2008-010 Supporting FL League of Cities Legislative Issues• RESOLUTION 2008-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA URGING MEMBERS OF THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO SUPPORT LEGISLATION PROTECTING MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY, ENSURING MUNICIPAL FISCAL STABILITY AND SUPPORTING MUNICIPAL HOME RULE DURING THE 2008 LEGISLATNE SESSION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTNE DATE. WHEREAS, as Florida's population wntinues to increase, municipalities aze challenged to meet the service demands and infrastructure needs to account for new growth; and WHEREAS, a majority of Florida's municipalities aze challenged to meet the increasing infrastructure, affordable housing, transportation, and water quality needs of their citizens; and WHEREAS, the state has imposed greater accountability in comprehensive planning and fiscal feasibility standazds on municipalities; and WHEREAS, Florida's municipalities are dependent on other governmental entities for financial stability, and presently the state, wunties, and school districts control every funding source that has been authorized for implementing growth management capital improvements and complying • with concurrency requirements; and WHEREAS, municipal self-determination and local self-government aze constantly under attack from a vaziety ofpublic and private interests; and WHEREAS, the role and function of municipal government is constantly evolving because of new demands from its citizens and businesses. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The following recitals are ratified as true and incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council ofthe Village ofNorth Palm Beach, Florida urges Governor Charlie Crist and the members of the Florida Legislature to support legislation that: • Reauthorizes the affordable housing trust funds and preserves the documentary stamp fee as the funding source for the trust funds and removes the legislative cap on fund distribution; • Enhances public notice ofand participation in state environmental permitting processes; • • Fully funds state growth management mandates and provides municipalities with state and local option revenue sources to meet financial feasibility requirements and infrastructure demands; • • Allows municipalities and counties to reclassify businesses, professions, and occupations and establish new rate structures for local business taxes on a periodic basis; • Enhances municipal control over municipal employee pension plan management and funding; • Preserves and protects property rights of mobile home owners when mobile home pazks are rezoned, but not in a manner that requires removal costs to be the responsibility of local governments; • Broadens municipal home rule and other authority to issue tax-increment financed bonds and other forms of indebtedness without approval by referendum; • Provides an equitable, dedicated and recurring revenue source for municipal transportation trust fund revenues to balance the state budget; • Prohibits the Florida Department of Transportation from eliminating, deferring, or delaying capacity improvement projects contained in the 5-year Work Plan when it negatively impacts the comprehensive plan of the local government; • Authorizes the use of electronic traffic infraction detectors at traffic intersections; and . • Maintains or increases funding ofthe state Water Protection and Sustainability Trust Fund. Section 3. The Village Clerk is directed to provide a copy of this resolution to Governor Charlie Crist, Senate President Ken Pruitt, House Speaker Marco Rubio, and the Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation, the Florida League of Cities, and such other persons and entities as the Council may direct. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 24th DAY OF JANUARY 2008. (Village Seal) ~2~~ .~ L~~~~'~~ ~~ Page 2 of 2