“The Best Place to Live Under the Sun” “The Best Place to Live Under the Sun”
The Village Of The Village Of
Pg. 2—Village Manager / Historian
Village Manager / Community News
A Message from the Village Manager
Three Good Reasons To Keep Sidewalks Clean
• Safety. A moldy or mildewed pavement surface can become a slipping hazard
for pedestrians traveling our village sidewalks. These conditions can grow at a
rapid pace without regular maintenance. Pressure washing is an effective way to
eliminate buildup. A mixture of oxygen bleach and water may also be used for
removal of stubborn stains and mold.
• Appearance. Maintaining sidewalks and other paved areas in an
attractive, neat condition enhances the community image overall for residents and
visitors alike.
•It’s the Law. The adjacent property owner is responsible for the maintenance of sidewalks, per the village code
Chapter 15-2 Section 305.15. Accessory Structures. Regular maintenance should include
evaluation for and elimination of discoloration and conditions that may pose a hazard.
To learn more about the Village Code of Ordinances please visit www.village-npb.org or call 841-3367.
A Message from the Chief of Police
While economic downturns have certainly impacted property crimes this year, your
Police Department is diligently working to address residential burglaries and your
quality of life concerns in our neighborhoods. Re-deployment of staff to neighbor-
hood, residential patrol, from traffic enforcement is critical to our success and our goal
of reducing/preventing crime in our community.
Our partnership with code enforcement and our establishment of the “Transitional Neighborhood
Team” to address community decline which causes crime to increase is well underway.
Preliminary data from the Transitional Neighborhood Team effort indicates that April to November 2012, the team
has made 106 arrests, most notably for drug related offenses and public order crimes.
Our goal ultimately, is to firmly re-establish the Village as a community which both prevents crime through commu-
nity partnerships, prevention strategies and thorough investigative methods; making the Village less attractive to
criminals. Community policing and crime prevention along with increased presence in the community is the key to
crime reduction. Citizen involvement in that crime prevention is critical. Please, call us early and often to avoid
being a victim.
I hope you all had a great holiday season. It is always exciting to look forward
to a new year with new challenges. We have many interesting opportunities
this year. Now that we have a strategic plan drafted for the organization, we
can use that road map to advance important projects. Many near term
projects deal with addressing operational issues that have been on the back
burner due to funding constraints. We are working on a complete review of
our salary and compensation approach and comparing it with the South
Florida market. We will use that study to make adjustments in our employee
compensation planning. We also need to continue our evaluation of every
Village facility from a safety standpoint to assure that these facilities are up to
code and safe for residents and employees. We have several capital projects that we will be pursuing including
improvements to Anchorage Park, a new Veterans Memorial by the Library, and a host of small improvements in
facilities throughout the Village. Then there are some programmatic things we want to accomplish including
working with our new Business Advisory Board to find ways to attract new businesses and assist our current ones
in an effort to foster the economic vitality in our community. We also want to commission a series of focus groups
with residents to determine what you feel are important objectives for the Village in the future.
Of course, we have on the horizon, the development of a budget for 2013/14. The good news is that our reserves
have been steadily increasing over the past few years and we have been able to direct some of those reserves to
capital projects and equipment. We hope that trend will continue. Rest assured that staff and Council will continue
to be very prudent in the use of Village financial resources.
www.village-npb.org Village Clerk—Pg. 3
Village Clerk / Council
Municipal Elections are by group, at-large and non-
partisan (no districts, no party affiliation)
2013 Municipal Election Date: Tuesday,
March 12, 2013
Polls are open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm
Village Council Seats Open to Election
Group 2 (currently held by Doug Bush)
Group 4 (currently held by David B. Norris)
Candidate Qualifying Period
Opens: Noon, Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Closes: Noon, Tuesday, February 12, 2013
A candidate may announce his or her candidacy pri-
or to qualifying by filing Form DS-DE 9, Appointment
of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Cam-
paign Depository with the Village Clerk.
After filing Form DS-DE 9 with the Village Clerk and
opening the campaign account, candidates may
begin accepting contributions and making campaign
expenditures; however, candidates must still qualify
by filing the appropriate forms with the Village Clerk
during the qualifying period, in order to be listed on
the ballot.
Candidate Qualifying Fees:
Qualifying Fee:
State Election Assessment: 90.00
Total $100.00
Candidate Qualifications: Village resi-
dent and registered voter
For more info, see “Becoming a Candidate” on Elec-
tions page at www.village-npb.org
Elecciones de Village de North Palm Beach
Las Elecciones Municipales son por grupo, generales e inde-
pendientes (sin distrito ni afiliación a un partido)
Fecha de Elección Municipal de 2013: martes, 12 de mar-
zo de 2013
Los centros de votación abren de 7:00 am a 7:00 pm
Escaños del Consejo de Village Abiertos para Elección
Grupo 2 (ocupado actualmente por Doug Bush)
Grupo 4 (ocupado actualmente por David B. Norris)
Período de Calificación de Candidatos
Abre : al mediodía del martes 29 de enero de 2013
Cierra: al mediodía del martes 12 de febrero de 2013
El candidato puede anunciar su candidatura previo a la califi-
cación con la presentación del Formulario DS-DE 9, Appoint-
ment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign
Depository, (Nombramiento del Tesorero de la Campaña y
Nombramiento del Depositario de la Campaña), ante el Se-
cretario de Village. Después de presentar el Formulario DS-
DE 9 ante el Secretario de Village y luego de la apertura de
una cuenta para la campaña, los candidatos pueden empe-
zar a recibir contribuciones y a efectuar gastos de campaña;
sin embargo, para figurar en la papeleta, los candidatos aun
tienen que calificarse con la presentación de los formularios
debidos ante el Secretario de Village durante el periodo de
Cuotas de calificación de candidatura:
Cuota de calificación
Tasa del Estado por Elección 90.00
Total $100.00
Calificaciones para Candidatura:
Residente de Village y elector inscrito
Para más información, vea “Becoming a Candida-
te” (Convirtiéndose en Candidato) en la página de eleccio-
nes en el sitio www.village-npb.org
Volunteer Tax-Aide Counselors Needed for
Northern Palm Beach County!
The AARP Tax-Aide program needs volunteer counselors to help sen-
ior citizens and low/moderate income individuals prepare their 2012 tax
returns. Volunteers work one day each week for four hours during tax
season (February – April 15.) Training begins in January; computer
skills are required. For more information Call the Clerk’s office at 841-
3355, email theld@village-npb.org or check out the AARP tax-aide
website at www.aarp.org/taxaide.
561-841-3380 Pg. 4—Public Safety / Library
Public Safety / Library
Fire Safety with Home Oxygen Therapy
Oxygen; it is all around us. It is easy for us to take this common element for granted. But for
many, it is a drug, supplemented for certain lung problems. More and more people are using
oxygen therapy outside the hospital, permitting them to lead productive lives. The body takes in
oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. If this process does not happen properly due to illness or
disease, the person might need supplemental oxygen.
Oxygen is Not Flammable
Unlike many other gases and chemicals, oxygen is not flammable. It is classified as an accelerator, meaning that
if there is a fire and the oxygen is higher than normal, the fire will burn vigorously. The more oxygen, the larger
the fire and the faster it will spread. We are use to seeing fires burn in an atmosphere containing about 21
percent oxygen. This is the atmosphere in which most materials are tested for safety, such as the covering of the
chair or a bed. But when oxygen is flowing near such material, it becomes more susceptible to burning.
There is an increasing number of burns each year caused by the use of home oxygen therapy. Most common
cause of burns with oxygen therapy in homes:
• Cigarette smoking while using oxygen (70%)
• Cooking while using oxygen (30%)
• Oxygen usually involved nasal cannula use
• Burns occurred most often to the nose and face (90%)
• Inhalation burns (30%)
Simple guidelines should be stressed when oxygen therapy is being used in the home:
• There must be no smoking where oxygen is being used by anyone, especially the one receiving therapy. Warn
visitors to not smoke when you are using oxygen. Put up “No Smoking” signs in your home. In a restaurant, ask
to be put in the no smoking area.
• The oxygen source must be kept at least 10 feet from an open flame, gas stove pilot lights, or wood burning
• Use water-based lubricants on your lips or nostrils. Don’t use an oil-based product.
• Avoid using extension cords if possible.
Set-up: Sun. - Tues., January 27th – 29th
Sale: Wed. – Sun., January 30th – February 3rd
Volunteers are needed to help set-up and sell. Please let
us know how you can help us. Sign-up sheet at the circu-
lation desk.
Donate Your Books, Magazines, DVD’s & CD’s.
If you are unable to bring them in, call the library and leave
a message for “The Friends of the Library”. We will
arrange a time that is convenient for you and a volunteer
will pick up your donations. Call 841-3383 for details.
Monday, Jan. 7th &14th at 1–4 PM
• Bring a project and knit or crochet with
other crafters in a friendly library setting.
• Consult our library books or search online
for ideas.
• Basic knitting and crochet skills required.
Lunch Box Travel Film
• Jan. 2 Cuba
• Jan. 9 Turkey
• Jan. 16 Holland
• Jan. 23 Scotland
• Jan. 30 No Film – Book Sale
Library Events & Programs
Parks & Recreation—Pg. 5 www.village-npb.org
Parks & Recreation
Registration for January Activities—Winter Activity Schedules are
available now and registration has begun! We offer SPD Fitness,
Zumba, Tai Chi, Coquettes Dance, Jazzercise, Ballroom Dance, Bel-
lydance, Country Line Dance, Fitness Over 50, Table Tennis, and more!
New ballet class for youth 7-12 years! Most classes begin the week of
Jan. 7th. Register early to assure your place and get started on those
New Year’s Resolutions! www.village-npb.org (dept-parks & rec- activi-
ty registration)
Pickle ball – Tues. nights from 6– 9pm and on Thurs. from 10am –
1pm at the Community Center starting Feb. 12th. This is a great indoor
game that is a little tennis, a little racquetball. Get some exercise and
have tons of fun at the same time! For more info., call Mary at 841-
3389 after 2pm.
NPB 3rd Open Car Show and Chili Cook-off— The 3rd annual open
car/truck show at Anchorage Park is on Jan. 27th. Advanced vehicle
registration is $15.00 and the first 50 entry's are guaranteed a show t-
shirt. On-site registration from 9am-noon will be $20.00. From noon –
4pm the public can enjoy food, drink, chili, music, looking at beautiful
cars/trucks and voting for their favorite chili! Fee to sample chili is $5/
person. If you have a classic car, we hope you will participate in the
show. Applications available on recreation pages of www.village-
npb.org. or at a recreation center. If you cook up a mean batch of chili,
enter the cook-off!
Puppy Love - Sat., Feb. 16th at 1:00 pm. You and your “best friend”
can enjoy an afternoon of contests and fun by the Bark Park at Anchor-
age Park, 603 Anchorage Dr. Contests include: Best Valentine Attire,
Best Tail Wagger, Best Trick, Best Singing Dog, Smallest Dog, Largest
Dog, and Best Kisser. You don’t need a dog to attend this event! Sev-
eral organizations will have adoptable dogs on hand!
Village-Wide Garage Sale – Start cleaning out the closets and getting
ready for the March 9th garage sale. This humungous sale will be held
at the NPB Community Center, 1200 Prosperity Fm. Rd. from 7am –
noon. Spaces are available for $21.30. Reserve your space early!
KFT (Kids Field Trips) Camp - When school is out, the fun is on at
NPB Recreation. Join Bill and the staff as we take off on a fun-filled, all-
day bus trip. This is for youth 9-15 yrs.
January 21st, Monday - Epcot - $65.00
February 18th, Monday – Brevard Zoo - $45.00
February 19th, Tuesday – Islands of Adventure - $75.00
For more information on any Recreation Activities please
contact the department at 841-3386.
The annual Anchorage Park camp-
out will be held Friday, Jan 18th.
This overnight campout goes from
7:00pm – 8:00am! The cost is $20/
family. All youth must be attended
by an adult and all adults must be
accompanied by a youth. You
bring the tents, sleeping bags,
lamps, chairs, hot dog sticks, etc.
We will provide the scary stories,
movies, a campfire, hotdogs,
marshmallows, and a breakfast
snacks . You might want to set
your tent up in the afternoon when
you can see. This will be great
fun! We hope you will participate!
Call 841-3386 for more details.
A l lAll --N i g h t e r N i g h t e r
C a m pCamp --ou tout
Mark your calendars now! The
annual Heritage Festival will be
held on Saturday, April 27th at
Anchorage Park from noon –
7:00pm! Call 841-3386 for more
details and sponsorship opportuni-
H e r i t a g e F e s t i va l
H e r i t a g e F e s t i va l
& P a r a d e& P a r a d e
Pg. 6—Country Club
Country Club
Happy New Year!
Season is here and the weather is perfect! This is
the time of year to come out and play or practice
on our fantastic Jack Nicklaus Signature golf
course which has received a number of accolades
over the past few seasons.
In addition to having a variety of membership op-
tions, the golf facilities are always open to the
public. We offer golf instruction by a number of
skilled PGA Professionals as well as weekly hour
long junior golf clinics. Junior golfers are always
welcome at North Palm Beach Country Club and
the weekly clinics are held on Saturdays at
We wish you a great start to the New Year and
hope to see you soon and often at the North Palm
Beach Country Club. For more information please
visit our website at www.npbcc.org or call the golf
shop at 691-3433. You can also find us on Face-
book at www.facebook.com/
Support Your Local Businesses—Pg. 9 www.village-npb.org
501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1
************** ECRWSS
Advisory Board Meeting Schedule
Audit Committee ………………………………………...on call
Business Advisory Board ………………………………………TBD
Code Enforcement Special Magistrate ………….………..on call
Construction Board of Adjustment……………………….on call
Golf Advisory Board …………..2nd Monday, monthly, 6:30pm
Library Advisory Board ………..4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm
Pension Board - General Employees……………………..on call
Pension Board - Police & Fire …………………………...on call
Planning Commission …………..1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm
Recreation Advisory Board ……..2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm
Waterways Board ……………next to last Tuesday, monthly,4:00pm
Zoning Board of Adjustment …………………………………on call
Regular Garbage Pickup Schedule
Mondays - Garbage only
Tuesdays - Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation
Wednesdays - Garbage only
Thursdays - Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling
Fridays - Garbage only
Holiday Garbage Pickup Schedule
Mon., Dec. 31st— Garbage
Tues., Jan. 1st—NO COLLECTION
Wed., Jan. 2nd—Trash & Bulk Items/ Vegetation
Thurs., Jan. 3rd—All recycling
Fri., Jan. 4th—Garbage
Mon., Jan. 21st—NO COLLECTION
Tues., Jan. 22nd—Garbage
Wed., Jan. 23rd—Trash & Bulk Items/ Vegetation
Thurs., Jan. 24th—All recycling
Fri., Jan. 25th—Garbage
Country Club
Golf Shop 691-3433
Pool 691-3427
Tennis 691-3425
Restaurant 691-3430
Community Development 841-3365
Finance 841-3360
Library 841-3383
Public Safety:
Emergency 911
Non-Emergency 848-2525
Public Works 691-3440
Recreation 841-3386
Anchorage Park 841-3386
Community Center 841-3389
Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355
Village Historian 841-3371
Village Manager’s Office 904-2122
Upcoming Council Meetings
Thursday, January 10, 2013, 7:30 pm
Thursday, January 24, 2013, 7:30 pm
Village Hall
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Village Hall Hours: M-F, 8am-5pm
Village of North Palm Beach
Village Council
David B. Norris
William L. Manuel
Vice Mayor
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D.
President Pro Tem
Robert A. Gebbia
Doug Bush
Ed Green
Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC
Village Clerk
Village Council members can be
contacted through the office of the
Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by
email at council@village-npb.org
*All meetings are held at the
Village Hall, 501 US Highway One
and are open to the public*