08-2012 NewsletterThe Village Of NORTH PALM BEACH NORTH PALM BEACH The Village Of “The Best Place to Live Under the Sun” “The Best Place to Live Under the Sun” AUGUST 2012AUGUST 2012 Photo submitted by: George Reid 561-841-3380 Pg. 2—A Message from the Village Manager Village Manager Message M y first few weeks here at North Palm Beach have been a whirlwind of activity. I have spent time with each council member and had the privilege to visit with former Village Manager, Jimmy Knight. I have met most of the staff, quite a few board members, and a good number of residents as well. As is my custom when I come to a new organization, I spend a lot of time listening. It is important to understand the background of issues facing our organization and community and it is also very important to understand the varying opinions regarding these issues. The main concern facing the organization right now is the completion of the 2012/2013 budget. Over the past couple of weeks, I have had extensive discussions with all the department heads regarding their budgets. Generally, we are in pretty good shape. The golf and restaurant operations both show revenues significantly above projected expenses. The general fund budget still needs some tweaking and we are in process of reducing overall costs. If you look at the general fund as a whole, we have excellent reserves. Our total reserves represent about 61% of our annual expenses. The national standard for cities and counties suggests that an organization with reserves in excess of 25% of annual expenses is in good shape. Anything above 45% is excellent. We are in an enviable position compared with many cities and counties in the nation. The challenge we face is maintaining that position as we and the nation recover from the current recession. Staff and I are scheduled to meet with the Council several times over the next couple of months with the goal of finalizing budget deliberations by the end of August. There are a couple of projects that are outstanding priorities. The first relates to street lights and sidewalks for the Southwest Neighborhood. The other involves a decision regarding the configuration of Anchorage Park and the associated creation of additional boat and RV storage at the park. Staff and I will work with Council to develop the path forward for both of these projects and accomplish them in a timely fashion. If you have seen my resume’ and bio, you know that I have a very diverse background in both private industry and local government. However, the bio doesn’t tell you what I regard as important. For all employees, including myself, I think there are three things that are the most important aspects of the work we do. First, safety is critical in every task we perform. We have a responsibility to assure that every employee returns safely to their family every night. We have a responsibility to assure that our work does not endanger the residents of our community. After spending many years working in nuclear facilities, I am convinced that operational efficiency and safety are critically linked. When we pay more attention to safety, by extension, we pay more attention to improving the efficiency of our work processes. Second, customer service is a vital component of what we do. Our jobs exist to provide service to our community and that needs to be a prime consideration in the way we execute our work tasks. Finally, no organization can be successful if it consists of individual employees. To be truly effective, employees need to be part of a team that is dedicated to delivering quality service to our residents. In the future, all three of these performance factors will be an integral part of performance evaluations for staff. Over time, I would like to see the organization progress in the areas of strategic and long range planning, continuous improvement, and evaluation of our work processes. But let’s not try to “eat too much of the elephant” at once. For now, it’s important for me to get to know you, for the Village to develop a credible budget for the 2012/2013 year, and for the organization to make progress on completing existing projects. After that, we will explore new areas where we can improve as an organization. I want to express my thanks to the Council, the staff, and the residents who have made my first few weeks very enjoyable and productive. I look forward to many years of service to the community of North Palm Beach. A Message from the Village Manager www.village-npb.org Village Council / Clerk—Pg. 3 Village Council / Clerk R esidents now have access to a wide variety of Village public records online in a searchable database on our website, www.village-npb.org. On the left side of the home page click the link titled Online Public Records. On this page, you can access the Village of North Palm Beach Online Document Center, find quick links to frequently requested information, and an online form for public records requests. Document categories include: • Council meeting minutes (1956 – present) • election records • Council meeting recordings • bids and proposals • ordinances and resolutions (1956 – present) • contracts and agreements • budget and financial reports • investment reports • orders – development, zoning, special permits • maps, plats, and site plans • land development/planning studies • policies and procedures • advisory board meeting minutes and recordings • Village History Contact the Village Clerk’s office, 841-3355 or npbclerk@village-npb.org for more info. Primary Election, 8/14/2012 Election information is available online at www.pbcelections.org, and includes: • Offices Up For Election • Announced/Qualified Candidates • Precinct • Early Voting • Polling Places • Voter Information Lookup • Voters’ Rights And Responsibilities Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections North County Courthouse Branch 3188 PGA Boulevard Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 624-6556 ELECTION REMINDER Elección Primaria, 08/14/2012 Información Electoral está disponible en línea en PBCelections.org, e incluye: • Próximos Cargos Electorales • Candidatos Postulados-Habilitados • Precinto • Acerca de la Votación Anticipada • Centros de Votación • Búsqueda De Información Del Votante • Derechos y Responsabilidades del Votante Supervisora De Elecciones Del Condado De Palm Beach Sucursal del Juzgado del Norte del Condado 3188 PGA Boulevard, PBG, FL 33410 624-6556 Father William O’Shea, Pastor of St. Clare Church and North Palm Beach resident for 29 years, celebrated the 50th Anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood on June 10, 2012. CFO Jeff Atwater, Vice Mayor Bill Manuel, and Councilman Doug Bush were present for the festivities. 561-841-3380 Pg. 4—Community News / Library Community News/Library 1960’s Music Book Club New! Read and discuss newly published memoirs written by and about famous musicians from the 1960s. Sat., August 18th, 1:30 pm— Jimi Hendrix; a broth- er’s story, by Leon Hendrix (with Adam Mitch- ell). Thomas Dunne Books, 2012. Sat., September 29th, 1:30 pm—A natural woman; a memoir, by Carole King. Grand Central Pub. 2012. Sat., November 3rd, 1:30 pm—Who I am; a memoir, by Pete Townshend. 2012. SUMMER READING PROGRAM Wednesday, August 1st, 1:30 pm Summer Reading Program Grand Finale with Obstacle Course and Ice Cream Social Children’s Movies, Thursdays at 2pm • Aug. 2nd Mov- ie: Happy Feet 2 • Aug. 9th Movie: The Lorax • Aug. 16th Movie: TBA NORTH PALM BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT STARTS TRANSITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD TEAM TO ADDRESS DECLINE IN QUALITY OF LIFE A primary component of Community Policing is early intervention on quality of life issues having an ad- verse effect on the community. A focus upon public order crimes which drive law abiding residents into their homes to avoid confrontation is critical to neighborhood improvement. A statistic driven team approach to this problem solving is a national best practice in policing. As such, the North Palm Beach Police Department has formed a Transitional Neighborhood Team (TNT) to improve upon our quality of life in the Village. Established February 15th and deployed to three neighborhoods in decline, the team which consists of two Police Officers, one Detective, one K9 and one Code Enforcement Official have made seventeen arrests, completed two neighborhood cleanups and have confiscated quantities of money, narcotics and two fire- arms. Several cars have been seized for forfeiture. Several referrals for prostitution intervention have been com- pleted. These efforts along with increased code scrutiny and compliance have contributed to citizen safety, security, crime reduction and piece of mind. During this recreational time of year, please remember to observe the village codes governing recre- ational equipment and swimming pool safety. Recreational Equipment. Keep in mind, when out-of-town guests arrive: A guest of an occupant- owner or occupant-lessee may park this equipment in the front yard for not more than five (5) days in any fourteen-day period. Beyond this time, equipment shall be stored on the side yard (with required screening) or in the rear yard pursuant to Section 18-35. Swimming Pools. For the health and safety of the community, please make sure your swimming pool provides an adequate barrier and the water is maintained in a clean, sanitary condition. Please report violations of these codes immediately to your code compliance office pursuant to Section 25-5 and 14-80. The Code Compliance Division strives to enhance cooperative relationships with residents and businesses by providing information and education to support voluntary compliance with the village code. To learn more about the Village Code of Ordinances please visit www.village-npb.org or call 841-3367. NPB LIBRARY ACTIVITIES Parks & Recreation—Pg. 5 www.village-npb.org Parks & Recreation Fishing Camp Openings remain in the August Fishing Camp. This camp is held at Anchorage Park, is for youth 6-13 yrs of age and runs from 9am – 12pm. Session #2 Aug. 6th-10th. Fee: $110/$105 (RDF)/ssn. Call 841-3386 for availability. Etiquette/Modeling/Fashionista Camp for Girls Presented by The Etiquette Touch, Two 1-week ses- sions of this camp will be held at Anchorage Park. Session 1: Aug. 6th-10th, Session 2: Aug. 13th-17th. This camp will work on refining social graces and im- age for success through etiquette, manners, poise, leadership and personal development. This camp is for girls 9-17 yrs of age and is from 9am–4pm. Fee: $200/$195(RDF)/wk. Camp topics include: self es- teem, confidence, grooming & hygiene, pageantry coaching, manners, social & technology etiquette, din- ing etiquette, and more! For more details call Carolyn Powery at 561-827-8061. Back to School Pool Party August 17th from 6:30-10pm at the NPB Pool. Mark your calendars & invite your friends! Admission: $1/ person. Food & drink available. No personal coolers. Anchorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament Sat., August 18th at Anchorage Park. Entry fee is $150/boat. Each team consists of a captain and 3 anglers. We will have awards for largest trout, sheeps head and snapper in the Inshore Division and for king, dolphin, wahoo, mutton snapper and grouper in the offshore division. Awards will be for juniors and adults. The awards picnic begins at 5pm. Entry forms available at rec. centers or on the rec. pages at www.village-npb.org. Seawall Kids Fishing Derby Sat., August 18th at 2pm at Anchorage Park. We sup- ply the bait – catch & release! Kid who catches the largest fish wins a wonderful prize!!! No need to pre- register – just show up! Bring Mom & Dad and then join us for a Picnic in the Park after the fishing derby & tournament. Awards will be presented at 6:00 pm. KFT (Kids Field Trips) Camp When school is out, the fun is on at North Palm Beach Recreation. Join Bill and the staff as we get on the bus for a fun-filled, all-day bus trip. Need more detail? 841-3386. Ages 9-15yr • Mon., Sep. 17th - Aquatica - $60.00 • Wed., Sep. 29th - Animal Kingdom - $60.00 Wine Workshop Are you confused by wine? Do you know how to read a wine label? What type of wine goes with spe- cific dishes? These questions and many more can be answered by Bob Burchill aka “The Wine Guy” in a fast moving discussion on how to navigate your way through the sometimes overwhelming world of wine. How to choose, serve, taste and enjoy wine will be presented in a fun and lively format. After this night, you will be able to buy wine with confidence from any store, and describe what a wine tastes like. The class is designed to appeal to everyone from the wine novice to the connoisseur. Intermediate and advanced wine topics will be discussed. This workshop will be held at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg on Wed., August 22nd from 7-8:30pm. Fee is $17/$15 (RDF). Register online or in person! International Coastal Clean- up The Village is participating in the International Coastal Cleanup 2012, sponsored by Keep Palm Beach County Beautiful, on Sat., Sept. 15th from 8am until noon. We are encouraging residents to join the efforts to clean our public waterfront areas by boat or by land! Our cleanup area is Anchorage Park and the surrounding area. We are look- ing for volunteers! Community service hours given to students! Call 841-3386 to sign up. Village-Wide Fall Garage Sale Sept. 29th from 8:00-noon at the NPB Community Center. Re- serve your space for $21.20. Sale features over 60 individuals selling their old treasures both indoors and outdoors. Fall Co-Ed Soccer Registra- tion: Late registration for the fall soccer leagues continues at Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. Registration fee is: $85/R $95/NR. For league availability, to coach or to sponsor a team please contact Mary Romero – 841-3389 after 2pm Summer Fun At Parks & Recreation! 561-841-3380 Pg. 6—Country Club Country Club GOLF TIP: If you have played our NPB Country Club course even one time, then I’m sure you have experienced our challenging fairway bunkers. There are a few things that you should keep in mind when playing from these bunkers: 1. The first thing to remember is that playing from a fairway bunker is a completely different technique than from a greenside bunker. From the fairway bunker you will want to try and hit the ball and then the sand. 2. When in a fairway bunker most golfers would lower their scores by just trying to get out. In other words, don’t take on too much risk. 3. Determine what club can comfortably clear the lip and then take one or two more clubs. For example, if you can just get an eight iron over the lip you should hit the shot with a nine iron or pitching wedge. We would want to build a little margin for error into this shot. 4. When addressing the ball you can gain stability by settling your feet into the sand. Adjust for your closer distance to the ball by choking down on the club slightly. You should also try to position the ball about an inch farther back in your stance to help promote ball first contact. 5. The most important thing to remember while swinging is to remain as balanced as possible. This will be made easier by making a ¾ quarter length backswing. Keep these few keys in mind the next time you are playing from a fairway bunker and you will have success! Women ‘s Team Season Kicks Off: Existing and NEW players welcome. We have our tennis teams in order – a few spots are available for new players. Since space is so limited let us know your interest ASAP. Join us for a one week of TEAM READINESS CAMP and we’ll get your game in order for the upcoming season. TEAM PRACTICE runs each week until CAMP so plenty of opportunities for READINESS. KICK OFF CUP- join us for a fun day of competitive match play. Represent NPBCC against area clubs. Help us get the CUP back to NPBCC! Junior Tennis Academy: After school junior tennis be- gins. We have tennis for beginner, intermediate and ad- vanced players for ages 5-17. Join us after school and weekends. Labor Day Clinic: Adults of all levels are invited (beginners, intermediate and advanced) and advanced juniors are also welcome. This is a 2 hour clinic on Mon- day, September 5th, Labor Day. This is a great way to get started at our lovely facility and a fun way for those who are long time supporters to start their Labor Day Hol- iday. See you on the courts over the holidays. Our USPTA and USPTR certified professionals are here to welcome you and your families to the NPB Country Club. We look forward to meeting you all! NPB TENNIS Support Your Local Businesses—Pg. 9 www.village-npb.org Let the North Palm Beach Village Newsletter help you reach potential customers! • Did you just open a new business? • Do you need to let people know your business is still in the Village? • Would you like to expand your business to more clientele? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to advertise with your business card in the We reach 12,000+ homes and businesses right here in beautiful North Palm Beach, “The Best Place to Live Under the Sun.” Applications available on www.village-npb.org under the “Newsletter” tab. Please call (561) 904 – 2122 for more details. VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 Please Recycle Advisory Board Meeting Schedule Audit Committee ………………………………………...on call Code Enforcement Special Magistrate ………….………..on call Construction Board of Adjustment……………………….on call Golf Advisory Board …………..2nd Monday, monthly, 6:30pm Library Advisory Board ………..4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm Pension Board - General Employees……………………..on call Pension Board - Police & Fire …………………………...on call Planning Commission …………..1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm Recreation Advisory Board ……..2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm Waterways Board ……………next to last Tuesday, monthly,4:00pm Zoning Board of Adjustment …………………………………on call Regular Garbage Pickup Schedule Mondays - Garbage only Tuesdays - Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation Wednesdays - Garbage only Thursdays - Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling Fridays - Garbage only Country Club Golf Shop 691-3433 Pool 691-3427 Tennis 691-3425 Restaurant 691-3430 Community Development 841-3365 Finance 841-3360 Library 841-3383 Public Safety: Emergency 911 Non-Emergency 848-2525 Public Works 691-3440 Recreation 841-3386 Anchorage Park 841-3386 Community Center 841-3389 Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355 Village Historian 841-3371 Village Manager’s Office 904-2122 Directory Upcoming Council Meetings Thursday, September 13, 2012, 7:30 pm Thursday, September 27, 2012, 7:30 pm Village Hall 501 U.S. Highway One North Palm Beach, FL 33408 841-3380 www.village-npb.org Village Hall Hours: M-F, 8am-5pm Village of North Palm Beach Village Council David B. Norris Mayor William L. Manuel Vice Mayor Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D. President Pro Tem Robert A. Gebbia Councilman Doug Bush Councilman Ed Green Village Manager Melissa Teal, CMC Village Clerk Village Council members can be contacted through the office of the Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at council@village-npb.org *All meetings are held at the Village Hall, 501 US Highway One and are open to the public*