02-14-2013_Motion Small Business Grant Program VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO: Mayor and Village Council FROM: Ed Green, Village Manager BY: Chuck Huff, Community Development Director Jodi Nentwick, Village Planner DATE: February 14, 2013 SUBJECT: MOTION—Expanding Guidelines for the Village's Small Business Grant Program In June 2010, the Village Council approved a Small Business Grant Program designed to assist the rehabilitation and viability of small businesses within the Village. "The goal would be to enhance the aesthetics of our commercial corridors while fostering a collaborative partnership with our business community. " The current program allows businesses to receive a matching grant of up to $5,000 for improvements p is to small business properties. Businesses will be required to match each dollar of grant funds with one dollar from their own funds. The grant eligibility guidelines allow grant monies to be used for upgrades to the following: awnings/canopies, façade (storefront exterior only), walls, fencing, landscaping, exterior painting (not to exceed 20% of the scope of work) and architectural fees (not to exceed 15% of the grant amount). This item was presented at the January 28, 2013 Business Advisory Board meeting, and the Board as3' � r3' g, unanimously recommended increasing the grant amount to $7,500 and eliminating the 20% limit for exterior painting. Recommendations: Village Administration requests Village Council consideration and approval, by motion, of increasing the matching grant amount to $7,500 and eliminating the 20% limit for exterior painting as recommended by the Business Advisory Board and in accordance to the Village Policies and Procedures. MINUTES OF THE NORTH PALM BEACH BUSINESS ADVISORY BOARD (BAB) JANUARY 28, 2013 Present: Rah Shah (RS) Ronald Lantz (RL) Kim Willard (KW) Mike Mullinix(MM) Holly Perella (HP) Craig Crombie (CC) James Carpenter(JC) Chuck Huff(CH) Jodi Nentwick(JN) Village Manager, Ed Green CALLTO ORDER:JN called the meeting to order 6:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: All members were present. JN introduced Advisory Board ELECTION OF OFFICERS MM was elected as CHAIR KW was elected as VICE CHAIR HP was elected as SECRETARY Unfinished Business 1) Discussion regarding Temporary Signage along the main corridors within the Village.The current signage code was discussed and the BAB recommended that the code needs updating to include enforcing uniformity and validating the actual need for leases in the building within the corridor. BAB discussed various options about color, size, materials, application and accountability processes. CH and JN will put together a preliminary plan. HP moved to motion, CC second motion, motion passed. 2) Small Business Grant Program. BAB discussed options for increasing grant amount, offering a loan option, and various marketing efforts to business owners announcing the grant program. MM moved to have the Council consider the following suggestions: Increase the grant from$5,000 to $7, 500 Move to eliminate the percentage impediments regarding painting, etc. HP moved to motion, CC seconded motion, motion passed. BAB will review current marketing efforts and provide input on how to increase awareness. New Business Palm Beach Radiology monument sign request to change code to add more business names on sign. CH will compile information from Ad Hoc committee. BAB will discuss at next meeting. RS proposed we discuss how to get new business, offer some kind of incentive (an incubator program) to landlords/owners. JC suggested BAB talk to business owners and ask questions about having business in NPB (like, don't like, etc.) KW suggested inviting real estate representative Robert Sullivan to speak to us about NPB. MM suggested we invite the other individuals who applied for the Advisory Board to meet with us to share their ideas. HP reinforced the Board visit business owners, and invite them to an open forum for a candid discussion. CH will separate areas of NPB for BAB to visit businesses and intro ourselves. BAB designated the last Monday of every month at 6:30 to meet. MM moved to set date, CC motioned, KW seconded motion, motion passed. Adjourned at 8:30. Business Advisory Board Backup Small Business Grant 1-28-2013 Paid Grants: Address Type of Business Type of Grant Amount 713 U.S. Highway One Restaurant Landscaping/Facade $5,000 300 Prosperity Farms Road Office Building Facade $5,000 701 U.S. Highway One Office Building Landscaping $5,000 715-717 Northlake Boulevard Office/Retail Exterior Painting $420 Outstanding Grants: 712 U.S. Highway One Office Building Signage $5,000 106 U.S. Highway One Hair Salon Signage/Canopy/Painting $2,981 618 U.S. Highway One Office Building Exterior Painting 630 U.S. Highway One Office Building Exterior Painting 133 U.S. Highway One Retail/Restaurant/Office Signage $5,000 529 Northlake Boulevard Restaurant Signage/Canopy $5,000 Created 1-28-2013 n a Zi The Village of North Palm Beach Small Business Grant Program Guidelines and Eligibility $5,000 iVatrhing Gratits Available for Srtrall Busittess "Curbside Appeal" The Village of North Palm Beach, Department of Community Development is now offering Small Business Grants designed to assist in the rehabilitation and viability of small business within the Village. The Small Business Grant Program is intended for small business property owners who are interested in doing visible exterior improvements to their business. The program will provide matching grants up to $5,000 for improvements to small business properties. Businesses will be required to match each dollar for grant funds with one dollar from their own funds. Collaborative projects are strongly encouraged and will be given high priority by the Village of North Palm Beach Businesses are encouraged to apply where there are four or more businesses in one area working together toward curbside appeal improvements. Eligible Properties All business storefronts located within the Village of North Palm Beach are eligible for this grant. Both owner-occupied and leased properties are eligible (in the latter case, either the property owner or the business owner may apply for the grant and the property owner must execute the grant agreement with the Village of North Palm Beach). Only one grant per street address will be given. All taxes must be current and the property must meet Code Compliance regulations. Matching Requirements Each grant must be matched in full by the business or property owner. An applicant must match $1 of their funds with each $l given by the Village. The applicant's matching contributions are not lirnited to the cligibla work listed below but any exterior building improvements can count toward the applicant's match. Grant funds can only be used for the improvements listed below: Signs Removal of old and the design, production, and installation of new signs. Signs must be permitted and meet all Village of North Palm Beach codes. Awnings/Canopies Removal of old and the design, production, and installation of new awnings and canopies. Awnings and canopies must be permitted and meet all Village of North Palm Beach codes. Facades Work performed on the exterior storefront of the building including cleaning, masonry, painting,window or door replacement,non-structural architectural elements, other repairs or rebuilding historic storefronts. Any applicable work must be permitted and meet all Village of North Palm Beach codes. Exterior painting shall not exceed 20%of the scope of work. Walls,Fencing and Landscape Includes work to replace or add appropriate fencing or landscaping to hide incompatible or negative site elements such as storage yards, dumpsters, outdoor fabrication or work areas. Walls and fences must be permitted and meet all Village of North Palm Beach codes. Village staff must approve landscaping. Architectural Fees Not to exceed 15%of the grant amount. The following items are specifically ineligible for the program: • Parking lot paving • Interior work (even if visible through street-front windows) • Other improvements required for redevelopment or occupancy of the property with the sole intention of complying with the Village of North Palm Beach's Building Codes • Work required for Code Compliance = Roof repair or replacement EAU " SMALL BUSINESS GRANT PROGRAM APPLICATION FORM All business storefronts located within the Village of North Palm Beach are eligible for this grant. Both owner-occupied and leased properties are eligible. ONLY one (1) grant per street address will be given. All taxes must be current and the property must meet Code Compliance regulations. Applicant must be the property owner Date Received: Parcel Control Number: APPhLCA O IO4 � -�--� A. Name: B. Address: City: State: Zip Code: C. Telephone No. Fax No.: D. E-mail Address: E. Legal Name of Business: F. Business Address: City: State: Zip Code: G. Telephone No. Fax No.: H. Date the Business Was Legally Established: State: I. Legal Form of Business (Please Check One Box): [ ] Sole Proprietorship [ ] Corporation [ ] Limited Liability Company [ ] Partnership J. Nature of Business (please list products/services provided): Applicant Signature Date I PROJEC`I pES. RIPTTON A. Project General Description (Summarize project to include as much detail about visual and structural improvements as possible. Attach additional sheets if necessary): ITT LIST OF ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Pl;ease`7�ote that three (�)_written estlm�tes,are required for each phase of work to be undertaken Awnings/Canopies $ Facades $ (Exterior painting shall not exceed 20% of the scope of work) Walls,Fencings and Landscaping $ Architectural Fees $ (Not to exceed 15% of the grant approval) Total Project Cost Estimate: $ V FUlI�INS0i7RE Village of North Palm Beach grant (Enter the amount of grant being requested) $ Applicant's share (Enter the amount of money you plan to contribute) $ In-kind Services: (Enter the value of any donated services or materials) $ DOCUMENTATION WHICH MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION: (Please include with this application at the time of submittal the following documentation) Copy of current PBC Business Tax Receipt(if applicable) Copy of current Village of North Palm Beach Business Tax Receipt(if applicable) Copy of Village permits already received(if applicable) Proof of insurance coverage for building Copies of written estimates COMPLETED APPLICATION FORMS AND REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION MUST BE SUBMITTED EITHER IN PERSON OR BY MAIL TO: VILLAGE MANAGER VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH 501 U.S.HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM MACH,FLORIDA 33408 For further information regarding this program, please contact the Community Development Department at 561-841-3369. NO APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED BY FAX. Application Complete: Application Approval:� 1] Yes []No,additional information needed: [ ] Approved-Date of Approval: Grant Amount: Conditions: [ ]Denied—Date of Denial: Date submitted additional information: Reason: