2007-109 Renewal of TBE Group AgreementRESOLUTION 2007-109 • A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH TBE GROUP, INC. TO EXTEND THE TERM OF THE AGREEMENT AND TO AUTHORIZE EXPANDED SERVICES TO INCLUDE DESIGN, PERMITTING, BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR PHASE ONE OF THE ANCHORAGE PARK REDEVELOPMENT AT A TOTAL COST NOT TO EXCEED $136,800; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO EXECUTE THE AMENDMENT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village wishes to enter into an Amendment to the Agreement for Consultant Services with TBE Group, Inc. to extend the Agreement and to authorize expanded services to include design, permitting, bidding and construction services for phase one of the Anchorage Pazk redevelopment at a total cost not to exceed $136,800; and WHEREAS, due to TBE Group's familiazity with the project and its performance during the pre- design phase, the Village Council determines that the extension of the Agreement and the authorization of additional services is in the best interests of the Village and its residents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM • BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals aze ratified as true and correct and aze incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council hereby approves the Amendment to the Agreement for Consultant Services, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, to extend the term of the Agreement and to authorize expanded services at a total cost not to exceed $136,800 with funds expended from Account # U8028-66210. Section 3. The Village Council authorizes the Mayor and Village Clerk to execute such Amendment on behalf of the Village. Section 4. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith aze hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 13th DAY OF DECEMBER 007. ~~/f (Village Seal) O • MAYOR 'ATTEST:" -1~~y,D~~ T~~~~2~ VILLAGE CLER AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES • THIS AMENDMENT to the Agreement for Consultant Services is entered into this /3f~1 day of E/J~.~Fi~2007 by and between the Village of North Palm Beach, a Florida municipal corporation ("Village") and TBE Group, Inc., a Florida corporation ("Consultant"). WHEREAS, on August 15, 2006, the Village and Consultant entered into an Agreement for Consultant Services ("Agreement") for professional services relating to renovation work and improvements to the physical facilities at Anchorage Park; and WHEREAS, the services contemplated by the Agreement ranged from data collection and site programming through design/permitting and construction phase services; and WHEREAS, the services specifically authorized by the Village in August 2006 included only pre-design and conceptual planning services at a total cost not to exceed $211,651.00; and WHEREAS, TBE has completed the master concept plan for the redevelopment of Anchorage Park and the parties wish to extend the term of the Agreement and to expand the services to be pertormed by Consultant to include design, permitting, bidding and construction services relating to the first phase of the Anchorage Park redevelopment. • NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth in the Agreement for Consultant Services and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified and incorporated herein. 2. The Village and Consultant hereby agree to extend the term of the Agreement for Consultant Services for one year from the date of this Amendment. This extension shall be retroactive to August 15, 2007 to avoid any lapse in the Agreement. 3. The Village specifically authorizes, and Consultant agrees to perform, expanded services to include design, permitting, bidding and construction services related to the first phase of the Anchorage Park redevelopment at a total cost not to exceed $136,800.00. Such services shall be performed in accordance with Consultant's Anchorage Park Demolition and Phase I Improvements Engineering Services Proposal dated October 29, 2007, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference. 3. All other provisions of the Agreement for Consultant Services, to the extent not modified herein, shall remain in full force and effect. • [Remainder of page intentionally left blank) Page 1 of 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment as of the date first written above. • CONSULTANT: VILLAGE: • • TBE GROUP, INC., a Florida corporation VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, a Flori municipal corp ation By: ~~ .~ Dr. E and M. issey, ayor Attest: Melissa Teal, Village Clerk Page 2 of 2 By: ~~~ ~J Name: S~ea~~ P. 1-b„~c.~kl-, Pc • L J EXHIBIT "A" Anchorage Park Demolition and Phase 1 Improvements Engineering Services Proposal Anchorage Park Demolition and Phase I Improvements Engineering Services Proposal October 29, 2007 TBE recently completed a master concept plan for redevelopment of Anchorage Park. This plan was approved by Village Council in May 2007 and improvements will be completed in phases as grants and funding is available. The first development phase includes demolition of the former wasterwater treatment plant remaining on-site and development of some of the southern portions of the park including: - Open Play Area - Gazebo/Stage - Restroom - Playground - Picnic Shelters - Sand Volleyball Courts - Dog Park - Observation/Fishing Decks - Connecting Sidewalks - Stormwater Treatment - Park Offices/Activities Building Parking Lot (potential} • - Access Road (potential) To accomplish this, the following tasks are necessary - Document Review - Mass Grading & Stormwater Plan - Demolition/Mass-grading Specifications - Permitting - Design Plans & Specifications - Bid-phase Services - Client Meetings - Subconsultant Services (ecological, geotechnical, electrical, pier design) SCOPE OF SERVICES Document Review TBE will review existing documentation for the former waste-water treatment plant including as-built plans, surveys, and environmental studies. This will include an evaluation of documentation available for above and below ground features which may impact the demolition approach. Anchorage Park Demolition 8c Phase [Improvements October 29, 2007 Page 2 of 8 Mass Gradin & stormwater Plan The southern portion of Anchorage Park will include stormwater swales to provide for treatment of some of the proposed impervious areas (parking, roads, sidewalks, etc). Additional stormwater treatment is anticipated for the north side of the site. While all improvements will not be conducted in Phase I, it is imperative that we develop a general stormwater approach far the overall site so the treatment swales proposed In Phase I can accommodate future development. SFWMD has also requested a general master stormwater plan for the entire site. For this task, TBE will provide: - Conceptual grading for the site showing which areas will be grade to the north or south treatment areas. This will include an evaluation of the elevated fill areas to determine appropriate final elevations for the open areas and Phase I Improvements. - Calculation of existing and proposed impervious areas to determine anticipated treatment volumes needed in each treatment area. - Calculations and modeling af' the proposed stormwater system to evaluate depths and cross-sections of proposed treatment swales accounting for anticipated treatment volumes, depths to groundwater, wetland setbacks, and • impacts on the proposed development. The design for the southern treatment swale will be included in Construction Plans. Demolition/1ylass Grading Specifications TBE will develop specifications for demolition of the existing waste-water treatment plant. Specific areas to be addressed include: - Specifications for proper handling of wastewater sludge, soil, and waste concrete based on results of the recent environmental assessment conducted at the Park - Specifications for which below ground features may remain. This will be dependent upon the proposed grading of the site and any impacts to future utilities, stormwater features, etc. It is anticipated all aboveground features will be removed. - Specifications for disposal of waste concrete including whether the material will be disposed on-site, crushed for recycling as a base material on-site, or disposed off-site. - Specifications for screening surface soils to remove smaller waste debris Anchorage Park Demolition & Phase I Improvements October 29, 2007 Page 3 of S Specifications for the rough grade to be accomplished at the completion of demolition. Again, this will be dependent upon the mass-grading plan discussed above. Agency Pre-apolication Meeting TBE will schedule and attend one (1) preliminary meeting with the SFWMD to present the updated project concepts and preliminary site plan. Permittine TBE will prepare and submit permit application forms and exhibits in accordance with and containing specific technical information required by agencies. The CLIENT understands TBE has no control over the final issuance of permits/approvals and TBE's services include only the initial application and one reques[ jor addi[ional responses. The following permit applications are included in this scope: - SFWMD ERP Joint Application Perrnit (Stormwater, Ecological, ACOE) SFWMD Right-of--Way Use Permit - NPDES - FDEP Water & Sewer (if applicable) - Village of North Palm Beach -Site Plan - Village of North Palm Beach - Right of Way Use Permit Design Plans & Specifications The CONSULTANT shall prepare Civil Engineering Construction Documents and specifications for the above referenced project showing the following features: - Open Play Area - Gazebo/Stage -the gazebo/stage will be a prefabricated structure selected from design manuals and will not include asite-specific architectural design - Restroom -the restroom will be a prefabricated structure selected from design manuals and will not include asite-specific architectural design - Playground C~ Anchorage Park Demolition 8c Phase 1 improvements October 24, 2007 Page4of8 - Picnic Shelters -the shelters will be a prefabricated structures selected from design manuals and will not include asite-specific architectural design - Sand Volleyball Courts - Dog Park - Observation/Fishing Decks -see subconsultant services - Connecting Sidewalks - Stormwater Treatment -southern portion of site - Parking Lot (Park Offices/Activities Building) - to be bid as optional cost for construction. • - Access Road ~ to be bid as optional cast far construction. • The Civil Engineering Construction Document Set shall include plans and specifications for the following elements: Cover Sheet (1) General Notes (2) • Boundary Survey and Topo (By others) Master Site Plan (1) Demolition Plans (4) Site Plans (4) Mass Paving, Grading, and Drainage Plans (4) Utility Plans (2) Stormwater Swale and Cross Sections (2) Landscape Plans (3) Irrigation Plans (3) Landscape Details (2) Miscellaneous Notes and Details (ti) "Phis proposal also assumes that on-site retention will be satisfied through the design of conventional swales and does not include the design of ponds consisting of liners or underdrains. For purposes of this scope, alternative drainage designs such as a containment vaults are not included. • Anchorage Park Demolition 8c Phase I Improvements October 29, 2007 Page 5 of 8 Bid-Phase Services The CONSULTANT will provide miscellaneous Bid Phase Services on an hourly basis in accordance with the approved hourly rate schedule. Typical services may include: Preparation of a Bid Form, Bid Assistance, Bid Advertisement, Attend One (l) Pre-Bid Conference, Bid Clari£cations, Bid Addendums, Review of Bids, Bid Summary, Bid Qualifications, Review of Bidders References, and Bid Recommendations. For purposes of this scope, it is estimated that approximately 60 hours of Engineering will be required for this task. Any additional hours beyond the estimated 60 hours would be considered "Additional Services". TBE's bid package will include a schedule of values that allows the project element fees to be separated. If actual construction costs exceed available funds, the Village may elect to eliminate certain project elements. Client Coordination Meetings TBE will attend up W four meetings with the Village to review design progress, receive input on design choices, and coordinate with the Village's grant consultant. Meetings will be invoiced on an hourly basis. Ecological BEM Systems, Inc. completed the preliminary ecological assessment for this site. BEM will be tasked with providing support related to ecological permitting including wetlands, mangroves, and threatened & endangered species. Ecological services will be conducted under the existing concept planning approved work order and therefore additional ecological costs are not included in this scope. Geotechnical Subconsultant A Geotechnical subconsultant will be retained to perform the following design-level work intended to supplement the preliminary geotechnical work conducted during the planning phase. Work for this phase of the project will consist of the following components: - Stake boring locations and arrange for underground utility clearance. - Drill ten (l0) auger profile borings, each to a depth of 6 feet below surface grades. Measure the stabilized groundwater level in the borings. Anchorage Park Demolition & Phase 1 Improvements October 29, 2007 Page 6 of 8 - Sample the borings at frequent vertical intervals and classify the soils in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D 2487). - Laboratory test representative samples from the borings for moisture content, organic content and amount passing the U.S. No. 200 Sieve. Five samples will be tested. - Summarize the results of the field and laboratory work in an engineering report that includes recommendations for borrow, subgrade preparation, fills, lift thicknesses and compaction requirements for the various project components. - Permeability Tests and Analysis for proposed retention swale areas (north, south and boat parking lot). • Electrical Subconsultant An electrical subconsultant will be retained to provide electrical design for lighting associated with the southern portion of the site including decorative lighting for pedestrian and activity areas. Pier Design Subconsultant Coast & Harbor Engineering will be retained to provide design of the two proposed observation piers to extend beyond the mangroves lines on the C-17 SFWMD channel (south side of the property). The piers will be "T" shaped extending about 10 feet in each direction. Work will include: - Review of existing date including survey bathometry - Design of two pedestrian recreational piers constructed of treated timber - Client coordination meetings Work will be conducted in accordance with the attached detailed Pier Design proposal and assumptions. • • • Anchorage Park Demolition & Phase I lmprovements October 29, 2007 • Page 7 of 8 SERVICES NOT INCLUDED The following services are not included in this scope: - Architectural design - Permit fees: to be paid by client - Construction Phase Services - Meetings other than those specifically shown above - Environmental Phase II or Remediation - Rezoning and Planning Services - FEMA Flood Plain Analysis and Mitigation - Off-site Roadway or Utility improvements - Additional Survey, Easements, Vacating, or Platting - Construction Plan Design & Permitting beyond the scope identified above - Demolition of Structures - Environmental Assessment or Remediation - Ecological Services (conducted under other scope) ~: Anchorage Park Demolition & Phase I Improvements October 29, 2007 Page 8 of 8 • NEE SCHEUt1LE TBE Base Services: Document Review $ 1,500 Mass Grading & Stormwater Plan $ 25,500 Demolition/Mass-grading Specifications $ 19,500 Permitting $ 17,p00 Design Plans & Specifications $ 30,500 Bid-phase Services 7 500 Subtotal (lump sum) $101,500 Subcnnsultant Services Geotechnical $ 4,800 Electrical $ 12,000 Pier Design 12 500 Subtotal (lump sum) S 29,304 Hourly /Not-to-Exceed Services (estimated) Client Meetings $ 5,000 • Expenses (reproductions, postage, mileage, etc) 1000 Sutbtotal (not-to-exceed) S 6,004 TOTAL $136,800 ~ ~