2012 Annual Rpt Approval Ltr 07-25-13 Bureau of Local Retirement 5ystenas
Monrclat Police Officers'arid F'iretic3htws"
e i i e me nt Retirement Trust Funds'Office
We so,e 0,a o O,T,.R w viv a oo r,dl P.O. Box 3010
Taltahossee, Florida 32315.3010
Tel:850.922,0667 I Fax: 850. 921.2161 q Toll-Free.877.738,6737
Rick Scott, Governor Craig ,D. Nichols,Agency Secretary
July 25, 2013
To: Mr, Robert l i loria, Chairman
Village of North Palm Beach Police Officers' e
Firefighters" Pension F Lind
F"roni: Office of lV Unicipal Police Officers' and Firefighters'
Retirement "r rust Funds, Division of Retirement
Subject: 2012 ANNUAL REPORTS
This is to advise that we have reviewed and aL)12royed the 2012 annual Report (s) for the "pillage
of North Pala Beach Police Officers' & Firefighters" Pension Fund.
if you have any qu�estions, please contact our office at ( 0) 922-0667,
r njrn
Copy: Jeanine L. Bittinger, OPT,
Denise McNeill, Plan Administrator "