04-2012 NewsletterAPRIL 2012
The Village Of The Village Of
“The Best Place to Live Under the Sun” “The Best Place to Live Under the Sun”
561-841-3380 Pg. 2—Village Clerk/Council
Village Clerk / Council
Dear Village Residents:
The Village of North Palm Beach has recently learned of a massive Palm Beach County fill project involving the
dumping of 640,000 cubic yards of sand within a portion of the Lake Worth Lagoon. The project site is not only
immediately adjacent to two established Village communities with marinas (Old Port Cove and Twelve Oaks) and
one proposed development with a marina The Waters Club F/K/A Domani, but is largely within the Village’s mu-
nicipal boundaries.
The Village is vehemently opposed to a large-scale fill project that would potentially spoil a forty-two acre cur-
rently pristine portion of the Lake Worth Lagoon. Prior projects within the Lagoon have hampered, rather than
enhanced, the aquatic environment, and the Village fears that this undertaking will be no different, but on an even
larger scale. The Village believes that this massive fill operation will seriously impede navigation in the area by
eliminating a long-established navigation channel and essentially pushing all vessels, including those currently
located within the established mooring field, to the outskirts of the Lagoon. Additionally, the accumulation of silt
could have disastrous consequences for Little Lake Worth and for the existing and proposed marinas in the im-
mediate vicinity of the project site.
The proposed fill operation could impair the riparian rights of owners of properties adjacent to both the Lagoon
and Little Lake Worth, and a multi-year construction project will be detrimental to property values that have al-
ready seen massive declines in recent years.
Given the potential for disastrous consequences, the Village cannot comprehend the urgency to proceed with a
project of this magnitude intended merely “to enhance the aquatic environment” when there is no imminent threat
to the public health, safety or welfare.
The Village has strongly urged the County to rescind the pending permit application or at minimum, provide for a
public hearing to afford all interested parties an opportunity to express their concerns.
Mayor Daryl Aubrey
A message from the Village Mayor
The following individuals were sworn in as members of the Village Council for a 2 year term:
Group 1: Robert Gebbia Group 3: Darryl Aubrey
Group 5: William Manuel
Due to pre-publication deadlines, results of the March 13, 2012 Municipal Election were unavailable for inclusion
in this newsletter edition. For current information, please visit the Village website www.village-npb.org and select
Village Clerk and click on the elections link or phone the Village Clerk’s office at (561)841-3355.
Village Boards serve our community by advising the Council on issues and activities of the Village. Village
Boards include Audit Committee, Construction Board, Golf Advisory Board, Library Advisory Board, Planning
Commission, Recreation Advisory Board, Waterways Board, and Zoning Board of Adjustment. Annual appoint-
ments will be made in April. The Village Council may appoint new members or re-appoint incumbents, at its dis-
cretion. Additional information about the duties and responsibilities of the various boards is available online at
www.village-npb.org under Boards and Committees or through the Clerk’s office at 841-3355. Appointees serve
for a period of 1 - 3 years, depending upon the Board.
To apply, complete the Application for Appointment available at www.village-npb.org under Boards & Commit-
tees, or call the Clerk’s office, 841-3355. Return your application and resume (optional) to the Clerk’s office at
Village Hall, 501 U.S. Hwy 1, NPB FL 33408, npbclerk@village-npb.org or 881-7469 (fax). Deadline for applica-
tions is Thursday, April 12th. All applicants will be contacted for an interview with the Village Council.
www.village-npb.org Village Clerk / Public Safety—Pg. 3
Public Safety / Library
In conjunction with National Library Week
in April, book discussion groups all over
the county are having open meetings to
talk about the winning entry in the 2012
Read Together Palm Beach County Cam-
paign announced on March 12th. Bring
your own copy of the book or check-out a
library copy and join us on Monday, April
23rd at 10am for lively discussions.
The five finalists were:
• Crooked Letter by Tom Franklin
• Digging to America by Anne Tyler
• Last Train to Paradise: Henry
Flagler and the Spectacular Rise
and Fall of the Railroad That
Crossed an Ocean by Les Standiford
• Picking Cotton: Our Memoir of
Injustice and Redemption by Ronal
Cotton and Jennifer Thompson
• Zeitoun by Dave Eggers
Call 841-3383 for a synopsis of the
New from OverDrive Digital
Media: e-Books and
downloadable audio-books will
soon be available at the
library. Use your library card
to browse and checkout
hundreds of popular titles,
download them to your home
computer, or transfer them to a
portable device like the Kindle,
Nook, Apple iPad, iPhone,
iPod, BlackBerry, Kobo, Sony
Reader, etc. Visit the library’s
website at www.npblibrary.org
for additional information.
P lease join us in welcoming Chief Richard E. Jenkins, the new Public Safety
Director for the Village of North Palm Beach. Chief Jenkins was born in
Chicago, IL and moved to Palm Beach County when he was two years
old. He grew up in North Palm Beach between the ages of 10 and 24, when he
started his career in law enforcement. Chief Jenkins law enforcement career began
with the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office, where he rose through the ranks, retiring after
29½ years. He served in numerous assignments as a deputy and later Sergeant,
including Robbery/Homicide and Internal Affairs; as a Lieutenant he was a Watch
Commander where he was in charge of patrol operations for a particular area of the
county. He was promoted to Captain in 2001 and created the position of Command
Duty Officer, overseeing all uniform law enforcement functions throughout Palm
Beach County. His last assignment was as Major, Law Enforcement Field
Operations, North Regional Bureau, providing the leadership, management and
administration for over 300 personnel.
Chief Jenkins has a Bachelors of Science in Administration of Criminal Justice from Mountain State University, a
Masters in Criminal Justice Administration from Boston University and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy,
as well as the Senior Management Institute for Police Executives which has provided him with many alternative
viewpoints in both leadership and policing.
Chief Jenkins is a resident of Lake Worth where he lives with his wife Bonnie. Chief Jenkins has a blended family
with three children; daughter Olivia, a Deputy Sheriff here in Palm Beach County, daughter Taylor and son Trent
both of whom are currently attending college.
Welcome back to the Village of North Palm Beach Chief Jenkins!
Women's Teams: We are actively recruiting players for the 2012 – 2013 season of the
PBCWTA. Come join the fun, competition and camaraderie of team play. There will be
opportunities for all levels of play - beginner to advanced.
For adults we offer a wide range of activities for all levels of play during the day or
night: 2-4-$40’s, Men’s Night, New Players Clinic, Darryl’s Clinic, Mixed Evening
Workout, Intermediate Clinic, Saturday Clinic, and social round robins.
ADULT TENNIS CAMP – The camp is scheduled for the week of April 23rd. Participants
may register for a day or for the entire week. Camp will start at 9:30am.
JUNIOR TENNIS ACADEMY: The Club’s premiere ongoing after-school Academy offered
Mon., Tues., Wed., & Sat.
SUMMER TENNIS CAMPS for JUNIORS: We will be offering a half day camp. Children
may be dropped off as early as 8:30am, tennis begins at 9:30am, children play games,
participate in drills and more. Snacks and lunch are brought by the children. About 12:00 pm they
head to the pool to cool off. Parents may pick children up between 12pm—1pm at the pool. Complete
details and prices are available at the shop or on the website on the JTA Registration Form.
For complete details or registration use any of the following contact information:
office phone 691-3425; tennis e-mail address jwheeler@village-npb.org; website www.village-npb.org.
561-841-3380 Pg. 4—Public Safety / Library
Underwater Egg Hunt
Held at the NPB Pool
on Friday, April 6th at
6pm. This hunt is for
youth ages 7+ who
are able to swim.
They can wear gog-
gles but not masks.
Bring a bag to hold
their finds!
Flashlight Egg Hunt - Kids 8 – 12 years can enjoy a
night hunt at Anchorage Park on Friday, April 6th at
8:15pm (or thereabouts - dusk). Be sure to bring a flash-
light with fresh batteries and something to stash your
goodies in! Please – NO children under the age of 8.
They have their own hunt on Saturday morning.
Annual Egg Hunt - Egg Hunt for youth up to 7 years of
age will be Saturday, April 7th at 9am at Anchorage
Park. Hunt will be divided into 3 sections, one for
children under 3 years of age, one for children 4-5 years
and one for youth 6–7 years. Parents can help children
only in the 3 and under section. Children should bring
their own baskets. The Easter Bunny will be on hand to
lead the frenzy and then sit for photos.
Summer Basketball: Register online or in person April
1st–May 5th. Age Groups: 11-14 and 15–17 (age as of
June 1, 2012). Season runs June–August. Participants
will get at least 1 game and 1 practice per week.
Weekday games held in the evenings after 5:30pm.
Early registration fee: April 1st–May 5th $55/R $65/
NR After May 5th fees increase to $65/R $75/NR. Call
Adam at 841-3389 (after 2pm) for details.
Digital Photography – The next class with Walter
Mosca will be 5 weeks long starting on April 5th from 6-
8pm. Bring your camera or learn which camera will be
best for your needs. This class will cover the guidelines
for better picture planning and execution. We will answer
many questions! We will share photos as we learn from
each other and explore creative picture taking with tried
and true methods including using the Digital Darkroom
Picasa by Google. Book Recommended: Digital
Photograph for Seniors for Dummies By Mark Hinton.
Fee: $105/100(RDF)/5wk.
eBay for Fun & Profit - Explore all areas of on line
selling and buying through Ebay. The class will cover:
What sells, where to acquire inventory, how to sell items
already in your possession, and how to buy/sell using
PayPal. We will cover taking pictures, packing items,
shipping items in the US/Internationally and creating
titles and descriptions that sell! We will enter practice
auctions as a group as well as individual practice and
coaching. Book Recommended: Ebay for Dummies by
Marsha Collier. Instructor is Donna Kahler. This class is
Monday evenings from 6-8pm, starting April 9th.
Fee: $105/100(RDF)/4wk.
Ongoing classes at NPB Rec – Ballroom
Dance, Bellydance, Country Line Dance,
Duplicate Bridge, Fitness Over 50, Island
Style Cooking, Jazzercise, Special Needs
Academic Camp, SPD Fitness, Table Tennis,
Tai Chi and Zumba! Call the Rec. Dept. at
841-3386 for complete info. or visit the rec-
reation pages of www.village-npb.org.
Library / Parks & Recreation
Parks & Recreation—Pg. 5 www.village-npb.org
Parks & Recreation
Fun In The Sun Easter Holiday Day Camp
Coach Blair Kaiser will be offering a camp program at Anchorage Park on April 5th, 6th, and 9th for youth 4-12 years. This
camp will remain on-site and run from 9am–3 pm. The fee is $32/$30(RDF)/day and children must be pre-registered.
This is a great program for grandparents looking for activity for their visiting grandchildren! The time will be filled with
sport activity, relay games, water slides, bounce houses, arts & crafts, and more!
Summer Adventure Camp 2012
***New this Summer*** Adventure Camp – for ages 13-
15 years. Fee:$190/185(RDF)/wk. Multiple session
discounts available. A cancellation fee of $25/session
will apply. Registration begins online April 1st for NPB
Residents and April 8th for non-residents. Adventure
Camp gears trips specifically to the interests of the kids.
They will also enjoy big Friday trips, the NPB Pool, etc.
Adventure Camp will also give 13-15 year-olds their own
identity for a more fulfilling summer experience. Special
only to the Adventure Camp, will be Mystery Trip
Tuesdays! Adventure Campers will be given general
information and what they need to bring, but they will
have to guess where they will actually go that day! They
will also experience indoor/outdoor games, magicians,
local wildlife groups, entertainers, and sport/game com-
petitions against local camps to promote teamwork and
sportsmanship. If you would like to know more about the
Adventure Camp program call Bill at 841-3386.
Adventure Camp Highlights:
Week 1 (June 11th-15th) NPB Pool, Mystery Trip, The
Rapids, Wet N’ Wild
Week 2 (June 18th-22nd) Calypso Bay, Mystery Trip,
Peanut Island, Live Rodeo
Week 3 (June 25th-29th) NPB Pool, Mystery Trip, Zip line
at Brevard Zoo, Typhoon Lagoon
Week 4 (July 2nd-6th) Carlin Park Picnic, Mystery Trip,
Roller Skating, The Rapids
Week 5 (July 9th-13th) NPB Pool, Mystery Trip, Peanut
Island, Miami Seaquarium
Week 6 (July 16th-20th) Ocean Reef Beach, Mystery Trip,
Paintball, Wet N Wild
Week 7 (July 23rd-27th) NPB Pool, Mystery Trip, Miami
Marlins game, Boomers
Week 8 (July 30th-Aug 3rd) Ice Skating, Mystery Trip,
Carlin Park Picnic, Blizzard Beach
Summer Recreation Camp 2012
Ready for another Summer of Sun, Fun, Friends &
Games? Online registration for NPB residents begins
April 1st and April 8th for non-residents. Visit www.village-
npb.org (dept-parks & rec-activity registration) to register
online. Camp will be held at the NPB Community
Center. Summer Rec Camp begins June 11th and runs
for 8 weeks. This camp is for youth 7-12 years of age, is
registered in 1-week time blocks and runs from 8am-
5pm (except for Fridays when parents will be notified of
later pick up times.) The fee is $155/$150(RDF)/
wk. Multiple session discounts available. A cancellation
fee of $25/session will apply.
Recreation Camp Highlights:
Week 1 (June 11th-15th) NPB Pool, Ice Skating, Wet N’
Week 2 (June 18th-22nd) Calypso Bay, Peanut Island,
Live Rodeo
Week 3 (June 25th-29th) NPB Pool, Movies & Bowling,
Typhoon Lagoon
Week 4 (July 2nd-6th) Carlin Park Picnic, Roller Skating,
The Rapids
Week 5 (July 9th-13th) NPB Pool, Peanut Island, Miami
Week 6 (July 16th-20th) Ocean Reef Beach, Roller Skat-
ing, Wet N Wild
Week 7 (July 23rd-27th) NPB Pool, Miami Marlins game,
Week 8 (July 30th-Aug 3rd) Ice Skating, Carlin Park Pic-
nic, Blizzard Beach
At camp, kids will enjoy indoor and outdoor games,
magicians, local wildlife groups, entertainers, sport/game
competitions against local camps promoting
teamwork and sportsmanship. For more
info. please call Bill at 841-3386.
Fishing Camp
Building Up Sports Academy returns with 2 sections of the popular Fishing Camp.
This program is held at Anchorage Park, is for youth 6-13 yrs of age and runs from
9am – 12pm. Session #1 July 16th- 20th, Session #2 August 6th-10th.
Fee: $110/$105 (RDF)/ssn. Register online beginning April 1st.
561-841-3380 Pg. 6—Country Club
Country Club
Become a Member at the golf course Voted the #1 Best Public Course in Palm Beach County by the Palm Beach
Post online! You’re invited to come and see the Jack Nicklaus Signature Course that everybody’s talking about.
Beautiful intracoastal views, fast true greens and a course that is in great shape year round. We are excited to
offer a limited number of Summer Golf Memberships from May 1, 2012 - September 30, 2012.
There are two fantastic options to choose from:
Option A
• $495 + tax
• Pay only Discounted Member Cart Fee ($22 for
18 holes and $12 for 9 holes)
• Make tee-times 7 days in advance
• Unlimited number of rounds
• Play Any Day at Any Time
Option B
• $995 + tax
• All Cart Fees Included!
• Make tee-times 7 days in advance
• Unlimited number of rounds
• Play Any time Sunday – Thursday
• Play after 2pm on Friday, Saturday and Holidays
For more information on these or any other events please visit our website at www.npbcc.org or call the golf
shop at (561) 691-3433.
Support Your Local Businesses—Pg. 9 www.village-npb.org
501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1
************** ECRWSS
Advisory Board Meeting Schedule
Audit Committee ………………………………………...on call
Code Enforcement Special Magistrate ………….………..on call
Construction Board of Adjustment……………………….on call
Golf Advisory Board …………..2nd Monday, monthly, 5:00pm
Library Advisory Board ………..4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm
Pension Board - General Employees……………………..on call
Pension Board - Police & Fire …………………………...on call
Planning Commission …………..1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm
Recreation Advisory Board ……..2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm
Waterways Board ……………next to last Tuesday, monthly,4:00pm
Zoning Board of Adjustment …………………………………on call
Regular Garbage Pickup Schedule
Mondays - Garbage only
Tuesdays - Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation
Wednesdays - Garbage only
Thursdays - Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling
Fridays - Garbage only
Country Club
Golf Shop 691-3433
Pool 691-3427
Tennis 691-3425
Restaurant 691-3430
Community Development 841-3365
Finance 841-3360
Library 841-3383
Public Safety:
Emergency 911
Non-Emergency 848-2525
Public Works 691-3440
Recreation 841-3386
Anchorage Park 841-3386
Community Center 841-3389
Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355
Village Historian 841-3371
Village Manager’s Office 904-2122
Upcoming Council Meetings
Thursday, April 12, 2012, 7:30 pm
Thursday, April 26, 2012, 7:30 pm
Village Hall
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Village Hall Hours: M-F, 8am-5pm
Village of North Palm Beach
Village Council
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D.
David B. Norris
Vice Mayor
William L. Manuel
President Pro Tem
Robert A. Gebbia
*The print date for this month’s
publication was before elections
therefore results were not known.
Jimmy Knight
Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC
Village Clerk
Village Council members can be
contacted through the office of the
Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by
email at council@village-npb.org
*All meetings are held at the
Village Hall, 501 US Highway One
and are open to the public*