Ordinance Index 19961996 Ordinances Doc. Ref Item Ref. Brief Description Effective Date ORD 96-O1 automatic fire sprinkler systems 01/11/1996 ORD 96-02 appropriation for button ball field 01/11/1996 ORD 96-03 small scale comp plan amendment 01/25/1996 ORD 96-04 alcoholic beverages -hours of sale 01/25/1996 ORD 96-OS traffic fines -non-handicap spaces 01/25/1996 ORD 96-06 amending adult entertainment code 01/25/1996 ORD 96-07 centralized dispatch system study 01/25/1996 ORD 96-08 Annual garbage disposal fees 02/08/1996 ORD 96-09 Budget Amendment for cellular phone 02/22/1996 ORD 96-10 Repeals Ord 35-95 (SW annexation) 02/22/1996 .•. ORD 96-11 Budget amendment for flood damages 03/14/1996 ORD 96-12 Amends Gen. Employees Pension Plan 03/28/1996 ORD 96-13 Library automation funding 03/28/1996 ORD 96-14 special legal services approp. 04/11/1996 ORD 96-15 adoption of building codes 04/25/1996 ORD 96-16 Creates Sanctuary Cove Phase II PUD 04/25/]996 ORD 96-17 rezoning Sanctuary Cove Phase II 04/25/1996 ORD 96-18 Code Enforcement procedures amended 05/09/1996 ORD 96-19 road right-of--way parking restrictions 05/23/1996 ORD 96-20 temporary part-time bldg inspector 05/23/1996 ORD 96-21 antenna towers 6 month moratorium 05/30/1996 ORD 96-22 adds Ex Parte Comm. to order of business 06/13/1996 ORD 96-23 Surety Bond for CC Administrator 06/13/1996 ORD 96-24 FIND property annexation 07/11/1996 ORD 96-25 Rezoning FIND property to R-1 07/11/1996 ~- ORD 96-26 Creates Prosperity Harbor South PUD 07/25/1996 1996 Ordinances Doc. Ref. Item Ref. Brief Description Effective Date ORD 96-27 Rescinds Ordinance 32-91 (PHS PUD) 07/25/1996 ORD 96-28 G.E. Pension Member Contributions 07/25/1996 ORD 96-29 P&F Pension Member Contributions 07/25/1996 ORD 96-30 Repeals Ord 29-91, PHN PUD 08/22/1996 ORD.. 96-31 Creates Prosperity Harbor No. PUD 08/22/1996 ORD 96-32 Rezoning part of PHN PUD to R-3 08/22/1996 ORD - - 96-33 Annexing Southwest Neighborhood III 08/22/1996 ORD 96-34 Amends zoning on alcoholic beverage 08/22/1996 ORD 96-35 Adds sect. on alcoholic beverages 08/22/1996 ORD 96-36 Adopts GF & CC Budgets, FY 96-97 09/25/1996 ORD 96-37 Amends Occupational License Tax 09/26/1996 ORD 96-38 Water Conservation Policy 10/10/1996 ORD 96-39 Amends budget for lap-top computers 11/14/1996 ORD 96-40 Public Safety facility engineering 11/14/1996 ORD 96-41 Extends moratorium on antenna tower 11 / 14/ 1996 ORD 96-42 Emergency equip. purchase -Rest. 11/14/1996 ORD 96-43 Tax on telecommunications service 12/12/1996 ORD 96-44 Budget amendment for pool filter 12/12/1996 ORD 96-45 Implements Combat Auto Theft program 12/12/1996 ORD 96-46 Amends parking in C-A zoning district 12/12/1996 ORD 96-47 Amends parking in CB zoning district 12/12/1996 ORD 96-48 Amends parking in C-1 zoning district 12/12/1996 ORD 96-49 Appropriation for additional design work 12/12/1996 ORD 96-50 Appropriation for Comp Plan Amendments 12/12/1996 ORD 96-51 Concession Stand construction 12/12/1996 ORD 96-52 Public Safety Bldg design/land purchase 12/12/1996