2001-32 Comp Plan Amendment for School ConcurrencyORDINANCE 32-2001 ~• AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING AMENDMENT NO. 01-02 TO THE ADOPTED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, iN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATION ACT, AS AMENDED, BEING SECTIONS 163.3161, ET SEQ., FLORIDA STATUTES, WHICH AMENDMENT IS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A" AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE; INCORPORATING A PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCURRENCY ELEMENT INTO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; INCORPORATING ASSOCIATED OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES INTO THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to 163.3161 et seq., Florida Statutes, being the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, the Village of North Palm Beach is required to adopt, periodically evaluate and revise a Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, on August 14, 2001, the Village Planning Commission, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, held a Public Hearing to review Amendment No. 01-02 and made a recommendation to the Village Council to disapprove the amendments to the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, after public hearing and due consideration, is desirous of adopting Amendment No. 01-02 to the Comprehensive Plan for the Village of North Palm Beach; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Section 163.3161 et seq., Florida Statutes, the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, hereby adopts Amendment No. 01-02 to the Comprehensive Plan of the Village of • North Palm Beach, Florida. A copy of Amendment No. 01-02 is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A". Section 2. If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is for any • reason held by a Court to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 3. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PLACED ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS 23rd DAY OF AUGUST, 2001. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 23rd DAY OF AUGUST, 2001. PLACED ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS 13th DAY OF DECEMBER, 2001. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PAI `e,~pimm~u-„~ triQ~`1pJ ~~c '; N^a` b '~+ AIf n, .' 1 1 U~u~l~~/', (UI;,LAGE SEA~L~}~' ~ ~~ ,r. . o~ A7~T„F,STi ~ i ~ ut~tie~~~ VILLAGE CLERK J 11.0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Items underlined are added to the text, and items strackthrongh aze deleted from the text. • r • 11.0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 11.1 INTRODUCTION The CAPITAL IIviPROVEMENTS element is required to be included within the Comprehensive Plan per requirements of State planning law and rule criteria. Specifically, Chapter 163.3177(6)(f), Florida Statutes, establishes the CAPITAL 1MPROVEMENTS requirement and Chapter 9J-5.016 Florida Administrative Code, establishes minimum criteria to guide its preparation. A summary of the data, analyses and support documentation necessary to form the basis for CAPITAL IIvIPROVEMENTS Goal, Objectives and Policies is presented is presented in the Village Of North Palm Beach Evaluation And Appraisal Report (1996), and Chapter 3, FUTURE LAND USE, and Chapter 3, HOUSING of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Comprehensive Plan Support Documentation report dated October, 1999. 11.2 VII.LAGE GOAL STATEMENT The Village shall undertake actions necessary to efficiently provide needed pubic facilities to all residents within North Palm Beach in a timely manner which protects investments in an maximizes the use of existing facilities, and promotes orderly compact municipal growth. Further decisions to finance public facilities improvements shall be based upon the use of sound fiscal policy oriented to minimizing Village debt service liabilities. 11.3 OBJECTIVES AYD POLICIES: OBJECTIVE 1: Capital improvements will be provided to: (I) correct existing deficiencies; (2) accommodate desired future growth; and/or (3) replace wom-out or obsolete facilities, as indicated in Tables ~l-5 l t-2.A and 1 l-2.B of this element. IPo icy 1.1: The Village shall include all projects identified in the policies of the various elements of this Comprehensive Plan that are the responsibility of North Palm Beach and determined to be of relatively large scale and high cost (510,000 or greater), as capital improvements projects for inclusion «~thin the 5-Year Schedule of Improvements. Normal maintenance activities, with the exception of the annual street resurfacing program, are not included. Provision of Capital Improvements so defined shall be implemented through procedures outlined in Policies 12 - 1.4 and 4.l - 4.4 of this element. A capital improvements project is further defined to include land and/or improvements, plus any planning, engineering, feasibility or appraisal studies related thereto. This shall include any studies oriented to defining the initial need for land and/or facilities so defined. • 11-1 • Policy 1•Z: The Village shall, as a matter of priority, schedule for funding any capital improvement projects in the 5-Yeaz Schedule of Improvements which aze designed to correct existing public facility deficiencies. Policy 1.3: A Capital Improvements Coordinating Committee is hereby created, composed of the Village Manager, Finance Director and operating department heads, for the purpose of evaluating and ranking in order of priority, projects proposed for inclusion in the 5- Year Schedule of Improvements. li .4: Proposed capital improvements projects shall be evaluated and ranked in order of priority according to the following guidelines: a) Whether the proposed project is financially feasible, in terms of its impact upon Village budge potential; b) Whether the project is needed to protect public health and safety, to fulfill the Village's legal commitment to provide facilities and services, or to preserve, achieve full use of, or increase the efficiency of existing facilities; c) Whether the project prevents or reduces future improvement costs, provides service to developed areas lacking full service, or promotes in-fill development; d) Whether the project represents a logical extension of facilities and services within a designated Village Planning Area; and e) Whether or not the proposed project is consistent with plans of State agencies and the South Florida Water Management District. OBJECTIVE 2: Village expenditures in the Coastal High Hazard Area shall be limited to 100°•0 of those post disaster improvements costs for facilities over which North Palm Beach has operational responsibility. P li 2 In the event of a natural disaster, the Village shall retain its role in terms of the maintenance of the building stock. The definitions of "Standard Condition", "Substandard Condition" and "In Need of Replacement", established in the HOUSING element, shall be applied to all structures in the Village as a means of determining immediate repair and clean-up actions and the need for removal, relocation, redevelopment or modification of damaged or unsafe structures. Further, the need to limit redevelopment of infrastructure services within damaged areas shall be considered prior to the time that such activities are permitted by the Village. • 11-2 golicy 2.2: The Village shall continue to assist in the provision of recreational facilities within Coastal High Hazard Area (Ref: OBJECTIVE 6; COASTAL MANAGEMENT • element) by cooperating with the State of Florida in developing John D. MacArthur Beach State Park. Policy 2.3: The Village shall continue to expend funds to maintain existing facilities and services under the jurisdiction of North Palm Beach at their existing levels-of- service. OBJECTIVE 3: Futtue development shall bear a proportionate cost of facility improvements in order to maintain adopted North Palm Beach Level-of-Service Standards. Proportionate costs are defined to mean 100% of that amount necessary to assure that Village Level-of-Service Standards are maintained as a result of development approval for those facilities over which North Palm Beach has operational control. lic .:The Village shall require local street, drainage, sewage collection and potable water distribution systems improvements, as required by the application of Village Level-of-Service Standards, of any new development necessitated by such development. IPo icY 3.2: Defined recreational facility needs maybe met by one or more of the following means: (1) On-site provision of public or private facilities; (2) dedications; and/or (3) fees in lieu thereof. Plant expansion and main extension for potable water and sewer systems shall be accommodated through the Developer's Agreement procedure administered by Seacoast Utilities Authority. Major road improvements shall be accommodated by Village participation in the Counry's Fair Share Road Impact Fee program. Solid waste collection and disposal shall be accommodated by the fee schedule annually levied by the contractor (i.e. commercial) and by the Village through appropriate updates to the 5-Year Schedule of Improvements. Polic~3.3: Determination of needed public facility improvements shall be made prior to the time that a building permit is issued. OBJECTIVE 4: The Village shall manage its fiscal resources to ensure the provision of needed capital improvements at a level equal to, or exceeding, the adopted North Palm Beach Level-of-Service Standards. lic 4.t: Prior to the issuance of certificate of occupancy, the Village shall require that all public facilities are available to serve development for which development orders were previously issued. Development orders for future development shall not be issued unless the Village has demonstrated either of the following: (I) Compliance with the Village Level-of-Service Standards; and (2) one or a combination of the following conditions exists: • 1 l -3 • (a) Necessary facilities and services aze in place at the time that a development order or permit, consistent with Section 9J-5.055(2)(e), Florida Administrative Code is issued; (b) a development order or permit is issued subject to the condition that a certificate of occupancy shall not be issued unless necessary facilities and services aze in place; (c) necessary facilities are under construction at the time a development order or permit is issued; (d) for recreation or transportation facilities only, necessary facilities are the subject of a binding executed contract for the construction of the facilities at the time a development order or permit is issued which provides for the commencement of construction within one year of the issuance of the development order or permit and/or; (e) necessary facilities and services are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement, including but not limited to development agreements pursuant to Section 163.3220 or Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, which guarantee that necessary facilities and services will be in place when the impacts of the development occur. Policy 4.2: In providing capital improvements, the Village shall limit general obligation debt to an amount equal to or less than 5% of the property tar base. PoliCx4.3: The Village shall annually update the 5-Year Schedule of Improvements. The results of this update shall be incorporated within the capital budget as part of the annual Village budget process. IPo icy 4.4: Efforts shall be made to secure grants or private funds, whenever available, to finance the provision of capital improvements. OBJECTIVE 5: Decisions regarding the issuance of development orders and permits shall be based upon coordination of the development requirements included in this Plan, the Village land development regulations, and the availability of necessary public facilities needed to support such development at the time needed. Policy S.l: Prior to issuing a development order or permit, the Village shall use Level-of-Service (LOS) Standards adopted in the various elements of this Comprehensive Plan to review the impacts of new development and redevelopment upon public facility provision. The Village shall not issue a development order or permit which results in a reduction in service for affected facilities below these Level-of-Service Standards. A listing of LOS Standards is exhibited on Table 1 l-1. C 1 I -4 C~ • TABLE 11-1 NORTH PALM BEACH LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS) STANDARDS Facility A. Traffic Circulation: Level-Of-Service Standard 1. Group Classification: ili C.R. A-1-A Prosperity Farms Road U.S. Highway No. I Northlake Blvd. S.R.Altemate A-1-A Lighthouse Drive Group Classification: Group A Group B Group C Group C Group C Village Collector 2. LOS Standards Within Classification: (Refer to Tables 4-1 & 4-2, TRANSPORTATION element for permissible volumes) Facility: C.R. A-1-A Prosperity Farms Road U.S. Highway No. 1 Northlake Blvd. S.R. Alternate A-1-A Lighthouse Drive F i ity Avera e Daily Traffic/ Peak Hour: D/D D/D D/D D/D D/D D/D B. Sanitary Sewer:' (Urban Service Area Only) Average Day Generation: Residential - 66 gallons/capita/day Nonresidential" - 1,060 gallons acre/day Maximum Dav Generation: Residential - 104 gallons/capita/day Nonresidential" - 1,721 gallons acre/day 11-5 • TABLE 11-1 (Cont.) C. Potable Water: * (Urban Service Area Only) D. Solid Waste: Average Day Generation Residential - 99 gallons/capita/day Nonresidential** - 1,874 gallons/acre/day Maximum Day Generation Residential - 147 gallons/capita/day Nonresidential** - 2,782 gallons/acre/day Storage Ca ap city Av. Daily Flow x 0.5 Average Generation Rate: Residential: Single-Family - 0.926 tons/capita/yr. Multiple-Family - 0.588 tons/capita/yr. Non-Residential**: 6.0 tons/acre/year E. Drainage: Design Storrn: 3-Year frequency, 24 hour duration (one-day); Rainfall intensity curve, as established by the South Florida Water Management District. (Interim LOS: Ref: Policy 2.1; Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Stormwater Management, Potable Water and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge element). F. Groundwater Recbarge: [mcervious Area: Residential: • 11-6 Single-family -Main bldg. first floor area shall not exceed 40% of the total lot area. TABLE 11-1 (Cont.) • Multiple-family -Main bldg. first floor area shall not exceed 35% of the total site azea. Non-residential'*: Main bldg. first floor area shalt not exceed a minimtun of 35% of the total site azea; however, specific district regulations as per the Village Zoning Code shall apply. G. Recreation/Open Space: Unit/Population: Neighborhood Parks - 2 ac/1,000 Community Parks - 1 ac/1,000 Beaches- 1 mile/31,250 Marinas - 1 slip/2,500 Boating - 1 ramp/6,250 Golf Courses - 9 holes/30,000 Swimming - 1 pool/31,250 Tennis - 1 courU2,500 Basketball - 1 courU6,250 Shuffleboard - 1 courU6,250 BasebalUsoftball - I field/7,200 Football/soccer - 1 field/4,800 Handball/racquetball - 1 courU6,000 Volleyball - I court/7,200 fi. Public Schools Refer to Policy 1 1 of Section 12.0 PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCURRENCY element Footnotes: • -The above rates are to be used orily as a planning guide for the Village. Actual determination of flow rates used as a basis for plant capacity, main extension and tax charges shall be negotiated by individual property owners and Seacoast Utilities Authority by Developer's Agreement. •• -Non-residential includes the following land use types: Commercial; Public Buildings; Educational; and Other Public Facilities. • ll-7 Policv 5•l: The Village shall maintain an adequate facilities ordinance during to • ensure that, at the time a development order or permit is issued, adequate facility capacity is available, consistent with the criteria established in Policy 4.1, or will be available upon occupancy of the development based upon the application of the North Palm Beach Level-of- Service Standards. Development orders approved prior to the authorization for the commencement of construction or physical activity on the land shall be conditioned to provide that authorization of the final development permit, which shall authorize the commencement of construction or physical activity on the land, shall be contingent upon the availability of public facilities and services necessary to serve the proposed development consistent with the criteria established in Policy 4.1. In all cases, a test for concurrency will occur prior to the approval of an application for a development order or permit which contains a specific plan for development, including densities and intensities of use. Policy 5.3: Proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments and requests for new development or redevelopment shall be evaluated according to the following guidelines as to whether the proposed action would: a) Contribute to any condition of public hazard as described in the SAMTARY SEWER, SOLCD WASTE, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT, POTABLE WATER, AND NATURAL GROUNDWATER RECHARGE element, and COASTAL MANAGEMENT element; b) Exacerbate any existing condition of pubic facility capacity deficits, as described in the TRANSPORTATION element; SAMTARY SEWER, SOLID WASTE, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT POTABLE WATER AND NATURAL GROUNDWATER RECHARGE element; and RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE element; and c) Conform with future land uses as shown on the Future Land Use Map Series of the FUTURE LAND USE element, and public facility availability as described in the SANITARY SEWER, SOLID WASTE, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT, and NATURAL GROUNDWATER RECHARGE element. [f public facilities are developer-provided, they shall accommodate pubic facility demands based upon adopted LOS standards. If public facilities are provided, in part or wholly, by the Village, financial feasibility shall be demonstrated subject to this element. • 11-8 Effects upon appropriate state agency and/or Water Management District facilities plans • shall be evaluated. OBJECTIVE 6: The Village shall designate an Urban Service Area as a means of: (1) Implementing future land use designations, as per the Futwe Land Use Map Series; (2) limiting potential Village post disaster redevelopment expenditures; and (3) promoting compact urban development and limiting urban sprawl. Policy 6.1: Village Planning Areas 2-7 aze designated as the North Palm Beach Urban Service Area. Policy 6.2: Village Planning Area 1 shall be designated asNon-Service Area where the level of facilities and services provided by North Palm Beach shall be limited to those currently provided. Notwithstanding the above limitations, individual of package potable water systems may be provided to accommodate allowable development. Further, package wastewater systems may be provided to accommodate allowable development. Policy 6.3: Consideration of the expansion of the Village Urban Service Area shall be made coincident with any annexation actions. OBJECTIVE 7: The Village shall maintain a concurrency management system to ensure that public facilities and services to support development are available concurrent with the impact of development. Further. the Village shall continue to provide for the issuance of development orders or development permits only when roadway~.potable water. sanitary ewer. s9_li_d waste. drainage parks. and public school facilities are available at the levels of services identified in Policy 5.1 of this element to accommodate the impact from the real et sted development order or development hermit at the time such im~cts are anticipated to occur Policy 7.1: For sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, and potable water facilities, at a minimum, the Village shall meet the following standards to satisfy the concurrency requirements: 1. A development order or permit shall be issued subject to the condition that, at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent, the necessary facilities and services are in place and available to serve the new development; or 2. At the time the development order or permit is issued, the necessary facilities and services are guazanteed (i.e. by an enforceable development agreement, pursuant to Section 163.3220, Florida Statutes, or an agreement or development order issued pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes) to be in place and available to serve new development at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent. {Section 163.180(2)(a), Florida Statutes}. • 11-9 • Policy 7.2: For parks and recreation facilities, at a minimtun, the Village shall meet the following standards to satisfy the concurrency requirement: 1. At the time a development order or permit is issued, the necessary facilities and services are in place or under construction; or 2. A development order or permit is issued subject to the condition that, at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent, the acreage for the necessary facilities and services to serve the new development is dedicated or acquired by the Village, or funds in the amount of the developer's contribution aze committed; and a. A development order or permit is issued subject to the conditions that the necessary facilities and services needed to serve the new development are scheduled to be in place or under construction not more than one year after issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent, as provided in the 5-year schedule of improvements; or b. At the time a development order or permit is issued, the necessary facilities and services are the subject of a binding executed agreement which requires the necessary facilities and services to serve the new development to be in place or under construction not more than one year after issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent; or c. At the time a development order or permit is issued, the necessary facilities and services are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement (i.e. pursuant to Section 163.3220, Florida Statutes, or an agreement or development order issued pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes) to be in place or under construction not more than one year after issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent. Policy 7.3: For transportation facilities (i.e. roads and mass transit designated in the adopted Village Comprehensive Plan), at a minimum, the Village shall meet the following standards to satisfy the concurrency requirement, except as othen~ise provided in subsections (4)-(7) of this section. 1. At the time a development order or permit is issued, the necessary facilities and services are in place or under construction; or 2. A development order or permit is issued subject to the conditions that the necessary facilities and services needed to serve the new development are scheduled to be in place or under actual construction not more than three years after issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent, as provided in the Village's five-year schedule of improvements, or the schedule improvements included in the first three years of. u I1-10 • (1) The Transportation Improvement Program of the Palm Beach County Metropolitan Planning Organization; or (2) the adopted Florida Department of Transportation five-year work program. Policy 7.4: A Comprehensive Plan amendment shall be required to eliminate, defer, or delay construction of any road or mass transit facility which is needed to maintain the adopted level of service standazd and which is listed in the five-yeaz schedule of capital improvements. Policy 7 5• F or Rub lic school fa cilities at a mini mum the Vill age sh all re quire that the conc urrency man a en ystem detail ed in O bje ctive 8 bel ow an d th e P UB LIC CC'HOOL C ONCLIRR FNC Y eleme nt is implem ented OBJECTIVE 8: ThA e,.r,^^i n~crrtr~ of Palm Beach County shall maintain minimum level of service standards for~ublic school facilities as defined in the PUBLIC SCHOOL ('(1NC`T/RRFNC'V element In the case of public school facilities the issua~tce of Development Orders Development Permits or develgpment approvals shall be based upon the School District of Palm Beach Coun(y's ability to maintain the minimum level of service standards. Policy 8.1: Fir public school facilities the applicant fora Development Order or Development Permit which includes any residential component shall p~vide a determination g~~p~i }! jZy the School District of Palm Beach Coun[y.~.hat the prono~P~i development will meet the p4tblic ~~h^^~ facilities level of service A determination by the School Dtstnct is not required for existi ~, c_inele family legal lots of record. in accordance with the Public Schools Concurrency Policy 1.8. Policy 8.2: In determinine that the necessary_public school facilities shall be in place when the impacts of the development occur the followingprocedures shall be used: 1. The construction of the facilities is the subject of a bindine and ~ranteed contract with the School District of Palm Beach Counter that is executed and ~iaranteed for the time the Development Order is issued: 2. The Rhasin~and construction of the improvements are made bindine conditions of approval of the development order or development permit. 3. The necessaryfacilities or services are under construction and nded at the time a Development Order is issued: or 4 Construction appropriations are cnP~ified within the first three e r the most recently~pproved School District of Palm Beach County Six Year Capital Improvement schedule as reflected in Table I t 2 B of this element which shall reflect the C J II-11 • addition of FISH capaci for each cchool as shown in APPENDDC A Concurrency Service Area Table of the PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCURRFNCY Element ctlppgrt documentation ~ In a ccordance with policy 8.1. and upholdin e the exceptions detailed the ein rior to iss uance of a Develo m ent Order/Perm it the School Dist~ ct of Palm Beach p r o .n h all determ ine that t p he level of service for publ ic cchool facil ities can be achieved and i i d Th h l bli f iliti h ll b id d be t lace when in ma nta ne e nec essary ny oo c sc ac es s a e cons ere o p sufficient cap~~ty exists in th e conc~r*e ncy service azea ( Sal in wlv ch th e prop~g~ ~velopm ent is loc ated. or an immediate ly a~'acent CS A. 11.4 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS IMPLEMENTATION 11.4.1 Five-Year Schedule of Improvemeuts The North Palm Beach Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements for Fiscal Yeazs 1999/2000 through 2003/2004 is presented in Table I 1-2,g. The School District of Palm Beach County Six Year Capital Improvement Schedule for fiscal years 2001 through 2006 is presented in Table 11-2.B. A review of other Comprehensive Plan elements leads to the conclusion that the CAPITAL IIvIPROVEMENTS element Goal, Objectives and Policies and the 5-Year Schedule of Improvements are internally consistent. 11.4.2 Operational Impacts of Proposed Capital Improvements A review of proposed capital improvements, as presented on Table I 1-2,9, in relation to projected increases in Village operating expenses (Ref: Table 11-6; Support Documentation report) leads to the conclusion that little or no increases in Village staffing levels should result from programmed projects. 11.4.3 Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation • The CAPITAL IMPROVEIvfENTS element, including the North Palm Beach 5-Year Schedule of Improvements, shall be reviewed by the Capital Improvements Coordinating Committee on an annual basis as part of the Village annual budget procedure. Any revisions and/or amendments to the 5-Year Schedule of Improvements shall be made at that time. 11-12 • • TABLE l l-2 A NORTH PALM BEACH S-YEAR SCHEDULE OF IMPROVEMENTS, 2000 - 2004 Project Schedule Projected General Revenue Consistent With Description (Fiscal Year) Cost Location* Source Other Elements Future Land Use Facilities Northlake Boulevard Landscaping Improvements 2003 $500,000 P.A. 5+" USDOT Yes Transportation Facilities Parker Bridge Repair/ Rehabilitation 2003 $264,000 P.A.2 FDOT Yes ~, State Road A-1-A 2004 $3,785,000 P.A. 1 +"' FDOT U.S. Highway No. I P.A.3A, 3B 2001 $6,332,000 And 3C+•"' USDOT Yes Repave West Alley 2000 $30,000 P.A. 4A, 4B General Fund Yes • TABLE 11-2 A (Continued) • Project Schedule Projected General Revenue Consistent With Description (Fiscal Year) Cost Location Source Other Elements Potable Water Facilities Not Village's Responsibility NA NA NA NA NA Sanitary Sewer Facilities Not Village's Responsibility NA NA NA NA NA Solid Waste Facilities One packer & two jitney trucks Annual $84,000 Village-Wide General Fund Yes Stormwater Management Facilities NPDES Program- Annual Report And Maintenance Annual $12,000 Village-Wide General Fund Yes Storm Drain Repairs Annual $20,000 Village-Wide General Fund Yes • TABLE l l-2 A (Continued) • Project Schedule Projected General Revenue Consistent With Description (Fiscal Year) Cost Location Source Other Elements Recreational Facilities Update Master Plan 2000 $5,000 Village-Wide General Fund Yes Anchorage Park Redevelopment 2002 $ I ,000,000 P.A. 4B General Fund 'Yes Osborne Park Parking Lot. 2001 $80,000 P.A. 7 General Fund Yes U Housing Facilities None Scheduled NA NA NA NA NA Conservation Measures C-17 Canal Bank Erosion To Be Determined Control Study • • TABLE 11-2 A (Continued) Project Schedule Projected General Revenue Consistent With Description (Fiscal Year) Cost Location Source Other Elements Coastal Measures None Scheduled NA NA NA NA NA Footnotes: • - P.A. =Village Planning Area " - U.S. Highway No. 1 to Military Trail ••• -Lake Drive (Singer Island) to South of Burnt Bridge '" '••• -Silver Beach Road (Riviera Beach) to South of Parker Bridge o. Source: Land Research Management, Inc., 7/99. • w'ws'vt% [IZYVVbtL t00'(d'foc vLV'KLrot e~.. v90'vtvro. L6['tL/fl LYC'se/'IL .le - d .I~-iiei wr a 4 •wl•le•m• ~,••e . e •wWd«wnw~•r. •n lw~vuwm . > Y•Id •w L, wfOPIOOL v.w•e••Idl •Ylufly vYV .W .'••. ro9 Sal'vt Itv'LV0'.Ll NooV>f •••N IVWlOVt v v ODD'NS'LVl ~ .l IH •IOVIrL$ ' !SI f10aP$ •17vvt v~•/1 l91 OOYtK ~ ' ' !! t I fl0olr>S Aa•-wW13 vv.L OOL 00! KL ' 1211pdp51ON•M1 Oil t10YL1 9KYt1'OC t101roC0'Si 0 v01'KO'St I21>IOOIfaS vtooll•Wf o>arox'K otv'cvl'eL a otrcal'vL lvl •IOVV>$AwrynW13 •'••1 Ow'LH'LI a ovYtrl'tl .Ihv61 A+•IW~W13 •M.u•1•W~WN•M KS'vi.'K M 000'OOG'L a v90'6tv'v. tl t1. 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Y1 • Irlrur99+omId.9 •9.1111 9poar111nN b a \19w 1p11/w0. p • 991n+'q • • e1..Irw. e119rr9w9 cl.lrr{6 fY 7101 ry7107 M2012 n 7001 f Y 7002 FY 700) fY 7001 fY 2000 fY 2000 tlri Illrll Yrll Pro {ct 01w•x~+n rlulxrn Nw.nwl nrw.n.rl Pnnrrrrl 00N~17{{01 fY 2000 PY 7011 PY 2021 ~f010Ea1a0{ CO1 DS t 000x00 1x00,000 1x00,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0,000,000 6,000,000 COB) BOnaO 560.000 200.000 Np000 PECO Borkl~ConluLtlm e..w.le) 5.500.])3 10,011 X17 7.050,979 0.790,]61 S,)73,NS M,611,700 77,600,000 N,OOg000 PECO Ban64M1Y00nr5c9 /,9x.73/ S,W9.)]i 5.093,59] !,575.!]0 5,5]5,376 5,671,21 70,7)7,ON 2),000,000 t9,00g000 EMn 91011 SIT A.Ir61 51191oulSYM 17.999.117 17.755 E17 16,177,0]5 II,191,M7 17,773.907 17.]N,ON 67,N9.7N 00,000,000 N, LauW9u6o Sg61Y MYp1 177 d4JU 1]9.110,600 110.911.500 W,777.773 130.937,977 107.771,509 900,771,10] NS.7N,770 2,N1,000a07 Yrp1O FNI 6.000,000 6.000,000 6,000.000 6,000.000 6.000,000 0,000.000 70.000.000 ]0.000.000 00,000,000 111110 IrK.6rrM 5.000.000 5.000.000 3.000,000 5,000,000 5,000.000 5.000.000 7D,ODO,000 75.000,000 SO,OOT4000 1YC foul RI.Inu1 C ~o.Ir lOwr115 16x90.117 10,190,112 7,x010111 LOC 11 1N.lN 609 130,]10.600 137,971,500 16!.]7],]73 16D,957.977 171,771,6N 1,007,217,61! 900,790.320 2.]31,OOi,7R toW Pro 110 RLI6xI1 7N,IH,D1 f1],NI,UI 1J1,701,{]{ VI,H7,U7 U2,271,121 U7,W,77{ I,ON,N7,771 I,Ol0.7N,f10 ;IIO,Iq~ COPT Prou101' u1,fU,N] 111,1];ut 2N,071A77 AIIIIIMI funab9 Sown" tU,JM,R1 {],fA,7u q,N{,MI 79,729,770 7i;71;N1 Tool Propclla Rwmw N{,1 A,)31 )71,2M,111 7N,IN,M1 7N,N7,u0 2/1,1{7,U) 7N,IN,p1 I,i77,70/,1ti I,OIO,7N,f10 ;IN,Op TM SNOOI BoYO MI 611406 NM CM7rwln W PlnkpMbn ~CDPI) M u{16 tlYpxpn M MIq FY 700) b OiIY1C16M OI10kY1 Gp1111 Bu001t. •• M 4111141 r111r1u Iawu, Wl]111 r01tl 199x0.16 1141 W rl91rw1 a pxv9lrY o0lpxlbn OOrW, xr $tll9d Bo1r61Oprxr.l6 COPE mry 111 uaW b OYrlu M COWY Bu0g1 N r10001107Y. f Y 7N1 C19N11 Bu0011 W f Y 7N1 • fY 70N fM•ri1r. CryMY YYM -IIn n appnlxl0 OY Y)1 lcllool /o1rA xln Mp111901r 17, 7000 • 12 0 PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCURRENCY Items underlined are added to the text. • 12.0 P BLI HOOL CON .iiRRF.N Y • 12.1 INTRODUCTION The PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCURRENCY element is a required element. imposed by local option via the execution of an Interlocal Agreement b l~gove_rr~ntjurisdictions in Palm Beach County cifically Chapters 163 3180(131 and 163 3177 (121 Florida Statutes establish the PLIBLIC SCHOOL CONCtiRRFNCY requirement and Chapter 9J-5.025 Florida Administrative C:nde rctahlichec the minimum rritPrjg tp ~ side its prgparatlon The following definitions shall be applicable to the PLIBLIC SCHOOL CONCURRENCY element: Ancillary Plant -Facilities to SuUOOrt the educational program. such as warehouses. vehicle maintenance. garages. and administrative buildings. Core Facility -Those facilities which include the media center. cafeteria. toilet facilities. and circulation space of an educational plant. District Schools -All District owned regular. elementary. middle. high schools. magnet and special educational facilities. >E~iucational Plant Survgy - A study of present educational and ancillary plants and the determination of future needs to provide an appropriate educational gram and services for each student. Florida Inventory O f Scho ol Houses ( FISH) -The report of pe rmanent sch9~ capacitv~. The FISH capaci is the number of students that may be hou sed in a facility) cs hoo11 at any liven time based on u sing a cercentage of the number of existing satisfactory student stations and a deciprtated siz e for ea ch program according to s 235 I S Florida Statutes In Palm Beach County. cermanent ca pacity does not in clude the use of relocata ble classrooms (oortablesL Public School Concurrency Service Area Or "Concurrencx,Service Area" -The s cific geographic area adopted by local Povemments. within a school district. in which scho~ concurrence is applied and determined when concurrency is applied on a less than district-wide basis. 12.2 VILLAGE GOAL STATEMENT it is the GOAL of the Villagg of North Palm Beach to• (I l Provide for fut rr . availability of public school facilities consistent with the adopted level of service standard This goal shall be accomplished reco izing the constitutional obligation of the school district to provide a uniform system of free public schools on a countywide basis and (21 maintain and enhance joint planningyrocesses and procedures for coordination of public education facilities- . 12-1 for planning and decision making regardine nonularion p~iections public school siting, and the • development of p»blic education facilities concurrent with residential development and other services. OBJECTIVE 1: The Village shall ensure that the cgpacily of schools is sufficient to support student.g~owth at the adopted level of service standard for each year of Lhg five_vear pla_nnlr3g ceriod and throng the long term planning period. IPo icy 1_I: enrollment as a rppe centage The LOS standard is of school student ca the school' pacity base s utiliz d un~n ation which is defined as the the Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISHI The level of service (LO y,Z,~tandard shall b e established for all schools of each tune within the School District as L10 perc ent utilizati on me asured as the average for all schools of each die within each Concurren5y S ervice Area No i ndividual school shall be allowed to operate in exces s of 110% utilizatio n unless the schoo l is the subjgct of a School Cana i Sntd}L(~l unde rtaken by~he Schoo l District w orking with the Technical Advisory ro p (TAGI which determ ines that the school can operate in exc ess of 110% utilization The crS shall be rea~~~~P~+ ~f a sc hool in the first stu dent count o f the s econd semester reaches 108 or higher capacity. As a res ult_of an SCS an ind ividual scho ol ma y ocerate at ~ to 120% utilization. m ade that Policy 1.2: [f as a result of a School CaQacity Study ( a school will exceed 120% utilization or cannot pperate in e SCSI. a determination is xcess of 110% utilization. th en the S chool District shall corre ct the failure of that school to be oce ratinp within the adopted LO S throu gh 11 proeram adjustme nts 2) attendance boundary adjustm ents or 31 modifications to Lhg ~~ita l Facilities Program to a dd additional capacity If. as a result of the SCS a de ~Prmina tion is made that the sch ool will excee d 110% and can ocerate within adopted gu idelines the identified school m ay ocerate at Lrp to 1~0% utilization If as a result of one or m ore Sch ool Capaci `itudies that demonstrate that the schools of a pa rticular type can operate at a highe r standard than the i l0% utilization st andard of the CSA the Comprehensive Plan will be amend ed to reflect the new• LO S for that scho ol type in that CSA. Policy 1.3: The School Opacity Study (SCSI shall determine if th e growth rate within an area causin g the enrollmen t to exceed 1 IO~rcent of cap~ity is temp orary or reflects an ongoing trend a ffecting the LO S for the 5 year plannine period The study shall include data which shows the extent of the exceedance attributable to both exi~~ a nd new development Notification shall be provid ed to the local government within whose j urisdiction the study takes place At a minimum the s tudy shall consider I Demographics in the school's Concurrence Service Area fCSAl: 2 Student population trends: • 12-2 3. kteal estate trends (gyp development and redevelopment): • 4 Teacher/student ratios• and ~ Core faciliri capacity: policy 1_4: The adQptPd LOS standard shall become applicable to the entire o ~ ty at the b~eirsninC of the 2004-OS school year. bye hirh time the School District has achieved the countywide adopSed level of service for all schools of each school t}~pe. In the interim- Table 12-1 establishes the tiered level of service standards for each GSA by school tom, Tndiv'dual schools of each tune may~xceed the Tiered LOS standards durit~g~ in which Tiered LOS are in effect Each individual school exceeding the Tiered LOS during that limp shall not be allowed to exceed the utilization standards for that school tune as shown in the Maximum Utilizatinn Tahle of this element (Table 12-21 Policy 1_5: Conc~**ency Service Areas (CSA) shall be established on a less than district-wide basis; as depicted on M;ip PS 1.1 and described in the Concurrency Service Alga Boundary Descriptions in Table 12-3. I The criteria for Concurrenev Service Areas shall be Palm Beach ounty is divided into twenty-one CSAs Each CSA boundary shall be delineated considering the following_criteria and shall be ~nnc~crrnt with provisions in the Interlocal Agreement: a. School locations student transporting times. and future land uses in the area. ¢., ~ lion lines major traffic-wav_; natural barriers end county boundaries. ~ Each CSA shall demonstrate that: r1 LJ ~, Adopted level of service standards will be achieved and maintained for each year of the five-year planning ceriod: and ~ Utilization of school capaci is maximized to the greatest extent possible taking into account trap portation costs court approved deSegrg ag lion plans and other relevant factors. 12-3 • ~ (`nneictnnt with C t63 't t RO(13)(c)2..F.S.. chanees to the CSA boun ariee shall be made only by " amendment to the PSFE and shall be exemp om the limitation on the frequency of plan amendments Any"proposed change to CSA bot!ndaries shall require a demonstration by the School District that the requirements Q~(~2~d (b). above" are meL PolieX 1_6: The Village of North Palm Beach shall consider as committed and existjgg thepublic school cal~ily which is proiected to be in ~larP n* ~mder construction in the ~t three years of the School District's most recer~,ly adopted Five Y ar Plan as reflected to amble 11-2.B (Six Year Caoit~l Ir~r provement Schedule of the Capital Lmprovement Element of She Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan)" when analyzing the availability of ~ t ap~jry~ king level of service compliance determinations li 7• The Village of North Palm Beach shall amend Table 1 l-2 B (Six Year Capital [m,"provement Schedule) of the CaRital Improvement Element when committed facili , capacity is eliminated deferred or delayed to ensure consistency with the School District Five Year Plan Policy 1.8: For p~rooses of urban infill the impact of a home on an existine ~ele family lot of record shall not be subject to school concurrenev. Polic~l.9: The Ville of North Palm Beach shall suspend or terminate its application of School concurren~y upon the occurrence and for the duration of the followine conditions: 1. School concurrency shall be s~Spended in al! CSAs up~,n the ocr~~nence and for the duration of the follo~vino conditions: The occurrence of an "Act of God" or _ The School Board does not ado~an update to its capital Facilities Plan by September 15th of each ygar=or _ The School District's adopted undate to its Capital - Facilities Program Plan does ~4la~d~4ilghEh~ papacity to meet proiected Prowth in demand for ~rt.,anPnr st~~dent stations at the adopted level of • - 12-4 cep^^~ ctaodazd for each cSA and ensures that no school of anv tvce exceeds them ximum utilization • c andard in aqy CSA: or The School District Capital Facilities Plan is ctPta.m~nr/t to hP fnan illy infeasible aS detettttinet~, th at lam, ~ ent of Education or a_s defined by the issuance of a Notice of Intent to Find an A_mend_ment to a Capital Improvement I=lement not in complian~P as not being financially feasible by the Department of Community airs• or by a court action or final administrative action: If concurren•~, tYS su,~gn~Pd in one third or more of the C As pursuant to Policv 1 9 2 below. 2 School Concurrency shall be su~nPnded within a particular CSA „n. " ~P and for the duration for the following~onditions: Where an individual school in a particular CSA is twelve or more months behind the schedule set forth in the School District apical Facilities Plan. ~~~~urrency will be susRended within that CSA~n the adjacent CSAs for that twe of school The School District does not maximize utilization of school capacity by allowing particular CSA or an individual school to eYCeed the adopted Level of CPrvirP (L0S1 standard: or Where the School Board materially amends the first ~,~ ~rrt,~ r'anfral Facilities Plan and that amendment causes the Level of Service to be Pr~PPded for that tvce of school within a CSA concurrency._will be susnPnded within that CSA and the adiacent CSAs only for that tune of school. ~, ~e Countv_shall maintain records identify~g all Concurrenev Areas in which the School District has notified the Countv that the implication of concurren~,v has been susp ne ded • 12-5 • 4 Qnce stssuspended for aqy of the above reasons concurrencv shall be reinstated once the Technical Advisory Group (TAGI determines the condition that caused t,~~ s~ ny2~six on has been remedied or the Level of Sep ~ce for that vear for the affertnA ('.C4c have been achieved. 5 If a PrOPram Evaluation Re~rt Te^oetLn+ends that conc»n'encv be s,S,,Et pended because the ~gga_m is not workine as planned ~tctst-rency may be su~pznded ~~non the concurrence of 33% of the PA_RTiES sie atories of the "Palm Beach County Interlocal pQrPement with MuniEipalities of Palm Beac ounri the School District of Palm Beach Counter to establish Public School Concurrencv'". 6 i Tnon termination of the Interlocal A~reemenr the Countv shall initiate a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to terminate schoolconcurrency. nBdECTIVE 2: ~Rrovide for mi~ation alternatives which are financially feasible gnd will achieve and maintain the adop~ed level of service standard in each vear of the five-vear planning~eriod. Policy 2.1: Mitieation shall be allowed for those develo^~nPnt proposals that cannot meet adopted level of service standard Miti ap tion~ptions shall ~nclu~e oonons It to below for which the School District assumes the rzperational responstbiltty and which will maintain the adopted level of service standards for each vear of the five year plamm~e ceriod l . Donation of buildings for use as ~primarv or alternative learningfacility- and/or ?. Renovation of eristi~ buildines for use as public school facilities: or 3 Construction Qf r>Prmanent student stations or core capacity. The sit~plan for buildines beine renovated pursuant to n~~mber o above that are fifty years of aee or older. shall demonstrate that there are no adverse impacts on sites fisted m the National Register of Historic Places or otherwise desienated in a^~^~dance with appropriate State gpidelines as locally sienificant historic or archaeological resources. • 12-6 • li 2• Adevel.Qpmrnt ~r~tP. ~hatl be '~~~~P`~ ~^~ mitigation meastues knot be exacted when the adopted le~Pl of service standard cannot be met in a oarttcular concLr*ency~g~ ice area as applied to an application for a development order if the needed p~p~ci • for th~.p^rticular CSA is ^vailable in one or more contiguous CSAs. OBJECTIVE 3• To nc ~r xi ling deficiencies and fittue needs are addressed rnncictent v^th the adopted level of service standard. Policv 3.1:3.1 c The Vil(gge of Norih Palm Beach in coordination with the School Dtstrict and other local ¢ovemments shall annually mend Table I 1-2 B of the Capital Improvement Element (School District of Palm Beach County Six-Year Gapttal Improvement ehedulel to maintain consistenceswith t} a School Board's ado_ptP~ F~~e `!ear Plan and to matntain a financi~l,],ti feasible capital improvement~proeram and ensue that level of service standards will continue to be achieved anrt maintained m each year of the five year planntne R~~~ OBJECTIVE 4: To establish process of coordination and collaboration between the County local governments. and the School District in the_ lp arming and shine of ~ubli _ ool facilities in coordination with planned infrastructure and public facilities. Policv 4.t: The Village of North Palm Beach shall co^rdinarr and provide for ~;+~ sited review of development proposals with the School Dist~~rr diirine the development review process to ensure inteeration of public school facrlrties with surround~ne land uses and dig cOmp~ibility of uses with schools. Policy 4.2: There shall be no significant environmental conditions ~e~ficant historical resources on a prop2sed site that can not be mitieated or othens~se preclude development of the site for ~pnblic educational facility. Policy 4.3: the prr,~oosed site shall be suitable or adaptable for development rn accoraance wtth applicable water management standards and shall not be in conflict with the opted or officially accented plans of the South Florida Water ManaPement Drstnct. or a~Y applicable Stonnwater Utilitxgr Drainage District Poli~4.4: The loosed location shall comma with the provisions of the ~gastal Zone Man$geme t Element of the comprehensive plan, if applicable to the site. Policy 4_5: The Villagg of North Palm Beach shall encourage rhP location of schools proximate to urban residential areas bv: • l?-~ • ~ As i ring the School District in identifyirtg fi,ndine and/or constriction oonortunities lip lc uding develocer pa_*ticipation or Vi~ge of North~atm Beach capital budgptgxpenditLresl for sidewalks_ traffic si i tion. access water sewer. drainage and other ;nfrastricture imnrovements: Providing for the review for all school s;res as indicated in Policy 4 1 above: and. Allov 'rig c~hools as a permitted use within all urban residential land use categories. policy 4_6: The Village of North Palm Beach shall coordinate with the School District for the collocation of ps~blic facitities such as perks libraries and community centers with schools to the exter>~possible as sites for these p~lic fac't~r~e~ a^~ school are chosen and development plans rep oared. nB.TRC'TIVE 5: To establish and maintain a cgQperative relat;nnship with the School District and municipalities in coordinatine land use Ip anning_with development of oubltc school facilities which are.prorimate to i ing or r~opQsed residential areas thev will serve and which serve as community focal points. Policy 5.t: The Village of No rth Palm Beach shall abide by the "Palm Beach County Interlocal Aereement with Mu nicipalities of Pa lm Beach Co unty and the School District of Palm Beach County establish Pu blic School Con currency" wh ich was fully Y t ys~pa i involved and recorded with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach o n n January 25 2001, consistent with ss 163 3177(b)(h ll and 2 F S and 163 3180. F.S. Policy 5.2: The Technical Advisory roue (TAGI shall be established by the Countv,~participptine loc I ovemments and the School District The five member TAG will be comprised of a certifie¢..p,~blic accountant a eeneral contractor a demnerapher a business person and a planner nominate~4,v their respective associations as indicated m the Interlocal Aereement to establish Public School Concurren~v mentioned in Policy 5 1 above The Technical Advisory Grip shall review and make recommendations includine but not limited to She following: ~ The Capital Facilities Plan: ~ The Ten and Twent~Year work proerams: • 12-8 • ~ Schools that trigggr a Sc ool Capacity Study: 4 t:'onct!rrency Service Areas boundaries- ~, School District Manaeement eports: 6 Onpration and effectiveness of the Concurrence Program and 7 g_rq~am Evaluation Re~rts Policy 5.3: The Village of North Palm Beach shall ~rpvide the School District y '+~ annual information needed to maintain school concurrence includine information reautred for the School District to establish: j,. School siting criteria: 2 T rvPl of service upstate and maintenance: 3 Joint approval of the public school capital facilities proeram: 4. Concurrency~ervice area criteria and standards: and ~, School utilization. tic 5 4: The Village of North Palm Beach shall ~rgvide the School District with its Comprehensive Plan alrZng with the five year land use and pop tau Lion proiecuons. to C __L. raciiitate develQpmr-' -~ pl enrollment p~iections and shall annually update t is mrormation The Vil~ge of North Palm Beach shall coordinate its Comprehensive Plan and the rotate nand Lise Map with the School District's low rater ge fac'~ r~Ps maps (Ref Table L2-4_ Fip,~rres PS 3.l and PS 3.21. to ensure consistency and comp ti it ry with the proviswn this Element. Policy 5.5: The Vile of North Palm Beach shall advise the School District of a proo~sed Rablic school site's consistenceswith the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive rian and land development rem lationac includingShe availability of necessary public infrastructure to ~rpport the development of the site. Policy 5.6: The Village of North Palm Beach shall provide opportunity for the School District to comment on comer n iv~plan amendments .e ^^~^OC and ether land-use decic;~nc which mgy~proiected to impact on the public scho^Is facilitiecY,plan • 12-9 Policy 5_7: The Village of North Palm Beach shall ^oordinate with local • gwPr.+n,P^rc and the School District on emergency preparedness g~y.psgpArP~^PSS lccuec which may include consideration of: 1 Desigrt and/or retrofit pf p>>blic schools as emereencv hes hers: 2. Enhancing~ublic awareness of evacuation zones elter locations and evacuation routes: 3 ~sienation of sites other than public schools as lone term shelters to allow schools to resume no a o rap~tions following emergency r~v events. OBJECTIVE 6: To establish a joint process of oordination and collaboration between the Village of North Palm Beach Palm Beach Co nt~yt and the School District in the olanntne and decision mak~'~ on population psQj ions. ar, new re Policy 6.1: The Counry s sidential units and disaggreeat hall convert e these units the BEBR~giections into both eristine throughqut incomorated and nu inco•;v+r municiRalit ated Palm Beach County into ~persons per household figu y each CSA u res historic sin@ BEBR's annual estimates by growth rates and development potential considering . she adopted Future Land Use maps of all local government Comorehensrve Plans. These psgj ections are shown in Exhibit E of the Interl ocal Agreement as "Projected Unns Table" which shall be amended annually and pro vided to the School District. Distri PolicX6.2: The Villa@e of North Palm Beach c ct and Palm Beach County to improve this methodo ommits to workine logy and enhance c with the School oordination vnth the plans projec redev of the School District and local go tions shall be revised annum to elopment information provided by ve ens th rnments Popu ure that new r e municipalitie lation and stu esidential deve s and the Cou dent enrollment lopment and ntLas well as chaneine demo ~aphic conditions are reflected in th e updat~proi ections. The re vised projections a the , variab les utilized in maki~ the ~rgiecti on s shall be revie wed, aY II Sjg nator ies throueh the Interg overrLmental Plan Amendment Re vie w Committee (IPARCI Pro jecti ons shall be especi ally revisited and refined with the re sults of the 2000 Census. Th e reso onsib~lrties of local_ govern ments and the School District on po pulation prsie ctions are des cribe d in Section VIII-B of the Interlocal Agreement. • 12-10 C~ • TABLE 12 1 STANDARDS FOR TIFRFn i ~'VEL OF SERVICE ~~ Faeilih Tvoe 200001 ~~ ~~ ~3' ~-'~ FirnunS;t,SY 134 114 1 Midd e LQ ~ 114 vrgg 114 Elemrntarv 110 3 Middle 1?4 L 114 1~ L 11~ 1LS 1.L Elemrntart~ ll4 Middle 130 130 1t0 ~ f' 115 lis 1.L5 L Elemmtarv SL I10 a Mi L 1?0 130 I.{~ (L IIS il5 I10 Elemrntarv 110 ~ tN iddlc L I to I is I ~o !131 ~ 15 130 130 114 Elementary 110 6 Middle 130 130 130 I10 I; L 1'~ i~ L Elementary 110 8 ti1i I 130 130 125 L 130 ~L ~ 1 ~? ~ 115 Elrmeman' 110 9 Middle 135 t~ L LL !~°• I.{~ ~ 120 1'D IIO I n 13~ 1Z 114 L Middle 135 125 L L J14 }~ 12_0 130 134 1..L 12-11 u • ~® Facility Tvoe 2006.01 tool-oz ~~ Zoo3-off ~- 2aos-oc 1~ L 1.L 1 Middle ~ 125 JAS 11Q i t L 135. i~ 1L I m v 140 ~ 134 ~ 110 13 i d 1~ L L 1L Etch 3L5 L ~ L Elemrntarv 135 175 ~ 114 Middle .!3_s L L 1!s tlo 1=1~gl1 ~ L ~ ~ Ito IE emrntarv L L lls L 1~ "t'd~s 115 L L u- is Hi 135 135 135 110 Elemrntan~ 130 15 16 Middle 120 120 l20 l15 IIO Hi 135 135 1 5 120 110 Elemrntarv 130 125 Il0 17 N fiddle 13> 130 130 110 High 135 120 120 L Elcmentan 130 IIS Ili 115 I10 IS Middle 120 I?4 J20 120 I10 Hieh 135 120 f 20 15 110 Elcmcntan~ I10 19 Middle I10 E{~ 16.i, 130 130 L I10 Elcmeman~ 110 30 Middlc I25 I10 li t 165 L !lo L Iio I n 1L J_L 21 Middle 125 125 175 1L ugh 135 L ~ 1L 1L 12-12 C • SSA Facility 7'vne j 0~1 1~~~ T~441~-~? Elsmm[C~ ~ tiiBh jjp ~~ ~ 23 ~~ F198h ~0 m A~IL~g ~p wi Schools 12-13 • TABLE 12 2 MAXIMUM UTILIZATION TABLE: STANDARDS FOR UTILIZATION OF CAPAC~ • ~ Faeility Tvce 2000-01 200 -0 200 -0 Off 3-04 ~WM4'OS Elementary 165 ,~25 L 1?D ~ 1 Middle L 135 >~ L ~ L t; t2a ~z4 Izo Imo tzo L Elementary L 130 130 120 z Middle ~ 13o L 130 L L High 130 130 130 130 130 L Elementary L 120 ]~70 l20 130_ 120 ~ Mi L L Ito Izo Izo L L L L Iza Izo 120 Elementary Iss 150 120 120 ~ I20 4 Mi dl 135 ~ 120 120 L 120 Hi 135 13i ,130 130 120 120 Elemrntarv 135 I50 120 L 120 120 5 Mid 110 135 ~ 120 120 ({~ 135 ~ 130 130 1120 120 Elementan' ,155 11? 1?4 120 L 120 Middle L 135 120 J20 120 Izo 6 Hieh 120 ~ I20 120 120 120 Elementan' 160 160 I60 Iii .L 120 8 tti iddte ~ ~ 135 J70 120 120 ivh L i20 !34 i?-~ 1'-~ Izo Elementary 120 120 ~ 120 L 9 Middle 135 J35 135 J20 ,~20 120 i t ~ ~ ~ ~ 120 120 Elementary ~ 1¢5 ~ 120 ~ 120 L Middle 135 135 ~ 135 Izo 12Q Hsel1 Izo 120 ~ 120 120 ~-0 12-14 C • SSA Facility Tyne j000-Q1 zDDI-0~ 2002-03_ ~~ ?~~9~ zDOS06 Elemrntary ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I1.Q 11 ,tiiid~.s 11,£ L 13o L JZS 12.Q i;?isll L J35 !?o Izo IL 1~ Elementary ~ j50 ]25 120 17L ~ L bii~4lg L~ L L 1~£ ~ L ~s8h ~ ~ ~ ~ 120 J~Q Elementary ,~40 13s }35 L 13o L 3g Middle ta5 L X45_ 125 i20 1?4 I~ ~ Izo 120 130 ~ Izo Elemrntarv L 180 165 140 5~4 ~Q ss ti L L L 1Z L Izo p i 135 135 135 120 l20 j_20 Elementary 200 120 120 124 j20 120 16 Middle L 125 125 J25 120 120 High 135 135 13i 120 120 ,~0 Elementary 205 205 125 125 120 120 17 Middlc I7> 175 175 120 ,~20 120 Hi 145 l20 120 120 120 X20 Elementary 130 120 I20 120 2j_0 120 IS titiddle 130 130 130 130 120 120 Hic 160 120 120 120 120 120 Elemcntan~ 120 120 120 120 120 120 19 r J2o Izo X24 120 120 120 Hie I70 135 135 135 1;0 120 Elemrntary 140 j40 140 135 120 120 20 bi dl Jl0 120 120 120 120 120 Hteh L 125 I45 130 L 120 Elementary L I45 120 120 J20 120 1~-1$ CJ • ~A Facility Tvoe 2000.01 y001-02 144dc4,2 34Q~3 ~'~~ 2a05~6 b1i4~4 l~s 1~ 1~ 120 130 124 ~g 1a_s L L 1?~ ~ Flemrntarv 1~ L 1~4 130 130 120 Mi4dls 130 120 124 120 ~ ~°- Hsh 120 L 134 13.4 130 120 Elementary X00 120 120 134 L 120 Middle L L L ~ ~-° ~ kii~h L 1~0 L Lz0 1?0 Ceunty w• Alternative I ~0 120 134 L 120 130 12-16 • TABLE 12 - 3 CONCUR_RFNCY SERVICE AR A_(CS~~pUNDARY DESCRIPT~4NS The Palm Beach Gou_nly Cc hool Dist ric t is divide d in to *uP^~ one CSAs for school nr+vrr~y Thr Palm Beach Cou nty Schoo l GSA bot!n d?rt es. described m the following ~ t ffi nariual barrier s s and eou_nty are bounded b}~ectio hs ara g n lin es. tt ~j r or c- a way . o . EZ p -••-~^^-- ^^^~:~t-^* e,:.h ~ 1~~ 3 180( 131(c 12. .F.S . Ch ange s to the CS° !^^'- ~nrlarie shall be maae~,kpla_n a_mena_ment an~ mot from the lim itatio n on the freq>>P y~ p1;l-n amendments. CSA Boundaries NORTH The Martin /Palm Beach County Border SOUTH -Donald Ross Rd EAST -The Atlantic Ocean WEST -Florida's Turnpike #2 NORTH The Martin /Palm Beach county Border SOUTH Donald Ross Rd and the e~~~rh Section Line of Sections (using T-R-SI 41-4~-21 41-42-20. 41 42 l9 41 41 24 and 41-41-23 then Southwest along the centerline of the C'-l8 canal to the Bee Line Hwy EAST -Florida's Turnpike NEST -Bee Lin #3 NORTH -Donald Ross Ktl SOUTH The South Section Line of Sections (usine T-R-SI 42-43-10 42-43-09.42113-08. _ 4~ 43 07 and 42 4~ l~ East of Military Trl rhen South along Military Trl to North~~~P t31vd then West along Northlake Bfvd to Florida's Turno~ke _EAST -The Atlantic Ocean NEST -Florida's Turnpike • 12-17 • CSA Boundaries #4 NORTH The South Section Ltne of ~ecttons t ustne T-R-SI 41-02-21 412-20 41112-19.41-41-24. and 41-41 23 then Southwest along the C-18 Canal to the Bee Line Hwy then Northwest alone the Bee Line Hwy until the intersection of Bee Line Hwv and the West Section Line of Section 41-41-18 SOUTH -Northlake Blvd West to Grapeview Blvd. _ North along Gra~view Blvd to the South Section Line of Section (Mine T-R-SI 42-41-08. then West along the South Section Line of Sections 42-41-08 and 42-41-07 EAST -Florida's Turnpike WEST -The West Section Line of (using T-R-SI 41-41-18 South of the Bee Line Hwy and the West Section Lines of Sections 41-41-19.41-41-30. 411}1-31 4~-41-06. and 42-41-07 #5 #6 • NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections (using T-R-Sl4~-43-10 4~-43-09 4~-43-08.42-43-07.and 42-42-12 West to Military Trl SOC`TR -The South Section Line of Sections (using T-R-Sl4~-43-34 4~-43-33 4~-43-3~ 42-43-31. and 42-42-36 West to Military Trl EAST -The Atlantic Ocean WEST -Military Trl NORTH -Northlake Blvd SOUTH The South Section Line of Sections (usine T-R-SI 42-4~-36 Wett of Military Trl. 42-42-35. 4~-4~-34 4~-4~-33 4~-4~-32 and 42-42-31 EAST -Military Trl WEST The West Section Line of Sections (using- T R Sl 42 42 I S 4~-4~ 19 42-42-30 and 4~-42-31 12-18 • CSA Boundaries NORTH The South Section Line of Sections usine T R Sl 42-43 34 42-43-33 42-43-32.42-43-31. and 42-42-36 West to Military Trl SOUTH The North Line of the South Half of Sections ' (using TRSI 43-43-23 43-43-22 43-43-21. 43-43 20 43-43 19 and 43-42-24 East of Military Trl EAST -The Atlantic Ocean WEST -Militar~Trl #9 NORTH The South Section Line of Sections (ustne T R Sl 4~ 4~ 36 (West of Military Trll 42-42-35. 42 4~ 34 4~ 4~ 33 4~-4~-32 and 4~A2-31 SOUTH -The North Section Line of Sections (using TRSI 43-4~-24 West of Military Trl. 43 4~ 23 43 4~-~2 43-4~-~ 143-4~-20. and 43-42-19 EAST -Military Trl WEST The Wect Section Line of Sections (usine T R Sl 43 4~ 06 43-4~-07 43-4~-18 and 43132-19 North of the South Line of the North Half q10 NORTH Northlake Blvd West to Grapeview Blvd. North alongGrar~view Blvd then West alone the South Section Line of Sections (using T-R-SI 4-41 08 and 4-41 07 then South alone the West Section Line of4~ 41 18 until intersecting with the Canal generally delimiting the Northern extent of The Acreage and the Southern eCrP^r of the J W Corbett preserve West along the centerline of the Canal through the center of Sections 42 40 13 4~-40-14 4~-40-15 4~-40-17.and 4~ 40 18 then North along rhP Aacr Section Line_ of Section 42 39-13 to the North Line of the South Half of Section 42-39-13 then West one • 12-19 the North Line of the South Half of Section • 42-39-13 to the West Section Line of Section 42-39-13 SOUTH Southern Blvd "'°~r ^,-adt Wect rn the West - Seetion Line of Section (usingT'-$-.~).4 -` -33 EAST The East Section Line ^f Cectinns !using T-R-SI 43-41-01.43-41-12.43-41-13.43-41-24.43 1-25. and 43-41 36 South to Southern Blvd WEST The L 8 Canal South ^f the Snurh Section Line of Section sing, T-R-SI 42-40-31 and West of th_e Wect Section Line of Section 43-40-08_ the. West Section Line of Secrinn 43-40-08 South of the L-8 Canal the West Section Line of Sections 43-40-16.4330-21.43-40-28_ and 43-40-33 South to Southern Blvd ##1~ NORTH The North Line of the South Half of Sections (using•TRS) 43-43-23 43-43-22.43-43-21. 43 43-~0 43-43-19 and 43-4~-24 East of Military Trl SOC`TH The South Section Line of Sections (urine T R Sl 44 43-0~ 44-43-03 44-43-04.44-43-05. 44-43-06. and 44-_4~ Ol Fast of Military Trl EAST -The_Atlantic Ocean WEST -Militar~Trl #12 NORTH -The North Section Line of Sections fusing TRS) 43-4~-~4 West of Military Trl. 43-4~-~3 43-4~-~~ 43-42-21.43-42-20. and 43132-19 SOUTH The South Section Line of Sections (~~ ine T R Sl 44-4 Ol West of Military Tr 44-42-02._ 44 4~-03 44-4~-04 44-4~-OS and 44-42-06 EAST -Military Trl WEST The West Section Line of Section (wine T R Sl 43 4~ 19 South of the North Line of the South Half and State Rd 7 • 12-20 CSA Rouudaries • ~~ - NORTH The South Sec'^^ r ;^A of Cecr;nn. (usine T R S) 44-03-02 443 03 44-43-04 44-43-05. 44-43 06 and 44-42 O1 East of M~ i r SOUTH The Sout" co...:n^ T :..P of Cect;nns (USInH T R S) 44-43 26 44-43-27 443-28 44-43-29. 44-43 30 and 44-42-25 East of Military Trl EAST -The Atlantic Ocean WEST -Military Trl ~ NORTH The South Section Line o>`S rt;nn (usine T R S) 44-42-01 West of Military Trl. 44~i2-02. 44-42 03 44-42-04 44-42-OS and 44-42-06 SOUTH -The L-14 Canal EAST -Military Trl NEST -State Rd 7 NORTH Southern Blvd West of 441 West to the West Section Line of Section (using T-R-S) 43-40-33 SOUTH The South Section Line of Sections (usine _ T-R-S) 44-41-25.44-41-26.44-41-27.44-41-28._ 44 41 ~9 and 44-41-30 East of the L-40 Canal EAST -U S Hew 441 /State Rd 7 WEST The L 40 Canal and the West Section Line of Section 43-40-33 South of Southern Blvd NORTH The South Section Line of Sections (usine T R S)44-43 ~6 44-43-27 44-43-~8 44-43-29._ 44 43 30 44 4~ 25 44-4~-~6 and 44-4~-27 East of Jog Rd SOUTH -The Boynton Canal_ EAST -The Atlantic Ocean WEST -Joe Rd • 12-21 ~~ Boundaries • ~$ NORTH The L 14 Canal West to the Florida Turnpike. then North along the pike to the South Section Line of Section (usinp,~'-R-S1_ 44-41 29 then West alone the South Section Line of Sections 44112 30 44-01-25 44-41-26 44111 27 44-41 28 44-41 29 and 44-41-30 East of the L-40 Canal SOUTH -The Boynton Canal EAST -Jo~Rd WEST -The L-40 Canal NORTH -The Bovnton Canal SO ITH The South Section Line of Sections (usine T R Sl 46-43-03 46-43-04 46-43-05.46-43-06- 46-4~-01 46-4~-02 46-42-03.46-42-04. 46-4~-OS 46-42-06 State Rd 7 South to the South Section Line of Section 46-41-01. West alone the South Section Line of Section 46-41-01 extended to the L-40 Canal EAST -The Atlantic Ocean WEST -The L-40 Canal #20 NORTH The South Section Line of Sections Iustne T R Sl 46-43-03 46-43-04 463-05. 46-43-06. 46-4~-O1 46-4~-0~ 46-42-03.46-42-04. 4613-OS 46-4~-06 State Rd 7 South to the South Section Line of Section 46-41-O1. West alon g the South Section Line of Section 46-41-O1 extended to the I -40 Canal SOUTH The South Section Line of Sections (usine T R Sl 46 43 ~8 46-43-~9 46-43-30.46-42-25._ 46-4~-26 46-4~-27 46-4~-28.46-42-29. 46-4~-30 46-41-25 and 46-42-26 East of the L-40 Canal the portion of the line formed by these Section Lines West of [-95 generally anoroximates rhP ('-15 Canal • 12-22 • CSA Boundaries EAST -The Atlantic Ocean WEST -The L-40 Canal NORTH The South Section Lme of secnons i us~ne T R SL46-43-28 46-43-29 46-43-30.46-42-25. _ 46-42-26 46-42-27 46-42-28 46-42-29, 46-42-30 46-41-25 and 46-42-26 East of the L-40 Canal the portion oft a line- formed b~these Section Lines West of I-95 generally aonroximatesthe C-15 anal SOUTH The Palm Beach /Broward County Border -EAST -The Atlantic Ocean WEST -The L-40 and L-36 Canals #22 NORTH The Martin /Palm Beach Count~Border SOUTH The Palm Beach /Broward County B er EAST From the Martin /Palm Beach County Border. the Bee Line Hw~South to the West Section Line (usin~T R-Sl of41-41-18 the West Section Lines of Sections 41-41-18.41-41-19_ 41-41-30.41-41-3 142-41-06.42-4 t -07, and 4~-41-18 until intersecting with the Canal p~nerally delimitine the Northern extent ofThe Acre~e and the Southern extent of the J. W. Corbett preserve West along the centerline of the Canal through the center of Sections _ 4~-40-13 4~-40-14 4~-40-15 4?-40-17.and 4~ 40 18 then North alon,~the East Section Line of Section 4~-39-13 to the North Line of the_ South Half of Section 4~-39-13 then West alone the North Line of the South Half of Section 4~-39-13 to the West Section Line of Section 4~-39-13 then South alono The West Section Line of South Half of Section - 4~ 39 l3 The West Section Line of Sections 4~-39-~4 4~-39-25 and 42-39-36 North of the L 8 Canal the L-8 Canal South • 12-23 ~A. Boundaries • to the West Section Line of Section 43-40-08. then South alonp~'he West Se~rion Lines of Sections 43-40-08 South of the L-8 Canal 43-40 16 4310-21 443-40-28 and 43-40-33- then South aloes the L-40 Canal and the L-36 Canal to the Palm Beach /Broward Courl Border. WEST The Shoreline of Lake Okeechobee~4 tt to the South Section Line of Section (using T R S) 41 37-22 East alone the South Section Line of Sections 43-37-22 and 41-37-23 then South alone the East Section Line of Sections 41-37-26 41-37-35 4~-37-02.42-37-11. 42-37-14 4~-37-~3 42-37-26. and 42-37-35 then West along the South Section Line of Section 42-37-35 to the East Section Line of Section 43-37-02. then South alp,~n the East Section Line of Sections 43-37-0~ 43-37-11 43-37-14.43-37-23_ 43 37 ~6 and 43-37-35 then in a Southerly direction to the East Section Line of Section 44-37-0~ then South along the East Section Line of Sections 44-37-02. 44-37-1 1 44-37-14 and 44-37-23 to the L-16 Canal then West alone the L-l6 Canal and the L-~ I Canals also referenced as the Bolles Canal to the West Section Line of Section 44 35-3~3 then North along the West Section Line of Sections 44-35-34 44-35-27. 44-35-~2 44-3~-IS 44-35-10-44-35-03 43 35-34 and 43-35-~7 to the Shoreline of Lake Okeechobee then Westerly alone the Shoreline of Lake Okeechobee to the Palm Beach / Hendry County..Rnrder South alone the Palm Beach / Hendry County Border to the Palm Beach /Broward County Border • 12-24 • CSA Boundaries l~ .. NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections (using- T-R-S) 43-37-22 East of Lake Okeechobee. and 41-37-23 _ SOUTH -The L-16 and L-21 Canals als erenced as the Bolles Canal EAST The East Section Line of Sections using T-R-SI 41-37-26 41-37-35 42-37-02.42-37-11. 42-37-14 42-37-23 42-37-26 and 42-37-35 then West along the South Section Line of Section 42-37-35 to the East Section Line of Section 43-37-02_ then South along~he East Section Lines of Sections 43-37-02 43-37-11.43-37-14. 43-37-23.43-37-26. and 43-37-35. then in a Southerly direction to the_ East Section Line of Section 44-37-02. then South along the East Section Line of Sectionc 44-37-02 44-37-11.44-37-14. and 44-37-23 to the L-16 Canal _WEST -The West Section Line of Sections (using T-R-SI 43-35-27 South of the Shoreline of Lake Okeechobee 43-35-34 44-35-03.43-35-10. 44-35-I S 44-35-22.44-35-27_ and 44-35-34 South to the L-~ l or Bolles Canal • 12-25 • TABLE 12 - 4 PUBLIC SCHOOL. CON T RF.NCY 112AP SERES ~, urn a No• T]S1~ P.~Eg PS 1.1 GoncLr_renc~~ervice Areas 1~2~ PS 2.1 School Facilijy Locations 1 -2$ PS 3.1 Planned Additional Capacity Locations Shown For Confirmed S~ ~9 PS 3.2 Pla ned Additional opacity Schools Without Confirmed Sites 1212=30 PS 3.3 Projected Additional Facilit~Demand 2004/05 to 2009/10 12,_.31 PS 3.4 Pr~ected Additional Facile Demand 2009/10 to 2019/20 1212=32 • 12-26 • -.. • u. a.aa. 6 ~ ~r °+ b~ ~~ ~ 1~- L____- _____ ; I -- ~. ~ __ ~_ s _ ~ --- -- I ~ L _. EL _e,_ -I I 2 .. _____ ____ _ ____ _ __ _ d~ 1 _.. ~. .. _ _ .-Gf .. _n.r f z-__ . __ ~--~ N `tN .~.45 ' <.~.~~ M 4 ~SNWr wi I'T~/ ~ <, y I~ - N ~~ N ~ LuLL G J /' 8 L Gf SS r III / . r\ ,, -- - - , -_ -_ A PS 1.1 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL CONCURRENCY SERVICE AREAS (CSAe) ~ CSA BORDERS ~~WY~ r\x~~~W W~1Y4'R~IW. y ~.~~~~~~prrW\ WYNNLM Y~vOr~f~ ~r~~~~~urlr\1Y. $~~~ YdsRE CIS G6f~~ ~~ yj }I~Va WFme~ m om,. ..~.. ~• ~~ • - .. • Ps z.I 7HE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL SCHOOL FACILITY LOCATIONS ~ ELEMENTARYSCHOOIS ~ MIDDLESGIOOIS ~ HICN SCHOOLS ~ SPECLSL SCHOOLS 'G IINDEA CONSfRUCl10N 0 ANCILLARY EtCffIflES • W~ YY~ ~NW~~T~1 LW~~Ow~V'n ,Y~yiY~1 ~~NiW~YYW MY~W,~Y1~V ~w~w~ ~I I• ~, r~ ~w~, u~ y~nrl W WvY~~ M ~~ PBRE CIS on~w. }? ~ ery~~rir.w ._.~.. '~' s • -- f.. _ - e 2 ~ P oe d~aoarr r I x ~r'f b~} ~ "' ~~ --- ~ I k EI P cl _ __-_r 6 ~ __._ __ = i 6 ~_. __.il_ I < ,{ S -- I - - --__ .__ -~___._.__.__ -_~rs e 1 f 4 4 ~ ~ ~, _ . -~~_ LaNa tMld ~ '.ua - w~1 `,~ ~~ 7~oaed N1 d ~V/~-~ N N ~ C e ro d ^/1 I 2 L op G~ S r mI ~ n m _ s • PS 3.1 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL PLANNED ADDITIONAL CAPACITY Lof:atlona Shown for Confirmed Sites FefaX Omdilmru aup IM Pbud=enmf Iwlion ofPWutle XMd fn l~yy lyprud wdlaryplano(ur fAr wry°rAlou°VPrtad. ~ CSI BORDERS ~ ELEMENTARY SCHOOu ~ MIDDLE sCHOOu ~ HICH SCHOOLS ~ SPECLiLSCHOOLS I on.w~wrr..r..+ti.r n,+,v. rrrurr.w. ~u,..w'.r...w u: m.w.wu,. r.r:~,i~. pale' PRRE CIS ~~~ cnFm. ~j. lleaY~oWIIaY w. "°" J~...~ •~• ~ 1 • • PS 3.2 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL PLANNED ADDITIONAL CAPACITY Schools Without Confirmed Sites Pofv4 rmdi(iYlr wp ~R[ Ih P~Fmr'ri Wueion c{piYOil[ rMd /dY1[y~tb Dy yyr Yid rnullary yianrr Jur IM $ yYrplovdnl prfad. ~ C6A BORDERS PROp08RD HCtl00L8, HITS L7NDETERIQHEDI EL~dTAAY PAOPOBEDB CBA 30 PROP088D D CBA 11 PROPOHBDH CBA Tl PROP08IiD I CBA 19 PROP086D J CBA 10 PROP086D R CEA 15 PROPOBBD L CBA 16 PROPOHEDY CBA 17 PROPOSED E CBA 0 1QDDLE PROPOSED EE CBA 1S -ROPOHED 00 CBA 71 PROP08ED Htl CBA 10 tlIOtl PROPOHED JJJ CHA 11 AECILLARY 808 DEPOT PY 3001, HITS THD rm. el.wwrwvr4J. n.Wyrr1 ruv 14.. r W ru•.1 r.vWJrrwrrrr4, nYr.. ru.w w. r.•.,.Y r~.•J WI.YI• W M W WJ 4•Y.r1Y Y~i.^H W4YnW Jr W W yr•yIw WY.w..M ~aA~ P&RE GIS cns.my l Y+. nreoysersmr 'V.rrol~ nYw ~~+ ~~ S~AfD.F • • PS 3.3 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL PROJECTED ADDITIONAL FACILITY DEMAND 2004/05 to 2O09AO FWUn cpditiwu r7aPbi!4 iN ylwdFmml IwNOn a/pp\v~MY ulnd/ddn 1~y y1yppee e>d °v'~V7Y~efor•ho+'Ymr{'f^mlmu 2004FOOA ~ CSA BORDERS . ~~ ~~~ 1F) ro~99 X•32 rrms I.._ _.. 500 ro 899 x-12 fmb L- -- 900 ro 1299 x•12 fmp 13W ro1s91 x-12 rmb rso aservo eu racesfrr ovv•vv sf ru esvr•af or • a•cf urr asa aaef •e aou+so es• asvv vsoe vrev n ae\ safoa\ nfee\ a. .: u • oa • as • a. .. sa • as • sa +. s. .. as • ea • os • , ea • ea • ea • s. .: as • oa • ea • f. . \a • so • of • f. ae. .: a• • fa • so , se • u • u • sa. . \a • e• • oa • sa. .: u • or • oa as. .. u • ss • es • sf. .. as • sa • as aa. .. ss • sa • of • a a. .. sa • of • as • ar. . as • a\ • as • ar. .. a• • as • u • ao. . of • of • u • u. . sa • as • ae • aa. .:v/a as . .. ae • eo • ea • ~IUT.wY Y. r\w\Ye W\ rY~~M. ~/w\ wW U4rYwl~ej .NAY f\~w~r\rY r. ~ w.awwe.WS~iW ~ ~ P&BE CIS C63ref~ ' ~Dy ~ r:4 llmsb{~WlPnsas 9wmR~- am J,I{~ J~ ~..r • y~( ~ 1 • • PS 3.4 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL PROJECTED ADDITIONAL FACILITY DEMAND 2009/10 to 2018/20 Fuhnaondiriau wy dapitliry IM plaaafpnaN Aararion of ppuuNe rllmof /aGmin by 1~99pp~and arcilhry plwa fora xn-par prbdfrom 1009•tN9. ~ CSA BORDERS 336 m 999 K•lI fmb .... ~.__. 1000m 1799 KdI Arab ~_........ 1808 fo 2599 R 12 fmb 2608 m 3393 K•II amla r aod•crao ca• raclaarx oarlaao ar raacusao• o• • rat Hass aeon/le re cola/ao aua asea •la• Caa Iafel Ilaeol Iafo01 l..llf \ 1a • 1a \ a.. •1 • la \ Il • )...lfa • ar \ a1 \ f... a• • oa • ea a r.. as • or • ea r..: of • la • ea f... ar • al • as • to... a• • ro • u aa... as • ea • ea u ... as • ae • u I•... as • ar • of u.. as • sa • as u ..:loo • ar • a• Ir... •a • Ix • as la.. ao • of • u • u..:se• • ar • as le... of • u \ as • aa... as \ la • oa \ u ...a/a aa... u \ as \ ae \ YNr. ~ -~M ~N~~YYrY6 9~r1~rlY~rlYr~1 ~..aw..r% ~~~YluI.YNWYYrraln Y.rlyr ~4. n+,.rwrrr yn~a.ua~..u~, ae ,w.lrY M~~,rYr. a~~'~ PBkRE CIS 1~! cae.r. ;~ ~~ 9f.aaraa ralFiafr awl, e1°" Jr lar •~, ~ i