2007-107 Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessment - Solid Waste ServicesRESOLUTION 2007-107 • A RESOLUTION OF VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA ELECTING TO USE THE UNIFORM METHOD OF COLLECTING NON-AD VALOREM SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEVIED WITHIN THE INCORPORATED AREA OF THE VILLAGE FOR SOLID WASTE SERVICES; STATING A NEED FOR SUCH LEVY; PROVIDING FOR THE MAILING OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida is contemplating the imposition of special assessments for the provision of solid waste services; and WHEREAS, the Village intends to use the uniform method for collecting non-ad valorem special assessments for the cost of providing solid waste services to property within the incorporated area of the Village as authorized by section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, as amended; and WHEREAS, this method will allow such special assessments to be collected annually commencing in November 2008, in the same manner as provided for ad valorem taxes; and WHEREAS, the Village held a duly advertised public hearing prior to the adoption of this Resolution as evidenced by the proof of publication attached hereto as Exhibit "A;" and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the adoption of this Resolution is in the best interests of the Village and its residents. • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are hereby ratified and incorporated herein. Section 2. Commencing with the Fiscal Year beginning on October 1, 2008, and with the tax statement mailed for such Fiscal Year, the Village intends to use the uniform method of collecting non-ad valorem assessments authorized in section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, as amended, for collecting non-ad valorem assessments for the cost of providing solid waste services. Such non-ad valorem assessments shall be levied within the incorporated area of the Village. A legal description of the area subject to the assessment is attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated by reference. Section 3. The Village hereby determines that the levy of the assessments is needed to fund the cost of solid waste services within the incorporated area of the Village. Section 4. Upon adoption, the Village Clerk is hereby directed to send a copy of this Resolution by United States mail to the Florida Department of Revenue, the Palm Beach County Tax Collector, and the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser by January 10, 2008. Section 5. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 13th DAY OF DECEMBER 2007 (Village S"eal)' ~// ' .- • MA OR ATTEST: ~~~ l D ~ VE,LAGE CL RK • EXHIBIT "B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION The corporate limits of the Village of the North Palm Beach, Florida, as set forth in Article II, Section 1 ofthe Village Charter. • THE PALM BEACH POST Published Daily and Sunday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida i e a a l g ) Beachl Flo Ee ('V PROOF OF PUBLICATION hereby pmvitles notice, pur- suant Io aeaion 197.3632 (3)(e), Floritle Statutes, of STATE OF FLORIDA its intent to use tha unlfarm mothod of collecting non-ad COUNTY OF PALM BEACH valorem apeclal assecs- i menu to be levied within the Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Wendy Elliott, who on oath Incorporated area of Iha village. forineaostofpr°- sa sthat he is Classified Advertisin Mana er of The Palm Beach Post, a dail Y $ g Y vltlinp solitl waste sorvwes c°mmancinqq for the Fiscal and Sunda news a er, ublished at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach Count Florida; Y P P P Y+ year beglnning an OClobei ill that the attached copy of advertising for a Notice in the matter of Chanter I97 - 1, 2000. Tho Villaga w conaieer the adoption ofa Solid Waste was published in said newspaper in the issues of November 17. 24. reaolutlon electing to use meanuarmmomoaotaof- December 1. $ 8. 2007. Affiant further says that the said The Post is a newspaper lecting such essessmonis eulno rizetl by section t t [87 3632 Fl itl st ublished at West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach Count Florida, and that the said P Y+ u es, . , or a a to be in at bli h news a er has heretofore been continuous) ublished in said Palm Beach Count P P Y P Y+ a u c ear g hale geaember 13, 2007 al Tao tn ~ Florida, daily and Sunday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post era p. m., or as raon i after as this matter can be office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one heeM, Bt Village Ha!I Ccum cil Chambors, 601 U.S. year next preceding the tirst publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and Baa"nyOo°ia ° ss°aoe affiant further sa s that she/he has neither aid nor romised an arson, firm or Y P P Y P Such resolution will elate the need for the lovy ant cor oration an discount rebate, commission or refund for the u ose of securin this P Y P rP g win aentainaleqal descrip" u f th u d i m me b advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. on o o n ar es g real propady sablaa m tee ~e~„ ~~~~e~ ~ ,~o ~.~. Sworn to and subscribed before 10th day of Dece her, A.D. 0 ~ ret me 'the ref fel ms an to Personally known XX or Produced Identification ° ~o°n Type of Identification Produced mOnX whit ' based. BEACH, „"~",, wren ~~, ~iYcd,ill~aan ~~ Ap,Yj`tay~n ~ommi~sioa k DD359555 ~~' ~t Q-Ex iresv AOV. 15 2000 'Clp~r o - P ~ '~'FOF A~;` Bonded Tt,ru ''.r,,,,,, .4tla~tic Banding Co, inc. DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE State of Florida County of Palm Beach Affidavit of Proof of Publication DR-413 R. 02/91 Before the undersigned authority, personally appeared Wendy Elliott, who on oath says that he is the Classified Advertising Manager of The Palm Beach Post, a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a notice of the local government's intent to use the uniform method for collecting anon-ad valorem assessment, was published in said newspaper in the four consecutive weeks of November 17, November 24, December 1, December 8, in the year 2007. The affiant further says that the said The Palm Beach Post is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, in said County, Florida, and that the said The Palm Beach Post newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, each day, and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and the affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm, or corporation any discount, rebate, commission, or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. ncorparerep arse or me Village, for the cost of pro- vitling solitl waste services commencing for the Fiscal yoar beginning on October 1, 2008. Tho Village will cansitler the etloption at e resolution electing to use the uniform methatl of cpl- lecting such assessments a uth orize^ byy soclion 197.3632, Floritla Statutes. at a public nearing to be held December 13, 2007 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon there- after as this matter can De, hoard, at Villega Hall Coun- cil Chambers, 501 U.S. Hignway One, Nortn Palm Beach, Floritla 33409. Sucn resolution will state the neetl for the levy antl will contain a leggpl tlescrip• tlon o/ tho bountlanes of the real properly suD1'ect to the levy. Copies of the pro- posetl farm of resolution are on file at the Village Clerk's Office, Sot U.B. Highway Ona, North Palm Beech, Florida 33409. Ailinter- estatl pereons aro invited to attend tho public hearing antl be heertl on this matter. n iha event's ny parson decitles to appeal any tlecl- sion by the Village with record of the proceeding may bo needed and in such an event, auto person may need to ensure theta var- . Oatim recortl of the public hearing ie made, which I record roclutles the teatl- moo end evitle nce on which iha appeal is to be Dasetl. In accordance witn M BEACH, iIm Beacn F Dec. 1. 9. 2 Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10'h day of Dece er in th ear of 07. .,,,.,,,, Karen R1, ~rZt:~,i~d~at - 5° ~n=CommissioBmDD359556 ~.,~:oQ Expires; ItiOV. 15, 200@ Not ublic '.;FeF FV~`~ Bonded Thru My Commission Expires: m~nrr Adaatlc Bonding Co., Inc. Original: Tax Collector cc: Property Appraiser Local Government Florida Department of Revenue, Property Tax Administration, PO Box 3000, Tallahassee, FL 32315-3000