08-22-2012_FY2013 Parks & Rec-HR-IT-Finance-Gen Svcs VH-Reserves La 11
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August 22nd — FY 2013 Budget Workshop
TONIGHT'S - To do List!
1 . Review the CURRENT fiscal year budget as it relates to the
following departments:
Parks & Recreation
Human Resources
Information Technology
General Services — Village Hall
Reserves & Other
2. Workshop the PROPOSED FY2013 Budget as it relates to the
Departments mentioned above (including each department's
5-year Capital Improvement Plan)
FY 2013
FY2012 Budget Review:
*Parks & Recreation
*Human Resources
•Information Technology
*General Services — Village Hall
*Reserves & Other
FY 2oi3 ,
The Village of North Palm Beach
Prelilnitu -General Fund Bud zet S ummar v 31d Qua rte r Ending Target: 75%
Third quarter Ending June 0. 2012
Reused 1012 of Revised Bud-et nor Year victual Actual
Third Quarter Ending 6.+30!12 Budget (Tar et 75%) 6130111 09139)11 09130110
General Government:
Village Council 99,099 146,354 67.710%* 100,328 131,637 120,125
Village Manger 196,598 236,714 66.36% 217,769 332.'M 240,024
Human Resources 170,613 241,355 70.69°`. 171,688 226868 233,169
Finance 377,217 533,705 70.68°: 374,739 499;456 495,766
LnformatmTerhnaloge 225,326 336,759 66.905: 215,807 289,297 285,414
Village Attorney 119,045 170,000 70.030%* 135,272 159,692 153,356
Village Clerk 228,862 288,221 79.41°: 206,157 268,039 273,634
General Sen-ices-Village Hall 112,178 1,52938 178,552 62.83°: 82,547 105,595 95,376
Leisure Services=
Library 453,272 676,942 71.39°: 468,124 635,861 685,436
Recreation 707,721 1,002,295 70.61°: 652,023 935,584 933,273
Park Maintenance - - 0.00°/: - - -
Pool 225,750 292,756 77.10"/: 298,843 4411259 306,581
Special Events 60,578 87,000 69.453°: 52,940 76,068 7],666
Tennis 298,314 1,775,635 388,436 76.80°/: 322,497 396988 442,968
Debt service - - 0.W/: - - 2,254,384
Contingence 26,500 85,347 30.00°/. 9,498 14,089 43,162
Transfer In.Out - - 0.W/: 431,992 1,334,934 163,440
Nan-Departmental 200,554 227,354 392,639 51.15% 326,795 393,920 511,424
Parks & Recreation: 72.99%
Human Resources: 70.69%
Information Technology: 66.90%
Finance: 70.68%
FY 2013 General Services-Village Hall: 62.83%
Budget Reserves & Other: 47.27%
Proposed FY2013 Budget
*Parks & Recreation
*Human Resources
•Information Technology
*General Services — Village Hall
*Reserves & Other
FY 2oi3 ,
The-Village of\ortlr Pala Sear It
FYI#fj Genera L Fund Budget Summary
Fiscal Year 2012-2013
Original Fiscal %Increase 1
Year 2012 (Decreaw)over 2012 actual Aeluat Artual
FiscalYear 2012-2013 Budget Budget 09'3{1'11 09."N.10 09131D149
General Government:
Village Council 146,750 146,354 0.27N. 131,637 120,125 122,653
Village Manger 271,032 276,714 -2.05% 332,848 290,024 272,974
Human Resources 279,292 241,358 15.72% 226,868 233,169 217,419
Finance 549,683 533,708 2.99"1. 499,456 495,766 484,076
Information Tecbnology 335,746 336,789 -0.319. 289,297 285,410 282,303
Village Attorney 170,000 170,000 0.009. 159,692 153,356 134,083
Village Cle& 299,028 299,221 3.75% 268,039 273,630 254,655
General Senices-Village Hall 111,209 2,162,740 178,552 -37.72% 105,595 45,376 142,892
L inure Sen-wes=
Library 887,651 676,942 31.13% 635,861 685,936 767,271
Recreation 1,023,868 1,00{1,620 232 . 935,580 933,273 917,567
Park Maintenance - - 0.009. - - 536,825
Pool 363,414 292,786 24.12% 440259 306,581 395,921
Special Events 87,000 87,000 0.00°". 76,068 77,666 72,028
Tennis 475,295 2,837228 399.436 2236% 396.988 402,968 361,439
Debt sen-ice - - 0.00°: 2254,384 1,439,460
Conttngenoy 103,614 108,347 -4.37°". 14,089 43,162 14,191
Transfer In10ut - - 0.00°". 1,334,934 163,490 318,500
Ilan-Departmental 392_639 496,253 392,639 0.00°". 393,920 511,429 94,930
Total General Fund Proposed Budget: $18,484,863
-Parks & Recreation: $1,949,477 or 10.55% of total budget
-Human Resources: $279,292 or 1.51% of total budget
•Information Technology: $335,746 or 1.82% of total budget
-Finance: $549,683 or 2.97% of total budget
FY 2013 -General Services-Village Hall: $111,209 or 0.64% of total budget
Budget -Reserves & Other: $271,032 or 2.68% of total budget
/ .
Parks & Recreation
j¢ 1 . Recreation & Special Events
2 . Tennis
3 . Pool
FY 2013
Parks & Recreation
Director of Parks & Recreation 1 FT
Marina Wet Dry Storage, Camps, Anchorage, Osborne, Lakeside,
I.C. Programs and Instructions, & Special Events Community Center, Pool and Tennis
Recreation/Program Coordinator 1 FT Parks / Facilities Manager 1 FT
Recreation Supervisor 2 FT
Recreation Assistants 4 PT Recreation Supervisor 1 FT
Youth Art Instructor 1 PT Recreation Assistants 7 PT
Camp Counselor 10 PT Pool Lifeguard 20 PT
Event Coordinator 1 PT
Summary: hanger
No personnel changes! FT =6
PT = 43
FY 2013 ,
Capital Outlay
Uftatrnnen pia ount
Public N outs
Smen-alk repay--village vide 40,000
A-pEa1t 0vrlav-,5 Ueys 58,000 S n.ODO
V ehide R,eglacMmeud(1)— ed 28,892
Vehide RqpL3omn, fi wtr=♦I a 86,-676 115,568
Fire Rescue
Self cGnmir to bre3tbir a apparatus (2 200,000
General Services-Public S.-dety Building
Saomewva3s replacement 50,000
Parks & Recreation: Libt-at,
R.of regla"e 152,000
Developer Fees $95,000 A`CHa„ fl.ff rpla 59,653 211,653
Community Develop resent
Village $62,000 �-e>�deR�la (1)- Cm is;a— 1$,coo
VPhide R,eglacSmeot(1)-fin„XMFtV PII; 22,000 -... .
Parts & Rem-3 dan
SomE Bu 40,004
Paclkage A�I--Umt rup;a amm i(2) 22,000
Plavgro—d F g-P—Eol M 45,000
Kiddie Pool F.,,},m e=mut{*j 50,000 157,O00
M Funded b}De-%.ekver C kmtnb ti oo
Total Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Capital Outlay 872,221.
FY 2013 , $872 2221
Developed Contribution Recap
Jr.- Developer Contributions Received (Original A11104int Due $1,175,000)
Fiscal Year 20D8 254,4[10
Fiscal Year 2CH)9 254,400
Fiscal Year 2010 254,400
Fiscal Year 2411 2541400
Fiscal Year 2012 175.400 1.175.000
Total amount received from Developer
Developer Contributions Used To Date
Tennis Facility 400,440
Pool Resurfacing 164,444
Pool Equipment Boom 55,444
Budgeted for use in Fly 2012:
Shade Structure for Kiddie Fool 9.0130
2 Baseball Scoreboards at Osborne Park 9.0130
Osborne Park Playground Resurfacing 10.0130
Shade structure for Osborne Totlot 9.0130
Playground Equipment 4 ..3130 80.00
Total Developer Contributions Used To Gate $ 695,000
Received Contributions Available for future use (QD
*Developer fees can only be utilized for "parks and recreation purposes"
FY 2013 •Limited to the purchase of equipment and the construction of facilities
Recreation Revenues
Aic# FY 101? R-� uesr Detail
A212M3210 PROGRA-M CTR=FEES 2.500.00 Nam-reeademt fees omRected
A212"3250 ARTS AND CRAFTS 500.00 Recreation run art classes
A2129.03270 SL'I�L'YiER PROGRANM
A2129.03280 RECREATION PROGRA'4 RE-� NUE 58,0-00.00 Recreabom Classes 70°:imstructoas 30%Village
A212"3281 CA 4P PROGRAMS RF,TNLTE ?6,0-00.00 Fall day c=p -(1)ame week sessioms 50 campe R 4$165AYeek X66.000
Summer Camp=$66:000 Super n&=$10,000
A2129.03282 RECREATION EVENTS F E's-L-"-L-E 16,500.00 Ghost nm($2,300)-iaHm em M:Veteran's Day(M,Arts
&Cratb(S2400),TuIW SEoat(5300):Trolley Rides(5504.
Tree Lightmg($0),Puppy La�.-e($0),Fall and Spaimg
Garage Sales(51500),Fishing Toumey($5000),Summer
P Pazties(0)Triatbion 53,50]):
Monies in the Park(S 800):Family Camp Out(SS00):Egg Hnmt3 0
Dote;Recreation Event Expense=SI-1,641D
A2128.03283 SPORTS LEAGUES REVENUE 50,750.00 Fall sourer($14,000),winter basketball($16,000):
Summer basketball{$3500),Volleyball ($100 :Flag Football
{S7,5 0).mess basketball($$,750)
Note: Sports Leagues Expeme=5-'0,750
A2129.03284 TRAVEL TICKET SALES 8,500.00 Rill make push to Qeate mGi-e and exciting trips
Note:TrareI Ticker Expense=510,000
FY 2013
Recreation Revenues Continued . . .
AIC # I],�scri flC-Lk FY 2013 Rye nest Detail
A212SX3290 HERIT_ t E z`- C<]'sLE 25,Q00.00 SponsAmships,business expo and ride ticket sales
Note:13ecitsge'Weekend Expense=Sc7,000
A2129-03910 NLARINA 1-72,0-00-00 DryStarage
15'space @ S 6w(8*600)= 54,SOU
20'space @ 650(31 *650)= $20,150
25'space @ S7W(85*700)= $59,500
34'space q 3750(33*750)= $24,750
35'space,ra 5800(15*800)= 312-000
40'space ea, 8510(13*850)= 511-050
mtal $132,250
Wet S48
total(35* 1,886=$66,010)
Total rep-ame S 13:,:--g+S66 010=S19&260(fu1l capacity)
A2128-03920 NLARD A DECALS 16,0-00-00 266 decals-'$60.00 each
A212"4120 OUTSIDE SERVICES Not a budgetary item
A2129-08130 FACILITY RENTAL 40,0-00-00 Court eazebo and field rentals to local whoa)&organiza6ms
A2 1 2 9-08300 RECi: SALE OF PLANS&.SPECS
A2128.08980 COMMISSIONS-VENDING MACH. 1,0-00-00 Vmdmgmachines3t Community CeoterawlAnebrage
A2 1 2 9-08995 DONATIONS
FY 2013 TOTAL FEVEN TES 466,750.00
Budget --Fa„wv , Total Revenues = $466,750
• o With Capital: Budget is up 2.14% or $23,248
�I O The}'illag�of�UQ'fib Palm Be7rb
ea 0to FY 2012-2013��rm Fnnd Hndget Without Non-Developer Capital: Budget is
Cj� Eye �Feai�&Special Events down 3.66% or $39,780
201�i o _PO Year 2 •vrr)DII A-.L -3 A-d
rant Ye. E01Z-:413 ~ Bmd el Bmdeec M'sa-11 a4.•2-k30 w•aa•w
Rp-uLm Pa; S 294,918 i 314-#3 -1% S 311,933 $ 307,077 S zm_ F
ChvrtoaPa;, 10,0[)D 16,066 041 317215 4= 7,776
Vii.-ir=N Par 103,671 4I3,dE! 1414,536 141 LIWE 1LF 124 173yna
e�ams�om 53,134 66,937 -391 4v'YJ e7d021 7L533
HeaL6Im;v zi 53,798 44946 4240 jI4L99 47.342 33,747
° FICAldadicm 31,785 32,355 -39: 37,023 321,490 221,751
or 53% _ eltamdi:a6iLitflusmaaca 1,350 L" -27% ,,793 L7aL 1,536
UmTarm ELsabLlLhImrnmu-4 1,026 - Cr% - - -
-i6a ismauca 435 546 -149: ]37 ns 432
IVC-car:CCmPm+3m+ 7,996 6939 11% {k496 9a1L 37y4h
03tr - 1712Ed - Cr% 217
# 5K71J i 962,1:18 1119 S 6TfalS s saz m s sr;X�s
AdtivrELLog 2,400 2,060 cr% ,,10-, 949 1,314
Haaks.ALb- cane-,&SLL6crftptL ms U 4 D% o- 9& 91
CLzZFaCard Fs 3,200 3,2M D% L703 4xm 3,3M
CamBa_smcs•:&:3-' -s 1,0421 250 300% 11w a 7s
Canwarmal SwTim 7,8x0 4j560 67% 7,}57 Lag, 1237:5
Da vlupe Feas H,3 ;P U 27,060 -100 0 4 C
Grs,Oil&L_boicmb 3,046 3,366 35% 71wn 2}3L 2,151
$417,155 MammalsA SupFYm: 27,400 26,,x66 !% 13,7 L9 L4mm 16 ti42
am�.lvm�-.hips.s_ 1,206 1,2M 0% 7210 3CG 212121
or 37% �`T 526 906 -41% IJ3 743 9m
Pri�ifa&Bisjinz 256 250 41% 2LU 7121 557
PTO.-Fspa asa I-M.750 174,750 -6% L94,9,e 161,7i6 117}49
Rspam,k M,,..b,.a. 1,406 1,566 -7% 3,327 a M41
5paciaLEvm= 67,004 671066 41% 744666 776&6 72,m
rr l&Iraimm3g 1,506 LAM 5cr% o- 4L L94
T3..LF,�s 1,756 1,750 0': 1,005 L.32L `YJ7
UdMP6 1415,673 114352 -11% LU12" ILR2JM 129,1721
6th, Opmax ag Ce:is 2.M 4 43% 0 505 MW
413.155 459,33E Jb% au,lzz a�aue �ra;ea
Am6o e*o 46,000 4 D% 1x979 a 0
CamFmwEkrdxara.de$0Hwm4 0 4 �: o- a 0
$107 000 Ccrosowctim&Idajer Remmvatios 0 4 0% 9 33.75
Din-PlopmFoucRxp u&-C%ihL 45,004 43,066 .0% 11 a 0
o r 10% F��x Fx�rus ` U 4 D% S,ac7 a
b1 CfE o< 22,6W 4 0�: D 0 4�T36
Plsroromd-k Chms.A4=qJpmow. U 4 IF% o- a u
121-.€on a?,460 130% 24,031 215,2176 aria
- - IoeaLExprasrs 5 1110 66 i ],66',626 2 i 3,013.da s 3-111FA7F s M,Efs
FY 2013
Budget $1 ,110,868
- n
atio & Capital Outlay
00 ovoots
09111 Playground Equipment Total Cost. $45,000
Sp Funding Source: Developer Fees
Replace the existing playground equipment at Osborne Park with a
new playground system that will be ADA accessible. The equipment
at the park is old, rundown, and in great need of a facelift. The tot lot
is a highly used playground in the Village.
Package A/C Unit Replacement Total Cost: $22,000
Funding Source: Village
Replace two (2) of six (6) Package A/C units at the Community
Center. The equipment at the Community Center is 8 years old, is
not running at full capacity, and requires constant maintenance and
Vehicle Replacement Total Cost: $40,000
Funding Source: Ville
This is a replacement of a 2000 15-Passenger Village Van. Vehicle is
used for transportation for camps, trips, etc. It will be replaced with a
used 20 passenger mini-bus for reasons of safety and functionality.
FY 2013 New vehicle estimated at $681k
0 $ Village of North Palm Beach
010 3 Year Capital Imps-ovement Plan
FY 2013-2017
_ccd: la C'meral Fwd Deparrment: Psrlz�Sr Recreation Dni iao: Recreation
FT 2013 FY-1014 FY 2015 FT 2Olti FY2617 TDIA
CostbL C7PYear Ell dtletTear ear R1 (Year 2) ear#3) eared ear9
Description Current Ln-emery Estitmated L if-?
S utilih•Vah1de Blear 2011(1) 10 year- $
4iti-Bui 2060 I 13 yemi 40.000 # 10.060
S--O Pick 4 r 2003(1) 9 rears .:.0"6 S 15.M
Sabda&dAirraaauabw: 10.060 15,006 - 3 €3.060
AfaeAixrrm J Eq;f am erer.
?hckazeAC:;mti 2m1 20 2 # 13 yem 22M '?.0"0 5 6b.O6O
Fe1°d10iDDM NA 20yemi 96:0!'6 n X0.060
SabaaaoF 1#arhm 'dr E ew 22,00@ 112,000 22 40!' - 3 1€U O60
Ra}Fmiddr OmhideEgmrbrRenl:
?:ati'ssrs.rai lw'a:tneot vukyw Park> 45M ==.[',': a 00.06-0
SmbaaaQil!ffyffn raddr4WMATeEgmrpmexr 13.060 - l340{' - 3 9'0,060
�9RfJ�7ieQPW�[.�6,rOF�£hd''1C fla1F:
V E mram'i ldemumd Park * See nom - i -
_ uhmaee Park Reumadoc-Pharr' **`'See Dora i 2.16-0.06-0
Sabmmf Carscm-fim.#-vqjq7 Rrnnt'Qpaa '1"C.0!'0 2.160.060
FA'FA&iIFF '�Frl'rarre5:
Sabmmf Fiwm&ure A fkcafres i
Fstimuted Ioial Cost 167.00 i 2,22noo S VIOU S i - i 2.J61.0H
FT 2013 FY2014 F4.2015 FT Hid FY2617 Total
Fundin_e Source 13adgetiear(Fem R 1) (Tear R 2) (Year0 3) (Tea=r;4) (fear p 5)
SiIlr 62,000 3 7.006 2-,0001 - $ 121.00
Grrol 2-196.000 I 219',x.000
Dese] er{antnbadams 13.060 l�,6O0 $ 90.000
Other - $
Fstimaied Iota]FQodim: 167.060 i 2,227,M T 0,0@0 S - $ - 2 61."00
(*)The total caEi far Llu-�pjeci is 2'at to be daernimt There is pnsiibiltt%'of grams fttndlog for ti.project. If the aaot i7 not appiokrw 7 will be up w Tillage Gamc i to deride whedter to condole wish the pa�i
and afar the fondmg sa aoe wiR be:thaefine-the f.vnI-rr u nut 1�md on this CIP.
{**) The��ill agewiL'appropriateansgrmtmatrh mereqummaiu irpamnatificadonof°rmo?appQasal
Annim]OperatugCos FkmmsoCreatedbTProjecr $ - Fiscal �/iscal Year. Total.
Descxipfion afOperat;agImpact: 'tie operrtm;Impact 2013 $107,000 Total C I P:
2014 $2,227,000 $2,401 ,000
2015 $67,000
FY 2013 2016 $0
Budget 2017 $0
Tennis Revenues
A1£0 Desizripfixm FY_'01? Re ue.t Detail
U150-03261 GUEST FEES-TENME 1 000.00 Increase due ro prcjcLcbed reyenues
U1.5 0-03262 RENTAL OF COLTS 250.00 Decrease due to court arvsilibilty no roam lorblock rentals
U150-03264 BALL NILACHINE R=AL Na ball machu e
32150-03641 hIIENiBERSHIP-RESIDENT 28,000.00 Family 9 at$498.00= $4.482
SLugle 47at388-00= $18.236
Jamor 18iacsl00= $1800
GOLf Plus 3 150= $450
32150-03642 11MABERSHIP-NON RESMENT 41,000.00 Family 13 55= #8-645
S' le 62• $498= s30 876
Junior 15 f&_$104= $1500
U1.5 0-03643 LESSONS RE h�]E 300,0G4.G0 Chnics.lessom and€amxps (80%.-Hmd Pros,2{ -�LLap)
32 1 5 0-03644 LESSONS-EF-AD PRO HeadPrafiessimm]
U1.50-03154.5 LESSONS-T.ACB3NCx - com kmedwi0l Lessoms reienues
U1.50-031547 CAMP PROGRAM REi,'ENC.E
32150-03646 TENNIS SLTNMfFR ME AEFRSHIPS 1,400.00 Summer only memberships NEffy 1-September 34
32150-066245 TENNIS LEAGUE MEMBERSHIP 1 504.00 League oaty pL2VeF membership
U150-08060 MISC.RE%E1ti -T 2%M7[S
32 1 5 0-08400 TENNIS LEASE 9,072.00 Tennis pco sho lease#750 mum&"Terris S: '.Lo_a:a_
32150-08980 C{h241SSIOItiS-1'ENDD G`EACH.
Budget Total Revenues = $399,222
The Village of North P aim Seaeb
FY;012-,013 General Fund Budget
@e Io€rease
Oren Or�alFis€al [De€rease]
�� Year lull over 2012 Acrool Actol clod
Fisral V ar 01-1-2013 Budget Budget p9,30'll p9,3p,10 Ofi rkw9
R.egLai Pay # 44,151 S 41,%2 4% 393 S 17,357
0a1rome ALT - - 0% - 4M 461
PMT-tmiePay 46,381 94,531 44,aal 4% '2$177 25,834 211&12
$1189994 R+em 7,343 7.DES 4% 3,107 5,921 3,569
Health I�maare I1,S82 11,D33 576 141,776 1a,434 4,5sa
or 25% FICAME me 5"no 6,675 4% 5,aa6 4,879 4-5�.
Lung T=DLSabi]Lt%I=MIE 199 251 -21% 241 227 215
Shurt Term DisbdiiyIusuwxe 159 - 0% - - -
Life�Ummce a7 IUS -19% lot 396
li-arker'a Compensation 2,166 I,a15 19% 1,603 1,979 -
Other - 18,261 076 - 1,164
118 94 $ 114 75 4%
Advertising 310 300 0% 420 4 a
Charge Card Fee 7,M() ...coo 0`e 5,429 3,481 4437
C0nnaaua1Servi1e5 1,900 1,910 (M. 41 1,135 4
Gas.0i]8r Lubricants 1 0 0% 41 4 4
$356 301 Mareri3hASIWHEB. 17,550 15,310 15% 16,15T 9,567 12,143
f MembMh3N&Dom 1 350 -ID1% 41 35 35
or 75°/ Pasrage 150 150 0% 41 a 79
o Prmang&Bindim 250 251 0% 245 250 2,777
ProfesaionalSersiaes 343,010 3afi10 0:16 36,536 46,993 52,1415
Program E'penae 257,400 187,440 37% 204,403 235,933 1623413
R epai:n&Maintenance I9,o40 5.510 245% 3,113 1-M 14,116
Tennis!derdLandise 0 0 0% M 1836 424
Unlfurm; 400 4110 0% 303 fit 217
Utilities 14,151 17,411 -1976 13,600 12,236 IIA?
Other CrFeratmg Casts 1 4 0% (159) 154 $263
354 274,061 3iC4Y 2319�if 313�t1 2R�1F
Aurumotive 19 4 0:6 41 4 4
CompmuHardware6e5ol1ware 0 1 01% 41 4 4
No capital C OMtMC13AM&MajOr Ma0VAM 0 ID 0% o a 3,766
Fw hMEE�e Frmuiei
qupi 0 1 0.%, o a a
Marhiuerti•fi Egn�mmaot 4 1 0'� 17,943 a 3,771
Plyypmd&Outside Equipmem 4 0 0-:o- p a 8,fi66
0 0 t�1i 17 51 4 26,916
- `� Tota1F=pe.ses 3 476.29'5 3 385,436 2246 s a469as # ap�9#6 1: �ada4
FY 2013 ,
Budget $4759295 Budget is up 22.36% or $86,859
yen Village of North Palm Beach
Year Capital Emprovement PLku
Fie 1013-2017
Fund: General Food Npartaed= Purls and ReciFvA-Cu Dimes: Iennis
FY 2113 EY 2 @11 Fi`2015 FY 2d16 FY M17 Total
C'a=fb-4-C'IPYear Bodgei YearfSear=I'. CFear-2'� (Yeare31 earl (Year#.
De.Cr_l--Tton C'umentInreutw1 EariinntedLife
i�rrvm var4�e
n81oaQ(-�11loAtbllF'F - - - $ -
912aftar 'di E a' m mr:
btumi3farbiteery&El mme?r - - - $ -
Estjmated Total Cost
FY 2013 FY 2 @14 FY 2015 FY 2d16 FY M17 Tahal
Funding Source Sodget Tear(Year ii 1) (Year ii 2) (Year#3) {£ear p 1� (Year#€j
Gr"t $
O&Er S
EsfimalEd TaW Fundft S i - S
Annual Operadmg Cost Increases Created by Peajert= S
Devtrjptian of Operating Impact 10-DWrating Impact
Fiscal Year: Total: Total CIP:
2013 $0 $0
2014 $0
2015 $0
2016 $0
2017 $0
FY 2013
Ad-C# Description FY =013 Rerlue�r Detail
A2151-03235 POOL CONTRACTOR ACTIVITY REVENUE 120,000.00 Pool Contractors Act revenue 800/c/Contractor_ 20°/aVil age
A2151-03242 LEARN TO SWINE SR'I PROD. included in#032.35 (pool contractors revenue)
A2151-03243 POOL RE-VIAL 2,000.00 Team r Special events;'Party rentals
A2151-03245 PRIVATE SWTM INSTRUCTION included in 4032)35 (pool contractors revenue)
A2151-03247 DAILY FEES 3-000-00 walk-in fees
A2151-03631 MEMBERSHIP-RESIDENT 12.500.00 Emnly 25 [, $345= 55625
Single 20 $175= 53500
Junior 15 . 95= $1425
Master 12 $115= $1350
A2151-03632 MEMBERSHIP-NON RESIDENT 9,000.00 Family 12 520= $6240
Single 9 $2611= $2340
Junior S Sr $115= $920
Master'-10,,& 5115= $2300
A2151-03633 POOL SU-NTME.R AMMBERSHIP 2.000.00 Sunuwtr only memberships
A2151-05234 TUU HUT RENTALS ?.000.0"' Hourly till rental flee
_12151-06684 SVnM TEAM TRAINING FEES included in#032.35 (pool contractors revenue
A2151-08300 POOL LEASE
TOTAI.REI ENLTS 182,500.00
B ages Total Revenues = $182,500
the I-HIage of North Palen Se-.Leh
FY,0U-2013 General Fudn Budget
1? 0 0 9ro Increase I
Oripnal Fixal (]Decremse}
Year 1011 oser2012 AcInd A€Ind Actoal
Rwal Year 2012-2013 ~� 3ad--�-t 30" QA.A.71 Q➢.M.10 MON
3epL-Pay S S 5m -1O0% 3 218 S 825 S 82.651
O-Lwbme Pay - - 0% - -
Part-time FV 81,914 w10 82.986 0% 82.157 89 90 M6 cg
Pmsiam - - 0% - 487 15.M
$90 360 FleaU rnsu�e - - 0% 321 19.812
FICA.11edimm 3 443.49 0% 4 85 7,493 12.588
o r 25% L�ream 1�ababli r hmvmce _ _ `% - a� It
5hatt ram Disa6il t-%In a e Cr 0
LILLTnm-anc - - 040 - l°11 215
1FMtefs CnmPM5ation 1,107 963 15% 9 21 1,454 6,409
Ode - 7AN 175 -lcc% - 10 -
$ 90,361 $ 9U�73 -]4h S 89,±81 S 16 x+62 $ 21843,
Chmp CmdR-e 5D4 50D 0% 903 I.D40 --105
Calm ugl Sen7res 49,104 457,104 0% Q.705 43,649 D
DnvIcper Fees F:xpeose 0 8,004 -1O% D D D
C ai OR&Likmmals 0 0 0% D D D
Lia®.e-S&Fees 254 250 0% 279 25D 25D
$2239054 Matm s&SopPbH 32,450 21,754 43% M.M 32.733 33,8.30
hia,nbmbTs&Due& ?ADO 20d 040 15D 0 141
or 61% Rag— °D4 F9,610 7% 88.591 95,221 59.165
Repars L3v{0 1,50D -17% 5.682 3.725 556
LTA LODO 1,004 0% 343 54D 626
U ides 43304 28,913 ti 26,484 39,413 38,942
OtherOPeaugcv= 0 0 0% d�92 468 704
223 fiM 201" 11% m3,Bff ]9 619 10"T
Aimmol.-e 0 0 0% D D D
$50,000 C Hzdtme&Safmm-e 0 0 0% D D D
Gordan&!itjcc FewL=R 0 0 040 136,401 D 7x39
D-vdo Fees 50,OD4 0 0'a-, D D D
or 14% PUML=&Fi=& 0 4 Cps D D D
I�lae-EF3•-R Equ4—t 0 0 00.s 10,434 D D
Raypxmd&Ootwe-;,rim, - 0 0 CN a D 0 D
,0.040 4 0413 146,931 4 '#38
TGMEapmLus 5 363.4 5 291,70& 24% S J4ms S 306"41 S 39�-1t21
2013 ,FY With Capital: Budget is up 24.12% or $70,628
Budget $3637414
All Capital is funded with developer fees!
pool Capital Outlay
Kiddie Pool Enhancement Total Cost: $50,000
Funding Source: Developer Fc--
Install a new water feature in the larger middle kiddie pool that would
spill over water and create shade into the pool area. With the water
feature, a new filtration system will be installed for the Kiddie Pools
to bring us up to compliance with the Florida board of Health.
Currently the pools are filtering into the main pool.
FY 2013 ,
Poo 5 Village of North Palm Beach
Year Capital Improvemeut PLau
■d= General Food Department: Parlor and RiKreaUan 1l VEICo= PnoL
FY 2013 FY 1013 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2 @1? TataL
Cost by CIP Yur Bodget Year "ear d 1 ear#2 (S"ear n 3) (vear R ear
Description Current Inl"entary Estimated Life
Poo]"S lad'Pad 10 135,DN $ 125.090
Pool Feskebr= 2011 15 sears $
Pump HnemREasation '_4L] 23 yun #
LsnWmcdoR do 2Lfafor Amos-Qram 125.990
Mackrr6r}'&Egwo erir:
Kiddie PeotEnHm emeri 50,OM i SO.M
1jeh4inz Celecdar Sv7m '_i-Ll L::s7-> i
SHblumf 3faaAaecr}'A Eqm patern S 50.09-0
Estimaled Total Last 5 - S 12€,900 $ S S 1 11.5.09I
FY 2013 FY 201.3 FY 2015 FT 2016 FY 261' IotaL
Funding�ULLrC a Sodgel Tear(Year 41) ±Tear s 2) (Year n 3) (Year R 4) (Tear 1�5)
Peselo er Conrrihnd.Dm i 50.09-0
Grant 1 :.900 i 12:.09-0
Other i -
Escimared TU1al Fundtkag S :0.09@ S 12 LM S S S S 175.09-0
amuaLOperatij3,�Cost Increases Created bs Prajere_ S
Devrriptiaa of Operating Impact: 2~a operating Impact
Fiscal Year: Total: Total CIP:
2013 $50,000 $175,000
2014 $125,000
2015 $0
2016 $0
2017 $0
FY 2013
�/O" With ALL Capital: Budget is up 10.22% or
eaI $180,735
ILe I-Mage of Nffrth Patm Beach
r FY?01*-?013GenerRl Fund Budget Without Non-Developer Capital: Budget is
Rec Parks:Rsrreatiam{combined}
up 6.65% or $117,548
ed O-LZ.W Fim,3 (D—)�n 'Z_a12 �2K2 � � A�P ,
F6ca1�'ra�tp1L,2413 Had.:c B�d�t Fl 3#11 Ch.1R7u rsaa�us
C Pa-��orl
.-:_i Put' t 343 &9 S 357.443 -4% 9 353,H7 # 35%SW S 441 9V9
$796,067 �:$�� > 10.090 4% 3,755 �RS H.E775
Par-wrx& w 334-82 588-W1 333333 153 233,583 231 #7 135!sm
o r 41% Pm:im -a473 74.433 -2% X606 73,536 39H,573
Hni3lasuiz-ca 7%M 36.435 3576 50,575 53y037 r6,35o
FKA-M5.icam 45.034 45.76G -2% 423L5 731353 44006
LLW 7m=]sabilin•k rmco 1,544 2,086 -26% 4034 ZP" 2.576
Mh T.I3isahil In 1,127 - 1P%
7ifn 7ne.r.,rn 522 646 -1!?% 645 dS7 56E
R'mk s C<ampammirm 10-071 -9.717 131% ]'= 35 34
Ott er - 2 7_IX 173 -10453 lag 40 693
8 746,Gf7 $ 788,2 6 1% s 757,2M S 771,346 S 3 2MM
ohs, dog 45M 2,5p0 D% 1,321 o4.9 1,119
B..I,.PLhkca>i®s Sob:oipbum a o '% - 96 93
aCdFOG M7 14.700 41%.700 301734 t736 6.396
c CE& r. I'= 350 3003: 376 - 21
C�2L smz;�� sego 33.x60 6% 56 1K7 5;pat 325.711
$996,510 DwvdoffF1g5�aw a 33.080 -LOG%
1.M&-rb,.;za=s Sacco 3.700 3!% 4"2 711 a aso
Lic ;: &Fms 2Sa 350 0% 17-1 250 150
or 51% �Ssmoiz:&3uppbms 77,400 64.230 21P% 5rt% 47,234 79..7E
�5mj-w-:M:.s=nm5 1,400 1.630 -15% 530 533 619
x4rdLMaA3so a a 43: 987 3,p56 424
P4siaco- 078 1.030 -31% tm 793 Sea
P.M4 C.Bd. `4a 580 P% 455 465 3-M4
P7adassi�oa7 5aats+r[a: 31= 36.0110 1P% -14R56 4k933 52.105
Pho-v�E7caasa 3"-1% -456,750 14% 792,593 49%9% 414017
31450 6.5110 15!% 34,3M %-x6 31.335
9Pc dalEtana 679= 67.400 11% 77j%& 72 uas
I1m+11tr IOM= 193W LOO 50% _ 91 399
UMLE s 3,150 3.150 D% 2,053 3.924 2,376
UbL" 162 1-63.676 -2% 141,38E 155.373 1x8.705
Ot1,wOpm=zCos7s 2,507 C 4% 6,133 3,32 18.197
99919 90%343 7% P"703 PDS�M I DN ff
=•-�a Saco 9 96.: 36,570 a 0
Q C���z zr3 a 2.ZF@75f� a 9 0% a a 0
o r V°/ �����-cx R�amm a C 1P% 135 403 35,375 39.015
0 Ik"LT.Y-.. �Fd1 931CCO 45.080 111 : 0 a 0
F7an7=c&Fix bm I a 9 Rti 3,06.1 a 0
l UuIm3 3-&E' 22€= 9 IN M371 a 15.1117
Pia reumi Cr OmtrLL&F_cfsp7noo- a C Rti 0 a e_a1E
157,P00 45,880 2:69'!3 148.845 asa*a 7xalr
FY 2 01 Iadl£=pmm 5 1. 1,76$6!2 19!3 s]818.4P S 1.4k7Ce s 1�7a'9r
, ,
Budget $179499577
Human Resources
Director of Human Resources 1 FT
Human Resources Specialist 1 FT
; i
Summary: Change:
No personnel changes!
FY 2013 ,
Urces The Village of North Palm Beac]i Compensation Study est. $30k
Reso FT 2012-2013 General Fund Bud-et
Human Resources
4i ncrease;
Original Fisca ecrease}
Year 2012 er 20 12 A ctoal Actual Arbil
Fiscal Year 2012-2013�► Budget Budget 09130/11 09.-AM BMW
$2169331 Red"tar 134,606 143,664 -3% S 14'--061 $ 134,948 133.314
04•er ime Pay 0% 1,675
or 77 Part�ePav - 139.dsd 031 - -
°/ B
0 enefits:
Pemian 25,710 '6,094 -1% 20,a5a 27.7% 29-755
E1eaLhlm-mramee 34,427 32,438 5% 31,364 31,720 23,807
FICA,Medua¢e 14,686 14,483 -3% 9,773 9,043 9207
Lang Term DisabiLityInsursmie 629 848 -26% 925 813 783
Shot Terra Disability Insurance 543 - Oslo - - -
Li6e Iusurance 174 216 -19% 317 319 215
WcAets Compensat1cm 241 216 125 323 257 816
Other 4,675 76.640 - 041 - - -
S M1 5 21434614 1% s 265,820 $ 106,'193 $ 196 99
$62,961 C
Cnmtra€tual5erslres 1,160 1,160 051 431 709 864
or 23°/ Printing&EmAmg 744 688 251 177 750 111
0 Postage 100 140 04. 80 4 la
Employee Assisnnce Program 4,7(0 4,044 11M :,466 2,964 3 521D
Employee Physical Exams 5,268 2,224 1373 1 M5 3,734 0
Employee Relwd ms 14,444 14,044 0% 10,102 9,631 8,767
MaFermis&Supplies 840 843 -SSA 1,534 1,833 651
4000% 560 2.-M IyM
Books,Publicatiams&Substriptiams 3,943 3,443 I)% a10 2,0 4 2.171
h'tua h;ps&Dues 1,444 694 51% 616 525 553
Cnm6eremces'&Sw in 540 4 04i. 0 4 0
Teasel&Txaimimg 4,404 2,544 Ms 1,338 49a
Utilities 0 4 03b 0 268 872
Oth2I Operadag Casts 0 4 091, 0 (4) (0)
No capitol Capital 62961 26,544 13414 21,416 26,776 20.1::
Cemputec Harda^are&Sn 7w ue 0 4 Bb 0
0 0 0% 0 0 4 �-*
Total Fxpeases S 279,292 S 241,368 161M S 226,868 $ 233,169 21',019
FY 2013
Budget '� $279 292 Budget is up 15.72% or $37,934
Information Technology
Director of Information Technology 1 FT
Network Support Specialist 1 FT
1 i Technical Support Specialist 1 FT
� 1
No personnel changes!
Summary: Change:
FT = 3
PT = O
FY 2 01
ChOO1091 The'k-illne of North Palm Beach . 2 servers est. $4k each
aflon F1'2412-2413 General Fund Budget
111fol-Ination Technology • New firewall est. $4k
O $$Increase
Original fiscal (Decrease)
Year 01; o-rer 2012 ?lctnal _actual _actual
Fiscal Year 2012-2413 �� B get Budget 09130111 49:30,10 09r3UrU9
$2989846 R�ephrPay � 217,173 /Ifi73 215,867 1% 1 173,452 s 171,033 $ 164,339
chmrime Pay - 0% - -
or 89% Part-time Pay - ; - 0% 26,503 18,826 18,324
Pension 38,395 37,954 1% 23,158 31,893 32,277
Health Insurance 24,339 23,156 5% 16,717 13,038 14,653
FICA)Medicare 16,614 16,503 1% 14,405 14,115 13,564
Lang Term Disability Insurance 956 1,245 -23% 496 467 934
Short Term Disability Insurance 733 - 0% - - -
Efelpsnrame 261 324 -19% ?16 214 214
Wor}eesCampausalian 375 324 16% 315 363 1,128
Other - 0% - - -
$36,900 S -98,844 $ 395,378 1' $ 256455 $ 254,454 $ 2ASA40
or 11°/ Operating Beo
O Sauk:_Puo.ncahans&Subscriptions U 0 09`5 0 0 0
C anference:&Seminars 0 0 0% 0 0 0
C4ntactualSanaces 8,OOU 5,800 38% 3,603 1,211 1,394
hfawiials&Supplies MOW 6,000 240% 10,013 4,478 3,315
} 0% 0 0 0
Professional Senses 6,9M 6,900 0% 6,404 4,600 170
Repairs&.hiaintenanee 3,000 3,000 0% 1,658 4,784 2,445
Tra4el&.Training 0 0 0% 0 0 0
Utilities 1,006 961 4% 462 10,781 19,972
Other Operating Costs 0 0 0% 0 (0) 45
36,900 21,641 63% 23,136 25,855 27,343
No can�tal Capital
F' CamputerHardware& 5ailvrare U 18,750 -104afl 4,706 5,105 9.524
0 18,754 -140% 9,706 5,105 4,5
Total Expenses 5 3;.`46 S 336,789 0% S 289 97 S 285,410 $ MS 303
FY 2013
Budget $335 746 Budget is down 0.31% or $1 ,043
Director of Finance 1 FT
Finance Manager 1 FT
Accounting Clerk 3 FT
Finance Intern 1 PT
* In addition, this department is also responsible for the supervision of 1 FT Country Club Accounting Clerk
No personnel changes!
Summary: Change:
FT = 5
PT = 1
F'Y 2oi3 ,
The Villa ge Df North Palm Bea c ll
"Ce FY 201 2-201.3 Genera]Fund BAget
Dri&:klFiscal [I}ecmase)
Year NI2 aver:01; A tcal Adam] Actoxl
Fiseall-ear 2012-1013 ~• Bawer Budget 493cal 09l30I10 99130;09
Regular Pay ' 329,250 $ 317,541 4% 1 306;840 S 247,-nG # 276,700
Overtime Pair 6,004 9,600 -3V,� 31062 2,478 7,895
$4979833 Part-=e Pay 11,117 345,367 10,657 4°: 9,781 14,576 14,442
or 91°/ ��-
° R-WiGn 68,197 65,780 4°.: K607 70,443 71,189
Health In,-a ee 53,163 50-620 5% 49,W 47,573 44 05
FICA,-'ble&c3re 26,497 25;821 3% 22,531 22,187 21,129
Lorg Term DisabihtyInstmmea 1,452 1,672 -21% 1,806 1,736 1,431
Sion Term Disability lmiranra 1,094 - 0°i - - -
Li£e Im-m once 435 540 -190% 534 537 542
'&'Ork&s Campamatiom 598 547 18% 529 400 1,824
Other - 1:1,466 - 0% - - -
5 497,833 S 481938 3% 3 135,364 S 45SAN 5 436;2W
Boo-lcs,Publications&Sabuxi0oos 300 3410 0% 295 839 222
$51 ,850 camfm* ces&ors 700 700 0% 0 115 M
Contractual Services 30,000 30.000 0% 22,591 21,437 29,525
or 9% wrote L--&Supglif-- 14,340 14:000 45% 14,998 7,354 6,784
Memberships&Dues 450 370 22% 450 463 440
Postage 100 100 0% 238 162 199
Panting&Bcid mg 4,000 4,000 0% 4,576 4,117 2,356
Phdassiooal Senzces 700 4,200 -83% 943 844 969
Travel fie Trmnmg 1,100 1,100 0% 0 0 1,454
Utilitie, 0 0 0% 0 1,941 5,094
Other --r=gCosrts 0 0 0% (0) 144 (0)
64.770 2 4092 37AM 47819
Capital 0 0 0% 0 0 {��
No capital 4 0 01�� 0 0
Total Expenses / 5 c49,683 5 X33,708 3°� 5 199,446 It 495,766 5 484074
X2013 ' $5497683 Budget is up 2.99% or $15,975
service The Village of North Palm Beach
Hera Nall FY 2012-2013 General Fund Budget
Gealage General Services-Village Hall
VIh Iucrease?
OLi&al Fiscal (Decrease)
Peal-3012_ over 2013 Actual Actual Actual
Fiscal Year 1012-2013 Budget Budzet 09130x11 09,30:10 09 30.09
historian 1,000 1.000 0°x4 431 0 1,571
$1119209 Materials&.Supplies 5:000 4.500 11% 3,621 3,915 3,618
Newsletter 30.000 41,012 -27% 34P56 30 66 34.103
or 100% Postage 35,000 35,000 0% 24,682 26 66 237627
Rental k600 12,100 -29% 4,764 6,600 8,426 It
Utilities 31,529 34,760 -9% 31,665 28 29 31,491
Other Operating Costs 80 80 Ora 76 0 56
111,109 128,452 -13% 1115,690 95 76 10?,892
Constnution&3AajorRem%,@t m 0 0 0% 0 4 0
No capital Machinery&Egmpment 0 50,100 -1001/c 0 0 0
4 50,100 -100% 0 0 0
Total Expenses 111,209 1'8,::3 3896 5 10F.F9: 5 9:376 102,89:
$111 ,209
Budget is down 37.72% or $67,343
FY 2013 ,
101 of The Village of North Palm Beach
FY 2012-2013 General Fund Budget
so No$ ltesei-vesðer
go �'u Increase i
Origivalfiscal (Decrease)
-.0MMOO.- Year 2012 0rer 2012 Actual Ache al actual
Fiscal Dear_'01_'-'_013 Budget Budget 09130111 09:30:10 09:30:09
No debt Debt Smice
Debt Swkice S S - 06 S - S 2,!c4.2S4 S 1.439.460
Tramfer to Other Funds 0 0 0% 11334,934 163;494 318,50D
$103,614 Council Contingency 84.000 86,678 -3% 2,993 21.000 400
Village A4aMWContingency 19:614 21,669 -9% 11,097 21-:162 13,791
Or 21%
Reserve-General Employees Pension 0 0 0% d 0 0
Otbel Operating Costs 0 0 0% 0 0
103.611 108.31? –1% 1,349,023 216,55: —40
$3929639 PropemiGeneraf Liability Insnrauce 39.,639 39 2.639 0% 393,9,fl X11,429 94,936
or 79% Total Expenses S 496,.:3 S �D0.986 -14 S 1,74_,9 # S:,97:,46: S 1,85 .081
,Z-$4969253 Budget is down 0.94% or $4,733
1 . Property/General Liability Insurance
Reduced to $315k due to a decrease in SERMA estimate
2. Contingency
Increased to $200,407 due to Council changes during budget
FY 2 01 workshops (SERMA, STD, increased hours for PT Code Officer)
, �
Synopsis - FY2013
• The Parks & Recreation (combined) Departmental Budget
is up 10.22% or $180,737 over that of this current year
primarily due to an increase in capital outlay. Personnel
accounts for 41 % of this budget. Note: Without non-
developer capital outlay, this departmental budget is
up 6.65% or $117,548 over that of this current year.
• The Human Resources Departmental Budget is up 15.72%
or $37,934 over that of this current year primarily due to an
increase in operating costs ($30, 000 estimate for
compensation study). Personnel accounts for 77% of this
• The Information Technology Departmental Budget is down
0.31 % or $1 ,043 from this current year. The increase in
operating costs (purchase of 2 new servers & a new firewall)
was offset by the decrease in capital outlay (no capital outlay
for FY 2013). Personnel accounts for 89% of this budget.
FY 2013
Synopsis — FY2O13 (continued) . . .
• The Finance Departmental Budget is up 2.99% or $15,975
over that of this current year primarily due to an increase in
personnel costs. Personnel accounts for 91 % of this
• The General Services — Village Hall Departmental Budget
is down 37.72% or $67,343 from this current year due to a
decrease in both capital outlay and operating costs
(decrease in estimate for both the Village Newsletter and
the copier lease). There is no personnel in this budget.
• The Reserves & Other Departmental Budget is down
0.94% or $4,733 from this current year due to a slight
decrease in contingency. There is no personnel in this
FY 2013 ,
orth Palm Beach Village Council work rhea
IFY2013 Budget Workshop `shop `'yea
Proposed Schedule
Day: Date: Time: Subject:
® Wednesday April 25"' pin—10:pm Council Goal 5ettiug
0 Monday May-.7th 10:am— 11: am Staff[budget]Retreat
Wednesday July-11* pin—10:pm Country Club Budget(overiew)
0 Wednesday July25* 7:Pm—14-pm General Fund Budget (overview)
® Thursday July 26" C,oil Ile il Meeting Manager's Proposed Budget Presentation
® Wednesday August 1st .-Pill—14:piu General Fund Budget (f'��b1ic Safety Rz F'��btic Larks Departments)
0 Wednesday August 8'b -: pill—14-pm General Fund Budget(C oinmumty Development,Library,Council,C1er1,
Attorney and]Manager Departments)
® Wednesday August 22"a pin—10:pm General Fund Budget(Parks& Recreation,Human Resources,Finance,I.T--
Debt and Other Departments)
Wednesday August 29* 7:pm—10:pm Budget Recap and Millage discussions.
* The FY2013 Budget Workshop schedule has been developed to serve as a VILde only, dates and tinxes are subject to change in
accordance with the `-public meeting"provisions ofFSS-
FY 2013
Questions & Answers ?
FY 2013