January 2013 Country Club Preliminary_as of 2-11-13 The Village of North Palm Beach Country Club Budget Summary 4 Months Ending January 31,2013 Preliminary 4 Months Ending 113112013 FY 2013 %of budget Prior Year Golf F&B Admin Total Budget (Target 33%) January 2012 REVENUES Driving Range $ 88,303 $ 88,303 $ 209,026 42.24% $ 81,412 Membership 483,355 483,355 623,580 77.51% 542,529 Cart Rental 278,333 278,333 939,400 29.63% 292,184 Walking Fees 16,575 16,575 37,520 44.18% 15,243 Greens Fees 300,209 300,209 912,480 32.90% 305,561 Lessons 41,483 41,483 100,000 41.48% 32,255 Tournament Proceeds 771 771 2,716 28.40% 2,036 Merchandise Sales 45,099 45,099 140,150 32.18% 51,638 Special Events/Camps - 0 4,000 0.00% 0 Food&Beverage-Lease Operation - 0 0 0.00% 0 Liquor Sales 67,715 67,715 240,000 28.21% 69,352 Food&Beverage Sales 140,520 140,520 545,000 25.78% 143,943 Sales of Surplus 128,000 - 128,000 96,000 133.33% 0 Interest Earnings 1,074 1,074 7,327 14.66% 2,482 Other 31,641 2,462 2,205 36,308 91,734 39.58% 31,866 Total Revenues 1,413,769 210,697 3,279 1,627,745 3,948,933 41.22% 1,570,500 EXPENSES Personnel: Salary&Benefits 179,123 118,668 20,613 318,403 938,748 33.92% 290,872 Operating: Accounting&Auditing - - 4,440 4,440 7,000 63.43% 4,178 Charge Card Fees 18,531 2,881 0 21,412 59,500 35.99% 21,924 Contractual Services 356,677 7,883 4,139 368,698 1,241,647 29.69% 408,552 Entertainment - 2,915 0 2,915 10,000 29.15% 2,795 Rental-Equipment/Uniform,etc. - 5,116 1,290 6,406 22,714 28.20% 6,942 Legal Fees 6,685 6,685 7,500 89.13% 3,255 Lessons 10,576 - 0 10,576 35,000 30.22% 7,104 Marketing&Advertising 7,806 53 0 7,859 45,000 17.46% 3,665 Materials&Supplies 14,479 5,529 1,576 21,584 65,675 32.87% 27,752 Merchandise 23,113 79,382 0 102,495 388,000 26.42% 108,730 Repairs&Maintenance 8,402 17,095 0 25,497 48,579 52.49% 14,228 Solid Waste Disposal 6,648 6,646 0 13,294 14,450 92.00% 13,378 Utilities 48,621 14,667 1,569 64,857 217,202 29.86% 68,904 Other Operating Costs 4,534 5,191 1,779 11,504 43,000 26.75% 9,915 Capital: Capital Outlay - 2,250 0 2,250 53,639 4.19% 15,000 Debt&Other: Debt Service 0 0 398,151 0.00% 0 Golf Cart Lease 120,695 120,695 234,183 51.54% 25,078 Insurance-Prop&Gen Liab 14,560 14,560 43,881 33.18% 13,288 Contingency 0 0 75,064 0.00% 0 Total Expenses 799,203 268,277 56,650 1,124,131 3,948,933 28.47% 1,045,561 Revenues over(under)expenses $ 614,565 $ (57,580) $ (53,371) $ 503,614 $ - 524,939 Rounds 14,131 14,555