FY 2012-2013 Budget Highlights Accomplishments 21 1 1 Present Village Council • Since 2007 the Village's General Fund budget has David B. Norris, Mayor been reduced by$1,938,909 which represents a 9.97%decrease. William L. Manuel,Vice Mayor • The Village's Full-Time Workforce has been r g Darryl C.Aubrey, Sc. D., President Pro Tern reduced by 36 positions (through outsourcing and redeployment strategies) with absolutely no Robert A. Gebbia, Councilman negative impact upon municipal provided services. Doug Bush, Councilman • Ad-Valorem taxes have also been reduced by �J�L/L Vag $2,121,244 for that same period.. Ed Green,Village Manager • The Village has brought into the General Fund Melissa Teal, CMC,Village Clerk xaggfi earm (�� 0^� �over $3.3 million in Local, State and Federal Grants for such projects as: • New Tennis Facility at the NPBCC • Restoration of Lakeside Park FY 20122013 • NPBCC swimming pool deck and fencing 1 • Renovation of Anchorage Park x Q Budget Highlights • The Village has successfully updated all Village facilities to embrace and encourage greater utilization of those amenities. • The Village has successfully paid off all General Fund debt service instruments (5 loans total) and is now DEBT FREE! Village of North Palm Beach 501 U.S. Highway One • The Village maintains a very healthy unassigned North Palm Beach,FL 334o8 fund balance of $10,688,659 which equates to 61%of the FY2013 budget. Phone: 561-841-3380 a • The Village's Public Safety Department, Police Fax: 561-848-3344 Best T[QCe t0 �Z7Je Division received National Re-accreditation Vnder tfw Sun" through C.A.L.E.A. • The Village's Finance Department was awarded E . the coveted Government Finance Officers Associ- ation (GFOA) "Certificate of Achievement Award" for its FY2011 Certified Annual Financial f `' Report as well as the "Distinguished Budget Award"for its FY2012 Annual Budget Document. kik, • - - Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Budget 1 1 The budget is a plan (both financially and policy driven) for the accomplishment of goals and objectives identified as T�rr1k'iffrtfirwrdr ,rarJ�carda l21013b,rdxr�isshr+wubrfrrn; being necessary to the purpose of our local government. GENERAL ENTERPRISL00 515,199,930 As a financial plan, the budget includes estimates of FUND 130U NTRY QILUBJ TOTAL resources required, tax and non-tax revenues available to ESTINIATEDREVENUES: support implementation and the number of positions Ad VALOREMTA0$ $ 9,844,751 9,644,75d estimated to fulfill the levels of service set forth by policy UTILITY SERVICE TAXES 2,119,414 2,919,414 yr�b,7030 =R�cuc:iLn FRANCHISE FEES 1,085,589 1,085,5$9 decisions. In other words, the "budget" is the legal � of ssg.sa� authorization to expend Village funds during the fiscal year. SALES BUSE TAxes 266,806 268,076 LICENSES AND PERMITS 664,212 16134,212 "! n INTERWVERN4IENTAL REVENUE 1,224 939 1,324 This past fiscal year has been a financial challenge for all 939 OHARCrES RR SERVICES 21023.07 3,753,972 5,777,509 9,rU0 9]4 of us. The Village Council and Administration have made a FINES AND FORFEITURES 131,115 81,115 N conscientious effort to be as frugal as possible with Village WSCELLAHEWS 1690 195,061 365,059 resources. As a result, we have placed the Village in a very TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 17,499724 3948933 21,448657 favorable financial position as we maneuver through these difficult economic times. The Village (General Fund) EXPENDITURES!EXPENSES: 'j9,504,4rJ0 recently attained historic Debt Free status meaning the GENERAL COVE RNMENT $ 2,151,131 2,151,131 1dVala n LIFY:0'2 Village has no outstanding loan obligations. This achieve- PUBLIC SAFETY 7,457,619 7,457,619 riFY:0, ment is especially significant given what some might term PUBLIC WORKS 4,133,850 4,133,850 "the worst economic times since the great depression." COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEM 860,740 EN,740 PAR N5 AND RECREATION 1,886,390 1,836.39n Budgeted ' 1 1 The Village of North Palm Beach was incorporated as a LIBRAAN 474,991 674,594 political subdivision of the State of Florida in 1956. Village NON DE PARTA1ENTAL 315,000 43,881 336,881 government operates under the Council-Manager form of GOLF 240.651 2,240,651 Genera:Fund Pesi om FOOD&BEVERAGE $03,950 903,850 government. The Village Council's COUNTRY CLUB ADMINI5TRATaOIN 125,933 125,033 mission is to provide the highest OPERATIHGTRAN CERSOUT # 'A� quality of service to the residents of MER 126,667 126,067 160 ,,r>R LAB North Palm Beach in the most DEBTS€Ft19CE 569,451 50,451 140 t+�1118� efficient, effective, and fiscally rOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDrNR5S 7499724 3948933 21,448657 1:0 responsible manner by providing 160 sound, clear policy guidance that *.N orr.-GouNOherd&d�vjAhurr+frAawifioge rape ty G.47723MIA encourages, promotes, protects, and s° improves the welfare of the Village of to North Palm Beach, ensuring that Total Budget 40 North Palm Beach remains "the 10 best place to live under the sun." o .DD 2010 20 1 �131 �13 Th e Village provides a full range of municipal services ■rutr,r� -+3 t•a 139 x 78,Daa,�a0 including Public Safety, Sanitation, Recreation, Library, 310.004,000 ,$ Streets & Roads Maintenance, Public Improvements, Planning, Zoning & Building, and General Administrative $14.005,050 r Services. The Village also manages an enterprise opera- $ti�-DDa,Dao T 9 9 p p Improving and strengthening tion which is the operation of its golf and Count Club. sT0:00v,Da0 aFr2012 p 9 Country ■ � customer service while 58.0 Da,Da0 o FY 2073 55.005,050 fostering local neighborhood relationships continues to be a $4.0U5,050 primary focus in the - 12.005,050 r FY2012/13 budget. The Village Genemi Fund Enterprise rund continues to evaluate and re-focus on-going services II bL _ - toward essential / high-value --� - service areas that "we do best." This allows contractual Enterprise Fund increase due to the Village assuming control of the - _ - Country Club Restaurant/Bar and Banquet Services. opportunities that improve resident service quality while restraining or reducing Village costs.