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05-2010 Newsletterm -.Emk- MAY 2010 So fa�4 id if i I a J6- Village cowdi i Clerk • . A. i••! 0 i i 0 0. 0! r 9 0 0 0! 0 0 0! 0 0•!. 0 0 0 0 A e# e r r 0 9 r 0 s 0 4 0 0 0 e A r a r* 0• COUNCIL OFFICERS The Village Council selected its Officers for the coming year. Bill Manuel was appointed Mayor, Darryl Aubrey was appointed Vice Mayor; and David Norris was appointed President Pro Tem. Nw- COUNCIL NIENIIBERS The following individuals were sworn -in March 25; 2010 as members of the Village Council for a two year term: Group 1: Robert Gebbia Group 3: Darryl Aubrey Group 5: Bill Manuel AVE Pictured Above: Councilman Robert Gebbia being sworn -in by Village Clerk; Melissa Teal. 1ST ANNUAL SL PPORT OUR TROOPS 5K RLiV /WALK A SUCCESS! The First Annual Support Our Troops 5K Run f Walk was held as the kick -off to this year's Village of North Palm Beach Heritage Day Festival. The 7:30 am start provided the 112 participants with a beautiful view of the sunrise as they wound through the Village over the three plus mile course. Awards were given to the top three finishers in each of twenty age and gender categories. Special awards were also given to our top military veteran and active duty racers. This year's overall winners were Lanae Barnes and Michael Berry. A great time was had by all with all proceeds aiding our efforts to SUPPORT OUR TROOPS! Pg. 2— Village Council f Clerk. Follow the Village on NIXLE,COM rrrrwsrrrrrresrrrrrrsrrrerrrrrrrrrsrrrrrr• Public Sably f Commity News CELL PHONES FOR SENIORS . F MIKE •, t In case of an accident or emergency, having a 911 cell phone can bring help fast! Don't throw your used cellular phone away. Instead donate it so that senior citizens in the village can use them during emergencies. The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety collects used cell phones to provide as a free service to senior citizens. The phones will have only one capability - to call 911 in an emergency. If you would like to donate a cell phone to this pro- gram you can drop it off at the police department (560 US Highway 1) anytime. Older phones or phones in need of serious repair will be sold, with the proceeds used to fund various community service needs. If you are interested in obtaining a phone, contact Sergeant Dallesandro at 841 -3300 or email at adallesandroCc?village- npb.orp. as "I�ti Lz� L , Agft�ho 11 ,- HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY I know you will be taking mom out for dinner to give her a break from cooking and that's my cue to remind you that cooking is our number one cause of home fires. The number one reason for this is unattended cooking. In these busy times we get distracted by the phone or someone at the door or the kids with that must do school project, and we leave something cooking on the stove. By the time you return a fire has started. Please don't fall victim to this all too repeated story. If you must walk away from the stove, even for what you think will be "just a minute" turn the stove off, turn those pot handles in so they don't hang over the edge to be knocked over and resume cooking when you return and can stay with it. If you have any questions regarding cooking fires; or any other fire safety topic, please contact us at (561) 882 -1141. Public Safety f Community News —Pg. 3 Ling.•.•.••••.••►•s.... e.•....•••.......•........ ..•.....•►••••.■........•••.... a4 TFI E NPB LIBRARY PRESENTS... TI-IE COl PON LADY With coupon exchange and discussions on getting by in these very trying financial times. Check with the library for dates and times. VACATION TIME IS APPROAC HING Don't worry about overdue fines while you are away. If you are planning an extended vacation and know you will need extra time on your materials; ask for the VACATION CHECKOUT, and receive two extra weeks on all 28 -day books and audio books. GENEALOGY CLUB The TreeSearchers Genealogy Club will hold their May meeting on Tuesday, May 18 "°, at 7:00 pm at the library. This will be our last meeting until the fall, so join us for some hints on expanding your research techniques. Everyone is welcome! Call Sue at 841 -3383 if you have any questions. LUNCH BOX TRAVEL Travel Video shown Wednesday, May 12 "' 19 "' and 26t" at noon. Bring a bag lunch and share your travel experiences. For more information call Betty at the Reference Desk 841 -3383. CONNECT AT YOUR LIBRARY Don't forget, the library is your source for free online access. One on One computer help every Saturday from 9:00 am -91:00 am. NPB LIBRARY SCRABBLE CLUB Newcomers welcome! EVERY SUNDAY, 1 -4pm Pg. 4— Library FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Friends of the Library has three openings for Board Members. This is a very worthwhile group that is involved in various fund raising activities. If you are interested please drop off your resume I information at the circulation desk or send an email to Please stop by the Library to view the hand made art work and jewelry which is on display near the Reference Desk on the upper level. Raffle tickets are $1.00 each or six (6) tickets for $5.00 and available at the Circulation Desk. All proceeds bene- fit the NPB Library. The drawing will be held on May 23rd CHILDREN'S SERVICES STORY TIMES �1 Tuesdays 10:00 AM Age 2 (30 min.) 10:45 AM Ages 3 -4 (30 min.) Thursdays 10:00 AM Ages 13 -23 months (20 min) 14:45 AM Age 2 (30 minutes) Each program is carefully prepared with age - appropriate materials, with themes that are filled with stories, puppets, flannel board stories, music, movies, and crafts. Fallow the Village on NiXLE.0 M KID'S CRAFT May 14'h, 3:30 pm Ages E -12! Space is limited Sign up required Fallow the Village on NiXLE.0 M • raasssssaasaasass ssssssssssssasaassssaaaassssasssssaasssassas NPB SomwCamps Summer Camp Registration Registration for NPB resi- dents for all Summer Camp Programs will be held at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. until sessions are filled from 9:00am – 7:00pm M -F and 9:90am - 1:00pm Satur- days. Complete schedules are available on the recrea- tion pages of www.village- Online registration began April 1st. Space is - limited so register early! s x 's22 Super Kids Camp This exciting '/2 day program is for youth 4-6 years of age. Camp program is registered in four 2 -week sessions from June 7th – July 30th. This program is M -F from 9:00am —noon. Each week features a different theme with guests coming in to present fun, exciting and educational programs. Camp includes story time, crafts, free play, snack, and much more. Cost is $1001 session ( +NR fee if applicable). Camp Director is Marelen Baylis. NPB Summer Day Camp Summer Rec Camp for youth 7 – 14 years of age runs in 1 week increments from June 7th – July 30th. Camp meets at the NPB Community Center, 1200 Prosperity Fm. Rd. Camp trips to local attractions occur on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Tuesdays & Thursdays campers remain onsite and participate in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities. Complete schedules are available at Rec. buildings or at www.village- $1501wk ( +NR fee if applicable, multiple week discounts available). Questions? Call Camp Direc- tor Bill Egan at 841 -3386. w... +-arty Sport Camps We will offer specialty sport camps by Building Up Sports Academy again this summer. There are 7 weekly morning camp programs at $95/session (+ NR fee if applicable). Age varies according to the program but most are for youth 6 -13 years of age. Camps include: Fishing, Flag Football, Soccer, Dance & Cheer, Basketball, Karate, and Lacrosse. Campers will learn the proper techniques and skills of the particular sport during these specialty camps. At the end of the week campers will participate in a "big game." For a complete schedule, please visit www.village- All camps are held outdoors at the Community Center except Fishing Camp will be held at the newly renovated Anchorage Park. Golf Camp North Palm Beach Country Club is excited to announce it will offer five sessions of golf camps throughout the summer. Each camp will run Tuesday – Thursday from 8:30 am to 11:00 am. The first camp is June 15th – 17th, followed by June 291h – July 1St, July 13th 15th, July 27th – 291h and the last camp is August 1 oth – 12th Assistant Golf Professionals Adam Earl and Lee Stroever will be organizing and providing instruction covering all areas of the game. The camps will be suitable for all levels of junior golfers from beginners to the more advanced players. The cost for the three day camp is $125 for Village of North Palm Beach Residents and $150 for Non - Residents. Ages that can attend are 6 – 15 years old and camp size will not exceed 12 students. Stop by or call the Golf Shop at 691 -3433 for more details and to register your child. Sign up early...we will fill up fast! Tennis, Golf, & Pool Summer Camps The ACE Academy will offer camps each week throughout the summer beginning Monday, June 14th and ending Friday, August 6th. Several camp options are available to children ages 4 -17; tennis only camp, tennis and swimming camp, and tennis, golf, and swimming camp. The camps that will include golf will only be offered the weeks of June 21St, July 12th, and August 2mi Half -day options are available 8:30am to 12 :30pm and a full day is 8:30am to 3 :30pm. Please see the website for complete details: www. vi Iage -; departments, Parks & Recreation, tennis, ACE camps. FL Marlin Love! I NPB Summer Camps —Pg. 5 Parks & ReL / Togs .......... rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr •rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr• MARLINS VS. METE BASEBALL TRiP We will be taking a bus to this game on Friday night, May 14th. The cost is $35/person and includes game admission ticket and bus transportation. Bus leaves from Anchorage Park at 4:30pm and returns at approximately 11 pm. Tickets are limited! Call 841 -3386 to register for this exciting trip! SUMMER POOL PARTIES Mark your calendars now for the summer pool parties at the NPB Pool. June 18th, July 16th, Aug. 13th. DJ Extreme will entertain you and your family with dancing, contests, fun, and games! Food and drinks available. SUMMER YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE We will be offering a fun, summer coed basketball league for youths 12 -17 years of age. Early registration will be May 3rd — 23 "d at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. Registration fee is $50/resident, $60/non-resident. There will bet practice/wk and 1 game /wk. For more details on this league, call at 841 -3389. COED SOFTBALL LEAGUE We are accepting registrations until May 5th for the summer coed softball league. Cost is $425/team. Games will be played on Wednesday evenings at 6:30, 7:30 or 8:30. League runs from May 19th though the first part of August. For more details, please call 841 -3389. NPB KiDS TRIATHLON Join us for the 2 d annual NPB Kids Triathlon at the North Palm Beach Country Club .' on Saturday, July 24, 2010. Transition area opens at 6:15 a.m. Races begin at 7:00 am. Participant age groups are children born in the following years: 2002 -2003, 2000 -2001, 1998 -1999, 1996 -1997. The swim is in the pool (long course) and distance varies by age (50 meters to 200 meters), the bike ranges from 1.2 - 4 miles and the run is from .50 - 1 mile. Entry Fee: $301 child (sibling discount available). Register by Thursday, July 22. Maximum 150 participants. No RACE DAY registrations. This event is an excellent opportunity to introduce your child to the thrill of endurance sports in a safe and positive environment. For complete information, visit the village web - site (Departments -Parks & Recreation — Special Events — Kids Tri) or call us at 841 -3386. GET IN THE OF THINGS thiv viun-Inett NPBCC Tennis Offers Something for Everyone! Instrtictional Program: Monday Night: Men's Drill and Play Tuesday Night: Mixed Evening Workout Instruction - Social- Competitive - Fitness Wednesday: Intermediate Clinic Advanced - Intermediate- Beginner Thursday: Beginner Clinic Day- Evening - Weekend Saturday: Advance and Intermediate Clinic Adult - Junior- Senior Sunday: Advance and Intermediate Clinic Quick Start Juniors and High School Clinics Private Lessons and Groups Available at your convenience Competitive Program: PBCWTA Tennis Teams Level 1 -7 ;_ Palm Tennis Teams Level -Lady, Princess, Queen; Men; Mixed Junior Tennis Team -1� Men's Weekly League Tennis Social Programs: Weekly Round Robins for Men and Women Fitness Programs: Mixed Evening Workout, Hitting Frenzy, Cardio Tennis Call the Pro shop to receive the day, time and cost of each class. jo (561) 626 -6515, KimLFranklin(a-),rnac.ccm Pg. 6 —Parks & Ree. ! Tennis Follow the Village on NIXLE.COM From the Director While we may not all be able to hit 300-yard drives or spin a wedge back on a green, there is something we all can do to greatly improve our scores. We can all try to learn to make more putts. I could give you a lot of information on what type of putter to use; how to grip your putter and how to make a great stroke, but I'll save those lessons for another time. This month I'm simply going to give you a game to play to help get your mind trained to try to make more putts. Use 3 balls and find a fairly flat, fairly straight, 15' putt. Putt all three balls and follow these four rules... Make all 3 = You Win! Make 2 of 3 = Move 3' closerto the hole and putt again Make 1 of 3 = Putt again from same distance Make U of 3 = Move 3' furtherfrom the hole and ;putt again Keep playing until you make all 3 balls from the same distance. If you get 30' away, start over at the 15' mark. If you're struggling with the game„ you may want to begin 12' from the hole. In addition to hopefully being a fun way to practice putting; there are several great things this game does: • Instills the habit of trying to make ,putts from these lengths • Teaches you distance control in 3' increments • Forces you to concentrate on EVERY putt (at least if you want to make all 3) • Trains your mind to be positive by seeing putts go into the hole Try this game the next time you have 10 minutes or so to hit some putts. You might be surprised h can improve your putting and have you making more putts on the course! r jfrXfrfrA# 351 US Highway One North Pahn Beach, Florida 33408 1 Located Inside the North Pair» Beach Country Club OseOld a al�A�aa Permanent Garbage Pickup Schedule Mondays - Garbage only Tuesdays - Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation Wednesdays - Garbage only Thursdays - Trash, Faulk Items. Vegetation & Recycling Fridays - Garbage only Holiday= Garbage Pickup Schedule Monday. May 3181- No Collection (Memorial Day) Tuesday. June I"- Garbage only Wednesday, June 2 "d- Trash, Vegetation & Bulk Items Thursday, June 3`a- All recycling (Residential & Commercial) Friday, June 4a'- Garbage only Advisory Board Meeting Schedule Audit Committee ................... .............................on call Code Enforcement Board ........... Ist Monday, on call, 6:30 pm Construction Board of Adjustment ............................on call GolfAdvison Board ..............2nd Monday, monthly, 5:00pm Libran Advisory Board ...........4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm Pension Board - General Employees ..........................on call Pension Board - Police & Fire .... .............................on call Planning Commission ..............1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm Recreation Advisory Board ........2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm W atenvays I loard ............... next to last Tuesday, monthly, (except June, Aug, & Dee), 4:00pm Zoning Board of Adjustment ..... .............................on call Upcoming Council Meetings Thursday, May 13, 2010, 7:30 pm Thursday, May 27, 2010, 7:30 pm Salb££ ru `Hw3a WrIva Hsulom NOHJLVJ rivisoa SSAMM SOPCC IA `HaV39 ItTr] 'd HIMON Y AvAAH9LH 'S'[1 10S HaII91SM9NI 519V IIIA