Twelve Oaks Survey BLVD F- C Seminole ;.Plazal t 304 7�easant I Dr cc at OYSTER girgig D /V) cic tain$ BAY e Dr Q:0 47 "V c OSAla Rd 0 0 Z 'CO W, ZW LEGEND 0 UW$ C) OV .!2 Service Rd North LAKE WOR o Beach H uJ Juno Ro LA L Plaza J41 S r Govt. Government -4t: wl Clil Cir Dr I S air n L z Hi 1,J CL P.0.B. Point of Beginning N Suzanne Ci _J e n R S Su'zanne Cir UJ --4.j P.0.C. Point of Commencement W* UJ I Wdsor Dr _-J Cove La Holm n Dr TREE RM Right-of-Way Vitex La Vi Wheeler a ANDIAiG 0 r 0 S1 � %1-R -_,.-% So ene r-PL r ly Southerly N� Q flone La > M t Waterway Z , -0 1=1 a r-0 Kathy La 0 41: Q C) SW Southwest Dr IIIIIWCLUB f—vista *I I 44i WT 0 1 W je I I rp Sta Station r T Oakbrook Waterwa Q 0 offer'La I Smith Dr 3 Dr 04U4Lt: e GOL Bomaf Dr $q W -C r- Sclub 0 &_ 0 co Lxw 1:111 La ouse C*1 unn ;P y, OA/r C) h Ask -ii�,' eac I ill CLUB S W. C 0 R E R PLAT OF Dolphin"o La' OLD -CDC) cc La CC rn H I DDEN KEY Brenda I J=r- a 0 M I d 0 PAGE ( PLAT BOOK 27, 243 ) Dr Our Lady d(Florida 7�7 91 COAd-E-9-D M ckind arolinda Monastery \1 lub ­1:8 ird, a Rit sDr il INDIAN RE Beach SOUTHERLY F? W 2 BRIARW DPL Way=.0- c La GLEN 0 KS CT' n z r,tA R IVE RWOOD PL ION" ORTHERLY R/ W LINE LINE STATF S. R. NO. 70 vAU N 00 3 VICINITY SKETCH ( ROAD PLAT BOOK 5 70 ,3 STATE ROAD 703 PAGES 12 81 13 ) NOT TO SCALE 0 8_ 01J DESCRIPTION, : in nment-Lo A q Jp ----------- -atz.-Point;lyitlq�'W_Jhe _S�__ I ­1 7­-—�--­ I ____ I 1 111 -Northerly,line-Of-Gover _the Plat,' Vvm of Subdivision of G ment,Lot A,,;Section 4,-T ship 42 South,, Range,43,East, ovom as recorded in Plat Bo6k 18, Page 4, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, at its intersection with the'Southwesterly corner of the Plat of Twelve Oaks, as recorded in TA. 36e Plat Book 31, Pages 48 and 49, said Public Records; thence Northerly along the 642. 00 Or L I/q. Westerly line of said Plat of Twelve Oaks to a corner in said Westerly line; thence Northeasterly along said Westerly line and its Northeasterly prolongation thereof to its /'V P '"�4 01V P L, k4 -r Sooikk//q- , A... intersection with the Southerly Right-of-Way line of State Road 703, as recorded in Road AS PLA �26 PA RjE�Cof, r Plat Book 5, Pages 12 and 13, said Public Records; thence, Easterly along said Southerly /,3.5 Right-of-Way line to its intersection with the Southerly prolongation of the Westerly line e of the Plat of Hidden Key, as recorded in Plat Book 27, Page 243, said Public R cords; thence Northerly along said Southerly prolongation to the Southwesterly corner of said Plat of Hidden Key and a point on the.North Right-of-Way line of said State Road No. 703; thence Easterly along said North Right-of-Way.line, to a point at right angles to centerline station 362 + 62.00 as said stationing is shown on the Plat of Bulkhead line in the North end of the Waters of Lake Worth, as recorded in Plat Book 26, page 135, Public A 2 .0 0016, U Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence Southerly at right angles to said North N TWELV'@E OA N Right-of-Way line, a distance of 53.00 feet to a point on said centerline of State Road No 703 and the Northerly rolongation'of the bulkhead line as shown on said plat; thence < C/) P .J PLAT BOOK 31 , PAGES 48 & 49 Southerly and Southwesterly, along said Northerly prolongation and said bulkhead line to CL 0 \00 its intersection with the Easterly prolongation of the North line of said Government Lot 8; W.Y thence Westerly along said Easterly prolongation and the North line to said Southwest Z< corner of the Plat of Twelve Oaks and the Point of Beginning. 0-w�0 .J Containing in all 31.2 acres, more. or less. W LLJ .J J _J W L1J W WU. 0 NOTES 1. No title policy or commitment affecting title or boundary t the subject property has are deeds and easemer:, recorded or unrecorded, been provided. It ispossible there which could affect the subject property. No search of the Public Records has been made by this office'., 2. This plat is not valid unless sealed with an embossed surveyor's seal. igned-Without the specific written permission,�-.—.'.._- 151 nsferted of at7t' 3. This sketch canniDt e tra of Wallace Sury �ing,Corporation. ey 4. This is not a survey! SW. CORNER PLAT OF TWELVE OAKS 0 NORTH LINE GOVERNMENT LOT 8 CERTIFICATION : I HEREBY CERTIFY that the description sketch shown hereon meets the Minimum GOVT LOT Technical Standards set forth by the Florida Board of Land Surveyor's pursuant to Section DESCRIPTION SKOETC110 FOR ( PLAT OF SUBDIVISION OF GOVT 472.027, Florida Statutes, and adopted in Chapter 21 HH-6, Florida Administrative Code, LOT 8) PLAT BOOK 18 effective September 1, 1981. PAGE 4 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COR PO RATION 50 0 too 200 300 mW==11LL14CE SURVEYins 100 a 407/842-4233 9176 ALTERNATE AlA, LAKE PARK, FLORIDA 33403 Craig Wal I lace FIELD: JOB NO.: 90-1345 "A' F.B. PG. SCALE IN FEET lonal Land Surveyor OFFICE: R.C. DATE: 1 /18/91 DWG. NO.: 0 1345- 1 SCALE: 1" =100' Florida Certificate #3357 CWD: F: SHEET OF 34 C.W. 04 0 ------------ ------- ------------