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07-10-2013 FY 2014 NPB CC
1ALA9 ' Village of North Palm Beach Proposed Country Club Budget Fiscal Year 2014 Presented By: Ed Green, Village Manager What we hope to accomplish this evening: 1. Provide an "overview" of the current 3rd Quarter Financial condition of the CLUB (FY2012/2013) 2. Preview (Workshop) the "proposed FY2014 Country Club Budget and discuss both Administrative and Operational strategies... FY 2014 Budget June 2013 - NPBCC Activity Report: • As of 9/30/2012 the Unrestricted Fund balance is $557,954. • Golf Memberships are down compared to FY2012. — 216 memberships in FY2012 versus 214 in FY2013 (excluding summer memberships) — $65,992 loss in revenue. — Mitigated by walk -ons and summer memberships • Projected rounds of golf are 3,321 less than 37,250 projected. • Cart Rentals are down by $34,746 ($670,981 in FY 2013 vs. $705,728 in FY 2012) • Non - Member play is 56% of all rounds played. • Greens Fees are down by $6,853 from prior year ($736,009 in FY 2013 vs. $742,862 in FY 2012) • Driving Range proceeds are up by $16,237 ($230,604 in FY 2013 vs. $214,368 in FY 2012) • The Village Tavern Restaurant Operation has a YTD shortfall is $109,632 • As of June 30, 2013 "Country Club" overall [preliminary] financials indicate that CLUB revenues exceed that of expenses by $502,660_ (LY same time period $632,816.00) FY 2 014 , Budget Projected Revenue &Comparison Budgeted • Memberships $ 6237580 • Greens Fees $ 9127480 • Cart Rental /Walking $ 9767920 • Driving Range $ 2097026 • Food & Beverage $ 821,300 • Other $ 405,627 Grand TOTAL $3,948,933 Rounds of Play 487000 3 Months to go! FY 2014 `` Budget 6/30/2013 $ 560,999 $ 7367009 $ 7077082 $ 230,604 $ 477,280 $ 431,963 $3,143,937 33,929 (79.61%) Golf Membership 2012 -2013 Resident memberships — 62% Non - Resident memberships — 38% FY 2oi4 `` Budget NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB GOLF MEMBERSHIP 2012- 2013 Single Family Business Single Resident 82 0 14on- Resident 39 7 U Business Family 1 U Golf Plus Sing 3 U Golf Plus Family 1 8 12 Month 23 13 12 Month GP 2 0 12 Month Junior 0 0 5un)nrer Opt 9 12 un) MLIr LptL° is Junior 9 11 IT-OTAL 10D 97 L, 'tii'uCf Toni? 2r7 Golf Membership 2012 -2013 Resident Non -Resident Grand Total MemherehapType Count Fee Tull Count Fee Tutat Count Total S iag le 0 $ $ 0 # # U7 $372,850.D0 0 $ UDS-cal U45-cal 4 $ 3.240 -00 # 02 $ 2-45AD ¢ 18#,810.40 :. 35 3,300.40 $124,FDDAD K $ 2 aD $ WM00 10 # 3,200.00 $ 32,400.00 0 # $ Family 0 $ $ 0 # $ 40 # 143,&M-DO 0 $ 3,360 -00 $ 0 # 0.300.00 $ 23 $ 3,3160 -0D $ 77.80.04 ;r u 7 # d, W a.OD $ 30,100.00 7 $ 3,36000 $ 23,520.00 v.; 3 8 4,300.00 $ 12,600.00 Business Single -,r 0 $ - $ - 0 : 0 NrA D $ - 0 $ Z950 -00 L 0 WA u 0 # # u 0 WA Bus,ness Family 0 # # 0 WA 1 # 3.7510.00 0 # 3.750.00 # 0 N!A 1 3,750 -40 # 3.750.90 0 WA 0 $ $ 0 N!A Golf Plus 5fngie f °t 2 $ 2.245-00 # 4,410.00 :., 0 $3.200-00 $ .. 1 $ 2,205 -04 $ 220540 :. 0 # 3.2m.90 $ - 0 $ - $ 0 # - $ 1 $ 2,305 -09 $ 229540 0 # 3.200.00 $ - CvDIf Plus Fancily 1 11 a 0 $ 3, A0 $ 0 $4.309.00 $ 1 $ 3,3£0-00 $ 3,960.00 0 # 0.300.00 $ s ,+a 0 # $ 0 # - $ 1 $ 3,360 -00 $ 35E-0.00 0 $4,300.00 $ Junior 9 # 500.40 $ 2.790.90 :... 11 # 300.40 $ 3.300A00 29 # 6.00.00 0 $ 300.00 $ 0 # 309.40 $ Summer Option A r _ 5 S 435.90 $ 4."55.00 12 # 455.00 $ 5,34].90 21 S 10 355AC Summer Option & f'' a _ 7 f 955.00 # 6.365.00 15 # 565.00 $ 14,32S.9D "' S 21 eX .0 �a of •Fee r5 ournry CdLb Par" Cc 4 FY 2014, r° Fee WmesSSV00rmarUS can Mes 1 $350,300 $223 965 $574 265 Budget ' June 2013 Country Club Golf Rounds Comparison 2006 -2007 2007 -2008 2008 -2009 2009-2010 2010 -2011 2011 -20 12 2012 -2013 Month COUFSe Renovafiona Start-up Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual 3036 Projected Actual C- ifferei7�,e October closed 3323 3667 3821 3352 3500 2913 -58 Ni)vernber 1,925 4,73' 4,485 4,180 3.963 3,797 4,00D 3.585 -414 December 4,813 4,007 3,917 3,866 2,933 3,521 3,500 3,403 -97 tiJ,inuary 5,597 4,645 4,819 4,510 4,330 4,241 4,250 4,2 K -21 February 5,305 5.292 4,598 4,538 4,552 4,364 4,50D 4.195 -304 March 5,726 !`,546 4.848 4,769 4,856 4,836 4.750 4.774 292 April 4,825 4,932 4,961 4.577 4,316 3,946 4,500 3.814 -686 May 4,251 4,922 4,545 4,999 4,098 4,075 4,500 3.6'12 -888 ,tune 3,863 2,540 3,854 4,021 3,174 3,414 3,75D 3,397 -353 July 4.118 4,334 4,057 4.144 3,485 3,723 3,750 - 3,7'50 August 4,185 3,835 3,999 3,635 3,197 2,927 3,750 0 -3,750 September 3,430 3,210 3,562 3,135 2,716 3,345 3,251 0 - 3,250 TOTAL 48.040 52,318 50,910 50,21x0 44,972 45,145 48.0+00 33,929 '14,071 35,190 37,250 33,929 Play is down 3.6% from that of last year! FY 2014 Budget Revenues 1 $3,790,172 1 1 FY 2014 Budget 1 $2,927,039.71 1 ktE -M : f o:�r abFmm ? r, ,-u 77.23% &clf FOOL odl3qxnEe 4Zmmt 31AM OaAw KMMb-- DMM!IbM JMEF Rb]Mff MMd AF-1 J Ink TI-11r, Amm S-"Eitr Yw-t-Fam Ck.f-c-mmFxi ?1i41 65,93635 is ";A N ]AMEO 151,06.55 $4.41 1,1' 34x5.76 CvfC-rtFm,ft]F" 919 401 5-OP-55 6,722!0 A-29@00 3J-?:1-60 SU92.110 709; 1. It 53,32229 waum FER 33520 4,-.0900 4,51500 5,1)4d'O 4,315.co 5,19 ' A 4AE.K 3.2AO.x -A50D cjoiNEnbHd% 140 Ull # ---35ffl 2D RAO 70 H.KJ.54 FX3.115 X5KA 1 .D26.29 152 1.3: NAU 12 I2R,57-�..4 DmiTRup 20) 024 -},2511)9 _:,5633'4 1',635% 31�_2.A 37,7F1.79 20tQ0.Y6 A,S6245 2NJ V.26 lau�ma 100*1 E,36514} (: U OD L'..UO) 15.-): iW UMCO 14J9:.N 9.390.4{ 11 041A LAA 50 P6.52;;A 4.4110 - Jet P1 21{.68#.47 ,058 75 6,46 2 34.364 4 ?.Y.5.59 27,730.t2 04403; 331.171.10 mmlym ILISIW 2� 91)) IN ?6M _,: -443?. S,8 156 16 N.s@Up 0.x!:.04 1.03-.02 199,1_!.13. 3.6m 1,173-6 ;00 CO J(CLCO MHO 30{-40 3AX 3.75414} 1,750.j.0 yjm:],?:Mbil iumn 7.42'.K 11 560.91' 1.986011 21-144le Tymnar. Fmxy!@L 187193 73 05 12610 _MI5 5ldS5 1-1-45 5011 .3C 154.L-- 45 S2 54.11, Fo4 d k 1mr LpR rmk S OS P,) 14�5 4f.759.:2 61,7.77 &PLS.244 tQ 7.t] 4�492.53 477,21X.30 TYL .234 27-.. J796 275.-106, 331J48.11 445,1MAS 212%2.. U-10.10 I Rawk i 41310 I.S96 OD 3JG 00 4-2:9.0 4196HO 4,770.10 IM21.1( 3.1512.9{ = ;9700 1 $3,790,172 1 1 FY 2014 Budget 1 $2,927,039.71 1 Golf /Food &Beverage Year -To -Date Summary YEAR- TO-DA TE , UMMY- Adopted Budget Year -To -Date % Golf Green Fees 912,480 736,009.21 80.66% Golf Cart Rental Fee 939,400 670,981.45 71.43% Walking Fee 37,.520 36,100.50 96.22% Membership- Resident 345,870 331,175.10 95.75% Membership - '-Von- Resident 229,900 199,115.12 86.61% Membership - Junior 3,600 5,673.76 157.60% Membership- Business - 3,750.00 0.00% Membership - Surnmer 44,210 21,285.00 48.15% Golf Merchandise 140,150 128,675.44 91.81% Golf Lessons 100,000 96,535.50 96.54% Driv.mi g Range 209,026 218,104.26 104.34% Camps 4..000 - 0.00% Tournament Proceeds 2,716 2,354.07 0.00% Food & Beverage Revenue 821.300 477,280.30 58.11% Total 3.790.172 2,927,039.71 77.23% Total 4 of Rounds 48.000 33.929 70.69% FY 2014 Budget A �96'f� S, &alas Fr" R Ravaraga I igLJnr Miscellaneous Hevenue Total 5a le s EA1iYrl3e5- 0r 5t of Co ds. C*ld -Liquor Co-5t of Goods Cold - Food & t3 cvrragc permv ncl {?thar oparatin g Ca.p ita I Inta1 FYrlansac H el LiquorCOGS as%of Liquor-Salem: food COGS as `9u of food ;alra: Food & Beverage 19,099 -2114 11% 17,221 -01 1176 V111aoe 0 11 oM F'alrn Beach 11% 42.894 -10 20% ho011 and 15eve-raU. Llperatlons [NrellminarY 30,421 -64 25% 127,105.49 27% HsGal Vear-ZU13 Ye- a.r- to -Uate BO96 05 ,264 -h o- 701% 151QLmdILei 211JQuarter 3141 Quallei TOTAL *6 of total % of tiDL31 113 of total 311,497.23- 23% icf Quarhar szlac 2nd Quar[ar Islas 3rd Quartar cal as Va3r- #o-©2ta %uFiat3l calac 5 111'1- f1114Fin RQC!. 4 t 14.RN_F:S51 fiFl% $ inn,71r1d7 fA94 , TIR.gAD49€S B70A 47.111'% M '3'791. riQ Irk3 l4.CL 74% ;iin.W.Pii M 74% 1:5R R22 77 1.1 DA r315.1YS U% 3115_DL+ Lr% W2.519 Ugh 2M.Jd! UL% 797.5882 -07 100% 174,359-10 1100% 1x1,0.33.23 10074 477,2811.90 100% 14,1321 -50 9% 19,099 -2114 11% 17,221 -01 1176 56, .8O .8.S0 11% 42.894 -10 20% 49,129 - 6;7 zap% 30,421 -64 25% 127,105.49 27% 00,782 -17 BO96 05 ,264 -h o- 701% 00,218 -02 60% 267,4)813.48 6896 37.363.10 39°! 311,497.23- 23% 48,350.54 10% '125,1$6.85 2896 096 4,2511 -001 1% 16,673 -07 11% 10,-923.87 496 JIId 1110 4Fi 7H9 KAk-i l:i: hHHY1-1 %r 3 (�2,818.91'I �17,3:79.63j ! (38,813 -43) (105,.831.97) 2 *-ti D3% 34% 02% I ($109,631.97) 41--1C 40% 00% 40% Inventory on hand at end of current penod: Liquor Invenory 10.4312F6 Food & Beverage InvemmV 6. 150'. DO Tsalal N-we riLui r Lm Ima11[l 18,5901 -53- FY 2014 Budget $18,590.58 Toe ViLUgr of tiu1 th P;r]1LL Brads C aaotr, Club Iludget OummarY drd Qnarcrr E nding Jan r 311. 101 ,1 -x 2'RML21L'~.7 RY -- ��d{3xa+7rrF.11¢mgb'dfQW P£3013 ' *d badert Prime Y. 4301f F& MLMS Ads R-ga &ndEet M' -Revenue is front loaded Ca3i Reatr➢ (phasing issue) R'2DtlaeFees Sr 2. ".604 E Ckear Fe D3.32'. l esm ,6C 99P TQ1mumx>rt P2weeds i7ME dumdLSESeles 623,590 SPerla.3 Fs+eMS Cam7Ps t, 6Yl1 Facd ak ldesr n Lcax Cq+sadua LIMOD 'SaLLes 670,991 Faced A Bes+erwe SUle3 '1 -431. S31e3 of Swpb2s IM UER E.a3 iit_E Ocher T9W REFecues J.CPZLP EXFF`s5F5 31,90 Py¢srlmaral=r���� Salary de EkmafiL3 -aa,aaf flparaiimr SOAP. Accamniu -& A3w=- % -536 Charp Caxd Fees L'n n1rur i 51 mn; -Loan payment $199k p Y Raanral -Fipip 1rnrl. n fimn,we M4.37 Legal Fees D ssm •3 months IGM $266,930 MMXEM9 & AM-U-9 85-67•. Isb b1uL 3r UUMbes 129675 Marrharml •3 months Golf Cart Lease $37,516 Repau7 x AEMMUM 1.111.1501 Solid �3S11e Lt,�,a1 r dlhls3 L36,1711 Ocher Dpr_r=ff Casts CapwA U CjTitd Ou&, rJAW% Drht -6L 01her 1-SaM S Amara Gulf Cdr[ Lease P allydna -PIUP & Gen Liab U LMt op n' 13LIM Tntvl Frlum,wc LAM 240L06O r,;�,,, R�Ye671es +rer (nndri} e3peoses `, a FY 2014, r 313,22 Budget laaadi Toe ViLUgr of tiu1 th P;r]1LL Brads C aaotr, Club Iludget OummarY drd Qnarcrr E nding Jan r 311. 101 ,1 -x 2'RML21L'~.7 RY -- ��d{3xa+7rrF.11¢mgb'dfQW P£3013 ' *d badert Prime Y. 4301f F A S Ads IOU] &ndEet {Tope 754) T_ 1973 a 23C 5 =- Sr 2. ".604 E 204 -025 D3.32'. S 2:14 d rlt ,6C 99P 566,949 623,590 89 -96'. t, 6Yl1 6N 931 670,991 431-,490 '1 -431. 7M,721 J.CPZLP 31,90 Tae -o_•1 -aa,aaf 41zAw SOAP. 7+¢44,2 % -536 9696 1WWO 96 -54'. M4.37 1,334 2,344 2;715 85-67•. 3,su5 129675 128,615 1.111.1501 91-61'. L36,1711 - U 4,aL1U rJAW% U 4 P 6 -6M: U 13LIM LAM 240L06O 653,41.1: L61.1411 313,22 313,512 445 ,400 57 -53% 336,649 133,000 - 133,000 96,060 138:.54': a +,7.Q 4426 'rXe 74 -w--i 1,603 0-936 5,745 3,13E 72,617 41,7a41 7936ti sa,7^ns *.,659,1!5 477.IBl1 7,462 31433438 1�144i3i 79.66 1,®1F�15 4299M2 161 -965 45.999 740.966 93M A 'B -93•. t.13.m1 - - 6,6'L 6,471 7,060 85 -73•. s;i1 40-x66 MW U 47,462 59-5Pp 80 -10'. 43,4,23 MI 18,311 4,139 922,56? 1,213,802 6' -771. 910,773 - 5,89'2 Q 7,042 16,66P -4'.'. _!a 3 1 .,M 11.,77" 'P.947 1,913 7Y',T1J 6c7 M.1: I1},a,L 11,764 11,734 7 _5 dp 17.12221. 4r i5 21,696 - C __,999 35,060 65 - =2'. 3psau L4,U5 433 C 1:.33' 3 = -r06O 34 -W. 12 79 26,965 18,744 3,599 41,+34 47r67s c" 70'. 4t,s4I 7x0.,141 177 X'r7 ,1, 3 �.I.Qfr imam 1 Al =R'. M 445 19,652_ 25 539 C J:,ill 76,424 59 -16'. 33,s4n 6,646 6,6+16 U 13,294 14,4501 92 -06'1. 13,371 LLU,439 543 ey 3.35U J 46,d4b 21'r 'LU£ 0l-s9:ti L57,TL7 1,335 7,569 2,476 19,0:1 4,i,66G #4 -Mi n,1ne - 14,934 U 11921 535.63P 35.29% 13,04X1 194 f-71 144.n,a 30f41r1 m7111• -: IWAS1I 1A13,Z21 163,221 234,]83 78 -24% 56,4 -% 32,764 32,760 !3•,861 74 -66% 19,7p11 6 4 _ =,064 0.@6•, 1 1,61 d=;g �SWf,Ul7 1131 -70°I 3,fi.71,77R 3- 43f4 #k3; M 9144 •30.1" S 719,37 # 04,63 3 ,245 S c 62,4196 4 a7�24 45,046 S OwAlf Country Club Contingency Country Club Contingency FY 2013 Country Club Contingency Original Budget BLd get Aerie -id men tents: Golf +wart Leese Total Budgel Amendmentents Revised Budget Expenses= Tdal Expenses TOTAL Rr=MAINING CONTINGENCY FY 2014 `` Budget 6'i 603 126X7 (51.00) 76,064 75,1184 Country Club Projected Ending 09/30/13 (as estimated by departments) Pralerred Patine 9WIG13 ATLLAGE OF \C)RTH ULtAI DU C'H RESEMIE3 P'-- g $aaga S }tembership Can RemaL R-d lkwg Fee3 Care i Fees Le ;wms Ia mamemtBraceeds Membandie Sale; Special Evens Camps Food & Becmge -Lease Opel atk m Liquor Sales Food 9: BMMnInn S3_n: Sales 0f Swp_iu L3ip�L Eamm_es QMa Total Reveaaes EXPENSES PermMUL- Salan' & Bps Opera ft: nomtme & Amrbnat; Chap Card Fees Camtmacmal SeMin EmterabMEDt Re11ta1- Eq'.L17- McIlC ,. C1U5m, etc. L. Poi rcr Leswms Mmiedag & Adtirerd 4 17aierlals & - tiIPPUes Mmrbaadie RepaQS dr M amteamce SoLid Wffice DLgmsd UULTUM Cithar 01s r g C'ncls capata.1 C apLta➢ owlix Debt & Other IDebt Servile Golf Ca Y L. e houm a -Prop de Gen Liab C-MFMgMv Total ErpeaSes Rerrnne5 over (UNder) e3peases FY 2014, 3x�d Budget ` °- 21-135. 57�M*L 650'100 610,000 1100000 150,000 u U ,1z00u 1"�B4O00 7„636 !1,903 3,4UM M,= 4WZ 69.591 L_1023?6 ',500 30,524 15, ?L? -4Am 3.10 1843' }:9sco '+CC7 13 -134 ]SCc526 VIP Li ri,)D BALANCE E INALYSIS FISCAL jL AR ENDING SEPTEMBER 3Q, 2012 COUNTRY CUB 01IN LrmetLictedtietA,sz[. For hsca Yc z- 2010 - 20 11 $ 38'.013 Na hicoirC(Loss) FY 2011.2713 1_4,071 Canges i3 "Invested iL Capital Assets yet ofF.elated De61' l l S.i E l 1':. ' Umstr vlcz :'et Amvla For FiAc Yt3r 2011- 20 12, *FY 2013 projected net increase $541.00 *Estimated unrestricted net assets for FY 2013 is $ 558k. _:4 L -t 0 $ 541.0 0 3 :,1 �. "� ;� �� �. ,,, ^ti.. �t. .�,�.�, �, �. ...��.W. „'q� ,� ��� �# �,. ,, ”. •. "�1; ;4, 5 i .� C�`'; r� � �� .� .� - -- �a ■ r-.d & 9—c -6e $773�d0U t1 -1111 A. ■ Grems taxzs190 71 777 ■ Food R Be $M- 29-1c FY 2 014 , Budget tillage of North Palm 5each country flub FY 2013 -2014 Budget Other Cac�i,r 4 ann Revenues Cxpenars (b-y xicpnrtn7crit) mn6ersUp 079,335 L531% $9i1�14Z 23..1771 lntal 9.Ar $47Mp M i14YW FY 2 014 , Budget FY 2013 -2014 Budget Highlights Villaue of North Palm Be2eh C'ountiw. C lub FY 2013 -2014 Budget Highlights Nuinbe-r of -%I eLlabe-1. Alip s 3.58 Iai'get NULU1Jel' Of RQULd 43.000 Personnel Hi�-hliglt<; *'EUIplorcc.Salarica 5 882,407 rEmploy ee 1Benefiu 23;,3.Q4 rural Personnel Cosrs S 1.111.801 01p c r. l< I lishlights; `Uoif Uourw Maintenance Contract 1,U61,119 *Coat ofTacd & Deveraec Membandise 251,800 *LitLLh,, 246,783 *Cost of Golf Merchandise 97,500 *Nlatcriala & Supplies 76,358 *C'harvp Card Fpx 67 7161 *Marl;edng & Akerasmg 42,000 *Repairs & - Mainlema„ a 66,894 *Prnpi-rti - C, -nrral T.iahility 45,RM TwA Opeiiidng cim I3 Capital Mg1lightc: *Daring Rnngc Cart 12,000 latal Lapits]iJutlay Debt $er is e *Loaa (Uoif CourseReacivanarl) �',S, 71 *Gulf Cm l Lmse 150,600 TWA Debt Service rata] Caantr-r Club Contingency Total Fisc-alYeai° 2013 -2014 County- Club Budget $ 2,093,234 29.53% 55.31% 0.32% 14.50% 0.3[}5 %yy Country Club Organization Chart Golf Operations Director of Golf First Assistant Golf Pro Outside Service Coordinator Outside Service Attendant Golf Shop Attendant Driving Range /Ranger Member Relations Coordinator Sales & Marketing Rep FY 2 014 ,9r Budget t 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 8 PT ( +1 PT) 6 PT ( +1 PT) 11 PT ( +2 PT) 1 PT 1 PT Residents of The Village of North Palm Beach Village Council Village Manager Administrative Support Accounting Clerk 1 FT VILLAGE BOARDS -Golf Advisory Board Food & Beverage Operations Director of Food & Beverage 1 FT Kitchen Manager /Chef Assistant Restaurant Manager Banquet Event Coordinator Line Cook Service Personnel Dishwasher Snack Bar Attendant 1 FT 1 FT ( -1 PT +1 FT) 1 FT ( -1 PT +1 FT) 6 PT ( +2 PT) 20 PT ( +5 PT) 6 PT ( +2 PT) 6 PT Summary: Change: FT =8 +2 FT PT =65 +11 PT Personnel Summary COUNTRY CI "° F/T P/T Prior Year = 6 54 Proposed = 8 65 +/- +2 +11 FY 2014 Budget ;I_ FY 2014 Budget 'e Compensation Overview GE & FPE Employees • Total Compensation Study Impact: $67,098 • Administration $21555 • Golf $411722 • Food & Beverage $221821 • Merit increase 2 -5 % (Avg. 3.75 %) — Employee must receive 67% or higher on Annual Review — Employees below 67% placed on Performance Improvement Plan • 20.82% Village (Defined Benefit) pension contribution which is ip 0.96% from the current year & 6% employee contribution from date of hire. • 15% Defined Contribution Pension Plan offering, which is mandatory for all newly hired non -union eligible employees. Expenses Country Club Departments: 1. Administration 2. Golf Operations 3. Food &Beverage Three (3) Department budgets will roll -up into one single Budget (Enterprise Fund) FY 2 014 , Budget Village of North Palm Beach Country Club FY 2013 -2014 Expenses Expenses {bycategory) ■ Persannd $�117,BOZ ■ Operating $2,o47r42Q e Expenses (by department) IIII Administration ■ Coraingencq $1P5,9W8 ~- $13,118 23351 035%— ■ Food& &evere8e $9]5,3`" 24.19' FY 2 014 , Budget ■ InarerKe4lm"rty & General $45,8&4 1 ]15 ■urancrPraper[Y & General otal Oper3tirg 0+3su $ ZX%,204 55.3146 Total Expenses = 3,784,955 GOff $2,70,M4 IIAZU Country Club Budget Summary wBtmL]L FY2013-2014 C ouarr-.- CIA BudvLi Summ-nry F4--,c.d Yeas 2013-2014 onghs] M. T.,.-,, FV1013 ;),.j .•i Fading A -.J A-d A.-a O.W TAB -U.— T-1 P. 9312015 9191"N12 320'3411 91W-MA =72MM Drt%lmg FMLe I I 2s1.9Llu 5 --U!9,U.O MmbeL3hip 679.335 5 nJ; 623.;50 c am RM131 913-44-0 9111.i0 939.MH U:XLki3LS FW. 37.793 3-,,'1-2 1-.�M cxe reel GMMq* SU -.5.4 912,610 LeF,Am 1! ,W Q I.IktQt'U Tmz3mmEmt?mcee& 2.620 1.6N Merchamthe simlei 160-50D iw-�09 IAA ,1 -A qpwiAlTt+ n t-,,,Tan3w dk U,nfl", Food& Bcvzffa p Lease GpKT ad DiL 0 LiLjmL 'kd 217.0o4 231,044 24-Z.O60 koW & SEs,ma ge SmLe:i 53610 445,666 Si: B Of S=hl %,Duo T.t. TQ I E-2-M-1h cr A:: '.00 7.327 offier .61,16a 27.7-E' 11 PL* 93.7 N PcramaL- ................... .......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . ................. ................... ........ .... 'Balm.) 6L EwitTju 32Q,571 wv,nl 4 :PJ.5.743 nv�stiaff- Nee 0 7,Djq 7-, CU&vje Cod Ft!n J%71* F,GW 6 47-71I -95(N Lmftacnulbemm 1,6N,219 23.7120 4,144 3.171,063 1.'43.521 Ear ' a - jM,GGQ D imoo 16,660 1-*N 111no 4.rAW 71-;fl6 )).713 Lama) Ftx Ifl.m 10,440 7,4- 68 Le.+.,,, 2499 0 0 26.0010 aq MUkEarg & A-Wnjus= 37.000 w 0 42.DO9 C-,D N YMEMh & 51WPIM +4-359 7:- 4,JW 744- M 0.6 -Nf(Yr iise in-5" D 149309 338.009 36-794 0 64jpi Is'Fig 10.,206 a 1461pe :+.4-_a ,L;Uit[Les 01-517 -'1 -U,' Dbu OpmrLg 33515 16-RDO 3.16 .0 !3,066 CaFicoz. c apt a: crdEAV lzowo I.LUQU 14-,6 !9 Debi & Cn1ber= Dtl?1'3eavke 548.131 390-i51 LpDff Lwt Lea5E 110,600 1-moo 171,300 IapzamE-R-n & CeL Leak• 41.U4 L-ALILL-J rrwt-hnj!pmry 11.117 1AL11 R I I?d.nr- Tmtal Exper..♦, ),:14*93J :RFTOB s, Ter (us J2 r) eXj*GS4?S FY 2014" #4M Ga Budget P13,118.00 v 5741464 dR7,433 753-3A9 -275'. mow 313_437 S6, f(5 DKYA 4U0106 '414-3 - :(4 45,2!15 s149.7* 6M}§-M4 &I6,S491 751,M _J,:74 ". L114UW Lft)r! UWA 4a9jw -3 "!'. 2X0 W 1�m 3.471 I , �21. 15L61U6 ULA 3 1333* L33354 - 1 nr. 111. 6 n 4M I-M Xoc , 0 D G M_-11 -20t% 21:"w 2U1,142 223,172 rr4,3 43 A.614 43O166 410,644 479,M6 17&,539 -lDo.*D% 121MG D 0 124,060 3.734 7,633 7'M1 1,*3 14,6" -3.07% 71,4B7 IM41 3 MAM tz,om '4 OeQhea, MI-10 a9�SJda 71 :,Q7 4Oc., 1. 33 ?/0" 5,91 L Y.3 37 Corr 616 qh? pJA its I in"t t $6 i-502el, -1c ML 14' Of ✓ 3333-%. 15.712 IM 652 -20-CW, 2ALOOD L%AU 27,3w frd Am- -6671. 3L%o 1L932 44376 ""gi 54 +32 49-M 54389 5 7 9,3Li 3.19M6 319-39 373-34S 11.- ._- 37.7C6. 'A,%7 4LAA� 27,515 1- -41 2:5.99'b 13,294 D-j-'s UI342 lio49 d. NO% Imm !ItLSl L AM)w 1-i i. -.,) - 24.19', 34iK7 WN 4 06 ! 7 z3N. 0 LXRN M43ls 3.901. 7915,131 3:K94c ALMS 43.1* 75.u.5 MM5 160,676 5P-M4 9 341 16 172,M2 S (I'Aff) 5 A51:2D 44W- 44,* - 1 50,210 RLMD- The Villaze of Noi-ih Palm Beach FY 2013 -2014 Counir.v Club Budget Adminisi ation 36% Debt &Odwr C- =gena7: hs=ce-?rope-h- & C,eneraL Liability FY 2014 T021 Expenses Budget ` °!^ oval oval Admal U 30 11 47 ?30v'll M.M.10 3;.639 371'53 134,496 0 - Mr i 1,358 0 31494 Original ?013 /�y . �Increase ( K ease) 6Ter 15,335 14,434 Fiscal Year 2013 -1011 Budb t 2013 Budget !3.':415 S Personiel 2,774 91658 Salary: 252 GS= RL -0-Pay S 39,059 $ 35,321 10.58 9b &.Mtme Pay 122 1,13= 300 - 100.06 a 5,775 Part -time Pap - 39,4 9 - 0.00N Bpnefits: 5.911 3,187 - 41% Pam 6,579 4,139 6,094 T96% AH th Imw3nre 18,528 3,411 11,322 63.65% 5.570 FIC A 'N'eWica-e 2.988 3,x34 - 2,741 9 -01"1 LTD Ins=mce 176 2,385 159 10.69% 1,736 Lift hsw.mce 87 - 87 4 -00"1 WGrkees Com4mm satim 79 - 62 27.42% 5.645 Qthec 28,437 3,395 0-00% 92 S 67,4H S 56,286 1992% 37,747 ope-itixg 0 0 4 r5.rciaimting & auditing 7,0aa c 7,000 0-00% a Clkarge Card Fee - a v 0-00% CcmVarmalSenices 4,144 34.:39 - 97.86% tom] -Copiff 4.000 .5. - -4 - 23.28% Marketing - - 0-00% 24% �i mfi&s & SuppLies 4,500 4,000 12.50:b Mew Dwes - 0.0m, Pasmge 3,0x0 3.000 0.00"i Printing Ik E-ding 2,000 '.000 0.00"i Repairs & NIaimemanre 0.00"1 Uni6arms t Shoes 0.00"i VhUtbes 4,800 5,894 - 18.36% Legal Fees 10,a0a 7,500 33.33:b Other Cq)E ating Costs 0-00% 39,444 68,747 42.02% c vkal Audio, Vmml. & Camm 54,s 0 0-00"1 0% Cim4ater Hm- ftrare & Software 0 0-00"1 Fumtme 'Sr FmAres 0 0 -00,14 UU9M ruan & Ntajor R mova=m a 0-00*4 14facMnerr& Equipment 0-00"1 36% Debt &Odwr C- =gena7: hs=ce-?rope-h- & C,eneraL Liability FY 2014 T021 Expenses Budget ` °!^ oval oval Admal U 30 11 47 ?30v'll M.M.10 3;.639 371'53 134,496 0 - 450 1,358 0 31494 51163 21,08' 40 -840 *6.9'3 It 15,335 14,434 24,320" 4k&m Ki23 S 165,921 S 294 ,981 !3.':415 S 2,573 2,774 91658 213 252 GS= 112 138 282 51 122 1,13= 1,375 5,775 1,411 5 58,791 5 Mf Ml S 194413 5.911 5.911 3,187 - - 4,995 4,139 4,282 6,264 4,403 4,278 3,411 - 5.570 14,950 3,x34 - 4,725 - 3,675 7157 2,515 1,603 2,385 493 1,736 1,851 It - - 137 98 - - 5,382 5.645 6,458 12,198 3,395 11,652 92 654 1,444 38,265 37,747 63,177 0 0 4 a a c a a a a v o ID a 0 -0M 0 0 13,118 126,06 -n.5p% 2,OOa 0 45.864 43.88' 4 -52% 39.864 40 -840 *6.9'3 It :8 X81 169 ,948 -65.29% 11.861 4k&m Ki23 S 165,921 S 294 ,981 !3.':415 S 136,91? S IJE498 S 311.413 BudgeFis down 43.75% or $129,059 The Vffia {e 4f'1ortb Fake Beach FY" 213U-101 i C a-unm Climb Endpc Golf Sum Mary 4 I- .- G.'iffli.il 2413 .v..- .13.13.... A-d A.-I . Ptnl Y. 2613 -2 -'11 203L7 Bdek FI MAZ 874139-11 7lJ7a77 9...a 1 S71aR- - FLLrFar S 133,D75 'i 1'_'_.'9 5..87% S 121,916 S 120,842 S 61,378 unwwu Yas 1,UUR' 1,UM 4J.GL M '11Y - 1,425 _ ..ao. MDD4� 45,0m 51..11K 57,1315 *x1,211 34,640 ?at- two- ?a•' :6D,D9'_ 4#7,-1.157 251,146 723% 210,93; 21M21 214,098 2 % 3413 flt: P:a:lo-a -,1 5r = '0.040 72ZN 1_,1_1 IG,d72 4.29:0 1313.'•h fn_manra 11417 '.0771 :RWK 157}7 0740 7111Lh -TcA. lath -up 35,684 32,652 1234ti 31,652 29,737 22,705 .17 Ln mwica 574 526 9.135: 664 565 352 :-iL. L._au.r 26L 241 9.811'. 324 ]D4 216 W.4, - ": ,17N i,l �'.i 78495: i,RGR 1709 4,9.11}% C.Lhar - 98,408 - -000'. 69D 3,297 S X7,575 3 518,548 UD4% 's ea.aa4 s 470051 5 307,20 OP -Af-E A�Wdskq k lCak nme -- ... 912,000 - 11.3V:ti 17,917 5x,077 L0,347 ter: Sc A, 13l-hirairen- "' IM d1 fY1M:. - 1144 - :'ruvp udFw - 51,504 43^0% 52,--H 48363 44,9'57 ::ubRula . ":: 500 11005: - M 341 (� 58% :- v..Gu,..�r. S. s ••: -••. :r. rrLnrlirwe .. 1,794 1.107 RRR 9.136. R77F 54 I IR4471 - 1 1R1F,474 - 1,1 811,871 Pao ml- EgoiQmsot'Ga}fti 2,094 9011% 522 5&5 x714 Ga: , M & Lvbncamft - 0.00'%. - - - GOLMMilcaP L7:pL7aip ..... 3,490 9.06%4 5,123 3,02°F 3,729 1ms.ms, 'R '7 "P: %i nrk -70 MY: '}7 4915 141516 MuhumiL &&OPPIMs 44,358 46,17 - 7.92:4 41,145 29,709 36,387 hlambwhips & Dy 2,800• 2,90 0011: 1,653 961 344 0ffiTIMIUM 37,309. PS,OPP - 4.Jl.i 97,E 69,3" 5J,749 i6i�S.^' 3,44'h 3ip9 -43.1 IR, 1.60E 3,175 3,5" Rcia::LcoaLSAMUAO; - - 0.611% - 15 4,112 Rapa'vs & - .t.� 25.794 25,379 5,56". 35.259 39,352 35,749 tQ n u u:o- 4' _ ='u 8;19.10 8','Z! 1 0,5Y25J 50C - 1,00.009., - 401 - Tra,vl '_,744 2,7G4 IM0% 546 - - Uni -- nl: & ah 4,666 4,496 O.0 % '2,607 3,397 1,671 Utl7tas 1 }1,49} 1U1,03} - y,�y'1 --. 7}8,1110 145',85:2 1 }W,J3} Olh.a Sara -rine :er.� 9.861' 6,367 FA 19 1 ,}40 ],f8F1;0111 - �.11Mi 7./74 j1! 1.Ry,72.7 3 ,-W, 147 C .pL11 _ nilio, MgMLm & Ca =. 0 0 ID 0Owi 6 -0 0 0% . ca £4 Eft- 1'_,006 a 0 4 0.005: 9.136+: 6 4 -0 -0 0 a FmM2m4 is FatMIM (1 0 0.005: 6 -0 0 Cam b=cn & Uipm Lamxabca a 0 O.DD% 6 37,399 2.668 _datlirWFEtEgmpmard - - A.OD15: 15,DD0 12,DDD 11 4.0014 IS.779 57.w L914 20% D4Gr Q fl7YaY D M s_-;_ 300,151 39.0,131 9OM. 343,600 412,31 471.1a It GaLiC=LGam 15D.500 PUDD 1'_.46', '5,235 75„235 160.f.E 54-.51 569,4=1 -3.fw 470,LM 48757} 453, - -- No balloon payment in FY 2014 t :m.=y: _ Y�4F7,179 FY 2014.. - Budget "`-"' ` Budget is down 2.41% or $66,838 The Villaze of North Palm Be-ach F'i- ; {113 -2k4 Co auntri- Club Budget Foal & Bereraae SUM mal-.- 1 IM] 4 Inireaser Orlg2na12013 (Decrease) aver Artnal Actmal 3ctaal FiAmI Year 2013- 2014 Gadget 2013 Budget 49:3011 091!30.11 04r'3a14 Persaonel S alai•: Regular Pay S 177,348 S 92,638 91.44;v 77,885 S 83,199 # 43,701 Osimitime Pay - 500 - 100,00:6 89 199 - Part -time Pay 183.83_' 361,151 192,024 -427% 15,264 206,404 807873 Benefits: 0 Pensiam 29,48_' 15,412 91.303a 8,036 8,443 6 -224 51% Health Insurance 43.751 28,335 54.41% 'x.339 21.751 3 -404 FI{ lle&cam 27,631 21,815 26.604a ..260 27.798 11,143 LTD Insummce 799 417 91.616M 4 -3 436 253 Life Insic=e 348 174 100.0(ro- :62 162 99 WGFker's Compensation 6,538 3,893 -67.94% 3.066 4.439 3.274 Other - 108,5x0 8,606 - 100.00o-.o- 9.441 82, - 5 469,731 S 363,814 29.11" S L",977 i 354,0- $ 153,VU Operating _Advutrsmg dla=etmg ,WU S,4LH! 00.4r16 1,015 3, -r2q i6,3U'L C'harge Card Fee 9,000 8,400 12.50% 1,857 10,239 2,309 Uomtrmctmj Semces L'.'fUll -'O:3LH! - 1J.]. °a 1i,413 L:L,4'rL 21,75r4 EabnTliume<nt 10,0015 14,000 0 00° o- 1,238 23:2-93 11,032 ^ 0/O Rental -EquL mentUn&L- ni&rm 15,50D 15,500 0 00° o- 14,213 1 7,144 6,995 4 J Gas, 021& Lubricants 1,600 150 966 67P 74 132 42 licenses 8c Fees ?,500 5 ,200 44.23°4 3,045 4,444 3,744 I lateriMh & Supplies 2 7-.500 23,250 2 9,-Pb 15,035 32,250 53,292 I fer bm sc 251,800 290,000 - 13.179.E 222,076 284,218 98,978 New kitchen Pmfe5s2a3M1 Senzces 6130 1,244 835 720 flooring: $24,000 Repairs & Maintenance 40.100 23,200 "72.84% 6,169 8,233 16,832 SoLid Wasie Dispasa4 8.000 7,224 10.74% (5,688 6,271 6 -020 Vt Mies 44,638 50,273 - 11.21% 48,823 54,250 50,472 Other Operat®gCosts 1,700 I-IN 13.33% 639 11,337 4,053 4(56,438 d66ri97 i 37!h 3 -7,534 183,806 298,m5 C:aprtai _AmUa, Visual, & Comm. Sys - 0 0 00° o- 0 0 0 -Automotive 0 0 GOOD 0 0 0 Compw.er _udwam 8t Software O O% 0 0 GOOD 0 3,056 9,973 � Furniture a Fix. -ms = 0 0 GOOD 0 0 9,990 Dining Rxwml Iabies & Chairs 0 0.00° o- 0 0 0 Construction&h4ajorRenuvatam 53,634 - 100000D 0 0 0 China Glass. Sih- erware. etc. 0 0.00' o- 0 0 0 RfarLinerp & Equipmem 0. GOP o- 7.095 U 53,634 - 10-04496 0 5,0:6 27,658 Total ETp4msas rn S 915,76'9 5i 883.8 -30 3.610,6 S 653.811 S &11.575 47D,574 ey 2014 s Budget V: c Budget is up 3.61% or $31,919 1 IM] Expenses FY 2014 Personnel Operating Capital Debt Service Grand Total $ 111171802.00 2, 093, 284.00 12,000.00 548,751.00 $ 317711837.00 Down $51,029.00 or 1.33% from this current year! Operating Income /Contingency $13,118.00 FY 2014 `` Budget Revenues Categories: 1. CD Memberships �w 9P a 2. Green Fees 3. Cart Rentals 4. Driving Range 5. Other (Food, Beverage and Pro -Shop) FY 2014 Budget CD �w 9P a CD CD y 5. Other (Food, Beverage and Pro -Shop) FY 2014 Budget ■I Food & Be $799,1 21.11 ■ Revenues Village of North Palm Beach Country Club Fiscal Year 2013 -2014 Revenues ■ i Yrh pr $351, 688 ■ Driving Range $22,590 ZIJZM Total Revenues - 3,7$4,955 FY 2014 Budget rnbership ;579,335 15.31% ■ [.ark Rental/Wai king Fee $95L,142 25.13% FY 2014 Golf Revenues North Palm Seaeh IC.ountry Club Golf revenues — FY _*014 hiemberships� {projected based �n 2012,`2013 infora�atian} d1 Resident [;Single & ramily b) Non- R,c*i3cnt (Single & Family) C) BULine&S d) qurnr„ra e) Junior t) iimlll'lus T'OT -11. Grrrnv T_ r%: (1rri,jrr-Yrdl 4,n ?01 ?0614 fli_vmr 1Pv SFASOW) 53 37,995.00 S 199.W -00 $3.750-00 S91 7�0 DO $5.000.00 irLehLdc � Above .&i 79,33S 00 136 59 1 20 6 (Lneludcd above) I SR (fnrhi drs .711 nln-r FF2(JJ�Scasnrr IDatssl Re+erreess a) Fall (Oct. 7 NDv_10) 553,603.00 $19.13 FY2913 1"ireen b) Pre- Winter (IVm:_11- Dec. 15) $72,916.00 Fee - 'Round 0 S houlder (Dec. 16 -Jan. 26) 1151,335.00 519.13 FYN14 Gwen d) High (]an. 27 - Apr_ C $326,221.00 ! ee hound e) Spring (Apr_ 7 Apr_ 30) 55g,551.00 r) 5urmwt -A (ncI 1 - On f &. Mriy 1 - Srpl ID) $175,91 4 00 611x60 Ficij RvIllld". 1 MAL fib_ "?,.LAP-V.f1U C'Art Renral & Walking Fees! (prajeeted -Nm ed an 201212013 per round zvampes} a} Arrrrage ran fpp prr rnnn d p1:iyfLd f�E c Eudiug Walkers)$?3.09 4 3 .SG0 r i Walking r Ica SLO.96 X 3,440 rain 1J_ 5913,440.00 1371702.00 59Sf,142.00 (a. -g. 513.-09 49,000fds.) Driling Range (proj cc ted based an average of last 2 Fiscal Years) a) FY2013 (6.1.12 5.31.13) 259,855.00 FY7i117 157 1 ?1 01) 258,5057 + 125W(HaiStix) + 10,040 foTU inarcasc in price of ranee balls for non- membem 1 UTAL todfl_d 0 FY 201 Budget $�e Estimate includes a $1 increase in price of range balls for non - members FY .Xorfly Palm Beach Corrrmy Club - FY2014 Membership Fees FI'_U14 FY2013 Difference Special Offers or Notes Resident Single S2,205.40 S�.;Oa.O0% '0 4 Installment Plans: Pay a 3% Administration Fee Family 53,360.00 S ?.360.00 00,, Non- Resident Single 53.200.00 53.200,00 000 Installment Plans: Pay a 310 Administration Fee Family 54,300.00 54.300.00 00'} Golf Pius Resident (Golf- Tennis & Pool) Single S2,477.00 S'_.477.00 00':' Iustallmeni Plan;; Pa v a ='.AdnimistradmFee Family 53,770.40 53. ?70.00 0,10 Golf Plus -on- Resident (Golf_ Tennis & Pool) Single $3,567.40 S3.567.H "i InsulCmeni Plans: Pa y a 3,•� Administration Fee. Family- 54,377.00 S4.977At1 091 Touring Professiouil Single 52,205.00 52.205." "i Eligibiliq: Amy-Cu rentTouingProfessional. N.P_B Busi :le-3 Single $2,650.00 52.650.00 "i ElgMty: Nom- residents owmmg a business or rental ro within theViilla e property g Family $3,750.0f1 S3.?54.00 49'0 Juniors Resident S300.00 5300.00 0% Junior Golfer Pass prices will be the samie for residents and Non - residents. Non- Resident S344.00 $300.00 00.h Summer Option A: (Cart Fees Duly S49a.00 549-.00 00 r. Resnicdons: No Charging Pri %2Ieges. Option B is limited to Sunday- ThirrsdayAN;i°TL"s'� and after 11:(1(lAM Triday.Satnday and Holidays (or pay- a cart fee) - Option B: ;include- Girl Fees] $99.00 599.00 0'',., Famiit-: Cart Fees 0u1r S995.00 5999 611 0.3;, Uuhmited Calf Cart Single 53.000.00 53.000,00 0 00 Allows Members an "All- luclusive" optionwberethey- pre E;tcli _�dditi�aual , , _ 5_.. *0,00 , , _ S_.. �0A0 v. 0 � Program pay- for all cart fees and there are no per play- charges. Silver IF.-`r I 510.000.00 510,000.00 V.) Silver allows up to four named individuals employed at a company to Join under one membership_ Gold and Uold (I3irdie) 514,000.00 514,000.00 0�lb Platinum are same program but also LEives company- 50 Corporate and 100 pre -paid rounds respectively (Greens Fee.. Cart Platinuin(Eagle) 517, 500.00 517,500.00 09'a Fee & Tax) wrhich can be used for atlffemployees- clients or gaests_ Additional in&viduals may be added for Each Additional $2,500.00 $2,-.-,00.00 000 $2.500 each. 2014 s° Budget X, FY 2014 Budget FY2014 Membership Calculations I Y2494 Mernber5hip Calculations 1- YZU'F4 Hesiaent Hon- Mesident Single lFam 83 3F ilyr 23 7 Rsiaii ex Rin01a n n Businc -r Family 1 0 Golr Pius Slag 3 0 GoIr Plus, Farrwlyr 2 0 12 hlorrth 23 13 r4 Aiern�rTr r9P � S1,:2Ub.L^U Summer opt A J t � Summa Opt 8 7 ''. ° 6' Junior 9 I 1 TOTAL 162 96 Grand Totaf 25b 6-3?"" R e9icyeht foil Men7b escyeht er I r. only rhfh rrr JAamk rse. {n F; Revd' Cl-dy Thies is onlyr the golf portion at thc member zh4p Total Cm#. vpecinl speeial Regular Rlrnrtrersliip tvadee4v y Mrrnkani� Pe.Y 4 Par Frr Regular F. y 9 Pair Fnr TuLd' ResdemSIngle 83 U ;2,.1 DO. 001P 133 1h2,20..00 ;1133,010.00 *eside�rrt Single 11Man11h lb .l �II lt3 S1,:2Ub.L^U Sid, 29U.L+U Mes,idemt hamity `L.J U W'.1L11_W Z3 Zii3,3;tu.au Zii ('fie J.W Resident Family 1.2 M1rlonth 7 0 ON= 7 $'3.30D.130 52.3,52GD0 Non- Resident5in& 39 0 $2,995.D0 39 $3,200.30 $124,600.D0 NomlRemdent Sumle 12 Wnth 10 D DIMM 10 $3,200.110 532,000.D0 Nun- Residenn Fare UV 7 4 995.30 7 $- 4,300.30 SA,100.DO Nrmt- ZesidentFmay 12 Month 3 0 3 3�4.300_U0 512.900.D0 &ucinai Sin81� 6 0 0 $x,650.,60 $O.G3 Rur:in�ccr: Family 1 U 1 1.3,750.30 $3,750.00 G f Plu❑ Sin81c Fkcadcnt' I U $2.272.06 4 i=, 06.60 89.820.00 Gdf r lum Family rdeniidcne 3. U $3,@)0.00 3 #2,300.60 510,060.00 Calf flue Dingle mR' D U %3,.382_U6 0 5�3,200.60 84.W 43dif Plus Family NR' D 0 71_572.00 0 IIA,300.60 301.Go Ammer (r-arts maluded! JL2 'l1 $Wb.UU S'd 1,aSAJ.UL] Mirimier zu U zu T�4yb.ju 5Y,I=M.UU Junior Resident D 0 9 $3110.010 32,700.00 Junior MR 119 0 11 $3D0.30 33,300.00 Totals 258 258 $579,335.00 I r. only rhfh rrr JAamk rse. {n F; Revd' Cl-dy Thies is onlyr the golf portion at thc member zh4p 0 North Palm Beach Country Club Golf Club Membership & Rates - FY2014 Resident Single Fami y Junior Nan- Resident Single Family Junior Business Golf Memberships Regular Regular Sum rrer Memberships (May 1 - September 31) Golf Plus Mearbershjus !Goff: Tennis & Pao! Res;cl - Single ReguLar $218,295.00 GoMPortiorr Only (ea_ a $2.205) Family Regular 9 GolfPortiorr Only (ea_ Q $3,360) Von - Resident Single Regular ea. 33,2110.19 = GolfPorticm Only (ea_ 0 53,200) Family regular 543,901.00 Golf Portion Only fee_ A $4.300) 99 ea. $2,21b.M _ $218,295.00 30 ea. $3,3.8(09 = S10D.B01A0 9 ea. $319.19 = $2.70100 49 ea. 33,2110.19 = 5158,901.00 10 ea. 94,119.19 = 543,901.00 1t ea. $30309 = $3.301.00 t ea. ` ' S3 753 C3 = $3.750.001 24)9 Total 3528,845.00 � 12 it 495 or 595 = 531,790-00 4 ea. t $2,215.19 = $8,92100 58,220.00 3 ea. $3,38(0(_ $11,118100 StO08000 5D. dR 9 ea. $4,319.1(_ $1.00 Sam 7 Total 518,90+1.011 Grand Teal 258 S51,4.335.0 Resident Card Holder and Guest of Member Discount IS Greens Fees: See 2013x'204 Recommended Rates CART RENTAL 184ioles 941o1es Cart Fees: Member $23.19 $12.00 Mon - Member 528.95 $15.00 ,t pa4AL.ye FY 2014 , WALKING FEE Budget °- walking Fees: Member ONLY $12.19 V-11C Anticipated Rounds: 43.009 Greens Fees Six (6) PUBLISHED time periods or seasons 1. Fall: October 7 — November 10 2. Pre - Winter: November 11 — December 15 3. Shoulder: December 16 — January 26 4. High: January 27 — April 6 5. Spring Season: April 7 —April 30 6. Summer: October 1 — October 6 & May 1 — September 30th FY 2014 Budget Greens Fees Projections North Palm Beach Country Club Greens Fee Projections Rounds Pla --ed Average Greens (June 1,2012- Revenues mdth Fee Dollars per FY 1014 :Season (Dates) May 31, 2013) Current Rates bound a) Fall ('Oct. 7 - Nov-10) 1a) Pre - Winter INoy.-. 11 - Dec. 15) c) ShoiAdef (Dec. 16 - Jai- 26) d) Figh (Jar- 27 - Api. 6) e) Spring (Apr. 7 - Apr_ 30) f) SL1177111er (Oct. 1 - Oct_ 6 & May 1- Sept. 30) 3,669 $55.603.00 $15.15 3,830 $72916 -00 $19.04 5,435 $151.335.00 $27.84 10,399 $326.221 -00 $31.37 2,896 $58.551.00 $20-22 17,716 $1757919.00 $9.93 TOTALS: 1 13,#451 5810,545.00 1 519.13 Weighted Average of Fate Increase: 0 -00% Projected Rounds for Fig 2014: 43,000 Projected Average Dalbi's per Round IT 2014: 519.13 Projected Greens Fee Revenues: S822,590 100 FY 2014 Budget Cart Rental &Walking Fees Projections North Palm Beach Country Club Cart Renial and Wa king Fees Projections i Any nriITml 1 � -hoes Cart Fees: 413riber $2100 Non- Mdember $►25.95 9 -Holes $12.0O $15.03 (achta] perrrnmd a^erages for 61.12 - 5.31.13) use age tart fee pFr ravnd la (exJud= -.,h- lsen) 5821.36137,096 romxIs==52t.14 'Note: the Projected FY 14 perrcundareraze is $0 -31` mae tbar FYI due to tie cart L-ee increase M mber1S 31.66hx ase Non - Member 18 $0.95 larmse Non- Member a $ 1.00 lar me WALKING FEE I "Odes 9 -Hales MalkinU Fee3; 911anber MLY $12.00 $ °.J0 TOTAL TOIIL CA K.TF.E\T.0 tF rF -.LLM` G FEES FY 2014 Budget `° $35,152A.M6 mends $23.19 X39.561 roams 510 -56 X 3.440 rounds *S?3.K $10.56 5913,440_U[} $37,701 -CO SM,242.00 fang. S'?.1' , h,M# werrds North Palm Beach Country Club 2013-2014 Walk In Rates Early MO rTh i h 9 Fall Seasah IMorhinij (Oct. 7 - Nov. 10) Mid -.Day" Twilight* Early Morr,irvg Pre- Winter S.e,asoi, Adorning (Nov. 11 - Dec. 15) Mid -Day Twilight* Early Morning Shoulder Season Morning IDec. 16 - Jan. 26) M ird - Day Twilight* Early Morning High Season Adorning (Jan. 27 Apr. G} Mid -Day Twilight' Early MarnirrS Spring Season Morning (Apr. 7 - Apr, 30) Mid -Day Twilight* 576.95 585,05 575.95 585,05 566.95 575,95 560.95 555.95 $89.95 589.95 $89.95- 599.95 579,9r5 $89.95 549.95 5919,05 599.95 5109.95 599.95 S 1 09.95 585.95 589,35 555.0-5 55S,9r5 575.95 585,05 $75.95 585,95 SG6.95 575.05 $413.0-5 559,`35 53G,00 542A0 5313,00 542,00 530,00 S:3 546.00 $5:,00 5415,00 $52.00 540.00 5411,00 MA ILA 554.00 5110.00 554.00 5110.00 548.00 $5.4,00 NIA WA 5130,00 51111,00 5130,00 5116,00 552.00 554,00 NiA H;A 54G,00 55:,00 34G,O0 55:,00 540.00 546,00 N)A WA Budget 534,00 534,00 530,00 MA Suh,,merSeas+ah Early Mo I'll ih1) 546.95 1 555,'95 528.00 {Dct. Y - Oct 6 a MorhiMd S45.05 555,95 528,00 May T - Sep. 30l rv1 id -Day 539.95 549,05 524.00 Twilight* S32.D5 535,`35 N;A ' Twiirgn! =After 3:00pm October 7, 20fJ - Movember 2043 Af'er 2:00prn November 3, 2013 - March S. 20' � After.3: pro March 9, 2014 - September 30, 20 '.4 1 Weekday= Moroday - Thursday kend =Friday -Sunday & Holidays FY 2 014 .__ r�r Ole Ra6es are 8096 of 19 Hale Rates Budget 534,00 534,00 530,00 MA Food &Beverage FY 2014, Budget a� Country Club Budget Summary wBtmL]L FY2013-2014 C Ouarr--- CIA Bud. LE Summary F4- .cal Yeas 2013-2014 Onghs] M. T.,.-,, IN, JOIJ FV 1613 ;),.j —i F-dinz A —.J A—d C. M T e3k F3 1 -%-j -;. I T-1 P..3— 1013 B.J— p K 2035 9191IN12 p M Mil 9164.-MA =72MES Drt%lmg FMLe i 2MI.OLNU 5 --U!9,U.O Mmbelship 5n 4-.:5 623.550 C ad Rol3a 913jig U:XLki3LS FW. 37.24, Cxeea, res 0 =. '.a4 SU -.5.4 LeF,iom Jam! .JU Q I ,UQtlu IKOW Tm33mmEmt?mcee& 2.620 MN 1.116 Merchamthe simlei 160-590 iw-�Oa 1!^2,1 -A qpwiAl Tt+ n t-,,,Tan3w - dk u,nn", Food& Bcvzffa p Lease GpKT ad DiL 0 LiLjmL 'kd 287,90 ^3 13f.m 24-Z.O49 koW & SEs,ma ge SmLe:i 445,Om Si : B Of S=hl - %,D u0 T-t-TQ I E2MIkgr -AY, 7,6[): 7.327 OUlier 61,14s 27.-"50 38413 93.7 N TOWRaeolm 2.97U55 MAN 7.M 3034.955 3.94S933 PcramaL- 'Baldn 6L Ew&Bu 32Q,577 749.73 1 37.4" 3,117.541 915,743 Nee 7."* 7,Djq -,044 CU&vje Cod Ft!n J%716 9,864 D F2,7Lff -95 (IQ cmftacmalben-im I.444 ,21 R 23.7m 4,144 1.121,063 I.i:3.521 Euutajr a 11,GGO a 16.409 16,999 1-*N I Una MAW I 1-;flfl )).713 39.09-0 10,D(N9 7.E86 2498`8 a 38.000 00 MUMULE LX A V7=LnE 37.000 5,046 a 42.009 4=,4 92 4,500 7f 65.61; 47.500 1!I.6 0 444309 318.D (19 347P4 4 ^.:C.) a 64jp i i8.37P S hd WasKe Dupo=L ac,-Ad a 11.1" UUEELM 0151) J I'MM £W. fad 4-11',_"0: Otbu OpmrLg Cosis I&RDO 5,000 31-500 43,099 CaFiuz capta: cruay 1 iX4P 14,iX1U 3'4-,9j9 Debi & Cq1bEF= Dtl?1 Sea vke LpDff Lwt Lease 1 i0.3i9 0 159."0 1713 00 IapzamE-13i49 & CeL Lzat- 4:-.954 43,691 rrwt-hnj!pmry • 1.1 111. 1 'A.fir Total Expecx� (I 22) 3 ��Ot, E FY 2014 Z964�h, Ii.a49 +2,449 Budget 574M4 437,433 6.1-v Is 753-3A9 - 2.75 ®. mow 963_437 56, f(5 DKYA 440199 '414-3 - :(4 43'M5 s149,7* W§-M4 &I0,S491 751,4-2&4 _J,:74 ". LIt4U7P Lft)r! UWA 4a9jw -3 "!'. 2,540 W 1.m 3,471 I , �21. 15LOCO ULA 3 1333* L33354 - 1 nr. 1119. 6 n 4M I-M Xoc , 0 D G 35 _-11 -206% 21:"w M1,142 223,172 rr4,3 43 A.614 4L000 4.14,644 479,M6 I7&=9 -lDo.*D% IMMO D 0 124,M 3.734 7,633 7,U 1 1,*3 14,6" -3.47% 7J,41J oq;+i 3 MAM 92,644 -LI5% JM UO S-9qu 1 31.5 i} SIVPCM 9.07', 997,132 MaLIO 392,Qft 71,,07 XIC-1 COM 5_911 3-m I %137 7 - 4fe M3RI H-Q*I JEM 3211 -:c j*,O L MM IX I-M R IX7,37;t U14XN Ts 1 ]pr. �X: M 7-233 23, jq $9;L 77 M 1-9 EM 00 _s.>3 °. P 4 #7,jViSLQ L2jM LM 13.652 -- C nN, C/- `LOOP 2"3. -d 5-1 %is 4k,37e& 411.63�. A.4-/c 40 49-M 50M 6 i -994 -9 ?-.r 0/ 31.3 Sa 70 Z 37L349 M4.!,17 o/. '4-�W7 4LAA� 27 5 5,748 4/1 17-1-"& UI-42 lio49 L$ p � !.LtLSl L AM}w A i. IXRN GLL4 }do- Styr, nEj 31 SP x-c ALMS 473.1* -1 LOS% 25'L 75.u.5 MM5 I60,676 s 341 16 L72,M I S (I'Aff) s -(xk5I:29 42,W- Y1_ -1 50,210 RLMD FY 2013 -2014 Restaurant Revenues _1C4 Ile <03-[Fthoa 5epr.etnberJO,2011 FYI013 End et FY 2114 Rtgnmr Detail L3253 -0$140 FMD &B34TRAGELE.kSE L3253 -08102 F B- KEMBSPECIA,LEVEM L32 53-08110 FOOD SALES 170.354.47 190J1 000 230.Od]_ BasedonFY2013 Treni+- Prieeincrease 13 2 53-0811. 13ETY=GH CAR= SALES 16.4 °OAL IspoG00 15.00-]_ B3se�donFY2013 Trent 13253 -08112 3EVEKAG- -- C.=1R=SkL,ES -LIQ OR 25.411.35 30100.64 25,00IN Bgsad to Ff 2013 Trmi& Pme ineman 13253 -08113 NON- ALCOHOLICBEV GE 29.176.31] 27- 000.00 3:?51 Based, on FY 2013Treni 13253 -08120 1.IQUORSkLES 175.800 -63 210 - 000.00 210,00-IN Based, on FY 2013 Trenc+ Price increase L3253 -08139 FACTLrE Y RENTa liU_[w] 3630 64 27.750_ B3-d on nor VPB e-, ent U253 -08135 3A1dQUET5 194.685.13 210maCt4 260.00.0 Based on FY 2013 Trena~ VAU focus on pro-ter uniketingoManquedngVemle 13253 -08439 COLLECMNFEE - 13253 -08492 3E,F4TN[}-FC)tD & BEV - L3253 -08999 }viL.5CE1.Lr314E�Ui12��rENL1E 101.24 - iDT_'rL liLyrs-aS 61:337."1060M S Based on current year sales 1 FY 2014 Budget �� ave age. 1. Administration 2. Golf Operations 3. Food & Beverage FY 2014 Budget = Balanced NPBCC BUDGET ■ Food & be $7'}3.( 21_1] N W2 9m) zir3x Village of North Palm Scaeh Country Club FY 2uii -zoia Budget Revenues Uther 45L,Kk 10 31f ', $2-01�9W 7.+Yi7i ■ r��s. � 2 -A_1'J FY 2014 Budget Expenses [by department] ,v.drrs-M1i�t- e„-I_ ■ m-rirff.rr $'I7d�'hi77 '�� 513�]S ■ YwranK�- Nrrostw 2i tfnhcr�-h ip `s-ra,33s 1531% Cart Fie ntmliWalkinp Fee $971r1a2 2S. 13U Total $ 3.784,955 �r 5 ;°rya 3r� 7 LIZ7i CONCLUSION: ➢ A Balanced Budget for FY 2014 Revenues Expenses Operating Income / Contingency FY 2014 Budget $3,784,955 $3,771,837 $ 13,118 Y Qrth P .9ltn Bc.ich Villn -e Ct micil MI014 $ti(Iget Workshop Froposecl �chedtilc ]Da, %-: Date: Time: Subject: Vt'einesdav A* 24' 00 pm -1190 pm Council Coal Setting Wednesdav May 15th 10-Gi+ ►tn — 4:00 pm Staff [budget] Rrheat wednesdav juI , lop, 7.00 pm -13 00 pm. Country C "hlb Budget (Ovemm) T,K-S ty- Iu1 -• I dh 7.OD pm -10:00 pm Germl Fund BLdgcl (c�+e�r-ievs� Thaelsdm- July ?;Ib Couacil'liceting 1lnnapr's Proposcui Budget Pre3ealatiou Wedttesdav August 7t 7.06} 1mt -10:00 ptu General Fund Btdget ,,TubLc Sam, Ciyma Clerk Altormey a is I�Umgger) Wednj? d v August 14' TOO pm -10-00 pru General Fund Budget -,PubLc Wa ks: Gomm mitt' Develgxnmt and Libry ) Welnesdav August its 7: 00 pm— 2 100 ptu Getim, I FLnd Budget ,Tladm & Recrca7 ion Hl� Fit P, M aad Dcbr & Otlaer) Welnesdav A.tma 29d 7-00 pm -10 -00 pm Budget R c ap ind-MilWe disc s_sions * Th; FY21)14 ]budget W'Dtkshop schedule has been In-elopecl to sere e as a glade only. bates atud times are sulject to rhange in accol -dance iwlth rite " "PlALC meting' -JtaT-isioas cfFSS. FY 2 014 , Budget ` °° Questions & Answers lid T.4 4,or A 1,,'