2012-09-02 Order Zoning Variance 517 Northlake Blvd. HNK LLC VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH
Applicant: Francis DiGiovani (HNK LLC property owner)
Property Location: 517 Northlake Boulevard, North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Legal Description: A parcel of land (described in metes and bounds) located within the
Village of North Palm Beach Plat No. 5 as recorded in Plat Book 26,
Page 6 of the public records of Palm Beach County (PCN: 68-43-42-
Request: Variance from Section 45-36(N)(1) of the Village Code of Ordinances
to allow a retail market with a liquor store and a restaurant operating
under a 4-COP license to be located within 1,000 feet of an
establishment operating under a 2-COP license.
THIS MATTER came before the Zoning Board of Adjustment on September 20,
2012. After considering the testimony and other evidence presented during the course of
a properly noticed public hearing, it is hereby ordered and adjudged as follows:
1. Applicant's request for a variance meets the requirements of Section 21-21
of the Village Code of Ordinances and is hereby APPROVED.
2. In accordance with Section 21-21(c)(2)b of the Village Code of Ordinances,
the Board's approval of Applicant's variance request is subject to the following condition:
The variance granted herein is solely for the benefit of the applicant. Should
the applicant transfer ownership of the business or no longer operate a retail
market with a liquor store and restaurant on the Property, this variance shall
terminate and any new owner or new business shall be required to comply
with the applicable Code requirements or seek a new variance.
DONE AND ORDERED this day of , 2012.
Villag f N rth Palm Beach Zoning
Bo d of A ustment
B .
Curtis Witters, Chair
A 5T:
J Nentwick, Planner/Secretary