• NOVEMBER 8,2012
Present: David B. Norris, Mayor
• William L. Manuel, Vice Mayor
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., President Pro Tem
Robert A. Gebbia, Councilman
Doug Bush, Councilman
Ed Green, Village Manager
Leonard Rubin, Village Attorney
Melissa Teal, Village Clerk
Mayor Norris called the meeting to order at 9:47 p.m. All members of Council were present. All
members of staff were present.
Discussion took place concerning an application from Domani Development LLC to rezone a
seven-acre vacant parcel of property from R-3 Apartment Dwelling District to a Residential
Planned Unit Development (RPUD) with waivers and site plan approval, for a multi-family
development to be known as "Water Club."
Mr. Green reviewed the history of the proposed development of the property, including adoption
of Ordinance 14-2005 approving the "Domani" RPUD, which was withdrawn by the developer
in 2007, and subsequent adoption of Ordinance 2008-08, which approved a text amendment to
the Village's Future Land Use Map to remove the property from Special Policy 5.2, and to
assign a future land use designation of high density residential, which allows 24 dwelling units
per acre. Mr. Green detailed the waivers requested as part of the current RPUD application.
Mr. Green reported the Planning Commission, sitting as the Village's Local Planning Agency,
held a special public hearing on October 18, 2012, and voted unanimously to approve the RPUD
application as submitted.
Bob Vail, representing developer Kolter Communities, gave a presentation on the project.
Mr.Vail introduced members of the Project Team who were present to discuss aspects of the project,
including Larry Cohan, BC Architects Al A, Inc.; Don Durante, Randall Stofft Architects; and
Landscape Architect Michael Sapusek,Intuitive Design Group.
Discussion took place regarding the Development Review Committee (DRC) comment
concerning traffic concurrency. Village Planner Jodi Nentwick explained that if project
construction is not commenced by 2015,the developer must reapply for traffic concurrency.
• By consensus, this item was moved forward to the December 13, 2012 Regular Session agenda.
Minutes of Village Council Workshop Session held November 8,2012 Page 2 of 2
1 • Discussion was held concerning potential amendments to the Village Zoning Code to allow
outdoor storage as a permitted use within the Village's commercial zoning districts.
Mr. Green reviewed the issues of(1) outdoor storage or display of merchandise as an accessory
use to the business; and (2) outdoor storage of boats, boat trailers and other equipment unrelated
to the business. Regarding outdoor storage of merchandise, Mr. Green noted it is prohibited
within commercial zoning districts (other than a limited exception for outdoor displays of
vehicles within the C-2 Commercial District). Regarding outdoor storage of boats, boat trailers
and other equipment, Mr. Green stated this is not a permitted use within any commercial zoning
district, nor could such activity be considered an accessory use to the business. Mr. Green stated
that in the Northlake Boulevard Overlay Zoning District (NBOZ) any use not listed as a
permitted use is prohibited, unless the Village determines it is similar to a permitted use.
Mr. Green advised that any Zoning Code amendment must be consistent with the Village
Appearance Plan, which currently requires that all service yards, storage yards, and exterior
work areas "shall be screened from public ways, including waterways, services alleys, and
adjoining properties."
Discussion ensued on allowing outside storage by special permit. After consideration, Council
was not in favor of utilizing this process. Council consensus was that it would consider a code
amendment to allow outside storage of merchandise related to the business and/or items not
related to the business (such as boats, boat trailers, or other equipment), provided the following
issues were addressed: police and fire rescue access, appearance, and screening. Additionally,
any outside storage area must not obstruct access to the neighboring property.
Discussion took place regarding outside displays of merchandise. At this time, the Council was
not in favor of allowing outdoor displays of merchandise.
This item will be brought back to another Workshop Session.
Discussion took place concerning the development of a concept for the future of the clubhouse
facility at the North Palm Beach Country Club. Mr. Green noted the Village has a world-class
golf course that is linked to a dated clubhouse, and suggested that Council begin a dialog on what
the clubhouse should look like in 5/10/15 years. Mr. Green detailed various options: do nothing,
renovate the existing facility, expand and renovate the existing facility, construct a new facility.
Mr. Green noted the need for input on these options from Council, citizens, advisory boards in
order to achieve consensus on the concept for the clubhouse facility. 1
Discussion ensued on the need to hold discussions with citizens regarding what functions should
be included in the building. Discussion took place concerning the need for Council to determine
its long-term goal for the clubhouse.
Having reached the 11:00 p.m. curfew,the meeting was adjourned.
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Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk