2008-003 Emergency Repair of Storm Drain Pipe• RESOLUTION 2008-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING A CONTRACT AWARD TO D.S. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION TO PROCEED WITH THE REPAIRS TO A STORM DRAIN PIPE ON EASTWIND DRIVE AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO EXECUTE SAME; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village wishes to proceed with the repair of a storm drain pipe located at 660 Eastwind Drive; and WHEREAS, Village Administration recommends that the contract be awarded to D.S. Eakins Construction Corporation by piggy backing the existing Palm Beach County Contract # 06139A, "Crews with Equipment, Rental of in Palm Beach County;" and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the adoption of this Resolution is in the best interests ofthe Village. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE • OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council hereby approves the contract with D.S. Eakins Construction Corporation for the repair of a storm drain pipe on Eastwind Drive and authorizes the Mayor and Village Clerk to execute the contract on behalf of the Village, a copy of which is attached hereto. Section 3. The cost ofthis contract shall not exceed $16,200.00 and shall be funded utilizing budgeted funds from Account #A7321-33491 (Public Works -Street Maintenance -Contractual Services). Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 10th DAY OF JANUARY, 2008. (Village Seal) ,.((/" YOR ATT-EST: VILLAGE CLERK AGREEMENT FOR REPAIRS TO STORM DRAIN PIPE EASTWIND DRIVE This Agreement is made as of the /O~1 day of /v ,4/ , 200 by and between the VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 501 U.S. Highway ne, North Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, 33408, a Florida municipal corporation ("VILLAGE"), and D.S. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION, P.O. Box 530185, Lake Park, FL 33403, a Florida corporation, hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACTOR, whose Federal LD. is 59-1691997 RECITALS WHEREAS, the VILLAGE is in need of a contractor to make necessary repairs to a storm drain pipe located at 660 Eastwind Drive; and WHEREAS, Palm Beach County, through its competitive selection process, awarded and renewed County Contract No. 06139A to the CONTRACTOR for the County's annual "Crews with Equipment, Rental of in Palm Beach County" contract; and WHEREAS, the VILLAGE requested and the CONTRACTOR provided a proposal for the VILLAGE'S repairs to a storm drain pipe on Eastwind Drive based on pricing under County Contract No. 06139A; and WHEREAS, the VILLAGE desires to accept CONTRACTOR's proposal by piggy-backing County Contract No. 06139A including all terms, conditions and pricing therein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Recitals. The parties agree that the recitals set forth above aze true and correct and are fully incorporated herein by reference. 2. County Contract. County Contract No. 06139A with the CONTRACTOR, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", is hereby expressly made a part of this Agreement as fully as if set forth at length herein. 3. CONTRACTOR'S Proposal. In accordance with the terms and conditions in County Contract No. 06139A, the CONTRACTOR shall provide all goods and services as stated in its proposal to the VILLAGE and the Scope of Work prepared by the VILLAGE. The CONTRACTOR'S proposal is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and the Scope of Work is attached hereto as Exhibit "C". Both documents are hereby expressly made a part of this Agreement as fully as if set forth at length herein. The goods and services to be provided by the CONTRACTOR shall be commenced subsequent to the execution and approval of this Agreement by the VILLAGE and upon written notice from the VILLAGE to proceed. 4. Conflict of Terms and Conditions. Conflicts between documents shall be resolved in the following order of precedence: A. This Agreement B. Exhibit "A" (County Contract No. 06I39A) C. Exhibit "B" (CONTRACTOR'S proposal). D. Exhibit "C" (Scope of Work) 5. Comnensation to CONTRACTOR. Payments by the VILLAGE to the CONTRACTOR under this Agreement shall not exceed the amount of compensation stated in the CONTRACTOR's proposal. CONTRACTOR shall submit invoices to the VILLAGE for review and approval by the VILLAGE'S representative, indicating that goods and services have been provided and rendered in conformity with this Agreement and then will be sent to the Finance Department for payment. CONTRACTOR will invoice the VILLAGE in advance for each payment period. Invoices will normally be paid within thirty (30) days following the VILLAGE representative's approval. CONTRACTOR waives consequential or incidental damages for claims, disputes or other matters in question arising out of or relating to this Agreement. In order for both parties herein to close their books and records, CONTRACTOR will clearly state "final invoice" on the CONTRACTOR'S final/last billing to the VILLAGE. This certifies that all goods and services have been properly performed and all charges have been invoiced to the VILLAGE. Since this account will thereupon be closed, any and other further charges if not properly included in this final invoice are waived by the CONTRACTOR. The VILLAGE will not be liable for any invoice from the CONTRACTOR submitted thirty (30) days after the provision of all goods and services. 6. Period and Renewals. This Agreement shall be for the term as indicated on the County Contract No. 06139A. Extensions or renewals to said County Contract or any modification including new products, terms, or price changes to the County Contract shall be submitted by the CONTRACTOR to the VILLAGE for approval. In the event said County Contract expires and no new contract is let by the County, VILLAGE reserves the right, upon written agreement with CONTRACTOR to renew this Agreement under the same terms and conditions for an additional period of one (1) year. 7. Insurance. CONTRACTOR shall obtain and maintain during the term of this Agreement all insurance required under the County Contract No. 06139A with the VILLAGE named as an additional insured. 8. Warranty/Guaranty. Unless a longer period is stated in the County Contract No. 06139A, CONTRACTOR wan•ants that its goods and services provided under this Contract will be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year following delivery and completion of those goods and services. 9. Miscellaneous Provisions. A. Failure of a party to enforce or exercise any of its right(s) under this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of that parties' right to enforce or exercise said right(s) at any time thereafter. B. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Any and all legal action necessary to enforce the Agreement will be held in Palm Beach County. No remedy herein conferred upon any party is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy, and each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise. No single or partial exercise by any party of any right, power, or remedy hereunder shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof. C. If any legal action or other proceeding is brought for the enforcement of this Agreement, or because of an alleged dispute, breach, default or misrepresentation in connection with any provisions of this Agreement, the successful or prevailing party or parties shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees, court costs and all expenses (including taxes) even if not taxable as court awarded costs (including, without limitation, all such fees, costs and expenses incident to appeals), incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which such party or parties may be entitled. D. If any term or provision of this Agreement, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall, to any extent, be held invalid or unenforceable, to remainder of this Agreement, or the application of such terms or provision, to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected, and every other term and provision of this Agreement shall be deemed valid and enforceable to the extent permitted by law. E. All notices required in this Agreement shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, and sent to the addresses appearing on the first page of this Agreement. F. The VILLAGE and the CONTRACTOR agree that this Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between the parties, and that there are no promises or understandings other than those stated herein. None of the provisions, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement may be added to, modified, superseded or otherwise altered, except by written instrument executed by the parties hereto. Any provision of this Agreement which is of a continuing nature or imposes an obligation which extends beyond the term of this Agreement shall survive its expiration or earlier termination. jTHE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKI IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the VILLAGE and CONTRACTOR hereto have made and executed this Agreement for Repair of Storm Pipe at 660 Eastwind Drive as of the day and year first above written. D.S. EAHINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION By: Print Name: CINDI M. FRICK Position: VICR PRRSIDFNT VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH By: R. EDWARD M. SSEY MAYOR ATTEST: BY: ~ ~( M LISSA TEAL, VILLAGE CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY BY: ~~ VILLAGE ATTORNEY EXHIBIT "A" County Contract No. O6139A y 21 ~C ~, ~Dato~' Putct,saln j Depas,mrnt 50 Sourh Nililnry lied. Suise I'.0 uest Palm aeac9. FLJ741+-7199 (5aq 615~5R0~ Fn%: G5q 5I frG811 xn»v pacgovDOnJpar ^ Palm arach County Board o! Cnunry Commissioners Mldie L Greene. Chairperson Jed ](Dons. Piu chair lurch i. blar[cs lWrrrn H. Vrwdl Mary Mccarly curt Aamcsyn J<ss a. 5anamaria June 19, 2007 DsEAOOOI Cindi M. Fdck, Vice President D. 5. Eaklns Conabuetlen Corporatlen PO Box 830185 Lake Park, Florida 33403 Dear Vendor; Form L RE: TERM CONTRACT #:06138A Is ro Inrotm yov that Palm Baach County Board of County Commlasionem is entadng a Term Contnct with your company ror Crewe u E ui man( Re tel of in Pelm :h Coun eased an one o[ the rollawing: pq RENtYVA1 OF BID#: OB-1391PR to Fnclude a 2_655 inereaae in unit price{s) based on farm and condRlon #J4. [ J EXTENSION OF BIAIRFq#: SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT #: Venda ahsll nrday PurrJatdne laanpdiateb M rl,. ode soared eraorr ohnnan. J STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT M: OTHER: PRIMARY Vendor All Lot's Tm of mis contract is Auaust 15.2007 through Auaual 1a, 2008. The Bsttmaled dollar ror all awarded vendors Is 2W 425.00. The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subJect ro the arallability of funds lawfuly appmprlated for Its purpose by fhe State of Florida and the Beard ofCOUnty Commiseloners. Beach County Departrnents will issue hard wpy orders agatnat this contract as your rtzaiion to delWer. All imroices must reference each unique document number. have any queationa, please contact Phil Rldplfo. Senor Dtrrer at (56116f 8-0823. County adminirtrstor aobcrt 4yrirman •An <~ ryar.~.my ,Sry;..no nnr nrnu., nmpn~.: Dlr ctor of Purch sr~~~l c: Reltl Raymond, Parks 8 Recreation Ray Boyne, Road 8 Bridge Roberta Carlagno, Enginaaring 8 Public Works ~ Larry Schaper, F D 8 0 . Chuck Kenfleld, Airports Verraetha Green, Water Utilities File pktlcdan rorlc`nCPy+er ~ C F rth L ~ n Y~ o August 15, 2008 ~ a • • DSF140001 ~OR1~P Clndi M. Frlek, Vlee President D. 3. Eakins Construction Corporation PO Box 530183 rbrcwsUq aetKn>nenr Lake Park, Florida 33403 sa smnn Mihnry Tnn, style Ilo Dear Vendor: RE: TERM CONTRACT #:08139 W<at Palm Beach. FL 334154199 Iwu ala~aeoo This is to inform you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Is entering Into a Term Contract with your company for Crews with Eauloment. Rental of in Palm rrV(: ($bn blb~aBll Beach County, based on one of the fOlhiwing: wwwpbcgo¢comlpur [X] BID (IFB) #: OB-1391PR ^ [ ] RENEWAL OF BIDIRFO #: in accordance with all original terms, conditions, speei8cations and prices with no deviation. tabn ~,~, ce„nry [ ] RENEWAL OF BIDIRFO #: to Include a _% Increase In unit price(s) eoaN or Co•nty based on term and condition #_ Comminionen [ ] EXTENSION OF BIDIRFO #: Tony NasiloM, Chairman AdAie L. Greene, Vice Chairperson [ ] SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT #: Venaor shell nellfy Purchasing ImmaEbley Irthe Bole source atatua ehaneee. Kann lMarcus - [ ] STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT #: )en Noons Warren H. Newell [X] OTHER: PRIMARY Vendor All Lot's Nary McCarty The term of this contract is AUCUSt 15, 2006 through August 14.2007. The estimated dollar value for all awarded vendors Is 5425.000.00. Burt Aaronson The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the State of Florida and the Board of County Commissioners. ~°°nay AEminbrnme Palm Beach County Departments will Issue hard copy orders against this contract as your Kobert Weisman authorization to deliver. All Invoices must reference each uhique document number. If you have any questions, please contact Phil Ridolfo, Senior Buver at (5611 616.6823. Sin re ly , ~, ~~~~~~~/~ ~ ~~ J Kath een M. Searlett DI for of Purchasing e: Reid Raymond, Parks & Recreation Steve Strong, Road 8 Bridge Roberta CaMagno, Engineering & Public Works •,In r9aaloppo.mnly Larry Sehaner, F D 8 O nJ/1.marH<n<rion aapra3e Chuck Kenfield, Airports Vernetha Green, Water Utlllties File pmnedon rac3deC{vper Board ~" Cpunty Commissioners Tony Mos'ildtti, Chairman ACllie L. Greene, Vice Chairperson Karen T. Marcus Jeff Koons ~!zrreh H. Newell .dary McCarty Burt Aaronson .s~~ cOo p<ORI~P BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NOTICE OF SOLICITATION BID #06-139/PR. County Administrator Robert Weisman Purchasing Department www.pbcgov.comlpur CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT BID OPENING DATE: JULY 13. 2006 AT 2:00 P.M. It is the responsibility of the bidder to insure that all pages are included. Therefore, all bidders are advised to closely examine this package. Any questions regarding the completeness of this package should be immediately directed to Palm Beach County Purchasing Department (561) 616-6800. It is requested that all bids be submitted in triplicate, one original and two copies. BIDDERS SHALL SUBMIT, IN A SEALED PACKAGE OR CONTAINER, AT LEAST ONE ORIGINAL, SIGNED IN INK BY AN AGENT OF THE COMPANY HAVING AUTHORITY TO BIND THE COMPANY OR FIRM. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CAUSE FOR REJECTION OF YOUR BID. .,all bid Hotline number 795080 (from Palm Beach County), 425-7420 (from Broward County), or 655- 4527 (from Dade County) or tune in to the Education and Government Television Cable Channel for a list of additional advertised "Invitations for Bid" and "Requests for Proposal". The Bid Hotline also provides updates on posted award recommendations. This same information, to include posted award information, is available on our web site www.pbcgov.com/pur. Protests can be accepted only during the five (5) business day posting period. CAUTION Amendments to this Invitation for Bid will be automatically sent only to those vendors who.received this document directly from Palm Beach County Purchasing Department. Palm Beach County shall not be responsible for the completeness of any Invitation for Bid package not purchased directly from Palm Beach County Purchasing Department. In accordance with the provisions of ADA, this document may be requested in an alternate format. 50 South Military Treil, Suite 110,. West Palm Beach, FL 33415-3199 (561)616-6800 FAX: (581)616.8811 Page 2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOf Palm~Beach County INVITATION FOR BID 81D NO: OB-139IPR BID TITLE: Crews With Equipment. Rental of, Term Contract PURCHASING DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Phil Ridolto, Senior Buyer TELEPHONE NO.: 561.616.6823 FAX NO.: 561.242.8723 EMAIL ADDRESS: pritlolfo(dco.oalm•beach.fi.us All bid responses must be received on or before July 13, 2008 ,prior to 2:00 p.m., Palm Beach County local time, at which time all bids shall be publicly openetl and read. SUBMIT BID TO: Palm Beach County Purchasing Department, 50 South Military Trail, Suite 110, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415-3199. This InVItt100 for Bid, General CondPoans, InsWCtions to Bidders, Special Cond'NOns, Specifioaeons, AHachment, Amendments (% issued), and/or any oNer referenced document form a pan of this Did solicit0on and response thereb, and by reference are made a part Meraof. The selected awardee shall be bountl by all terms, mnditlons arW requirement in these documents. PURPOSE AND EFFECT: It Is the purpose all intent o/ Mb invitdon to secure bids for Item(s) and/or serWces as Ittetl herein. The selected avvardee is hereby placed on notice that acceptors of Its bid by Patm Beach County shall wnsOtute a binding contract. GENERAL CONDITIONS, INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. GENERAL INFORMATION bidder and Pall Bead) Count' for any terms antl mMlHans cot speiiAmlry sited in Ma Im%aeon for Bid. 3idderm are advised Mat Mb package mnsetuts Me complete set of fpetJAratlao, burls, and con0idms rrhkll farms Me binding mnDad »Meen Pekin Beadl County and Me 5trmassNl bidder. Changes b MU 'ratlm for bid may be made fail (by wdben ameMnem Issued et' Ma my PurMasing OepammenL aidders are Nnher atlWSetl b tlosdy imnlirro every seNm d MU tlommml b ensure Mat all sequentlalty cambered pagm era present, and b ensure Mat it b Nlh understood. luestlms m retluasb for ezptnae0ns Or mferprefaaons o/ MU doament cocas be submitted b Me Purmasing Oeparbnenl cookie in wnMio In uMdent Wrle k pemtlt a wdden response an0, %requlred, will be provitled > all progpectlve bidders, prior to 010 apenirg. Orsl esptnatlms or usbuctlons given by any County agent are not billing antl should nd be ikrpreted az allanng any provision of MU docment. Bidder cergfies Nat cis bid U matle wlMmt reliance m any oral representHore made by Ins ounry. ne odigaHms d Palm Bead) County un0er MU award are subJed b Me +albDiliy o/ Nnds IawWity apprapdalm for it purpose. LEGAL REgUIREMENTS COMPUau wrtll yye un CODES: Federal, Stt, County and Imal Uws, aAinances, rule and regulalbns Mat in any manner a%etl the Ikms covered nerein apply. Latlc o/ knowletlpe DY Ma bitltler spell In m way be a cause for relkr ham resporalbAiry. The successM doder shop surety mmpry will Federal, Stb and loll Dutldlrg all eatery meas. Equipment chap meet aR Site and Feoegl _ Sakry regulatlap. Bidder ceNAaz Mal all protluds (makdaU, equlpmenL processes, d other aims supptleO In response b MU bkQ cmtina0 In w Ntl meet all O.S.N.A. ANSI, NFPA one all oMer Federal and Stb rmulydnenb. Bidder Wnher certMas Thal. I/ II U Me suaxssNl Olddeq and Me predud delFrereO b subsequently fom0 b be oefldent m any d Me aforementlOned requirement in e%ed m dale 01 debvery, aU mgt nemgbary t0 bring the prodad info compliance shall be bame by Ma bidder. ~^ mmplUnce viM Chapkr 142, Floma StWles, any teat subsbnce rsldtlng hORI MU DM shall be aasmpanied DY a pwpady completed nbkdal Saley bat Sheet (MSDS). TM Uniform Cmvnerdal Cade (Florka Sttutes, Chapkr 672) shall prevail 89 Me Drib br mntracNal obligaHMO beMreen Me sumessNl b. DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED: Pall Beatll Cmnry U mmmided b easudrg equal opportunlry In ere swam of mntrads and canptles will aA bws prenibitMg disdiminatlOn. The summsNl bidder is proNbiteO ham otaiminatlnp against arty empbyoe, applicenl ar d1eM because of race, color, religion, dWdllry. Sea, age, aztlOnel ongin, ancestry, maribl stNS, oraenral onentnm. e. INDEPENDENT LON7RACTOR RELATIONSHIP: The suaessNl bidder Is, antl snail be, in Me performance al all work, services, and actlNtles under Mt Cmbacl, an Independent Cmuador and ml an employee, agent. or servant Of are COUNiI'. All persons engaged in any of Me work or services penwmetl pursuant b Mt Contrail snag at aH times, all in a0 places, be subled b tlw successNl bltltlers sale dheetlm, supervtim, all control. Toe sumesshrl Dlotler shall esertlse control over Me means and manner M caplet It arM It empbyees penarm Me work, ono m a0 respect Me sumessNl bitldefs rektlonship, all Me MaBmship of it empbyem, b Ore COUNTY snail De Mal o/ an IndePerbenl Contractor an0 cwt as employees a agent of Me CAUN7Y. d. LRIMINAi HISTORY RECORDS CHECK ORDINANCE: Pursuant W Omirlanm 2003030, Hie Palm Beaty County CNninal F4NOry Remrtls Check ONinanm (•ONinance'), Me County shall mMUd flngerpdnt basso f+inanal hUtory redxtl drerxs m all permom not employed pt' Ma Count' who repair, delNer, a previde goods or aenioes hx, b, or m banal/ of the Camry. A lmgerpnnt basso dlmlrMl nUlory record Dark snag be mnMrdeO m a9 empbyees and aubmntractas of vendors, Indudirg repatr pennons and delivery persons, woo are urwsmrted when enbnng a bdAy Oelemdnntl b be dltlol b Me puDlk sarery sib semnry of Me Count'. Cwnry ttllitles Mat require MU helphknetl level d semdry are identlfled In ResduHOn R•2003-727a, az may ba amanaed. 7Te eMOer U 9dely respOnslNa for undermtaMing Me finandal, schedule, and slamnB knglraHms of Mis Ordinance. Fuller, tlk bidder adnowletlges Mat It bM prim IndWas any and all dared ar IMirecl cosh assodated will compliance of Mis Ominance, except tar Me applicebk FOLFIFBI fees Mat snail be paid et' Me county. e. PUBLIC ENTRY CRIMES: F.S. 287.133 requires Patrn Beads Cmnry b rotly aA Didtlerm d Me Idbwing:'A person or affiliak cane has Oxen placed m Me mnvided varMOr IUt following a mnvidbn M a publk Page 3 ¢ntity crime may not submit a bid on a cmtrad with a Dublb entity for the mnswcllon or repair pl a public building or public work, may not submit bids m leases a real property to a public entity, may not be awamed w pedwm vwh as a oanbaUw, supplier, subcontraUer, or mnsulbnt antler a ppnireU with any public entity, and may not vanxd business with any public entity in excess of me mreshUd ammnt provided in F.S. 287.07 71pr CATEGORY TWO (ar a period of O6 months born the date of being plead m me Cgnviaed vendor IisL' order. Any arm all legal action necessary to enforce Ne award or me resulbnl cpnuaU shall ba heal in Palm Beall Count' and me mntraUUal obligations shall be Inbrpreteo according to me tors a Florida. m. LEGAL EXPENSES: The Count' shall na De Ibble to a bidoer for any legal tees, court costs, pr other legal expenses arising from dre interyretation or enWreement o/ cols melted, or from any omw mailer genereted by ar relating to mis tmtreU. L NONLOLLUSION: Bidder cerfifia that it haz entered into no agreement W commit a haudulenL tleceiWl, unlawWl, w vnmgM ad, w any ad which may result In unfair advantage far one w mare bidders over timer bitloem. CamiUion for me Canmissim of any head a all a cdksim In connection win any sale, bid, quobtim, proposal w Omer ad Intltlenl m clang business with Palm Beall County may result in permanent debarment No premiums, rebates w greWllies are permitled; eimer with, poor ro or after any tlelivery of material pr proNSim of xrWces. My such vidatlm may result in award cencepation, realm of materials, dbmntinuatbn a aeMces, removal Irarrr me w;ndw bid Ilsgs), and/or debarment w suspension from doing business win Palm Bpch County. g. LOBBYING: Bidden era advised mat the 'Palm Beath County Lobbybt Regiatrapm Ominana' prohibits a bkder or anyone rewaxnting the Oiotler from mmmunipting win any Cmnry Cgmmissimer, County CommLssime/s sWH, w any emplpyx aulladzM b atl m behall a fire Cammixlon b award a partimlar moved regarding its dd, i.e.. a'COne of Silence'. The'COx a Silence' is in eReU /ran me datenime of me tlcedline for submbsion of me bid. and temunates at me time mat me Roam a County Cwhmissimere, or a Count' Oepartrnenl aumorized W as on meir Denalf, awams w approves a mntraU, re7eUS all bitls, ar omenvix take action which erne me soptlbtbn process. Bidden may, however, cantatl any County CommiuWner, Caunry Cammigsionefs stag, w any employee aumodzed W act m behaH of me Commission Io swam a particular mnirea, Na WdRen mmmudptlon I.e., balmile, small w U.S. mail. Yldatiom a tlre'Cona a Silence' are punishable by a fine of f250.00 per tiaation. h. C~NRICT OF INTEREST; NI bidden shall distlose win meir bid me name of any oMcer, tlireUw, w agent who is also an empbyea w a relative at an empbyee of Palm Beall Count'. Furthw, all bidders snail Disclose me name of any County emplpyx or rebtlve a a Cmnty employee woo awns, directly w indirectly, en mterast of ten percent w more In me bitldefs fine w any of ib trenches. L SUCGE39OR9 AND ASSIGNS The COUnty and me aumessWl dddw sate binds ibelf and ib sumesaon and assigns W me order Pell in respect W all provisiore of cols ContraU. Nelmer me County nor me xmesWl Oidtlar chap asdgn, sublet, mousy or transfer its mteyt in coca Cmvact Mmmt are prior wdhen consent of me Omer. 1~ INDEMNIFICATION: Regaraess of me coverepe provided by any insurance, me xcmssNl bNfder shall intlemnlly, save harmless and defend rrB Cmnly, ib agent, xwanb, w employees IM1bn and.- agynal any and all tlatrns, Haapry, losses arM/w poses dl action wltiuit may else horn anY negtlgent ad w wnission a fire xccessNl bMder, Its suboonlredors, agent, aervanb or emdoyaes during me course a Pedormirrg xrvicea w puxtl by me goods provitletl Pursuant W nee bb Oommenb gnaw resultant contract k. PUBLIC REC^RD9: Any material submiretl m responx to mis Irntteapn for dd b considered a publk tlpdrmenl in arcwdance win Sectlon 119.07, F.S. This includes malertal wTitll tln responding bitlder might consider to be conpdmral w a irede sauet Any claim a mptlentletiry b waive upon submission, effective after opening rursuantbSeWOn 719.07, F.S. L INCORPOReT1ON PRECEDENCE JURPiDICTiON: Thb Indblion ipr Brd anal) DB Indudatl and inmryoreted in me final swam. The cedar of mntradual Precedence shall ce me Did Oowment (odglnal temrs and mrrtlitiwra), ad response, all purUagB Ordw w tent confrecl ~. BIB SUBMISSION SUBMISSION OF RESPONSES: All bid response must be aubmltled on Ne pravide0 InvHagon for Bld "Relwnse' Form. Bld r6apw6aa wl vendor lettemeaaquobtlm forms snap trot be accepted. Reaponaes must be typewritten ar rRitten In InNr ono must DB signetl In Ink by an agent of the cwnpany having aumodty m arkf Ure tympany or fine. FAILURE TO SIGN 7HE BID RESPONSE FORM AT THE INDICATED PLACES SNALL BE CAUSE FOR REJECTION OF THE BID. Bid responses are te be submited te the Palm Beach CWnty Purrmagirg Department no later man the time indipted m me aditlbtlon preambte, and must De submitted in a sealed envebpe a container, which should have Ure enclosed address label affixed ono bearing me bid number. b. CERTIFICATIONS LICENSES AND PERMRS: Unleaz omenviae tlireetetl In wD•paregreph d. (Loral Prehrenw) or me Special Cmditlpns of cob bid, Dldtler should intlude win Ib bio a copy of all applipbte Cemflpbs a CompaJenq issued Dy NB State d FNxiea w Ure Palm Beall County Consbuctim Industry Wcensing Bpm In are name of me Ndder shown m me bid response pope. It shall abo De me respoazibllity of me 5ucoassNl Oitlder tp submit pea b commencement a work, a anent Omupatipnal Liwrlse fa Patin Beach Count' and all permit ragWred to complete cob mntracbral xrWce al no ada0onal cost to Palm Beall County. A Patin Beall Count' Oaupalronal license Is regWretl unle5a spadfirallY exemprod by law. In Ilea of a Palm Bead) County ocmpatlonal limnse, me bldtler shoultl include Dre anent omupatlonal 6ceme Issued W erg Dldder in me response. II is m¢ raspmsibipry of me sumessWl bWdw m ¢nsure mat all regared cerafiptlms, licenses and permit am malnbined In lone and prtenl mroughmt me term o! me convect Failure to meet cola requvement shall ce considered default of mnvatl. c. SBE BIO DOCUMENT LANGUAGE Rem t -POliw It Is the pdicy a th Board of County Commissioners a Palm Beall County, Fbrida, mat BBE($) have ma maximum prectlcel opportunity to panidpate in Or0 mmpeWva process a supprytrrg goods and xnrices to me County. 7o that end, me epm of County Commissioners ebaished Onlinence No. 2002-086, which xb aorth me Cmnlys requirements for Ne SBE program, and am Incorporated In mig sditlbtlon. Comptiance win me requirement mnb'vwm In Nis section shall result in a bidder being tlxmetl respmsive b SBE requirement. The prpvisims of mis Ominanm era appliceae b mis saicRa0on, an0 steep have precedence over me provislms a cob adkpbpon M ma event a a conflict Alrrough yre/erenras will ndt be exlendea W mrtified AV WBEe. unless omerwise pmNded by law, businesses eligiae Iw certifiptim es ate MAYBE tiro encouraged b maintain meir ceaRcetbn In order to azsbl In ma Iretldng o/ MAYBE avaiWDiliry and awams of contracts to M/WBES. Thb~inlortnation is Npl m determining whemer rata and gender neutral pnprems assist MNJBE flmra w whether race and gender prelerenoes are rmcesxry ro order W aaaress any continue dsw'uninaam in me maheL Item ] - SBE Gdela Tne Cmnry has esbbtished a' minimum goal 0115% SBE penitlpation tar all Count' saldtatims. Thb goal is a minimum, and no rounding shall ba ecceptetl. Page d Item ] - Ranking o(Rasponaive Blddere Bitlders wflro meet the SBE gml shall De deemed to De respmsive la the SBE requremenl. When evaluaUrg compeUUve bids of up to one million dotlare (f7,000.000) in which me apparent low bidder is determined to De npnaesponsive b ma SBE requlremenL gro mntracl anell ce awarde0 tp gu low bl0der responsive b ttre SBE requbemenl, w, in me event mere are no D'Mtlers responsive b the SBE requirement. b me bidder w;m the greatest SBE panidpaeon in excess of seven percent (T%) pamtlpatlon, as bog as me Oid tlces not ezmed ma low Ditl amount Dy ten percent (70%~ In cease where me low bitl exceeds one million dollars (51,000,000), Vre ostrad snail Oe awarded to tlu low bidder espmsive b me SBE requiremenb, w, in gre event mere are m bitlders respomlve b me SBE requirements, to gre bdder wim me greatest SBE parUdpaflon In excess al seven percent (7%)~pamdpaUan, proN0e0 mat such bid does nil exceed gre bw bb omerosse respmsfve b me bid regWremanb by rtbre man one huntlred mousan0 ddbrs (5700,000) plus tlaee percent (3%) of me twat bM in excess w one million tlolurs (51,000,000). 6.d The County or Prime may moot Toward its SBE gml a porUm al me bbl tlotlar value of a mntrad wim a )dot venture, eligible antler me s7andaMS fw. cerflficefion, equal b me permnupe of me ownership end control w me SBE gannet in me pint venture. 6.6 The County or Pnme may oounl toward iu SBE goal me enure expeMltures Iw materials and equipment purchased Dy an SBE submntreclw, provided that me SBE submntrador has Ole responSiDiliy tw me insullaam al me purmased maredals ana equipment 6.6 Tha Cmnry w Pdma may count me entire ezpentlibre to an SBE manuFacbrer (i.e., a wpplier mat produces goods ham raw matenab w suD.9mntlaUy alters Ure goods Defwe resale). 6.T The Caunry w Ptlme may taunt sbry pumnt (60%) d Its expenNbre b SBE suppliers mat are not manWadurers. 6.8 The Count' w Pnme may moot toware Ib SBE goal second antl mind IIereO SBE subcpntraebm, provded mat gre Pdma Identifies tlw SBE wboonbadors as semntl and mtrtl Uer suns in greir Oitl wbmllrel, Item d • Bid Submhslon Documsnhtlon SBE latltlere, bidding as Mime omtredors, am advised mat they must cwnPUb Smedub t Ibanp me work b ba pedortned by tlrelr own worklotm as well as the wwk b ce pertwmed by any SBE a MNJBE suDmntractar. Failure b inrwda cob in/wrnatlon on SUedule t will reaWt in tl» parfltipatlon oY th SSE prbna bidtlere own workforce NOT being mooted towards rtleetlng the SBE goal. Thb requirement applisn even if Ne SBE gontracbr InuMa b perfartn 70096 0l me wwk wim Nair own workforce. Bbders are required to submit wim milt bM tlM appropnate SBE-MAYBE sdtetlulea In Oder to be deemed responsive b me SBE raquiremenb. SBE-MM/BE donanenbfim b be submgted b as lolbws: Schadub 7 Llel 0/ Proposed SBE and MIWBE Pnma SuDmnlrodpro Thb Ilsl shall mnbm me name plait SBE am MAYBE submntredors intended b De used In pedonnance d me mntrad, H awarded. The ype o/ work b be performed by cam submntrdctor and gre dollar value w percufnuge shall abo De spedfied. Thb srhetlule snail also m used it an SBE prone Milder b uUUdnp ANV submnoatlors. ScDedulelal 3 Legertsl rd Intent to Perform as en SSE or MNVBE SuDeantndor One Stlle0ure Z rw sell SBE and MlWBESuMUntradw Rstetl m SmedWe 1 anon ce cempbted and ezeculed by me proposed SBE and DWYBE Submntradw. AddiUOnal mples may be made as needed. ll 5 •SBB C rtlflratl Only those flint ceNfled Dy PaM eeaco County al tlm tlma w bid opemng snail Da muntetl towaro me esuDlisned SBE gmb. Upon remipt d a mmpkda applicetlon, R TAKES UP TO SIKTV (80) OAVS TO BECOME CERTIFIED AB AN 9BE WfTFt PALM BEACH CDBRTT. 11 b th responyibikry d me bitltler b confirm Tne cor8flmam d any propped SBE; mwmwe, II b recwnmended mat Mdtlere bbnud tlra OSBA al (587) 818.8810 to'ved(y cerafinaerin. "" Ham 8 - C uMi SBE P rtl i 11 I d MAYBE P rtIU tl [orTre ki P rooao 1 8.7 Onco a firth b aefemuned b ce an elleible SBE eccoming tome Palm Beam County cergfiraUOn prOwdurea, me Count' w me Pnme may moot bward Its SBE gcels mty mat portion of me tool Odor value of a mntrad perfomreE DY gie SBE. 6.2 Tne blal Odlar value p/ a omtrad wim an eligible SBE may De emnletl toward th goal. B.0 Tne Cmnry may count toward ib SBE t7oab the but value of a cmtrad awantetl ban efig3u SBE firm-mat subsmuantly b demmfled w whose mmfMaUOn Das expked altar a contract award tlab or whop me perbrtnanm of are cprmad. Hem 7 - Rrrooonelbllillss ARer Contract Award All bidders hereby assure mat grey shalt meat the SBE partltlpatlm percenuge9 su0miHed in greir respeNve bids wlm gre submntradws mnbinetl m Schedules 1 8 Z eM et me tldlar values spedlbtl. BWders agree b provide any addiDOnal intormatlon requested by me Cpwry b subauntlate partltlpatbn. TM wmesslul bdder shall submit an SBE•MN/BE ACgviry forth (SNedWe 3) and SBE-MM'BE Payment Certlflatlon Forms (Schewle d) wtm eatlr payment apDllcdflpn. FaBUre b proNda these lawns may revel[ In a Delay M process(ng DaYment w tlisapDroval of th Invdrut unN rosy are wbmlttM. Tne SBE•MAYBE Au4viry Forth b b ce filled out DY the Prime Conoactor antl me SBE-M/WBE Payment CerUflraem Fomu are b !b ezemlad Dy me SBE w MrWBE firm to yenry receipt d payment gain 8 •SBE SubatlMiom Auer mntrad aware, me suooesSNl bitlder shall mry be permitted b repWce a certi6e0 SBE subcontractor who b umvilling w unable b pertorm. SuM Su0.4atuUm must ce dine wim otlrer cemfled SEES m order b maintain gte SBE percenupea sutnnitled wim ma bid. Request fw wmtlbtlons must ba suDndHed b th Department Issuing me bid and ma 0.5B,e. Note: Where m¢re b a mnflid between me Local Prehrenco Ominance and gu SBE Ordinance, pre SBE Ordinance shall prevail. tl. LOCAL PREFERENCE; In amordance wim th Palm Beam Cmmy Local Pralerence Odinance, a prehrence will De given b Mddem who have a pertnanenl puco d bz4neu in Palm Beall County am who hoM a valid occopa6wW licwue Issued by th Count' tlut authorizes the Mdtlw to provide gre goods w seMms b De purmased. Local prelerence means gut H me bwest reaponaive. responsible bidtler b a regiorel w nm-bml Wsirreae, men atl bb9 recelvaO troth responsive, m5ponslMe local bdders ant eeweawN Dy 5%. Tne alpinal bid amount b mt.Uenged: Ue 6% deweaae b celmuted only /ar'me purposes d cebrmmmg local preferenco. To mcelva a bW pre/stance, a bdder must have a permanent plain of buairress In ¢tlaunce grraQrr pp ma C¢unrys Lvsuance N cob Notlce d SdidutkMnNbem fw Bid. Pnw to ma Cmntye bsuance means me date mat me Nmco d SoktlrofloMmibflpn Iw BW was etlvenised m me Palm Beads Post A pamlanent plain of business means mat th D'Mdefs Ireadquan¢ro b buatetl In Pehn Beam County; w, ma bidder bas a permanent olflce w otlrer site In Petro Beach Caunry Where me bbdw will produce a sub5untlal pratlon pl ' me goods w seMces b be plrWSe0. A valid ocapa6wul tkense Issued M Hre Palm Beam County Tax CAllerdw anaU ba usN b vertfy that the Mddw had a permanent plain of business pdw b IDs Issuance of gds Notlce of SditlulbMrMUtlpn fw Bid. A Pahn Beach County Owtpagmel Umnse b required unless aperdfiovy exampled `by law. In Ilea w a Pahn Beall Count' ocwpaflMal Umnse. thebidder shall Intlude tDe wrtanl occupaUwlal license blued b ma bdder In me response. Please note mat me Did Page 5 submitted re Palm Beach County must be from an address located ' in Palm Beach County In order lac local preference to appry. The Mdder must submit Ue abacned'Ceruficetlon of Business Location' alolg vim a copy a me bbdefs oxupatlonal license at Ire time a DM suDmisslon. Failure to submit Uis inlormation shall cause me Maser to ~ receive a locel prererenco. Palm Beam County may require a bidder to Dravida additional inlomwtlon I« darifrallon puryaxs al any 6me prior to me award of me cenUad. e. DRUG FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION: In complunce wiU Fbriea SreNte (Sectlon 287.087) amaMee fortn'Dnrg-Free Workplace Certificetion'should be Nlry executed all suDmiHed wiU Die response In order to be considered I« a preference whenever Mo (2) « more bids which are equal wiU reaped re price, qualiy, and saMce are received by Palm Beach County. may be pbreined in Ue market phce. The eetermination pt wnethar a particular offer «Md is materially unbalanced shall be made in wrung by Ue Purrhadng Director, dung Ue bash for Ue derenninauon. j. ,NONE%CLUSNE: Tne Count' mserves the right to acquire some « aU of Max goods and seMces mrpugh a State of Florida mnpaa under Ue pmvisbns of Settler 287.Oa2, Flonea Statutes, provided Ue State of Flontla centred oilers a taxer price for tlm same goods an0 seMces. This reservatlon applies been to Me Inltlal award of Ub sdidhtian ana b acquisifion ether a term mnaact may be awarded. AeeitbnaUy, PaM Beam County reserves Ua rigN m award omer wntiacb /or goods antl 9eMmn lolling wimin Me smpa of Uis sdMtation and resulant e«Itrad when Ua spadficetlons Oifler bocci Ub satidretlon « resultant mnhad, « for gaoe9 ono wMces spedfiatl in mis edidhtbn wren tie scope wbstanllally dHfm h«n Uis sotldhtian «rewlhnt oonbact }. CONDITIOMED OFFERS: Bltldeh are ceuuonetl Uat any condition, qualifigtlon, proWlon, « mnrtlent In Ueir Db, or in Omer wmapondence trenamilletl wiU Melr Md, vmiN In any way matllfles, takes exception re, or Is Imm~sistent vim Ne spedficeHans, requsemenb. « any of me temrs, mnditloib, « provLSions a Nis sdidlalion, b wH'idant cause f« me relection or Ueir bb as non- reapanslva. p. RP ICING: (1) Prices oReree must De Ue once for raw merchandise and Iree fr«n dafea. Unless speeiflptly requeshtl U Ue Me specUcetions, any bids cenbinlnp modlying or esceretian douses shall be rejected. (2) Bidder wananb by virNe a Mtlding Ual paces shall remain fimt f« a period of nmery (90) days from the dare of Dltl opening «otlrer fime dated In spedal conditions. (3) In Ue event of maUematlcel ertor(s), Ue unit pots shall prevail all Ue 6btleYS tohl offer Shall be cemedeo aa«dingry. BIDS HAVING ERASURES OR CORRECTIONS MUST BE INDIALED IN INK BV THE BIDDER PRHDR TO BID OPEN WG. IF THE CORRECTION IS NOT PROPERLY INITIALED, OR IF THE INTENT OR LEGIBILRY OF THE CORRECTION IS NOT CLEAR, 7NE BIO SNgLL BE REJECTED. (4) Bdders may offer a rasa d5munl (« prompt payment However, such dlawunb sha0 not be consbered in earermimlg Ue kw.asl rat cost lot Did evaluatlon purposes unMSS omerwise spedfietl In th spedal condlDone. Biddam snoub reflaa anY dlsmunb to be considered in Me unit prices bitl. h. SUBMITTING NO BID NO CHMCE: Bidders rrot wishing to Md on some flame sougnl by Uis saidtalbn snouts mark tlrose Hems as'no ble.' II some Items are m be otteretl et no tlrarge, bidders should meet moss items as'no tlhrge.' Items IeH blank snail be conslderetl a Yio Md' /« mat Item, orb th Md anall be avaluaretl aecpmingly. Bidders who do not wish m subMl Mtls on any Item In orb solltlbtian, snwM reDdn a 5retement of No Bid' in en envelope pWiny marked will th Mtl num0« and marked'NO BID.' 9CCEPTANCEREJEGTION OF BIDS: Palm Beach County mserves Ben npht m a«epl «re rejttt any «atl Mtls. Palm Beaty County also reserves Ue right to (1) valve any non•suberentlve irreguhritiea and tndUicelitles; (z) eject th Np of any bidder woo has pmviousy fallee, 'n Ue proper pertoimance of a mntraU of a~slmlbr naWm. wlb has been auspeMetl « bebertetl by anolner gpvemmanhl snot', « who b not U a poaMOn m peRam propery under Uis aware: antl (8) Inspect an htllltles a bitltlers in ab« re make a determinatlon as re ih adtiy b per(ortn. Palm Beaty County reserves Ua right re reject any offer or bitl it Me prices for any line Items «.sublUe Ilema ere materially unbaanced. An Deer Is mamrialy unbeWncee if it b mamematlcely unbaWnaro, and II Uem b reason m believe mat Ue ofM world ~ result m Me vast overetl cost m Me County. even Mough it b me bwesl aluared offer. An offer is maNpmatlcely unblanced I/ tl b based an Daces whlN are slgnlficently hss Man hh market prke for snore bid tine Ilan @!I!I dgnUCanty greater Man hair market price /« omer bid tlna Itenb, Fair market price shall be detemtinad based on Utlusby- '~ . ahndpreq, cdnpareble ads « orters, adatlng conaads, « oU« means of eshMlsltlrp a mope of wrrent prices for MHM Me line Items M. OFFER EXTENDED TO OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES: Pall Beach County enmureges orb agrees re Me sumsslul bidtler extending the pridng, terms orb cendltlons of Ub sdldhtipn « resultant centred m omer gpv¢mmeMal entities at Ue dbuetlon of Ue suaeasNl bdtler. I. PERFORMANCE DURING EMERGENCY: By wbmittlrrp a Ob, bidder agrees alb prolnlaes Mat, dutlnp one alter a public emergency, disaster. humcane, flood, «ecb of Coe, Palm BearU County shall be given 'first pnoriy f« all gootls ere SeMreg untlar Uis mnbaa. Bidtler agrees m provbe aN goods antl services to Palen Beall County eunrg and after me emergenuy/eleaster et Me remrs, mrbltl«u, all prices as provbee In orb sdid6tlan, all wiU a prionry above, a preference over, sales m Ue prhrare sector. Bitltler snail Nmbn a 24- hour phone number b the County In Me event of sots an emergenq. FaINre m provbe Ure staled pdpdry/preference dudng ere after an emergency/disaster snail crostlNre Dreatm of contract all make Ue bidder suDled to sanctions from Nnher Ouslness wiU Me County. 1. BID OPENWG/AWARD OF BIO a.:. OBSERVING 7NE PUBLI.4HE0 BIO OPENING TIME: ill publLMae Dld apenlrrp tMe atoll be scrupuleuslY obaervad. It is tlX sole respon.MbfUry of Me bldtler b ensure Uat meir bid amves in me PurWasing Departrrrent pri« b me publshed bitl openlrlg tuna, Any bid delhered after me predse grtre of DM opening snail not be oonsleered, and shall be reWmee re th Dldeer urbPerlatl II Oitltler bentMcetlon b posslNe witll0ut opedrp. Bid responses by mlephorre, relegrem, « hrsimlle snail not be accepted. Bbtlere shall not be allowed m moely Ueir Dills after tie published bid opening lima. b. POSTING OF AWARD RECOMMENDATION: RemmmaMed swabs alall be puDlitly poered for review, et Ua Purtlmslrlg Department prbr re fugal apProral, end shall remain posted far a period al five (5) Ouslnasa nays. Bidders desiring a ropy or me'bld poaNp summary may request same Dy entloabp a sett-addressatl, srempe0 enveope wIU meir bb. (NOTE: As a seMce to bdders, Me County provides an unoffidal 1i51 of award pu5tlnga on our web MIe at www obegov mmm all on our pfd MHlna, telephone 561-795 8080. These Ibtirgs are updated weeky, nomwly on Friday. II any discrepanq between Mesa IistUpe ana ore olfidel posting in tlm PurMasinp Oeparbrmn4 me reMr shall prevail.) c., PROTEST PROCEDURE: Protest procedures are provltle0 in me Palm Beach County Purchastrg'CDtle. ~~Proresb moat be In wdting, addressed b tie Director al Purtltaslnp, Itlentlfy th solldretion, seedy are Drib /or Ue protest, and be reahretl by Ue Purchaslnp Oeprlrbnent wlUln flue (s) Oudrresa days of the pwurg dare of the remmmerbee award. The Watosl b mnsberetl Netl when It~b recelvetl by Ure Purtlwslrq OapaNnent Failure b Ra prohsl as outllnetl In the Palm Beall Count' PurMasing Code snail constitute a waiver W procaedirga under ore referenced Crony Code. s. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION a., OELNERY AND ACCEPTANCE: Oeuvaries o/'atl urms-sha9 be ~_ ~- made as soon as pnsslde: Deliveries rewlung h«n Nb Db am m be made during Ue n«mel workurg hours of Ua County. Tore b W Ua essennn all delivery dares must be ma, SnwM the surx:essNl bidder fail re delNer on « behxe Ue shred dales, Ue County reserves Ula dent bCANCEL me abler « cerrtrad and make are purdbse Page s . elsewhere. Tne sua~asslul Didder shall ce responsible for makin8 any and afl Balms against wmtts tw missing or damagetl items. Delivered items snail ml be mnsidered'accepletl' until an auNOnzetl agent far Patin Beadl County nos, by inspection or test of such items. determined Hal they appear b Nlly comply vdtn spedfiwnore. The Boats d Canty Cammissimtts may reNm, at Ne expense of the sumnssNl Didder and Iw NII credit, airy item(s) received wniN fall to meet Ne Cpuntys 5pedfloalide a pedortnance standards. h. FEDERAL AND STATE TA%: Pets Beadt County b exempt hrnn Federal and Sete loxes. Tne autnodzed agent /w Purtllasing shall proNde an exemptbn certiAwm ro Ne sumassNl Didder, upon repuesl SuccessM bitltlere are not exempted horn paying sales tea ro Neu suppliere iw matenab ro NWI conUadual obligatlons with Ne Cerny, mr ere sumeazM tuddare auNOrIZeO m use Ne Cwntys Tez EsemDtbn Number N sewrtng sudl matertab. c. PAYMENT: Payment shall De made by Ne County abler pommpditleslserviw9 have Deen receHed, ameptetl and Droperly invdeetl as Imkated N the conired arM/w Draw. Invoices must bear Ne omtt man0er. The Flortda PromOt Payment Ad is aDpksDb ro Nb mlltlmtlon. d. CHANGES: Tne Diredw d Purchazinp, Palm Beach County, by wnaen mnMatlan ro the successNl bidder may make mimr changes b Ne oontrad tame. Agnar Barges are defined as modfimlions v.Ntll do not signlfiwntly albr Ne scope, nature, w prim d th apedned goods err servicsa. Typical mina changes indutle. but are rat Iunited to. plain of delivery, meNad d shlpmenL minor reNSbns to arslarrllrad wrxk spetlNetlow, and atlmNbbatlon d Ne contract The succeaslul bidder shall not amend any provision d Na mooed wlNwt wnnen natitlwWn ro Ne Director d Purchazing, am written acwptanw from Na Diredw of Purchasing w Ne Board d Count' Canmisalonare. DEFAULT: The Cwnry may, 6t' wdnen notice d defaul ro th mmessNl bidder. Nrtnlnate Na mntrad In whole w In part d ow~ aeme9.aNl adder bib tc saflshadorlry,pndwm arty proNSirne d Nb safldtanon rn resultant COnbatd, w haib ro make progress m as ro emarger peAOrtnance uMtt tle tame antl mmitlms d tllis sdMfatlw w resonant mnlred, ant does rid remedy sudl Nilure witldn a period d 10 days Irn auto perod az Ne Oirecror d Purdreskg may autlwnze In wntlng) after receipt d nptlw from Ne Director d Pwdusing sPedtyine such bllure. In Ure event Ne County temlNalas Ws mntrad N while w In pad Dewuse d default of Ne sumessNl Mader, Ne County may Prowre Binds anww services aimibr to Nose krtniratetl, and Ne sumassful Ditltler snail ere IlaDle for arty ezceas rash inmrte0 Oue ro Nb action. II n is determined Hal tlw sumessNl Didder was not in default or Nat Ne default vras excwaDre (e.g., failure due N Wusea heyand Ne mntlol d, w wiNOd the heull or wplbeme d, Ne auccessNl Diddu). pre nphb ant obligatlow of Ne parses shall ce Nose prowtled In SeNw 5( "Termhutlan roc Convenience.' reNIxINAT1ON FOR CONVENIENCE: Tne Olredw al Purchasing may. whenever the mteresb d Ina County m reeulre, [ermlwte Ne mntred, In whole w in part iw Ne osvenienm d Ne County. The Director d Purchasing snag give flue (5) Jaya paw wnnen mow d bmanaew ro Ne sucwssNl Didder, apetlryirg Ne portlrne ~ Ne mntred N Da terminated and when Ne tertninatlon b'lo Deedne e%edive. n wt' prntlons d Ne mnlndd are IBriNnaleQ Ne sumessNl Didder has the dghl ro witmrew, withmt adverse action. tram Ne entire mnDacb Unless directed tlifferently in tle mtlce d btminanwl, Ilre sucr¢sslul ~ ~ ~~ biddu shag inwr m Nrther oDligatlona In mnmctlon wiN Iha Iemlinated wrnk, and snail atop work b Ne extent specMaO em m Ilre / ' dab given in Ne notes d termination. Adtlltlonally, unleA9 directed Oitbrently, Ne sumessNl bidder shall temdrele outatantlinp orders rata suhmntracb related to Ne terminated ark. 7NIS lS THE END OF'GENERAL CONDITIONS.' Page 7 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 6. GENERALISPECIAL CONDITION PRECEDENCE ..~ the event of conflict between General Conditions and Speeial Conditions, the provisions of the Special Conditions shall -have precedence. 7. gUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS This bid shall be awarded only to a responsive and responsible bidder, qualified to provide the goods andlor service specified. The bidder shall, upon request, promptly (umish the County suiFcient evidence in order to wnfirm a satisfactory performance rewrd. Such information may include an adequate financial statement of resources, the ability to wmply with required ar proposed delivery or performance schedule, a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics, the necessary organization, experience, accounting and operation controls, and technical skills, and be otherwise qualfed and eligible to receive an award under applicable laws and regulations. The bidder shoultl submit the following information with their bid response; however, if not included, it shall be the responsibilfty of the bidder to submit all evidence, as solicited, within a time frame specfed by the County (normally within two working days of request). Failure of a bidder to provitle the required information within the specked time frame is considered suffcient cause for rejection of their bid. Information submitted with a previous bid shall not satisfy this provision. A. List a minimum of three 3 references in which similar goods and/or services have been provided within the . pest two 2 years including scope of work, contact names, addresses, telephone numbers and dates of service. A contact person shall be someone who has personal knowledge of the bidder's performance for the specific requirement listed. Contact person must have been iniorned that they are being used as a reference and that the County may be calling them. DO NOT list persons who are unable to answer specific questions regarding the requirement. 8. Provide a list of equipment available to do the work, including year, make, model, miles, size, and quantity of each. 8. AWARD ILOT-BY-LOT) Palm Beach County shall award this bid to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder on a lot-by-lot basis. The County reserves the right to reject bids which would resuU in an award which is financially disadvantageous to the County. An awertl may be censidered financially disadvantageous when it would result in an award to a bidder (or less than $1,000, or when it would result in awards of multiple small fragments. This policy is predicated on avoidance of increased adminishative costs and operational complexity. 9. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY DESIGNATION Palm Beach County reserves the right to make multiple awartls for this solicitation. In the event that this right is exercised, the lowest responsive, responsible Ditlder shall De designated primary awardee and the next lowest responsive, responsible bldtler shall be designated secondary awardee. The pdmary awardee shall be given the first opportunity to perform. The secondary awardee shall be contacted only after the primary awardee has refused to perform. The primary awardee is expelled to pertorn all work offered to them, unless they are unable to perform it for lack of resources or technical ability. The pdmary awardee may be found in default of this contract if It declines more than 10•h of the offeretl work, or if Uestablisltes a pattern of accepting~pnly the more desirable work and deUining the-less desirable work. ~ -- 10. METHOD OF ORDERING (TERM CONTRACT) A contract shall be issued for a tern of twelve 12 months or until the estimated amount is expended, at the discretion of the County. The County will order on an "as needed- basis. 11. F.O.B. POINT F.O.B. point shall be destlnatian..Exactdelivery point vnll be indicated on the purchase order or term centred delivery order (DO). Bid responses showing other than F.O.B. destination shall be.rejected. Bidder retains title and assumes all Uansportation charges, responsibility, liability and risk in trensil, and shall be responsible for the filing of claims for Toss or damages Page 8 12. RESPONSE TIME TO SRE Crews with equipment shall be required on site within seventy-two l72) hours after receipt of term contract delivery order `O) unless a modifed delivery date has been requested by the suaessful bidder and approved in writing by the Purchasing .,epartment or the designated County representative. On-site/start times shall tie strictly adhered to without deviation. 13. ESTIMATED EXPENDRURES The anticipated tens of the contract to be awarded as a result of this bid is for twelve 1121 months. The anticipated value during the contract term is $30y. Palm Beach County reserves the rght to increase or decrease the anticipated value as necessary to meet actual requirements, and to rebid for the wnfracted goods and services at any time after the anticipated value of this cenhact has been reached, notwithstanding that the anticipated term has not been completed. 14. RENEWAL OPTION WITH ESCALATOR The successful bidtler shall be awarded a contract for twelve (12) months witA the option to renew for four (4) additional hvelve (12) month periods. Prices shall remain firm for the initial twelve (72) month period. The option for renewal shall only be exercised upon mutual written agreement with all original terms and conditions adhered to with ne deviations. At the beginning of each of the four (4) twelve (12) month option periods, the County will consider a single annual price adjustment to the unit price(s) based on the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor StaOsttrs Consumer Price Index (CPI•U, All Items, Nat Seasonally Adjusted (NSA)). The website is htto:!/www.bls.eov/coUhome him Al the County's sole discretion, this apnual adjusbneht shall be calwlated by using the appropriate annual percentage es provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics not more than 90 days nor less than 30 days prbr [o the first day of the renewal tens. Any renewal inGuding subsequent price adjustments shall be subject to the appropriation of funds by the Board of County Commissioners. 16. EQUIPMENT : successful bidder shall, at a minimum, own or have access to lice following list of equipment, tt required. The howdy rate ~dered far Item 1 (Lots I through IX) shall include any/all of the items listed below. Failure to provide the specified equipment :hall be sufficient cause for default and centred termination, • Pneumatic plugs, 8°-72° • Steel sheeting and shoring • 3"Diaphragm pump with 50' discharge hose • Hydraulic pumps ppable of loading tankers ._ • Laser beam • Boom truck with 7 2,000 Ib. capacity • Untlerwaler (hydraulic) saw (or cutting pipe • Air compressor and jack hammers • Backhoe with minimum lifting capacity of 12,0001bs. for setting manholes, catch basins, etc. • Front end loatler • 1 %: ton asphalt roller • Vibratory compaction equipment 6. WORK SRE SAFETY/SECURITY he successful bidtler shall al all times guard against damage or loss to the property of Palm Beach County, the bidder's own 'openy, and/or that of other contractors, and shall be held responsible for replacing or repairing any such loss or damage. Shen applipble, the successful bidder shall provide fences, signs, barricades, gashing lights, etc. necessary to protect and ~ eeure Ne work site(s) and insure that aft County State of Florida, OSHA, and other applicable safety regulations are met. iditionally, successful bidder shall provide for the prompt removal of all debris from Palm Beach Count' property. Pelm :ach County may withhold payment or make such tledudions as deemed necessary to ensure reimbursement or ^'acement far loss or damage to property through negligence of the successful bidder or Its agents. Page 9 17. INSURANCE REDUIRED ~~ shall be the responsibility of~lhe successful bidder to provide evidence of the following minimum amounts of insurance .verage to Palm Beach County, do Purchasing Department, Attention Insurance/Buyer Assistant 50 Seuth Military Trail, Suite 110, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415. During the term of the Contract and prior to each subsequent ienewal thereof, the successful bidder shall provide this evidence to the County prior to the expiretion date of each and every insurance required herein. .. Commercial General Liability, or similar tone, shall have minimum limits of 5500,000 Per Occurrence Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury, Personal Injury antl Property Damage Liability. Coverage shall include Premises and/or Operations, Independent Contractors, Products and/or Completed Operations, Personal InjurylAdvertising Liability, Contractual Liability and Broatl Form Property Damage coverages. Coverage for the hazards of explosion, wllapse and underground property damage (X-C-U) must also be iriilutled when applicable to the work to 6e performed. Business Auto Policy, or similar form, shall have minimum limits of 5500,000 Per Occurrence Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability. Coverage shall include coverage for all Ownetl Autos, Hired Autos and Non- owned Autos. (In this context the term "Autos' is interpreted [o mean any land motor vehicle, trailer or semi trailer designed for travel on public roads.) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability coverage is required for ~ personnel who work on this project. This shall include the personnel of the contractor and any subcontractors, regardless of Ne size of the cemoanv. Exemp0ons for small companies shall not be accepted. Coverage must include Employer's Liability with minimum limits of 5100,000 Each Accident, 5500,000 Disease-Policy Limit, 5100,000 Disease-Each Employee. A signed Cert~wte or Certificates of Insurance, evidencing that required insurance coverages have been prowretl by the successful bidder in the types and amounts required hereunder shall be transmitted to the County via the Insurance CompanylAgenl within a time frame specified by the County (normally within 2 working days of request). Except as to Business Auto, Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability, said Cert~cate(s) shall clearly confirm that ~rerage requiretl by the centract has been endorsed to indude Palm Beach County as an Additional Insured. Further, said Certi0cate(s) shall unequivocally provide ten (10) days written notice to County prior to any adverse change, cancellation or non-renewal of coverage Nere under. it is the responsibility of the suaessful bidder to ensure that all required insurance coverages are maintained in force throughout the term of the contract. Failure to maintain the required insurance shall be considered default of contract. Successful bidder shall agree to provide the County with at least tan (10) days prior notice of any cancellation, non-renewal or material change to the insurance coverages. All insurance must be acceptable to and approved by County as to form, types ~~ of co"verage and acceptability of the insurers providing coverage. All insurance provided hereunder shall be endorsed to show that it is primary as respects to County. 18. INSURANCE REQUIRED (AIRPORT ONLY 1 It shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder to provide evidence of the following minimum amounts of insurance wverage to Palm Beach County, Go Purchasing Department, Attention Insurance/Buyer Assistant 50 South Military Trail, Suite 110, West Palm Beach, Florida 33475. During the term of the Contract and prior to each subsequent renewal thereof, the successful bidder shall prgyide.,ihis evidence to the County prior to the expiration date of each and every insurance required herein. - - "~ Commercial General Liability, or similar farm, shall have minimum limits of 55,000,000 Per Occurtenca Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury. Personal Injury antl Property Damage Liability. Coverage shall include Premises and/ar Operations, Independent Contractors, Products and/or Completed Operations, Personal Injury/Advertising Liability, Contractual Liability and Broad Form Property Damage coverages. Coverage for the hazards of explosion, collapse and underground property damage (X-C-U) must also be included when applicable to the work to be performed. F 'nesa Auto Policy, or similar form, shall have minimum limits of 55,000,000 Per Occurcence Combined Single Limit for 6....,ty Injury and Property Damage Liability. Coverage shall indude coverage for all Owned Autos, Hiretl Autos and Non- owned Autos. (In this context, the term 'Autos" is interpreted to mean any land motor.vetiicle, trailer or semi trailer designed for travel on public roads.) ~- Page 10 Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability coverage is required for all personnel who work on this project. This shall include the personnel of the contractor and any subwntractors, regardless of the size of the comoanv: Exemptions for small companies shall not.be accepted. Coverage must include Employer's Liability with minimum limits of 5100,000 Each ^wident, 5500,000 Disease•Policy Limit, 5100,000 Disease-Each Employee. A signed Certificate or Certificates of Insurance, evidencing that required insurance coverages have been procured by the successful bidder in the types and amounts required hereunder shall be transmitted to the County via the Insurance Company/Agent within a time frame specified by the County (normally within 2 working days of request). Except as to Business Auto, Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability, said Certificate(s) shall cleadv confirm that coverage required by the wntract has been endorsed to include Palm Beach County as an Additional Insured. Fudher, said Certificate(s) shall unequivocally provide ten (10) days written no[Ice to County prior to any adverse change, cancellation or non-renewal of coverage there under. It is the responsibility of the successful bidder to ensure that all required insurance coverages are maintained in force throughout the term of the contract. Failure to maintain the required insurance shall 6e wnslderetl default of wntract. Successful bidder shall agree to provide the County with at least ten (10) days prior notice of any cancellation, non-renewal or material change to the insurance coverages. All insurance must be acceptable to and approved by County as to form, types of wverage and aweptability of the insurers providing wverage. All insurance provided hereunder shall be endorsed to show that it is primary as respects to County. Page N SPECIFICATIONS BID #O6.1391PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT SCOPE The sole purpose and intent of this Invitation far Bid (IFB) is to establish a firm, fixed price lens contract for the rental of crews wish equipment to be used by various departments Uroughout Palm Beach County for repairs as specked in Lots I through IX. GENERAL t. Equipment, Condition and Responsibility The Conractar will be responsible for repairs and maintenance of its equipment. The equipment will be operated by the Conractor and kept in good working wndition, including all grease, oil, parts and fuel as necessary. 2. Prosecution of the Work The Contractor will be required to prosecute the work unintarruoted, in such a manner, with the specified labor antl equipment so as to ensure that projects as defined and agreed upon are completed within the framework of This contract. Unless modffed in writing, by~a designated Palm Beach County Project Supervisor, on-sitelstart times shall be stddly adhered to without deviadon. Equipment will not be substituted without prior written approval from the designated Palm Beach County Project Supervisor. Equipment operators must be fully licensed, as applicable, and competent in the use of the assigned equipment. Failure to comply with any of these requirements is sufficient cause to terminate contract because of default by the Contractor. 3. Equipment and Personnel Contractor equipment deemed defective by the designated Palm Beach County ProjeG Supervisor shall be promptly removed from the site. Personnel employed either direGly or indireGty by the Contractor, who are deemed to be inwmpetent, inept or unfd to perform the work in the opinion of Me designated Palm Beach County Project Supervisor, shall be promptly removed Irom the project under this ContraG, and such personnel shall not again be employed to work on the project. Failure of the Contractor to remove defective equipment or incompetent personnel may result in the termination of this ContraG. 4. Suspension of the Work . The designatetl Palm Beach County Project Supervisor or his duly appointed representative shall have the authority to suspend the work for the following reasons: (a) default of the Contractor; (b) unfavorable weather conditions; (c) mechanical failure of loading, hauling, digging or spreading equipment being used in the prosecution, both of the work under this contract and the work being done by County lorces adjunctive (hereto; (d) or any other condition which, in the judgment of the County representative, makes it impractical to secure first- GasS results. PLOWABLE FILL lLOT I AND II ONLY( Upon request, contractor shall furnish and place "Plowable Fill" as an alternative to wmpacted soil as approved in the "Flodda Department of Transportation Standard Specificadons for "Roatl 8 Bridge Construction" year 2004, Section 121.1 through 121-7. PAYMENT FOR PLOWABLE FILL Compensation shall be paid at the price per Cubic Yard as slated on the Bid Response page. The cubic yard pdce inGUdes pretluG, delivery and otf-loading as directed by Palm Beach County Project Supervisor. Page 12 PAYMENT The Palm Beach County Project Supervisor or designee shall review and approve Contractor's "Daily Billing Ticket" to verify actual number or hours worked by the piece of equipment and/or crew, as applicable. ~ ~~ .,onhact is based on an hourly rate, as requested. Crews and/or equipment shall be available on an'as needed basis° with no guarantee by the County of the amount of use. However, any crews and/or equipment (based on an hourly rate) called out for a period of less than four (4) hours shall be compensated for at a minimum of four (4) hours.. "Down Time" is not to De computetl as renal time and will not be compensated for. Payment for equipment and crews shall be made for actual lime worked on site only. The Ccunty will not be charged for mobilization, tlemoDilization, travel between job sites, etc. Payment (hourly rates) shall be full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, fuel, oil, greases, insurance, taxes, fees, plant transportation, suspensions, delays, and incidentals necessary to complete the service described in and as set forth in this wntract. Projects started prior to the termination of this contract will be allowed an additional Thirty (30) days for completion BASE RATE Hourly Rate (LOTS I, II, III, IV, V, VI, AND VII): Compensation shall be paid at the "base° hourly rate (news with equipment) for actual lime worked, 24 hours a day, 365 tlays per year. Equipment which remains on site, wflhout operator, for the convenience of the cen[raitor will not be compensated. The County will not be charged for mobilization, demobilization, transportation, fuel, or any other incidental expense related to the performance of this contract. All costs to be charged to the County for Ne performance of this contract must be included in the "base' hourly rate ofeered by the contrector. Hourly Rate (LOTS VIII AND IX): npensalion shall be paid at the 'base" hourly rate (crews with equipment) Monday mrough Friday between 7:00 a.m. and i:00 p.m. for actual time worked. Equipment which remains on site, without operator, forme convenience of the contractor sill not lxa compensated. The County will not be charged for mobilization, demobilization, transportation, fuel, or any other ncidental expense related to the pertornanca of this contract. All costs to be charged to the County for the performance of his contrecl must be Included in the "base" hourly rate offered by the contractor. rREMIUM RATES sourly Rate (LOTS VIII AND IX): Overtime Rate: Compensation shall be paid at a rate of 1.5 times the awarded base haurty rate for actual time worketl between the hours of 5 p.m, and 7 a.m., Monday through Fritlay and weekends. Equipment which remains on-site, for convenience, without operator shall not be compensated. Equipment which is used or continues to Function into premium rate time frames, without operator, shall be paid at the base" rate only. Holiday Rete: Compensation shall be paid at a rate of 2.0 times the awarded base hourly rate for actual time worked during Palm , Beach County legally recognized holidays. Equipment which remains on-site, for convenience, without operator shall not _ be compensated. Equipment which is used or continues to function into premium rate time fremes, without operator, shall be paid at the "base' rate only. - BID RESPONSE BID #06-139IPR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT I -ROAD 8 BRIDGE DEPARTMENT: (') NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED. Page 13 BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED REM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR (•) FACTOR RATE 1. CREW -CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE LAYING, $ 308.00 X .g0 = $ 240.00 consisting of a foreman (with 40 hours of OSHA training), a minimum of three (3) experienced men, incuding layout, excavating, installing and back filling equipment necessary for laying pipe up to 36" diameter. County shall fumish materials. 2. Dump Trudr, 15 - 20 cu. yd. capacity (for concrete $ ~D _ nn X .02 = $ L 40 and asphalt disposal) when requested with item #1 only). 3. Well Point Equipment up to 150 points complete $ 40.00 X .06 = $ 2.40 including pump and )etting equipment (run lima only) . when requested with item #1 only. 4. Tandem Dump Truck with sideboards, 12 eu. yd. $ 70.00 X .01 = $ • 70 capacity when requested with item #1 only. 5. Tri-Axle Dump Truck with sideboards, 78 cu. yd. $ To. nn X .Ot = $ . 70 capacity when requested with item #1 only. PRICE PER CU. YD. 6. Plowable Fill $ 120.00 X .10 = $ 12.00 LOT 1, TOTAL FACTORED RATE: S 257.20 Continued.... FIRM NAME: D S EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION - - - -. Page 14 ~~' • BID RESPONSE BID #06-1391PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT II -ROAD 8 BRIDGE DEPARTMENT: (') NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED. BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED REM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR (') FACTOR RATE 1. CREW -CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE LAYING, $ 350.00 X .60 = $ 280.00 ''~, wnslating of a foreman (wRh 40 hours of OSHA i training), a minimum of mree (3) experienced men, including layout, excavating, installing and back filling equipment necessary for laying pipe 36" up to 84"diameter. County shall famish materials. . 2. Dump Truck, 15-20 cu. yd. rapacity (for wnerete $ 70.00 X .02 = g i 1.40 i and asphalt disposal) when requested with item #1 ~ I only). - 3. Well Polnt Equipment up to 150 points complete $ ~n _ nn X .OB = $ 2.40 j induding pump andjeNing equipment (run Nme only) when requested with item #1 only. 4. Tandem Dump Truck with sideboaMS, 12 w. yd. $ 70.00 X .gf = $ • 70 I eapadty when requested with item #1 only. 5. Tri•Axle Dump Truck with sideboards, 18 cu. yd. $ 70.00 X .01 = $ • 70 ; eapadty when requested with item #1 only. PRICE PER ,/ CU. YD. i. FlowaDle Fill $ 120.00 X 10 = $ 12.00 LOT ll, TOTAL FACTORED RATE: $ 297.20 Continued.... RM NAME:_ -. S EARINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION ... -. .. ~ ~ .. w~.", ~; ~r~^s; ~ Page 15 • BID RESPONSE BID #06-1391PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT III -ROAD 8 BRIDGE DEPARTMENT: (') NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED. REM DESCRIPTION BASE PRICE WEIGHT ~ FACTORED PER HOUR (`J FACTOR RATE 1. CREW -INFILTRATION DRAINAGE, consisting $ 300.00 X of a foreman (with 40 hours of OSHA training), a minimum of three (3) experienced men, InUUding layout, excavation of swales 36" wide, 24' deep, B' cores to existing drainage inlets. Contractor will also be responsible for utility IoWtions and hauling away excess maledals. County shall furnish ail materials (i.e., rode, filter, cloth, jack 8 bares, 6' PVC sch. 40 pipe, sand). 2. Dump Truck, 15 - 20 cu. yd. wpaciry when $ 70.00 X requested with ftem #1 only). 3. Well Point Equipment up to 150 points complete $ 40.00 X including pump and jetting equipment (run time only) when requested with item #1 only. 4. Tandem Dump Truck with sideboards, 12 w. yd. $ 70.00 X rapacity when requested with item #1 only. 5. Tri-Axle Dump Truck with sideboards, 78 cu. yd. $ 70.00 X rapacty when requested with item #t only. .50 = $ 150.00 .70. _ $ 7.00 20 = $ 8.00 10 = g 7.00 10 = $ 7.00 LOT Ill, TOTAL FACTORED RATE $ 179.00 Continued.... FIRM NAME: ~ c xearwc rnNCnRtllCTZON CORPORATION -BID RESPONSE BID #06-039/PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT Page• 16 LOT N-PARKS 8 RECREATION DEPARTMENT. WATER UTILITIES DEPARTMENT: (') NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A DAY, 366 DAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED. BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED ITEM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR (') FACTOR RATE 1. CRLIN - CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE LAVING, $ 300.00 X .gp $ 270.00 consisting of a foreman (with 40 hours of OSHA training), a minimum of three (3) experienced men, induding layout, excavating, installing and back ; filling equipment necessary for laying pipe up to 36" diameter. County shall tumish materials. 2. Dump Truck, i6 - 20 w. yd. capacity (for cancrele $ 70.00 X A2 = $ 1.40 and asphalt disposal) when requested with Rem #1 onty). i i 3. Well Point Equipment up l0 160 points canplete g 40.00 X .O6 = $ 2.40 ~ Induding pump and letting equ'ryment (run time only) ~ j when requested with Rem #1 only. ~ i 4. Tandem Dump Truck with sideboards, 12 w. yd. $ 70.00 X .01 = $ .70 i capacity when requested with item #i only. 'i 5. Tri-Axle Dump Truck with sideboards, 18 w. yd. $ 7n.00 X .01 = I $ . 70 capacity when requested with item #1 only. LOi IV, TOTAL FACTORED RATE: $ 275.20 J Continued.... - i I 9RM NAME: D. S. F.AKINS CONSTRNCTION CORPORATION i BID RESPONSE BID #06-139/PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT V -DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS: (') NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 GAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED. BASE PRICE WEIGHT ITEM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR (') FACTOR 1. CREW -CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE LAYING, $ 400.00 X .90 censisting of a foreman (wdh 40 hours of OSHA training), a minimum of three (3) experienced man, Including layout, excavating, Installing and back filling equipment necessary for laying pipe up to 36" diameter, County shall famish materials. 2. Dump Truck, 15- 20 eu. yd. cepaeiry (for concrete $ 100.00 X .02 and asphalt disposal) when requested with item #1 only). 3. Well Point Equipment up to 150 points wmplete $ 65.00 X .O6 including pump and jetting equipment (run lime only) when requested wgh Rem #1 only. Tandem Oump Truck with sideboards, 72 w. yd. $ i nn. nn X .01 capadty when requested with item #1 only. 5. Tri•Axle Dump Truck with sideboards, 18 at. yd. $ 100.00 X O1 capacity when requested with item #1 only. Page 7T FACTORED RATE g 360.00 _ $ 2.00 $ 3.90 = $ 1.00 _ $ 1.00 LOT V, TOTAL FACTORED RATE: $ 367.90 Continued.... FIRM NAME: D. S. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION 81D RESPONSE BID #06-1391PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT VI -PARKS 8 RECREATION DEPARTMENT. WATER UTILRIES DEPARTMENT: (') NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED. _ BASE PRICE WEIGHT REM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR (') FACTOR 1. CREW -CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE LAYING, $ 950.00 X .90 consisting of a foreman (with 40 hours of OSHA training), a minimum of three (3) experienced men, including layout, ezwvating, Installing and back filling equipment necessary for laying pipe 36' up l0 64' diameter. County shall furnish matedals. 2. Dump Tmdc,15-20 cu. yd. capacky (for concrete $ 70.00 X .02 and asphalt disposal) when requested with item #1 only). 3. Well Point Equipment up to 150 points wmplete $ 40.00 X .O6 including pump and jelling equipment (run time only) when requested with item #1 only. Tandem Dump Tmck-with sideboards, 12 w. yd. $ 70.00 X .O1 capadty when requested wkh item #1 only. 5. TrFAxle Dump Truck with sideboards, 18 w. yd. $ 70.00 X .Ot capacity when requested with item #1 only. Page'18 FACTORED RATE $ 315.00 g 1.40 $ 2.40 .70 _ $ _ $ .70 LOT h, TOTAL FACTORED RATE: S 320.20 Continued.... J IRM NAME: D. S. 1:AKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION ... ... _ ...... .....:.. _._.:...:vm-,..:~~;+: mss:.... .. -.. ~.~ .~..:::, _,.~.:?~, ~ :. :.. ......:: .~ Page 19 .BID RESPONSE BID #06-1391PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT VII -DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS: (') NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED. REM DESCRN~'TION BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED PER HOUR(•) FACTOR RATE 1. CREW -CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE LAYING, consisting of a foreman (with 40 hours of OSHA Veining), a minimum of three (3) experienced men, Including layout, excavating, installing and back filling equipment necessary for laying pipe 36' up to 64' diameter. County shall famish materials. 2. Dump Truck, 15 - 20 a. yd: capacity (for conuele antl asphalt disposal) when requested with item #1 only). 3. Well Point Equipment up to 150 points complete Incuding pump and jetting equipment (run time only) when requested with Item #1 only. Tandem Dump Truck vAm sideboards, 12 cu. yd. capacity when requested with item #1 only. 5. TrtAxle Dump Truck with sideboards, 18 a. yd. capacity when requested wkh item #1 only. $ 450.00 X .90 = $ 405.00 $ 100.00 X 02 = $ 2.00 $ 65.00 X ,O6 = $ 3.90 $ ioo.o0 X o1 = $ t_nn $ tnn_nn X .07 = $ ~ 00 LOT V/l, TOTAL FACTORED RATE: S 412.90 Continued.... FIRM NAME: D. 5. SARINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION - - .. ...:`ac` - Page20 BID RESPONSE BID #06-139/PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT VIII -FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT & OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT: (') NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE HOURLY, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY (BETWEEN 7:00 A.M. AND 5:00 P.M.): HOWEVER, COMPENSATION WILL BE PAID FOR OVERTIME AND HOLIDAY RATES (SEE PAGE 12). ~ BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED '~ ITEM DESCRIPTION ~ PER HOUR (') FACTOR RATE '~ 1 2. 3. 4. 5. CREW -CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE LAYING, censisting of a foreman (with 40 hours of OSHA training), a minimum of three (3) experienced men, induding layout, excavating, installing end back filling equipment necessary for laying pipe up to 36' diameter. County shall fumish materials. Dump Truck, 15 - 20 w. yd. capacity ((or wnuete and asphalt disposal) when requested with ttem #1 oniy). Well Point Equipment up to 750 points complete indutling pump and jetting equipment (run Ome only) when requested with item #1 only. Tandem Oump Truck with sideboards, 12 cu. yd. wpaeity when requested with ttem #1 only. Td-Azle Dump Truck with sideboards, 18 w. yd. capacity when requested with item #1 only. $ znn_nn X .90 = $ 270.00 $ 70.00 X .02 = $ 1.40 $ 40.00 X .O6 = $ 2'40 $ 70.00 X .01 $ .70 $ 70.00 X .01 = $ .70 LOT Wll, TOTAL FACTORED RATE: $ 275.20 '_OT IX - FACILRIES DEVELOPMENT 6 OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT: (•) NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE HOURLY, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY (BETWEEN 7:00 AM. AND 5:00 P.M.): HOWEVER, COMPENSATION W ILL~BE PAID FOR OVERTIME AND HOLIDAY RATES (SEE PAGE 12). BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED TEM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR (•) FACTOR RATE CREW - CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE LAYING, $ 350.00 X90 = $ 315.00 consisting of a foreman (with 40 hours of OSHA training), a minimum of mree (3) experienced men, lnduding layout, excavating, installing and back filling equipment necessary for laying pipe 36• up to B4' diameter. County shall furnish materials. Continued.... IRM NAME- D. 5. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION BID RESPONSE BID #06-039IPR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT IX- FACILRIES DEVELOPMENT 8 OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT IContinu~: (•) NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL eE HOURLV, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY (BETWEEN 7:00 A.M. AND 5:00 P.M.): HOWEVER, COMPENSATION W ILL BE PAID FOR OVERTIME AND HOLIDAY RATES (SEE PAGE 12). BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED ITEM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR (•) FACTOR ~ RATE 2. Dump Truck, 15 - 20 cu. yd. wpaciry (for concrete $ 70.00 X .02 = $ 1.40 and asphalt disposal) when requested with item #1 only). 3. Well Point Equipment up to 150 points complete including pump and jetting equipment (run time only) when requested wiN item #1 onty. 4. Tandem Dump Truck with sideboards, 12 a. yd. capacity when requested with item #1 only, 5. TrrAxle Dump Truck with sideboards, 18 cu. yd. capacity when requested with item #1 only. $ an_nn X .O6 = $ 2.40 $ 70.00 X .01 = $ .70 $ 70.00 X .01 = $ .70 LOT OC, TOTAL FACTOREDlRUA~TE S 320.20 Dualifiration of Bidders information inGuded, per Term and Condition # 7? YES <INITUIL * PLEASE AFFIX SIGNATURE WHERE INDICATED (FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL RESULT IN THE REJECTION OF YOUR BID) By signature on this dowmenL bidder acknowledges and agrees that its offer includes and accepts all terms, conditions, and specifiWtions of the Countys bid solicitation as originally publisheQ without exception, change or alteration of any kind, except as may have been published by the County In official amendments prior to this date of submittal. FIRM NAME: (Enterthe entire legal name of the bidding entity) DATE: D. 5. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION 7/12/06 G~ p '~7~C7NATURE: PRINT NAME: CINDI M. ERICK PRINT TITLE: VICE PRESIDENT ADDRESS: POST OFFICE BOR 530185 CITY/STATE: t4At RINF.TTC ROAD LAKE PARK, FLORIDA ZIP CODE: 33403 TELEPHONE # (561 ) 842-0001 ~ E-MAIL: , TOLL FREE # ( ) FAX #: (561 ) 842-0009 APPLICABLE LICENSE(S)CGC036066 STATE LICENSE 2001-14944 CNTY OC-032 'IMBER # -14 46C IDE CN-001 TYPE: 2001-14942 EQUIP REN.HVY OS-012' FEDERAL ID# 59-1691997_. Paga 22 STATEMENT OF NO 81D BID #06.139/PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT Ifyou are not bidding on this service/commodity, please complete and return this form to: Palm Beach County Purchasing Department, 50 South Military Trail, Suite 110, West Palm Beach, FL 33415-3199. Failure to respond may result in deletion of vendor's name from the qualified bidder's list for the County of Palm Beach. COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: SIGNATURE: DATE: WE, the undersigned have declined to bid on your Bid No. OB-739/PR for CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT. RENTAL OF. TERM CONTRACT (ServicelCommodity) because of the following reason(s): _ Specifications too tight', i.e., geared toward brand or manufacturer only (explain below) Insufficient lime to respond to the Invitation for Bid We Oo not offer this produet or an equivalent Our product schedule woultl not permit us to perform Unable to meet specfications Unable to meet bond requirements _ 5pec~wlions uncleat (explain below) Other (specify below) 2EMARKS: J rage L'J CERTIFICATION OF BUSINESS LOCATION BID # 06-1391PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT In accordance with the Palm Beach County Local Preference Ordinance, a preference shall be given to those bidders who have a permanent place of business in Palm Beach County ("County`) antl who hold a valid occupational license issued by the County that authprizes the bidder to provide the goods or services to be purchased. To receive a local preference, an interested bidder must have a permanent place of business in existence odor to the County's issuance of an invitation for bid. A valid ocwpational license issued by the County Taz Collector shall be used to verify that the bidder had a permanent place of business prior to the Issuance of the invitation for bid. A Palm Beach County Occupational license is required unless spedfically exempted by law. In lieu of a Palm Beach County occupational license, the bidder shall inGude the curtent occupational license issued to the bidtler in the response. The bidder must submit this Cert~ralion of Business Location along with the requiredoccupational license at the time of bid submission. This Certification of Business Location is the sole determinant of local preference eligibility. Errors in the completion of this Certification or failure to submit this completed Certification shalt cause the bidder to not receive a local preference. Please note that the bid submitted by fhe bidder to the County must be from an address located within Palm Beach County in order for local preference to apply. Bidder is a: NOn-LOCaI BUSIne55 Anon-bwl business is one That does not have a permanent place of business in Patm Beach, Martln, Broward, or MiamFDede County. -Regional BUSlness A regional business is one that has a pertnanenl place of business in Mahn, Browaro, or MiamiDade County. (Please indicate): Martin County Broward County -Miami -Dade County X Local BUSineeS A local business has a permanent place of business In Palm Beach Coumy (Please indicate): X Headquarters located in Palm Beach County Permanent office or other site located in Palm Beach County from which a vendor will produce a substantial portion of the goods or services to be purchased .. "A post office box or location at a postal service center is not acceptable. II. The attached copy of bidder's Palm Beach County Occupational License verities bidder's permanent place of business in Palm Beach County THIS CERTIFICATION is submitted by cTMnT M FRTPK , as (Name of Individual) nrrx FRFCinFNT ,of D. S. AAKINS CONSTADCTION CORPORATION (Title/Position) (Firm Name of Bidder) vho hereby certifies that the information slated above is true and correct, that the bidder has a permanent place ~f business in Palm Beach County, and that the attached Palm Beach County Occupational License is a true and :omect copy of the original. Further, it is hereby acknowledged that any misrepresentation b the bidder on this :ertification is considered an unethical business practice and is grounds for sanctions against future County siness with the bidder. 7/12/06 (Signature) (Date) Page 24 DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION BID #06.1391PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT IDENTICAL TIE BIDS/PROPOSALS - In accordance with Section 287.087, F.S., a preference shall be gWen to vendors submitting with their 6lddpropoaals the following eertHieation that they have implemented adrug-free workplace progrem which meets the requirements of Sectlon 287.087; provided, however, that any preference given pursuant to Sectlon 287.087, shall be made in conformity with the requirements pursuant to the Palm Beach County Code, Chapter 2, Article III, Sections 2-80.21 thru 2.80.34. In the event tie bids are received from vendors who have net submitted with their bidslproposals a completed Drug•Free Workplace Certifiwtlon form, the swam will be made in accordance with Palm Beach County's purchasing procetlures pertaining to tie bids. This Drug-Free Workplace Certification form must be executed and returned with the attached 6idlproposal, and received on or before time of bid opening to ba eonsideretl. The failure to execute andlor return this certification shall not cause any bidlproposal to be tleeme0 non-responsive. Whenever two (2) or more bidslproposals which ere equal with respect to price, quality, and service are received by Palm Beach County for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, a bidlproposal received from a business Nat certifies that It has implemented adrug-free workplace program shall be given preference In the swam process. In order to have adrug-free workplace program, a business shall: (1) Publish a statement notNying employees that the unlawful manufat:ture, distribu8on, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance Is prohibited In the workplace and specifying the actions Otat will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibl0on. (2) Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse In the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penattlas that may be Imposed upon employees for drug abuse vlolatfons. . ~ Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or eontreetual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in number (1). ;4) in the statement specified In number (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any wmiction of, or plea of guilty or nolo wnlendare to, any violation of Chapter.893, Florida Statutes, or o1 any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violetlon occurring in the workplace no later than five (8) days after such conviction. 8) Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation In a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program If such Is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. 6) Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain adrug-free workplace through implementation Section 287.087, Flodda Statutes. 'HIS CERTIFICATION is submitted by rTmnT *t_ FRTCK the (Individual's Name) - yIfE ERESIDEtIT of D. S. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION (TltlelPositlon with CompanyNantlor) (Name of CompanyNendor) .~ 'ho does hereby certify that said CompanyNendor has Implemented adrug-tree workplace program which meets ~e requirements of Section 287.087, Florida Statutes, which are Identified in numbers 1) through (8) above. 7/12/06 Signature Date Page 25 SCHEOULEI LIST OF PROPOSED SBE~V WBE PRDAE BUSCONTRACTOR3 BID NAME: CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF BID NO. 06-139/PA TERM CONTRACT D. S. EAKINS CONSTR. CORP. P.0. BOR 530185 LAKE PARK, FL 33408 NAME OF PRIME BIDDER: ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: DOUG EAKINS PHONE NO: (SRI) A42-0001 FA%N0:~613 842-0009 BID OPENING DATE: JULY 13, 2006 DEPARTMENT: .««..« ....................««...«.............„..««„«. «. » PLEASE IDENTIFY ALL APPLICABLE CATEGORIES Wms, Address antl 9ubcomrad Amoum Phom Number (Check orre a both CatavorlesJ m.~,.u.. n...,..... e__,~s._~~__ ...__~ ... 1. TRU TRUCKING P.O. BOR 1058 LORAHATCHEE, FL 3347 ® _. __ ® _.___ i ..._ ..._ E 15% .._.._.. S ..o....ao~o.. E_ S 2. (561) 753-6417 ^ ^ S_ S S E f ~ ^ ^ S S f_ S 3_ a. ^ ^ s 3 s s s S ^ ^ S_ E E E S (Pba.. uaa Nmtlonrt.heaLHnaaaaary Tool S_ S S_ E S ToW Bld Pdai Total value ol9BE PeNCipaBOni 15X OF WORK PERFORMED UNDER CONTRACT NOTE: 1. Tha amount Ils4d on Ihb Wml tar a Subanlractor murt be supported by peas or percenupe Indudatl an SMedule 2 a a pmpmal /rarrl each Subconbador oared In oMer m a counted toward Bom etlahunenL 2. Flmis may be pertlied by Palm Bean Cpunty as an SBE eMla an MIWBE. 11 dnro am crttlfled as both an BBE and MhVBE, please Inmate Ne ddlar amount under iha appropriate ralepory. . f. MNJBE Inlanna0on b bNrg o8lecteU far tradrhp purpaea only. u a c~acird ~eienemn~ r. ne PeR626 BCMEDUIE 2 LETTER OF INTENT TO PERROtTY AS AN 218E OR MAMBE 3116CONTRAC70R "~0 NO. 06-139/PR BID NAME: CBEi13 N1TH H4ulrt'EIPl. RENTAL 08. TIDD2 CONTNACT TO; D_ S. FAt.IN3 CONSTROCTION CORPORATION OYOira Him Sdde~ The undaralprrd h artlfhd by Peen Beaen Cana r a(n) - (aneek etre or main, e. appllcaDl~): 3mas BYeheas Enfapiae -~ Mlna.$y Bueireaa Entarprlae _~, 31a~t-_ Htaparda? Wamm ~_ Caeeaslm__ Otlrs (Proaea Sped(y) ]eEB Of Palm Baerll County CaruOmeyan; 08/20/04 TO Os/0/07 ~ +ed h Drapsad b parfarm lM AoYadn9 despibed woic it mmieotlon wen the above projea! (~gaiN In ekau ifarBalar wale m acrd tllwwef m w. Iims tam xo ~ Iemr _~ATafh Oak irlce tool Plea TRUCHi1y0 AIOI HQDIPlO;NT RBtiTAL ~ AT 1!S OH 110HR PERF010~ l1NDEB CONTRACT IhB faRearinp price S 45.00 (SaEcanvacmra rpo@) 1 cneA enter into s fgi1161 agreemsH for wok w101 you aardNNnad upon yow a:anNon of a eontraol with Peen Brseh ~• n0eral9netl nltande to auaaubconfract sty potion of thh t0 a rronmtMBd SBE wbWntractar, aro amount of ouch auOWreart mutt M soled: f underagnBd wbmntrador urWenuende mat Oro D~oviaivi of Ihk farm to prtne bidder dace na prevent aubaantre~Or ~ provNMp quotasoro to albs Dlddsa. TAO TRDClCING (PriRrremea7 SBE~MAAIBE SUbaonaecOOrJ _ BY• N .1fo ($r r0~ PRARR TRUlttin (Prim nemrldde aT panm eNe0ldtrrg ar DeheM of SBE-MNVBE Su6axraeawr) n.r.. 7 / 11 /06 TUf0. P.82 S00/200 ,.~~.,...... _... aY/1B/'LdaS 17:26 5617956361 CN7Y TR PAGE B1 ~l~t~ August 2Q 2004 e. ~ Certification Date: 08!2012004 -08202007 9o~oRt>~• Vendor Registration Number: TRUT0001 SERVICES: Trucking/HeavyHauling omee a( Small awiOw N~4OOtt i 50 S MiliYry Tell. Suite nw ' wen rilm aeacn. rt ]]411 Tru TNCking, InC. RAga1tr6r90 P.D.BOXIUS8 Fax Isen mo-seso Loxahatchee, FL 13470 .ww.petgo. rem i Attention: Francisco Tr¢jillo ^ The Palm Beach County Office of Small Business Assistance has completed its review of the documents you submitted for renewal of yotu firm's ral"' °i°`" ~"°`]' certification and is pleased to amounce that your firm has been certified as eO..a a ct..,g co,,,,,,lt,;,,,,,, a Small/Minority Business Enterprise (S/MBE) foI three (3) years. wan t Maus, ~>i. Xour Frm shall be subject to [he provisions of the Palm Beach County ~Mr Ma]nOrt~. vitt taurmen Purchasing Ordinance and all State and Federal laws relating to the l,n~ transaction of business. w""""'Neve° Thiscertificationentitles you toparticipate in contracting opportunities when tnuy MCGmy the products and services offered by your firrrr are being considered for bid. euit,,,,,,~00 As an additional service to your firm, you will be included in the Palm Desch County Dvectory of cenificd SBE firms. If you wish to have your firm's A°0ie 1^ c'tt"t listing changed, please conWet our office at (561) 616-6840. Your company's certification is subject m periodic review to verify your continued eligibility. Any changes you report to the Purchasing Dcpamnent COY"O' "°'°""'t"`°` must also be reporced to OSBA: Your company name and vendor code must nOxz SStumat be the same in both departments. Failure to report changes in the status of your firm may result in your firm being decertified. Remember, whenever you respond to a County bid you must do so under the name of Tru Trucking, Inc. with vendor code 7RUT0001. Sincerely, ''//~~ ~~~ '73~ Vicl-i Hobbs '^^~10n°"""ry CenificationTechnician At(vmun:t unu, empo7x: J~ ._.. ~...un~y Page 2i SCHEDULE3 SBE-MNVBE ACTIVITY FORM SBE-MNVBE ACTIVITY FOR MONTH ENDING 91Dg 06-1 BID NAME rauwc wITN PDUIPNFNT Rr+NTAL OP TERM CONTRACT PRIME CONTRACTOR NAME ~. s_ aeurwc rnNCTa rCTIDN o PD nTION PROJECT SUPERVISOR SBE-MAYBE SUBCONTRACTING INFORMATION SBE-MlWBE Category (cheek all applicable) Name of SBE-MrWBE Sutrwntractw SBE~MhYBE Suboontrad Mwunl Amcunl craws for SBE-A4WBE SubmnVador Arrlwnt paleN Date AGWaI SbNrp Dab Mlnarity Buaineas ~ ( ) SmaO 9ushmes (~ ark bpanic autaalan omen ONer (please SPedfY) I hereby ceNly Nat Ne ebwe inlonnaeon w true b Vie seal d my MnoVAM9e (Slanalure aM Title) Realm b: AcmtlOnd Sheeb May Be Usec As Necessary Office d Small Busbcesv Aasisbnra 5o S. MGbry Tra7, SuVe 269 Walt Palm Beacb, FL 73915 NOTE: Firms may be cerQfied as an SBE and/or an MIWBE. If firms are certified as both an SBE and MNVBE, please Indipte the dollar amount in each . section. The dollar amount will not be counted twice. Page 28 SCHEDULE4 SBE-MNIIBE PAYMENT CERTIFICATION nis is to certify that received SBE or MlWBE Subcentmctor (Monmy) or (Finap payment of 8 on hom D. 5. F.AKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION {or labor and/or materials used on BID NO. 06-139/PR (Prime Conbactor) BID NAME: CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL BID #:06-139/PR PRIME CONTRACTOR: D. S. P.AKINS CONSTRUCTION:y'ARPORATION SBE OR MNJBE SUBCONTRACTOR: ' (Company Name) BY: (SignaNre of Prime Contractor) (Print Name 8 Title of Penton Exewling an behalf of Contractor) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF er: (SignaWre of Subcontractor) (Print Name 8 The of Person Executing on behaM of SuDCOntrector) "-wm to and subscribed before me Mis day of by 20 Notary Public, State of Fbrida PdnL Type or Stamp Commissioned Name cl Notary Personally Known_ OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced STATE OF FLORIDA COUMI' OF Swum b and subscribed before me this day of , 20 ~' Notary Public, State of Floritla Print, Type or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Personaly Known _ OR Producetl Identification Type of Identifwtion Producetl - -- To he submitted wiM Pay RepuesL Immediatey folbwing any payment to Me SBE-M/W BE from tite Prime Contrauor. t~.~EAIV.S -• CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION PO5T OFFICE BOX 530185 LAKE PARK, FLORIDA 33403 (561 ] 842-0010 #7 -QUALIFICATION OF BIDDER D. S. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION HAS BEEN IN BUSINESS IN PALM BEACH COUNTY SINCE 1971. WE OWN, OPERATE, AND MAINTAIN THE NECESSARY EQUIPMENT INCLUDED IN THE ITEMS WE ARE BIDDING, AND WE EMPLOY A FULL TIME MECHANIC AND WELDER, KEEPING DOWN TIME TO A MINIMUM. A LIST OF EQUIPMENT IS ATTACHED ALONG WITH A LIST OF REFERENCES. OUR MOST IMPORTANT ASSET IS OUR EMPLOYEES AND THE NUMBER OF YEARS EXPERIENCE THEY HAVE, AND ALSO THE NUMBER OF YEARS THEY HAVE WORKED WITH OUR FIItM. WE PLACE A HIGH EMPHASIS ON JOB SAFETY AND THE PROTECTION OF BOTH PUBLIC AND PRFJATE PROPERTY. OUR BID HAS BEEN PUT TOGETHER KEEPING THE BEST POSSIBLE PRICE FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY IN MIND AND ENABLING US TO PROVB)E THE BEST POSSIBLE SERVICE IN COMPLETING VARIOUS JOBS. ~~~ \, . -~ SEA iNS _ ~ ~ CONSTRUCTION~CORPORATION - POST OFFICE BOX 530185 LAKE PARK, FLORIDA 33403 (561 J 842-0010 #7-A QUALIFICATION OF BIDDER Three contracts completed or underway in the past two (2) yeazs: 1. INLET HARBOR MARINA -ANDERSON MOORE -JEFF MOORE 2. THE BENJAMIN UPPER SCHOOL-THEWEITZ COMPANY-DAVE HANSON 3. VARIOUS JOBS FOR TOWN OF PALM BEACH - J[M BOWSER List of references in the type of work referenced in the bid: PALM BEACH COUNTY ROAD AND BRIDGE DEPT MIKE BOWMAN 3700 BELVEDERE ROAD STEVE STRONA WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406 (561)233-3955 TOWN OF PALM BEACH PAUL BRAZIL 951 OLD OKEECHOBEE ROAD JIM BOWSER WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33401 (561)838-5440 CITY OF WEST PALM BEACH KEN REARDON 200 SECOND AVENUE WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33402 (561)659-8000 SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY PAT BEYERS 7501 NORTH JOG ROAD WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33412 (561)640-4000 TOWN OF LAKE PARK CAROLYN MIGUEL 659 OLD DDCIE HIGHWAY LAKE PARK, FL 33403 (561) 844-0644 ~~~ ' a.~EAI NS I • - CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION POST OFFICE BOX 530165 LAKE PARK, FLORIDA 33403 (561 j 642-0010 #7-B QUALIFICATION OF BIDDER -EQUIPMENT LIST 2002 CATERPILLAR 330BL BACKHOE 2002 CATERPILLAR 320CL BACKHOE 1992 CATERPIILAR 231 BACKHOE 1984 CATERPIILAR 225 BACKHOE 1999 CATERPILLAR 416C LOADER/I-IOE 1995 CATERPILLAR 416B LOADER/HOE 1985 CATERPILLAR 910 LOADER 1986 CATERPILLAR 950E LOADER 1989 CATERPILLAR 966E LOADER 1996 CATERPILLAR 966F LOADER 1990 READ RD-90 SCREEN ALL BOMAG MODEL BW 142D VIBRATORY ROLLER 1987 FORD 6-TON BOOM TRUCK 1995 GMC BOOM TRUCK W/MANITEX 936 CRANE 2000, 2000, 1989,1997 MACK DM686 TRI-AXLE DUMP TRUCKS 2001, 2001, 1997 MACK RW I3 TRUCK TRACTORS 1992 LOADKING 50-TON LOWBOY TRAILER 1992 LOADKING ROCK HAULER TRAILER 1994 BORCO DUMP TRAILERS 1992 MILLER 600D WELDER 1993 BOBCAT MODEL 753 1997 BOBCAT MODEL 753 ~~~ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD (850) 487-1395 ~" ~~' 1940 NORTH MONROS STREET TALLAHASSEE.,-.. FL 32399-0783 PRICK, CINDI M D S EARINS CONSTRUCTION CORP . PO BOX 530185 LABS PARR FL 33403 .. ~ATEOFLOR1D" AC/ 1459850 DEPARTMENT OF SIISIN833 AND -PROFESSIONAL RBGVLATION CGC036066 06/23/04 030740459 CERTIFZRD. GENBRAL CONTRACTOR FRICR, CINDZ-M D 9 BARINS .CONSTRDCTION CORP I9 C8AiI-I® m9.r sM 9ro.aaaem. ee m.9 A9 ae. amsr.um e.c.. AOC 31, 2006 c9a9aaaeuw DETACH HERE Ac:1459850 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING HOARD 5EQ#1,04062302105 ' LICENSB NHA 06 23 2004 030740459 CGC036066 The GSNSRAL CONTRACTOR .,.- dameG Dalow I3 CERTIFIED ~ - IInder tha provisions of Chapter 489~FS. ~. Expiration date: AIIG 31, 2006 ,. ~~~" - ~-~ = FRICR, CINDI M . ~ ~ - ~_' 9 BARING CONSTRUCTION CORP 481E P~XTIC ROAD pL 33403 - JEH HUSH DIANE CARR GOVERNOR SECRETARY DISPLAY AS REQUIRED BY LAW ' K rc:cw~¢e' sos "^- DETACH ANO DISPLAY BOTTOM wnnun, wnu nttr urrtn wnnun run •uun neww+ . ,?OA1-14946 -,STATE OFFLORIDA ~ CW-0Ot PALM'BEACH COUNTY cwsSIFlcAnoN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE ' rEXPIRES:':.SEPTE.MB'ER - 30- 2006. _:.,_,~„ - C/y./IDE $369.60 D S EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORP ~ ~ ~" LOCATED AT FRICK CINDI M ~~ 148YKINETIC ROAD - ;OU{I{TYWIDE MUNICIRAI LICENSE LAKE PARK FL 33403 TOTAL ~ $369.60 GENERPL CONDUCTOR CGCA36066 JOHN K. CLARK, CFC TAX COLLECTOR, PALM BEACH COUNTY THIS~IS NOT ABILL - DO NOT PAY PAID. PeC TAX COLLECTOR 5369.80 OCC 322 r D}I7.2pOS THIS LICENSE VALID ONLY WHEN RECEIPTED BY TAX COLLECTOR „-,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,urn,., ou ~ ,viw wn, nm. wn0 KEEP UPPER PORTON FOR YOUR RECORDS"" 2001-14944 STATE OF FLORIDA OC-032 PALM BEACH COUNTY CLnsslFlcanoN OCCUP/kT10NAL LICENSE EXPIRES: SEPTEMBER - 30- 2006 D S EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORP ." LOCATED AT CNN 599.00 FRICK CINDI M - t481 KINETIC ROAD LA10= PARK FL 33403 ' ~ ~ TOTAL 599.00 b MMy Ilwresd at enws eeema for Ins VMS bplmlNl¢~.an tlnr Ent dy o/0ffiener end sMlnp on ins MlriMth dsY al9epMmnvto THIS IS NOT ABILL - DO NOT PAY anpapo In tlis t,dnns, profession w oceups0on oY. GENERAL CONTRACTOR PAID. PBC TAX COLLECTOR CGC036068 599.00 OCC 37103530 D&27-2W5 JOHN K. CLARK, CFC ~ THIS LICENSE VALID ONLY WHEN RECEIPTED BY TAX COLLECTOR, PALM BEACN COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR __..._..............,., w. wn. wnuun, ANO KEEP UPPER PORTION POR YOUR RECORDS 2001-14942 STATE OF FLORIDA OS-Ot2 PALM BEACH COUNTY cLASSIFICAnoN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE EXPIRES: SEPTEMBER - 30- 2006 D S EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORP "LOCATED AT CNTY 533.00 EAKINS DOUGLAS S & SANDI F 1461 KOJETIC ROAD LAKE PARK FL 33403 TOTAL E33.00 U tuhety Iimreed ffi anwe addnase br ins peAOd Depinnirq on the - ' RM dry er OciobereM eiMlrip en tlr tnhtlein dsy of BephmteT to THIS IS NOT ABILL - DO NOT PAY enpspa In pro nusl,nss, profsaslon or oaupe0on aF. EOUIPMEM RENTANIEAW ' PAID. PBC TAX COLLECTOR 533.00 OCC 3220353209-27-2005 JOHN K. CLARK, CFC THIS LICENSE VALID ONLY WHEN RECEIPTED BY TAX COLLECTOR, PALM BEACH COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR