08-29-2012_FY2013 Budget Recap p?- I --qqw rqr wILLIVGR❑F NOUS MLli 4EACK 1 - POUIC$lFfRE RESCUE -- � y - _ JlldxL K7MATEE CDMfIA][ VILLAGE oF NORTH FALm BEACH, FL FY 2013 BUDGET RECAP What we hope to ; ^ � accomplish this evening . 1 . Establish a Milla a Rate 2. Discuss options for vacancy savings 3. Discuss the option of transferring fiscal year end savings to the Village's Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) i 4 FY 2013 Budget ' Millage Override Options for Final Budget * A millage rate lower than the Rolled-Back _ Utilize C1 Funning for Priority JY f & 2 Capit,7, rlurns Rate of $6.9990 mils is not recommended K — Rcduccd Contingency unless Unassigned Fund Balance is to be used I Offlize Reserves forshortfall. Rolled Back Ratia CurrentMi11age Rate currllnt FiseaI Year 1,12 mils ($6.9990M115) ($6.9f13 mils) cftldes NO{.spitaj nctudes lU Capital rroriit}�#i&2 capital to inci s No CaiDgar PIWO;F1 &2 Cast to f?Za CiP Funapn+op (Priority#1 &2-capital a1ze CN'rr�nding) t NP,_e Unasj+greedfarad to tltfav CIP Funding) CcnKngenryReduced) lance) W11asie Ram 6.5723 $ 7,1240 $ 1x,9990 $ 6.9723 1Mai UL!aget V� 1f,51f._+44 $ 1l.MJ8,1f4 5 1 f.b3f,424 1 1f,499,114 TUt31 AdNalorern Pro-ceeds 4 9,944,284 $ 10,653,344 9,882,454 9,844,794 Cur ilinquriuy -1 148,347 $ 244,447 ;$ 29.557 30.COD (Manaigcr8 Councd) Capital[nuri-develupur] "J $ - 4 - - ("') t=xuhnAm$95,000-Efvaixt&ILiWiziljrg UliliLe CIP FuntliiiU Fur Ulilite CIP Funding fur dcrefo,percont;vbutron& Priority-f1. 8112itcrn: Priority it9 &-ft2items Unassigned Fund Balance -5 10,158b.6b�3 5 741.Wt3,bb9 5 1U.t52i# .5b!j iu,bbu.bib Uti line 530.143 of F-9S6rVO Unassigned Fund Balance as a %of Budget 01% G090 01% 01% BudgetaryfTax Impact= Increasei(Decrease) over2412Budget ;G 190,730 ;� 19,[X00 $ (17,824) PPrrPnt 1 nr_rP.asPf(DP rrPa sP} 1 179° {1 11 CA _11 1 n% InrrP21nPf(DPcrPnSP.) nvwr?{71?Ar1-ValnrP..rn 14P.0?[1 [?1,{13F1) s (5co..5- ) Peiuerit Iricieasel(aerioaseo 1.501,:u -0.2295 -0.15096 FY 201.3 �> Budget Management Recommended Option: $6.9990 Mils (RBR) Management Recommendation Management's Recommendation is to establish a Millage Rate of $6.9990 mils, which is the Village's rolled-back rate, and utilize the Contingency reserve to fill the gap (amount needed: $170,850...at $7.12 mils this reserve is $200,407). ➢ There will be no increase in taxes to our Village residents! ➢ Reduce contingency reserve to $29,557 ➢ $20,000 Council Contingency and $9,557 Manager Contingency ➢ Historically, there has been very little activity in this reserve. i ➢ The Village has other options for unanticipated expenditures, for example: Unassigned Fund Balance, Departmental Savings, etc. ➢ The Village's high level of service, amenities and quality of life programs remain fully funded in FY 2013. FY 2013 Budget Discussion Items 1 . Should department vacancy savings be transferred to Council Contingency / Reserve-Personnel Savings through a budget transfer on a semi-annual basis or remain in the department until needed? Note: Throughout the fiscal year, departments utilize savings in one category to offset an increase in another (Department categories: Personnel / Operating / Capital). This helps keep the departmental budget balanced and reduces the number of budget transfers during the year At the close of the fiscal year, the budget must be balanced by 1 department and category. 2. Should fiscal year end savings continue to be transferred to fund the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)? Note: FY 2012 year end anticipated transfer is $800,000. FY 2013 Budget North Palen Beach V illage Council YY24)13 Bu dget NI arls)rnp Proposed Schedule Dar. Date: Time: uhjed: ® Wedtesday A-iriY 25"' 7:Pao-for pm Council Goal 3e" ® Mcmday May 7th -0.ain- 11. M S-sff[budget]Retfeat ® Wediesday July 1 e 7:?M-Ht pin Couutry Club Budget�o;-ervmw) ® W-edieslay Jn1y25" 7=PIE-1R pnt General Find Budget(o�,erview) Thursday Jul--1d`� C:ouocilieetiug Manager°s Proposed$udgetlesentation r± ® W-kesday Asgust 1;t t_guo-1�L pru t klmal Fund Budmt(F' ie safety& 'UWi:,-Works> gwtments) ® .Tedies3ay Aigust$� Pilo-1{k poi General Fund Bu3getCo+nn,urri}y Develapffient,Lary, Council, 1 Ark mey and Niaaage-Depaiimmis) ® WL kesz ay Aigust'2'd 7.PM-10 pat General Fund BudgTt(Parlm & Recreation. Hu,maa ReEources,Fiaaace,1.T.-. Debt aadOter Depfflnmuts) ® Wediesdax Aigust 29'u 7_FM-10 pm Budge-Recap and tvSlla.e discussions. * :'he F 2013 Budget Workshop schedule hrs been developed to serve as a wide a*, dates and times are subject to flange in acmdaucc with the"public mccting' pr��xsi�ns of FS S. 1St Budget Hearing scheduled for Thursday, September 13, 2012 at 7:30 pm. 2nd Budget Hearing scheduled for Thursday, September 27, 2012 at 7:30 pm. FY 2013 Budget 0*. Questions & Answers ? OU I r ti FY 2013 Budget