03-2012 NewsletterMARCH 2012 “The Best Place to Live Under the Sun” “The Best Place to Live Under the Sun” The Village Of The Village Of NORTH PALM BEACH NORTH PALM BEACH 561-841-3380 Pg. 2—Village Elections / Clerk Village Election A ll registered voters of North Palm Beach will have the opportunity to elect four councilmen to the Vil- lage Council on Tuesday, March 13, 2012. Each voter is encouraged to learn about the candidates and then go to the polls on March 13th to express your preference. Municipal Elections are by group, at-large and non-partisan (no districts, no party affiliation). VILLAGE COUNCIL SEATS OPEN TO ELECTION: Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, and Group 5. Due to pre- publication deadlines, final candidate information for the March 13, 2012 Municipal Election was unavailable for inclusion in this newsletter edition. For current information, please visit the Village website www.village- npb.org and select Village Clerk and click on the elections link or phone the Village Clerk’s office at 841-3355. WHERE TO VOTE: YOU MUST VOTE IN THE PRECINCT WHERE YOU LIVE! If you are not sure where to vote, please call the Village Clerk’s office at 841-3355, or type your address in the Precinct Finder on the PBC Supervisor of Elections website at http://www.pbcelections.org/PrecinctFinder.aspx. POLLS: The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the following locations: Precincts 1145, 1146, 1147, 1155, 1158, 1166 North Palm Beach Community Center Precinct 1154 Faith Lutheran Church Precinct 1168, 1186 Council Chambers, Village Hall Precinct 1152 Old Port Cove Recreation Room (between North & South Quay Buildings) Precincts 1148, 1150, & 1151 North Palm Beach Country Club ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL DEL PUEBLO EL MARTES, 13 DE MARZO DE 2012. Todos los votantes inscritos de North Palm Beach tendrán la oportunidad de elegir quatro concejales para el Consejo del Pueblo, el día Martes 13 de Marzo de 2012. Aconsejamos a cada votante que se informe sobre los candidatos y que vayan a los centros de votación para expresar su preferencia. Las Elecciones Municipales son por grupo, generales e independientes (sin distrito ni afiliación a un partido). ESCAÑOS DEL CONSEJO DE VILLAGE ABIERTOS PARA ELECCIÓN: Grupo 1, Grupo 2, Grupo 3, Group 5. De- bido a fechas topes de pre-publicación, la información final de cada candidato para la Elección Muncipal de el 13 de Marzo de 2012 estuvo indisponible para la inclusión en esta edición del boletín. Para la información actual, por favor visite a www.village-npb.org el sitio web de la Aldea, y selecciona a Village Clerk y clic el enlace de las elecciones, o llamar la oficina de la Secretaria del Pueblo al (561)841-3355. DONDE VOTAR: ¡USTED DEBE VOTAR EN EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL DONDE RESIDE! Si no está seguro don- de le toca votar, por favor llame a la Oficina de la Secretaria del Pueblo al 841-3355, o escriba su dirección en el cam- po de Precinct Finder en el sitio web del Supervisor Electoral del Condado Palm Beach: http://www.pbcelections.org/ PrecinctFinder.aspx. CENTROS DE VOTACIÓN: Los centros de votación permanecerán abiertos desde las 7:00 de la mañana hasta las 7:00 de la noche en los siguientes sitios: Distritos Electorales 1145, 1146, 1147, 1155, 1158 y 1166: North Palm Beach Community Center Distrito Electoral 1154 Faith Lutheran Church Distrito Electoral 1168, 1186 Council Chambers, Village Hall Distrito Electoral 1152 Old Port Cove Recreation Room (entre los edificios Quay, Norte y Sur) Distritos Electorales 1148, 1150 y 1151 North Palm Beach Country Club VILLAGE MUNICIPAL ELECTION TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 2012 www.village-npb.org Village Clerk / Public Safety—Pg. 3 Village Clerk / Public Safety NORTH PALM BEACH CHILD SAFETY T he North Palm Beach Police Department would like to invite parents of children ages birth to six years old to attend a child safety program. The event will be held at 560 US Highway 1 on April 3, 2012 at 10:00 am at the Police Department. This program will address home safety, babysitting, caregiver fatigue, and resources available to parents. Children are welcome to attend with their parents to be fingerprinted and photographed as well as enjoy refreshments. Contact Sgt. Dallesandro at 841-3300 or adallesandro@village-npb.org to reserve your seat. F ire experts recommend at least one Fire Extinguisher for every level of your house. They come in various sizes; you’ll need to choose the size that’s right for you based on your family situation and who you think is most likely to be using it. The five pound model is probably the most popular. Extin- guishers also come with designations of A, B, C, or all three. The letter refers to what type of fire they’re best at putting out. “A” re- fers to ordinary materials such as paper or wood. “B” refers to highly combustible materi- als such as cooking oil. “C” refers to electrical fires. If the extinguisher has all three letters, it’s good for putting out any kind of fire. The letters A and B will also have a number along with them, and the higher the number, the better the extinguisher is at putting out that type of fire. Extinguishers are actually easy to use, but until you’ve seen it done it may remain a foreign concept to you. When you purchase a new extinguisher, it should come with a manual explaining its operation. Be sure and read that thoroughly. But just in case, here are the basics of using a fire extinguisher. At the top, near the valve, is a safety pin with a round piece attached to it. Grab hold of the round part of the pin, and pull the pin out. Then point the nozzle where the flames are coming from, not at the flames themselves. You want to shut the fire down at its source. Make sure you’re at least six feet away from the flames. Then squeeze the trigger, which releases the actual chemicals, and move the extinguisher back and forth in a sweeping motion to get good coverage, while keeping it upright. That’s all there is to it. BASIC FIRE EXTINGUISHER INFORMATION VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES VILLAGE BOARDS Village Boards exist to advise the Council on issues and activities of the Village. Annual appointments to all Village Boards will be made in April. Village Advisory Boards include Audit Committee, Ad Hoc Business Advisory Committee, Golf Advisory Board, Library Advisory Board, Planning Commission, Recreation Advisory Board, Waterways Board, and Zoning Board of Adjustment. To apply, complete the Application for Appointment available at www.village-npb.org under Boards & Committees, or call the Clerk’s office, 841-3355. Return your application and resume (optional) to the Clerk’s office at Village Hall, 501 U.S. Hwy 1, NPB FL 33408, npbclerk@village-npb.org or 881-7469 (fax). AARP Tax-Aide volunteers are available to help you prepare your tax return now through April 16th on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Village Hall Council Chambers. Taxpayers should bring 2011 tax forms, W-2’s, 1099’s and other tax information along with their 2010 tax return. Taxpay- ers are also asked to bring proper ID. Library / Parks & Recreation 561-841-3380 Pg. 4—Public Safety / Library FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY A uthor, Eliot Kleinberg, will be at the library on Mon., March 5th at 5pm as special guest at the annual meeting of the Friends of the Library. This event is free and open to the public. Contact Patty Sullivan at 676-8897 for more info. Eliot Kleinberg was born in South Florida. He has spent some three decades in both broadcast and print news, including 20-plus years at the Palm Beach Post. He has published 11 books, all focusing on Florida, including Black Cloud, a 75th anniversary book on the great 1928 Okeechobee Hurricane; two Weird Florida books, Palm Beach Past and Wicked Palm Beach, both collections of his weekly local history column in the Post. He’s currently working on his first fiction effort, Peace River, a historical novel based at the end of the Civil War. Village Wide Garage Sale The annual Village-Wide Garage Sale will be held at the NPB Community Center on Sat., March 10th, from 7am –noon. Indoor and outdoor spaces are still available for $21.20. Indoor sellers can set up Friday afternoon/ evening. Outdoor sellers must set up Saturday morning. Call 841-3386 for more info. Spring Camp March 19th - 23rd for youth 9-14 yrs of age. Cost is $150/child (+NR fee if applicable). Register online or at the Anchorage. This year’s Spring Camp will enjoy these outings: Kay- aking, Paddle boarding, Spring Training Baseball game, Fishing Trip, Billie Swamp Safari, Waterpark, Gamerzone, Bowling, gym games, & more! Contact Bill at 841-3386 for more info. Summer Camp registration Online registration begins April 1st for NPB residents. Non-residents may begin registering on April 9th. Schedules available at the recreation buildings or on www.village-npb.org. Call 841-3386 for help or info. UPCOMING SEMINAR Thursday, March 15th, 5:00pm Alan Turing was instrumental in breaking the World War II German Enigma cipher machine and developing one of the first computers. This program will explore highlights in the life of the renowned English scientist. The speaker, Mr. Schindler, is a retired New York attorney and a former book antiquarian with interests in Civil War history, the U.S. Constitution, and Victorian literature. THE NPB BOOK CLUB Mon., March 12th, 10 am, the Book Club will dis- cuss The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Re- becca Skloot. This is the story of an African- American woman whose cancerous cells were extensively cultured without her permission in 1951. In April, Remarkable Creatures, Tracy Chevalier’s sixth historical novel relating the friendship of two 19th century English women whose love of fossils and fossil collecting was forged at a time when the field of paleontology was dominated by men. 2nd Annual Support Our Troops 10K/5K Run Join us this year for the inauguration of our newly certi- fied 10K run course that winds it’s way through NPB and the Country Club on Sat., March 3rd! Both courses challenge runners of all ages and skill levels. Pre-registration fees: 5K=$25, 10K=$30, KidsK = free. Race day registration fees: 5K=$30, 10K=$35, KidsK = free. Active duty & current reservists run free! Register online at active.com. Call 351-8459 for more info. Village Players The Village Players will present Neil Simon's "45 Seconds from Broadway" February 24th, 25th, March 2nd, 3rd, 9th,10th at 8pm and on February 26th, March 4th, & 11th at 2:30pm at the NPB Community Center. For more info. call Roma Smith at 622-5784. Monthly Recreation eNews The Recreation Dept. emails a monthly eNews that an- nounces all recreational activity happening in the up- coming month. If you are not getting this eNews, please send an email to nhensler@village-npb.org or call 841- 3386 and your name will be added to our mailing list. For past eNews please go to www.village-npb.org (departments – parks & rec – rec eNews) UPCOMING PARKS & RECREATION ACTIVITIES Heritage Festival & Parade Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation—Pg. 5 www.village-npb.org Women's Teams: Plan now for the 2012 - 2013 season. Come join the fun and camaraderie of team play. There will be opportunities for all levels of play. Please check with the shop if you are interested or have any questions. Opportunities for Social play: Tues. & Thurs. 8 am – Round Robin for the 2.0 to 3.0 player – $12+tax for guests Sundays 10:00 am – mixed doubles – all levels - $10 for resident couples The following programs are available to everyone and the prices listed are for members. Residents and nonresidents pay slightly higher fees. Please call to register by phone (691-3425). 2-4-$40: The name says it all. This is a two hour clinic for four people for $40. Men's Drill & Play: Mondays, 6:30 pm; $20 New Player Clinic: Tuesdays, 9:00 am; $20 Darryl’s Clinics: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 11 am; $20. Head Professional, Darryl Fornatora, teaches these clinics. Mixed Evening Workout: Wednesdays, 6:30 pm; $20 Intermediate Clinic: Wednesdays, 6:30 pm; $20 NPB JUNIOR TENNIS ACADEMY: This is the Club’s premiere ongoing after-school Academy offered Mon. - Sat. For complete details or registration use any of the following contact information: office phone 691-3425; tennis e-mail address jwheeler@village-npb.org; website www.village-npb.org. T he annual Heritage Festival is Saturday, March 31st! This fun, family event will be held at the beautiful, waterfront Anchorage Park! The parade will be Saturday morning starting at 11:00 am. It travels from Village Hall north on Eastwind Dr – Lighthouse Dr – Anchorage Dr. to arrive at Anchorage Park. The route is 1 mile long and you can observe it from any point in the route. You will see local groups/businesses/organizations, bands, floats, antique cars, motorcycles, clowns, etc. At the Festival enjoy entertainment, music, dancing, food, rides, games and more! Something for everyone! You will be allowed to park in the swales of the streets adjacent to Anchorage Park. Various musical groups will perform all day long on the main stage featuring Eclipse from noon – 3:00 pm followed by the School of Rock who will be jamming from 3:30-7:00pm. The day is packed with action, energy, activity, dancing, food, rides, games, and more! For more details, application forms, etc. please call the Recreation Dept. at 841-3386 or visit the recreation pages of www.village-npb.org Discounted Heritage Festival Wristbands As in the past, you can purchase a wristband for unlimited carnival rides at the Heritage Festival. The wristbands are on sale at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg from 9:00 am – 7:00 pm (M-F) beginning on March 19th. The price is $20.00/wristband. Wristbands will be $25.00 at the festival. Attention NPB ramp users and dry/wet storage patrons You will not have access to your items stored in the dry storage lots or the wet slips on Saturday, March 31st. No one will be allowed to launch a boat at the Anchorage ramp on this day. All roads in the park will be closed for the Heritage Festival. Please plan your schedule accordingly. Attention residents in the Lighthouse/Anchorage/Eastwind Drive areas There will be road closures from 11am-noon on Saturday, March 31st for the Heritage Parade. This will affect all roads leading to/from/through the parade route which is Village Hall north on Eastwind Dr – Lighthouse Dr – Anchorage Dr to arrive at Anchorage Park. All roads into the park will be closed for the Heritage Festival. Please plan your schedule accordingly. Should you have an emergency, you will be able to get through. NPB TENNIS ACTIVITIES 561-841-3380 Pg. 6—Country Club Country Club Spring is here! This is the best time of year because of the great weather and how well the golf course plays. The part time residents only have a few months of golf left before they head back North or West. The year round residents are looking forward to a summer filled with golf and warmer temperatures. Whatever your case may be, North Palm Beach Country Club has something for you. We are extremely proud to offer our Award Winning Jack Nicklaus Signature golf course, lit driving range, exciting short game areas, PGA Professional Golf Instruction, fully stocked Golf Shop and a wide variety of golf tournaments. We hope you can join us for the following instructional events: For more information on these or any other events please visit our website at www.npbcc.org or call the golf shop at (561) 691-3433. Spring Break Junior Golf Camp 3/20/12 – 3/22/12 (Tuesday – Thursday) 8:30am-11:00am each day Ages 6-15, $150 per student Women’s Golf Clinic Every Sunday in March 1:00pm-2:00pm $30 per student per session Support Your Local Businesses—Pg. 9 www.village-npb.org VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 Please Recycle Advisory Board Meeting Schedule Audit Committee ………………………………………...on call Code Enforcement Special Magistrate ………….………..on call Construction Board of Adjustment……………………….on call Golf Advisory Board …………..2nd Monday, monthly, 5:00pm Library Advisory Board ………..4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm Pension Board - General Employees……………………..on call Pension Board - Police & Fire …………………………...on call Planning Commission …………..1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm Recreation Advisory Board ……..2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm Waterways Board ……………next to last Tuesday, monthly,4:00pm Zoning Board of Adjustment …………………………………on call Regular Garbage Pickup Schedule Mondays - Garbage only Tuesdays - Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation Wednesdays - Garbage only Thursdays - Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling Fridays - Garbage only Country Club Golf Shop 691-3433 Pool 691-3427 Tennis 691-3425 Restaurant 691-3430 Community Development 841-3365 Finance 841-3360 Library 841-3383 Public Safety: Emergency 911 Non-Emergency 848-2525 Public Works 691-3440 Recreation 841-3386 Anchorage Park 841-3386 Community Center 841-3389 Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355 Village Historian 841-3371 Village Manager’s Office 904-2122 Directory Upcoming Council Meetings Thursday, March 8, 2012, 7:30 pm Thursday, March 22, 2012, 7:30 pm Village Hall 501 U.S. Highway One North Palm Beach, FL 33408 841-3380 www.village-npb.org Village Hall Hours: M-F, 8am-5pm Village of North Palm Beach Village Council Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D. Mayor David B. Norris Vice Mayor William L. Manuel President Pro Tem Robert A. Gebbia Councilman Jimmy Knight Village Manager Melissa Teal, CMC Village Clerk Village Council members can be contacted through the office of the Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at council@village-npb.org *All meetings are held at the Village Hall, 501 US Highway One and are open to the public*