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01-31-2013 SP WS_Preliminary 1st Quarter Financial Summary
VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH FINANCE DEPARTMENT TO: Honorable Mayor and Council FROM: Ed Green, Village Manager BY: Samia Janjua, Director of Fin ce DATE: January 31, 2013 SUBJECT: Preliminary 1" Quarter Financial Summary The attached quarterly reports summarize the Village's financial operations for the first quarter of our fiscal year — October 1 through December 31, 2012. The Country Club Budget Summary reflects Country Club operations overall and by department — Golf, Food & Beverage, and Administration. The General Fund Budget Summary reflects the balance of Village operations overall and by revenue category and departmental expense. A discussion and analysis for each of these quarterly financial reports is provided below. Country Club The overall revenue performance of our Country Club continues to track below planned and budgeted levels through the first quarter of this fiscal year. Revenues: Since this enterprise fund is significantly influenced by seasonal customer fluctuations, an even pro- ration of annual revenues is not an appropriate measure. Comparing the current year's revenues to the same period last year indicates that revenues are $105,469 less than the 1st quarter of FY 2012. Golf operations are down $91,321 from last year (primarily in greens fees, memberships, and cart rental revenue); Food & Beverage operations are down $12,526 (primarily in banquets). An increase in Food & Beverage revenues is anticipated following construction of the Tavern on the Turn. Expenses: Close monitoring and management of our Club expenses have produced favorable results across the board. Although some categories have exceeded the 25% benchmark (due to annual expenses that are payable in the 1St quarter of the year, and an increase in legal fees), total expenditures are running at 22 % of the approved budget plan. During the 1st quarter of FY 2013, the Country Club restaurant sustained non - recurring expenses related to facility improvements including a new fire suppression system for the kitchen, carpet replacement, and painting of the restaurant and banquet room. General Fund Through the first quarter of the fiscal year, the Village's General Fund overall financial performance is meeting our approved annual budget plan. Revenues: Revenues are above the 25% benchmark primarily because: • The largest revenue source (property tax revenue) is collected in the 1St quarter of the fiscal year. • Licenses & Permit revenues are up in the areas of occupational licenses and building permits. Business taxes are collected in the beginning of the fiscal year. Building permit applications, and consequently revenues, have exceeded expectations. • Solid Waste Collection is an annual assessment that is collected in the 1St quarter of the year. The remaining revenues are on target for the approved average quarterly budget plan. Expenses: For the first quarter of the year, expenses are generally tracking very close to approved budget levels in all Departments. Some areas that are above the 25% benchmark are due to the following: • Memberships, publications, etc. are front loaded • Annual holiday party is a first quarter expense • Employee holiday gift baskets were an added, non - budgeted expense • Unused vacation reimbursements were paid in the first quarter • Employee termination in the Building Department required engaging a temp agency to supply additional help, causing a slight increase in operating costs for this department. The Village of North Palm Beach Country Club Budget Summary 1st Quarter Ending December 31, 2012 Ist Quad- Ending 1213112011 FY 2013 % of budget Prior Year Golf F & B Admin Total Budget (Target 25 %) December 2011 REVENUES Driving Range $ 53,809 $ 53,809 $ 209,026 25.74% % 52,116 Membership 417,094 417,094 623,580 66.89% 491,279 Cart Rental 193,100 193,100 939,400 20.56% 208,619 Walking Fees 11,519 11,519 37,520 30.70% 10,476 Greens Fees 188,160 188,160 912,480 20.62% 195,784 Lessons 26,448 26,448 100,000 26.45% 21,900 Tournament Proceeds 491 491 2,716 18.09% 1,148 Merchandise Sales 31,573 31,573 140,150 22.53% 35,255 Special Events /Camps - 0 4,000 0.00% 0 Food & Beverage -Lease Operation - 0 0 0.001/6 0 Liquor Sales 47,814 47,814 240,000 19.92% 50,900 Food & Beverage Sales 102,548 102,548 545,000 18.82% 113,358 Sales of Surplus - - 0 96,000 0.00% 0 Interest Earnings 595 595 7,327 8.12% 1,845 Other 26,126 1,321 1,466 28,913 91,734 31.52% 24,852 Total Revenues 948,319 151,682 1,102,062 3,948,933 27.91% 1,207,531 2,061 EXPENSES Personnel: Salary & Benefits 135,253 88,460 15,876 239,589 938,748 25.52% 199,022 Operating: _ Accounting & Auditing - - 2,600 2,600 7,000 37.14% 2,918 Charge Card Fees 13,309 2,191 0 15,500 59,500 26.05% 16,037 Contractual Services 268,510 6,002 4,139 278,651 1,241,647 22.44% 308,889 Entertainment - 1,655 0 1,655 10,000 16.55% 2,578 Rental- Equipment/Uniform, etc. - 4,069 982 5,051 22,714 22.241% 5,677 Legal Fees 6,178 6,178 7,500 82.37% 2,975 Lessons 6,776 - 0 6,776 35,000 19.36% 6,452 Marketing & Advertising 3,428 - 0 3,428 45,000 7.62% 2,882 Materials & Supplies 12,537 3,852 1,051 17,440 65,675 26.56% 23,725 Merchandise 16,834 56,619 0 73,453 388,000 18.93% 82,006 Repairs & Maintenance 7,145 16,547 0 23,692 48,579 48.77% 10,322 Solid Waste Disposal 6,648 6,646 0 13,294 14,450 92.00% 13,378 Utilities 38,965 10,773 1,176 50,915 217,202 2144% 50,947 Other Operating Costs 4,534 4,773 1,339 10,646 43,000 24.76% 6,774 Capital: Capital Outlay - - 0 0 53,639 0.00% 7,500 Debt & Other: Debt Service 0 0 398,151 0.00% 0 Golf Cart Lease 108,789 108,789 234,183 46.451% 18,809 Insurance -Prop & Gen Liab 10,920 10,920 43,881 24.89% 9,966 Contingency 0 0 75,064 0.001/6 0 Total Expenses 622,726 201,588 868,576 3,948,933 22.00% 770,856 44,261 Revenues over (under) expenses $ 325,592 $ (49,906) $ 233,486 $ - s 436,675 $ (42,200) Rounds 9,902 10,354 The Village of North Palm Beach FY 2012 -2013 Country Club Budget Golf Summary December 2012 FY 2013 Budget %of Budget (Target 25 %) Prior Year December 2011 Comment Personnel Salary: Regular Pa $ 32,397 $ 122,229 26.50% 1 66.55% 37.86% 24.02% $ 26,620 Overtime Pay 665 1,000 Employee worked holiday Lessons 17,038 45,000 11,118 Professional staff has given more lessons than budgeted Part-time Pay 62,730 112,831 261,198 56,682 Benefits: Pension 4,830 20,646 23.40% 473 Health Insurance 7,443 29,771 25.00% 5,904 FICA/Medicare 8,500 32,852 25.87% 7,113 LTD Insurance 140 526 26.70% 158 Life Insurance 71 261 27.01% 81 Worker's Compensation 1,438 5,165 27.83% 869 Other 22,422 0.00% $ 135,253 $ 518,648 26.09% S 109,018 Operating Advertising & Marketing 3,428 42,000 8.16% 2,817 Books & Publications 100 0.00% Charge Card Fee 13,309 51,500 25.84% 1 60.77% 20.00% 14,031 Club Relations 304 1 500 Food for welcome back member mixer. Conferences & Seminars 340 1,700 Contractual Services 268,510 1,181,008 22.74% 298,216 Rental -E ui ment/Golf Club 2,000 0.00% 922 Gas, Oil & Lubricants 0.00% - Golf Handicap Expense 144 3,000 4.806% 200 Lessons 6,776 35,000 19.36% 6,452 Materials &Supplies 12,537 48,175 26.02% 20,865 Memberships & Dues 260 2,800 9.29% 260 Merchandise 16,834 98,000 17.18% 19,108 Printing & Binding 3,500 0.00% Professional Services 383 Repairs & Maintenance 7,145 25,379 28.15% 92.00% 40.00% 0.00% 77.59% 24.20% L 8,790 Solid Waste Disposal 6,648 7,226 6,690 Annual assessment Special Events / Camps 200 500 Entertainment for member mixer Travel 2,700 Uniforms & Shoes 3,104 4,000 2,652 front end loaded at the beginning of the season. Utilities 38,965 161,035 36,554 Other Operating Costs 200 0.00% 378,684 1,670,123 22.67% 417,557 capital Audio, Visual, & Comm. Sys 0 0 0.00% 0 Computer Hardware & Software 0 0 0.00% 0 Furniture & Fixtures 0 0 0.00% 0 Construction & Major Renovation 0 1 0 0.00% 0 Machinery & Equipment 0.00% 1 7,500 0 0 0.00% 7$00 Debt& Other Debt Service 0 398,151 0.00% 46.45% 0 Golf Cart Lease 108,789 234,183 18,809 includes balloon payment 108,789 632,334 17.20% 18,809 Total Expenses $ 622,726 $ 2,821,1 05 22.07% S 552,887 The Village of North Palm Beach FY 2012 -2013 Country Club Budget Food & Beverage Summary December 2012 FY 2013 Budget % of Budget (Target 25 %) Prior Year December 2011 Comment Personnel Sal Regular Pa $ 24,591 $ 92,638 26.55% $ 20,937 Overtime Pa - 500 0.00% - Part-time Pay 46,216 70,806 192,024 24.07% 39,278 Benefits: Pension 3,776 15,412 24.50% 83 Health Insurance 5,801 28,335 20.47% 30.43% 26.48% F 2,515 FICA/Medicare 6,639 21,815 5,802 Percentage of a roll LTD Insurance 110 417 76 Life Insurance 47 174 27.01% L 32.89% 0.00% 27 Worker's Compensation 1,280 3,893 732 Percentage of a roll Other 17,654 8,606 4,902 $ 88,460 $ 363,814 2431% S 74,351 Operating Advertising / Mazketin 3,000 0.00% 65 ChM Le Card Fee 2,191 8,000 27.39% 2,006 Contractual Services 6,002 26,500 22.65% 6,535 Entertainment 1,655 10,000 16.55% 2,578 Rental- ui ment/Lmen/Uniform 4,069 15,500 26.25% 3,878 Gas, Oil & Lubricants 28 150 18.67% 1 38 Licenses & Fees 3,953 5,200 512 Micros point of sale license and other licensing affiliated with the food and beverage operation. (liquor, music, business ) are front loaded Materials & Su lies 3,852 25,250 15.26% 4,188 Merchandise 56,619 290,000 19.52% 62,898 Professional Services 105 600 17.50% 71.32% 92.00% 21.43% 45.78% 85 Revairs & Maintenance 16,547 23,200 1,531 Painting of Restaurant and Banquet room was not budgeted; Carpet replacement is one -time expense Solid Waste Disposal 6,646 7,224 6,688 Annual assessment Utilities 10,773 50,273 12,992 Other Operating Costs 687 1,500 346 Staff shirts purchased at beginning of year 113,128 466,397 24.26% 104,342 Capital Audio, Visual, & Comm. Sys 0 0 0.000 0 Automotive 0 0 0.00% 0 Computer Hardware & Software 0 0 0.00% 0 Furniture & Fixtures 0 0 0.00% 0 Dining Room Tables & Chairs 0 0 0.00% 0 Construction & Major Renovation 0 53,639 0.00% 0 China, Glass, Silverware, etc. 0 1 0 0.00% 0 Machinery & Equipment 0.00% 0 53,639 0.00^/ 0 Total Expenses $ 201,588 $ 883,850 22.81% $ 178,693 The Village of North Palm Beach FY 2012 -2013 Country Club Budget Administration December 2012 FY 2013 Budget % of Budget (Target 25 %) Prior Year December 2011 Comment Personnel Sal Regular Pay $ 9,473 $ 35,321 26.82% $ 10,133 Overtime Pa - 500 0.001/0 - Part-time Pa 9,473 - 0.00% - Benefits: Pension 1,421 6,094 23.32% 37.57% 23.49% 476 Health Insurance 4,253 11,322 2,839 Employee changed health care plan FICA/Medicare 644 2,741 726 LTD Insurance 43 159 27.11% 61 Life Insurance 24 87 27.01% 31 Worker's Compensation 19 62 30.56% 12 Other - 6,404 0000% 1,375 $ 15,876 $ 56,286 28.21% $ 15,653 O eratin Accountin & uditing 2,600 7,000 2,918 1 Progress billing for annual audit Charge Card Fee - 0.00% Contractual Services 4,139 34,139 1 12.12% 4,139 Rental-Copier 982 5,214 18.83% 876 Marketing & Advertising - 0.000/0 Materials & Supplies 1,051 4,000 26.29% 897 Memberships & Dues - - 0.00% - Postage 349 3,000 11.62% 49.50% 0.000 411 Printing & Binding 990 2,000 Printing Country Club marketing materials Repairs & Maintenance - - Uniforms & Shoes - - 0.00% Utilities 1,176 5,894 19.96% 82.37% 0.00% 1,401 Legal Fees 6,178 7,500 2,975 Increased legal fees (new cart lease, driving range building, etc.) Other Operating Costs 43 17,465 68,747 25.40% 13,660 Capital Audio, Visual, & Comm. Sys 0 0 0.00% 0 Computer Hardware & Software 0 0 0.00% 0 Furniture & Fixtures 0 0 0.00% 0 Construction & Major Renovation 0 0 0.00% 0 Machinery & Equipment 0.00% 0 0 1 0.00% 0 Debt & Other Contingency 0 75,064 0.00% 0 Insurance-Property & General Liability 10,920 43,881 24.89% 9,966 10,920 118,945 9.18% 9,966 Total Expenses $ 44,261 $ 978 18.14% $ 39,279 The Village of North Palm Beach General Fund Budget Summary 1st Quarter Ending December 31, 2012 of FY 2013 Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Prior Year December 2012 Budget (Target 25 %) December 2011 Revenues Taxes: Ad- Valorem Taxes 7,451,709 $ 9,844,754 75.69% $ 7,900,069 Utility Service Taxes 572,665 2,119,414 27.02% 548,357 Franchise Fees 301,712 1,085,589 27.79% 267,490 Sales & Use Taxes 62,372 $ 8,388,457 266,006 23.45% 63,147 Licenses & Permits 334,022 684,212 48.82% 275,481 Intergovernmental 286,146 1,224,939 23.36% 289,122 Charges for Services 892,005 2,023,697 44.080/6 837,842 Fines & Forfeitures 24,592 81,115 30,32% 22,257 Interest 2,764 61,758 4.48% 10,868 Appropriated Fund Balance - 222,574 0.00% - Miscellaneous 13,304 13,240 100.48% 26,333 Total Revenues: 9,941,291 17,627,298 56.40% 10,240,965 Expenditures General Government: Village Council 45,568 156,206 29.17% 44,188 Village Manager 69,461 270,547 25,67% 58,237 Human Resources 84,097 278,789 30.16% 59,919 Finance 143,302 548,589 26.12% 108,709 Information Technology 89,597 335,013 26.74% 68,356 Village Attorney 28,771 164,437 17.50% 32,097 Village Clerk 74,780 298,377 25.069/6 63,148 General Services- Village Hall 22,114 557,690 111,209 19.88% 23,116 Public Safety: Law Enforcement 1,338,337 4,591,169 29.15% 1,034,492 Fire Rescue 760,936 2,764,051 27.53% 631,879 General Services - Public Safety 23,516 2,122,790 102,399 22.979/o 24,921 Public Works: Public Works Admin 113,963 361,589 �R 85,381 Sanitation 370,695 1,470,061 25.221/. 307,125 Facility Services 154,260 621,085 24.84% 141,668 Streets & Grounds 299,399 1,248,690 23.98% 282,306 Vehicle Maintenance 100,226 1,038,544 436,384 22.97% 93,804 Community Development & Planning: Community Planning 78,451 337,983 23.21% 110,030 Building 162,616 503,348 32.31% 104,320 Code Enforcement 28,089 269,155 131,617 21.34% 26,828 Leisure Services: Library 196,457 674,994 29.11% 168,091 Recreation 233,719 973,011 24.02% 202,661 Park Maintenance - - 0.00% - Pool 67,719 363,414 18.63% 63,066 Special Events 2,716 88,000 3.09% 3,349 Tennis 121,695 622,306 475,136 25.61% 100,217 Reserves & Other: Debt service - - 0.00% - Contingency - 6,200 0.001% 5,500 Transfer In/Out - - 0.00% - Non- Departmental 71,850 71,850 315,000 22.81% 66,747 Total Expenditures 4,682,335 17,627,298 26.56% 3,910,155 Net Revenue Over Expense $ 5,258,957 $ $ 6,330,811 AA_11.1 mI.- Franchise Fees: Electricity 440,000 110,000 % of FY 2013 52,166 Fiscal Year 2S% of Annual Actual 1st Quarter Variance Over (Under) Budget 1,779) 2013 Budget Bud et Ending Dec. 31, 2012 (Quarterly Basis (Target 25% Comment Utility Service Taxes: Electricity 968,500 242,125 260,241 18,116 17,212 Gas 68,938 17,235 13,295 Paid in accordance with PBC tax distribution $ 9,844,754 2,461,189 7,451,709 4,990,521 75.69% schedule (highest distribution is in 1st Quarter) 771 909 192 977 229 808 36 831 29.77 (3,653 Franchise Fees: Electricity 440,000 110,000 162,166 52,166 36.86% 0.00% 67.21% 52.06% Gas 30,861 7,715 5,936 1,779) 10,336 Water 282,819 70,705 65,967 4,737) Utility Service Taxes: Electricity 968,500 242,125 260,241 18,116 17,212 Gas 68,938 17,235 13,295 (3,940) Charges for Services Telecommunication 763,143 190,786 223,075 32,289 Community Development Water 318,833 79,708 76,055 (3,653 Sales & Use Taxes Local Option Taxes 266,006 66,502 62,372 (4,130 12,413 18,335 13 15,763 3,328,941 8 8 57 5,059 17 Licenses & Permits: Building Permits Local Govt 1/2 Ct Sales Tax 440,000 110,000 162,166 52,166 36.86% 0.00% 67.21% 52.06% Building permit applications are more than expected and consequently revenues are higher. Developer Fees 82,361 81,465 (896) 10,336 10,336 18,257 Occupational Licenses 591 227,000 56,750 152,559 95,809 Business taxes are collected in the beginning ofthe fiscal year Other Licenses, Fees, Permits 4,325 17,212 4 303 8,961 4,658 Increased development activity (20,098) Charges for Services 684,212 171,053 334,022 162,969 48.82% Community Development Intergovernmental 235,400 58,850 52,788 (6,062) Lib 36.93% 1,815 Shared Revenue Other Local Units 49,651 12,413 18,335 5,922 Annual 911 call taker reimbursement received in 1st Quarter State Shared Revenue Local Govt 1/2 Ct Sales Tax 810,291 202,573 185,756 16,817 Annual assessment; due in 1st quarter State Revenue Share Proceeds 329,442 82,361 81,465 (896) Other State Shared Revenue 18,257 4,564 591 (3,974) Other Other Inter ov Revenue 17,298 4,325 4,325 1,224,M 306 35 286,146 (20,098) Charges for Services Community Development 235,400 58,850 52,788 (6,062) Lib 1,815 454 237 (217) Recreation Pool 182,500 45,625 32,829 12,796) 17.99% 43.63% 40.34% 22.06% 56.06% 90.09% 43.28% 31.33% Increased contractor activity Increased contractor activity Special Detail revenuelex se not budgeted Annual assessment; due in 1st quarter Reimbursement for CC non - routine items slightly higher 44.08% 48.53% Code Enforcement fine collection higher than anticipated 0.00 Prior year purchase order carryover, Business Grant carryover, Use of jAppropriated Fund Balance 222 ,574 55,644 (55,644 ) .00% veloper fees Total Revenues: $ 17,627,298 $ 4,406,825 1 $ 9,941,291 S 5534,467 56.40% The Village of North Palm Beach General Fund Expense Analvsis 26.12% 26.74% 17.50% 25.06% 19.88% BOCC $12.50 expense for radios; Upfront annual costs; Unused vacation reimbursement; Special Detail 29.15% r not budgeted 27.53% Increase in Fed. Medicare licensing fees; Upfront annual costs 22.97% Public Works Admin 361,589 90,397 113,963 23,566 31.52% Unused vacation reimbursement Finance 548,589 137,147 143,302 6,155 % of FY 2013 Information Technology 335,013 83,753 Fiscal Year 2013 25% of Annual Actual 1st Quarter Variance Over (Under) Budget 1 41,109 28,771 (12,339) Budget Budget Ending Dec. 31, 2012 (Quarterly Basis (Target 25% Comment General Government: General Services - Village Hall 111,209 27,802 22,114 (5,688) Public Safety: 337,983 84,496 78,451 (6,045) (9,534) Law Enforcement 4,591,169 Council Donations, Memberships are front loaded; Council 1,338,337 Village Council 156,206 39,052 45,568 6,517 29.17% Chambers recording system had to be replaced Pool Village Manager 270,547 67,637 69,461 1,824 25.67% Special Events 88,000 22,000 2,716 (19,284 ) 3.09% Annual holiday party is one time expense; Employee holiday Human Resources 278,789 69,697 84,097 14,399 30.16% gift baskets weren't budgeted 26.12% 26.74% 17.50% 25.06% 19.88% BOCC $12.50 expense for radios; Upfront annual costs; Unused vacation reimbursement; Special Detail 29.15% r not budgeted 27.53% Increase in Fed. Medicare licensing fees; Upfront annual costs 22.97% Public Works Admin 361,589 90,397 113,963 23,566 31.52% Unused vacation reimbursement Finance 548,589 137,147 143,302 6,155 32.31% 21.34% Information Technology 335,013 83,753 89,597 5,844 28,089 Village Attorney 164,437 1 41,109 28,771 (12,339) Village Clerk 298,377 74,594 74,780 186 Community Development & Planning: General Services - Village Hall 111,209 27,802 22,114 (5,688) Public Safety: 337,983 84,496 78,451 (6,045) (9,534) Law Enforcement 4,591,169 1,147,792 1,338,337 190,545 - Fire Rescue 2,764,051 691,013 760,936 69,923 Pool General Services - Public Safety 102,399 25,600 23,516 (2,084) Public Works: Special Events 88,000 22,000 26.12% 26.74% 17.50% 25.06% 19.88% BOCC $12.50 expense for radios; Upfront annual costs; Unused vacation reimbursement; Special Detail 29.15% r not budgeted 27.53% Increase in Fed. Medicare licensing fees; Upfront annual costs 22.97% Public Works Admin 361,589 90,397 113,963 23,566 31.52% Unused vacation reimbursement 25.22% 24.84% 23.98% 22.97% 23,21% Sanitation 1,470,061 367,515 370,695 3,180 32.31% 21.34% Facility Services 621,085 155,271 154,260 1,012 28,089 Streets & Grounds 1,248,690 312,173 299,399 12,773) Vehicle Maintenance 436,384 109,096 100,226 8,870) Community Development & Planning: 168,749 196,457 27,709 29.11% Upfront costs (contractual svc, memberships, ublications,etc.) Community Planning 337,983 84,496 78,451 (6,045) 25.22% 24.84% 23.98% 22.97% 23,21% Building 503,348 125,837 162,616 36,779 32.31% 21.34% Employee termination related costs; Temp agency hired for additional help Code Enforcement 131,617 32,904 28,089 (4,815) Leisure Services: Library 674,994 168,749 196,457 27,709 29.11% Upfront costs (contractual svc, memberships, ublications,etc.) Recreation 973,011 243,253 233,719 (9,534) 24.02% Park Maintenance - - - - 0.00% Pool 363,414 90,854 67,719 (23,134) 18.63% Special Events 88,000 22,000 2,716 (19,284 ) 3.09% Tennis 475,136 118,784 121,695 2,911 25.61% Reserves & Other: Debt service - - - - 0.00% Contingency 6,200 1,550 - - (1,550) 0.00% Transfer In/Out - - - 0.00% Non-Departmental 315,000 78,750 71,850 (6,900) 22.81% Total Expenditures 17,627,298 4,406,825 4,682,335 275,510 26.56% The Village of North Palm Beach Country Club Budget Summary 1st Quarter Ending December 31,2012 1st Quarter Ending 1213112012 FY 2013 %of budget Prior Year Golf F&B Admiu Total Budget (Target25%) December 2011 REVENUES Driving Range $ 53,809 $ 53,809 S 209,026 25.74% 8 52,116 Membership 417,094 417,094 623,580 66.89% 491,279 Cart Rental 193,100 193,100 939,400 20.56% 208,619 Walking Fees 11,519 11,519 37,520 30.70% 10,476 Greens Fees 188,160 188,160 912,480 20.62% 195,784 Lessons 26,448 26,448 100,000 26.45% 21,900 Tournament Proceeds 491 491 2,716 18.09% 1,148 Merchandise Sales 31,573 31,573 140,150 22.53% 35,255 Special Events/Camps - 0 4,000 0.00% 0 Food&Beverage-Lease Operation - 0 0 0.00% 0 Liquor Sales 47,814 47,814 240,000 19.92% 50,900 Food&Beverage Sales 102,548 102,548 545,000 18.82% 113,358 Sales of Surplus - - 0 96,000 0.00% 0 Interest Earnings 595 595 7,327 8.12% 1,845 Other 26,126 1,321 1,466 28,913 91,734 31.52% 24,852 Total Revenues 948,319 151,682 2,061 1,102,062 3,948,933 27.91% 1,207,531 EXPENSES Personnel: Salary&Benefits 135,253 88,460 15,876 239,589 938,748 25.52% 199,022 Operating: Accounting&Auditing - - 2,600 2,600 7,000 37.14% 2,918 Charge Card Fees 13,309 2,191 0 15,500 59,500 26.05% 16,037 Contractual Services 268,510 6,002 4,139 278,651 1,241,647 22.44% 308,889 Entertainment - 1,655 0 1,655 10,000 16.55% 2,578 Rental-Equipment/Uniform,etc. - 4,069 982 5,051 22,714 22.24% 5,677 Legal Fees 6,178 6,178 7,500 82.37% 2,975 Lessons 6,776 - 0 6,776 35,000 19.36% 6,452 Marketing&Advertising 3,428 - 0 3,428 45,000 7.62% 2,882 Materials&Supplies 12,537 3,852 1,051 17,440 65,675 26.56% 23,725 Merchandise 16,834 56,619 0 73,453 388,000 18.93% 82,006 Repairs&Maintenance 7,145 16,547 0 23,692 48,579 48.77% 10,322 Solid Waste Disposal 6,648 6,646 0 13,294 14,450 92.00% 13,378 Utilities 38,965 10,773 1,176 50,915 217,202 23.44% 50,947 Other Operating Costs 4,534 4,773 1,339 10,646 43,000 24.76% 6,774 Capital: Capital Outlay - - 0 0 53,639 0.00% 7,500 Debt&Other: Debt Service 0 0 398,151 0.00% 0 Golf Cart Lease 108,789 108,789 234,183 46.45% 18,809 Insurance-Prop&Gen Liab 10,920 10,920 43,881 24.89% 9,966 Contingency 0 0 75,064 0.00% 0 Total Expenses 622,726 201,588 44,261 868,576 3,948,933 22.00% 770,856 Revenues over(under)expenses S 325,592 S (49,906) S (42,200) S 233,486 S - S 436,675 Rounds 9,902 10,354 The Village of North Palm Beach FY 2012-2013 Country Club Budget Golf Summary Prior Year %of Budget December December 2012 FY 2013 Budget (Target 25%) 2011 Comment Personnel Salary: Regular Pay $ 32,397 $ 122,229 26.50% $ 26,620 Overtime Pay 665 1,000 66.55% Employee worked holiday Professional staff has given more lessons than Lessons 17,038 45,000 37.86% 11,118 budgeted Part-time Pay 62,730 112,831 261,198 24.02% 56,682 Benefits: Pension 4,830 20,646 23.40% 473 Health Insurance 7,443 1 1 29,771 25.00% 5,904 FICA/Medicare 8,500 32,852 25.87% 7,113 LTD Insurance 140 526 26.70% 158 Life Insurance 71 261 27.01% 81 Worker's Compensation 1,438 5,165 27.83% 869 Other 22,422 0.00% $ 135,253 $ 518,648 26.08% 8 109,018 Operating Advertising&Marketing 3,428 42,000 8.16% 2,817 Books&Publications - 100 0.00% - Charge Card Fee 13,309 51,500 25.84% 14,031 Club Relations 304 500 60.77% - Food for welcome back member mixer. Conferences&Seminars 340 1,700 20.00% Contractual Services 268,510 1,181,008 22.74% 298,216 Rental-Equipment/Golf Club - 2,000 0.00% 922 Gas,Oil&Lubricants - - 0.00% - Golf Handicap Expense 144 3,000 4.80% 200 Lessons 6,776 35,000 19.36% 6,452 Materials&Supplies 12,537 48,175 26.02% 20,865 Memberships&Dues 260 2,800 9.29% 260 Merchandise 16,834 98,000 17.18% 19,108 Printing&Binding - 3,500 0.00% - Professional Services 383 0.00 Repairs&Maintenance 7,145 25,379 28.15% 8,790 Solid Waste Disposal 6,648 7,226 92.00% 6,690 Annual assessment Special Events/Camps 200 500 40.00% - Entertainment for member mixer Travel 2,700 j 0.00% Uniforms&Shoes 3,104 4,000 77.59% 2,652 front end loaded at the beginning of the season. Utilities 38,965 161,035 24.20% 36,554 Other Operating Costs (200) 0.00% 378,684 1,670,123 22.67% 417,557 Capital Audio,Visual,&Comm.Sys 0 0 0.00% 0 Computer Hardware&Software 0 0 0.00% 0 Furniture&Fixtures 0 0 0.00% 0 Construction&Major Renovation 0 0 0.00% 0 Machinery&Equipment 0.00% 7,500 0 0 0.00% 7,500 Debt&Other Debt Service 0 398,151 0.00% 0 Golf Cart Lease 108,789 234,183 46.45% 18,809 includes balloon payment 108,789 632,334 17.20% 18,809 Total Expenses $ 622,726 $ 2,821,105 22.07% $ 552,884 The Village of North Pahn Beach FY 2012-2013 Country Club Budget Food&Beverage Summary Prior Year %of Budget December December 2012 FY 2013 Budget (Target 25%) 2011 Comment Personnel Salary: Regular Pay $ 24,591 $ 92,638 26.55% $ 20,937 Overtime Pay - 500 0.00% - Part-time Pay 46,216 70,806 192,024 24.07% 39,278 Benefits: Pension 3,776 15,412 24.50% 83 Health Insurance 5,801 28,335 20.47% 2,515 FICA/Medicare 6,639 21,815 30.43% 5,802 Percentage of payroll LTD Insurance 110 417 26.48% 76 Life Insurance 47 174 27.01% 27 Worker's Compensation 1,280 3,893 32.89% 732 Percentage of payroll Other - 17,654 8,606 0.00% 4,902 $ 88,460 $ 363,814 24.31% 74,351 Operating Advertising/Marketing 3,000 0.00% 65 Charge Card Fee 2,191 8,000 27.39% 2,006 Contractual Services 6,002 26,500 22.65% 6,535 Entertainment 1,655 10,000 16.55% 2,578 Rental-Equipment/Linen/Uniform 4,069 15,500 26.25% 3,878 Gas,Oil&Lubricants 28 150 18.67% 38 Micros point of sale license and other licensing affiliated with the food and beverage operation.(liquor, Licenses&Fees 3,953 5,200 76.03% 512 music,business)are front loaded Materials&Supplies 3,852 25,250 15.26% 4,188 Merchandise 56,619 290,000 19.52% 62,898 Professional Services 105 600 17.50% 85 Painting of Restaurant and Banquet room was not Repairs&Maintenance 16,547 23,200 71.32% 1,531 budgeted;Carpet replacement is one-time expense Solid Waste Disposal 6,646 7,224 92.00% 6,688 Annual assessment Utilities 10,773 50,273 21.43% 12,992 Other Operating Costs 687 1,500 45.78% 1 346 1 Staff shirts purchased at beginning of year 113,128 466,397 24.26% 104,342 Capital Audio,Visual,&Comm.Sys 0 0 0.00% 0 Automotive 0 0 0.00% 0 Computer Hardware&Software 0 0 0.00% 0 Furniture&Fixtures 0 0 0.00% 0 Dining Room Tables&Chairs 0 0 0.00% 0 Construction&Major Renovation 0 53,639 0.00% 0 China,Glass,Silverware,etc. 0 0 0.00% 0 Machinery&Equipment - 0.00% 0 53,639 0.00% 0 Total Expenses $ 201,588 $ 883,850 22.81% 8 178,693 The Village of North Palm Beach FY 2012-2013 Country Club Budget Administration Prior Year %of Budget December December 2012 FY 2013 Budget (Target 25%) 2011 Comment Personnel Salary: Regular Pay $ 9,473 $ 35,321 26.82% $ 10,133 Overtime Pay - 500 0.00% - Part-time Pay - 9,473 0.00% - Benefits: Pension 1,421 6,094 23.32% 476 Health Insurance 4,253 11,322 37.57% 2,839 Employee changed health care plan MCA/Medicare 644 2,741 23.49% 726 LTD Insurance 43 159 27.11% 61 Life Insurance 24 87 27.01% 31 Worker's Compensation 19 62 30.56% 12 Other - 6,404 - 0.00% 1,375 $ 15,876 $ 56,286 28.21% 8 15,653 Operating Accounting&Auditing 2,600 7,000 37.14% 2,918 Progress billing for annual audit Charge Card Fee - 0.00% - Contractual Services 4,139 34,139 12.12% 4,139 Rental-Copier 982 5,214 18.83% 876 Marketing&Advertising - 0.00% - Materials&Supplies 1,051 4,000 26.29% 897 Memberships&Dues - 0.00% - Postage 349 3,000 11.62% 411 Printing Country Club marketing Printing&Binding 990 2,000 49.50% - materials Repairs&Maintenance - - 0.00% Uniforms&Shoes - 0.00% - Utilities 1,176 5,894 19.96% 1,401 Increased legal fees(new cart lease, Legal Fees 6,178 7,500 82.37% 2,975 driving range building,etc.) Other Operating Costs - 0.00% 43 17,465 68,747 25.40% 13,660 Capital Audio,Visual,&Comm.Sys 0 0 0.00% 0 Computer Hardware&Software 0 0 0.00% 0 Furniture&Fixtures 0 0 0.00% 0 Construction&Major Renovation 0 0 0.00% 0 Machinery&Equipment - 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 Debt&Other Contingency 0 75,064 0.00% 0 Insurance-Property&General Liability 10,920 43,881 24.89% 9,966 10,920 118,945 9.18% 9,966 Total Expenses $ 44,261 $ 243,978 18.14% 8 39,279 The Village of North Palm Beach General Fund Budget Summary 1st Quarter Ending December 31,2012 %of FY 2013 Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Prior Year December 2012 Budget (Target 25%) December 2011 Revenues Taxes: Ad-Valorem Taxes 7,451,709 $ 9,844,754 75.69% $ 7,900,069 Utility Service Taxes 572,665 2,119,414 27.02% 548,357 Franchise Fees 301,712 1,085,589 27.79% 267,490 Sales&Use Taxes 62,372 $ 8,388,457 266,006 23.45% 63,147 Licenses&Permits 334,022 684,212 48.82% 275,481 Intergovernmental 286,146 1,224,939 23.36% 289,122 Charges for Services 892,005 2,023,697 44.08% 837,842 Fines&Forfeitures 24,592 81,115 30.32% 22,257 Interest 2,764 61,758 4.48% 10,868 Appropriated Fund Balance - 222,574 0.00% - Miscellaneous 13,304 13,240 100.48% 26,333 Total Revenues: 9,941,291 17,627,298 56.40% 10,240,965 Expenditures General Government: Village Council 45,568 156,206 29.17% 44,188 Village Manager 69,461 270,547 25.67% 58,237 Human Resources 84,097 278,789 30.16% 59,919 Finance 143,302 548,589 26.12% 108,709 Information Technology 89,597 335,013 26.74% 68,356 Village Attorney 28,771 164,437 17.50% 32,097 Village Clerk 74,780 298,377 25.06% 63,148 General Services-Village Hall 22,114 557,690 111,209 19.88% 23,116 Public Safety: Law Enforcement 1,338,337 4,591,169 29.15% 1,034,492 Fire Rescue 760,936 2,764,051 27.53% 631,879 General Services-Public Safety 23,516 2,122,790 102,399 22.97% 24,921 Public Works: Public Works Admin 113,963 361,589 31.52% 85,381 Sanitation 370,695 1,470,061 25.22% 307,125 Facility Services 154,260 621,085 24.84% 141,668 Streets&Grounds 299,399 1,248,690 23.98% 282,306 Vehicle Maintenance 100,226 1,038,544 436,384 22.97% 93,804 Community Development&Planning: Community Planning 78,451 337,983 23.21% 110,030 Building 162,616 503,348 32.31% 104,320 Code Enforcement 28,089 269,155 131,617 21.34% 26,828 Leisure Services: Library 196,457 674,994 29.11% 168,091 Recreation 233,719 973,011 24.02% 202,661 Park Maintenance - - 0.00% - Pool 67,719 363,414 18.63% 63,066 Special Events 2,716 88,000 3.09% 3,349 Tennis 121,695 622,306 475,136 25.61% 100,217 Reserves&Other: Debt service - - 0.00% - Contingency - 6,200 0.00% 5,500 Transfer In/Out - - 0.00% - Non-Departmental 71,850 71,850 315,000 22.81% 66,747 Total Expenditures 4,682,335 17,627,298 26.56% 3,910,155 Net Revenue Over Expense S 5,258,957 $ S 6,330,811 The Village of North Palm Beach General Fund Revenue Analysis 1st Quarter Ending December 31,2012 %of FY 2013 Fiscal Year 25%of Annual Actual lst Quarter Variance Over(Under) Budget 2013Budget Budget Ending Dec.31,2012 Quarter) Basis Tar et25% Comment Taxes: Paid in accordance with PBC tax distribution Ad-Valorem Taxes $ 9,844,754 2,461,189 7,451,709 4,990,521 75.69% schedule(highest distribution is in lst Quarter) Franchise Fees: Electricity 771,909 192,977 229,808 36,831 29.77% Gas 30,861 7,715 5,936 (1,779) 19.23% Water 282,819 70,705 65,967 (4,737) 23.32% Utifity Service Taxes: Electricity 968,500 242,125 260,241 18,116 26.87% Gas 68,938 17,235 13,295 (3,940) 19.29% Telecommunication 763,143 190,786 223,075 32,289 29.23% Water 318,833 79,708 76,055 (3,653) 23.85% Sales&Use Taxes Local Option Taxes 266,006 66,502 62,372 4,130 23.45% 13,315,763 3,325,941 8,388,457 5,059,517 63.00% Licenses&Permits: Building permit applications are more than expected and consequently revenues are Building Permits 440,000 110,000 162,166 52,166 36.86% higher. Developer Fees 10,336 10,336 0.00% Business taxes are collected in the beginning Occupational Licenses 227,000 56,750 152,559 95,809 67.21% of the fiscal year Other Licenses,Fees,Permits 17,212 4,303 8,961 4,658 52.06% Increased development activity 654,212 171,053 334,022 162,969 45.82% Intergovernmental Annual 911 call taker reimbursement received Shared Revenue Other Local Units 49,651 12,413 18,335 5,922 36.93% in 1st Quarter State Shared Revenue Local Govt 1/2 Ct Sales Tax 810,291 202,573 185,756 (16,817) 22.92% State Revenue Share Proceeds 329,442 82,361 81,465 (896) 24.73% Other State Shared Revenue 18,257 4,564 591 (3,974) 3.24% Other Other Intergov Revenue 17,298 4,325 4,325 0.00% 1,224,939 306,235 256,146 20,088 23.36% Charges for Services Community Development 235,400 58,850 52,788 (6,062) 22.42% Library 1,815 454 237 (217) 13.04% Recreation Pool 182,500 45,625 32,829 (12,796) 17.99% Recreation 465,750 116,438 203,188 86,751 43.63% Increased contractor activity Tennis 399,222 99,806 161,060 61,255 40.34% Increased contractor activity Public Safety Ambulance Fees 275,000 68,750 60,667 (8,083) 22.06% Other 80,700 20,175 45,241 25,066 56.06% Special Detail revenue/expense not budgeted Public Works Solid Waste Collection 365,000 91,250 328,826 237,576 90.09% Annual assessment;due in 1 st quarter Reimbursement for CC non-routine items Other 12,000 3,000 5,194 2,194 43.28% slightly higher Village Clerk 6,310 1,578 1,977 399 31.33% 2,023,697 505,924 592,005 386,081 44.05% Fines&Forfeitures Code Enforcement fine collection higher than Community Development 21,540 5,385 10,453 5,068 48.53% anticipated Library 9,275 2,319 1,605 (713) 17.31% Public Safety 50,300 12,575 12,534 41 24.92% 51,115 20,279 24,592 4,314 30.32% Miscellaneous Insurance Refunds 8,379 8,379 0.00% Insurance refunds are not budgeted Sales of Surplus 0.00% Other 13,240 3,310 4,925 1,615 37.20% Miscellaneous items 13,240 3,310 13,304 9,994 100.45% Interest 61,755 15,440 2,764 (12,675) 4.45% N/A-Prior year purchase order carryover, Small Business Grant canyover,Use of Appropriated Fund Balance 222,574 55,644 (55,644) 0.00% developer fees Total Revenues: $ 17,627,295 $ 4,406,825 $ 9,941,291 $ 5,534,467 56.40% The Village of North Palm Beach General Fund Expense Analysis 1st Quarter Ending December 31,2012 %of FY 2013 Fiscal Year 2013 25%of Annual Actual 1st Quarter Variance Over(Under) Bud get Budget Budget Ending Dec.31,2012 (Quarterly Basis (Target 25% Comment General Government: Council Donations,Memberships are front loaded;Council Village Council 156,206 39,052 45,568 6,517 29.17% Chambers recording system had to be replaced Village Manager 270,547 67,637 69,461 1,824 25.67% Annual holiday party is one time expense;Employee holiday Human Resources 278,789 69,697 84,097 14,399 30.160 gift baskets weren't budgeted Finance 548,589 137,147 143,302 6,155 26.12% Information Technology 335,013 83,753 89,597 5,844 26.74% Village Attorney 164,437 41,109 28,771 (12,339) 17.50% Village Clerk 298,377 74,594 74,780 186 25.06% General Services-Village Hall 111,209 27,802 22,114 (5,688) 19.88% Public Safety: BOCC$12.50 expense for radios;Upfront annual costs; Unused vacation reimbursement;Special Detail Law Enforcement 4,591,169 1,147,792 1,338,337 190,545 29.15% revenue/expense not budgeted Fire Rescue 2,764,051 691,013 760,936 69,923 27.53% Increase in Fed.Medicare licensing fees;Upfront annual costs General Services-Public Safety 102,399 25,600 23,516 (2,084) 22.97% Public Works: Public Works Admin 361,589 90,397 113,963 23,566 31.52% Unused vacation reimbursement Sanitation 1,470,061 367,515 370,695 3,180 25.22% Facility Services 621,085 155,271 154,260 (1,012) 24.84% Streets&Grounds 1,248,690 312,173 299,399 (12,773) 23.98% Vehicle Maintenance 436,384 109,096 100,226 (8,870) 22.97% Community Development&Planning. Community Planning 337,983 84,496 78,451 (6,045) 23.21% 1 Employee termination related costs;Temp agency hired for Building 503,348 125,837 162,616 36,779 32.31% additional help Code Enforcement 131,617 32,904 28,089 (4,815) 21.34% Leisure Services: Upfront costs(contractual svc,memberships, Library 674,994 168,749 196,457 27,709 29.11% publications,etc.) Recreation 973,011 243,253 233,719 (9,534) 24.02% Park Maintenance 0.00% Pool 363,414 90,854 67,719 (23,134) 18.63% Special Events 88,000 22,000 21716 (19,284) 3.09% Tennis 475,136 118,784 121,695 2,911 25.61% Reserves&Other: Debt service - 0.00% Contingency 6,200 1,550 - (1,550) 0.000/0 Transfer In/Out - - - 0.00% Non-Departmental 315,000 78,750 71,850 (6,900) 22.81% Total Expenditures 17,627,298 4,406,825 4,682,335 275,510 26.56%