03-29-2013 Letter from Mayor Manuel to Ray Eubanks - Submittal of Adopted Benjamin School Comp Plan AmendmentTHE VILLAGE OF
North Palm Beach
501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 • NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 334o8 • 56i-841-3355 • FAX 561- 881 -7469
William L. Manuel, Mayor
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Vice- Mayor
Robert A. Gebbia, President Pro Tern
David B. Norris, Councilman
Doug Bush, Councilman
Ed Green
Melissa Teal, CMC
March 29, 2013
Ray Eubanks
Plan Processing Administer
State Land Planning Agency
Caldwell Building
107 East Madison Street MSC —160
Tallahassee, Florida 32399 -4120
Re: Submittal of adopted Comprehensive Site Specific Plan Amendment 12 -1 (Benjamin School) (DEO Ref:
13- lESR), for the Village of North Palm Beach, Palm Beach (Palm Beach County)
Dear Mr. Eubanks:
The Village of North Palm Beach is pleased to submit the attached three copies (one hard and two copies on disc)
of the above adopted Comprehensive Plan amendment under the expedited review process. Text and /or Map
revision is contained in the Appendix A. Proposed amendment 12 -1 is not applicable to an Area of Critical State
The Village Planning Commission, sitting as the LPA, at its meeting of July 10, 2012 and following advertised
public hearing, recommended that the Village Council approve Amendment 12 -1 by a 5 -0 vote.
The Village Council, at its meeting of December 13, 2012 and following advertised public hearing on the matter,
voted to approve Ordinance 2012 -12 (Amendment 12 -1) on first reading and authorize staff to transmit the
proposed amendment to FDEO, each by a 5 -0 vote.
The Village Council, at its meeting of March 28, 2013 and following advertised public hearings on the matter,
voted to approve Ordinance 2013 -05 (Amendment 12 -1) on second reading and authorize staff to submit the
proposed amendment to FDEO, each by a 5 -0 vote.
Concurrency has not been rescinded for any public facilities on the adopted amendment.
March 29, 2013, Re: Submittal of adopted Comprehensive Site Specific Plan Amendment 12 -1 (Benjamin School) (DEO Ref: 13 -IESR)
Adopted Amendment 12 -1 Summary
Proposed amendment 12 -1 is classified as a "large- scale" amendment, due to the fact the site specific amendment
relates to the Future Land Use Map amendment and pertains to a property greater than 10 acres in size.
The applicant (The Benjamin School) Site Specific Amendment 12 -1 has requested to assign a uniform
Commercial future land use designation to all The Benjamin School operations. At the present time, three Village
future land use designations (Educational, Public Buildings & Grounds and Commercial) are assigned to the
school; parcels currently assigned Educational and Public Buildings and Grounds will allow existing and planned
The Benjamin School properties to operate under a single Village future land use category and zoning approval.
A companion application for a C -1 /PUD zoning has been concurrently submitted for the entire 14.79 acre The
Benjamin School property.
Submittal Requirements
Pursuant to Florida Statutes, the following submittals are enclosed:
1. Enclosure 1 — Future Land Use Map for Amendment 12 -1.
2. Enclosure 2 — Staff report supporting Amendment 12 -1.
3. Enclosure 3 — Executed copy of Village Ordinance 2013 -05 incorporating Amendment 12 -1 within
the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. The ordinance was adopted on second
reading by the Village Council on March 28, 2013.
4. Enclosure 4 — A copy of the Village's existing Future Land Use maps indicating the current and
proposed future land use designations of the subject properties.
In addition to the four enclosures, the following certifications are made:
1. No changes have been made to Amendment 12 -1, which were not previously reviewed by the
State Land Planning Agency as part of its review of Amendment 12 -1 during the transmittal stage.
There are no additional findings by the Village Council that are not included in the ordinance
included in Enclosure 3.
Copy of Comprehensive Plan Amendment 12 -1 was submitted, on today's date, to the following
agencies that provided timely responses to the transmittal phase amendment submittal of
Amendment 12 -1: Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and South Florida Water
Management District. No issues were raised by either agency as a result of their reviews.
Copies of proposed Amendment 12 -1 may be viewed by members of the public at the Village
Clerk's Office, 501 U.S. Highway 1, North Palm Beach Florida 33408. Any questions regarding
the submittal may be addressed to:
Jodi Nentwick Tel: (561) 882 -1156
Acting Community Development Director FAX: (561) 841 -8242
Village of North Palm Beach E -Mail: jnentwickkvillage =n npb.org
501 U.S. Highway One, North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Respectfully submitted,
William Manuel
1. Amendments 12 -1 3. Adopting Ordinance 2013 -05
2. Staff Report Amendment 12 -1 4. Existing Future Land Use Map