)
v in e 1 DOd s 300•"0
Grut s
Other 5
Estimated Total Fundm9 s 1 606 S `J.GCJ i S $ 5 38.0}
--UmrmalOperatimg Cost ImmsesCreatedbyPrajmL S -
Descriptionnft}ptratugImpact: Naop4 ratin;Impact:Vehir]4Replacememt
Fiscal Year: Total: Total CIP:
2013 $18,000 $38,000
2014 $20,000
2015 $0
2016 $0
2017 $0
FY 2013
The Village of 1ortb Pala Beach OA
F4 M12-2013 General Fund Budget C VG/I
Commumbry Der-elopmemKcombiaed) co �r
kL lDCre BSe;
Dri na]Fiscal v 111m se} lhb jn ent
�� Year 2012 Over 201.1 armo 3rtnrl Acv.,: �c/.
FLual year 201a-2413 Bndut Bo&et 4934,11 D9.3d,10 *93•-'e ••
Rz,�.Par 309-464 3 497,303 3f� 1 483,04L s 474,794 1 436.
$8149717 °`�� - - EPA
Paar�ePap 44-04 559111 54,276 4M 313x4 33,067 36,966
or 89%
r3zwiflo 9?.9x4 94,33a 396 79,444 88,457 87,69:
H,edihlupzaIL-e 103.71 98,905 S% MIN 97,246 7a,7LA
FICANI@cbrare 4.'_776 42,163 1% M6540 33j" 34.43[
LamgTemaDeaabiLLtslma=e 21277 2,904 -32'.6 4798 2,713 2,514
ShaotTelmDisa'ailirfla3W=e 1.;E21 DPE. - - -
L£eIm m=E! 4916 954 -ITN. 86# Fes# _-
9L-arkas r.ompenmm "n 5,530 15% %= 6937 -_--L.
Odin - 255.473 D% 443 8,525 iM.-A
$ 814,?1? $ 796,551 24t $ Wk7m $ 741AW $ 73.AU
.;Ad mmlg ',000 3,304 4316 Saw 3,329 2.424
BDAE,nubIwA;ms&Snb,� 620 1,672 -63% Fro 808 656
Camp Plan AmEadments 1,560 3,000 -50 6 3,000 2,500 9-00}
$57,692 c mi&sum 600 �4 50�: 300 360 m
Cmindual5enim 1a.760 11,145 6a% 4,842 3-W 14.677
Dewel=Fees 0 0 irA -
- -
or 6% EaF _HArq Fe e s 0 4 iM 0 0 0
Gos.Off&Lubakms a,7DO 6,551 27% 7,5.39 6$S4 6,323
MbbKLAb&5npP1ier ''-,SDO 2,300 12% 10,737 2,575 1847
51immrJmpe A D nEE 1,847 992 95% 1,= 985 832
Pr�:mg&Bmding 80o 600 33% 6]9 424 303
Prafieesibm.LFeei 1D.O00 5,000 1DO% 7,318 3_A3 9x023
Repaui-]4aiateoamre 0 0 P% 21089 84 3,167
Sria1.Ra mes;Ca= 0 0 0% 5,000 0 0
7tave]do Tiahmg 3,3D5 2,650 2S% 2,711 875 3,444
L;ryili= 1,460 1.IN 27% 815 752 458
L;obries 1,414 1,1520 42% 1,423 4581 4,405
osberOpnatmgC4st} 4,OM 0 4% 1,110 450 U4
4L.M 41% SU 1 32.02 =a.M
C apatal
$40 000 -3u°�`� 4D-OW 4 D'f0 0
f Compraw Hi rd%xe dr 5oNwe 0 0 D°r6 8323 0
or 4°/ como�o 6e NUjor R�acation 0 4 MA 0 0
0 Marhi-7AEqliip--W 0 0 l?FA 0 0 0
4(,ODd o 0% SAM • •
Tau Erpmsm S 9]2:3(9 537.6]3 0%
FY 201-3 With Capital: Budget is up 8.93% or $74,796
Budget $912,409
Without Capital: Budget is up 3.94% or $32,975
Director of Library 1 FT
E inistrative Assistant 1 FT
; i
Public services Circulation Technical Services
Librarian J1 1 FT Library Assistant III 1 FT Library Assistant I I1 1 FT
Library Clerk 1 PT Library Assistant 1 FT
Library Clerk 5 PT
Library Page 4 PT
urnma Change:
PT= 10
No personnel changes!
FY 2013 ,
Library Revenues
A1C # Ise ri cion F1 2013 Request
A2127-03111 CDOPERA=NIEMB STATE AID 17,298.00
A2127-03120 COPYING-LIBRARY 1,500.00
. 2127-03140 LOST BOOKS-LIBRARY 275.00
A2127-04100 LIBRARY FINES 9.000.00
A2127-05995 DONATIONS
A2127-05999 MIS C. REVENUE 240.00
Total Revenues = $28,803
FY 2013 ,
Capital Outlay
Department Amount
Public Works
Sidews&repair-Yffiap Ride 40,000
AsphaltCh•erlay-Alleys 58.000 b 98,000
VEbkle Replaoemew(1)marked 28,892
VEbkle Replmemm (3)urnunarlied 86,676 115;568
FiLT Rescue
Self containing breathing apparatus{?7) 200,000
General Senices-Public Safety-BuH&*
Library: StoRff%IMt feplacameat 30,000
$211 ,653 R.aaf replacement 152,000
A-C Han&umplacemeat 59,.653 211,653
Community Development
Vehicle Replaoemen (1)-Code CompLiance 18,000
VEbkle Replaoemew(1)-Community Planning 22,000 40,000
Parks lac Mreadon
Small Bas 40,000
A.'C Handler replacement{?} 2?,000
PLay graumd Egnipmenr(*) 45.000
Kiddie Pawl E,nbancement(*) 50.000 -....
(*)Funded lay DeVelOpef Contribution
Total Fiscal Year 201 2-2013 Capital Outlay-
FY 2013 '
Budget $872,22
The Village of N arth Palm Beach
FY 2012--1013 General Fund Budget
/ Lib ran'r r y
$o InlTere
()r4 2mIF-Lx2I gKTexia)
-O*EE. year2O12 over 2412 hrcv l Arbtal Artul
Fiscal Teem 2412-7013
Budget Badeftt P9.-M-11 IlltSlm 49.30.U4
e -
P§€A-Pffk 278,794 S 269.137 1 260,461 1 255,544 # 273,69L
cp%,er nPmt' - - 47 - - L4
$5179935 B Pan-time?97 104,777 30;,S-n 105.120 476 LCO.KZ 1Q29% E3 w
Peaaoa 50,06 48,E X76 3-1.396 4F356 55,144
or 58% h'qzmKe 43-OM 41.96D 576 W. 65 52900 51.427
FICA.Meffi= 24,344 29.584 3% 26,666 Ma47 20413
Long Ieim Di44alo hD ame 1,255 1.585 -21% 1.323 L429 1.56P
TmnTE aDmaUilmvLnmumce LOO4 - 0% - -Life IaAaatoe 510 64a -195 64s do3 630
Workeicompenofim 7-568 6,40 17% 20.232
OcLa - LK36d - 13 - 7.026
5 517,PM S f-02:M 3Si # 4"5! # !MJM S S PSM
3ooki.PuUmbrms&SubqaTptKmii 4D5 4135 0% 4115 404 943
Co=armal S�MCEE- 27,742 26,941 3% 25,7 51646 23,700
Labrs C,oReclj e :
AudwVLSOa1?daba L 21-5W 175M 2376 25.64# 21,323 24,233
$158 063 BbDkS 34r65D M.6% O% 32.443 33,7E7 AW2
f Elecu mx Re-=in- 17-650 18917 - 3,766 3 B23 3,370
or 18°/ h �'�°` 3AD0 KOM 476 2.962 2,831} 2,782
0 Rekretce'.%Uffia� TOW 7." 47 6.134 1 I14 9.354
Labrs Gift AuA mtl 0 D 0% 2.114 2,334 2,618
Lu)m.m&Fees 1-025 375 273% 275 250 Me
Vfffraimh&CiPbe; 11.8D0 11.m 496 6,166 11,397 15,484
P45taeP 1.6OD 1.mO 0% 1.553 U50 1,363
RFrn 6.OW 6-ODD O7 15.061 5,543 $748
Ramiro&-amb anra 0 17-53D -1WX 1137E L447 6
confaeecs&Sem a 340 29D Mr. a 214 510
VIEmDff hip'&Dm 57D 415 37e 416 395 2&}
Iras+e:&TMMME- 275 175 57% 341 4;B a 1.181
::ti'ir 3 24JA M-M -14% 23.655 26,053 31.454
4ka Opuamgg C4sca 0 0 0% (LI} A a34
$2119653 1 Oi3 1?-1,ms -Im 154= 161_.111 >3TJM clydal
or 240 CaPIMI 0 D 47 a a ]3,615
% rompffff-Hardaam d-Sofm-me 0 D 476 a 0 4
Couiw�&Y-ajxRmoxatm I52rODO D 47 a 9-6SL 36,373
Vl dunff%&F.grpnEoa 54A53 0 c% p 0 0
211663 D 0% p 9.661 1[#a8R
Iotal Expemes S 98'-661 S 6'fi.4J2 314 3 635.661 S 661 36 S 767,94
FY 2013 , With Capital: Budget is up 31.13% or $210,709
Budget _ $8879651
Without Capital: Budget is down 0.29% or $1,948
Capital Outlay
0 r, or,, Y
Replace Air Handlers Total Cost: $59,653
In FY09, a request (unsuccessful) was made to replace the two (2)
air handlers in the attic. In FY10 the library was budgeted for the
two air handlers but it was decided to wait until FY2011 and do all
six (6) at one time. These are the original air handlers with over 40
years of service. Longevity and efficiency are the concerns here.
The condensers have already been replaced. This would complete
the project.
Roof Replacement Total Cost: $152,000
This project is included in the General Fund 5-year Capital Plan for
FY13. The current roof is 42 years old and showing signs of aging.
The life expectancy of the current roof was 30 to 39 years.
Replacing the roof will alleviate future repairs and maintenance
associated with an aging roof. Water damage can have a
devastating effect on the Library's collection.
FY 2013 ,
a Villa-e ofNorth Palm Beach
I . Year Capital Impro%-emeur Pla u
FY 2013-2017
Find: {eneralFund Npartmeof: LibmrF Diiisim: VGA
FT 2913 FY RIA FY2015 FY 2914 FY 2017 Ie.aL
Cosf b-F CIP'iear Snd tl'eot ear4 l ear tf 2 earp 31 'ear>{J1 il-ear R a
Description CurrentIorgntor ' Estimated Life
L rinaRcAwn d.ld4FJff RllF�}gQVP7:
Rnaf laoem=t 30 39 Few
RE place lobby window= 40 sem 103.000 $ 195:00
Subraml CoitzruMan dr Vapw IemvL-urran 1f2.4p0 105.M 257.4U0
KeplaoeArFlmdlera LO 13 '3::. 39,63? 5 :a.653
S�btata2 N�ehi�eea}&Egrripmrnr f9.6S3 - - - - 3 (9.653
Esdmated Iatal C ost 211.653 105-Ow - - 1 316.6+;
FY 2913 rY 2014 FY201a FY 2014 F'£2U17 Iotal
Fundta}Source SndgetYear(Year#1) {Fear ii 2} (Y"ear#3) (£earn!} (Yeu N
Vifiage 211.153 105.90; - $ :1S.l:2
Olher $
Esdmated Iota)Fmidii3g 2403 105.90[ - - $ 316.6 Z2
Annual Operatiq!CostImcreases Creauk b-FProjert:
Descripdm of Operatic Impact: No aper2dng Impact
Fiscal Year: Total: Total CIP:
2013 $211 ,653 $316,653
2014 $105,000
2015 $ 0
2016 $ 0
2017 $ 0
FY 2013
Village Council
Village of North Palm Beach
David B. Norris Mayor
William L. Manuel Vice Mayor
Darryl C. Aubrey President Pro Tem
Robert A. Gebbia Councilman
Doug Bush Councilman
Village Clerk EgeAttorney
Village Manager
Operating Departments
FY 2013 ,
I -
C TheI'Mage of North PaLm Beach
loge F5�'2�1�-213 General Fund Budget
Village Council
Original Fiscal Incre ase.
Year 2,01., {Decrease}over 2012 Actual Actual Actual
Fiscal Year=012-,013 -40000010' Budget Budget 09!30+11 09+30+10 09134109
Regular Pay 5 46,800 S 46,800 D•.0 $ 46,800 $ 46:800 T 46,804
Overtime Pay - Oda -
$50,462 Part-time Pay 46300 V% -
o °/ Bept;:
r 34 /�--�
0 Pension Quo a
Healthlnsirance - V!10 - -
FICk-Medicam 3.381 3„581 V!10 3,580 3,580 3 80
W'UrlfeYS COmpEIIS3tiD0 81 71 14% 75 90 299
ref - 3. 62 - -
5 60.46; $ 60,16; 0% $ Ea L% &"71 S 50,645
AmDunting&AndhoLg 28,000 32,872 -15% 23,444 31„248 37„178
Advertising 10,000 10,M0 D•.0 7,333 7„595 5,930
Advisory Baird Dinner 5,000 5,000 V10 4:5159 5:077 4,3 94
$96,288 Conferences&Seminars 2„345 1„975 19% 1:300 1:800 1,545
Council Donations 4,000 2„000 lw% 3,0Q0 3„000 4,600
or 66% Employee Relations 0 2,225 -100: 6:314 2„175 1,054
Inspecrtar General Expenses 18„628 18„628 O!a 4,123 4 0
Membership&.D es 10,312 10„515 -2% 10,0415 to„710 11„053
Materials&Supplies 3,200 500 540% 5,154-4 727 288
Professional$ersi€es 5,300 5,300 ()% 4,-39 3,517 2,037
Special E%-enb 0 0 0% 2,858 0 0
Travel 8,103 5,387 50% 7,319 3,805 3,869
No ca p i to I Other Operating Costs 1,400 1,500 -r.•o 805 (0) 4�
96485 9SM2 0% =:a
C agital 0 0 O±o 0 0 W
0 0 0% 4 0
Total Expenses S 146,":0 14U,3a4 0°.•b 5 131„637 S 120„125 S 122„ 3
FY 2013
Budget $146,750 Budget is up 0.27% or $396
Village Irk
Village Clerk 1 FT
Deputy Tillage Clerk 1 FT Administrative Assistant 1 FT
, i
Summary change
FT = 3
PT= I}
No personnel changes!
FY 2013 ,
Clerk Tke Village of North Palm Beach
FY 2(112-2(113 General Fund Buds et
age Vill Villaze Clerk
Original Fiscal 4 lacrease i
-40mmm►Y"ear 2012 (Decrease)over Artmal Actoal AdLA
Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Budget 2011 Budget 092+3DAI D9301@ @9+30@9
Regalar Pa} S 182,714 3 165,931 4% $ 178,703 # 17''U44 3 161,97r
01-erlme Pay - 0410 - -
$272,298 �*-time Pay 192,714 - 05b - - -
or 91°/ PEW= 38,403 36,720 5% 33,212 39,274 39.01:
° Healthlmsmanee 24,339 23,154 5% 22,287 23,544 l= :'-
FICAMed m-e 14,743 14,213 4% 12,74-4 12.130 1;.--:
Long Term Disability Insaramee 854 1,041 -22% 1,041 948 9-if
Short Term Disability 1wiaance 651 - 05b - - -
Lifelmsuramce 261 324 -19% 324 324 324
Worker"sCampewadan 333 274 144i 281, 318 972
Other - 79,514 - 0% - - -
$ 272,298 $ 261,714 4% 5 248,59€ 5 247,606 1 234,773
Books,Pabhcatioms&Subs€nptinms 0 0 0% 0 115 154
Conferences&Swnin§l 310 145 594 255 235 185
$269730 Contractual Services 2,500 2,306 84t 3-001 1,865 1,779
Ele€donEspeose 17,500 17,504 0% 18D 16.004 465
or 9% Matna&s&Supplies 3,400 3140D 05b 3-176 3.732 3,445
M mbes<hips *,r Dues 545 545 0% 48a 530 49C
PT ubmg&Binding 500 504 0% 737 530 330
PToRmiamal5en-ices 100 IOD 05b 33 IDl 101
SpedalEvents 0 0 04t 731 D 0
Support Oia Troops 0 0 0% 0 144 6,923
Travel&Training 975 11067 -9% 516 736 1,545
U&Ldes 0 0 Oslo 0 1.00 1,442
OtL,er Operating Casts 900 90D 0% 841 821
21,734 26,567 1� 4�d9 26,0?i 1t,5{,
No capital Capital
Capital 0 O 0% 9.495 0
@ 4 IIA 4,395 c
TotalErpensps S 299,028 288,221 4% S 248,@39 5 2?3,63@ 5 2:J.b::
FY 2013 $299902 Budget is up 3.75% or $10,807
Budget U I
� e
I The Village of NartLt Palen Beaclf
FY 2012-2013 General Fund Budge(
Village Amumey
N.Inc reaseI
Ori&al Fiscal (Decrease)
year 2012 Oyer 2012 Astnal Astual Aeival
Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Budget Budget 49139+11 OT3010 94130M
$1709000 O'perating
Legal Senaces-V lage Altorw 110.ODO 120,000 0% 145,155 111,54{1 95.391
or 100% LeoSenices-Special 20,000 20,000 0% 22,938 18,429 14,875
LegalSenices-Labor 30,000 30,000 0% 31,599 73,787 18,81- a
174,444 174,400 0% 159,99'; 1993,3&6 134,483
Total Expenses S 170,000 170,000 0% S 159,94'1$ 183,356 $ 134,483
No change in this budget!
FY 2013 ,
Village Manager
Village Manager 1 FT
Executive Secretary 1 FT
General Fund Operatinn Departments
-Human Resources Country Club Operating Departments
Finance -Golf
-Information Technology -Food & Beverage
-Community Development -Administration
•Parks & Recreation
-Law Enforcement
Fire Rescue
-Public Works
1 urnrnary_ change:
No personnel changes!
FY 2013
The Village of North Palm Beach
FY?012-2013 General Fund Budget
Village Manager
I Ala Lncrease!
Original Fiscal (Decrease)
Year:012 Geer 2012 Aixmal -Attnml
Ehcallear2012-2013 Budget Budget 0913W11 09131+10 09i30+09
Regularpay $ 166,313 5 169,178 -2% S 255,03 S 210,279 S 197,776
Osp=e Pair - - 0°: - - -
$255,862 Part-time Pay 186,313 - U°: -
1 :
Pensiam 29,523 29,803 -1°.: 34,405 32,626 29,W
or 94 0 0
Health Tm urance 23,392 22,280 5% 21,900 23,933 19,743
EC- -T&cbeaae 14,322 14,465 -FI; 14,925 12,328 11 78
L-0me'Term Disability Insurance 808 979 -17% 910 960 950
Short Term Disabilityrnsr••=•m 495 - O°: - - -
Lafe Iustua a 696 964 -19% 801 864 882
VOWELS CoUIP�M s36 0 323 284 14% 338 403 1,224
C thas - 69,:549 - O°: - - -
S 2SZ,80- S 20'7,80'3 -1014 S 324,781 $ 281,'93 $ 262,115
Ad-t•ug 0 0 0°•: 0 0 0
$15,170 BoDks&Publications 150 150 0°: 0 0 0
C'za fuence $Seminars 1, 1,710 -42% 25 0 0
COEfraCtLW Services 2,258 2,258 0°: 1,823 863 4&4
Or 6%
PVfabe�s&.Supplies 3,000 2,500 20% 1,01 1,455 %5
memberships&Dues 2,600 2,OD0 40% 1,751 914 620
Priming&Binding 8% 500 60% 450 198 228
Profiessional Services 1,200 950 26% 1,165 1,136 1,193
Tm-el&Traanmg 2,662 $112 -fry% 771 0 0
Ub.F6as 0 481 -100% 20d 3,422 6,711
CtherCteratingCost 1,100 200 450% 582 623 654
11170 18,861 -20�1a 8,067 S,&i1 118{6
No capital {apical
Capital `1 o o°.: o 0
0 0 0 ab 0 0 6
Total Expenses ;71,03; 276,714 2 ti S 332,8!8 S 291,02-4 5 112,973
Budget is down 2.05% or $5,682
FY 2013 U $271 032
Synopsis - FY2013
• The Community Development (combined) Departmental
Budget is up 8.93% or $74,796 over that of this current year
primarily due to an increase in operating costs (maintenance
for new software, credit card processing fees, annexation study)
and capital outlay. Personnel accounts for 89% of this
budget. Note: Without capital outlay, this departmental
budget is up 3.94% or $32,975 over that of this current
• The Library Departmental Budget is up 31 . 13% or
$210,709 over that of this current year primarily due to an
increase in capital outlay. Personnel accounts for 58% of
this budget. Note: Without capital outlay, this
departmental budget is down 0.29% or $1,948 from this
current year.
FY 2013 ,
Synopsis — FY2013 (continued) . . .
• The Village Council Departmental Budget is up 0.27% or
$396 over that of this current year due to a slight increase
in operating costs. Personnel accounts for 34% of this
• The Village Clerk Departmental Budget is up 3.75% or
$10,807 over that of this current year primarily due to an
increase in personnel costs. Personnel accounts for 91 % of
this budget.
• The Village Attorney Departmental Budget has not
• The Village Manager Departmental Budget is down 2.05%
or $5,682 from this current year due to a slight decrease in
operating costs. Personnel accounts for 94% of this
FY 2013 ,
orth Palm Beach Village Council work rhea
IFY2013 Budget Workshop `shop `'yea
Proposed Schedule
Day: Date: Time: Subject:
® Wednesday April 25"' pin—10:pm Council Goal 5ettiug
0 Monday May-.7th 10:am— 11: am Staff[budget]Retreat
Wednesday July-11* pin—10:pm Country Club Budget(overiew)
Wednesday July25* 7:Pm—14-pm General Fund Budget (overview)
® Thursday July 26" C,oil Ile il Meeting Manager's Proposed Budget Presentation
® Wednesday August 1st .-Pill—14:PM General Fund Budget (Nb1ic Safety&Nbtic Larks Departments)
® Wednesday August 8'b -: pill—14:pm General Fund Budget (C ommunit''Development,Library,Council,Clerk,
Attorney and Manager Departments)
Weduesdav August 22' 7:pin—10:pm General Fund Budget(Parks& R.ecreatioiL Human Resources,Finance, I.T--
Debt and Other Departments)
Wednesday August 29* pin—10:pm Budget Recap and Kllage discussions.
* The FY2013 Budget Workshop schedule has been developed to serve as a VILde only, dates and times are subject to change in
accordance with the `-public meeting"provisions ofFSS-
FY 2013
Questions & Answers ?
FY 2013